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Identifying habitat or nesting microhabitat variables associated with high levels of nest success is important to understand nest site preferences and bird–habitat relationships. Little is known about cavity availability and nest site requirements of cavity nesters in southern hemisphere temperate forests, although nest site limitation is suggested. Here we ask which characteristics are selected by the Austral parakeet (Enicognathus ferrugineus) for nesting in Araucaria araucana–Nothofagus pumilio forest in Argentine Patagonia. We compared nest plot and tree characteristics with unused plots and trees among areas of different A. araucana–N. pumilio density. We also examine whether nest plot and tree use and selection, and the associated consequences for fitness of Austral parakeets are spatially related to forest composition. Austral parakeets showed selectivity for nests at different spatial scales, consistently choosing isolated live and large trees with particular nest features in a non‐random way from available cavities. Mixed A. araucana–N. pumilio forests are ideal habitat for the Austral parakeets of northern Patagonia, offering numerous potential cavities, mainly in N. pumilio. We argue that Austral parakeet reproduction and fitness is currently very unlikely to be limited by cavity availability, although this situation may be rapidly changing. Natural and human disturbances are modifying south temperate forests with even‐aged mid‐successional stands replacing old growth forests. Cavity nesting species use and need old growth forests, due to the abundance of cavities in large trees and the abundance of larvae in old wood. Neither of the latter resources is sufficiently abundant in mid‐successional forests, increasing the vulnerability and threatening the survival of the Austral.  相似文献   

This study examines variations in nest placement and its effects on nesting success in the Desert Finch (Rhodospiza obsoleta) and the Linnet (Carduelis cannabina) which coexist in a recently established plantation (novel habitat) in a desert region in Jordan. A comparison with other habitats (old plantation in the desert and native, Mediterranean-type, habitat of the Linnet) showed that each species displayed similarity in nest placement patterns across habitats. Nest concealment predicted nesting outcome in the Linnet, whereas nest height predicted nesting outcome in the Desert Finch. Daily survival rates were significantly higher in Desert Finch nests compared to the Linnet's, perhaps because Desert Finches placed nests higher in the novel habitat, which lacked aerial nest predators. In accordance with predation theories of life history evolution, we provide evidence that variation in nest placement among the two species in a novel habitat resulted from previous exposure to different predation risks.  相似文献   

Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) are listed as threatened in the portion of their range extending from British Columbia to California due to loss of nesting habitat. Recovery of Marbled Murrelet populations requires a better understanding of the characteristics of their nesting habitat in this part of their range. Our objective, therefore, was to describe their nesting habitat in Washington State and Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We captured Marbled Murrelets from 2004 to 2008, fitted them with radio transmitters, and followed them to nests (N = 20). We used Cohen's unbiased d effect size to assess differences between forest plots surrounding nest sites and nearby control sites (N = 18). Nest sites had less canopy cover of the dominant conifers and fewer, but larger, trees than control sites. Nest sites also had greater percentages of trees with platforms >10 cm diameter and >15 cm diameter, and more platforms of these sizes than control sites. The mean diameter at breast height of nest trees was 136.5 cm (range = 84–248 cm) and all but one nest was in dominant or co‐dominant tree species. At the landscape scale, we used vegetation maps derived from remotely sensed data and found greater canopy cover, higher density of mature trees, more platforms >10 cm/ha, and more old‐growth habitat at nest sites than at random sites. Our findings suggest that, at the site scale, nesting Marbled Murrelets selected the most suitable features of forest structure across expansive potentially suitable habitat. Our landscape‐scale analysis showed that habitat features in nesting stands differed from those features in available stands in the murrelet's range in Washington. We also found that stands with nests were less fragmented than available forest across murrelet range. All nest sites of radio‐tagged birds in Washington were in protected areas in mostly undisturbed forest habitat. Conservation of these areas of inland nesting habitat will be critical to the recovery of Marbled Murrelet populations.  相似文献   

Capsule: Tawny Owls Strix aluco occupying nest boxes preferred habitats which were positively associated with the probability of nesting success.

Aims: We aimed to determine whether or not: (1) Tawny Owls showed habitat preferences when occupying nest boxes; (2) nesting performance was related to the habitats around occupied nest boxes and (3) habitat availability had changed around available and occupied nest boxes between 1995–2004 and 2005–14.

Methods: Tawny Owls were studied using nest boxes erected in a commercial forest. During nest boxes checks (724 cases), data on occupancy and nesting performance (88 cases) were recorded, and habitat within a 0.4?km radius around nest boxes was analysed.

Results: Tawny Owls had preferences for clearings within forests, mature forests and grasslands but avoided young forests. We found a positive relationship between nesting success and abundance of clearings within the forest, and a negative relationship between nesting success and abundance of young forests. A change in habitat preferences over the two decades was evident, but habitat availabilities remained similar.

Conclusions: Findings indicate adaptive habitat selection in Tawny Owls because preferred habitats were associated with higher fitness and this type of habitat became more frequently selected over time.  相似文献   

Declines in populations of Painted Buntings (Passerina ciris) over the past several decades have led to their recent classification as a species of conservation concern. To better assess their status, we investigated factors associated with productivity and abundance of a population in south‐central Louisiana during 2010–2011. We monitored 41 Painted Bunting nests, 14 with video cameras, to identify predators, parasitism events, and improve nest success estimates. Vegetation measurements were also collected at nest sites and non‐nest sites to quantify habitat characteristics. We used an information‐theoretic approach to evaluate support for multiple models evaluating nest success. Highly supported models indicated large negative effects of Brown‐headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) parasitism, and positive effects of increased canopy cover and distance to habitat edge on daily survival rates. Our estimate of daily survival rate was 0.94 ± 0.03 and the probability of survival was 0.25 ± 0.02. Point‐count data revealed that densities of Painted Buntings were greater in treeline habitats than in open scrub‐shrub and mature forest edge habitats. Furthermore, treelines had higher densities of large trees (>23 cm dbh) and percent canopy cover, variables positively associated with nest success, than open scrub‐shrub and forest edge habitats. In general, survival rates and causes of nest failure in southern Louisiana were similar to those determined for breeding populations of Painted Buntings at other sites. Our results suggest that treelines, despite having a high edge‐to‐area ratio, might be preferred nesting habitat for Painted Buntings in our study area.  相似文献   

Many avian species are behaviorally‐plastic in selecting nest sites, and may shift to new locations or habitats following an unsuccessful breeding attempt. If there is predictable spatial variation in predation risk, the process of many individuals using prior experience to adaptively change nest sites may scale up to create shifting patterns of nest density at a population level. We used 18 years of waterfowl nesting data to assess whether there were areas of consistently high or low predation risk, and whether low‐risk areas increased, and high‐risk areas decreased in nest density the following year. We created kernel density maps of successful and unsuccessful nests in consecutive years and found no correlation in predation risk and no evidence for adaptive shifts, although nest density was correlated between years. We also examined between‐year correlations in nest density and nest success at three smaller spatial scales: individual nesting fields (10–28 ha), 16‐ha grid cells and 4‐ha grid cells. Here, results were similar across all scales: we found no evidence for year‐to‐year correlation in nest success but found strong evidence that nest density was correlated between years, and areas of high nest success increased in nest density the following year. Prior research in this system has demonstrated that areas of high nest density have higher nest success, and taken together, our results suggest that ducks may adaptively select nest sites based on the local density of conspecifics, rather than the physical location of last year's nest. In unpredictable environments, current cues, such as the presence of active conspecific nests, may be especially useful in selecting nest sites. The cues birds use to select breeding locations and successfully avoid predators deserve continued attention, especially in systems of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Mistletoes are preferred nesting sites for many bird species in a range of habitats. However, no studies have examined the use of mistletoes by nesting birds in the semi‐arid savannah. We studied nesting in mistletoe and its role in determining nesting success in the Grey Go‐away‐bird in south‐west Zimbabwe. We modelled the effects of mistletoe, mistletoe abundance, nest microclimate, concealment and nest height on daily survival rates (DSR) using program MARK. A constant survival model was best fitted for the Grey Go‐away‐bird suggesting a constant nest survival rate across the nesting period. Mistletoe nests had lower DSR than nests placed elsewhere in the canopy. Mistletoe abundance and nest height had a positive association with DSR whereas visibility distance, microclimate and concealment were negatively associated with DSR. Overall, survival for nests in mistletoe was 22.1% compared with 90.5% for nests in other substrates over the 50‐day nesting period. In conclusion, the low nest survival in mistletoe suggests either that the factors used to select mistletoe as nest sites by these birds are poor predictors of nest success or that nesting in mistletoe may be maladaptive.  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in northcentral Montana, USA, to examine the relationship between nest success and habitat conditions, environmental variables, and female sage-grouse characteristics. During 2001-2003, we radiomarked 243 female greater sage-grouse, monitored 287 nests, and measured 426 vegetation plots at 4 sites in a 3,200-km2 landscape. Nest survival varied with year, grass canopy cover, daily precipitation with a 1-day lag effect, and nesting attempt. In all years, daily survival rate increased on the day of a rain event and decreased the next day. There was temporal variation in nest success both within and among years: success of early (first 28 d of nesting season) nests ranged from 0.238 (SE = 0.080) in 2001 to 0.316 (SE = 0.055) in 2003, whereas survival of late (last 28 d of nesting season) nests ranged from 0.276 (SE = 0.090) in 2001 to 0.418 (SE = 0.055) in 2003. Renests experienced higher survival than first nests. Grass cover was the only important model term that could be managed, but direction and magnitude of the grass effect varied. Site, shrub and forb canopy cover, and Robel pole reading were less useful predictors of nest success; however, temporal and spatial variation in these habitat covariates was low during our study. We note a marked difference between both values and interpretations of apparent nest success, which have been used almost exclusively in the past, and maximum-likelihood estimates used in our study. Annual apparent nest success (0.46) was, on average, 53% higher than maximum-likelihood estimates that incorporate individual, environmental, and habitat covariates. The difference between estimates was variable (range = +8% to +91%). Management of habitats for nesting sage-grouse should focus on increasing grass cover to increase survival of first nests and contribute to favorable conditions for renesting, which should be less likely if survival of first nests increases.  相似文献   

Predation is an important cause of nest failure for many birds and has shaped the life‐history characteristics of many species, especially ground‐nesting shorebirds. We examined nesting success, causes of clutch failure and nest survival in relation to variation in substrate characteristics in a colour‐marked population of Western Snowy Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus breeding on riverine gravel bars in coastal northern California. Plovers experienced higher nesting success on gravel bars than on nearby beaches, which were characterized by more homogeneous, sandy substrates. On gravel bars, Plovers nested in habitats characterized by large, heterogeneous substrates, with more egg‐sized stones, compared with random sites. Egg crypsis, as indexed by time required of a naïve observer to detect a nest, increased with number of egg‐sized substrates. Nest survival correlated negatively with heterogeneity of substrates and positively with the number of egg‐sized stones. Consistently high nesting success of Plovers on gravel bars indicates that this high‐quality habitat deserves special management considerations given the species’ threatened status.  相似文献   

Aquatic turtles worldwide are plagued with habitat loss due to development and shoreline alteration that destroys the terrestrial–aquatic linkage which they must cross to reproduce successfully. Furthermore, nesting habitat loss can concentrate nesting, increasing nest predator efficiency. We describe how the Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project at Poplar Island created nesting habitat for Malaclemys terrapin (Diamondback Terrapin), and document nesting success in response to construction progress and the absence of raccoons and foxes, the primary nest predators. We monitored terrapin nests throughout the nesting seasons from 2002 to 2011 to determine overall and within‐nest survivorship. Female terrapins began nesting on the restoration project within 1 year but planned construction during the study eliminated some nesting areas and opened previously inaccessible areas. Overall, nest survivorship was considerably higher than mainland nesting areas due to the absence of raccoons and foxes on the island and within‐nest survivorship was similar. Egg size, hatchling size, and the frequency of shell scute anomalies were similar to other terrapin populations, suggesting normal developmental conditions on the island. We documented annual variation in hatchling size that correlated negatively with mean air temperature during the incubation season. Our results indicate that restored or created isolated island habitat can be located rapidly by terrapins and can become an important source of recruitment in regions where nesting habitat is limited and predation is high. Poplar Island illustrates how habitat loss and restoration can affect turtle populations by revealing the changes in nesting patterns and success in newly created, predator‐free habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract: Over the last 20 years scaup numbers have declined, and these declines have been greatest in the northern boreal forests of Canada and Alaska where most lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) nest. We studied nest success and duckling survival of lesser scaup over 3 field seasons, 2001–2003, on the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Alaska, USA. Daily survival rate (DSR) of nests on our study area across all 3 years was 0.943 (n = 177 nests, 95% CI: 0.930–0.954), corresponding to a nest success of only 12.3%, considerably lower than published estimates of an average nest success as high as 57% for lesser scaup in the northern boreal forest. With Mayfield logistic regression, we investigated effects on nest survival of year, clutch initiation date, and nesting habitat type (large wetlands >10 ha, small wetlands <10 ha, and wooded creeks). Neither year nor clutch initiation date influenced nest survival; however, the odds of nest success on large wetlands was 49% lower than on wooded creeks (odds ratio = 0.512, 95% CI = 0.286, 0.918). Based on the model that used only habitat type for estimation, DSR on large wetlands was 0.931 (corresponding nest success = 7.6%), DSR on small wetlands was 0.941 (nest success = 11.1%), and DSR on wooded creeks was 0.963 (nest success = 26.2%). To estimate duckling survival, we monitored 10 broods (n = 75 ducklings) over 3 field seasons by radiotagging hens at nest hatch. Most duckling mortality (94%) occurred in the first 10 days after hatch. Average duckling survival during 1–10 days was 0.321 (95% CI: 0.122–0.772), during 11–20 days was 0.996 (95% CI: 0.891–1.040), and during 21–30 days was 0.923 (95% CI: 0.769–1.041). Three of 10 hens moved all or part of their broods overland between nesting and brood-rearing wetlands for distances of 0.3–1.6 km. Our estimates of lesser scaup nest success and duckling survival on the Yukon Flats were among the lowest ever reported for ducks nesting at northern latitudes, even though the study site was in pristine boreal forest. Estimating and comparing scaup demographic rates from different geographic areas can contribute to improved conservation. Given the scarcity of information on scaup nesting in the boreal forest, basic nesting parameters are important to those trying to model scaup population dynamics.  相似文献   

Loss of breeding habitat and nest predation have contributed to the decline of many shorebird species. The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) initiated a piping plover (Charadrius melodus) habitat creation and augmentation program on the Missouri River in the summer of 2004. The USACE increased unvegetated sandbar habitat by depositing dredged material (engineered sandbars) and by clearing vegetation from existing sandbars (managed sandbars). We evaluated the effects of this increase in nesting and foraging habitat on habitat selection and nest daily survival rate (DSR) of piping plovers on Lewis and Clark Lake and the Gavins Point Reach of the Missouri River from 2005 to 2007 (n = 623 nests). Piping plovers selected engineered sandbars more often than expected based on area and selected natural and managed habitats less than expected based on area. Daily survival rate on engineered sandbars was significantly higher than on natural or managed sandbars (log odds: 2.50, 95% CI: 1.05–5.94). Thus, plovers' habitat selection may have increased their nesting success. Our results suggest that habitat augmentation may stave off declines in piping plover populations limited by insufficient habitat and low nesting success. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Periodic treatment of established stands of dense nesting cover (DNC) is a recommended practice to maintain cover quality, but little information exists on the magnitude and duration of treatment effects on nesting waterfowl. During 1998–2001, we examined the effect of management treatments on vegetative characteristics and waterfowl nest success and density in fields of DNC seeded to introduced and native grass and forb mixes in the parklands of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. We measured vegetation height–density and litter depth within fields and located and monitored 1,927 duck nests within 33–42 fields/yr ranging in size from 6 ha to 62 ha. We considered a series of models examining the influence of grass type and management treatment (GTMT) and years post-management (YPM) on vegetative characteristics, nest success, and nest density while including covariates potentially affecting these response variables. Visual obstruction and litter depth were lowest in native-burned fields and greatest in introduced-hayed fields. Visual obstruction was low the year following management, peaked 2–3 YPM, and remained at intermediate levels through ≥6 YPM. Litter depth remained low for the first 3 YPM and increased thereafter. Nest success and nest density varied little among GTMT. Nest success was high (14.3%) the year following a management treatment, low (6.5%) at 2 YPM, and moderate thereafter. Nest success decreased with percent cropland in the surrounding landscape. Nest density was 0.7 nests/ha the first year following management, increased to approximately 1.3 nests/ha in years 2–3, and declined back to approximately 0.7 nests/ha for ≥6 YPM. Nest density decreased with field size and increased with the area of small wetlands, percent cropland, and percent wetland within surrounding landscapes. Nest density tracked vegetation density as expected and our results indicate a possible trade-off between nest density and nest success. Given ancillary data on small mammal and insect prey in our study fields, and evidence from other studies, we speculate that DNC fields may act as prey reservoirs during years of peak vegetative density with a consequent reduction in nest survival. Therefore, management to increase waterfowl production based on our results needs to consider the interaction of treatment effects, competing habitats, and surrounding landscape composition. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

In many colonial bird species there is considerable intraspecific variation in colony size and inter‐nest distance (colony density). Possible causes of this variation and its effects on hatching success (survival of eggs) and breeding success (probability of a pair raising chicks) were studied in 48 Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta colonies in Schleswig‐Holstein (Germany) between 1991 and 1996. Colony density was influenced by time of year and habitat (categories: island or mainland, close to or far from feeding grounds). Colonies on islands had the highest densities. When all available space at a colony site was used, colonies became very dense (mean nearest‐neighbour nest distance less than 1 m). Colony size (number of clutches) was influenced by time of year, but not by habitat. Hatching success was low in high density colonies and in very low density ‘colonies’ (single nests) and high over a broad range of intermediate nest densities. The low success rate of single nests was caused by a very high predation rate, whereas the low success rate in very dense colonies was caused by a high rate of nest abandonment. Nest abandonment in very dense colonies was associated with a high level of aggressiveness among Avocets during the egg‐laying period. Due to territorial behaviour, Avocets seemed to be expelled from the densest breeding sites. In very dense colonies, high frequencies of clutches of unusual size occurred due to conspecific nest parasitism. The number of Avocets taking part in attacks on potential egg predators was small and (in colonies of more than one clutch) depended neither on colony size nor on colony density. Despite a low hatching success in very dense colonies, individuals breeding in the densest colonies had significantly better chances of raising chicks than Avocets breeding in less dense colonies. Coloniality seemed to be obligatory for Avocets in order to ensure hatching success. The size and density of colonies seemed to be associated with the availability of suitable nesting habitats (islands).  相似文献   

Much of the native grasslands in agricultural regions have been converted to cropland or tilled and seeded with non‐native grasses for livestock production. Several grassland songbird species occupy planted grasslands, but occupancy or density may not be a reliable indicator of habitat quality. I studied the breeding biology of Sprague's pipit Anthus spragueii from 2004 to 2008 in Saskatchewan, Canada. My objective was to determine the extent to which the breeding biology, density and reproductive success of pipits varied in planted and native grasslands. Peak clutch initiation occurred in mid‐ to late‐May in planted and native grassland. Peak pipit density also occurred in May, but density drastically declined over the breeding season in planted grassland. Clutch size varied among years and declined over the breeding season, but was similar in planted (4.7  0.1 SE) and native grasslands (4.5  0.1 SE). Daily nest survival rates varied with age of the nest and date, but the relationships differed in the two habitats and was likely a result of lower nestling survival in planted grassland compared to native grassland. The number of young fledged per nest increased as the season progressed and tended to be greater in native (1.2  0.1 SE) than planted (0.9  0.2 SE) grasslands. Seasonal productivity was much greater in native grassland. Only three nests were initiated after May in planted grassland and all were unsuccessful, whereas pipit young fledged at higher rates from nests initiated in native grassland in June and July than planted grassland nests initiated in May. The number of fledged young from successful nests did not vary strongly with habitat, date or year. This research indicates that planted grasslands attract pipits at the beginning of the breeding season, but habitat suitability and reproductive success substantially declines as the breeding season progresses compared to that found in native grassland.  相似文献   

Bird conservation can be challenging in landscapes with high habitat turnover such as planted forests, especially for species that require large home ranges and juxtaposition of different habitats to complete their life cycle. The eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops) has declined severely in western Europe but is still abundant in south-western France. We studied habitat selection of hoopoes in pine plantation forests using a multi-scale survey, including point-counts at the landscape level and radio-tracking at the home-range scale. We quantified habitat use by systematically observing bird behaviour and characterized foraging sites according to micro-habitat variables and abundance of the main prey in the study area, the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa). At the landscape scale, hoopoes selected habitat mosaics of high diversity, including deciduous woods and hedgerows as main nesting sites. At the home-range scale, hoopoes showed strong selection for short grassland vegetation along sand tracks as main foraging habitats. Vegetation was significantly shorter and sparser at foraging sites than random, and foraging intensity appeared to be significantly correlated with moth winter nest abundance. Hoopoe nesting success decreased during the three study years in line with processionary moth abundance. Thus, we suggest that hoopoes need complementation between foraging and breeding habitats to establish successfully in pine plantations. Hoopoe conservation requires the maintenance of adjacent breeding (deciduous woods) and foraging habitats (short swards adjacent to plantation edges), and consequently depends on the maintenance of habitat diversity at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Capsule Although subject to human disturbance Turtle Doves do nest successfully in these olive and orange orchards.

Aim To investigate the breeding ecology of Turtle Doves in a man‐made agricultural habitat in central Morocco.

Methods Turtle Dove nests were monitored in orange and olive orchards over three years (2006, 2007 and 2008). Nest abundance, nest location, egg‐laying chronology, clutch size, nest survival rates and breeding success were determined and compared between orchard types.

Results The Moroccan population of Turtle Doves start breeding earlier than European populations. Clutch size, nest survival rates and breeding success were similar in orange and olive orchards. Nest location differed between orange and olive trees. Nest densities were 16 nests/ha in olive orchards and 45 nests/ha in orange orchards. Nest success rate averaged 48%. Daily nest survival rates did not vary according to orchard types, year and date. In the two orchards, no nest position variables were significant predictors of nesting success.

Conclusion Although highly frequented by people, fruit orchards seem to be suitable breeding habitats for Turtle Doves in this region.  相似文献   

In the past 60 years, reservoirs have reshaped riverine ecosystems and transformed breeding habitats used by the threatened piping plover (Charadrius melodus; hereafter plover). Currently, 29 % of the Northern Great Plains plover population nests at reservoirs that might function as ecological traps because reservoirs have more diverse habitat features and greater dynamics in water levels than habitats historically used by breeding plovers. We examined factors influencing daily survival rates (DSR) of 346 plover nests at Lake Sakakawea (SAK; reservoir) during 2006–2009 by evaluating multiple a priori models, and we used our best model to hindcast nest success of plovers during 1985–2009. Our observed and hindcast estimates of nest success were low compared to published estimates. Previous findings indicate that plovers prefer nest sites that are low relative to water level. We found that elevation of nests above the water level had a strong positive correlation with DSR because water levels of SAK typically increased throughout the nesting period. Habitat characteristics on the reservoir differ from those that shaped nest-site selection for plovers. Accordingly, extraordinary nest loss occurs there in many years, largely due to inundation of nests, and based on low fledging rates those losses were not compensated by potential changes in chick survival. Therefore, our example supports the concept of ecological traps in birds because it addresses quantitative assessments of habitat preference and productivity over 25 years (since species listing) and affects a large portion of the population.  相似文献   

Despite numerous studies on breeding dispersal, it is still unclear how habitat heterogeneity and previous nesting success interact to determine nest-site fidelity at various spatial scales. In this context, we investigated factors affecting breeding dispersal in greater snow geese (Anser caerulescens atlanticus), an Arctic breeding species nesting in two contrasting habitats (wetlands and mesic tundra) with variable pattern of snowmelt at the time of settlement in spring. From 1994 to 2005, we monitored the nesting success and breeding dispersal of individually marked females. We found that snow geese showed a moderate amount of nest-site fidelity and considerable individual variability in dispersal distance over consecutive nesting attempts. This variability can be partly accounted for by the annual timing of snowmelt. Despite this environmental constraint, habitat differences at the colony level consistently affected nesting success and settlement patterns. Females nesting in wetlands had higher nesting success than those nesting in mesic tundra. Moreover, geese responded adaptively to spatial heterogeneity by showing fidelity to their nesting habitat, independently of snowmelt pattern. From year to year, geese were more likely to move from mesic to high-quality wetland habitat, regardless of previous nesting success and without cost on their subsequent nesting performance. The unpredictability of snowmelt and the low cost of changing site apparently favour breeding-site dispersal although habitat quality promotes fidelity at the scale of habitat patches.  相似文献   

Abstract: To understand the effects of habitat selection, we analyzed differences in abundance, age structure, and nesting success of black-capped vireos (Vireo atricapilla) in 2 early successional habitat types found on Fort Hood, a 87,890-ha Military Reservation in central Texas, USA. These habitats were 1) large areas of continuously shrubby vegetation (both natural and mechanically made), referred to as shrubland habitat, and 2) anthropogenically created small patches of shrubby vegetation centered on one or several large trees, known locally as donut habitat. The objectives of our study were to determine whether there were differences in abundance, age structure, and daily nest survival in these 2 habitat types and to determine whether donut habitat is high- or low-quality habitat. Donut habitat had a lower abundance of vireos (half as many as shrubland/point count) and a higher percentage of second-year males, suggesting donut habitat was lower-quality habitat than shrubland. Analyses of daily nest survival indicated that habitat, nest height, and year were all important variables. Nests initiated in 2004, located in shrubland habitats, and higher from the ground were more likely to succeed. Our study provided evidence that habitat is a limiting factor for this federally endangered species. Because habitat is limiting, wildlife biologists at Fort Hood should focus on managing higher quality, contiguous shrubland habitat. Wildlife biologists should also continue to monitor areas of donut habitat to determine whether they represent potential population sinks.  相似文献   

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