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Non-enzymatic and enzymatically-driven lipid peroxidation processes were studied in rat liver nuclei and isolated nuclear membranes, by evaluating the formation of thiobarbituric acid-chromophore, free malondialdehyde, lipofuscin-like pigments, and the degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the nuclear membrane lipids. The results obtained show that: (1) both non-enzymatic and enzymatically driven lipid peroxidation processes are operative in cell nuclei and isolated nuclear membranes; (2) only for isolated nuclear membranes, a good qualitative and up to a great extent quantitative correlation between malondialdehyde and lipofuscin-like pigment formation was obtained; (3) there is a qualitative but not quantitative correlation between malondialdehyde formation and polyunsaturated fatty acid degradation; (4) lipid peroxidation processes in isolated nuclear membranes and intact nuclei have an essentially identical kinetic behaviour. No statistical differences in the relative increases in the concentrations of malondialdehyde and lipofuscin-like pigments or in the degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids were obtained, when the two systems were compared, except in the presence of NADPH-ADP-Fe3+, which induced a significantly larger degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in isolated nuclear membranes than in intact nuclei, and (5) no malondialdehyde-DNA fluorescent adduct formation was observed in any of the experimental groups studied, as inferred from the characteristics of the fluorescent spectra of lipofuscin-like pigments extracted from incubated nuclear preparations.  相似文献   

Well coordinated stages of inhibition, restoration and stimulation of protein, DNA and RNA synthesis were observed after administration of cycloheximide (3 mg/kg). The changes in lipid synthesis and composition in the nuclei and intranuclear structures were studied at different stages of cycloheximide action. The accumulation and stimulation of lipid synthesis in the nuclei during the inhibition and restoration of protein and DNA syntheses were followed by electron microscopy and labeled precursors methods. Dramatic changes were observed in the phospholipid composition of chromatin and nuclear matrix. The accumulation of minor phospholipid fractions in intranuclear structures was observed during DNA synthesis. The sphingomyelin concentration was predominant and commensurable with those of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine.  相似文献   

The content of NAD and DNA, the activity of DNA-polymerase the velocity of NAD pyrophosphorolysis have been studied in liver nuclei of 8, 14, 18 day-old chicken embryos and 1--2 month- and 6 month-old chickens. It has been found that during ontogenesis the NAD content in chicken liver nuclei is increased, whereas the DNA content is decreased, the correlation coefficient being--0,93. The DNA-polymerase activity is the highest in the liver nuclei of 8--14 day-old embryos. During ontogenesis the DNA-polymerase activity is decreased. The excess of inorganic pyrophosphate shifts the NAD synthesis reaction to the left and activates the NAD pyrophosphorolytic degradation. During chicken ontogenesis the maximal NAD pyrophosphorolytic degradation is observed during the embrionic period.  相似文献   

Phospholipid composition of nuclei and nuclear membranes from rat liver and hepatoma-27 were investigated. Hepatoma nuclei and nuclear membranes were found to contain cardiolipin which was absent in the same fractions of rat liver. In the nuclei and nuclear membranes of hepatoma the content of sphingomyelin was higher and that of lecithin is lower than in the corresponding subcellular fractions of rat liver. The content of acid phospholipids was much higher in hepatoma nuclear membranes than those of the normal liver. The data obtained show that the general trend of lipid dedifferentiation which earlier was demonstrated for various membranes of different tumor cells is observed also in the case of nuclear membranes.  相似文献   

Lipid metabolism in the liver of rats in acute alcohol (25% solution, intraperitoneally, 4 g/kg, 30 minutes) and acetaldehyde (5% solution, intraperitoneally, 0.266 g/kg, 30 minutes) intoxication has been studied. It has been revealed that with acute injection of ethanol into the livers of experimental animals the level of cholesterol is decreased, the content of triacylglycerols and phosphatidylethanolamine is increased. Analogous changes in the concentration of lipid fractions have been also revealed after injection of acetaldehyde.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that RNA isolated from polyribosomes and postmitochondrial fraction of rat liver cells and bound to nitrocellulose filters (Milliport) represent mRNA. RNA taken from the nitrocellulose filters sedimented in sucrose concentration gradient with a wide peak within the range of 18--6S, attaining a maximum at 12S. The (A+U)/(G+C) ratio of this RNA was equal to 1.04. On the other hand, the same ratio for rRNA was 0.64. Specific radioactivity of polysomal mRNA containing poly-A sequences, was significantly lower at 14-hour labelling with 14C-orotate than at 4-hour labelling (control). Inhibitors (cycloheximide, puromycin, ethionine, actinomycin D) stabilized polysomal mRNA. Specific radioactivity of postmitochondrial fraction mRNA was higher at 14-hour labelling than at 4-hour labelling. Specific radioactivity of postmitochondrial fraction mRNA during protein synthesis blocking by different inhibitors was comparable to those of control animals. It is hypothesized that active translation is necessary for the initiation of rat liver mRNA degradation.  相似文献   

The proliferation of binucleated cells in the liver of young Wistar rats after partial (2/3) hepatectomy was studied by means of autoradiography and cytophotometry. The analysis of the kinetics of 3H-thymidine labelled cells has shown that both the bi- and mononucleated cells proceed through the mitotic cycle and enter mitosis simultaneously. The nuclei of 2nX2 cells enter prophase simultaneously but fuse during metaphase, so that the subsequent division results in the formation of mononucleated tetraploid cells.  相似文献   

Glutathione protects isolated rat liver nuclei against lipid peroxidation by inducing a lag period prior to the onset of peroxidation. This GSH-dependent protection was abolished by exposing isolated nuclei to the glutathione S-transferase inhibitor S-octylglutathione. In incubations containing 0.2 mM S-octylglutathione, the GSH-induced lag period was reduced from 30 to 5 min. S-Octylglutathione (0.2 mM) also completely inhibited nuclear glutathione S-transferase activity and reduced glutathione peroxidase activity by 85%. About 70% of the glutathione S-transferase activity associated with isolated nuclei was solubilized with 0.3% Triton X-100. This solubilized glutathione S-transferase activity was partially purified by utilizing a S-hexylglutathione affinity column. The partially purified nuclear glutathione S-transferase exhibited glutathione peroxidase activity towards lipid hydroperoxides in solution. The data from the present study indicate that a glutathione S-transferase associated with the nucleus may contribute to glutathione-dependent protection of isolated nuclei against lipid peroxidation. Evidence was obtained which indicates that this enzyme is distinct from the microsomal glutathione S-transferase.  相似文献   

Administration of 3-methylcholanthrene (3MC) to rats greatly enhanced the aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity of liver nuclei. However, the binding in vitro [3H]benzo[alpha]pyrene (BP) to DNA within the nuclei which occurred at the same time as hydroxylation of BP was much less enhanced. Thin layer chromatography of the metabolites of BP produced by these nuclei revealed the same metabolites in similar relative amounts as were produced by rat liver microsomes prepared from rats which had received 3MC. The binding to DNA was further analysed by hydrolysis of the DNA and fractionation on a Sephadex column. This analysis revealed that the binding to DAN in nuclei was very similar in nature to that which occurred when calf-thymus DNA was added to microsomes metabolising BP.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of nuclear matrix proteins from normal and regenerating rat liver nuclei was examined using an in vitro system of isolated nuclei and γ-32P-ATP. Phosphorylation of the nuclear matrix proteins was 2–3 fold higher than that of the total nuclear proteins in normal nuclei. The level of phosphorylation of the matrix proteins was enhanced an additional three fold at a period in liver regeneration (12 hours) just preceding the onset of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The effect of chronic hyperprolactinemia on the delta6- and delta5-desaturation activity, total lipid and fatty acid composition, as well as fluorescence anisotropy, was studied in liver microsomes from anterior pituitary-grafted rats. We observed a depression in delta6-desaturation activity but no changes in the delta5-desaturation activity in the grafted animals. The microsomal fraction from the hyperprolactinemic rats contained significantly less amount of linoleic acid and a higher content of 20:4 n-6, 22:5 n-6 and 22:6 n-3 acids. Lipid rotational mobility was increased in microsomes as well as in liposomes obtained from the microsomes of transplanted animals. The fluidifying effect induced by PRL was located in the deepest zone of the membrane. The results obtained indicate that high levels of prolactin induce changes in polyunsaturated fatty acid distribution in liver microsomes, which regulates the lipid rotational mobility and hence membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

Antibodies have been prepared against the three major polypeptides of the nuclear pore complex-lamina fraction from rat liver nuclei. The three antisera prepared in chickens give similar results in indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. In rat embryo fibroblasts we observe bright fluorescence at the level of the nuclear envelope, with no fluorescence of the nuclear interior and little or no fluorescence of the cytoplasm. The nuclear envelope regions of rat hepatoma cells, mouse A9 cells, HeLa cells and rat liver nuclei also fluoresce brightly. HeLa nucleoids, which are depleted of nuclear envelope components, still exhibit specific fluorescence when reacted with these antibodies. Distribution of the antigens changes during mitosis. Fluorescence in the cytoplasm is observed following the breakdown of the nuclear envelope at prometaphase. The antigens appear to progressively accumulate at the periphery of the chromosomes until telophase. In late telophase fluorescence occurs predominantly at the periphery of the chromosomes where the new nuclear envelope is formed.  相似文献   

Specific oxygen consumption by isolated nuclei of liver cells of newborn rats is higher and phosphorylation is lower as compared to adult animals. This is correlated with a higher free cytochrome oxidase activity as determined in the absence of detergents or tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine. Correspondingly, oxygen consumption by isolated nuclear membranes of rat liver 44 hrs after partial hepatectomy is also increased and the P/O ratio is decreased 2.2-fold as compared to the controls.  相似文献   

A comparative study of ribonuclease activity of isolated rat liver nuclei, nuclear membranes with buoyant density rho 1,19 and rho 1,22 and pH 8 nuclear membrane extract showed high nuclear membranes activity with different affinity to RNA and synthetic polyribonucleotides. Chromatographic analysis of poly-U degradation products demonstrates that the nuclear membrane extract contains at least two ribonucleases: a 3'-endonuclease and a 5'-endonuclease.  相似文献   

Peroral administration of salvipholin in a dose of 50 mg/kg to intact male rats (the body weight 180-220 g) had a positive effect on the carbohydrate-lipid metabolism in the liver and blood serum of animals. Administration of the same dose to rats with alloxan diabetes induced a significant decrease in the content of glucose, free fat acids, triglycerides and lysophospholipids of the liver and blood serum. The level of these components has sharply increased after subcutaneous alloxan administration in a dose of 150 mg/kg, the content of glycogen and pyruvic acid being normalized and insulin deficiency removed. These changes are closely related to salvipholin-promoted restoration of phospholipid spectra of the blood serum and liver of experimental animals disturbed under conditions of insulin deficiency. The possible mechanism of the salvipholin action is analyzed.  相似文献   

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