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Antennapedia is one of the homeotic selector genes required for specification of segment identity in Drosophila. Dominant mutations that ectopically express Antennapedia cause transformation of antenna to leg. Loss-of-function mutations cause partial transformation of leg to antenna. Here we examine the role of Antennapedia in the establishment of leg identity in light of recent advances in our understanding of antennal development. In Antennapedia mutant clones in the leg disc, Homothorax and Distal-less are coexpressed and act via spineless to transform proximal femur to antenna. Antennapedia is negatively regulated during leg development by Distal-less, spineless, and dachshund and this reduced Antennapedia expression is needed for the proper development of distal leg elements. These findings suggest that the temporal and spatial regulation of the homeotic selector gene Antennapedia in the leg disc is necessary for normal leg development in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Central projections of sensory neurons from homeotic mutant appendages (Antennapedia) of Drosophila melanogaster were compared with those of wild-type antennae and wild-type legs by means of degeneration and cobalt backfilling methods. Sensory axons originating from wild-type thoracic legs terminate within the ventral ipsilateral half of the corresponding neuropile segment and do not project to the brain. Sensory fibers from the third antennal segment (AIII) of wild-type animals project into the ipsilateral antennal glomerulus (AG) and to a lesser extent into the contralateral AG, whereas those from the second antennal segment terminate principally within the ipsilateral posterior antennal center. The sensory terminals of femur, tibia, and tarsi of the homeotic leg show a distribution very similar to that of the homologous wild-type antennal segment AIII, differing to a minor degree only in the size and precise localization of terminals within the antennal glomeruli. No degenerating axons were evident in ultrastructural examination of neck connectives after removal of homeotic legs. It is thus very improbable that any sensory fibers of the homeotic leg project to normal leg projection areas in the thoracico-abdominal ganglion. Several alternative explanations are offered for the apparent retention of antennal specificity by axons from the transformed appendage.  相似文献   

Loss-of-function mutations in the spineless-aristapedia gene of Drosophila (ssa mutants) cause transformations of the distal antenna to distal second leg, deletions or fusions of the tarsi from all three legs, a general reduction in bristle size, and sterility. Because ssa mutants are pleiotropic, it has been suggested that ss+ has some rather general function and that the ssa antennal transformation is an indirect consequence of perturbations in the expression of other genes that more directly control antennal or second leg identity. Here we test whether the ssa transformation results from aberrant expression of Antennapedia (Antp), a homeotic gene thought to specify directly the identity of the second thoracic segment. We find that Antp-ssa mitotic recombination clones in the distal antenna behave identically to Antp+ ssa clones, and are transformed to second leg. This demonstrates that the ssa antennal transformation is independent of Antp+, and suggests that ss+ may itself directly define distal antennal identity. The results also reveal that Antp+ is not required for the development of distal second leg structures, as these develop apparently normally in Antp- ssa antennal clones. Because Antp- mutations cause deletions or transformations that are restricted to proximal structures, whereas ssa alleles cause similar defects that are distally restricted, we suggest that ss+ and Antp+ may play similar, but complementary, roles in the distal and proximal portions of appendages, respectively.  相似文献   

It is currently thought that antennal target genes are activated in Drosophila by the combined action of Distal-less, homothorax, and extradenticle, and that the Hox gene Antennapedia prevents activation of antennal genes in the leg by repressing homothorax. To test these ideas, we analyze a 62 bp enhancer from the antennal gene spineless that is specific for the third antennal segment. This enhancer is activated by a tripartite complex of Distal-less, Homothorax, and Extradenticle. Surprisingly, Antennapedia represses the enhancer directly, at least in part by competing with Distal-less for binding. We show that Antennapedia is required in the leg only within a proximal ring that coexpresses Distal-less, Homothorax and Extradenticle. We conclude that the function of Antennapedia in the leg is not to repress homothorax, as has been suggested, but to directly repress spineless and other antennal genes that would otherwise be activated within this ring.  相似文献   

The insect leg and antenna are thought to be homologous structures, evolved from a common ancestral appendage. The homeotic transformations of antenna to leg in Drosophila produced by mutation of the Hox gene Antennapedia are position-specific, such that every particular antenna structure is transformed into a specific leg counterpart. This has been taken to suggest that the developmental programmes of these two appendages are still similar. In particular, the mechanisms for the specification of a cell's position within the appendage would be identical, only their interpretation would be different and subject to homeotic gene control. Here we explore the degree of conservation between the developmental programmes of leg and antenna in Drosophila and other dipterans, in wild-type and homeotic conditions. Most of the appendage pattern-forming genes are active in both appendages, and their expression domains are partially conserved. However, the regulatory relationships and interactions between these genes are different, and in fact cells change their expression while undergoing homeotic transformation. Thus, the positional information, and the mechanisms which generate it, are not strictly conserved between leg and antenna; and homeotic genes alter the establishment of positional clues, not only their interpretation. The partial conservation of pattern-forming genes in both appendages ensures a predictable re-specification of positional clues, producing the observed positional specificity of homeotic transformations.  相似文献   

In D. melanogaster the cross-sectioned nerve of the leg-like antenna in the homeotic mutant Antennapedia was ultrastructurally compared with the nerves of the morphologically related second leg and the wild-type antenna. The nerves of the normal antenna and the second leg differ from one another in both the numbers and arrangement of axons. According to these criteria the nerve of the homeotic appendage was structurally identified as a leg nerve. Most of the antennal nerves studied showed a consistent grouping of axons in the profile. This suggests that the assemblage of the axons does not occur randomly, but in an ordered fashion.  相似文献   

The Drosophila adult head mostly derives from the composite eye-antenna imaginal disc. The antennal disc gives rise to two adult olfactory organs: the antennae and maxillary palps. Here, we have analysed the regional specification of the maxillary palp within the antennal disc. We found that a maxillary field, defined by expression of the Hox gene Deformed, is established at about the same time as the eye and antennal fields during the L2 larval stage. The genetic program leading to maxillary regionalisation and identity is very similar to the antennal one, but is distinguished primarily by delayed prepupal expression of the ventral morphogen Wingless (Wg). We find that precociously expressing Wg in the larval maxillary field suffices to transform it towards antennal identity, whereas overexpressing Wg later in prepupae does not. These results thus indicate that temporal regulation of Wg is decisive to distinguishing maxillary and antennal organs. Wg normally acts upstream of the antennal selector spineless (ss) in maxillary development. However, mis-expression of Ss can prematurely activate wg via a positive-feedback loop leading to a maxillary-to-antenna transformation. We characterised: (1) the action of Wg through ss selector function in distinguishing maxillary from antenna; and (2) its direct contribution to identity choice.  相似文献   

The remarkable diversity of form in arthropods reflects flexible genetic programs deploying many conserved genes. In the insect model Drosophila melanogaster, diversity of form can be observed between serially homologous appendages or when a single appendage is transformed by homeotic mutations, such as the adult labial mouthparts that can present alternative antennal, prothoracic, or maxillary identities. We have examined the roles of the Hox selector genes proboscipedia (pb) and Sex combs reduced (Scr), and the antennal selectors homothorax (hth) and spineless (ss) in labial specification, by tissue-directed mitotic recombination. Whereas loss of pb function transforms labium to prothoracic leg, loss of Scr, hth, or ss functions results in little or no change in labial specification. Results of analysis of single and multiple mutant combinations support a genetic hierarchy in which the homeotic pb gene possesses a primary role. It is surprising to note that while loss of ss activity alone had no detected effect, all mutant combinations lacking both pb and ss yielded the most severe phenotype observed: stunted, apparently tripartite legs that may correspond to a default state. The roles of the four selector genes are functionally linked to a cell nonautonomous mechanism involving the coupled activities of the decapentaplegic (dpp)/TGF-β and wingless (wg)/Wnt signaling pathways. Accordingly, several mutant combinations impaired in dpp signaling were seen to reorient labial-to-leg transformations toward antennal aristae. A crucial aspect of selector function in development and evolution may be in regulating diffusible signals, including those emitted by dpp and wg.  相似文献   

Orthologs of the Hox genes Sex combs reduced ( Scr) and proboscipedia ( pd) are active in the developing labial appendages of all insect species tested. The remarkable variation among insect gnathal structures, particularly in the distal podomeres, suggests two Hox genes may enhance the adaptive potential of gnathal appendage morphology. Functional studies in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, the flour beetle Tribolium castaneum and the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus show that cooperation between Scr and pb has been generally conserved, but specific mechanisms have been altered during evolution. Cross-regulation of pb by Scr is evident in Drosophila and Tribolium, the more closely related of the three species, but not in Oncopeltus. In all three species, pb function is restricted to the distal podomeres, but details are only known for Drosophila and Oncopeltus, two species exhibiting specialized stylate-haustellate mouthparts. Drosophila pb is required for distal Scr expression, and to repress the appendage patterning genes dachshund and Distal-less ( Dll). Oncopeltus pb has the novel capacity to specify leg fates. Little is known about distal functions of Tribolium pb. Hypomorphic mutations of the Tribolium pb ortholog maxillopedia can be arranged in a graded phenotypic series of palp to leg transformations along both the proximodistal and dorsoventral axes. Mid-embryonic expression profiles of Tribolium pb, Scr, wingless ( wg) and Dll genes were examined in maxillopedia hypomorphic and null mutant backgrounds. Levels of pb and Scr are significantly reduced in the distal appendage field. Tribolium pb therefore positively regulates distal Scr expression, a role that it has in common with Drosophila pb. Tribolium wg is normally down-regulated in the distal domain of the embryonic gnathal appendage buds. It becomes activated distally in maxillopedia hypomorphs. Repression of wg by pb has not been reported in the labial imaginal discs of Drosophila. Alterations of Tribolium Scr and wg expression occur in Dll-expressing cells, however, unlike in Drosophila labial imaginal discs, Dll expression appears unaffected in pb hypomorphic backgrounds. We conclude that the Hox genes Sex combs reduced and proboscipedia control an appendage organizer and cell autonomous fate determination during embryonic labial palp development in Tribolium.  相似文献   

The conservation of expression of appendage patterning genes, particularly Distal-less, has been shown in a wide taxonomic sampling of animals. However, the functional significance of this expression has been tested in only a few organisms. Here we report functional analyses of orthologues of the genes Distal-less, dachshund, and homothorax in the appendages of the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus (Hemiptera). This hemimetabolous insect has typical legs but highly derived mouthparts. Distal-less, dachshund, and homothorax are conserved in their individual expression patterns and functions in the legs of Oncopeltus, but their functions in other appendages are in some cases divergent. We find that specification of antennal identity does not require wild-type Distal-less activity in Oncopeltus as it does in Drosophila. Additionally, the mouthparts of Oncopeltus show novel patterns of gene expression and function, relative to other insects. Expression of Distal-less in the maxillary stylets of Oncopeltus does not seem necessary for proper development of this appendage, while dachshund and homothorax are crucial for formation of the mandibular and maxillary stylets. These data are used to evaluate hypotheses for the evolution of hemipteran mouthparts and the evolution of developmental mechanisms in insect appendages in general.  相似文献   

Why spiders have (only) eight legs The difference in leg number between insects and spiders serves as a model for the study of the genetics and evolution of bodyplan differences. In this context the Hox genes are important factors: especially the Hox gene Antennapedia has apparently changed its function and interactions with so far unidentified factors to result in the eight‐legged spider bodyplan.  相似文献   

Legs and antennae are considered to be homologous appendages. The fundamental patterning mechanisms that organize spatial pattern are conserved, yet appendages with very different morphology develop. A genetic hierarchy for specification of antennal identity has been partly elucidated. We report identification of a novel family of genes with roles in antennal development. The distal antenna (dan) and distal antenna-related (danr) genes encode novel nuclear proteins that are expressed in the presumptive distal antenna, but not in the leg imaginal disc. Ectopic expression of dan or danr causes partial transformation of distal leg structure toward antennal identity. Mutants that remove dan and danr activity cause partial transformation of antenna toward leg identity. Therefore we suggest that dan and danr contribute to differentiation of antenna-specific characteristics. Antenna-specific expression of dan and danr depends on a regulatory hierarchy involving homothorax and Distal-less, as well as cut and spineless. We propose that dan and danr are effector genes that act downstream of these genes to control differentiation of distal antennal structures.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate homeosis and Homeotic Complex (Hox) regulatory hierarchies in the somatic and visceral mesoderm. We demonstrate that both Hox control of signal transduction and cell autonomous regulation are critical for establishing normal Hox expression patterns and the specification of segmental identity and morphology. We present data identifying novel regulatory interactions associated with the segmental register shift in Hox expression domains between the epidermis/somatic mesoderm and visceral mesoderm. A proposed mechanism for the gap between the expression domains of Sex combs reduced (Scr) and Antennapedia (Antp) in the visceral mesoderm is provided. Previously, Hox gene interactions have been shown to occur on multiple levels: direct cross-regulation, competition for binding sites at downstream targets and through indirect feedback involving signal transduction. We find that extrinsic specification of cell fate by signaling can be overridden by Hox protein expression in mesodermal cells and propose the term autonomic dominance for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Hox genes control segment identity in the mesoderm as well as in other tissues. Most evidence indicates that Hox genes act cell-autonomously in muscle development, although this remains a controversial issue. We show that apterous expression in the somatic mesoderm is under direct Hox control. We have identified a small enhancer element of apterous (apME680) that regulates reporter gene expression in the LT1-4 muscle progenitors. We show that the product of the Hox gene Antennapedia is present in the somatic mesoderm of the second and third thoracic segments. Through complementary alterations in the Antennapedia protein and in its binding sites on apME680, we show that Antennapedia positively regulates apterous in a direct manner, demonstrating unambiguously its cell-autonomous role in muscle development. Finally, we determine that LT1-4 muscles contain more nuclei in the thorax than in the abdomen and we propose that one of the segmental differences under Hox control is the number of myoblasts allocated to the formation of specific muscles in different segments.  相似文献   

Though initially identified as necessary for neural migration, Disconnected and its partially redundant paralog, Disco-related, are required for proper head segment identity during Drosophila embryogenesis. Here, we present evidence that these genes are also required for proper ventral appendage development during development of the adult fly, where they specify medial to distal appendage development. Cells lacking the disco genes cannot contribute to the medial and distal portions of ventral appendages. Further, ectopic disco transforms dorsal appendages toward ventral fates; in wing discs, the medial and distal leg development pathways are activated. Interestingly, this appendage role is conserved in the red flour beetle, Tribolium (where legs develop during embryogenesis), yet in the beetle we found no evidence for a head segmentation role. The lack of an embryonic head specification role in Tribolium could be interpreted as a loss of the head segmentation function in Tribolium or gain of this function during evolution of flies. However, we suggest an alternative explanation. We propose that the disco genes always function as appendage factors, but their appendage nature is masked during Drosophila embryogenesis due to the reduction of limb fields in the maggot style Drosophila larva.  相似文献   

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