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Cytoskeleton in Xenopus oocytes and eggs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Xenopus egg is a huge cell divided into compartments with distinct characteristics. The organization of the cytoskeleton reflects both the size of the egg and its regional differences. We review the information concerning the deployment and function of cytoskeletal elements during the changes in cellular organization accompanying oogenesis, oocyte maturation, and following fertilization.  相似文献   

Successful collision rates of sperm with eggs and oocytes of the sea urchins Psammechinus microtuberculatus and Paracentrotus lividus have been studied using an electrophysiological method. A monospermic response in eggs consists of a 1- to 2-mV step depolarization of the egg plasma membrane accompanied by an increase in voltage noise. The step precedes the main positive-going depolarization by approximately 13 sec at room temperature. If other successful collisions occur during this 13-sec period (indicated by additional steps), the egg is polyspermic. It is shown by direct observation that each step depolarization signifies the entry of a single sperm. No evidence for an electrically mediated fast block was found. The average rate of successful sperm-egg encounters increases with sperm density, although individual steps appear to occur randomly. Step depolarizations also occur in oocytes, however, they usually decay after several seconds and are not followed by a large, positive-going depolarization. The rate of occurrence of such steps increases with sperm density over the range 105 to 109 sperm/ml. The original evidence of Rothschild and Swann for a fast partial block is compared with a model of polyspermy suggested by our experiments. Reasonable agreement between our method of counting successful collisions (in oocytes and eggs) and the method used by Rothschild and Swann (for eggs) was obtained for sperm densities below 106/ml. The results diverge for higher sperm densities, our method giving higher values. A test for the hypothesis of a fast partial block to polyspermy is suggested, using our method of counting successful sperm-egg collisions.  相似文献   

Soluble cytokeratins in Xenopus laevis oocytes and eggs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Xenopus oocytes contain a radial network of cytokeratins which seems to fragment during meiosis reinitiation (maturation). The mature egg contains only a cortical network of cytokeratins. We have looked for the presence of soluble cytokeratins in oocytes and unfertilized eggs and have found them in both cases. However, the proportion of soluble to insoluble cytokeratins is slightly higher in the egg than in the oocyte. Soluble cytokeratins incorporate 35S-methionine at a high rate in the oocyte but to a lesser extent in the egg. This suggests that they are biosynthetic intermediates in the oocyte. In the egg, at least a fraction of the soluble cytokeratins may arise from the fragmentation of the polymer which seems to occur during the maturation process. Insoluble cytokeratins are strongly labeled with 32P both in oocytes and eggs. On the other hand only the soluble keratins of the egg incorporate 32P. Since the isoelectric point of soluble and insoluble cytokeratins is the same in oocytes and eggs, their absolute level of phosphorylation probably remains relatively constant. This suggests that: i) phosphate turnover is very slow in oocyte soluble cytokeratins, ii) phosphorylation is not a major way of changing the structural state of cytokeratins in amphibian oocytes and eggs.  相似文献   

A method is described for the systematic assessment and review of long term dependent patients in a small practice using a personally developed computer program and assessment scale.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Ca2+, Na+ and H+ in echinoderm oocytes and eggs were measured during maturation and activation using ion-selective microelectrodes. In both oocytes and eggs, from three species of starfish and two species of sea urchin, the resting level of cytosolic Ca2+ was about 10-7 M. We did not detect any change in Ca2+ concentration either during hormone-induced oocyte maturation (starfish) or during egg activation (starfish and sea urchin) induced by spermatozoa or chemical agents. During 1-methyl-adenine induced maturation of starfish oocytes the intracellular level of Na+ increased from 12–35 mM to 40–90 mM, while the pH changed from 6.6–6.8 to 7.0–7.2 Aged oocytes, with intact germinal vesicles, also had elevated levels of Na+ and pH.  相似文献   

Actin-plasma membrane associations in mouse eggs and oocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using rhodamine-phalloidin stained preparations and extracted specimens labeled with heavy meromyosin or run on polyacrylamide gels, actin-plasma membrane associations in mouse mature eggs at the second metaphase of meiosis and oocytes at meiotic prophase have been examined. Cortices of extracted oocytes possessed numerous actin filaments that emanated from the plasma membrane delimiting regions between microvilli and from microvillar apices. The membrane anchorage sites of actin filaments were marked by an electron dense material on the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. The free ends of filaments emanating from the plasma membrane of oocytes intermeshed to form a dense, cortical layer. With meiotic maturation, changes in the organization of cortical actin were first noted approximately 3 hr after the chromosomes had become localized at the oocyte's periphery. Fewer and shorter actin filaments, which did not form a well-defined layer as in oocytes, were connected with electron-dense material to the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane of extracted egg cortices in regions other than that associated with the meiotic spindle. Cortical actin adjacent to the meiotic spindle, however, was organized into a dense, cresentic aggregation in which clusters of filaments emanated from electron-dense regions associated with both the inner and outer leaflets of the plasma membrane. These observations indicate that mouse oocyte maturation not only involves changes in the distribution of cortical actin but also local alterations in the association of actin with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

RNA transcription and translation in sea urchin oocytes and eggs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The steady-state concentrations and absolute rates of synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules were measured in oocytes, eggs, embryos, and larvae of the Hawaiian sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla. The steady-state concentration per genome of the RNA precursor sequences measured by hybridization to a cloned rDNA fragment was approximately 100- to 300-fold greater in the RNA obtained from oocytes and eggs than in the RNA extracted from embryos and larvae. Since the rate of processing of the rRNA precursor at different stages is not greatly different, the rates of rRNA synthesis must be considerably greater in oocytes than in embryo cells. The absolute rate of RNA synthesis in oocytes and embryos was determined from the incorporation of [3H]guanosine into cellular GTP pools and into both precursor and mature rRNA species. The data indicate an approximately 40-fold higher rate of rRNA synthesis in oocytes than that measured in embryos or previously in larvae (J. Griffith and T. Humphreys, 1979, Biochemistry18, 2178–2185). Together these results indicate that the ribosomal genes are transcribed much more rapidly during sea urchin oogenesis than during embryogenesis or larval stages.  相似文献   

The Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog) system has long been popular for studies of both developmental and cell biology, based on a variety of its intrinsic features including the large size of Xenopus oocytes, eggs, and embryos, and the relative ease of manipulation. Unfortunately, the large size has also been considered a serious impediment for high-resolution light microscopy, as has the heavy pigmentation. However, the recent development and exploitation of 4D imaging approaches, and the fact that much of what is of most interest to cell and developmental biologists takes place near the cell surface, indicates that such concerns are no longer valid. Consequently, the Xenopus system in many respects is now as good as other model systems considered to be ideal for microscopy-based studies. Here, 4D imaging and its recent applications to cytoskeletal imaging in Xenopus oocytes and eggs are discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the differences in microtubule assembly in cytoplasm from Xenopus oocytes and eggs in vitro. Extracts of activated eggs could be prepared that assembled extensive microtubule networks in vitro using Tetrahymena axonemes or mammalian centrosomes as nucleation centers. Assembly occurred predominantly from the plus-end of the microtubule with a rate constant of 2 microns.min-1.microM-1 (57 s-1.microM-1). At the in vivo tubulin concentration, this corresponds to the extraordinarily high rate of 40-50 microns.min-1. Microtubule disassembly rates in these extracts were -4.5 microns.min-1 (128 s-1) at the plus-end and -6.9 microns.min-1 (196 s-1) at the minus-end. The critical concentration for plus-end microtubule assembly was 0.4 microM. These extracts also promoted the plus-end assembly of microtubules from bovine brain tubulin, suggesting the presence of an assembly promoting factor in the egg. In contrast to activated eggs, assembly was never observed in extracts prepared from oocytes, even at tubulin concentrations as high as 20 microM. Addition of oocyte extract to egg extracts or to purified brain tubulin inhibited microtubule assembly. These results suggest that there is a plus-end-specific inhibitor of microtubule assembly in the oocyte and a plus-end-specific promoter of assembly in the eggs. These factors may serve to regulate microtubule assembly during early development in Xenopus.  相似文献   

Exogenous DNA is efficiently recombined when injected into the nuclei of Xenopus laevis oocytes. This reaction proceeds by a homologous resection-annealing mechanism which depends on the activity of a 5'-->3' exonuclease. Two possible functions for this recombination activity have been proposed: it may be a remnant of an early process in oogenesis, such as meiotic recombination or amplification of genes coding for rRNA, or it may reflect materials stored for embryogenesis. To test these hypotheses, recombination capabilities were examined with oocytes at various developmental stages. Late-stage oocytes performed only homologous recombination, whereas the smallest oocytes ligated the restriction ends of the injected DNA but supported no homologous recombination. This transition from ligation to recombination activity was also seen in nuclear extracts from these same stages. Exonuclease activity was measured in the nuclear extracts and found to be low in early stages and then to increase in parallel with recombination capacity in later stages. The accumulation of exonuclease and recombination activities during oogenesis suggests that they are stored for embryogenesis and are not present for oocyte-specific functions. Eggs were also tested and found to catalyze homologous recombination, ligation, and illegitimate recombination. Retention of homologous recombination in eggs is consistent with an embryonic function for the resection-annealing mechanism. The observation of all three reactions in eggs suggests that multiple pathways are available for the repair of double-strand breaks during the extremely rapid cleavage stages after fertilization.  相似文献   

The suspension of mitochondria isolated from the loach embryos or the frog heart were injected in the oocytes or fertilized eggs of the loach, newt, toad and frog in the amount roughly equivalent to the content of mitochondria in the egg. After the injection the oocytes did not differ during several days from the normal ones and the fertilized eggs of the loach, newt and South Afican clawed toad developed normally. The activity of cytochrome oxidase in the injected oocytes was kept at a somewhat higher level (1.4 to 1.9 vs 1.0 in the control) during several days. In the developing eggs the activity of cytochrome oxidase began to decrease from the blastula stage and attained rapidly the control level. The decrease of the enzyme activity is due to non-specific degradation of excessive mitochondria or to compensatory inactivation of the enzyme ensuring the maintenance of its normal activity during the development.  相似文献   

Alternative approaches to setting up donor cows for superstimulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protocols that controlled follicular wave emergence and ovulation have had a great impact on the application of on-farm embryo transfer, as they permitted the initiation of superstimulatory treatments at a self-appointed time. However, the most commonly used approach for synchronization of follicular wave emergence involved estradiol, which cannot be used in many countries. Therefore, alternative treatments are required. Mechanical removal of the dominant follicle by ultrasound-guided follicle aspiration was effective, but required the use of specialized equipment and trained technical staff, which made it difficult to utilize in the field. Exogenous GnRH or pLH have also been used to induce ovulation of a dominant follicle, synchronizing follicular wave emergence, but their efficacy was dependent on the stage of the dominant follicle at treatment; thus, the emergence of the ensuing follicular wave may be too variable for superstimulation. An alternative approach could be initiating treatments at the time of emergence of the first follicular wave, but the need to synchronize ovulation may be a disadvantage in groups of donors at random stages of the estrous cycle. The final alternative may be to use FSH or eCG to initiate a new wave, without regard to the presence of a dominant follicle, followed by superstimulatory treatment at a predetermined time. All alternatives need to be thoroughly investigated in order to confirm their utility in the superstimulation of donor cows, regardless of the stage of the estrous cycle and without compromising ova/embryo production.  相似文献   

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