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Progenitor cells exist in the adult pancreas and transform to endocrine cells in pathological conditions. To address the mechanism of beta cell regeneration, mice were treated with streptozotocin (STZ group) or streptozotocin and exendin-4 (STZ + Ex-4 group), and the expression of PDX-1, Ngn3, insulin, IRS-2, and Foxo1 was investigated. PDX-1 mRNA was upregulated biphasically and induction of Ngn3 mRNA occurred shortly after the first increase of PDX-1 expression, a pattern similar to that observed during embryogenesis. PDX-1-positive cells appeared only in islet-like cell clusters (ICCs) in STZ group, but they appeared both in ducts and ICCs in STZ + Ex-4 group. Ngn3-positive cells emerged in ICCs but not in ducts. Therefore, regeneration seemed to occur mainly from intra-islet stem/progenitor cells. Exendin-4 upregulated PDX-1 expression which paralleled increased IRS-2 expression and translocation of Foxo1 from nucleus to cytoplasm. Further analysis of beta cell regeneration should help in the design of novel therapy for diabetes.  相似文献   

We show that cultures of mouse embryo liver generate insulin-positive cells when transduced with an adenoviral vector encoding the three genes: Pdx1, Ngn3 and MafA (Ad-PNM). Only a proportion of transduced cells become insulin-positive and the highest yield occurs in the period E14–16, declining at later stages. Insulin-positive cells do not divide further although they can persist for several weeks. RT-PCR analysis of their gene expression shows the upregulation of a whole battery of genes characteristic of beta cells including upregulation of the endogenous counterparts of the input genes. Other features, including a relatively low insulin content, the expression of genes for other pancreatic hormones, and the fact that insulin secretion is not glucose-sensitive, indicate that the insulin-positive cells remain immature. The origin of the insulin-positive cells is established both by co-immunostaining for α-fetoprotein and albumin, and by lineage tracing for Sox9, which is expressed in the ductal plate cells giving rise to biliary epithelium. This shows that the majority of insulin-positive cells arise from hepatoblasts with a minority from the ductal plate cells.  相似文献   

The pancreatic and duodenal homeobox gene 1 (Pdx1) has multiple roles in the specification and development of foregut endoderm-derived tissues. We report the characterization of a mouse line in which the gene encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been targeted to the Pdx1 locus, allowing the visualization of Pdx1 expressing cells. Analysis of GFP expression during development showed that the reporter faithfully reproduced the known expression pattern of Pdx1. We demonstrate the utility of this mouse line for the isolation of Pdx1(+) cells by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and for the real-time observation of Pdx1(+) cells in an ex vivo embryonic pancreas culture system. This mouse model should prove useful for the study of pancreas development and regeneration.  相似文献   

Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a debilitating motor function disorder due primarily to a loss of midbrain dopaminergic neurons and a subsequent reduction in dopaminergic innervation of the striatum. Several attempts have been made to generate dopaminergic neurons from progenitor cell populations in vitro for potential use in cell replacement therapy for PD. However, expanding cells from fetal brain with retained potential for dopaminergic differentiation has proven to be difficult. In this study, we sought to generate mesencephalic dopaminergic (mesDA) neurons from an expanded population of fetal mouse ventral midbrain (VM) progenitors through the use of retroviral gene delivery. We over-expressed Ngn2 and Nurr1, two genes present in the ventral midbrain and important for normal development of mesDA neurons, in multi-passaged neurosphere-expanded midbrain progenitors. We show that over-expression of Ngn2 in these progenitors results in increased neuronal differentiation but does not promote mesDA formation. We also show that over-expression of Nurr1 alone is sufficient to generate tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expressing cells with an immature morphology, however the cells do not express any additional markers of mesDA neurons. Over-expression of Nurr1 and Ngn2 in combination generates morphologically mature TH-expressing neurons that also express additional mesencephalic markers.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2021,28(11):2000-2008.e4
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Vitamin B6 synthesis requires a functional Pdx1 assembly that is dodecameric in vivo. We have previously shown that mutation of a catalytic lysine in the plasmodial Pdx1 protein results in a protein that is both inactive and hexameric in vitro.


Static and dynamic light scattering, circular dichroism, co-purification and enzyme assays are used to investigate the role of a glycine conserved in all Pdx1 family members.


Static light scattering indicates that a glycine to alanine mutant is present as a hexamer in vitro. Subsequent circular dichroism experiments demonstrate that a significant change in secondary structure content is induced by this mutation. However, this mutant is still competent to bind and support Pdx2 activity.


As the mutated glycine occupies an unrestricted region of the Ramachandran plot the additional stereo-chemical restrictions imposed on alanine residues strongly support our hypothesis that significant structural rearrangement of Pdx1 is required during the transition from hexamer to dodecamer.

General significance

The presented results demonstrate that reduction in the mobility of this region in Pdx1 proteins is required for formation of the in vivo dodecamer, negatively affecting the activity of Pdx1, opening the possibility of allosteric Pdx1 inhibitors.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the effects of esculetin, a plant phenolic compound with apoptotic activity in cancer cells, on 3T3‐L1 adipocyte apoptosis and adipogenesis. Research Methods and Procedures: 3T3‐L1 pre‐confluent preadipocytes and lipid‐filled adipocytes were incubated with esculetin (0 to 800 μM) for up to 48 hours. Viability was determined using the Cell Titer 96 Aqueous One Solution cell proliferation assay; apoptosis was quantified by measurement of single‐stranded DNA. Post‐confluent preadipocytes were incubated with esculetin for up to 6 days during maturation. Adipogenesis was quantified by measuring lipid content using Nile Red dye; cells were also stained with Oil Red O for visual confirmation of effects on lipid accumulation. Results: In mature adipocytes, esculetin caused a time‐ and dose‐related increase in adipocyte apoptosis and a decrease in viability. Apoptosis was increased after only 6 hours by 400 and 800 μM esculetin (p < 0.05), and after 48 hours, as little as 50 μM esculetin increased apoptosis (p < 0.05). In preadipocytes, apoptosis was detectable only after 48 hours (p < 0.05) with 200 μM esculetin and higher concentrations. However, results of the cell viability assay indicated a reduction in preadipocyte number in a time‐ and dose‐related manner, beginning as early as 6 hours with 400 and 800 μM esculetin (p < 0.05). Esculetin also inhibited adipogenesis of 3T3‐L1 preadipocytes. Esculetin‐mediated inhibition of adipocyte differentiation occurred during the early, intermediate, and late stages of the differentiation process. In addition, esculetin induced apoptosis during the late stage of differentiation. Discussion: These findings suggest that esculetin can alter fat cell number by direct effects on cell viability, adipogenesis, and apoptosis in 3T3‐L1 cells.  相似文献   

It is well accepted that the Mdm2 ubiquitin ligase acts as a major factor in controlling p53 stability and activity in vivo. Although several E3 ligases have been reported to be involved in Mdm2-independent p53 degradation, the roles of these ligases in p53 regulation in vivo remain largely unknown. To elucidate the physiological role of the ubiquitin ligase ARF-BP1, we generated arf-bp1 mutant mice. We found that inactivation of arf-bp1 during embryonic development in mice resulted in p53 activation and embryonic lethality, but the mice with arf-bp1 deletion specifically in the pancreatic β-cells (arf-bp1(FL/Y)/RIP-cre) were viable and displayed no obvious abnormality after birth. Interestingly, these mice showed dramatic loss of β-cells as mice aged, and >50% of these mice died of severe diabetic symptoms before reaching 1 year of age. Notably, the diabetic phenotype of these mice was largely reversed by concomitant deletion of p53, and the life span of the mice was significantly extended (p53(LFL/FL)/arf-bp1(FL/Y)/RIP-cre). These findings underscore an important role of ARF-BP1 in maintaining β-cell homeostasis in aging mice and reveal that the stability of p53 is critically regulated by ARF-BP1 in vivo.  相似文献   

BackgroundAquaporin-8 (AQP8), a member of the aquaporin water channel family, is expressed in various tissue and cells, including liver, testis, and pancreas. AQP8 appears to have functions on the plasma membrane and/or on the mitochondrial inner membrane. Mitochondrial AQP8 with permeability for water, H2O2 and NH3 has been expected to have important role in various cells, but its information is limited to a few tissues and cells including liver and kidney. In the present study, we found that AQP8 was expressed in the mitochondria in mouse adipose tissues and 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, and investigated its role by suppressing its gene expression.MethodsAQP8-knocked down (shAQP8) cells were established using a vector expressing short hairpin RNA. Cellular localization of AQP8 was examined by western blotting and immunocytochemistry. Mitochondrial function was assessed by measuring mitochondrial membrane potential, oxygen consumption and ATP level measurements.ResultsIn 3T3-L1 cells, AQP8 was expressed in the mitochondria. In shAQP8 cells, mRNA and protein levels of AQP8 were decreased by about 75%. The shAQP8 showed reduced activities of complex IV and ATP synthase; it is probable that the impaired mitochondrial water handling in shAQP8 caused suppression of the electron transport and ADP phosphorylation through inhibition of the two steps which yield water. The reduced activities of the last two steps of oxidative phosphorylation in shAQP8 cause low routine and maximum capacity of respiration and mitochondrial hyperpolarization.ConclusionMitochondrial AQP8 contributes to mitochondrial respiratory function probably through maintenance of water homeostasis.General significanceThe AQP8-knocked down cells we established provides a model system for the studies on the relationships between water homeostasis and mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

We report here that octanoate, a medium chain fatty acid, induces adipocyte differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells by co-treatment with dexamethasone, although octanoate has been known not to stimulate 3T3-L1 adipogenesis. A low concentration of exogenous glucose prevented 3T3-L1 adipogenesis induced by 1-methyl 3-isobutylxanthine, dexamethasone, and insulin (MDI) treatment (a common protocol for adipocyte differentiation). In contrast, co-treatment with dexamethasone and octanoate (D-OCT) induced adipogenesis under the same conditions. These findings imply that octanoate, rather than glucose, is the source of accumulated lipids in D-OCT-induced adipogenesis. D-OCT increased expression of the differentiation markers peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)gamma2 and caveolin-1. A specific inhibitor of p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase inhibited D-OCT-induced adipogenesis. These results suggest that the p38 MAP kinase pathway followed by up-regulation of PPARgamma2 may be involved in 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation induced by D-OCT, as well as by MDI.  相似文献   

During pancreas development, endocrine and exocrine cells arise from a common multipotent progenitor pool. How these cell fate decisions are coordinated with tissue morphogenesis is poorly understood. Here we have examined ductal morphology, endocrine progenitor cell fate and Notch signaling in Ngn3−/− mice, which do not produce islet cells. Ngn3 deficiency results in reduced branching and enlarged pancreatic duct-like structures, concomitant with Ngn3 promoter activation throughout the ductal epithelium and reduced Notch signaling. Conversely, forced generation of surplus endocrine progenitor cells causes reduced duct caliber and an excessive number of tip cells. Thus, endocrine progenitor cells normally provide a feedback signal to adjacent multipotent ductal progenitor cells that activates Notch signaling, inhibits further endocrine differentiation and promotes proper morphogenesis. These results uncover a novel layer of regulation coordinating pancreas morphogenesis and endocrine/exocrine differentiation, and suggest ways to enhance the yield of beta cells from stem cells.  相似文献   

Poly-ubiquitin chains targeting proteins for 26S proteasomal degradation are classically anchored on internal lysines of substrates via iso-peptide linkages. However recently, linkage of ubiquitin moieties to non-canonical nucleophilic residues, such as cysteines, serines and threonines, has been demonstrated in a small number of cases.Non-canonical ubiquitylation of the proneural protein Ngn2 has previously been seen in Xenopus egg extract, but it was not clear whether such highly unusual modes of ubiquitylation were restricted to the environment of egg cytoplasm. Here we show that Ngn2 is, indeed, ubiquitylated on non-canonical sites in extracts from neurula stage Xenopus embryos, when Ngn2 is usually active. Moreover, in the P19 mammalian embryonal carcinoma cell line capable of differentiating into neurons, xNgn2 is ubiquitylated on both canonical and non-canonical sites. We see that mutation of cysteines alone results stabilisation of the protein in P19 cells, indicating that non-canonical ubiquitylation on these residues normally contributes to the fast turnover of xNgn2 in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The universal enzymatic cofactor vitamin B6 can be synthesized as pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP) by the glutamine amidotransferase Pdx1. We show that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pdx1 is hexameric by analytical ultracentrifugation and by crystallographic 3D structure determination. Bacterial homologues were previously reported to exist in hexamer:dodecamer equilibrium. A small sequence insertion found in yeast Pdx1 elevates the dodecamer dissociation constant when introduced into Bacillus subtilis Pdx1. Further, we demonstrate that the yeast Pdx1 C-terminus contacts an adjacent subunit, and deletion of this segment decreases enzymatic activity 3.5-fold, suggesting a role in catalysis.

Structured summary

MINT-7147859: PDX1 (uniprotkb:P16451) and PDX1 (uniprotkb:P16451) bind (MI:0407) by cosedimentation in solution (MI:0028)MINT-7147899: PDX1 (uniprotkb:P37528) and PDX1 (uniprotkb:P37528) bind (MI:0407) by cosedimentation in solution (MI:0028)  相似文献   

The formation of adequate masses of endocrine and exocrine pancreatic tissues during embryogenesis is essential to ensure proper nutrition and glucose homeostasis at postnatal stages. We generated mice with pancreas-specific ablation of the 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 (Pdk1) to investigate how signaling downstream of the phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase (PI3K) pathway controls pancreas development. Pdk1-conditional knock-out mice were born with conspicuous pancreas hypoplasia, and within a few weeks, they developed severe hyperglycemia. Our detailed characterization of the mutant embryonic pancreas also revealed distinct temporal, cell type-specific requirements of Pdk1 activity in the control of cell proliferation, cell survival, and cell size during pancreas development. These results thus uncover Pdk1 as a novel, crucial regulator of pancreatic growth during embryogenesis. In addition, we provide evidence that Pdk1 activity is required differently in mature pancreatic cell types, since compensatory proliferation and possible mTORC2 activation occurred in exocrine cells but not in β cells of the Pdk1-deficient postnatal pancreas.  相似文献   



Dicer is a multidomain ribonuclease III enzyme involved in the biogenesis of microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs); depletion of Dicer was found to impair the migration of endothelial cells.


siRNA transfection, cell migration assay, real-time RT–PCR, chromatin immunoprecipitation, Western blotting, ELISA, caspase-3 activity assay, and annexin-V–FITC assay were utilized.


Knockdown of Dicer impairs the migratory capacity of HEK293T cells and induces fibronectin-1. The upregulation of fibronectin-1 is dependent on Egr1. Fibronectin-1/Dicer double-knockdown cells showed a marked increase in apoptosis compared with fibronectin-1 single knockdown cells.


Decreased Dicer expression induces fibronectin-1 expression via an Egr1-dependent manner.

General significance

Our data suggest that upregulation of fibronectin-1 protects Dicer knockdown HEK293T cells against apoptosis.  相似文献   

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