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The myoglobin and hemoglobin species containing magnesium deuteroporphyrin have been prepared and studied by electronic, circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion spectroscopy. The results are compared with those obtained for corresponding magnesium protoporphyrin and magnesium mesoporphyrin complexes. In all cases the magnesium-apomyoglobin species show additional band splittings. These may arise directly from differences in the protein environment or indirectly through water coordination to magnesium which is facilitated by features of the myoglobin heme pocket but inhibited in the hemoglobin complexes. The availability of results for three different porphyrins enables a red shift of spectral bands, observed in particular for MgPP-Mb**, to be specifically associated with the presence of side-chain vinyl groups.  相似文献   

We report an unusually high frequency (543 cm(-)(1)) for an Fe-CO stretching mode in the CO complex of Ascaris suum hemoglobin as compared to vertebrate hemoglobins in which the frequency of the Fe-CO mode is much lower. A second Fe-CO stretching mode in Ascaris hemoglobin is observed at 515 cm(-1). We propose that these two Fe-CO stretching modes arise from two protein conformers corresponding to interactions of the heme-bound CO with the B10-tyrosine or the E7-glutamine residues. This postulate is supported by spectra from the B10-Tyr --> Phe mutant in which the 543 cm(-1) line is absent. Thus, a strong polar interaction, such as hydrogen bonding, of the CO with the distal B10 tyrosine residue is the dominant factor that causes this anomalously high frequency. Strong hydrogen bonding between O(2) and distal residues in the oxy complex of Ascaris hemoglobin has been shown to result in a rigid structure, rendering an extremely low oxygen off rate [Gibson, Q. H., and Smith, M. H. (1965) Proc. R. Soc. London B 163, 206-214]. In contrast, the CO off rate in Ascaris hemoglobin is very similar to that in sperm whale myoglobin. The high CO off rate relative to that of O(2) in Ascaris hemoglobin is attributed to a rapid equilibrium between the two conformations of the protein in the CO adduct, with the off rate being determined by the conformer with the higher rate.  相似文献   

We have directly observed the oxyferryl group of ferryl myoglobin by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The FeIV = O stretching vibration is observed at 797 cm-1 and confirmed by an 18O-induced isotopic shift to 771 cm-1. The porphyrin center-to-nitrogen distance of ferryl myoglobin is significantly less than that previously observed for horseradish peroxidase compound II, which also contains an FeIV = O heme. The FeIII-CN- stretch of myoglobin (FeIII) cyanide is observed at 454 cm-1, which shifts to 449 cm-1 upon substitution with [13C]cyanide.  相似文献   

We have examined the Fe(2+)-N epsilon (HisF8) complex in hemoglobin A (HbA) by measuring the band profile of its Raman-active nu Fe-His stretching mode at pH 6.4, 7.0, and 8.0 using the 441-nm line of a HeCd laser. A line shape analysis revealed that the band can be decomposed into five different sublines at omega 1 = 195 cm-1, omega 2 = 203 cm-1, omega 3 = 212 cm-1, omega 4 = 218 cm-1, and omega 5 = 226 cm-1. To identify these to the contributions from the different subunits we have reanalyzed the nu Fe-His band of the HbA hybrids alpha(Fe)2 beta(Co)2 and alpha(Co)2 beta(Fe)2 reported earlier by Rousseau and Friedman (D. Rousseau and J. M. Friedman. 1988. In Biological Application on Raman Spectroscopy. T. G. Spiro, editor, 133-216). Moreover we have reanalyzed other Raman bands from the literature, namely the nu Fe-His band of the isolated hemoglobin subunits alpha SH- and beta SH-HbA, various hemoglobin mutants (i.e., Hb(TyrC7 alpha-->Phe), Hb(TyrC7 alpha-->His), Hb M-Boston and Hb M-Iwate), N-ethylmaleimide-des(Arg141 alpha) hemoglobin (NES-des(Arg141 alpha)HbA) and photolyzed carbonmonoxide hemoglobin (Hb*CO) measured 25 ps and 10 ns after photolysis. These molecules are known to exist in different quaternary states. All bands can be decomposed into a set of sublines exhibiting frequencies which are nearly identical to those found for deoxyhemoglobin A. Additional sublines were found to contribute to the nu Fe-His band of NES-des(Arg141 alpha) HbA and the Hb*CO species. The peak frequencies of the bands are determined by the most intensive sublines. Moreover we have measured the nu Fe-His band of deoxyHbA at 10 K in an aqueous solution and in a 80% glycerol/water mixture. Its subline composition at this temperature depends on the solvent and parallels that of more R-like hemoglobin derivatives. We have also measured the optical charge transfer band III of deoxyHbA at room temperature and found, that at least three subbands are required to fit its asymmetric band shape. This corroborates the findings on the nu Fe-His band in that it is indicative of a heterogeneity of the Fe(2+)-N epsilon(HisF8) bond. Finally we measured the nu Fe-His band of horse heart deoxyMb at different temperatures and decomposed it into three different sublines. In accordance with what was obtained for HbA their intensities rather than their frequencies are temperature-dependent.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Variations in the v2 region of the Raman spectra of cryogenically trapped photoproducts of different liganded myoglobins as a function of ligand (CO, O2, and n-butyl isocyanide) and species (whale, tuna, elephant) are reported. These variations are attributed to differences in the population of "open" (ligand accessible) and "closed" (ligand inaccessible) conformations of the distal heme pocket. Based on these findings and those derived from other spectroscopies including x-ray crystallography, NMR, IR spectra, and ESR, a working model is presented which accounts for how the conformation of the distal heme pocket, the geometry of the bound ligand, the identity of the ligand, and the dynamics of the dissociated ligand are all interconnected.  相似文献   

S Jeyarajah  J R Kincaid 《Biochemistry》1990,29(21):5087-5094
Hybrid hemoglobins, containing mesoheme in one type of subunit and protoheme in the partner subunits, have been studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. These hybrids have been studied in both the met hybrid and fully reduced, deoxy forms. Judicious choice of laser excitation frequency permits selective enhancement of modes associated with each type of subunit; i.e., either meso- or protoheme-containing subunit. The assignments of low-frequency modes of meso- and protoheme are briefly discussed with special reference to the iron-histidine linkage. Despite functional differences between the hybrids, no significant changes in the strength of the iron-histidine linkages are detected by resonance Raman spectroscopy. These results are discussed with reference to recent high-resolution NMR studies of these same hybrids.  相似文献   

The iron(II)-dioxygen bond in myoglobin and hemoglobin is a subject of wide interest. Studies range from examinations of physical-chemical properties dependent on its electronic structure, to investigations of the stability as a function of oxygen supply. Among these, stability properties are of particular importance in vivo. Like all known dioxygen carriers synthesized so far with transition metals, the oxygenated forms of myoglobin and hemoglobin are known to be oxidized easily to their ferric met-forms, which cannot bind molecular oxygen and are therefore physiologically inactive. The mechanistic details of this autoxidation reaction, which are of clinical, as well as of physical-chemical, interest, have long been investigated by a number of authors, but a full understanding of the heme oxidation has not been reached so far. Recent kinetic and thermodynamic studies of the stability of oxymyoglobin (MbO2) and oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) have revealed new features in the FeO2 bonding. In vivo, the iron center is always subject to a nucleophilic attack of the water molecule or hydroxyl ion, which can enter the heme pocket from the surrounding solvent and thereby irreversibly displace the bound dioxygen from MbO2 or HbO2 in the form of O2- so that the iron is converted to the ferric met-form. Since the autoxidation reaction of MbO2 or HbO2 proceeds through a nucleophilic displacement following one-electron transfer from iron(II) to the bound O2, this reaction may be viewed as a meeting point of the stabilization and the activation of molecular oxygen performed by hemoproteins. Along with these lines of evidence, we finally discuss the stability property of human HbO2 and provide with the most recent state of hemoglobin research. The HbA molecule contains two types of alphabeta contacts and seems to differentiate them quite properly for its functional properties. The alpha1beta2 or alpha2beta1 contact is associated with the cooperative oxygen binding, whereas the alpha1beta1 or alpha2beta2 contact is used for controlling the stability of the bound O2. We can thus form a unified picture for hemoglobin function by closely integrating the cooperative and the stable binding of molecular oxygen with iron(II) in aqueous solvent. These new views on the nature of FeO2 bonding and the possible role of globin moiety in stabilizing MbO2 and HbO2 are of primary importance, not only for a full understanding of various hemoprotein reactions with O2, but also for planning new molecular designs for synthetic oxygen carriers which may be able to function in aqueous solvent and at physiological temperature.  相似文献   

Circular dichroic spectra in the Soret region were obtained for the following cobalt-substituted hemoproteins: CoMb3, CoMbO2, CoMbNO, CoMb+, CoHb, CoHbO2, CoHbNO and CoHb+ and compared with the corresponding spectra of the native species to delineate the sensitivity of Soret circular dichroism to ligation, quaternary structures, metal ion substitution and its magnetic moment. Soret rotational strengths, R, were calculated, and dissymmetry ratios were used to reveal hidden transitions. The results indicate that Soret circular dichroism is sensitive to the metal ion, its oxidation state, ligation and local environment but neither to quaternary structural changes as proposed by Ferrone &; Topp (1975), nor to the magnetic moment of the metal ion as suggested by Li &; Johnson (1969).  相似文献   

The binding of carbon monoxide to myoglobin and hemoglobin is examined to determine the origin of the deviation of the FeCO geometry from that found in model systems. Possible distortions due to protein-ligand interactions are analyzed with special attention to protein relaxation. It is estimated that the protein can support a strain of less than 10 kcal per mole; this may be sufficient to produce a displacement of a linear FeCO unit from the heme normal.  相似文献   

Difficulties of quantitation of hemoglobin/myoglobin absorption changes in muscle have led to the development of a new approach using short pulses of light. This method uses input light pulses sufficiently short so that the time course of travel of light through the brain can be precisely measured. The time of arrival of light at the detector gives the optical path length, given the velocity of light in tissues. The intensity profile of photon migration in tissues permits determination of the path length that the exiting photons have traveled and the concentration change of the pigments. A cavity-dumped liquid dye laser illuminates the tissue with 130-ps pulses detected as 600-ps duration at a half height at 3.0-cm distance from the input point. The decay of intensity from the 50% point onward to 0.1% follows a logarithmic function of slope mu which is attributed to the total absorption coefficient of the tissue. Increments of mu due to deoxyhemoglobin absorption at 760 and 630 nm are used to calculate the concentration change. This permits the calculation of the path length for continuous light measurements of 2 cm for a particular geometry. Variation of the wavelength of the laser affords determination of a spectrum of changes in the tissue.  相似文献   

P Schlecht 《Biopolymers》1969,8(6):757-765
This paper is concerned with the molecular origin of the dipole moment of sperm whale myoglobin as it can be calculated from the dielectric dispersion at 1 Mcps on the basis of a mechanism of orientational polarization. It was possible to compare the dielectric increment of native myoglobin and its change during the reaction with bromo acetate with dipole moments calculated according to the known coordinates of the charged groups of the molecule. The agreement between the two shows that in myoglobin only the permanent dipole moment due to these charged groups is important, and that contributions from other possible sources remain within the limits of experimental error.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectroscopy data of 2-aminoadenine and its deuterated species (C8-deuterated, N-deuterated and C8-, N-deuterated derivatives) in aqueous solution have been collected in the spectral region between 400 and 1800 cm–1, by using ultraviolet excitation wavelengths (exc = 222, 257 and 281 nm) located in the three main UV absorption bands corresponding to the strongly allowed electronic transitions of the molecule of interest. Moreover, a Raman spectrum has been recorded under off-resonance conditions with a visible excitation (exc= 488 nm). In order to assign the 2-aminoadenine in-plane vibrational bands displayed in the RRS spectra, a normal coordinate analysis has been performed by means of an empirical internal valence force field. These calculations are based on our recent normal mode analysis of adenine and guanine nucleic bases and their deuterated species, which was based on the joint use of resonance Raman spectroscopy and neutron inelastic scattering data. In the 2-aminoadenine force field proposed here, the diagonal force constants have been directly transferred from those recently obtained for adenine (and from guanine as concerns the 2-amino group), the interaction force constants (off-diagonal) then being adjusted on the basis of the actual experimental data from 2-aminoadenine and its deuterated species. The current force field is also able to assign infrared and Raman data obtained by other authors from polycrystalline samples of the pure species. Correspondence to: M. Ghomi  相似文献   

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