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The effects of urbanization on bats are poorly understood, but published data suggests it might be detrimental to them. Even though urban parks provide refuge to native biota, the nature of the urban landscape exacerbates the insularization process. In order to evaluate if wooded streets in an urban landscape provide connectivity for bats, we compared bat community structure in three different types of habitats: urban parks, wooded streets and non-wooded streets. Sampling occurred monthly from August 2006 to July 2007 in the city of Vitória, southeastern Brazil. Richness, relative abundance and diversity were higher in urban parks and lower in non-wooded streets. Jaccard’s similarity index showed that the wooded streets are more similar to non-wooded streets than to urban parks. Urbanization may benefit generalist species by providing new resources, but for specialist species critical resources may be lost and persistence endangered. There is evidence that wooded streets may provide some degree of connectivity for birds in urban landscapes, but our results suggest that this is not the case, with wooded streets being used by few individuals of a few species. Vegetation cover is important to maintain bat diversity in urban centers. Activities like landscape planning and gardening should include biodiversity data in their outputs in order to better design a landscape that improves the likelihood of persistence of bats.  相似文献   

Habitat shifts are implicated as the cause of many vertebrate radiations, yet relatively few empirical studies quantify patterns of diversification following colonization of new habitats in fishes. The pufferfishes (family Tetraodon‐tidae) occur in several habitats, including coral reefs and freshwater, which are thought to provide ecological opportunity for adaptive radiation, and thus provide a unique system for testing the hypothesis that shifts to new habitats alter diversification rates. To test this hypothesis, we sequenced eight genes for 96 species of pufferfishes and closely related porcupine fishes, and added 19 species from sequences available in GenBank. We time‐calibrated the molecular phylogeny using three fossils, and performed several comparative analyses to test whether colonization of novel habitats led to shifts in the rate of speciation and body size evolution, central predictions of clades experiencing ecological adaptive radiation. Colonization of freshwater is associated with lower rates of cladogenesis in pufferfishes, although these lineages also exhibit accelerated rates of body size evolution. Increased rates of cladogenesis are associated with transitions to coral reefs, but reef lineages surprisingly exhibit significantly lower rates of body size evolution. These results suggest that ecological opportunity afforded by novel habitats may be limited for pufferfishes due to competition with other species, constraints relating to pufferfish life history and trophic ecology, and other factors.  相似文献   

Zoo visitors perceive naturalistic enclosures (i.e. those attempting to replicate identifiable parts of the landscape of the species' habitat) as those that best satisfy the biological needs of the animals, and ensure therefore their welfare. However, the provision of a suitable environment with the resources that will allow the animals to satisfy their main biological needs in naturalistic enclosures has never been systematically explored; instead, it has been assumed. In this study we provide evidence that supports the general idea that naturalistic designs provide suitable environments for the animals. For that purpose, we analyzed 1,381 naturalistic and non-naturalistic enclosures in 63 Spanish zoological parks. In order to assess the suitability of the environment provided within each enclosure, a number of aspects related to the animals' main biological requirements were analyzed. We found a relationship between naturalistic designs and the suitability of the environment for the species housed. Most naturalistic enclosures (77.8%) provided suitable environments for their inhabitants. Non-naturalistic ones also had suitable environments, but in a lower percentage (39.7%). These results should be taken into account during zoo inspection and accreditation appointments, where enclosure suitability must be assessed in an accurate and fast manner. In this regard, a naturalistic design can be used as an adjunct indicator of enclosure suitability, but not exclusively, as not every naturalistic enclosure was suitable for the animals, neither as an indispensable one, given that near 40% of non-naturalistic ones were appropriate for the species housed.  相似文献   

Selection of habitats has regularly been suggested to influence species demography at both local and broad scales. The expectation is that selection behaviors have positive benefits via greater fitness or increased survival. The current paradigm of habitat selection theory suggests a hierarchical process, where an individual first selects where they choose to live (e.g., range) and then searches and selects locations within this range meeting life history needs. Using high‐frequency GPS data collected from reproductively active Rio Grande (= 21) and Eastern (= 23) wild turkeys, we evaluated a long‐standing theory for ground‐nesting galliformes, in that movements during the prenesting period are behaviorally focused on sampling available habitats to optimize the selection of nesting sites. Contrary to expectations, we found no evidence that reproductively active females engage in habitat sampling activities. Although most nest sites (>80% for both subspecies) fell within the prenesting range, the average minimum daily distance from nest sites for Rio Grande and Eastern wild turkey females was large [1636.04 m (SE = 1523.96) and 1937.42 m (SE = 1267.84), respectively] whereas the average absolute minimum distance from the nest site for both Rio Grande and Eastern wild turkey females was 166.46 m (SE = 299.34) and 235.01 m (SE = 337.90), respectively, and showed no clear temporal reduction as laying approached. Overall, predicted probability that any female movements before laying were initiated intersected with her nesting range (area used during incubation) was <0.25, indicating little evidence of habitat sampling. Our results suggest that the long‐standing assumption of hierarchical habitat selection by wild turkeys to identify nest sites may be incorrect. As such, habitat selection may not be the proximate driver of nest success and hence population‐level fitness. Rather, based on our results, we suggest that wild turkeys and other ground‐nesting species may be fairly plastic with regard to the selection of reproductive habitats, which is appropriate given the stochasticity of the environments they inhabit.  相似文献   

Much of conservation science is based upon determining the use by organisms of different resources. However, the field data used to construct habitat association models generally come from a small number of sites covering a fraction of the area of interest. It is important therefore to assess the generality of those models for species occurring over large geographical areas. In this paper we test the generality of models describing skylark Alauda arvensis abundance across farmland in southern England in relation to crop type, crop structure and field structure (i.e. height of surrounding boundaries). Skylarks responded to most predictors we measured in similar ways across three regions of differing farming practices (arable‐dominated, pasture‐dominated and a mixture of the two). Most of the regional differences in habitat associations could be related to differences in the speed of crop development. For example, the sowing of cereals in spring, a much lauded strategy to increase skylark populations, is likely to have less of an effect in regions where cereal development is slow than in regions where it is fast.
Most studies that explicitly test the performance of a model developed in one place elsewhere use presence/absence models. We adopt a more sensitive and novel approach by using counts. We found regression equations developed in one region performed poorly when tested as a direct predictor (i.e. a 1:1 relationship) on data from other regions. However, the skylark territories observed in any one region were positively correlated with the territory numbers predicted by models built using data from other regions, so models were good predictors of relative abundance.
The results suggest that, for this species at least, conservationists should have confidence when advocating management strategies based upon habitat‐association models and extrapolating their generality to other areas. However, our results warn against using regression equations developed in one place to make absolute quantitative predictions elsewhere. Decision‐makers should beware of using models in this way.  相似文献   

In Canada and elsewhere in North America, impoundments are created in compensation for historic wetland loss and for habitat loss due to development projects, but these new sites are infrequently evaluated to determine how effectively they function. The Cumberland Marsh Region (CMR), located at the head of the Bay of Fundy, Canada, is of importance to migratory birds and has been subject to 300+ years of anthropogenic alteration, including impoundment creation on diked and drained tidal marsh in the last five decades. Wetland managers have noticed a pervasive decline in impoundment productivity leading to reduced waterbird usage (senescence). To understand factors that promote senescence, we analyzed abiotic and biotic proxies in sediment archives from six freshwater impoundments in two coastal watersheds to assess spatial trends across the CMR within recent decades. Our results demonstrate that impoundment productivity is driven by autochthonous nutrient sources (C/N between 7.7 and 14.4), but biogeochemical conditions can be highly variable among impoundments despite their proximity. Biogeochemical variation among top-of-core sediment samples from each impoundment was generally minimal, and thus we believe that the aging of impoundments has resulted in low productivity and organic matter accumulation due to dike stabilization and declines in nutrient loading. We conclude that these freshwater impoundments (in the CMR and likely other similar settings) are not highly productive, and may not provide abundant forage and optimal wildlife habitat which is expected of these systems; adaptive management strategies and hydrologic rehabilitation merit consideration to enhance ecological functioning. Understanding landscape attributes, hydrologic dynamics, and conditions prior to and after major human alterations should be a priority in future compensation projects.  相似文献   

The plasmodesmal (PD) network in the cambial zone of Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyls was analysed using electron microscopy and dye-coupling studies and compared to those of internodes of Populus nigra and Solanum lycopersicum. In all species, PD densities and frequencies undergo alterations in topologically successive cambial walls reflecting species-specific patterns of PD degradation and PD insertion during cell development. Longitudinal PD fission is responsible for an abrupt increment of PD numbers in specific walls of the youngest derivatives at the xylem and/or phloem side. Here, PDs seem to mediate positional signalling to control tissue fate and early cell determination. PD numbers at all cambial interfaces of A. thaliana correspond to those of the herbaceous tomato, but are higher with the woody poplar. This suggests a positive correlation between PD frequencies and the rapidity of cell division activity. Photoactivated green fluorescent protein (26 kDa) did not diffuse through cambial PDs of A. thaliana. This is in keeping with the common size exclusion limit (SEL) of 8–10 kDa observed for PDs at the youngest interfaces of tomato and poplar which may mediate diffusive exchange of developmental signals of equal molecular size. The regular growth patterns in internodal cambial zones of poplar and tomato result from synchronized cell division activity of neighbouring initials. A. thaliana hypocotyls have an irregular mode of secondary growth. Here, signalling through PDs in misaligned radial walls between non-homologous derivatives may control tissue development. The observed organizational differences between the cambia cast doubts on the suitability of A. thaliana as a model plant for cambial research.  相似文献   

The haplochromine cichlid fish communities of the rocky habitats of Lake Malawi are highly diverse; however, many species live side by side with apparently very similar resource requirements. There is a long-standing debate concerning whether these species partition their resources on a finer scale than has been previously reported or if species that are truly ecologically indistinguishable can coexist. A field study of food resource use was conducted to determine whether coexisting species segregate their diet and foraging sites. Significant differences between species were found, yet considerable inter-specific resource use overlap was commonplace. The data indicate that these cichlid species coexist both with and without niche differentiation. We propose that alternatives to niche differentiation should be considered to explain how many species coexist in Lake Malawi cichlid communities. Received: 5 October 1998 / Accepted: 30 June 1999  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is one of the most important causes for the decline of plant species. However, plants differing in phylogeny, habitat requirements and biology are likely to respond differently to habitat fragmentation. We ask whether case studies on the effects of habitat fragmentation conducted so far allow generalizations about its effects on the fitness and genetic diversity of populations of endangered plant species. We compared the characteristics of plant species endangered in Germany whose sensitivity to habitat fragmentation had been studied with those of the endangered species that had not been studied. We found strong discrepancies between the two groups with regard to their taxonomy and traits relevant to their sensitivity to habitat fragmentation. Monocots, graminoids, clonal, abiotically pollinated and self compatible species were underrepresented among the studied species, and most study species were from a few habitat types, in particular grasslands. We conclude that our current knowledge of the effects of habitat fragmentation on plant populations is not sufficient to provide widely applicable guidelines for species management. The selection of species studied so far has been biased toward species from certain habitats and species exhibiting traits that probably make them vulnerable to habitat fragmentation. Future studies should include community-wide approaches in different habitats, e.g. re-visitation studies in which the species pool is assessed at different time intervals, and population-biological studies of species from a wide range of habitats, and of different life forms and growth strategies. A more representative picture of the effects of habitat fragmentation would allow a better assessment of threats and more specific recommendations for optimally managing populations of endangered plants.  相似文献   

How to account for habitat suitability in weed management programmes?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Designing efficient management strategies for already established invasive alien species is challenging. Here, we ask whether environmental suitability, as predicted by species distribution models, is a useful basis of cost-effective spatial prioritization in large-scale surveillance and eradication programmes. We do so by means of spatially and temporarily explicit simulations of the spread of a case study species (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in Austria and southern Germany under different management regimes. We ran these simulations on a contiguous grid of the study area with each grid cell (~35 km²) characterized by a habitat suitability value derived from the predictions of a species distribution model. The management regimes differed in terms of (a) a minimum habitat suitability rank p (suitability threshold) used to separate cells for surveillance from those which are not controlled; and (b) the strategy for selecting cells for annual campaigns from the pool defined by p. According to the results (i.e., number of cells infested in 2050 as well as infested on average per year) the most efficient way to base surveillance on suitability is to define the temporal sequence of management according to the grid cells’ suitability ranks. Management success declines sharply when the suitability threshold is set too high, but only moderately when it is set too low. We conclude that accounting for environmental suitability is important for large-scale management programmes of invasive alien species and that species distribution models are hence useful tools for designing such programmes.  相似文献   

The UK population of the Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata has declined markedly in the last 30 years but there have been few recent studies of the species. This study examined the relationship between nest success and the predominant habitat type around Spotted Flycatcher nests in two contrasting areas of England. A breeding population in eastern England, a region where numbers of Spotted Flycatchers are known to have decreased dramatically in recent decades, was compared with another in southwest England, where numbers have remained stable or even increased. Whilst there was no difference in breeding success between the two study areas, there were significant differences between habitats, with garden nests more successful than those in farmland or woodland, at both egg and chick stages. Estimates of productivity per nesting attempt were also lower in farmland and woodland, with nests in gardens fledging twice as many chicks as those in either woodland or farmland. The proximate cause of lower success in farmland and woodland was higher nest predation rates during both egg and chick stages. In terms of nesting success, farmland and woodland appear to be similar in quality for this species, but both appear to be suboptimal habitats when compared with gardens, providing evidence of a problem on the breeding grounds for this species, in at least these two habitats.  相似文献   

Hypsodont (i.e. high-crowned) teeth have been interpreted as an indicator of feeding preferences and habitat selection in ungulates. For this reason, the degree of hypsodonty has been used for estimating the diet of ancient taxa and in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The goal of this study is to elucidate the relative importance of grass consumption and open habitat foraging in the development of hypsodont teeth, using novel computer techniques of knowledge discovery applied to a dataset of 134 species of artiodactyls and perissodactyls distributed among thirteen families. The results obtained suggest that high-crowned teeth represent an adaptation for feeding in an open habitat, although the minimum threshold of hypsodonty seems to increase with the relative length of the anterior part of the jaw. On the contrary, there is no direct relationship between the degree of hypsodonty and the percentage of grass consumed, except for the correspondence between grazing and dwelling in open habitats. A relatively wide muzzle evidences an adaptation for grass foraging in open and mixed habitats, but there are some non-grazing species from a closed habitat that also show wide muzzles. Thus, the hypsodonty index, combined with the length of the anterior part of the jaw and the width of the muzzle, allows accurate inferences on the ecological preferences of extinct ungulates.  相似文献   

Numerous ornithological studies conducted in patchy habitats have linked high intensity of nest predation with habitat edges. This “edge effect” hypothesis was primarily investigated in temperate, boreal and tropical fragmented forests, and there is a need for investigations from different habitat systems. Here we provide the results of one study on bird nest predation in relation to edge context in one oasis in southern Tunisia. Our aim was to assess the importance of nest predation as a source of nest failure in the studied oasis and to test if the edge effect hypothesis applies in this habitat system. We found that although predation represents an important source of nest failure in all studied species, the edge effect hypothesis does not seem to apply in the studied oasis. Indeed, daily nest predation rate did not vary with edge context for all studied species, which could be explained by the fact that nest predator guild is mainly composed of small species that use oasis interior and edges in similar ways. The effects of predators coming from the surrounding areas do not seem to significantly increase nest predation rates in oasis edges compared to oasis interior. We also found that nest predation rates were similar for all bird species, suggesting that among-species differences in nest concealment and nesting behaviour did not seem to account for nest survival in the studied oasis. However, further more detailed species-level studies are needed to test this hypothesis and to identify more accurately the determinants of nest predation in the oasis habitat.  相似文献   

The rate at which active animals can expend energy is limited by their maximum aerobic metabolic rate (MMR). Two methods are commonly used to estimate MMR as oxygen uptake in fishes, namely during prolonged swimming or immediately following brief exhaustive exercise, but it is unclear whether they return different estimates of MMR or whether their effectiveness for estimating MMR varies among species with different lifestyles. A broad comparative analysis of MMR data from 121 fish species revealed little evidence of different results between the two methods, either for fishes in general or for species of benthic, benthopelagic or pelagic lifestyles.  相似文献   

Nociception is the detection of a noxious tissue-damaging stimulus and is sometimes accompanied by a reflex response such as withdrawal. Pain perception, as distinct from nociception, has been demonstrated in birds and mammals but has not been systematically studied in lower vertebrates. We assessed whether a fish possessed cutaneous nociceptors capable of detecting noxious stimuli and whether its behaviour was sufficiently adversely affected by the administration of a noxious stimulus. Electrophysiological recordings from trigeminal nerves identified polymodal nociceptors on the head of the trout with physiological properties similar to those described in higher vertebrates. These receptors responded to mechanical pressure, temperatures in the noxious range (more than 40 degrees C) and 1% acetic acid, a noxious substance. In higher vertebrates nociceptive nerves are either A-delta or C fibres with C fibres being the predominating fibre type. However, in the rainbow trout A-delta fibres were most common, and this offers insights into the evolution of nociceptive systems. Administration of noxious substances to the lips of the trout affected both the physiology and the behaviour of the animal and resulted in a significant increase in opercular beat rate and the time taken to resume feeding, as well as anomalous behaviours. This study provides significant evidence of nociception in teleost fishes and furthermore demonstrates that behaviour and physiology are affected over a prolonged period of time, suggesting discomfort.  相似文献   

Endoreduplication was induced in V 79 cells using Colcemid. The concentration of Colcemid necessary to induce endoreduplication is about 1000 times higher than that needed to arrest mitoses or to induce ordinary tetraploid cells. Diplochromosomes with sister chromatid differentiation were obtained by adding BrdU for the duration of one cell cycle prior to the induction of endoreduplication. The induction of endoreduplication with Colcemid had no influence on the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs). Treating the cultures with mitomycin C (MMC) before adding BrdU increased the percentage of endoreduplieated mitoses and also led to marked SCE induction. In the diplochromosomes, the frequencies of both twin SCEs (first cycle) as well as single SCEs (second cycle) were increased. It was also found that the SCE frequencies in mitoses after endoreduplication were lower than the values found in diploid and ordinary tetraploid metaphases of the same preparation. The possible conclusions concerning the lifetime of SCE-inducing lesions and the influence of repair processes are discussed.  相似文献   

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