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Canonical correlations between tooth and long bone dimensions showed a greater correlation for Anglo-Saxons and apes than for Nineteenth Century Londoners, i.e., coefficients of 0.75 for gorilla, 0.72 for chimpanzee, 0.69 for orang-utans, 0.74 for Anglo-Saxons, but 0.53 for Nineteenth Century Londoners. Although based upon limited sample sizes and limited metrical profiles of teeth and long bones, the data support the thesis that modern Europeans are under reduced selection pressure to maintain tooth size compared with apes or ancient man.  相似文献   

European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) are ubiquitous across Australia and have the ability to influence native species directly and indirectly. Despite this, limited research focuses on interspecific interactions between rabbits and native mammals. We aimed to determine how site occupancy, detection probability, and temporal activity periods of native mammals changed in response to the presence or absence of rabbits. We monitored three native mammal species using 85 camera traps in a systematic grid at Mt Rothwell Conservation and Research Reserve (Victoria, Australia), a predator-barrier fenced reserve with two distinct sections—an area with rabbits and an area without. Bettongs (rufous Aepyprymnus rufescens and eastern Bettongia gaimardi), eastern barred bandicoots (Perameles gunni), and southern brown bandicoots (Isoodon obesulus) had a naïve site occupancy of 71%, 42%, and 24%, respectively. Site occupancy for both bandicoot species decreased in areas with more clumping grass with eastern barred bandicoot occupancy increasing with leaf litter cover, and southern brown bandicoots with vegetation height. Rabbit presence did not influence site occupancy of any species. Species detection probabilities were generally positively associated with open vegetation and rabbit presence, except for southern brown bandicoots which were more detectable without rabbits. Both bandicoot species shifted their peak activity periods in the absence of rabbits having an earlier, and more defined activity peak. Our results demonstrate that the presence of rabbits in the absence of invasive predators may not influence the site occupancy of co-occurring native mammals, however, could influence the behaviour of smaller co-occurring mammals, either directly or indirectly.  相似文献   

The relationship of body mass and body fat distribution to blood pressure has been recognized for many years. This relationship has formed the basis for much additional research, including the impact of growth and developmental factors on blood pressure levels. Blood pressure in children is related to somatic growth and is tied to increases in height, skeletal maturation, and sexual maturation. Sexual and ethnic differences in blood pressure levels are already apparent during childhood and may also be related to the process of growth and sexual maturity. Body size exerts a profound influence on a variety of physiological functions, including blood pressure and the onset of sexual maturity. In general, studies have reported a strong linear relationship between height and blood pressure and between body mass and blood pressure such that tracking correlations from childhood to adulthood for both blood pressure and body mass index are significant for most sex and ethnic groups. Studies evaluating the effects of hormone replacement therapy on post-menopausal women have thus far generated results suggesting that the age-related rise of blood pressure is not due directly to hormonal changes associated with menopause. The interrelated effects of growth, maturation, body weight, and body fat are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Environmental influences may modify relationships established much earlier, perhaps as early as prenatally, during infancy, or during early childhood. Directions for future research and implications resulting from the complex relationship between body weight and blood pressure are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Suspensions of collagen fibrils obtained from derma of Elasmobranchia and Actinopterygia of different body sizes and developmental stages were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Fibril diameters were measured and classified into groups comprising a 20 nm diameter interval. Diagrams showing fibril populations of each fish were made. The measurements were averaged and their confidence intervals and standard errors determined. For each species other diagrams were plotted in which the mean diameters were correlated to the body length of each sample. The results show that: 1) a correlation exists between an increase in diameter of collagen fibrils and somatic growth until sexual maturity is reached; 2) fibril populations are subsequently spread over a wider range due to the presence in the derma of classes of newly formed and therefore thinner fibrils. The deposition of new fibrils is possibly influenced by individual factors; 3) no relationship exists between mean fibril diameter and body size; 4) no relationship exists between phylogenetic position and pattern of diameter distribution.Research supported by a grant from C.N.R. Roma (69.02087.0115.1150)  相似文献   

Within a population, only phenotypic variation that is influenced by genes will respond to selection. Genes with pleiotropic effects are known to influence numerous traits, complicating our understanding of their evolution through time. Here we use quantitative genetic analyses to identify and estimate the shared genetic effects between molar size and trunk length in a pedigreed, breeding population of baboons housed at the Southwest National Primate Research Center. While crown area has a genetic correlation with trunk length, specific linear measurements yield different results. We find that variation in molar buccolingual width and trunk length is influenced by overlapping additive genetic effects. In contrast, mesiodistal molar length appears to be genetically independent of body size. This is the first study to demonstrate a significant genetic correlation between tooth size and body size in primates. The evolutionary implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to assess 1) whether the stature-adjusted body mass index (BMI) is a valid proxy for adiposity across both athletic and nonathletic populations, and 2) whether skinfold measurements increase in proportion to body size, thus obeying the principle of geometric similarity. The research design was cross-sectional, allowing the relationship between skinfold calliper readings (at eight sites and between specific athletic and nonathletic groups, n = 478) and body size (either mass, stature, or both) to be explored both collectively, using proportional allometric MANCOVA, and individually (for each site) with follow-up ANCOVAs. Skinfolds increase at a much greater rate relative to body mass than that assumed by geometric similarity, but taller subjects had less rather than more adiposity, calling into question the use of the traditional skinfold-stature adjustment, 170.18/stature. The best body-size index reflective of skinfold measurements was a stature-adjusted body mass index similar to the BMI. However, sporting differences in skinfold thickness persisted, having controlled for differences in body size (approximate BMI) and age, with male strength- and speed-trained athletes having significantly lower skinfolds (32% and 23%, respectively) compared with controls. Similarly, female strength athletes had 29% lower skinfold measurements compared to controls, having controlled for body size and age. These results cast serious doubts on the validity of BMI to represent adiposity accurately and its ability to differentiate between populations. These findings suggest a more valid (less biased) assessment of fatness will be obtained using surface anthropometry such as skinfolds taken by experienced practitioners following established procedures.  相似文献   

The aim was to establish the relationship between simple reaction time in motor response in young adults in relation to their body physique, as represented by body mass index. Forty-five young male participants were allocated to one of three anthropometric groups, based on their body mass index. Participants performed 100 reaction-time trials with instructions to move a joystick, as quickly as possible, as soon as they detected a single star appearing in the centre of a monitor. All data were statistically selected into seven intervals and data from the mode frequency interval were precisely analysed. Participants from the group with greater body mass index reacted significantly slower than others. We did not record group lateral differences based on simple reaction time in each selected group. We recommend for future researchers the importance of identification of the level of body mass index of participants prior to testing them for effectiveness of simple sensori-motor reactions.  相似文献   

King penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) can fast for over a month. However, they return to sea to forage before their body mass reaches a critical value (cMb), beyond which there is an increase in rate of mass loss and in protein catabolism, termed phase III of fasting. Thus when studying king penguins onshore, accurate estimation of their cMb and, in turn, the date at which that body mass would be reached, will be informative to behavioural and physiological data being collected. For penguins being studied during fasts in captivity, knowing cMb is particularly important because of the need to release the birds back into their colony while they are still in good nutritional condition. The present study investigates the validity of using measures of beak, flipper and foot length together to estimate cMb in king penguins and provides a simple and effective prediction equation for researchers. The three morphometric measurements, along with body mass just prior to going to sea after the moult fast (taken to represent cMb), were obtained for nine king penguins in a colony at the Crozet Archipelago. A multiple linear regression of the three morphometric measurements against cMb provided an R 2 of 71.2%. Mean absolute percentage error of the estimate of cMb over the nine birds was 8.82 ± 1.20%. The described technique could probably be employed for estimating cMb in other long-fasting seabirds.  相似文献   

Evenness is a key measure of community structure. Here, we examine the relationship between evenness and size–abundance distributions for both individuals and species using data gathered from Amazonian fish assemblages. We show that evenness increases as the fraction of numerically abundant species in larger body-size classes rises. As any processes that enable larger bodied species to increase their numerical dominance will influence evenness, these results help explain why evenness is an important correlate of ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Relationship between size and mass transfer resistance in aerobic granules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIMS: To investigate the size effect of aerobic granules on mass transfer efficiency by introducing the effective factor and the modified Thiele modulus. METHODS AND RESULTS: Batch experiments of aerobic granules with different sizes were conducted to study the size effect of granules on mass transfer resistance. Results showed that both specific substrate removal and biomass growth rates were size dependent, i.e. reduced rates were observed at big sizes. It was found that the diffusion resistance described by the effective factor and the Thiele modulus increased with the increase of the size of aerobic granules. CONCLUSIONS: The effective factor should be controlled at values higher than 0.44 and the Thiele modulus lower than 1.05 for efficient mass transfer in aerobic granules. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Based on the coupled effective factor and Thiele modulus, an operation guidance including granule radius, kinetics of biomass and environmental conditions could be proposed for stable aerobic granulation.  相似文献   

Size exclusion chromatography is an established technique for the determination of hydrodynamic volumes of proteins or protein complexes. When applied to membrane proteins, the contribution of the detergent micelle, which is required to keep the protein soluble in the aqueous phase, needs to be determined to obtain accurate measurements for the protein. In a detergent series, in which the detergents differ only by the length of the alkyl chain, the contribution of the detergent micelle to the hydrodynamic volume is variable, whereas the contribution of the protein is constant. By using this approach, several parameters of membrane proteins can be estimated by extrapolation, such as the radius at the midpoint of the membrane, the average radius, the Stokes radius, and the excluded volume. The molecular mass of the protein can be determined by two independent measurements that arise from the behaviour of the free detergent micelle and protein-detergent micelle during size exclusion chromatography and the determination of the detergent-protein ratio. Determining the dimensions of protein-detergent micelles may facilitate membrane protein purification and crystallization by defining the accessibility of the protein surface.  相似文献   

  1. We assessed the hypothesized negative correlation between the influence of multiple predators and body condition and fecundity of the European hare, from 13 areas in the Netherlands.
  2. Year‐round abundance of predators was estimated by hunters. We quantified predator influence as the sum of their field metabolic rates, as this sum reflects the daily food requirements of multiple individuals. We determined the ratio between body mass and hindfoot length of hares as an index of body condition and the weight of their adrenal gland as a measure of chronic exposure to stress, and we counted the number of placental scars to estimate fecundity of hares.
  3. As hypothesized, we found that the sum of field metabolic rate of predators was negatively correlated with body condition and the number of placental scars, whereas it was positively related to the weight of the adrenal glands. In contrast to the sum of the field metabolic rate, the total number of predators did not or weakly affect the investigated risk responses.
  4. The sum of the field metabolic rate can be a useful proxy for the influence of multiple predators and takes into account predator abundance, type, body weight, and food requirements of multiple predators.
  5. With our findings, our paper contributes to a better understanding of the risk effects of multiple predators on prey fitness. Additionally, we identify a potential contributor to the decline of European hare populations.

The relations between skull measurements, brain mass, and body mass were investigated in 30 female miniature pigs, being 6 month old. The relatively low correlation coefficients between the variables indicate a high variability in skull shape. We found an allometric exponent of 0.236 for the relation between brain and body mass with a coefficient of determination of 0.29. Both measurements show a highest correlation with the arcus zygomaticus width, which shows close relations with the occipital height and condylobasal length.  相似文献   

  1. Realized trophic niches of predators are often characterized along a one‐dimensional range in predator–prey body mass ratios. This prey range is constrained by an “energy limit” and a “subdue limit” toward small and large prey, respectively. Besides these body mass ratios, maximum speed is an additional key component in most predator–prey interactions.
  2. Here, we extend the concept of a one‐dimensional prey range to a two‐dimensional prey space by incorporating a hump‐shaped speed‐body mass relation. This new “speed limit” additionally constrains trophic niches of predators toward fast prey.
  3. To test this concept of two‐dimensional prey spaces for different hunting strategies (pursuit, group, and ambush predation), we synthesized data on 63 terrestrial mammalian predator–prey interactions, their body masses, and maximum speeds.
  4. We found that pursuit predators hunt smaller and slower prey, whereas group hunters focus on larger but mostly slower prey and ambushers are more flexible. Group hunters and ambushers have evolved different strategies to occupy a similar trophic niche that avoids competition with pursuit predators. Moreover, our concept suggests energetic optima of these hunting strategies along a body mass axis and thereby provides mechanistic explanations for why there are no small group hunters (referred to as “micro‐lions”) or mega‐carnivores (referred to as “mega‐cheetahs”).
  5. Our results demonstrate that advancing the concept of prey ranges to prey spaces by adding the new dimension of speed will foster a new and mechanistic understanding of predator trophic niches and improve our predictions of predator–prey interactions, food web structure, and ecosystem functions.

Measurements of body length (vertex to heel) were abstracted from the field notes of Pan and Gorilla specimens from the Powell-Cotton Museum. Bicondylar femur and humerus length were measured on each skeleton and correlation coefficients with body length were computed. In both the separate sex and the combined sex samples of Gorilla, and in the combined sex sample of Pan, long bone lengths are significantly correlated with body size, but in Pan only 20% of the variance in body length is reflected in the long bone measurements.  相似文献   

This study aimed to establish an allometric scaling relationship between the frequency of intestinal contractions and body mass of different mammalian species. The frequency of intestinal contractions of rabbit, guinea pig, rat and mouse were measured using an isolated organ system. The isolated rings were prepared from proximal segments of jejunums and the frequency of contractions was recorded by an isometric force procedure. The coefficients of the obtained allometric equation were ascertained by computation of least squares after logarithmic transformation of both body mass and frequency. Significant differences (p?<?0.001) were shown in the frequency of contractions between different species. The highest frequency that corresponded to the mice was 57.7 min?1 and the 95% confidence interval (CI) ranged from 45.4 to 70, while rabbits showed the lowest frequency (12.71 min?1, CI: 8.6–16.8). Logarithms of frequency were statistically proportional to logarithms of body mass (r?=?0.99; p?<?0.001). The data fitted an equation $ \mathrm{F}=18.51{{\mathrm{B}}^{-0.31 }} $ and the 95% confidence interval of the exponent ranged from ?0.30 to ?0.32. The results of this study suggest that it is probably possible to extrapolate the intestinal contraction frequency of other mammalian species by the means of allometry scaling.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to explore the relationship between velocity of lactate threshold (vLT) and various measures of body mass and composition: mass, lean mass, fat mass, percent body fat (% fat), and body surface area (BSA). We hypothesized that mass would be inversely related to vLT, and that differences in measures of body mass and composition would account for a significant amount of variability in vLT. A total of 21 healthy male runners served as subjects. Body composition was assessed by hydrostatic weighing. A significant negative relationship (r = -0.759, p < or = 0.01) was between body mass and vLT. The coefficient of determination between vLT and body mass indicated that nearly 58% of the variability in vLT was explained by body mass in these subjects. Significant relationships were also between vLT and BSA (r = -0.72, p < or = 0.01), fat mass (r = -0.70, p < or = 0.01), % fat (r = -0.59, p < or = 0.01), and lean mass (r = -0.41, p < or = 0.05). Linear regression yielded the following model: y = 369.48 - 1.7343 (X), where y = predicted vLT (m.min(-1)) and X = body mass (kilograms) (SEE = 15.45). Velocity of lactate threshold was significantly inversely related with body mass in a group of male runners. The calculated coefficient of determination suggests that nearly 58% of the variability in vLT was explained by body mass. The present data suggest consideration of categorizing participants in 'road runs' by body mass to equate competition, as is done in other sports (e.g., weightlifting).  相似文献   

为了研究鮸的形态性状与体质量之间的关系,测量了524尾12月龄左右鮸的体质量(Y, g)和8个形态性状(cm),包括全长(X1)、体长(X2)、头长(X3)、躯干长(X4)、尾长(X5)、尾柄长(X6)、尾柄高(X7)和体高(X8).采用相关分析、回归分析、通径分析以及模型拟合等方法对其进行分析.结果表明: 鮸所有性状两两之间存在极显著正相关关系,相关系数在0.834~0.941.经共线性诊断排除了体长这一具有严重共线性的性状后,采用逐步引入-剔除法进行多元回归并进行显著性检验,成功筛选出全长(X1)、躯干长(X4)、尾柄高(X7)和体高(X8)4个统计检验极显著的形态性状,并建立多元回归方程:Y =-444.188 +7.943X1 +12.861X4 +38.254X7 + 42.722X8.通径分析结果显示,4个形态性状中,体高对体质量的直接作用最大(通径系数=0.351),全长次之(通径系数=0.335).对全长和体高与体质量之间的函数关系进行曲线模型拟合得出,在6个拟合模型中,幂函数模型拟合效果最好,方程为:y=0.013 x2.891(全长); y=2.028 x2.751(体高).经适合性检验得知,全长比体高通过幂函数对体质量的预测效果更好.研究结果可为鮸的形态性状在选择育种中的有效利用提供重要参考.  相似文献   

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