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Purified plasma membranes of mouse EL4 lymphoma cells were fractionated by means of affinity chromatography on concanavalin A-Sepharose into two subfractions; one (MF1) eluted freely from the affinity column, the second (MF2) adhered specifically to Con A-Sepharose. Both membrane subfractions proved to be of plasma membrane origin, as evidenced by the following criteria. (i) The ratio of cholesterol to phospholipid was nearly identical in plasma membrane and both subfractions. (ii) When isolated plasma membranes were labelled with tritiated NaBH4, both subfractions exhibited identical specific radioactivities. (iii) After enzymatic radioiodination of the cells, the total content of labelled proteins was very similar in isolated plasma membranes and in both subfractions. (iv) Some plasma membrane marker enzymes exhibited nearly identical specific activities in plasma membranes, MF1 or MF2 including gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, 5'-nucleotidase and Mg2+-ATPase. Both subfractions exhibited characteristic differences. Thus the specific activities of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, Ca2+-ATPase and lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase were several-fold enriched in MF2 compared to MF1. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a different polypeptide composition of the two subfractions. Polypeptides of apparent molecular mass of 116, 95, 42, 39, 30 and 28 kDa were highly enriched in MF2, whereas MF1 contained another set of proteins, of apparent molecular mass of 70, 55 and 24 kDa. The phospholipid fatty acid composition of the subfractions proved to be different, as well, MF2 contained more saturated fatty acids than MF1. The data suggest the existence of plasma membrane domains in the plasma membranes of the mouse EL4 lymphoma cells, containing a set of polypeptides, among others membrane bound enzymes, embedded in a different phospholipid milieu.  相似文献   

Summary EL4 lymphoma was grown as an ascitic tumor in the peritoneal cavity of C57Bl/6 mice. Animals with different tumor burdens (either 107 or 109 cells) were treated with a single intraperitoneal injection of BCNU using doses from 20–40 mg/kg. Response as measured by mean survival time and percent survival was dependent on tumor burden and dose of drug. The objective of chemotherapy was to increase the mean survival time, but not the percent survival, in order to evaluate the therapeutic effect of reovirus. Mice were given 108, 109, or 1010 Pfu of reovirus at various times with respect to chemotherapy. The number of mice cured after treatment with both BCNU and reovirus was significantly greater compared to mice treated with BCNU only. Mice cured with combination therapy developed tumor-specific immunity as measured by cytotoxic lymphocytes and serum, and resistance to a lethal tumor challenge. The Abbreviations used are: BCNU: 1,3-bis-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea; Saline: 0.9% NaCl solution; MEM: minimal essential medium; Pfu: plaque-forming units; FCS: fetal calf serum; BME: basal eagle's medium; SSC: sodium citrate-sodium chloride  相似文献   

The EL4 murine lymphoma cell line exists in variant phenotypes that differ with respect to responses to the tumor promoter phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA1). Previous work showed that “PMA-sensitive” cells, characterized by a high magnitude of PMA-induced Erk activation, express RasGRP, a phorbol ester receptor that directly activates Ras. In “PMA-resistant” and “intermediate” EL4 cell lines, PMA induces Erk activation to lesser extents, but with a greater response in intermediate cells. In the current study, these cell lines were used to examine mechanisms of Raf-1 modulation. Phospho-specific antibodies were utilized to define patterns and kinetics of Raf-1 phosphorylation on several sites. Further studies showed that Akt is constitutively activated to a greater extent in PMA-resistant than in PMA-sensitive cells, and also to a greater extent in resistant than intermediate cells. Akt negatively regulates Raf-1 activation (Ser259), partially explaining the difference between resistant and intermediate cells. Erk activation exerts negative feedback on Raf-1 (Ser289/296/301), thus resulting in earlier termination of the signal in cells with a higher level of Erk activation. RKIP, a Raf inhibitory protein, is expressed at higher levels in resistant cells than in sensitive or intermediate cells. Knockdown of RKIP increases Erk activation and also negative feedback. In conclusion, this study delineates Raf-1 phosphorylation events occurring in response to PMA in cell lines with different extents of Erk activation. Variations in the levels of expression and activation of multiple signaling proteins work in an integrated fashion to modulate the extent and duration of Erk activation.  相似文献   

The peripheral TCR V beta repertoire is strongly influenced by the processes of negative selection (deletion) and positive selection in the thymus. In order to investigate whether such selection events influence the V alpha repertoire, we have produced an anti-V alpha 11 mAb. This antibody was made by immunization with a chimeric TCR:Ig protein containing V alpha 11 in place of the VH of an IgG2a, lambda Ig. This scheme optimizes the specificity of immunization and facilitates the screening procedure. The antibody recognizes a panel of V alpha 11-expressing T cell clones. Analysis of mouse strains indicates that the antibody recognizes V alpha 11 only in mice of the C57 background. The expression of the epitope on peripheral T cells is strongly biased to the CD4+ subset, suggesting positive selection of V alpha 11 on class II MHC molecules. In some strain comparisons, the percentage of V alpha 11-expressing T cells in the CD4+ subset was elevated in I-E+ relative to I-E- strains. These data suggest that V alpha 11 can differentially influence the selection of T cells into the CD4+/CD8+ subsets.  相似文献   

We characterized a mutant T -cell lymphoma line selected for the inability to express the Thy-1 glycoprotein. This cell line is a member of the D complementation class of Thy-1 somatic cell mutants, and it lacks detectable cell-surface Thy-1.1 glycoprotein and detectable cytoplasmic Thy-1 mRNA. Southern blot analysis using a number of probes isolated from the clonedThy-1.2 gene demonstrated that, in the mutant, one copy of theThy-1 gene is absent from the genome and the other has undergone rearrangement. This rearrangement results from a deletion of the 5 portion of the gene removing the first two alternate exons and promoters and a portion of the second intron. The deletion breakpoint within the mutantThy-1 gene was localized to within 400 nucleotides by Southern blot analysis. The breakpoint is near two classes of mouse repetitive elements-a mouse B1-family repetitive element and a simple repetitive sequence-suggesting a mechanism of rearrangement leading to the mutation. Southern blot analysis demonstrated that two closely linked molecular markers on chromosome 9 are unaltered, demonstrating that the deletion in this mutant cell line is subchromosomal.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that a chicken polyubiquitin gene (Ub II) not expressed under normal or heat shock conditions in chick fibroblasts is transcribed during spermatogenesis [(1987) Nucleic Acids Res. 15, 9604]. The level of Ub II mRNA is several-fold higher in testis cells than in somatic tissues. The gene Ub II possesses characteristic features not seen in the polyubiquitin gene expressed in heat shock conditions (Ub I). The 5' noncoding region of Ub II shows the consensus cAMP regulatory element (CRE) followed immediately downstream by a CA dinucleotide. It has been proposed that this extended CRE may be involved in the coordinate expression of various genes during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Calcineurin A was purified by calmodulin-Sepharose affinity chromatography from Sf9 cells infected with recombinant baculovirus containing the cDNA of a rat calcineurin A isoform. The Sf9-expressed calcineurin A has a low basal phosphatase activity in the presence of EDTA (0.9 nmol/min/mg) which is stimulated 3-5-fold by Mn2+. Calmodulin increased the Mn2+ stimulated activity 3-5-fold. Bovine brain calcineurin B increased the A subunit activity 10-15-fold, and calmodulin further stimulated the activity of reconstituted A and B subunits 10-15-fold (644 nmol/min/mg). The Km of calcineurin A for 32P-RII pep (a peptide substrate (DLDVPIPGRFDRRVSVAAE) for CaN), was 111 microM with or without calmodulin, and calmodulin increased the Vmax about 4-fold. The Km of reconstituted calcineurin A plus B for 32P-RII pep was 20 microM, and calmodulin increased the Vmax 18-fold without affecting the Km. CaN A467-492, a synthetic autoinhibitory peptide (ITSFEEAKGLDRINERMPPRRDAMP) from calcineurin, inhibited the Mn2+/calmodulin-stimulated activities of the reconstituted enzyme and the A subunit with IC50's of 25 microM and 90 microM, respectively. The reconstitution of the phosphatase activity of an expressed isoform of calcineurin A by purified B subunit and calmodulin may facilitate comparative studies of the regulation of calcineurin A activity by the B subunit and calmodulin.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) proteins are cell-cell contact organizing molecules that mediate targeting, clustering and anchoring of proteins at synapses and other cell junctions. MAGUK proteins may contain multiple protein-protein interaction motifs including PDZ, SH3 and guanylate kinase (GuK) domains. In this study, we performed a detailed analysis of the expression pattern of MPP4, a recently described member of the MAGUK protein family. We confirmed that this gene is highly expressed in retina, and demonstrate that it is also present, at lower levels, in brain. We identified a new retina specific isoform encoding a predicted protein lacking 71 amino acids. This protein region contains a newly identified L27 domain, another module playing a role in protein-protein interaction. By RNA in situ hybridization, Mpp4 expression was found to be localized to photoreceptor cells in postnatal retina. The MPP4 gene is localized to chromosome 2, in band 2q31-33, where a locus for autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (RP26) has been mapped. Mutation analysis of the entire open reading frame of the MPP4 gene in a RP26 family revealed no pathologic mutations. In addition, we did not identify mutations in a panel of 300 unrelated patients with retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   

Characterization of a bacteriophage T4 mutant lacking DNA-dependent ATPase.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
A DNA-dependent ATPase has previously been purified from bacteriophage T4-infected Escherichia coli. A mutant phage strain lacking this enzyme has been isolated and characterized. Although the mutant strain produced no detectable DNA-dependent ATPase, growth properties were not affected. Burst sizes were similar for the mutant phage and T4D in polA1, recB, recC, uvrA, uvrB, uvrC, and various DNA-negative E. coli. UV sensitivity and genetic recombination were normal in a variety of E. coli hosts. Mapping data indicate that the genetic locus controlling the mutant occurs near gene 56. The nonessential nature of this gene is discussed.  相似文献   

We characterized the functional and molecular properties of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) expressed by IMR-32, a human neuroblastoma cell line, and compared them to human alpha3 AChRs expressed in stably transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. IMR-32 cells, like neurons of autonomic ganglia, have been shown to express alpha3, alpha5, alpha7, beta2, and beta4 AChR subunits. From these subunits, several types of alpha3 AChRs as well as homomeric alpha7 AChRs could be formed. However, as we show, the properties of functional AChRs in these cells overwhelmingly reflect alpha3beta4 AChRs. alpha7 AChR function was not detected, yet we estimate that there are 70% as many surface alpha7 AChRs in IMR-32 when compared with alpha3 AChRs. Agonist potencies (EC(50) values) followed the rank order of 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium (DMPP; 16+/-1 microM) > nicotine (Nic; 48 +/- 7 microM) > or = cytisine (Cyt; 57 +/- 3 microM) = acetylcholine (ACh; 59 +/- 6 microM). All agonists exhibited efficacies of at least 80% relative to ACh. The currents showed strong inward rectification and desensitized at a rate of 3 s(-1) (300 microM ACh; -60 mV). Assays that used mAbs confirmed the predominance of alpha3- and beta4-containing AChRs in IMR-32 cells. Although 18% of total alpha3 AChRs contained beta2 subunits, no beta2 subunit was detected on the cell surface. Chronic Nic incubation increased the amount of total, but not surface alpha3beta2 AChRs in IMR-32 cells. Nic incubation and reduced culture temperature increased total and surface AChRs in alpha3beta2 transfected HEK cells. Characterization of various alpha3 AChRs expressed in HEK cell lines revealed that the functional properties of the alpha3beta4 cell line best matched those found for IMR-32 cells. The rank order of agonist potencies (EC(50) values) for this line was DMPP (14 +/- 1 microM) = Cyt (18 +/- 1 microM) > Nic (56 +/- 15 microM > ACh (79 +/- 8 microM). The efficacies of both Cyt and DMPP were approximately 80% when compared with ACh and the desensitization rate was 2 s(-1). These data show that even with the potential to express several human nicotinic AChR subtypes, the functional properties of AChRs expressed by IMR-32 are completely attributable to alpha3beta4 AChRs.  相似文献   

The current (I(p)) generated by the wild-type or the glutamate (E) 779 alanine (A) mutant of the rat Na(+)/K(+) pump alpha1-subunit expressed in HEK 293 cells was studied at 35 degrees C by means of whole-cell recording in Na(+)-free and Na(+)-containing solution. Glutamate 779 is located in the fifth transmembrane domain of the alpha-subunit of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase. Compared with the wild-type, the E779A mutant exhibited an apparent K(+)(o)-affinity decreased by a factor of 3-4 both in Na(+)-free and in Na(+)-containing media. The competition of Na(+)(o) and K(+)(o) for cation binding sites of the pump remained unchanged. Similarly, in Na(+)-free solution the shape of the I(p)-V curves for various external K(+)-concentrations ([K(+)](o)) was essentially the same. However, in Na(+)-containing solutions the shape of I(p)-V curves from cells expressing the mutant of the rat alpha1-subunit clearly differed from the shape observed in cells expressing the wild-type, but voltage dependence of the pump current persisted. A prominent Na(+)(o)-activated, electrogenic Na(+)-transport mediated by the pump, displaying little voltage dependence in the potential range tested (-80 to +60 mV), was present in the cells expressing the E779A mutant pump. The data suggest that exchanging E779 for A in the rat Na(+)/K(+) pump alpha1-subunit causes a modest decrease in the apparent K(+)(o) affinity and a profound, Na(+)(o)-dependent alteration in the electrogenicity of the mutant pump expressed in HEK 293 cells.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha3beta1 (VLA-3) is an adhesion receptor for extracellular matrix proteins including various isoforms of laminin. We have isolated mouse genomic clones encoding the integrin alpha3 subunit and deduced the exon/intron organization. The mouse integrin alpha3 subunit gene is encoded by 26 exons spanning 40 kb. The exon/intron structure of the integrin alpha3 subunit gene resembles that of the integrin alpha6 subunit gene, but differs somewhat from those of other members of the integrin family. We have demonstrated that the cytoplasmic domain splicing variants of the alpha3 subunits (alpha3A and alpha3B) are generated by alternative exon usage. We also cloned the 5'-flanking region and performed a preliminary analysis of its promoter activity in various tumor cell lines with different degrees of integrin alpha3 expression. Following transfection, activity in the luciferase assay was found to be roughly correlated with the expression level of integrin alpha3 as measured by flow cytometry. Furthermore, the luciferase assay was performed with normal and SV-40- or polyoma virus-transformed fibroblasts. In mouse, human, and hamster fibroblasts, higher levels of luciferase expression were observed in transformed cells than in normal cells. This result is consistent with our previous finding that integrin alpha3 expression at both the protein and mRNA levels is enhanced upon oncogenic transformation of fibroblasts by tumor viruses.  相似文献   

Summary To study the mechanism of tumor inhibition, the uptake of methotrexate (MTX) covalently linked to a rabbit IgG antibody against a tumor-associated antigen on the surface of mouse EL4 lymphoma cells (AELG) has been compared with the uptake of free MTX and of MTX covalently linked to normal rabbit IgG (NRG). When EL4 cells were incubated at 37°C with 10 M free MTX uptake leveled off after 30 min, at 30 pmol/mg protein. In contrast, uptake of both conjugates under these conditions continued throughout an observation period of 6 h. At 6 h the net uptake of MTX bound to AELG was 40 pmol/mg protein and that of MTX bound to NRG was 24 pmol/mg protein. These results show that both MTX-AELG and MTX-NRG conjugates are taken up by EL4 cells. The rate at which EL4 cells took up bound MTX was much slower than that of free MTX but, at 6 h, the net uptake of MTX-AELG exceeded that of the free drug. Abbreviations used in this paper: AELG, antiEL4 IgG; NRG, normal rabbit IgG; MTX, methotrexate; PBS, 0.01 M sodium phosphate, pH 7.1, containing 0.145 M sodium chloride  相似文献   

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