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Variation in flowering time and response to overwintering has been exploited to breed brassica vegetables that can be harvested year‐round. Our knowledge of flowering time control now enables the investigation of the molecular basis of this important variation. Here, we show that a major determinant of heading date variation in Brassica oleracea is from variation in vernalization response through allelic variation at FLOWERING LOCUS C.C2 (BoFLC4). We characterize two alleles of BoFLC.C2 that are both functional and confer a requirement for vernalization, but they show distinct expression dynamics in response to cold. Complementation experiments in Arabidopsis thaliana revealed that the allelic variation results from cis polymorphism at BoFLC.C2, which quantitatively influences the degree of cold‐induced epigenetic silencing. This results in one allelic variant conferring consistently later heading under both glasshouse and field conditions through reduced environmental sensitivity. Our results suggest that breeding of brassica varieties for commercially valuable variation in heading date has been achieved through the selection of cis polymorphism at FLC, similar to that underpinning natural variation in A. thaliana. This understanding will allow for the selection of alleles with distinct sensitivities to cold and robust heading dates under variable climatic conditions, and will facilitate the breeding of varieties more resistant to climate change.  相似文献   

Plants constantly monitor changes in photoperiod and temperature throughout the year to synchronize flowering with optimal environmental conditions. In the temperate zones, both photoperiod and temperature fluctuate in a somewhat predictable manner through the seasons, although a transient shift to low temperature is also encountered during changing seasons, such as early spring. Although low temperatures are known to delay flowering by inducing the floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC), it is not fully understood how temperature signals are coordinated with photoperiodic signals in the timing of seasonal flowering. Here, we show that the cold signaling activator INDUCER OF CBF EXPRESSION 1 (ICE1), FLC and the floral promoter SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS 1 (SOC1) constitute an elaborate signaling network that integrates cold signals into flowering pathways. The cold‐activated ICE1 directly induces the gene encoding FLC, which represses SOC1 expression, resulting in delayed flowering. In contrast, under floral promotive conditions, SOC1 inhibits the binding of ICE1 to the promoters of the FLC gene, inducing flowering with a reduction of freezing tolerance. These observations indicate that the ICE1‐FLC‐SOC1 signaling network contributes to the fine‐tuning of flowering during changing seasons.  相似文献   

Root chicory (Cichorium intybus var. sativum) is a biennial crop, but is harvested to obtain root inulin at the end of the first growing season before flowering. However, cold temperatures may vernalize seeds or plantlets, leading to incidental early flowering, and hence understanding the molecular basis of vernalization is important. A MADS box sequence was isolated by RT‐PCR and named FLC‐LIKE1 (CiFL1) because of its phylogenetic positioning within the same clade as the floral repressor Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS C (AtFLC). Moreover, over‐expression of CiFL1 in Arabidopsis caused late flowering and prevented up‐regulation of the AtFLC target FLOWERING LOCUS T by photoperiod, suggesting functional conservation between root chicory and Arabidopsis. Like AtFLC in Arabidopsis, CiFL1 was repressed during vernalization of seeds or plantlets of chicory, but repression of CiFL1 was unstable when the post‐vernalization temperature was favorable to flowering and when it de‐vernalized the plants. This instability of CiFL1 repression may be linked to the bienniality of root chicory compared with the annual lifecycle of Arabidopsis. However, re‐activation of AtFLC was also observed in Arabidopsis when a high temperature treatment was used straight after seed vernalization, eliminating the promotive effect of cold on flowering. Cold‐induced down‐regulation of a MADS box floral repressor and its re‐activation by high temperature thus appear to be conserved features of the vernalization and de‐vernalization responses in distant species.  相似文献   

Spatially varying selection can lead to population‐specific adaptation, which is often recognized at the phenotypic level; however, the genetic evidence is weaker in many groups of organisms. In plants, environmental shifts that occur due to colonization of a novel environment may require adaptive changes in the timing of growth and flowering, which are often governed by location‐specific environmental cues such as day length. We studied locally varying selection in 19 flowering time loci in nine populations of the perennial herb Arabidopsis lyrata, which has a wide but patchy distribution in temperate and boreal regions of the northern hemisphere. The populations differ in their recent population demographic and colonization histories and current environmental conditions, especially in the growing season length. We searched for population‐specific molecular signatures of directional selection by comparing a set of candidate flowering time loci with a genomic reference set within each population using multiple approaches and contrasted the patterns of different populations. The candidate loci possessed approximately 20% of the diversity of the reference loci. On average the flowering time loci had more rare alleles (a smaller Tajima's D) and an excess of highly differentiated sites relative to the reference, suggesting positive selection. The strongest signal of selection was detected in photoperiodic pathway loci in the colonizing populations of Northwestern Europe, whereas no evidence of positive selection was detected in the Central European populations. These findings emphasized the population‐specific nature of selection and suggested that photoperiodic adaptation was important during postglacial colonization of the species.  相似文献   

Large seeds contain more stored resources, and seedlings germinating from large seeds generally cope better with environmental stresses such as shading, competition and thick litter layers, than seedlings germinating from small seeds. A pattern with small‐seeded species being associated with open habitats and large‐seeded species being associated with closed (shaded) habitats has been suggested and supported by comparative studies. However, few studies have assessed the intra‐specific relationship between seed size and recruitment, comparing plant communities differing in canopy cover. Here, seeds from four plant species commonly occurring in ecotones between open and closed habitats (Convallaria majalis, Frangula alnus, Prunus padus and Prunus spinosa) were weighed and sown individually (3200 seeds per species) in open and closed‐canopy sites, and seedling emergence and survival recorded over 3 years. Our results show a generally positive, albeit weak, relationship between seed size and recruitment. In only one of the species, C. majalis, was there an association between closed canopy habitat and a positive seed size effect on recruitment. We conclude that there is a weak selection gradient favouring larger seeds, but that this selection gradient is not clearly related to habitat.  相似文献   

Floral initiation is regulated by various genetic pathways in response to light, temperature, hormones and developmental status; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying the interactions between different genetic pathways are not fully understood. Here, we show that the photoresponsive gene FOF2 (F‐box of flowering 2) negatively regulates flowering. FOF2 encodes a putative F‐box protein that interacts specifically with ASK14, and its overexpression results in later flowering under both long‐day and short‐day photoperiods. Conversely, transgenic plants expressing the F‐box domain deletion mutant of FOF2 (FOF2ΔF), or double loss of function mutant of FOF2 and FOL1 (FOF2‐LIKE 1) present early flowering phenotypes. The late flowering phenotype of the FOF2 overexpression lines is suppressed by the flc‐3 loss‐of‐function mutation. Furthermore, FOF2 mRNA expression is regulated by autonomous pathway gene FCA, and the repressive effect of FOF2 in flowering can be overcome by vernalization. Interestingly, FOF2 expression is regulated by light. The protein level of FOF2 accumulates in response to light, whereas it is degraded under dark conditions via the 26S proteasome pathway. Our findings suggest a possible mechanistic link between light conditions and the autonomous floral promotion pathway in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Knowing the natural dynamics of pathogens in migratory birds is important, for example, to understand the factors that influence the transport of pathogens to and their transmission in new geographical areas, whereas the transmission of other pathogens might be restricted to a specific area. We studied haemosporidian blood parasites of the genera Plasmodium, Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon in a migratory bird, the garden warbler Sylvia borin. Birds were sampled in spring, summer and early autumn at breeding grounds in Sweden, on migration at Capri, Italy and on arrival and departure from wintering staging areas in West Africa: mapping recoveries of garden warblers ringed in Fennoscandia and Capri showed that these sites are most probably on the migratory flyway of garden warblers breeding at Kvismaren. Overall, haemosporidian prevalence was 39%, involving 24 different parasite lineages. Prevalence varied significantly over the migratory cycle, with relatively high prevalence of blood parasites in the population on breeding grounds and at the onset of autumn migration, followed by marked declines in prevalence during migration both on spring and autumn passage. Importantly, we found that when examining circannual variation in the different lineages, significantly different prevalence profiles emerged both between and within genera. Our results suggest that differences in prevalence profiles are the result of either different parasite transmission strategies or coevolution between the host and the various parasite lineages. When separating parasites into common vs. rare lineages, we found that two peaks in the prevalence of rare parasites occur; on arrival at Swedish breeding grounds, and after the wintering period in Africa. Our results stress the importance of appropriate taxonomic resolution when examining host‐parasite interactions, as variation in prevalence both between and within parasite genera can show markedly different patterns.  相似文献   

Differential adaptation to local environmental conditions is thought to be an important driver of speciation. Plants, whose sedentary lifestyle necessitates fine‐tuned adaptation to edaphic conditions such as water availability, are often distributed based on these conditions. Populations occupying water‐limited habitats may employ a variety of strategies, involving numerous phenotypes, to prevent and withstand desiccation. In sympatry, two closely related Mimulus species—M. guttatus and M. nasutus—occupy distinct microhabitats that differ in seasonal water availability. In a common garden experiment, we characterized natural variation within and between sympatric M. guttatus and M. nasutus in the ability to successfully set seed under well‐watered and drought conditions. We also measured key phenotypes for drought adaptation, including developmental timing, plant size, flower size, and stomatal density. Consistent with their microhabitat associations in nature, M. nasutus set seed much more successfully than M. guttatus under water‐limited conditions. This divergence in reproductive output under drought was due to differences in mortality after the onset of flowering, with M. nasutus surviving at a much higher rate than M. guttatus. Higher seed set in M. nasutus was mediated, at least in part, by a plastic increase in the rate of late‐stage development (i.e., fruit maturation), consistent with the ability of this species to inhabit more ephemeral habitats in the field. Our results suggest adaptation to water availability may be an important factor in species maintenance of these Mimulus taxa in sympatry.  相似文献   

Annualization of woody perennials has the potential to revolutionize the breeding and production of fruit crops and rapidly improve horticultural species. Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) is a recently domesticated fruit crop with a short history of breeding and tremendous potential for improvement. Previously, multiple kiwifruit CENTRORADIALIS (CEN)‐like genes have been identified as potential repressors of flowering. In this study, CRISPR/Cas9‐ mediated manipulation enabled functional analysis of kiwifruit CEN‐like genes AcCEN4 and AcCEN. Mutation of these genes transformed a climbing woody perennial, which develops axillary inflorescences after many years of juvenility, into a compact plant with rapid terminal flower and fruit development. The number of affected genes and alleles and severity of detected mutations correlated with the precocity and change in plant stature, suggesting that a bi‐allelic mutation of either AcCEN4 or AcCEN may be sufficient for early flowering, whereas mutations affecting both genes further contributed to precocity and enhanced the compact growth habit. CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated mutagenesis of AcCEN4 and AcCEN may be a valuable means to engineer Actinidia amenable for accelerated breeding, indoor farming and cultivation as an annual crop.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing number of genomic tools, identifying the genetics underlying adaptive complex traits remains challenging in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana. This is due, at least in part, to the lack of data on the geographical scale of adaptive phenotypic variation. The aims of this study were (i) to tease apart the historical roles of adaptive and nonselective processes in shaping phenological variation in A. thaliana in France and (ii) to gain insights into the spatial scale of adaptive variation by identifying the putative selective agents responsible for this selection. Forty‐nine natural stands from four climatically contrasted French regions were characterized (i) phenologically for six traits, (ii) genetically using 135 SNP markers and (iii) ecologically for 42 variables. Up to 63% of phenological variation could be explained by neutral genetic diversity. The remaining phenological variation displayed stronger associations with ecological variation within regions than among regions, suggesting the importance of local selective agents in shaping adaptive phenological variation. Although climatic conditions have often been suggested as the main selective agents acting on phenology in A. thaliana, both edaphic conditions and interspecific competition appear to be strong selective agents in some regions. In a first attempt to identify the genetics of phenological variation at different geographical scales, we phenotyped worldwide accessions and local polymorphic populations from the French RegMap in a genome‐wide association (GWA) mapping study. The genomic regions associated with phenological variation depended upon the geographical scale considered, stressing the need to account for the scale of adaptive phenotypic variation when choosing accession panels for GWAS.  相似文献   

Germination is determined by the depth of primary dormancy and the dynamics of secondary dormancy induction. We assess how dark imbibition at cool temperatures influences primary dormancy breakage and secondary dormancy induction, and how the depth of primary dormancy influences secondary dormancy induction. We manipulated primary dormancy by maturing seeds at two temperatures (‘pre‐dispersal’) known to induce different levels of primary dormancy, and by employing genotypes that differ in primary dormancy. To assess primary dormancy breakage and secondary dormancy induction, seeds of each genotype and maturation treatment were imbibed in the dark at one of four temperatures (‘post‐dispersal’) for one of three durations. Germination proportions were recorded. Seed ‐ maturation condition and genotype influenced the degree of primary dormancy breakage in response to dark stratification and in the optimal temperature for dormancy breakage. Secondary dormancy induction was strongest in cool‐matured seeds and seeds stratified at warmer temperatures for longer durations. These effects were consistent across genotypes. Maturation temperature influenced the expression of genetic variation for primary but not secondary dormancy, which showed little genetic variation. Seed‐maturation temperature influenced primary and secondary dormancy induction by dark imbibition, and it also influenced the expression of genetic variation for temperature‐dependent dormancy breakage. Cool seed‐maturation induced primary dormancy in a genotype‐specific manner and enhanced secondary dormancy induction. Post‐dispersal temperature also influenced primary dormancy breakage and secondary dormancy induction. The observed interactions between primary and secondary dormancy, and between pre‐ and post‐dispersal temperature, are expected to influence life‐history expression in nature.  相似文献   

The vast number of undescribed species and the fast rate of biodiversity loss call for new approaches to speed up alpha taxonomy. A plethora of methods for delimiting species or operational taxonomic units (OTUs) based on sequence data have been published in recent years. We test the ability of four delimitation methods (BIN, ABGD, GMYC, PTP) to reproduce established species boundaries on a carefully curated DNA barcode data set of 1870 North European beetle species. We also explore how sampling effort, intraspecific variation, nearest neighbour divergence and nonmonophyly affect the OTU delimitations. All methods produced approximately 90% identity between species and OTUs. The effects of variation and sampling differed between methods. ABGD was sensitive to singleton sequences, while GMYC showed tendencies for oversplitting. The best fit between species and OTUs was achieved using simple rules to find consensus between discordant OTU delimitations. Using several approaches simultaneously allows the methods to compensate for each other's weaknesses. Barcode‐based OTU‐picking is an efficient way to delimit putative species from large data sets where the use of more sophisticated methods based on multilocus or genomic data is not feasible.  相似文献   

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