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Genetic exchange by hybridization or admixture can make an important contribution to evolution, and introgression of favourable alleles can facilitate adaptation to new environments. A small number of honeybees (Apis mellifera) with African ancestry were introduced to Brazil ~60 years ago, which dispersed and hybridized with existing managed populations of European origin, quickly spreading across much of the Americas in an example of a massive biological invasion. Here, we analyse whole‐genome sequences of 32 Africanized honeybees sampled from throughout Brazil to study the effect of this process on genome diversity. By comparison with ancestral populations from Europe and Africa, we infer that these samples have 84% African ancestry, with the remainder from western European populations. However, this proportion varies across the genome and we identify signals of positive selection in regions with high European ancestry proportions. These observations are largely driven by one large gene‐rich 1.4‐Mbp segment on chromosome 11 where European haplotypes are present at a significantly elevated frequency and likely confer an adaptive advantage in the Africanized honeybee population. This region has previously been implicated in reproductive traits and foraging behaviour in worker bees. Finally, by analysing the distribution of ancestry tract lengths in the context of the known time of the admixture event, we are able to infer an average generation time of 2.0 years. Our analysis highlights the processes by which populations of mixed genetic ancestry form and adapt to new environments.  相似文献   

Honey bee venom toxins trigger immunological, physiological, and neurological responses within victims. The high occurrence of bee attacks involving potentially fatal toxic and allergic reactions in humans and the prospect of developing novel pharmaceuticals make honey bee venom an attractive target for proteomic studies. Using label‐free quantification, we compared the proteome and phosphoproteome of the venom of Africanized honeybees with that of two European subspecies, namely Apis mellifera ligustica and A. m. carnica. From the total of 51 proteins, 42 were common to all three subspecies. Remarkably, the toxins melittin and icarapin were phosphorylated. In all venoms, icarapin was phosphorylated at the 205Ser residue, which is located in close proximity to its known antigenic site. Melittin, the major toxin of honeybee venoms, was phosphorylated in all venoms at the 10Thr and 18Ser residues. 18Ser phosphorylated melittin—the major of its two phosphorylated forms—was less toxic compared to the native peptide.  相似文献   

空间诱变条件下蜜蜂后代的波动性不对称   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭军  罗其花 《昆虫知识》2009,46(4):542-546
利用航天搭载的雄蜂精液对处女王进行人工授精,产卵后大量培育后代蜂王;以SP1、SP2及SP3代蜂王后代工蜂为研究对象,考查波动性不对称(fluctuating asymmetry,FA)在不同代次种群中各对称性状间的表现情况。结果表明:SP1、SP2和SP3代工蜂的前翅长及肘脉a均表现出FA,SP1、SP2代的对照组中均未出现,而SP3代的对照组蜂群则全部表现出FA;与对照蜂群相比,空间诱变后代的前翅长及翅脉a的FA值均较高。此外,讨论FA在蜜蜂种群对生态环境适应性上应用以及利用蜜蜂的FA来监测环境污染的可能性及发展前景。  相似文献   

Lateralization is a well-described phenomenon in humans and other vertebrates and there are interesting parallels across a variety of different vertebrate species. However, there are only a few studies of lateralization in invertebrates. In a recent report, we showed lateralization of olfactory learning in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). Here, we investigate lateralization of another sensory modality, vision. By training honeybees on a modified version of a visual proboscis extension reflex task, we find that bees learn a colour stimulus better with their right eye.  相似文献   

蜜蜂卵黄原蛋白的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卵黄蛋白不仅为胚胎发生提供营养物质,它在生物体内还具有其他的生物学功能。昆虫卵黄蛋白是昆虫卵内的营养储备,它的前体主要来源于脂肪体的雌性特异血蛋白——卵黄原蛋白(Vg),它是近年来昆虫生理学和生化学最活跃的领域之一,文章介绍蜜蜂卵黄原蛋白在蜜蜂生殖过程中的作用,以及与蜜蜂社会性生活及寿命的关系。  相似文献   

Adaptation across environmental gradients has been demonstrated in numerous systems with extensive dispersal, despite high gene flow and consequently low genetic structure. The speed and mechanisms by which such adaptation occurs remain poorly resolved, but are critical to understanding species spread and persistence in a changing world. Here, we investigate these mechanisms in the European green crab Carcinus maenas, a globally distributed invader. We focus on a northwestern Pacific population that spread across >12 degrees of latitude in 10 years from a single source, following its introduction <35 years ago. Using six locations spanning >1500 km, we examine genetic structure using 9376 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We find high connectivity among five locations, with significant structure between these locations and an enclosed lagoon with limited connectivity to the coast. Among the five highly connected locations, the only structure observed was a cline driven by a handful of SNPs strongly associated with latitude and winter temperature. These SNPs are almost exclusively found in a large cluster of genes in strong linkage disequilibrium that was previously identified as a candidate for cold tolerance adaptation in this species. This region may represent a balanced polymorphism that evolved to promote rapid adaptation in variable environments despite high gene flow, and which now contributes to successful invasion and spread in a novel environment. This research suggests an answer to the paradox of genetically depauperate yet successful invaders: populations may be able to adapt via a few variants of large effect despite low overall diversity.  相似文献   

蜂王体内的精子贮存   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜜蜂最重要的生殖特征是一雌多雄交配,蜂王交配后将精子贮存于受精囊中长达数年之久,并仍能保持活力。这些特征使蜜蜂成为研究精子长期贮存的模式动物。文章介绍蜂王的交配和精子贮存过程,精子贮存器官,贮存过程中的精子竞争和隐秘雌性选择,以及蜂王精子的长期贮存机制,并对将来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

农药对蜜蜂行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农药对蜜蜂的安全性评价包括在实验室以及更高层次的半大田和大田水平上的研究。蜜蜂行为是蜜蜂机体是否正常的直接表现,因此也是安全性评价的重要指标。文章概述农药对蜜蜂行为的影响,包括蜂王产卵行为,工蜂分工、采集行为、同群和外群工蜂辨别、学习行为和农药对蜜蜂的驱避性。  相似文献   

For a reward of sugar, bees will learn to prefer a pattern rather than an alternative similar one. This visual discrimination allows us to measure resolution, and to search for the cues that the bees remember and later use to recognize the rewarded pattern. Two systems in parallel, analogous to low pass and high pass filters, are distinguished. The first system discriminates the location and size of at least one area of contrast on each side of the target, with inputs from blue and green receptors, but the ability to discriminate the location of colour depends upon fixation. The bees remember less than a low resolution copy of the image, even when they fixate on a vertical pattern. The second system amplifies the contrast at edges in the pattern, ignoring the direction of contrast, and controls fixation upon the target. Edges are discriminated according to their orientation and radial or tangential arrangement. An axis of bilateral symmetry is detected. However, the relative locations of cues within the image are lost, apparently because the relevant neurones have very large fields. Only the cues, not the whole patterns, are preserved in memory. This system is colour blind because its input is restricted to the receptors with peak sensitivity in the green. The two systems together discriminate many simple patterns, but not all, because the filters are limited in variety.  相似文献   

As yet, certain aspects of the Africanization process are not well understood, for example, the reproductive behavior of African and European honeybees and how the first Africanized swarms were formed and spread. Drone congregation areas (DCAs) are the ideal place to study honeybee reproduction under natural conditions since hundreds of drones from various colonies gather together in the same geographical area for mating. In the present study, we assessed the genetic structure of seven drone congregations and four commercial European-derived and Africanized apiaries in southern Brazil, employing seven microsatellite loci for this purpose. We also estimated the number of mother-colonies that drones of a specific DCA originated from. Pairwise comparison failed to reveal any population sub-structuring among the DCAs, thus indicating low mutual genetic differentiation. We also observed high genetic similarity between colonies of commercial apiaries and DCAs, besides a slight contribution from a European-derived apiary to a DCA formed nearby. Africanized DCAs seem to have a somewhat different genetic structure when compared to the European.  相似文献   

Role of hydrocarbons in egg recognition in the honeybee   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. Despite worker‐laid and queen‐laid honeybee eggs having significantly different hydrocarbon profiles, bioassays and chemical supplementation studies show that changing the hydrocarbon profile does not affect egg identity. Furthermore, full‐sized eggs that are tested just before being laid or just after being laid have similar hydrocarbon patterns but are treated differently in egg‐discrimination bioassays with only the laid eggs surviving. This suggests that hydrocarbons play no role in the egg‐recognition system in honeybees.  相似文献   

赵慧霞  郑火青  胡福良 《昆虫知识》2012,49(5):1385-1391
蜜蜂Apis mellifera L.是神经生物学研究的重要模式生物。尽管工蜂脑的体积不足1mm3,包含的神经元数量不到百万,但却拥有丰富的个体和社会行为,甚至还有学习、记忆、认知等高级行为。如此微小的大脑也是通过不同结构分区来实现其丰富复杂的行为。本文对蜜蜂大脑的精细解剖结构以及脑区功能研究进行了综述,为昆虫科学和神经生物学研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Introduced species frequently show geographic differentiation, and when differentiation mirrors the ancestral range, it is often taken as evidence of adaptive evolution. The mouse-ear cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) was introduced to North America from Eurasia 150-200 years ago, providing an opportunity to study parallel adaptation in a genetic model organism. Here, we test for clinal variation in flowering time using 199 North American (NA) accessions of A. thaliana, and evaluate the contributions of major flowering time genes FRI, FLC, and PHYC as well as potential ecological mechanisms underlying differentiation. We find evidence for substantial within population genetic variation in quantitative traits and flowering time, and putatively adaptive longitudinal differentiation, despite low levels of variation at FRI, FLC, and PHYC and genome-wide reductions in population structure relative to Eurasian (EA) samples. The observed longitudinal cline in flowering time in North America is parallel to an EA cline, robust to the effects of population structure, and associated with geographic variation in winter precipitation and temperature. We detected major effects of FRI on quantitative traits associated with reproductive fitness, although the haplotype associated with higher fitness remains rare in North America. Collectively, our results suggest the evolution of parallel flowering time clines through novel genetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

As humans cause the redistribution of species ranges, hybridization between previously allopatric species is on the rise. Such hybridization can have complex effects on overall fitness of native species as new allelic combinations are tested. Widespread species introductions provide a unique opportunity to study selection on introgressed alleles in independent, replicated populations. We examined selection on alleles that repeatedly introgressed from introduced rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) into native westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) populations in western Canada. We found that the degree of introgression of individual single nucleotide polymorphisms from the invasive species into the native is correlated between independent watersheds. A number of rainbow trout alleles have repeatedly swept to high frequency in native populations, suggesting parallel adaptive advantages. Using simulations, we estimated large selection coefficients up to 0.05 favoring several rainbow trout alleles in the native background. Although previous studies have found reduced hybrid fitness and genome‐wide resistance to introgression in westslope cutthroat trout, our results suggest that some introduced genomic regions are strongly favored by selection. Our study demonstrates the utility of replicated introductions as case studies for understanding parallel adaptation and the interactions between selection and introgression across the genome. We suggest that understanding this variation, including consideration of beneficial alleles, can inform management strategies for hybridizing species.  相似文献   

Genotype at the sex-determining locus in the honeybee, Apis mellifera, is identified by brood viability levels.  相似文献   

The fire ant Solenopsis invicta and its close relatives are highly invasive. Enhanced social cooperation may facilitate invasiveness in these and other invasive ant species. We investigated whether invasiveness in Solenopsis fire ants was accompanied by positive selection on sociobiological traits by applying a phylogenomics approach to infer ancient selection, and a population genomics approach to infer recent and ongoing selection in both native and introduced S. invicta populations. A combination of whole‐genome sequencing of 40 haploid males and reduced‐representation genomic sequencing of 112 diploid workers identified 1,758,116 and 169,682 polymorphic markers, respectively. The resulting high‐resolution maps of genomic polymorphism provide high inference power to test for positive selection. Our analyses provide evidence of positive selection on putative ion channel genes, which are implicated in neurological functions, and on vitellogenin, which is a key regulator of development and caste determination. Furthermore, molecular functions implicated in pheromonal signalling have experienced recent positive selection. Genes with signatures of positive selection were significantly more often those overexpressed in workers compared with queens and males, suggesting that worker traits are under stronger selection than queen and male traits. These results provide insights into selection pressures and ongoing adaptation in an invasive social insect and support the hypothesis that sociobiological traits are under more positive selection than nonsocial traits in such invasive species.  相似文献   

The Kenyon cells (K cells) or intrinsic neurones of the honeybee's mushroom bodies are organised as a series of arrays. In the calyces the arrays form concentric rings that are represented by rectilinear layers in the α and β lobes. The inputs to the calyces have been revealed by intraneuropilar cobalt injection into the optic and antennal lobes. Neurones from the medulla project to the collar neuropil of the calyx while the relay neurones of the antennal lobe project to the lip neuropil of the calyx. Extrinsic neurones of unknown polarity penetrating the α and β lobes have branching patterns that reflect the layered pattern of the intrinsic neurones. The study illustrates the feasibility of producing a fine grain map of the optic lobe and antennal lobe inputs to the mushroom bodies. It is suggested that the map could be produced by making cobalt injections into individual identified antennal glomeruli and at known sites in the medulla retinotopic mosaic.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of enzyme variation has been of central interest in population genetics. Yet, how natural selection operates on enzymes in the larger context of biochemical pathways has not been broadly explored. A basic expectation is that natural selection on metabolic phenotypes will target enzymes that control metabolic flux, but how adaptive variation is distributed among enzymes in metabolic networks is poorly understood. Here, we use population genetic methods to identify enzymes responding to adaptive selection in the pathways of central metabolism in Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans. We report polymorphism and divergence data for 17 genes that encode enzymes of 5 metabolic pathways that converge at glucose-6-phosphate (G6P). Deviations from neutral expectations were observed at five loci. Of the 10 genes that encode the enzymes of glycolysis, only aldolase (Ald) deviated from neutrality. The other 4 genes that were inconsistent with neutral evolution (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase [G6pd]), phosphoglucomutase [Pgm], trehalose-6-phosphate synthetase [Tps1], and glucose-6phosphatase [G6pase] encode G6P branch point enzymes that catalyze reactions at the entry point to the pentose-phosphate, glycogenic, trehalose synthesis, and gluconeogenic pathways. We reconcile these results with population genetics theory and existing arguments on metabolic regulation and propose that the incidence of adaptive selection in this system is related to the distribution of flux control. The data suggest that adaptive evolution of G6P branch point enzymes may have special significance in metabolic adaptation.  相似文献   

1. The honeybee Apis mellifera is of huge worldwide economic importance in the pollination of crops for human consumption. In recent years, honeybee populations have declined under pressure from diseases and pests. Climate change is increasingly being viewed as an additional threat to honeybees and yet only limited research has been carried out in this area. 2. This paper reports the advance of the first cleansing flight (‘spring cleaning’) of the honeybee in Poznań, Poland, i.e. flights to excrete faeces, over a month in the period 1985–2009. The timing of this flight is advanced not only by higher late winter/spring temperatures but also by higher temperatures in the previous summer and autumn. 3. This earlier activity gives hope that the reported earlier flowering of many native and cultivated species will not cause a pollination synchrony crisis.  相似文献   

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