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In the past few decades, population genetics and phylogeographic studies have improved our knowledge of connectivity and population demography in marine environments. Studies of deep‐sea hydrothermal vent populations have identified barriers to gene flow, hybrid zones, and demographic events, such as historical population expansions and contractions. These deep‐sea studies, however, used few loci, which limit the amount of information they provided for coalescent analysis and thus our ability to confidently test complex population dynamics scenarios. In this study, we investigated population structure, demographic history, and gene flow directionality among four Western Pacific hydrothermal vent populations of the vent limpet Lepetodrilus aff. schrolli. These vent sites are located in the Manus and Lau back‐arc basins, currently of great interest for deep‐sea mineral extraction. A total of 42 loci were sequenced from each individual using high‐throughput amplicon sequencing. Amplicon sequences were analyzed using both genetic variant clustering methods and evolutionary coalescent approaches. Like most previously investigated vent species in the South Pacific, L. aff. schrolli showed no genetic structure within basins but significant differentiation between basins. We inferred significant directional gene flow from Manus Basin to Lau Basin, with low to no gene flow in the opposite direction. This study is one of the very few marine population studies using >10 loci for coalescent analysis and serves as a guide for future marine population studies.  相似文献   

Although metazoan animals in the mesopelagic zone play critical roles in deep pelagic food webs and in the attenuation of carbon in midwaters, the diversity of these assemblages is not fully known. A metabarcoding survey of mesozooplankton diversity across the epipelagic, mesopelagic and upper bathypelagic zones (0–1500 m) in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre revealed far higher estimates of species richness than expected given prior morphology‐based studies in the region (4,024 OTUs, 10‐fold increase), despite conservative bioinformatic processing. Operational taxonomic unit (OTU) richness of the full assemblage peaked at lower epipelagic–upper mesopelagic depths (100–300 m), with slight shoaling of maximal richness at night due to diel vertical migration, in contrast to expectations of a deep mesopelagic diversity maximum as reported for several plankton groups in early systematic and zoogeographic studies. Four distinct depth‐stratified species assemblages were identified, with faunal transitions occurring at 100 m, 300 m and 500 m. Highest diversity occurred in the smallest zooplankton size fractions (0.2–0.5 mm), which had significantly lower % OTUs classified due to poor representation in reference databases, suggesting a deep reservoir of poorly understood diversity in the smallest metazoan animals. A diverse meroplankton assemblage also was detected (350 OTUs), including larvae of both shallow and deep living benthic species. Our results provide some of the first insights into the hidden diversity present in zooplankton assemblages in midwaters, and a molecular reappraisal of vertical gradients in species richness, depth distributions and community composition for the full zooplankton assemblage across the epipelagic, mesopelagic and upper bathypelagic zones.  相似文献   

We report the first comparative population genetics study for vent fauna in the Southern Ocean using cytochrome C oxidase I and microsatellite markers. Three species are examined: the kiwaid squat lobster, Kiwa tyleri, the peltospirid gastropod, Gigantopelta chessoia, and a lepetodrilid limpet, Lepetodrilus sp., collected from vent fields 440 km apart on the East Scotia Ridge (ESR) and from the Kemp Caldera on the South Sandwich Island Arc, ~95 km eastwards. We report no differentiation for all species across the ESR, consistent with panmixia or recent range expansions. A lack of differentiation is notable for Kiwa tyleri, which exhibits extremely abbreviated lecithotrophic larval development, suggestive of a very limited dispersal range. Larval lifespans may, however, be extended by low temperature‐induced metabolic rate reduction in the Southern Ocean, muting the impact of dispersal strategy on patterns of population structure. COI diversity patterns suggest all species experienced demographic bottlenecks or selective sweeps in the past million years and possibly at different times. ESR and Kemp limpets are divergent, although with evidence of very recent ESR‐Kemp immigration. Their divergence, possibility indicative of incipient speciation, along with the absence of the other two species at Kemp, may be the consequence of differing dispersal capabilities across a ~1000 m depth range and/or different selective regimes between the two areas. Estimates of historic and recent limpet gene flow between the ESR and Kemp are consistent with predominantly easterly currents and potentially therefore, cross‐axis currents on the ESR, with biogeographic implications for the region.  相似文献   

A new phaeodarian species, characterized by the presence of long developed side branches recurved proximally and distally on the surface of its radial tube, was described as Auloscena pleuroclada. This new species was only collected from the layers below the 250 m depth in the Sea of Japan. They have never been found in the shallower layers (above 250 m) of this sea or in other investigated areas. The distribution of the present new species is presumably restricted within the deep water of this area, and this species could be a specific phaeodarian adapted to the deep‐sea environment.  相似文献   

Analysis of maximum depth of occurrence of 11 952 marine fish species shows a global decrease in species number (N) with depth (x; m): log10N = ?0·000422x + 3·610000 (r2 = 0·948). The rate of decrease is close to global estimates for change in pelagic and benthic biomass with depth (?0·000430), indicating that species richness of fishes may be limited by food energy availability in the deep sea. The slopes for the Classes Myxini (?0·000488) and Actinopterygii (?0·000413) follow this trend but Chondrichthyes decrease more rapidly (?0·000731) implying deficiency in ability to colonize the deep sea. Maximum depths attained are 2743, 4156 and 8370 m for Myxini, Chondrichthyes and Actinopterygii, respectively. Endemic species occur in abundance at 7–7800 m depth in hadal trenches but appear to be absent from the deepest parts of the oceans, >9000 m deep. There have been six global oceanic anoxic events (OAE) since the origin of the major fish taxa in the Devonian c. 400 million years ago (mya ). Colonization of the deep sea has taken place largely since the most recent OAE in the Cretaceous 94 mya when the Atlantic Ocean opened up. Patterns of global oceanic circulation oxygenating the deep ocean basins became established coinciding with a period of teleost diversification and appearance of the Acanthopterygii. Within the Actinopterygii, there is a trend for greater invasion of the deep sea by the lower taxa in accordance with the Andriashev paradigm. Here, 31 deep‐sea families of Actinopterygii were identified with mean maximum depth >1000 m and with >10 species. Those with most of their constituent species living shallower than 1000 m are proposed as invasive, with extinctions in the deep being continuously balanced by export of species from shallow seas. Specialized families with most species deeper than 1000 m are termed deep‐sea endemics in this study; these appear to persist in the deep by virtue of global distribution enabling recovery from regional extinctions. Deep‐sea invasive families such as Ophidiidae and Liparidae make the greatest contribution to fish fauna at depths >6000 m.  相似文献   

With anthropogenic impacts rapidly advancing into deeper waters, there is growing interest in establishing deep‐sea marine protected areas (MPAs) or reserves. Reserve design depends on estimates of connectivity and scales of dispersal for the taxa of interest. Deep‐sea taxa are hypothesized to disperse greater distances than shallow‐water taxa, which implies that reserves would need to be larger in size and networks could be more widely spaced; however, this paradigm has not been tested. We compiled population genetic studies of deep‐sea fauna and estimated dispersal distances for 51 studies using a method based on isolation‐by‐distance slopes. Estimates of dispersal distance ranged from 0.24 km to 2028 km with a geometric mean of 33.2 km and differed in relation to taxonomic and life‐history factors as well as several study parameters. Dispersal distances were generally greater for fishes than invertebrates with the Mollusca being the least dispersive sampled phylum. Species that are pelagic as adults were more dispersive than those with sessile or sedentary lifestyles. Benthic species from soft‐substrate habitats were generally less dispersive than species from hard substrate, demersal or pelagic habitats. As expected, species with pelagic and/or feeding (planktotrophic) larvae were more dispersive than other larval types. Many of these comparisons were confounded by taxonomic or other life‐history differences (e.g. fishes being more dispersive than invertebrates) making any simple interpretation difficult. Our results provide the first rough estimate of the range of dispersal distances in the deep sea and allow comparisons to shallow‐water assemblages. Overall, dispersal distances were greater for deeper taxa, although the differences were not large (0.3–0.6 orders of magnitude between means), and imbalanced sampling of shallow and deep taxa complicates any simple interpretation. Our analyses suggest the scales of dispersal and connectivity for reserve design in the deep sea might be comparable to or slightly larger than those in shallow water. Deep‐sea reserve design will need to consider the enormous variety of taxa, life histories, hydrodynamics, spatial configuration of habitats and patterns of species distributions. The many caveats of our analyses provide a strong impetus for substantial future efforts to assess connectivity of deep‐sea species from a variety of habitats, taxonomic groups and depth zones.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have addressed the migration and dive behaviour of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina), questions remain about their habitat use in the marine environment. We report on the vertical use of the water column in the species and the potential lifetime implications for southern elephant seals from Marion Island. Long-term mark-resight data were used to complement vertical habitat use for 35 known individuals tagged with satellite-relay data loggers, resulting in cumulative depth use extrapolated for each individual over its estimated lifespan. Seals spent on average 77.59% of their lives diving at sea, 7.06% at the sea surface, and 15.35% hauled out on land. Some segregation was observed in maximum dive depths and depth use between male and female animals—males evidently being physiologically more capable of exploiting increased depths. Females and males spent 86.98 and 80.89% of their lives at sea, respectively. While at sea, all animals spent more time between 300 and 400 m depth, than any other depth category. Males and females spent comparable percentages of their lifetimes below 100 m depth (males: 65.54%; females: 68.92%), though males spent 8.98% of their lives at depths in excess of 700 m, compared to females’ 1.84% at such depths. Adult males often performed benthic dives in excess of 2,000 m, including the deepest known recorded dive of any air-breathing vertebrate (>2,133 m). Our results provide a close approximation of vertical habitat use by southern elephant seals, extrapolated over their lifespans, and we discuss some physiological and developmental implications of their variable depth use.  相似文献   

Predation and food consumption of five deep‐sea fish species living below 1000 m depth in the western Mediterranean Sea were analysed to identify the feeding patterns and food requirements of a deep‐sea fish assemblage. A feeding rhythm was observed for Risso's smooth‐head Alepocephalus rostratus, Mediterranean grenadier Coryphaenoides mediterraeus and Mediterranean codling Lepidion lepidion. Differences in the patterns of the prey consumed suggest that feeding rhythms at such depths are linked with prey availability. The diets of those predators with feeding rhythms are based principally on active‐swimmer prey, including pelagic prey known to perform vertical migrations. The diets of Günther's grenadier Coryphaenoides guentheri and smallmouth spiny eel Polyacanthonotus rissoanus, which did not show any rhythm in their feeding patterns, are based mainly on benthic prey. Food consumption estimates were low (<1% of body wet mass day?1). Pelagic feeding species showing diel feeding rhythms consumed more food than benthic feeding species with no feeding rhythms.  相似文献   

The deep ocean supports a highly diverse and mostly endemic fauna, yet little is known about how or where new species form in this remote ecosystem. How speciation occurs is especially intriguing in the deep sea because few obvious barriers exist that would disrupt gene flow. Geographic and bathymetric patterns of genetic variation can provide key insights into how and where new species form. We quantified the population genetic structure of a protobranch bivalve, Neilonella salicensis, along a depth gradient (2200–3800 m) in the western North Atlantic using both nuclear (28S and calmodulin intron) and mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) loci. A sharp genetic break occurred for each locus between populations above 2800 m and below 3200 m, defining two distinct clades with no nuclear or mitochondrial haplotypes shared between depth regimes. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses provided strong support for two clades, separated by depth, within N. salicensis. Although no morphological divergence was apparent, we suggest that the depth‐related population genetic and phylogenetic divergence is indicative of a cryptic species. The frequent occurrence of various stages of divergence associated with species formation along bathymetric gradients suggests that depth, and the environmental gradients that attend changes in depth, probably play a fundamental role in the diversification of marine organisms, especially in deep water. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 897–913.  相似文献   

Owing to the paucity of data on the red muscle of deep‐sea fishes, the goal of this study was to determine the proportions of red muscle in demersal fishes and its enzymatic activities to characterize how routine swimming abilities change with depths of occurrence. Cross sectional analysis of the trunk musculature was used to evaluate the proportion of red muscle in 38 species of Californian demersal fishes living at depths between 100 and 3000 m. The activity of metabolic enzymes was also assayed in a sub‐set of 18 species. Benthic fishes had lower proportions of red muscle and lower metabolic enzyme activities than benthopelagic species. Mean proportion of red muscle declined significantly with depth with the greatest range of values in shallow waters and species with low proportions found at all depths. This suggested that while sedentary species occur at all depths, the most active species occur in shallow waters. Citrate synthase activity declined significantly with depth across all species, indicating that the mass‐specific metabolic capacity of red muscle is lower in deep‐sea species. These patterns may be explained by coupling of red and white muscle physiologies, a decrease in physical energy of the environment with depth or by the prevalence of anguilliform body forms and swimming modes in deep‐living species.  相似文献   

Mesophotic and deeper reefs of the tropics are poorly known and underexplored ecosystems worldwide. Collectively referred to as the ‘twilight zone’, depths below ~30–50 m are home to many species of reef fishes that are absent from shallower depths, including many undescribed and endemic species. We currently lack even a basic understanding of the diversity and evolutionary origins of fishes on tropical mesophotic reefs. Recent submersible collections in the Caribbean have provided new specimens that are enabling phylogenetic reconstructions that incorporate deep‐reef representatives of tropical fish genera. Here, we investigate evolutionary depth transitions in the family Gobiidae (gobies), the most diverse group of tropical marine fishes. Using divergence‐time estimation coupled with stochastic character mapping to infer the timing of shallow‐to‐deep habitat transitions in gobies, we demonstrate at least four transitions from shallow to mesophotic depths. Habitat transitions occurred in two broad time periods (Miocene, Pliocene–Pleistocene), and may have been linked to the availability of underutilized niches, as well as the evolution of morphological/behavioural adaptations for life on deep reefs. Further, our analysis shows that at least three evolutionary lineages that invaded deep habitats subsequently underwent speciation, reflecting another unique mode of radiation within the Gobiidae. Lastly, we synthesize depth distributions for 95 species of Caribbean gobies, which reveal major bathymetric faunal breaks at the boundary between euphotic and mesophotic reefs. Ultimately, our study is the first rigorous investigation into the origin of Caribbean deep‐reef fishes and provides a framework for future studies that utilize rare, deep‐reef specimens.  相似文献   

Viviparous sea snakes (Elapidae: Hydrophiinae) are fully marine reptiles distributed in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Their known maximum diving depth ranges between 50 and 100 m and this is thought to limit their ecological ranges to shallow habitats. We report two observations, from industry‐owned remotely operated vehicles, of hydrophiine sea snakes swimming and foraging at depths of approximately 250 m in the Browse Basin on Australia's North West Shelf, in 2014 and 2017. These observations show that sea snakes are capable of diving to the dim‐lit, cold‐water mesopelagic zone, also known as the ‘twilight’ zone. These record‐setting dives raise new questions about the thermal tolerances, diving behaviour and ecological requirements of sea snakes. In addition to significantly extending previous diving records for sea snakes, these observations highlight the importance of university‐industry collaboration in surveying understudied deep‐sea habitats.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships for six deep‐sea fish species inhabiting the shelf regions of the western Bay of Bengal and the waters of Andaman and Nicobar of India are presented. Samples were collected using high‐speed demersal trawl and expo demersal trawl nets at depths of 231–514 m in August and September 2010. The b values in the analyses ranged from 3.05 to 3.31, showing a mean and median value of 3.21 (SE ± 0.039, SD ± 0.097) and 3.2, respectively. Comparisons of b values with earlier estimations confirm the presence of spatial and temporal variations in the length–weight relations among the species. Coefficient of determination scores ranged from 0.94 to 0.97, indicating robustness of the samples analysed. This study provides the first estimates of length–weight relationships for four of the deep‐sea fishes, enriching the understanding of the growth patterns and population dynamics of these less‐studied deep‐sea fishery resources in Indian Ocean waters.  相似文献   

Bathymetric biodiversity patterns of marine benthic invertebrates and demersal fishes have been identified in the extant fauna of the deep continental margins. Depth zonation is widespread and evident through a transition between shelf and slope fauna from the shelf break to 1000 m, and a transition between slope and abyssal fauna from 2000 to 3000 m; these transitions are characterised by high species turnover. A unimodal pattern of diversity with depth peaks between 1000 and 3000 m, despite the relatively low area represented by these depths. Zonation is thought to result from the colonisation of the deep sea by shallow‐water organisms following multiple mass extinction events throughout the Phanerozoic. The effects of low temperature and high pressure act across hierarchical levels of biological organisation and appear sufficient to limit the distributions of such shallow‐water species. Hydrostatic pressures of bathyal depths have consistently been identified experimentally as the maximum tolerated by shallow‐water and upper bathyal benthic invertebrates at in situ temperatures, and adaptation appears required for passage to deeper water in both benthic invertebrates and demersal fishes. Together, this suggests that a hyperbaric and thermal physiological bottleneck at bathyal depths contributes to bathymetric zonation. The peak of the unimodal diversity–depth pattern typically occurs at these depths even though the area represented by these depths is relatively low. Although it is recognised that, over long evolutionary time scales, shallow‐water diversity patterns are driven by speciation, little consideration has been given to the potential implications for species distribution patterns with depth. Molecular and morphological evidence indicates that cool bathyal waters are the primary site of adaptive radiation in the deep sea, and we hypothesise that bathymetric variation in speciation rates could drive the unimodal diversity–depth pattern over time. Thermal effects on metabolic‐rate‐dependent mutation and on generation times have been proposed to drive differences in speciation rates, which result in modern latitudinal biodiversity patterns over time. Clearly, this thermal mechanism alone cannot explain bathymetric patterns since temperature generally decreases with depth. We hypothesise that demonstrated physiological effects of high hydrostatic pressure and low temperature at bathyal depths, acting on shallow‐water taxa invading the deep sea, may invoke a stress–evolution mechanism by increasing mutagenic activity in germ cells, by inactivating canalisation during embryonic or larval development, by releasing hidden variation or mutagenic activity, or by activating or releasing transposable elements in larvae or adults. In this scenario, increased variation at a physiological bottleneck at bathyal depths results in elevated speciation rate. Adaptation that increases tolerance to high hydrostatic pressure and low temperature allows colonisation of abyssal depths and reduces the stress–evolution response, consequently returning speciation of deeper taxa to the background rate. Over time this mechanism could contribute to the unimodal diversity–depth pattern.  相似文献   

Deep‐sea hydrothermal vents provide ephemeral habitats for animal communities that depend on chemosynthetic primary production. Sporadic volcanic and tectonic events destroy local vent fields and create new ones. Ongoing dispersal and cycles of extirpation and colonization affect the levels and distribution of genetic diversity in vent metapopulations. Several species exhibit evidence for stepping‐stone dispersal along relatively linear, oceanic, ridge axes. Other species exhibit very high rates of gene flow, although natural barriers associated with variation in depth, deep‐ocean currents, and lateral offsets of ridge axes often subdivide populations. Various degrees of impedance to dispersal across such boundaries are products of species‐specific life histories and behaviours. Though unrelated to the size of a species range, levels of genetic diversity appear to correspond with the number of active vent localities that a species occupies within its range. Pioneer species that rapidly colonize nascent vents tend to be less subdivided and more diverse genetically than species that are slow to establish colonies at vents. Understanding the diversity and connectivity of vent metapopulations provides essential information for designing deep‐sea preserves in regions that are under consideration for submarine mining of precious metals.  相似文献   

Redfish Sebastes mentella samples were collected in 2004 and 2005 during commercial cruises to the Irminger Sea on board the Polish vessel M/T ‘Wiesbaden’. Ichthyological studies included length and weight measurements, sex, gonad maturity stages and age determinations. Meristic and morphometric measurements were performed on digital images of the redfish. Comparison of the pelagic redfish from the northeastern (depths deeper than 500 m) and southwestern (depths shallower than 500 m) fishing grounds of the Irminger Sea indicates a number of differences including spatial and vertical distribution, ambient temperature, length and age composition. Moreover, 12 morphometric and 4 meristic characters differed significantly between fish samples from these two areas. Results of Cluster Analysis showed the clear grouping of samples into that of the ‘oceanic’ component (depth 300–450 m) and the ‘deep sea’ component (depth 550–800 m). These results were confirmed by Principal Component Analysis, which revealed the separation of samples into two catch depth groups. The share of fish allocated by Discriminant Analysis into the pelagic ‘deep sea’ component in the northeastern area was nearly 92%, while the ‘oceanic’ component was dominant in the southwestern area and comprised more than 88% of the fish. Cluster and Principal Component analyses suggest that the ‘oceanic’ component is a more homogeneous group than the ‘deep sea’ component. These results support the management units recently established by ICES.  相似文献   

Roe  H. S. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):169-181
Biomass profiles for plankton and micronekton throughout the water column at a site on the Madeira Abyssal Plain, position 31° 17 N 25° 24 W, depth 5 440 m, are described. Biomass declined exponentially with depth, > 80% of the plankton and > 95% of micronekton occured between 0–1000 m. The total biomass was low, ca 2 g dry weight below each m2 of sea surface but this situation is probably not abnormal and reflects the paucity of biota at abyssal depths. Plankton and micronekton profiles were strikingly similar at depths below 1700 m. In contrast to previous observations there was no dramatic increase in biomass just above the bottom. Comparisons with previous data suggest that the processes controlling the distribution of biomass in the deep oceans are similar despite differences in overlying surface production. The most numerous planktonic group were copepods and the plankton biomass profiles mirror their abundance profiles. The proportion of dead: living copepods has been estimated for depths > 1500 m: the relative constancy of the proportions in midwater may be attributable to detritivory. Immediately above the bottom the proportion of carcases increased and the proportion of non calanoid copepods also increased. Total numbers of copepods increased markedly in a haul which hit the bottom, this may be due to a specialised population living very close to the sea bed.  相似文献   

Aim Deep‐sea hydrothermal vents are unstable habitats that are both spatially and temporally fragmented. In vent species, a ‘short‐term insurance’ hypothesis would lead us to expect mostly self‐recruitment, limiting the loss of larvae in the deep ocean or water column and increasing genetic differentiation over the time elapsed since colonization. Alternatively, a ‘long‐term insurance’ hypothesis would support the prediction of selection for large‐scale dispersal, to ensure long‐term persistence in these ephemeral habitats. The main goal of this study was to infer the spatial and temporal distribution of genetic diversity of the shrimp Rimicaris exoculata, which forms high‐density local populations on hydrothermal vents along the Mid‐Atlantic ridge. Location Deep‐sea hydrothermal vents along the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge. Methods We used sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI, 710 bp) to assess the spatio‐temporal distribution of genetic diversity across five hydrothermal fields from 36° N to 4° S. Results In contrast to previous results from pioneer studies, very high haplotype diversity was observed in vents across the entire region (i.e. 0.69–0.82), indicating current large effective population size and low drift. The star‐like shape of the network of haplotypes, the lack of spatial genetic structure and the significance of tests reflecting demographic effects, together with the fitting of a population expansion model, all support a recent population expansion. Main conclusions Our results suggest a very recent common history of R. exoculata populations/demes along the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge, derived after a common bottleneck or founder event and followed by a concomitant demographic expansion. This study therefore suggests a large effective population size and/or high dispersal capacity, as well as a possible recent (re)colonization of Mid‐Atlantic hydrothermal vents by R. exoculata.  相似文献   

The ecological and evolutionary processes that interact to shape community structure are poorly studied in the largest environment on earth, the deep sea. Phylogenetic data and morphological traits of octocorals were coupled with environmental factors to test hypotheses of community assembly in the deep (250–2500 m) Gulf of Mexico. We found lineage turnover at a depth of 800–1200 m, with isidids and chrysogorgiids at deeper depths and a diversity of species from across the phylogeny occupying shallower depths. Traits, including axis type, polyp shape, and polyp retraction, differed among species occupying the shallowest (250–800 m) and deepest (1200–2500 m) depths. Results also indicated that octocoral species sort along an environmental gradient of depth. Closely related octocoral species sorted into different depth strata on the upper to middle slope, likely due to barriers imposed by water masses followed by adaptive divergence. Within any given depth zone down to 2000 m, the phylogenetic relatedness of co-existing octocorals was random, indicating that stochastic processes, such as recruitment, also shape community structure. At depths >2000 m, octocorals were more closely related than expected by chance due to the diversification of chrysogorgiids and isidids, which retain conserved traits that impart survival at deeper and/or colder depths. Polyp density, size, and inter-polyp distance were significantly correlated with depth, particularly in plexaurids and isidids, highlighting trait lability across depth and supporting that environmental gradients influence octocoral morphology. Our community phylogenetics approach indicates that both environmental filtering and neutral processes shape community assembly in the deep sea.  相似文献   

Deeper coral reefs experience reduced temperatures and light and are often shielded from localized anthropogenic stressors such as pollution and fishing. The deep reef refugia hypothesis posits that light‐dependent stony coral species at deeper depths are buffered from thermal stress and will avoid bleaching‐related mass mortalities caused by increasing sea surface temperatures under climate change. This hypothesis has not been tested because data collection on deeper coral reefs is difficult. Here we show that deeper (mesophotic) reefs, 30–75 m depth, in the Caribbean are not refugia because they have lower bleaching threshold temperatures than shallow reefs. Over two thermal stress events, mesophotic reef bleaching was driven by a bleaching threshold that declines 0.26 °C every +10 m depth. Thus, the main premise of the deep reef refugia hypothesis that cooler environments are protective is incorrect; any increase in temperatures above the local mean warmest conditions can lead to thermal stress and bleaching. Thus, relatively cooler temperatures can no longer be considered a de facto refugium for corals and it is likely that many deeper coral reefs are as vulnerable to climate change as shallow water reefs.  相似文献   

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