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1. Evolutionary increases in dispersal‐related traits are frequently documented during range expansions. Investment in flight‐related traits is energetically costly and a trade‐off with fecundity may be expected during range expansion. 2. However, in contrast to wing‐dimorphic species, this trade‐off is not general in wing‐monomorphic species. In the absence of a dispersal‐‐fecundity trade‐off, an increased investment in clutch size at the expansion front is expected possibly at a cost of reduced offspring size. 3. The study evaluated investment in female flight morphology and fecundity‐related traits (clutch size, hatchling size) and potential trade‐offs among these traits in replicated populations of the poleward range‐expanding damselfly Coenagrion scitulum. 4. Females at the expansion front had a higher relative thorax length, indicating an increased investment in flight; this can be explained by spatial sorting of dispersal ability or in situ natural selection at the expansion front. Edge females produced larger hatchlings, however, this pattern was totally driven by the population‐specific thermal larval regimes and could not be attributed to the range expansion per se. By contrast, clutch sizes did not differ between core and edge populations. There was no signal of a dispersal–fecundity trade‐off either for a trade‐off between clutch size and hatchling size. 5. These results indicate that evolution of a higher dispersal ability at the expansion front of C. scitulum does not trade off with investment in fecundity, hence a dispersal–fecundity trade‐off is unlikely to slow down range expansion of this species.  相似文献   

We have limited knowledge on the mechanistic base of sexual selection, especially in scrambling species. This asks for a functional approach that explores the link between each component of the phenotype-performance-fitness axis and that includes both morphological and physiological traits. We explored the phenotype-performance-fitness axis in the scrambling damselfly Coenagrion puella by studying the links between a set of physiological and morphological traits, flight performance (flight speed and flight endurance), and short-term mating success. As expected for scrambling competition, there was sexual selection for increased flight endurance rather than for increased flight speed. For fat content, we could demonstrate the full phenotype-performance-fitness axis, where selection for a higher fat content could be explained by the sexual selection for a higher flight endurance and the positive covariation between fat content and flight endurance. For three other traits (size, relative flight muscle mass and wing loading), however, we detected selection that could not be explained via their effect on flight performance, generating novel testable hypotheses about how the covariation between these traits and mating success is generated. This also urges caution when using morphological traits as proxies for flight speed and flight endurance in phenotypic selection studies.  相似文献   

Studies of heritable colour polymorphisms allow investigators to track the genetic dynamics of natural populations. By comparing polymorphic populations over large geographic areas and across generations, issues about both morph stability and evolutionary dynamics can be addressed, increasing our understanding of the potential mechanisms maintaining genetic polymorphisms. In the present study, we investigated population morph frequencies in a sex‐limited heritable colour polymorphic damselfly (Ischnura elegans, Vander Linden), with three discrete female morphs. We compared the frequencies of these three female morphs in 120 different populations from ten European countries at differing latitudes and longitudes. There were pronounced differences in morph frequencies both across the entire European biogeographic range, as well as at a smaller scale within regions. We also found considerable between‐population variation at the local scale within regions, particularly at the edges of the range of this species. We discuss these findings in the context of recent models of adaptive population divergence along the range of a species. This polymorphism is thus highly dynamic, with stable morph frequencies at the core of the species range but fluctuating morph dynamics at the range limits. We finish with a discussion of how local interactions and climatic factors can be expected to have a strong influence on the biogeographic patterns in this species and other sexually selected polymorphisms. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 775–785.  相似文献   

Insect distributions are shifting rapidly in response to climate change and are undergoing rapid evolutionary change. We investigate the molecular signatures underlying local adaptation in the range‐expanding damselfly, Ischnura elegans. Using a landscape genomic approach combined with generalized dissimilarity modelling (GDM), we detect selection signatures on loci via allelic frequency change along environmental gradients. We analyse 13,612 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), derived from restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RADseq), in 426 individuals from 25 sites spanning the I. elegans distribution in Sweden, including its expanding northern range edge. Environmental association analysis (EAA) and the magnitude of allele frequency change along the range expansion gradient revealed significant signatures of selection in relation to high maximum summer temperature, high mean annual precipitation and low wind speeds at the range edge. SNP annotations with significant signatures of selection revealed gene functions associated with ongoing range expansion, including heat shock proteins (HSP40 and HSP70), ion transport (V‐ATPase) and visual processes (long‐wavelength‐sensitive opsin), which have implications for thermal stress response, salinity tolerance and mate discrimination, respectively. We also identified environmental thresholds where climate‐mediated selection is likely to be strong, and indicate that I. elegans is rapidly adapting to the climatic environment during its ongoing range expansion. Our findings empirically validate an integrative approach for detecting spatially explicit signatures of local adaptation along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Despite an increasing number of studies documenting life‐history evolution during range expansions or shifts, we lack a mechanistic understanding of the underlying physiological processes. In this explorative study, we used a metabolomics approach to study physiological changes associated with the recent range expansion of the two‐spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae). Mite populations were sampled along a latitudinal gradient from range core to edge and reared under benign common garden conditions for two generations. Using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, we obtained metabolic population profiles, which showed a gradual differentiation along the latitudinal gradient, indicating (epi)genetic changes in the metabolome in association with range expansion. These changes seemed not related with shifts in the mites’ energetic metabolism, but rather with differential use of amino acids. Particularly, more dispersive northern populations showed lowered concentrations of several essential and nonessential amino acids, suggesting a potential downregulation of metabolic pathways associated with protein synthesis.  相似文献   

1. Variation in thermal conditions and season length along latitudinal gradients affect body size‐related traits over different life stages. Selection is expected to optimise these size traits in response to the costs and benefits. 2. Egg, hatchling, larval and adult size in males and females were estimated along a latitudinal gradient of 2730 km across Europe in the univoltine damselfly Lestes sponsa, using a combination of field‐collection and laboratory‐rearing experiments. In the laboratory, individuals were grown in temperatures and photoperiod simulating those at the latitude of origin, and in common‐garden conditions. 3. The size of adults sampled in nature was negatively correlated with latitude. In all populations the females were larger than the males. Results from simulated and common‐garden rearing experiments supported this pattern of size difference across latitudes and between sexes, suggesting a genetic component for the latitudinal size trend and female‐biased size dimorphism. In contrast, hatchling size showed a positive relationship with latitude, but egg size, although differing between latitudes, showed no such relationship. 4. The results support a converse Bergmann cline, i.e. a negative body size cline towards the north. This negative cline in body size is probably driven by progressively stronger seasonal time and temperature constraints towards the higher latitudes and by the obligate univoltine life cycle of L. sponsa. As egg size showed no relationship with latitude, other environmental factors besides temperature, such as desiccation risk, probably affect this trait.  相似文献   

The Dartford Warbler Sylvia undata has recently expanded its range northwards and upwards in the UK, consistent with the hypothesis that this cold‐sensitive species has responded to a warming climate. We interrogated distribution data, collected during four national surveys of this species between 1974 and 2006, to assess whether this large‐scale range expansion has been accompanied by finer‐scale changes in topographic characteristics of breeding locations. Within sites occupied in successive surveys, there was some evidence of limited altitudinal expansion between surveys. Within wider landscapes occupied in successive surveys, the preceding winter climate tended to be harsher at newly colonized sites than at sites that had already been occupied in the previous survey, while territories in newly colonized sites also tended to be on steeper slopes, especially if at higher altitude, and (in 1994 only) to be more south‐facing. Territories in sites that had already been occupied in the previous survey tended to be lower altitude, less steep and more north‐facing than territories in newly colonized landscapes. In 2006 only, the winter climate was significantly milder in newly colonized landscapes than in already occupied sites. The combined effects of a changing climate and topography may have influenced the pattern of in‐filling in the existing range, while colonization of distant areas, especially more latterly, may have been facilitated by a combination of increased dispersal pressure from the existing range and warming of climate which made higher altitude habitat in the new areas more suitable for occupancy. Careful consideration needs to be given to the importance of fine‐scale topographical variation in determining species’ responses to climate change in order to underpin robust adaptation strategies.  相似文献   

Molecular methods have greatly increased our understanding of the previously cryptic spatial ecology of bumble bees (Bombus spp.), with knowledge of the spatial ecology of these bees being central to conserving their essential pollination services. Bombus hypnorum, the Tree Bumble Bee, is unusual in that it has recently rapidly expanded its range, having colonized much of the UK mainland since 2001. However, the spatial ecology of B. hypnorum has not previously been investigated. To address this issue, and to investigate whether specific features of the spatial ecology of B. hypnorum are associated with its rapid range expansion, we used 14 microsatellite markers to estimate worker foraging distance, nest density, between‐year lineage survival rate and isolation by distance in a representative UK B. hypnorum population. After assigning workers to colonies based on full or half sibship, we estimated the mean colony‐specific worker foraging distance as 103.6 m, considerably less than values reported from most other bumble bee populations. Estimated nest density was notably high (2.56 and 0.72 colonies ha?1 in 2014 and 2015, respectively), estimated between‐year lineage survival rate was 0.07, and there was no evidence of fine‐scale isolation by distance. In addition, genotyping stored sperm dissected from sampled queens confirmed polyandry in this population (mean minimum mating frequency of 1.7 males per queen). Overall, our findings establish critical spatial ecological parameters and the mating system of this unusual bumble bee population and suggest that short worker foraging distances and high nest densities are associated with its rapid range expansion.  相似文献   

  • 1 Several morphological and physiological traits may shape fitness through the same performance measure. In such cases, differentiating between a scenario of many‐to‐one mapping, where phenotypic traits independently shape fitness leading to functional redundancy, and a scenario where traits strongly covary among each other and fitness, is needed.
  • 2 A multivariate approach was used, including morphological and physiological traits related to flight ability, a crucial performance measure in flying insects, to identify independent correlates of short‐term mating success (mated versus unmated males) in the territorial damselfly Lestes viridis.
  • 3 Males with higher flight muscle mass, higher relative thorax mass, and more symmetrical hindwings, all traits presumably linked to manoeuvrability, were more likely to be mated. Unexpectedly, although relative thorax mass is often used as a proxy for flight muscle mass, both traits were selected for independently. Mated males had a higher thorax fat content than unmated males, possibly because of enhanced flight endurance.
  • 4 The finding of several independent targets of sexual selection linked to flight ability is consistent with a scenario of many‐to‐one mapping between phenotype and performance. Identifying such a scenario is important, because it may clarify situations where animals may show suboptimal values for some phenotypic traits shaping a performance measure, while still having high performance and fitness. We argue in the discussion that the functional approach of sexual selection provides a potent tool for examining unresolved issues in both sexual selection theory, as well as life‐history theory.

Most anurans have a biphasic life cycle, which includes metamorphosis from a tadpole stage to an adult frog. This process involves extensive transformations of the cranial skeleton, which have been of long‐standing interest with respect to anuran skeletal evolution and taxonomy. In this study, large‐scale patterns of anuran skeletal ossification are assessed by collecting the most comprehensive data set on anuran cranial ossification to date from the literature, including data for 45 anuran and one caudate outgroup species. Ossification sequences were translated into event‐pair matrices for explorative phylogenetic analysis and phylogenetically informed parsimony search for heterochrony using the Parsimov algorithm. Rank variability of single bones across species was also analysed. Little phylogenetic signal was retrieved from a parsimony‐based phylogenetic analysis of event‐pairs, and only a few species that are generally agreed to be closely related are placed close to each other (e.g. some Pipidae and Costata). Parsimov analysis revealed some clade‐specific heterochrony in anuran clades of varying inclusiveness. Our results show that relating heterochronic changes in anuran cranial ontogeny to parameters such as direct development or miniaturization is problematic because of the high evolvability of cranial ossification sequences. Rank variation analysis suggests that anuran cranial bones are highly variable in their sequence positioning, possibly because tadpole and adult cranial morphology do not co‐evolve. Elements which are lost in some species ossify at the end of the sequence, providing evidence for the notion that failure of anuran cranial elements to ossify is due to processes of paedomorphosis.  相似文献   

1. Increasing temperature and invading species may interact in their effects on communities. In this study, we investigated how rising temperatures alter larval interactions between a naturally range‐expanding dragonfly, Crocothemis erythraea, and a native northern European species, Leucorrhinia dubia. Initial studies revealed that C. erythraea grow up to 3.5 times faster than L. dubia at temperatures above 16 °C. As a result, we hypothesised that divergent temperature responses would lead to rapid size differences between coexisting larvae and, consequently, to asymmetric intraguild predation at higher ambient temperatures. 2. Mortality and growth rates were measured in interaction treatments (with both species present) and non‐interaction controls (one species present) at four different temperature regimes: at an ambient temperature representative of central Germany, where both species overlap in distribution, and at temperatures increased by 2, 4 and 6 °C. 3. The mortality of C. erythraea did not differ between treatment and control. In contrast, mortality of L. dubia remained similar over all temperatures in the controls, but increased with temperature in the presence of the other species and was significantly higher there than in the controls. We concluded that L. dubia suffered asymmetric intraguild predation, particularly at increased temperature. Reduced growth rate of L. dubia in the interaction treatment at higher temperatures also suggested asymmetric competition for prey in the first phase of the experiment. 4. The results imply that the range expansion of C. erythraea may cause reduction in population size of syntopic L. dubia when temperature rises by more than 2 °C. The consequences for future range patterns, as well as other factors that may influence the interaction in nature, are discussed.  相似文献   

In a rapidly changing world understanding the capacity of populations to adapt to novel environments is increasingly urgent. Timing of breeding can be a highly flexible trait and adjustments in this trait can potentially buffer populations from climate change and facilitate the colonisation of new environments. Recent range‐expansions into novel climatic regimes provide a valuable opportunity to investigate the implications of plasticity in timing of breeding for population processes. Black sparrowhawks have recently colonised the Cape Peninsula of South Africa where they experience dramatically different weather patterns to those in their historical range. These include a total reversal in the rainfall regime, with the majority of rain falling in the winter as opposed to the summer months. We investigate the breeding phenology of black sparrowhawks in relation to both regional and local climate variation and, using a long‐term dataset, explore the implications of phenological shifts for reproductive success and population growth following colonisation. In the recently colonised Cape Peninsula the breeding season began up to three months earlier than within their historical range and these early breeding attempts produced more offspring. Population models suggested that this adjustment assisted the colonisation of the Cape Peninsula, reducing the probability of extinction by 23%. Contrary to expectations, we found little support for the hypothesis that black sparrowhawks were responding to local variation in rainfall. We suggest that shifts in breeding phenology may be driven in part by other novel processes, such as interspecific competition for nest sites and lower temperatures during late summer. These results provide insight into the processes that facilitated the colonisation of a novel climatic regime highlighting the potential role of a diverse range of factors.  相似文献   

Wings are a key trait underlying the evolutionary success of birds, bats, and insects. For over a century, researchers have studied the form and function of wings to understand the determinants of flight performance. However, to understand the evolution of flight, we must comprehend not only how morphology affects performance, but also how morphology and performance affect fitness. Natural and sexual selection can either reinforce or oppose each other, but their role in flight evolution remains poorly understood. Here, we show that wing shape is under antagonistic selection with regard to sexual and natural selection in a scrambling damselfly. In a field setting, natural selection (survival) favored individuals with long and slender forewings and short and broad hindwings. In contrast, sexual selection (mating success) favored individuals with short and broad forewings and narrow‐based hindwings. Both types of selection favored individuals of intermediate size. These results suggest that individuals face a trade‐off between flight energetics and maneuverability and demonstrate how natural and sexual selection can operate in similar directions for some wing traits, that is, wing size, but antagonistically for others, that is, wing shape. Furthermore, they highlight the need to study flight evolution within the context of species’ mating systems and mating behaviors.  相似文献   

When humans wage war, it is not unusual for battlefields to be strewn with dead warriors. These warriors typically were men in their reproductive prime who, had they not died in battle, might have gone on to father more children. Typically, they are also genetically unrelated to one another. We know of no other animal species in which reproductively capable, genetically unrelated individuals risk their lives in this manner. Because the immense private costs borne by individual warriors create benefits that are shared widely by others in their group, warfare is a stark evolutionary puzzle that is difficult to explain. Although several scholars have posited models of the evolution of human warfare, 1 - 6 these models do not adequately explain how humans solve the problem of collective action in warfare at the evolutionarily novel scale of hundreds of genetically unrelated individuals. We propose that group‐structured cultural selection explains this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Climate‐driven range shifts of foundation species could alter ecosystem processes and community composition by providing different resources than resident foundation species. Along the US Atlantic coast, the northward expanding foundation species, black mangrove Avicennia germinans, is replacing the dominant salt marsh foundation species, marsh cordgrass Spartina alterniflora. These species have distinct detrital attributes that ostensibly provide different resources to epifauna. We experimentally examined how detritus of these species affects decomposition and community composition in different habitat contexts at regional and local scales. First, we manipulated detritus identity (Avicennia, Spartina) at 13 sites across a 5° latitudinal gradient spanning mangrove, mixed marsh‐mangrove and salt marsh habitats. Across latitude, we found that Avicennia detritus decomposed 2–4 times faster than Spartina detritus, suggesting that detrital turnover will increase with mangrove expansion. Epifaunal abundance and richness increased 2–7 times from south to north (mangrove to salt marsh) and were equivalent between Avicennia and Spartina detritus except for crabs, a dominant taxonomic group that preferred Spartina detritus. Second, to examine the whether changing habitat context affected regional patterns, we manipulated detritus identity and surrounding habitat type (mangrove, salt marsh) at a single mixed site, also including inert mimics to separate structural and nutritional roles of detritus. Epifaunal richness was similar between the two detrital types, but crabs were 2–7 times more abundant in Spartina detritus due to its structural attributes. Surrounding habitat type did not influence decomposition rate or community patterns, which suggests that latitudinal influences, not surrounding habitat, drove the regional community patterns in the first experiment. Overall, mangrove expansion could alter epifaunal communities due to the lower structural value and faster turnover of mangrove detritus. As species shift with changing climate, understanding foundation species substitutability is critical to predict community change, but we must account for concomitant environmental changes that also modify communities.  相似文献   

Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation variation, can generate heritable phenotypic variation independent of the underlying genetic code. However, epigenetic variation in natural plant populations is poorly documented and little understood. Here, we test whether northward range expansion of obligate apomicts of the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is associated with DNA methylation variation. We characterized and compared patterns of genetic and DNA methylation variation in greenhouse‐reared offspring of T. officinale that were collected along a latitudinal transect of northward range expansion in Europe. Genetic AFLP and epigenetic MS‐AFLP markers revealed high levels of local diversity and modest but significant heritable differentiation between sampling locations and between the southern, central and northern regions of the transect. Patterns of genetic and epigenetic variation were significantly correlated, reflecting the genetic control over epigenetic variation and/or the accumulation of lineage‐specific spontaneous epimutations, which may be selectively neutral. In addition, we identified a small component of DNA methylation differentiation along the transect that is independent of genetic variation. This epigenetic differentiation might reflect environment‐specific induction or, in case the DNA methylation variation affects relevant traits and fitness, selection of heritable DNA methylation variants. Such generated epigenetic variants might contribute to the adaptive capacity of individual asexual lineages under changing environments. Our results highlight the potential of heritable DNA methylation variation to contribute to population differentiation along ecological gradients. Further studies are needed using higher resolution methods to understand the functional significance of such natural occurring epigenetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Recent research has linked climate warming to global declines in caribou and reindeer (both Rangifer tarandus) populations. We hypothesize large‐scale climate patterns are a contributing factor explaining why these declines are not universal. To test our hypothesis for such relationships among Alaska caribou herds, we calculated the population growth rate and percent change of four arctic herds using existing population estimates, and explored associations with indices of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The AO, which more strongly affects eastern Alaska, was negatively associated with the population trends of the Porcupine Caribou Herd and Central Arctic Herd, the easternmost of the herds. We hypothesize that either increased snowfall or suboptimal growing conditions for summer forage plants could explain this negative relationship. Intensity of the PDO, which has greatest effects in western Alaska, was negatively associated with the growth rate of the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd in northwestern Alaska, but the Western Arctic Herd in western Alaska displayed the opposite trend. We suggest that the contrasting patterns of association relate to the spatial variability of the effects of the PDO on western and northwestern Alaska. Although predation and winter range quality have often been considered the primary causes of population variation, our results show that large‐scale climate patterns may play an important role in caribou population dynamics in arctic Alaska. Our findings reveal that climate warming has not acted uniformly to reduce caribou populations globally. Further research should focus on the relative importance of mechanisms by which climate indices influence caribou population dynamics.  相似文献   

Offspring polymorphism is a reproductive strategy where individual organisms simultaneously produce offspring that differ in morphology and ecology. It occurs across the Tree of Life but is particularly common among plants, where it is termed seed (diaspore) heteromorphism. The prevalence of this strategy in unpredictably varying environments has resulted in the assumption that it serves as a bet‐hedging mechanism. We found 101 examples of this strategy in southwestern North America. We provide phylogenetically informed evidence for the hypothesis that the occurrence of seed heteromorphism increases with increasing environmental variability, though this pattern was only significant for aridity, one of our two rainfall variability metrics. We provide a strong test of bet hedging for a large, taxonomically diverse set of seed heteromorphic species, lending support to the hypothesis that bet hedging is an important mechanistic driver for the evolution of seed heteromorphism.  相似文献   

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