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Spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), may utilize wild ‘Himalaya’ blackberry (HB) Rubus armeniacus Focke or other non‐crop plants as refugia and possibly exploit adjacent field margins before colonizing cultivated fruiting crops. Studies were conducted to determine the role of field margins containing HB and their effect on D. suzukii activity, density and distribution in an adjacent commercial red raspberry crop. One‐ha plots adjacent to field margins containing HB or known non‐host (NH) grass crops were established in 2011 and 2012 and replicated three times. Each plot contained two transects with monitoring traps for D. suzukii in the field margin (0 m) and spaced approximately 10 (crop boundary), 40, 70 and 100 m into the adjacent crop (n = 10 traps/plot). Field margin vegetation was treated with a 10% chicken egg white mark solution weekly from pre‐harvest until the end of harvest using a cannon sprayer. Adult D. suzukii were collected from traps weekly and analysed for the presence of the egg white mark using an egg white‐specific enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). During both years, marked flies and total flies were captured in higher numbers in HB field margins, whereas virtually no flies were captured in field margins containing no known alternative host. Similarly, more flies were captured in the crop near HB than near NH. Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE) and mean D. suzukii trap captures additionally displayed significantly higher fly densities in the raspberry field near HB than near NH. These results suggest that HB may contribute to elevated D. suzukii populations and pest pressure in comparison with field margins containing no known alternate host vegetation for D. suzukii. Having closely adjacent non‐crop alternate host landscapes may result in increased D. suzukii pest pressure.  相似文献   

Laboratory trials were conducted to determine whether the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), puparium can provide an effective physical barrier to protect immature stages of the pupal parasitoid Pachycrepoideus vindemiae (Rondani) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) from spinosad treatments. Spinosad insecticides are currently an important suppression strategy for D. suzukii in organically managed fruit orchards although they are well known to cause mortality in hymenopteran parasitoids. High adult P. vindemiae female mortality (83%) occurred within 24 h of exposure to D. suzukii pupae treated with 10 mg a.i. l?1 spinosad and female parasitoids did not avoid the pupae treated with similar low levels of spinosad in choice tests that included untreated pupae. Pachycrepoideus vindemiae develops as an idiobiont ectoparasitoid on host fly pupa within the sclerotized host puparium. Significant P. vindemiae survival and emergence was recorded when parasitized D. suzukii puparia were exposed to field treatment levels of spinosad; however, the parasitoid survival was dependent on the time of the spinosad treatment of the host post‐parasitization. Significant parasitoid survival occurred when the host puparia were treated at 2 weeks when the parasitoid was in the pupal stage but did not occur when the host puparia were treated at 1 week post‐parasitization, when the parasitoids were still in a larval stage. The parasitoid adults consumed or otherwise came in contact with residual degrading spinosad when they exited the treated host, and consequently high and low adult parasitoid mortality occurred when the adults emerged from puparia treated at 2 and 1 week(s), respectively. Our study indicates that generally the integration of P. vindemiae parasitism into a sustainable D. suzukii management program is not compatible with spinosad treatments, although P. vindemiae in the pupal stage inside sclerotized host puparia appear to be minimally impacted by spinosad treatments, provided that the spinosad degrades before parasitoid emergence.  相似文献   

The invasive frugivore Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) utilizes a wide range of host plants and damages important fruit crops, including blueberries, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries. Field infestations of D. suzukii often exceed one larva per berry, suggesting that intraspecific competition may frequently occur. Because dietary resources are also likely to vary across the host range of D. suzukii, we designed a laboratory assay to measure larval performance across diets of varying quality: a standard artificial diet, a fruit‐based medium, a low‐protein, and a low‐carbohydrate diet. We manipulated egg density across these diets to provide increasing levels of competition and measured larval performance by observing survival to pupation and adulthood, and development times for both life stages. Although increasing density generally negatively impacted D. suzukii performance across diets, the magnitude of these impacts varied by diet type. Drosophila suzukii performance was generally similar in fruit and standard diets, although larval development was more rapid in fruit diets at lower densities. Even at low densities (5 or 10 eggs per arena), survival was reduced and development time increased in low‐protein diets relative to standard and fruit diets. At the two highest larval densities (20 or 40 eggs per arena), survivorship was reduced in low‐carbohydrate diets as compared to standard and fruit diets. There is evidence that larvae compensated in both low‐quality diets by extending development time, which could have consequences for population dynamics. Population models for use in D. suzukii management may need to account for both host nutritional quality and relative competition to accurately predict turnover and geographic expansion.  相似文献   

Baits – fermented food products – are generally attractive to many types of insects, which makes it difficult to sort through non‐target insects to monitor a pest species of interest. We test the hypothesis that a chemically simpler and more defined attractant developed for a target insect is more specific and attracts fewer non‐target insects than a chemically more complex food‐type bait. A four‐component chemical lure isolated from a food bait and optimized for the spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), was compared to the original wine/vinegar bait to assess the relative responses of non‐target insects. In several field experiments in Washington State, USA, it was shown that numbers of pest muscid flies, cutworm and armyworm moths, and pest yellowjackets were reduced in traps baited with the chemical lure compared to the wine/vinegar bait. In other field experiments in the states of Washington, Oregon, and New York, numbers of non‐target drosophilid flies were also reduced in traps baited with the chemical lure relative to wine/vinegar bait. In Washington, numbers of Drosophila melanogaster Meigen and Drosophila obscura Fallen species groups and Drosophila immigrans Sturtevant were reduced in the chemical lure traps, whereas in New York, D. melanogaster and D. obscura species groups, D. immigrans, Drosophila putrida Sturtevant, Drosophila simulans Sturtevant, Drosophila tripunctata Loew, and Chymomyza spp. numbers were reduced. In Oregon, this same effect was observed with the D. melanogaster species group. Taken together, these results indicate that the four‐component SWD chemical lure will be more selective for SWD compared to fermentation baits, which should reduce time and cost involved in trapping in order to monitor SWD.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) is a major pest of soft‐skinned fruit. Females have an enlarged serrated ovipositor that is used to cut into ripening fruit and lay their eggs. Larvae develop inside infested fruit, rendering fruit unmarketable. Previous research has indicated that D. suzukii can move from adjacent woodlands into cultivated fields. Furthermore, multiple generations can occur in a single season as a result of fallen, infested fruit in the fields. Our hypothesis was that border sprays and soil tillage of field aisles can reduce D. suzukii presence in commercial blackberry fields (Rubus spp.). To test our hypothesis, we conducted split‐plot field trials in organic blackberry fields for 3 and 4 weeks in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Treatments were border sprays (whole plot, pyrethrins + azadirachtin) and tillage (subplot, ~15 cm). We evaluated adult D. suzukii in both years and berry infestation and natural enemies in 2015 only. We found that plots with border treatments had fewer D. suzukii (larvae and adults) than plots without border sprays. Tilling the soil between rows of blackberry bushes did not have a significant effect on adult captures or larval infestation of fruit. Natural enemies were unaffected by the border spray and tillage treatments. Our results confirmed our hypothesis that border sprays can be utilized to reduce populations of D. suzukii in organic blackberry fields, while maintaining populations of natural enemies. However, the effect of soil tillage is unclear and requires further investigation. Additional research should investigate the timing of border sprays and their effect on high infestations of D. suzukii as well as quantify fruit fall and depth of burial to reduce D. suzukii emergence using soil tillage.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), the spotted wing drosophila, is a pest endemic to Southeast Asia that invaded the Americas and Europe in 2008. In contrast to most of its congeners, D. suzukii possesses a serrated ovipositor that allows it to lay eggs in unwounded commercial fruits, resulting in severe revenue losses for the industry. The purpose of this study was to determine the susceptibility of known host fruits, including cherry, strawberry, blueberry, and grape, and potential host fruits, such as banana and apple, to attack by D. suzukii. Based on the responses to volatile cues offered in a six‐choice olfactometer, the preference of female D. suzukii was ranked in the following order: strawberry = cherry > banana = apple = blueberry = grape, but in no‐choice and choice oviposition tests, the preferences were ranked as follows: cherry > strawberry = blueberry > grape = banana > apple. Furthermore, we reconfirmed that D. suzukii mainly targets rotten fruit for feeding and ripe fruit for oviposition, and females preferred fruits with intensive mechanical damage. Based on developmental parameters, apple was the least suitable host. This study has implications for the control of D. suzukii, especially in mixed fruit orchards, by providing a promising avenue for exploiting behaviour‐based control tools and emphasizing the importance of phenology in host fruit susceptibility.  相似文献   

Various types of protein‐spray solutions have proven effective for externally tagging arthropods for mark‐release‐recapture and mark‐capture type dispersal research. However, there is concern that certain standardized arthropod collection methods, such as sweep netting, might lead to high incidences of protein transfer from field‐marked to unmarked arthropods during sample collection and sample handling. Native arthropods were collected in sweep nets from a field of alfalfa, Medicago sativa L. (Fabaceae). The nets also contained 10 egg white‐, 10 bovine milk‐, 10 soy milk‐, and 10 water (control)‐marked Hippodamia convergens Guérin‐Méneville (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) that were visually distinguishable by a yellow, white, green, and blue dot, respectively. The plant debris and arthropods from each sweep net collection were then placed into either a paper or a plastic bag and frozen for storage. The contents of each sweep net sample were thawed and the color‐coded H. convergens and field‐collected arthropods were examined for the presence of each protein by an egg white (albumin), bovine milk (casein), and soy milk (soy trypsin) enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Data revealed that only 0.67, 0.81, and 0% of the field‐collected unmarked arthropods acquired an egg white, bovine milk, and soy milk mark, respectively. ELISA results also showed that all the egg white‐marked H. convergens retained their mark, but 22.1% of the bovine milk‐marked and 5.1% of the soy milk‐marked H. convergens (color‐coded beetles) lost their mark during the collection and sample handling processes.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae), known commonly as spotted wing drosophila, is a vinegar fly originating from South‐East Asia and a major pest to many soft‐skinned fruits. Due to the species recent arrival in North America in 2008, many fruit varieties are yet untested for susceptibility to infestation. While previous work has focused on Vitis vinifera, this study aimed to determine grape susceptibility of cold hardy varieties based on hybrids of V. labrusca, V. riparia and V. vinifera. Field sampling was conducted in Southern Wisconsin (USA) vineyards to establish adult and larval abundance and determine whether the number of adults caught in traps correlates with fruit infestation. Host susceptibility was further assessed through no‐choice bioassays of both intact and damaged fruits. The field study found D. suzukii adults present in all varieties, low larval abundance and no correlation between adult abundance and larval presence. Peak adult abundance occurred mid‐season between veraison and harvest, while larval infestation rates were highest near harvest. In laboratory no‐choice tests, significantly more eggs, larvae and adults occurred in damaged than undamaged grapes. In damaged grapes, larvae and adult abundance was comparable between varieties and to the highly susceptible control of undamaged raspberry; however, D. suzukii developed significantly faster in raspberry than grapes. Fruit characteristics (°Brix, titratable acidity, pH) in grapes were uncorrelated with D. suzukii performance. Together, these findings suggest that cold hardy grapes are overall resistant to D. suzukii if intact and highly susceptible if damaged.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to test the marking efficiency of broadcast spray applications of protein marks on stationary (represented by cadavers) and free‐roaming lady beetles Hippodamia convergens Guérin‐Méneville that were strategically placed in blooming alfalfa plots. The marks tested included three different concentrations of egg albumin from chicken egg white, casein from bovine milk and trypsin inhibitor from soy milk. The cadaver and free‐roaming beetle treatments served to measure the acquisition and retention of each protein treatment regime by direct contact with the spray solution and by residual contact with protein‐marked residue on alfalfa, respectively. In addition, the vertical distribution of marking efficacy was determined by sampling alfalfa plant tissue and beetle cadavers that were located on the upper and lower portion of the plant canopy. The data indicated that the backpack spray apparatus was very effective at uniformly administering the various protein marks, regardless of the concentration, throughout the entire plant canopy. Also, the free‐roaming beetles readily self‐marked by contact exposure to protein‐treated plants. We also identified concentrations of each protein type that will mark about 90% of the resident beetle population. Moreover, if a mark–capture‐type study only requires two unique protein marks, we determined that concentrations of 25% for egg white and 100% for bovine milk could be used to mark 98% of the population. Our results provide a significant step towards standardizing protein immunomarking protocols for insect mark–capture dispersal research. In addition, we identify several areas of research that are needed to further standardize the protein mark–capture procedure.  相似文献   

Although Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae) infests fresh and ripening fruits, it is attracted to fermented fruits as well. Because fermented fruits attract other flies too, if D. suzukii utilizes fermented fruits as oviposition substrates, competition can be more intense on them. To avoid such competition, D. suzukii may change oviposition preference when particular species of competitor flies are present, but the effect of odor cues associated with competitors on the oviposition preference of D. suzukii is still unknown. To examine such an effect, we investigated the oviposition preference of D. suzukii in the presence of four competitor fly species – Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, Drosophila lutescens Malloch, Drosophila rufa Kikkawa & Peng, and Drosophila auraria Peng – and D. suzukii itself. We prepared artificial substrates with yeast treatment (Y+: yeast supplementation, Y: control) and competitor fly treatment (F+: pre-inoculated with competitor fly odor, F: control), and performed two-choice experiments using the substrates with various Y and F treatments. Our results showed that D. suzukii oviposited more eggs on Y+ substrates than on Y substrates when no competitor flies were present and the presence of competitor flies influenced D. suzukii’s oviposition preference for yeast-supplemented substrates and its effect changed depending on the competitor fly species. If the presence of competitors around fallen fruits on the ground suppresses D. suzukii’s oviposition on the fallen fruits and facilitates the oviposition on non-fermenting substrates in nature, it may drive D. suzukii to use ripening fruits on the tree. Such selective pressure may facilitate the evolution of morphological traits such as a serrated ovipositor in D. suzukii.  相似文献   

Seasonal polyphenism in Drosophila suzukii manifests itself in two discrete adult morphotypes, the “winter morph” (WM) and the “summer morph” (SM). These morphotypes are known to differ in thermal stress tolerance, and they co‐occur during parts of the year. In this study, we aimed to estimate morph‐specific survival and fecundity in laboratory settings simulating field conditions. We specifically analyzed how WM and SM D. suzukii differed in mortality and reproduction during and after a period of cold exposure resembling winter and spring conditions in temperate climates. The median lifespan of D. suzukii varied around 5 months for the WM flies and around 7 months for the SM flies. WM flies showed higher survival during the cold‐exposure period compared with SM flies, and especially SM males suffered high mortality under these conditions. In contrast, SM flies had lower mortality rates than WM flies under spring‐like conditions. Intriguingly, reproductive status (virgin or mated) did not impact the fly survival, either during the cold exposure or during spring‐like conditions. Even though the reproductive potential of WM flies was greatly reduced compared with SM flies, both WM and SM females that had mated before the cold exposure were able to continuously produce viable offspring for 5 months under spring‐like conditions. Finally, the fertility of the overwintered WM males was almost zero, while the surviving SM males did not suffer reduced fertility. Combined with other studies on D. suzukii monitoring and overwintering behavior, these results suggest that overwintered flies of both morphotypes could live long enough to infest the first commercial crops of the season. The high mortality of SM males and the low fertility of WM males after prolonged cold exposure also highlight the necessity for females to store sperm over winter to be able to start reproducing early in the following spring.  相似文献   

A series of studies was conducted to test methods for marking a wide variety of arthropods with inexpensive proteins for mark‐capture dispersal research. The markers tested included egg albumin protein in chicken egg whites and casein protein in bovine milk. The first study qualified the effectiveness of the two marks on more than 50 arthropod species inhabiting cotton via two application procedures. The application methods included: (1) a topical plus residue protein application, and (2) a residue‐only protein application. Both protein marks, regardless of the method of application, were readily retained on the arthropod assemblage over the duration of the study. The second study determined how rapidly insects acquire chicken egg albumin protein after contact exposure to cotton tissue sprayed with an egg whites solution. Under laboratory conditions, the vast majority of adult Hippodamia convergens Guérin‐Méneville (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Lygus hesperus Knight (Heteroptera: Miridae) acquired the mark after 5 min, and immature Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) acquired the marker after 40 min. The third study determined how rapidly H. convergens and L. hesperus acquire bovine casein protein after contact exposure to either alfalfa, Medicago sativa L. (Fabaceae), or lesquerella, Lesquerella fendleri (Watson) (Brassicaceae), plants sprayed with a bovine milk solution. These insects rapidly acquired the casein mark from the plant residue under field conditions. A final study determined how long H. convergens retain casein protein after 24‐h exposure to alfalfa and lesquerella plants containing a 7‐day‐old residue of bovine milk. Approximately 95% of the H. convergens maintained the casein mark for 2 days after removal from each type of plant.  相似文献   

Temperature is a determining factor for the development and establishment potential of insect pests. The present study describes the impact of temperature (13, 18, 23, 25, 28, 30, and 33 °C) on the life cycle parameters and phenotypic plasticity of South American populations of Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in the laboratory. Secondary objectives were to determine the lower thermal threshold and thermal constant to estimate the number of annual generations of the insect in small-fruit-producing regions in Brazil. The highest egg-to-adult survival was recorded at 23 and 25 °C. At 30 and 33 °C, no emergence of D. suzukii was observed. The egg-to-adult development time was shortest at 25 and 28 °C (ca. 10 days). The net reproductive rate (R0), and the intrinsic rate of population increase (rm) were highest at 23 and 25 °C. In contrast, temperatures of 13 and 28 °C generated largest and smallest body sizes, respectively, and caused reductions of 99 and 93% in R0. The estimated lower thermal threshold was 7.8 °C for egg-to-adult survival. The estimated thermal constant was 185.8 degree days, and the estimated annual number of generations of D. suzukii ranged from 17.1 in cold regions to 27.2 in warm regions. The results of the present study are important for understanding D. suzukii occurrence in the field, contributing to more informed and precise pest management.  相似文献   

  1. Drosophila suzukii is an invasive, polyphagous pest of soft-skinned fruits, having huge impact on fruit production in Asia, North and South America and Europe including Germany.
  2. To investigate the effect of temperature on oviposition, egg-to-adult development success and duration, as well as immature heat survival and adult cold survival for a German D. suzukii population several experiments were conducted under different constant temperatures in the laboratory. The resulting life cycle data were described mathematically as functions of temperature and compared with experimental results of other researchers in a summary table.
  3. Curve fittings used herein revealed that minimum, optimum and maximum temperatures are: 13.2, 26.7 and 33.6 °C for oviposition, 14.1, 22.6 and 30.0 °C for egg-to-adult development success, and 9.6, 27.3 and 35.7 °C for egg-to-adult development duration. Eggs and larvae of D. suzukii showed a reduced heat survival within the tested temperature range of 29 to 41 °C and exposure durations from 1 to 8 h. A cold survival rate of 50% was measured at e.g. −6 °C for 4 h in summer morph adults and at e.g. −6 °C for 45 h in winter morph adults confirming that the latter are more cold tolerant.
  4. Results obtained in this study for a German population of D. suzukii are similar to those obtained for populations of other origins such as Canada, Japan, Spain and USA. Thus, presumably, present data based on a German D. suzukii population can be used for a new or fine-tune of already existing population dynamics models of D. suzukii in order to support an effective pest management strategy.

Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is a widely distributed pest species of soft-skinned fruits. Recent studies suggest the use of sterile insect technique (SIT) as a control method for this species; however, many factors can impact effectiveness of a SIT programme, including the environmental conditions. Environmental condition is critical at the time of the release and in the days afterwards, since it may impact sterile insects’ survival and ability to mate. Thus, we verified the influence of temperature and relative humidity on mating and survival of fertile and sterile D. suzukii, when insects were food provided or deprived. Highest mating rates occurred when sterile or fertile flies provided with food were exposed to 25ºC or 81%–100% relative humidity, while temperatures of 10 and 35ºC and humidity below 60% impaired mating. Overall, mating rate among food-deprived flies was low in all temperatures and humidity levels tested, but fertile insects were more prone to mate when compared to sterile flies. Survival was negatively influenced by high temperatures, low relative humidity and food deprivation. The information present in this study is useful to be considered for release of sterile D. suzukii.  相似文献   

The spotted‐wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae), originally distributed across a few Asian countries including South Korea, has invaded North America and Europe but is absent from Australia. In order to export the South Korean grape cultivar Campbell Early to Australia, its potential to serve as an oviposition and development medium for SWD must first be determined. In this study, we determined the oviposition and development potential of SWD on Campbell Early, after elucidating the SWD life cycle and establishing an artificial diet‐based mass‐culturing system. An investigation of the life cycle under five temperature regimes (16, 19, 22, 25 and 28°C) showed that the durations of the egg, larval and adult stages were shortened when temperature was increased from 16, 19, 22, 25 and 28°C, but pupal duration was shortest at 25°C and extended again at 28°C. A test of oviposition and development potential of SWD on Campbell Early grape clusters showed oviposition of 30.8 ± 6.8 eggs per cluster of injured grapes and 157.7 ± 16.2 eggs on a culture dish of artificial diet. However, in a similar experiment using uninjured grape clusters, only a single egg was deposited on the grape skin, which soon dried. In light of these results, newly harvested grapes left at vineyards during daily harvests are unlikely to serve as an oviposition and development medium for SWD, as long as the grapes remain uninjured.  相似文献   

The spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, is an invasive pest of many fruit crops throughout North America, South America and Europe. The presence of this destructive pest has led to an increase in the number of insecticide applications. While conventional growers have an arsenal of different insecticides at their disposal, organic growers have a limited selection of effective options and rely heavily on applications of Entrust®, the organic formulation of spinosad. An important part of research is to develop more tools for organic growers and evaluate the effects of insecticides intended to target D. suzukii on natural enemies in the system. The effects of six organic pesticides alone and in combination with three adjuvants and two phagostimulants were tested in laboratory bioassays on three common natural enemies in berry production systems including two predators, Chrysoperla rufilabris and Orius insidiosus, and a parasitoid wasp, Aphidius colemani. Under the IOBC toxicity rating scale, spinosad was rated consistently from slightly harmful to harmful across natural enemy species and residue age (the effects of pesticides over time). Sabadilla alkaloids caused mortality to O. insidiosus equal to that of spinosad. All tested pesticides were at least slightly harmful to A. colemani, and the adjuvant polyether-polymethylsiloxane-copolymer polyether caused mortality that was not significantly different from spinosad. In general, neither the addition of adjuvants nor phagostimulants increased the mortality of the insecticides tested. The exception was polyether-polymethylsiloxane-copolymer polyether, but it is unclear whether it increased the toxicity of the pesticides or was simply toxic itself since it caused high mortality to A. colemani when applied alone. Sublethal effects were measured for two predatory species by measuring eggs laid and % egg hatch. Minimal sublethal effects were observed in C. rufilabris. In contrast, all tested insecticides caused reduced egg hatch in O. insidiosus compared with the control.  相似文献   

In just a few years, the Asian fly Drosophila suzukii has invaded several continents and has become a very serious pest of many fruit crops worldwide. Current control methods rely on chemical insecticides or expensive and labour‐intensive cultural practices. Classical biological control through the introduction of Asian parasitoids that have co‐evolved with the pest may provide a sustainable solution on condition that they are sufficiently specific to avoid non‐target effects on local biodiversity. Here, we present the first study on the development of three larval parasitoids from China and Japan, the Braconidae Asobara japonica and the Figitidae Leptopilina japonica and Ganaspis sp., on D. suzukii. The Asian parasitoids were compared with Leptopilina heterotoma, a common parasitoid of several Drosophilidae worldwide. The three Asian species were successfully reared on D. suzukii larvae in both, blueberry and artificial diet, in contrast to L. heterotoma whose eggs and larvae were encapsulated by the host larvae. All parasitoids were able to oviposit one day after emergence. Asobara japonica laid as many eggs in larvae feeding in blueberry as in artificial diet, whereas L. heterotoma oviposited more in larvae on the artificial diet and the Asian Figitidae oviposited more in larvae feeding on blueberry. Ganaspis sp. laid very few eggs in larvae in the artificial diet, suggesting that it may be specialized in Drosophila species living in fresh fruits. These data will be used for the development of a host range testing to assess the suitability of Asian parasitoids as biological control agents in invaded regions.  相似文献   

Since its arrival to North America less than a decade ago, the invasive Spotted‐Wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) has inflicted substantial economic losses on soft fruit agriculture due to its ability to oviposit into ripening fruits. More effective management approaches for this species are needed, but little is known about the factors that influence behavioral choices made by D. suzukii when selecting hosts, or the consequences that their offspring experience when developing in different environments. Using a nutritional geometry methodology, we found that the ratio of proteins‐to‐carbohydrates (P:C) present in media greatly influenced adult D. suzukii behavior and subsequent offspring development. Whereas adult flies showed a strong bias in their oviposition and association behaviors toward carbohydrate‐rich foods, larval survival and eclosion rate were strongly dependent on protein availability. Here, we explore the preference–performance hypothesis (PPH), in which females are predicted to oviposit on medias that provide the greatest offspring benefits, in regard to its relevance in D. suzukii behavior and consequences for management. Our results provide valuable insight into the ecology and evolution of this species that may hopefully lead to more effective management strategies.  相似文献   

Natural populations of Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae), also known as tomato/potato psyllid, were marked in potato [Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae)] crops using Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) to investigate the impact of dispersal on crop infestation and management of potential insecticide resistance in New Zealand. The technique was adapted from previous studies that used conventional spray applications of Bt to mark Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), and identified marked individuals with selective microbiological assays and identification of characteristic crystal inclusions. Initially, marking rates of B. cockerelli were improved by using ultra‐low volume applications of undiluted Bt, but this result was not consistent. Several other pests and natural enemies were also marked. In mark‐capture studies, marked B. cockerelli were captured over 3 days on yellow sticky traps in small trap plots of potatoes at 60, 120, 180, 250, and 350 m from the sprayed crop. Bactericera cockerelli flight activity occurred throughout daylight hours with evidence of bimodal diurnal peaks. Significantly greater numbers of B. cockerelli were captured in downwind traps. The combined dispersal curve derived from two mark‐capture experiments estimated a mean dispersal distance for B. cockerelli of 100 m in 3 days and indicated that 10% of the population dispersed further than ca. 250 m. Over the period of a growing season, this level of dispersal suggests that B. cockerelli can disperse throughout a vegetable‐growing region, with implications for crop infestation and management of potential insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

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