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It has been argued that widespread extinctions of top predators have changed terrestrial ecosystem structures through mesopredator release, where increased abundances of medium-sized predators have detrimental effects on prey communities. This top-down concept has received much attention within conservation biology, but few studies have demonstrated the phenomenon. The concept has been criticized since alternative explanations involving bottom-up impacts from bioclimatic effects on ecosystem productivity and from anthropogenic habitat change are rarely considered. We analyse the response of a mesopredator (the red fox) to declines in top predators (wolf and Eurasian lynx) and agricultural expansion over 90 years in Sweden, taking bioclimatic effects into account. We show a top-down mesopredator release effect, but ecosystem productivity determined its strength. The impacts of agricultural activity were mediated by their effects on top predator populations. Thus, both top-down and bottom-up processes need to be understood for effective preservation of biodiversity in anthropogenically transformed ecosystems.  相似文献   

The effects of forest fragmentation on ecological interactions and particularly on food webs have scarcely been analysed. There is usually less herbivory in forest fragments than in continuous forests. Here we hypothesize that forest fragmentation enhances top‐down control of herbivory through an increase in insectivorous birds and a decrease in herbivorous insects, with a consequent decrease in plant reproductive success in small forest fragments. In the Maulino forest in central Chile, we experimentally excluded birds from Aristotelia chilensis (Elaeocarpaceae) trees in both forest fragments and continuous forest, and analysed herbivore insect abundance, herbivory and plant reproductive success during two consecutive growing seasons. We expected that insect abundance and herbivory would increase, and reproductive success would decrease in A. chilensis from which birds have been excluded, particularly in forest fragments where bird abundance and predation pressure on insects is higher. The abundance of herbivorous insects was lower in the forest fragments than in the continuous forest only in the first season, and herbivory was lower in forest fragments than in the continuous forest throughout the study. Moreover, during the second growing season herbivory was greater in the excluded trees than in the control trees, and as expected, there was a greater difference in the fragments than in the continuous forest, but this was not statistically significant. Exclusion of birds did not affect the reproductive success of A. chilensis. Our results, after 2 years of study, demonstrate that birds affect the levels of herbivory on A. chilensis in the Maulino forest, but do not support our hypothesis of enhanced top‐down control in fragmented forests, as the strength of the effect of excluding birds did not vary with fragmentation.  相似文献   

Since its original formulation by Janzen in 1966, the hypothesis that obligate ant‐plants (myrmecophytes) defended effectively against herbivores by resident mutualistic ants have reduced their direct, chemical defence has been widely adopted. We tested this hypothesis by quantifying three classes of phenolic compounds (hydrolysable tannins, flavonoids, and condensed tannins) spectrophotometrically in the foliage of 20 ant‐plant and non‐ant‐plant species of the three unrelated genera Leonardoxa,Macaranga and Acacia (and three other closely related Mimosoideae from the genera Leucaena, Mimosa and Prosopis). We further determined biological activities of leaf extracts of the mimosoid species against fungal spore germination (as measure of pathogen resistance), seed germination (as measure of allelopathic activity), and caterpillar growth (as measure of anti‐herbivore defence).
Condensed tannin content in three of four populations of the non‐myrmecophytic Leonardoxa was significantly higher than in populations of the myrmecophyte. In contrast, we observed no consistent differences between ant‐plants and non‐ant‐plants in the Mimosoideae and in the genus Macaranga, though contents of phenolic compounds varied strongly among different species in each of these two plant groups. Similarly, among the investigated Mimosoideae, biological activity against spore or seed germination and caterpillar growth varied considerably but showed no clear relation with the existence of an obligate mutualism with ants. Our results did not support the hypothesis of ‘trade‐offs’ between indirect, biotic and direct, chemical defence in ant‐plants.
A critical re‐evaluation of the published data suggests that support for this hypothesis is more tenuous than is usually believed. The general and well‐established phenomenon that myrmecophytes are subject to severe attack by herbivores when deprived of their ants still lacks an explanation. It remains to be studied whether the trade‐off hypothesis holds true only for specific compounds (such as chitinases and amides whose cost may be the direct negative effects on plants’ ant mutualists), or whether the pattern of dramatically reduced direct defence of ant‐plants is caused by classes of defensive compounds not yet studied.  相似文献   

Deamidation is a nonenzymatic post-translational modification of asparagine to aspartic acid or glutamine to glutamic acid, converting an uncharged amino acid to a negatively charged residue. It is plausible that deamidation of asparagine and glutamine residues would result in disruption of a proteins'' hydrogen bonding network and thus lead to protein unfolding. To test this hypothesis Calmodulin and B2M were deamidated and analyzed using tandem mass spectrometry on a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FTICR-MS). The gas phase hydrogen bonding networks of deamidated and nondeamidated protein isoforms were probed by varying the infra-red multi-photon dissociation laser power in a linear fashion and plotting the resulting electron capture dissociation fragment intensities as a melting curve at each amino acid residue. Analysis of the unfolding maps highlighted increased fragmentation at lower laser powers localized around heavily deamidated regions of the proteins. In addition fragment intensities were decreased across the rest of the proteins which we propose is because of the formation of salt-bridges strengthening the intramolecular interactions of the central regions. These results were supported by a computational flexibility analysis of the mutant and unmodified proteins, which would suggest that deamidation can affect the global structure of a protein via modification of the hydrogen bonding network near the deamidation site and that top down FTICR-MS is an appropriate technique for studying protein folding.  相似文献   

Coreen Forbes  Edd Hammill 《Oikos》2013,122(12):1662-1668
The total effect of predators on prey is a combination of direct consumption, and non‐consumptive effects (NCEs), such as predator‐induced changes to prey morphology, behaviour and life history. Past research into NCEs has tended to focus on pair‐wise interactions between predators and prey, while in natural ecosystems, species exist in complex communities with several trophic levels made up of multiple autotrophic and heterotropic species. To address how predator NCEs alter the photosynthetic and heterotrophic components of communities, we exposed microbial microcosms to one of three predator treatments: live predators (full predator effect), freeze‐killed predators (NCEs only) or no predators (control), and incubated them under either 12 h:12 h light:dark conditions or continual darkness. Under 12 h:12 h light:dark conditions, NCEs‐only communities never differed from predator‐free communities, but differed from live predator communities. Under conditions of continual darkness, the structure of NCEs‐only communities differed from predator‐free controls, but not from live predator communities, suggesting NCEs can be strong enough to structure communities. Predation threat may cause certain prey to induce defences, such as reductions in movement, which make them less competitive in a community setting. This reduction in competitive ability could lead to these species being driven to extinction through interspecific competition, resulting in similar communities to those in which live predators are present. Heterotrophic species whose rates of resource acquisition depend on movement rates may be affected to a greater extent than autotrophs by predator‐induced reductions in movement, accounting for our observed differences in predator NCEs in ‘dark’ and ‘light’ communities. Our results suggest that the community‐level consequences of fear are greater in the dark. Synthesis Predators affect prey through consumptive and non‐consumptive effects (NCEs) such as alterations to prey behaviour, morphology, and life history. However, predators and prey do not exist in isolated pairs, but in complex communities where they interact with many other species. Using a long term study (>10 predator generations), we show that predator NCEs alone can alter community structure under conditions of darkness, but not in a 12h:12h light:dark cycle. Our results demonstrate for the first time that although the community‐level consequences of predator NCEs may be dramatic, they depend upon the abiotic conditions of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Higher trophic level interactions are key mediators of ecosystem functioning in tropical forests. A rich body of theory has been developed to predict the effects of plant diversity on communities at higher trophic levels and the mechanisms underlying such effects. The 'enemies hypothesis’ states that predators exert more effective top–down control of herbivorous insects with increasing plant diversity. Support for this hypothesis has been found in temperate forests and agroecosystems, but remains understudied in tropical forests. We compared incidence of attacks of different natural enemies using artificial caterpillars in a tropical forest landscape and investigated the role of plant community structure (i.e. species richness, composition and density), and the role of forest fragmentation (i.e. patch size, edge distance and canopy openness) on predation intensity. Plant community effects were tested with respect to three vegetation strata: trees, saplings and herbs. Observed predation was substantially due to ants. Predation rates increased with plant species richness for trees and herbs. Density of saplings, herb cover and herb species composition were important factors for predation. No significant patterns were found for fragmentation parameters, suggesting that forest fragmentation has not altered predation intensity. We conclude that in tropical forests, top–down control of herbivorous insects in the understory vegetation is affected by a combination of plant diversity, plant species composition and structural features of the plant community.  相似文献   

Weedy rice is a representative of the extensive group of feral weeds that derive from crops, but has returned to the lifestyle of a wild species. These weeds develop either from a hybridization of crops with wild relatives (exoferality), or by mutation of crops to weedy forms (endoferality). Due to the close relation of weed and crop, the methods for weed‐targeted containment are limited to date. A deeper understanding of the development of such weeds might help to design more efficient and sustainable approaches for weed management. Weedy rice poses a serious threat to rice yields worldwide. It is widely accepted that weedy rice has originated independently in different regions all over the world. However, details of its evolution have remained elusive. In the current study, we investigated the history of weedy rice in northern Italy, the most important rice‐growing area in Europe. Our approach was to analyze genes related to weedy traits (SD1, sh4, Rc) in weedy rice accessions compared to cultivars, and to integrate these results with phenotypic and physiological data, as well as historical information about rice farming in Italy. We arrive at a working model for the timeline of evolution of weedy rice in Italy indicating that both exoferality and endoferality acted as forces driving the development of the diverse weedy rice populations found in the region today. Models of weed evolution can help to predict the direction which weed development might take and to develop new, sustainable methods to control feral weeds.  相似文献   

The distribution of three gerbil species in the Negev Desert, Israel differs in relation to sandy habitats. Gerbillus gerbillus occurs in sand only, Gerbillus dasyurus lives in all habitat types except sand, Gerbillus henleyi occurs in sand at high density periods only. We hypothesized that the reason for this distribution pattern is differential ability of species to forage in sand. We tested the ability of gerbils to search for seeds in sand layers of different depths and predicted that a) G. gerbillus will have equal search success at different sand depths, b) G. henleyi (which is twice smaller than G. gerbillus and G. dasyurus) will find seeds in thin layers better than in deep layers, and c) G. dasyurus will successfully find seeds in the thinnest layers only. We predicted also d) that G. gerbillus relies on olfaction for seed location, so its foraging success will be higher in searching for whole seeds than for seed kernels, whereas this will not be the case for G. henleyi and G. dasyurus. We examined the responses of the three species to odor of whole seeds vs seed kernels in Y-maze. In regards to seed depth, the search success of G. gerbillus was significantly higher when the whole seeds rather than kernels were offered in all treatments except the control, but sand depth did not influence the search success. The search success of G. dasyurus and G. henleyi did not depend on the type of seeds offered. The search success of G. dasyurus was lower in experimental (1, 3, 5 and 8 cm sand depth) than in control (1 mm sand depth) treatments, but did not differ among most experimental treatments. The search success of the smallest G. henleyi depended on sand depth for both whole seeds and kernels. Gerbillus gerbillus and G. dasyurus did not lose body masses in any treatment, whereas body mass changes of G. henleyi were influenced by the depth of sand in which gerbils foraged. No species demonstrated differences in response to whole seeds vs kernels in Y-maze tests.  相似文献   

AimsDysmetabolic iron overload syndrome (DIOS) is common but the clinical relevance of iron overload is not understood. Macrophages are central cells in iron homeostasis and inflammation. We hypothesized that iron overload in DIOS could affect the phenotype of monocytes and impair macrophage gene expression.MethodsThis study compared 20 subjects with DIOS to 20 subjects with metabolic syndrome (MetS) without iron overload, and 20 healthy controls. Monocytes were phenotyped by Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) and differentiated into anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages in the presence of IL-4. The expression of 38 genes related to inflammation, iron metabolism and M2 phenotype was assessed by real-time PCR.ResultsFACS showed no difference between monocytes across the three groups. The macrophagic response to IL-4-driven differentiation was altered in four of the five genes of M2 phenotype (MRC1, F13A1, ABCA1, TGM2 but not FABP4), in DIOS vs Mets and controls demonstrating an impaired M2 polarization. The expression profile of inflammatory genes was not different in DIOS vs MetS. Several genes of iron metabolism presented a higher expression in DIOS vs MetS: SCL11A2 (a free iron transporter, +76 %, p = 0.04), SOD1 (an antioxidant enzyme, +27 %, p = 0.02), and TFRC (the receptor 1 of transferrin, +59 %, p = 0.003).ConclusionsIn DIOS, macrophage polarization toward the M2 alternative phenotype is impaired but not associated with a pro-inflammatory profile. The up regulation of transferrin receptor 1 (TFRC) in DIOS macrophages suggests an adaptive role that may limit iron toxicity in DIOS.  相似文献   

Jodi N. Price  Meelis Pärtel 《Oikos》2013,122(5):649-656
Synthesis We used meta‐analyses to examine experimental evidence that functional similarity between invaders and resident communities reduces invasion. We synthesized evidence from studies that experimentally added seed to resident communities in which the functional group composition had been manipulated. We found communities containing functionally similar resident species reduced invasion of forb but not grass invaders. However, experimental design dramatically influenced the results – with evidence for limiting similarity only found in artificially assembled communities, and not when studies used functional group removal from more ‘natural communities’. We suggest that functional group similarity plays a limited role in biotic resistance in established communities. The principle of limiting similarity suggests that species must be functionally different to coexist; based on the assumption that inter‐specific competition should be greatest between functionally similar species. There has been controversy over the generality of this assembly rule for plant communities with some studies finding evidence for limiting similarity and others not. One approach to testing this is to examine the ‘invasion’ success of species into communities in which the functional group composition has been manipulated. Using a meta‐analysis approach, we examined the generality of limiting similarity for plant communities based on published experimental studies. We asked – is establishment of an invading species less successful if it belongs to a functional group that is already present in the community compared to a community in which that functional group is absent? We explored separately colonisation (i.e. germination, establishment or seedling survival) and performance (i.e. biomass, cover or growth) of different functional groups (forbs and grasses) and experimental designs (removal experiments of more or less natural communities and synthetic‐assemblage experiments). We found that communities containing functionally similar resident species did reduce invader colonisation and performance of forb invaders, but did not reduce colonisation or performance of grass invaders. Evidence in support of limiting similarity was only detected in synthetic‐assemblage experiments and not when studies used functional group removal from ‘natural’ communities. Functional similarity is an important aspect of biotic resistance for forb invaders, but was only found in artificial communities. This has implications for restoration ecology especially when communities are built de novo. However, we suggest that limiting similarity plays a limited role in biotic resistance, because no evidence was detected in established communities.  相似文献   

Predation has been invoked as a factor synchronizing the population oscillations of sympatric prey species, either because predators kill prey unselectively (the Shared Predation Hypothesis; hereafter SPH), or because predators switch to alternative prey after a density decline in their main prey (the Alternative Prey Hypothesis; APH). A basic assumption of the APH is that the impact of predators on alternative prey depends more on the density of main prey than on the predator/alternative prey ratio. Both SPH and APH assume that the impact of predators on alternative prey is at least periodically strong enough to depress prey populations. To examine these assumptions, we utilized data from replicated field experiments in large areas where we reduced the breeding densities of avian predators during three years and the numbers of least weasels (Mustela nivalis) in two years when vole populations declined. In addition, we reduced the breeding densities of avian predators in two years when vole populations were high. The reduction of least weasels increased the abundance of their alternative prey, small birds breeding on the ground, but did not affect the abundance of common shrews (Sorex araneus). In years when vole populations declined, the reduction of avian predators increased the abundance of their alternative prey, common shrews and small birds. Therefore, vole‐eating predators do at least periodically depress the abundance of their alternative prey. At high vole densities, the reduction of avian predators did not increase the abundance of common shrews, although the ratio of avian predators to alternative prey was similar to years when vole populations declined, which supported APH. In contrast, the abundance of small birds increased after the reduction of avian predators also at high vole densities, which supported SPH. The manipulations had no obvious effect on the number of game birds, which are only occasionally killed by these small‐sized predators. We conclude that in communities where most predators are small or specialize on a single prey type, the synchronizing impact of predation is restricted to a few similar‐sized species.  相似文献   

Bottom‐up control is a fundamental structuring force in food webs. Food webs of ocean‐exposed sandy beaches are predicted to be bottom‐up controlled systems, underpinned by imported organic matter rather than in situ primary production. This ecological model of resource‐based regulation of biological assemblages is juxtaposed against a prevailing paradigm built around a dominance of physical drivers in sandy beach ecosystems. Surprisingly, given the apparently ubiquitous energetic subsidies of beach food webs, the central premise of bottom‐up control has not been tested. Here we experimentally manipulated in situ nutrient levels on a sandy beach to test food web responses at the levels of primary producers (benthic microalgae) and their grazers (meiofauna). The meiofauna community as a whole appeared most strongly influenced by the local physical environment, particularly changes in sediment grain size – this supports the traditional ‘environmental control paradigm’. We also detected a significant, positive response of two consumer groups of the meiofauna (nematodes, ostracods) to nutrient enrichment that supports a model of biological, bottom‐up control. Although the predicted response of elevated producer biomass following nutrient enrichment was not detected, intense grazing pressure on new, stimulated production may have masked positive responses by the primary producers. Multichannel regulation of food webs is likely for many exposed sandy beaches, albeit an often lower importance of in situ bottom‐up forces compared with stronger environmental control.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a highly polyphagous herbivore. This research was conducted to compare the development of B. tabaci reared in a multi‐plant treatment (polyculture) with those in single‐plant treatments (monocultures). Adult B. tabaci females fed on a mixture of tomato, cabbage, cotton, cucumber, and kidney bean survived longer and laid more eggs than those fed exclusively on one of these plant species. Egg numbers per plant laid in the polyculture treatment were positively correlated with those laid on the same plant species in the monoculture treatments, and egg numbers per plant laid on tomato, cotton, and cucumber in the polyculture were significantly higher than those laid on the same plants in the monocultures. Concentrations of total protein and trehalose in B. tabaci were not significantly different after 7 days of feeding in the respective treatments, but activities of superoxide dismutases (SOD) and alkaline phosphatase (AKP) of B. tabaci in polyculture were lower than those in monoculture. Conversely, activities of trehalase, sucrase, and amylase in B. tabaci kept in polyculture were higher than those of insects from the monoculture. In each of the monoculture treatments, there was a negative correlation between AKP in B. tabaci and oviposition, and also between AKP and amylase. SOD and sucrase activities in B. tabaci were positively correlated with polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) activities in plants. In the plants damaged by whiteflies in the polyculture treatment, activities of SOD in cucumber, PPO in cotton and kidney bean, and POD in tomato and cucumber were lower than those in the monoculture treatments, whereas SOD in cabbage and catalase (CAT) in tomato in the polyculture treatment were higher than those in the monoculture treatments.  相似文献   

Biological control of greenhouse pests has been successfully developed and applied. In greenhouse crops, several entomophagous species (predators and parasitoids) are used simultaneously in the crop cycle. One important aspect of these crops, which represent modified ecosystems, is the interactions among complexes of species, including plants, phytophagous insects, and predators. The chemical relationships (semiochemicals: pheromones and kairomones) among these species likely play an important role in greenhouse crops; however, few studies have focused on these relationships. The aim of this study was to analyse the importance of semiochemicals. Three groups of laboratory trials were conducted with two predatory species: Nabis pseudoferus and Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Nabidae and Miridae, respectively). The results of the first group of trials indicated that the adult females of both species were more attracted to herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) than they were to the control plants or plants with artificial damage. Based on the second group of trials, pheromones triggered an attraction in adult females of both species for conspecifics. Finally, based on the interactions of the adult females of the same species, pheromones changed or modulated the predatory responses to HIPVs. The implications of these results for the biological control of pest species in greenhouses are further discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ecological literature is ambiguous as to whether the initial diversity of a plant community facilitates or deters the diversity of colonizing species. We experimentally planted annual crop species in monoculture and polyculture, and examined the resulting weed communities. The species composition of weeds was similar among treatments, but the species richness of weeds was significantly higher in the polycultures than in the monocultures. This supports the ‘diversity begets diversity’ hypothesis. Environmental microheterogeneity, diversity promoters, and ecological equivalency do not seem able to explain the observed patterns.  相似文献   

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