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Herein, I review existing criticisms of the field of invasion biology. Firstly, I identifiy problems of conceptual weaknesses, including disagreements regarding: (i) definitions of invasive, impact, and pristine conditions, and (ii) ecological assumptions such as species equilibrium, niche saturation, and climax communities. Secondly, I discuss methodological problems include the misuse of correlations, biases in impact reviews and risk assessment, and difficulties in predicting the effects of species introductions or eradications. Finally, I analyse the social conflict regarding invasive species management and differences in moral and philosophical foundations. I discuss the recent emergence of alternatives to traditional invasion biology approaches, including the concept of novel ecosystems, conciliation biology, and compassionate conservation. Understanding different value systems will be the first step to reconciling the different perspectives related to this controversial topic.  相似文献   

Restoration ecology struggles to mitigate human‐caused ecological damage. Non‐native species are a particular challenge. This article describes two restoration attempts following introduced species in California and then makes a radical culling proposal. Environmental regulations, legal protections, and restoration projects are necessary to preserve ecosystem services, but such policies are often unpopular. Restorers often struggle when public opinion opposes evidence‐based practice, and this occurs particularly when the interventions involve killing mammals. Therefore, restoration efforts may benefit from more attention to how individuals perceive the acceptability of environmental policies and how to communicate policy options effectively for individuals to make informed decisions. Restoration ecology can follow the recent shift of medicine away from imperatives and toward informed patient choice. Restoration projects may benefit from recent advances in psychology and communication that help individuals make policy decisions that align with their personal values.  相似文献   

Invasive non‐native species (NNS) are internationally recognized as posing a serious threat to global biodiversity, economies and human health. The identification of invasive NNS is already established, those that may arrive in the future, their vectors and pathways of introduction and spread, and hotspots of invasion are important for a targeted approach to managing introductions and impacts at local, regional and global scales. The aim of this study was to identify which marine and brackish NNS are already present in marine systems of the northeastern Arabia area (Arabian Gulf and Sea of Oman) and of these which ones are potentially invasive, and which species have a high likelihood of being introduced in the future and negatively affect biodiversity. Overall, 136 NNS were identified, of which 56 are already present in the region and a further 80 were identified as likely to arrive in the future, including fish, tunicates, invertebrates, plants and protists. The Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit (AS‐ISK) was used to identify the risk of NNS being (or becoming) invasive within the region. Based on the AS‐ISK basic risk assessment (BRA) thresholds, 36 extant and 37 horizon species (53.7% of all species) were identified as high risk. When the impact of climate change on the overall assessment was considered, the combined risk score (BRA+CCA) increased for 38.2% of all species, suggesting higher risk under warmer conditions, including the highest‐risk horizon NNS the green crab Carcinus maenas, and the extant macro‐alga Hypnea musciformis. This is the first horizon‐scanning exercise for NNS in the region, thus providing a vital baseline for future management. The outcome of this study is the prioritization of NNS to inform decision‐making for the targeted monitoring and management in the region to prevent new bio‐invasions and to control existing species, including their potential for spread.  相似文献   

The biotic resistance hypothesis predicts that diverse native communities are more resistant to invasion. However, past studies vary in their support for this hypothesis due to an apparent contradiction between experimental studies, which support biotic resistance, and observational studies, which find that native and non‐native species richness are positively related at broad scales (small‐scale studies are more variable). Here, we present a novel analysis of the biotic resistance hypothesis using 24 456 observations of plant richness spanning four community types and seven ecoregions of the United States. Non‐native plant occurrence was negatively related to native plant richness across all community types and ecoregions, although the strength of biotic resistance varied across different ecological, anthropogenic and climatic contexts. Our results strongly support the biotic resistance hypothesis, thus reconciling differences between experimental and observational studies and providing evidence for the shared benefits between invasive species management and native biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

The changes in the fish assemblage of the Capivara Reservoir, Brazil, were assessed over a 20 year period. Of 50 native fishes present in the initial samples, 27 were no longer present in the final samples, but there had been an addition of 11 invasive fishes, suggesting the occurrence of substantial shifts in fish diversity and abundance.  相似文献   

1. Harmonia axyridis was first recorded in Britain in 2004. Two subsequent earlier records were received from 2003. 2. The UK Ladybird Survey, a citizen science initiative involving online recording, was launched in 2005 to encourage people across Britain to track the spread of H. axyridis. Tens of thousands of people have provided records of H. axyridis and other species of ladybirds, creating an invaluable dataset for large‐scale and long‐term research. Declines in the distribution of seven (of eight assessed) native species of ladybird have been demonstrated, and correlated with the arrival of H. axyridis, using the records collated through the UK Ladybird Survey. 3. Experimental research and field surveys have also contributed to our understanding of the ecology of H. axyridis and particularly the process of invasion. Harmonia axyridis arrived in Britain through dispersal and introduction events from regions in which it was deliberately released as a biological control agent. The rapid spread of this species has been attributed to its high natural dispersal capability by means of both flight and anthropogenic transport. A number of factors have contributed to the successful establishment and indeed dominance of this polymorphic species within aphidophagous guilds, including high reproductive capacity, intra‐guild predation, eurytopic nature, high resistance to natural enemies within the invaded range, and potentially phenotypic plasticity. 4. The global invasion by H. axyridis and subsequent research on this species has contributed to the general understanding of biological invasions.  相似文献   

The paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) was first introduced to Europe in 1974, mainly due to its potential for rearing in natural polyculture ponds and large temperate reservoirs. The information on the history of paddlefish aquaculture efforts in Europe is scarce, as well as data on current paddlefish aquaculture status and trends. In addition, there is a lack of data on its presence and potential establishment in the wild, while its invasive potential and associated risks and impacts are largely unknown. In order to evaluate its current status in Europe, we conducted a survey among scientists, aquaculture producers and other stakeholders, and reviewed literature and data on the Internet. Based on the results obtained, we discuss the potential and the challenges in European paddlefish aquaculture development, and analyze paddlefish invasive potential and risks associated with its naturalization. Paddlefish aquaculture is well established only regionally in Europe, but offers relatively high potential for further development in pond farms. Nevertheless, future development will require careful planning, especially regarding market development and improved marketing strategies. While paddlefish likely represents a low‐risk invader, improved control and reporting on trade and intentional and unintentional releases will be required. Given the lack of knowledge on potential impacts following its introduction, due caution seems highly advisable.  相似文献   

The two non‐native grasses that have established long‐term populations in Antarctica (Poa pratensis and Poa annua) were studied from a global multidimensional thermal niche perspective to address the biological invasion risk to Antarctica. These two species exhibit contrasting introduction histories and reproductive strategies and represent two referential case studies of biological invasion processes. We used a multistep process with a range of species distribution modelling techniques (ecological niche factor analysis, multidimensional envelopes, distance/entropy algorithms) together with a suite of thermoclimatic variables, to characterize the potential ranges of these species. Their native bioclimatic thermal envelopes in Eurasia, together with the different naturalized populations across continents, were compared next. The potential niche of P. pratensis was wider at the cold extremes; however, P. annua life history attributes enable it to be a more successful colonizer. We observe that particularly cold summers are a key aspect of the unique Antarctic environment. In consequence, ruderals such as P. annua can quickly expand under such harsh conditions, whereas the more stress‐tolerant P. pratensis endures and persist through steady growth. Compiled data on human pressure at the Antarctic Peninsula allowed us to provide site‐specific biosecurity risk indicators. We conclude that several areas across the region are vulnerable to invasions from these and other similar species. This can only be visualized in species distribution models (SDMs) when accounting for founder populations that reveal nonanalogous conditions. Results reinforce the need for strict management practices to minimize introductions. Furthermore, our novel set of temperature‐based bioclimatic GIS layers for ice‐free terrestrial Antarctica provide a mechanism for regional and global species distribution models to be built for other potentially invasive species.  相似文献   

Aim We investigated watershed‐scale abiotic environmental factors associated with population establishment of one of the ‘world’s 100 worst alien invaders’ on a temperate Atlantic island. Within the context of the conservation implications, we aimed to quantify (1) the early history and demographics (numbers and origins) of human‐mediated brown trout (Salmo trutta) introductions, (2) the current distribution of established populations, and (3) the watershed‐scale environmental factors that may resist or facilitate trout establishment. Location Island of Newfoundland, Canada. Methods We combined field sampling with historical and contemporary records from literature to assemble a presence–absence and physical habitat database for 312 watersheds on Newfoundland. Probability of watershed establishment was modelled with general additive ANCOVA models to control for nonlinear effects of propagule pressure (i.e. the distance to and number of invasion foci within a biologically relevant range) and model performance based on AIC. Results Between 1883 and 1906, 16 watersheds were introduced with brown trout from the Howietoun Hatchery, near Stirling, Scotland. Since that time, populations have established in 51 additional watersheds at an estimated rate of spread of 4 km per year. We did not detect any obvious abiotic barriers to resist trout establishment, but showed that for a given amount of propagule pressure that relatively large and productive watersheds were most likely to be established. Main conclusions Brown trout have successfully invaded and established populations in watersheds of Newfoundland and are currently slowly expanding on the island. Populations are more likely to establish in relatively large and productive watersheds, thereby supporting predictions of island biogeography theory. However, we suggest that all watersheds in Newfoundland are potentially susceptible to successful brown trout invasion and that abiotic factors alone are unlikely to act sufficiently as barriers to population establishment.  相似文献   

冯芸芝  孙栋  邵倩文  王春生 《生态学报》2022,42(21):8544-8554
浮游动物是海洋生态系统的关键类群,其覆盖门类广泛,多样性高。传统形态鉴定技术需要检测人员具备专业的形态鉴定知识,且费时费力。宏条形码技术无需分离生物个体,而是提取拖网采集到的浮游动物混合样本的总DNA,或者水体中的环境DNA (eDNA),依托高通量测序平台测序,能够实现对大规模样本快速、准确、经济的分析,在海洋浮游动物生态学研究中得到越来越广泛的应用。分析了DNA宏条形码技术常用的核糖体和线粒体分子标记,在浮游动物多样性和数量研究中的可靠性和不足,并给出在海洋浮游动物群落监测,食物关系分析及生物入侵早期预警等研究中的应用。未来,开发多基因片段组合条形码,发展完备的参考数据库及实现准确的量化研究是DNA宏条形码技术发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

Aim We examine the regional dominance of California as a beachhead for marine biological invasions in western North America and assess the relative contribution of different transfer mechanisms to invasions over time. Location Western North America (California to Alaska, excluding Mexico). Methods We undertook extensive analysis of literature and collections records to characterize the invasion history of non‐native species (invertebrates, microalgae and microorganisms) with established populations in coastal marine (tidal) waters of western North America through 2006. Using these data, we estimated (1) the proportion of first regional records of non‐native species that occurred in California and (2) the relative contribution of transfer mechanisms to California invasions (or vector strength) over time. Results Excluding vascular plants and vertebrates, we identified 290 non‐native marine species with established populations in western North America, and 79% had first regional records from California. Many (40–64%) of the non‐native species in adjacent states and provinces were first reported in California, suggesting northward spread. California also drives the increasing regional rate of detected invasions. Of 257 non‐native species established in California, 59% had first regional records in San Francisco Bay; 57% are known from multiple estuaries, suggesting secondary spread; and a majority were attributed to vessels (ballast water or hull fouling) or oysters, in some combination, but their relative contributions are not clear. For California, more than one vector was possible for 56% of species, and the potential contribution of ballast water, hull fouling and live trade increased over time, unlike other vectors. Main conclusions California, especially San Francisco Bay, plays a pivotal role for marine invasion dynamics for western North America, providing an entry point from which many species spread. This pattern is associated historically with high propagule supply and salinity. Any effective strategies to minimize new invasions throughout this region must (1) focus attention on California and (2) address current uncertainty and future shifts in vector strength.  相似文献   

Risk analyses are predictive systems designed to detect the risk of invasion by non‐native species. Although eucalypts are often considered moderately invasive given the extent of cultivation on a global scale, some species are widely recognized as invasive for transforming and impacting natural areas in several countries. These problems may be due to propagule pressure derived from human interest in forest production and aesthetic values. Risk analyses were carried out for 16 eucalypt species cultivated in Brazil using a protocol adapted from an Australian model to Brazilian conditions. The species were: Corymbia citriodora, Corymbia maculata, Corymbia torelliana, Eucalyptus benthamii, Eucalyptus brassiana, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus cloeziana, Eucalyptus dunnii, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus pellita, Eucalyptus robusta, Eucalyptus saligna, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Eucalyptus urophylla and Eucalyptus viminalis. Results indicate high risk for seven species, moderate risk for eight species and low risk for one species. The only low risk species is E. dunnii, while the highest risk scores refer to C. torelliana, E. tereticornis and E. grandis. These results are consistent with the history of invasion of the species around the world and should be considered for plantations especially when investment capacity to prevent and permanently control spread is low or not associated with forest certification standards. Risk analysis is a valid tool for discriminating between species and making decisions on species to be introduced or cultivated. The results of this study show that there are many species that can be cultivated without incurring biological invasions.  相似文献   

1. North‐eastern Spain is a hot spot for the introduction of alien fish species, and its native fish fauna is one of the most endangered worldwide. We used an extensive data set from 2002 to 2003 and historical information from the area to characterize fish diversity and establish conservation priorities in river catchments. 2. Diversity indices were used to characterize fish diversity at the basin scale. An index of conservation status was applied for each species, which considers the occurrence, abundance and endemicity of each taxon. We used indirect ordination methods to test the relationship among basin features and to identify those variables most correlated with each other. To identify physical, biotic and environmental characteristics that seem to make a basin particularly susceptible to invasion, we performed a step‐wise multiple regression to examine the relationship between the number of native, translocated and introduced fish species (including the original native species richness of each basin), and landscape variables. 3. Over a period of approximately 50 years, the mean range size of native fish species has decreased by 60%. The greatest decline occurred in Gasterosteus gymnurus, Anguilla anguilla and Salaria fluviatilis, for which species over 75% of the original distribution area has been lost. The species with the highest conservation index were Gasterosteus gymnurus and Salaria fluviatilis. 4. Basin area and the catchment type explained 70% of variation in native species richness, whereas the number of dams and basin area accounted for more than 80% of variation in the number of introduced species. 5. The original native species richness and the number of introduced species at basin scale were not related, and thus there was no evidence of “biotic resistance” to invasion. The restoration of natural hydrologic processes and the development of specific management tools to protect native species, such as the prioritization of areas for fish conservation and the eradication of local populations of exotic species, are required to restore native fish fauna in these catchments.  相似文献   

欧洲熊蜂Bombus terretris入侵研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲熊蜂Bombus terrestris被出口到自然分布区外为作物传粉,现已在澳大利亚、新西兰、日本、以色列、智利和阿根廷等国家建立野生种群.欧洲熊蜂与本土传粉生物竞争蜜粉源植物,传播病虫害,与本土熊蜂杂交产生不育子代.欧洲熊蜂入侵可能引起本地传粉昆虫牛物多样性降低,危害生态系统传粉功能的安全.中国从1998年开始引入欧洲熊蜂为大棚作物传粉,但日前尚无欧洲熊蜂入侵我国的报道.中国是熊蜂生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,具有欧洲熊蜂适生环境,欧洲熊蜂有可能入侵我国.防止欧洲熊蜂入侵最重要和最有效的办法是减少进口该物种和进行科学的放蜂管理.  相似文献   

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