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Immunoelectrophoretic studies of the seed proteins of material provisionally referred to B. secalinus var. or f. hirsutus have revealed that it is serologically distinct from B. secalinus. The plant has many of the characters of B. secalinus fitting that species to life as a contaminant of cereal fields, but the floret and seed sizes are much smaller, and the sheaths are normally hairy. In Britain the plant appears to contaminate small-seeded pasture grasses which are sown on roadsides. The chromosome number of this plant is 2n = 14, unlike typical B. secalinus which has 2n = 28. The plant seems to be introduced in Britain, but its native distribution is not known. In view of its distinctive morphology and its serological difference from B. secalinus and other bromes, it is proposed to name it as a new species: Bromus pseudosecalinus P. SMITH sp. nov.  相似文献   

Pleospora drammondii spec. nov. and its anamorph Stemphylium drammondii spec. nov. The causal organism of a leaf spot disease on Phlox drummondii is described as Pleospora drummondii spec. nov. and its anamorph Stempbylium drummondii spec, nov. — in contrast to earlier reports from the USA, in which the fungus was identified as S. botryosum.  相似文献   

The morphologies of two novel ciliates, Arcanisutura chongmingensis n. gen., n. sp. and Naxella paralucida n. sp., collected from Shanghai, China, have been investigated using live observation and silver staining methods. Arcanisutura n. gen. can be easily distinguished from related genera by its inconspicuous, oblique anterior suture. Arcanisutura chongmingensis n. sp. is mainly recognized by its elongated body with a tail‐like posterior end, 25–33 somatic kineties, and 4–11 excretory pores. Naxella paralucida n. sp. can be distinguished from its congeners based on its two short nassulid organelles, fusiform trichocysts, 37–49 somatic kineties, and 16 nematodesmal rods. The small‐subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences of these two species are presented, revealing the phylogenetic positions of Arcanisutura and Naxella. Phylogenetic analyses show that Arcanisutura forms a sister clade to other synhymeniid genera, namely, Chilodontopsis, Orthodonella, and Zosterodasys; Naxella is most closely related to Nassula spp. and is located within the monophyletic clade of the family Nassulidae.  相似文献   

王文采  韦毅刚 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):100-106
描述了在中国广西发现的楼梯草属五新种:小果楼梯草(Elatostema microcarpum W. T. Wang & Y. G. Wei)在体态方面与荔波楼梯草(E. liboense W. T. Wang)极为相似,但茎较低矮,不具软鳞片,叶上面无毛,钟乳体较小而可区别。圆序楼梯草(E. gyrocephalum W. T. Wang & Y. G. Wei)在体态上与浅齿楼梯草(E. crenatum W. T. Wang)相似,但叶两面均有糙伏毛,侧脉较少,4~6对,钟乳体较小,长约0.1 mm而不同。对序楼梯草(E. binatum W. T. Wang & Y. G. Wei)在亲缘关系方面与深绿楼梯草(E. atroviride W. T. Wang)相近,但茎和叶无毛,雄花序托较小,近方形,长度及宽度约6.5 mm,小苞片较小,长约1.5 mm,无毛,可以区别。河池楼梯草(E. hechiense W. T. Wang & Y. G. Wei)似华南楼梯草(E. balansae Gagnep.)但叶的渐尖头全缘,钟乳体较小,长0.1~0.15 mm,雌花序苞片顶端无角状突起,可以区别。环江楼梯草(E. huanjiangense W. T. Wang & Y. G. Wei)可能与樟叶楼梯草(E. petelotii Gagnep.)有亲缘关系,但后者的叶全缘,钟乳体较大,长0.3~0.7 mm,侧脉在狭侧3条,在宽侧4条,雌花序常有长花序梗,而与本种相区别。  相似文献   

The new species Mollugo viscosa Thulin & Harley is described from Minas Gerais in eastern Brazil. It was previously part of the recently published M. brasiliensis Thulin & Harley, a species that was found to be non‐monophyletic in molecular phylogenetic analyses. Mollugo brasiliensis is here divided into a northern species (M. brasiliensis s.str.) in Bahia and a southern species (M. viscosa sp. nov.) in Minas Gerais. The new species differs from M. brasiliensis in its denser and more viscous indumentum, and in its distinctly smaller seeds with smaller tubercles and a smaller hilar peg, and from its sister species M. ulei by being a perennial herb with bisexual flowers.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Eimeria vermiformis sp. n. and E. papillata sp. n. are described from the mouse Mus musculus. The sporulated oocysts of E. vermiformis are 18–26 by 15–21 μ (mean 23.1 by 18.4 μ); its sporocysts are 11–14 by 6–10 μ (mean 12.8 by 7.9 p). The sporulated oocysts of E. papillata are 18–26 by 16–24 μ (mean 22.4 by 19.2 μ); its sporocysts are 10–13 by 6–9 μ (mean 11.2 by 8.0 μ). A substiedal body is present in E. papillata sporocysts. Patent infections were produced in white laboratory mice with both species. Fourteen species of Eimeria have now been described from the genus Mus.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A previous study with P. de Puytorac on O. bacterocaryon(3) has shown the methods of studying this Ciliate and has specified the general and buccal morphology, the morphogenesis, and the biology of vegetative individuals (theront, trophont, tomont, tomites) of this species. Three species we are describing now offer numerous common features with O. bacterocaryon. We consider them as the proper characters of genus Ophryoglena and we only insist on the specific particularities of O. gelifera, O. mucosa and O. multimicronucleata. O. gelifera is a large Ophryoglene differing from the others by a slightly asymetric, curved, spindle-shaped theront; the ellipsoidal tomont secretes abundant and clear jelly. The theront possesses one thick spindle-shaped macronucleus, one voluminous spherical micronucleus, fitting with the macronucleus. Its somatic infraciliature is dense, its buccal infraciliature is characteristic, especially in the shape of peniculus P1. This species cannot be mistaken for O. pectans Mugard(2) although it is rather near it. O. mucosa is a very small Ophryoglene. The theront has one thick elliptical macronucleus, one small micronucleus; the buccal orifice is not kidney-shaped, but quite pointed in front; there is no tragus; the somatic infraciliature is not close; the peniculus P1 is characteristic. The tomont is ellipsoidal and surrounded by a thick mucous gangue. The tomites are not close together. O. mucosa is very different from O. gelifera and O. pectans Mugard(2). O. multimicronucleata. Near to O. polymicrocaryon Mugard(2), this Ophryoglene differs from it by the small size of all its vegetative elements and especially by its nuclear-apparatus. The latter includes numerous (5 to 6) bulky spherical micronuclei and one macronucleus looking like blackpudding which can be compared to that of O. singularis Canella and Trinchas(1). The theront is spindle-shaped and of a dark-grey colour. The spherical tomont secretes a mucous gangue which is not very thick. Besides, the somatic infraciliature and buccal in fraciliature of the theront (peniculus P1 especially) make O. multi micronucleata quite distinct from O. polymicrocaryon Mugard(2).  相似文献   

A fossil species of the extant liverwort genus Frullania Raddi is described and illustrated, based on a single inclusion in a piece of Rovno amber (Ukraine) that shares its age with Late Eocene Baltic amber, its northern contemporary. Frullania rovnoi is characterised by leaves with a rounded dorsal lobe and the absence of ocelli. The ventral lobe is inflated and forms a saclike lobule, which is bell-shaped and somewhat constricted above the mouth. The bifid underleaves have several blunt teeth or angulations along the shoulder. The Rovno fossil differs sufficiently from morphologically similar species preserved in Baltic and Bitterfeld amber as to be described as new to science. The shape of the lobules and underleaves, as well as the absence of ocelli, indicate an affiliation to F. sect. Australes, hitherto represented in Eocene amber inclusions solely by F. schumannii (Casp.) Grolle. The Rovno fossil is distinguished from extant species of F. subg. Australes and from F. schumannii by having roughly and irregularly dentate-angulate underleaf margins.  相似文献   

Magnolia denudata var. glabrata Y. L. Wang et S. Z. Zhang var. nov. is described and illustrated from Hunan, China. The variety occurs mainly in semi‐evergreen forest of south Hunan at altitudes between 700 and 1260 m a.s.l. It differs from M. denudata var. denudata by its green and glabrous twigs and leaves which are glabrous above and have some white pubescence underneath. With its white flowers consisting of mostly 9 tepals, it differs from M. sprengeri Pamp. which mainly has 12 tepals in various shades of red/pink to white. The new variety is rare and considered endangered due to habitat destruction.  相似文献   

A marine araphid pennate diatom Plagiostriata goreensis is described from the sand grains of Goree Island, Dakar, Republic of Senegal, based on observations of fine structure of its frustule. The most striking feature of the species is its striation, which is angled at approximately 60° across the robust sternum. The other defining features of the species are its one highly reduced rimoportula and apical pores located at both ends of the valve margin. In the 18S rDNA phylogeny, the species appears as a member of a ‘small‐celled clade’ of araphid pennate diatoms that consist of Nanofrustulum, Opephora and Staurosira. The results of the phylogenetic analyses suggest that the distinct characters of the diatom; namely, oblique striae and apical pores, may have been acquired independently. However, it remains unclear whether the rimoportula of P. goreensis is a reduced state or P. goreensis acquired its morphologically curious rimoportula independently after the loss of an ancient rimoportula at the root of the small‐celled clade.  相似文献   

Trachyspermum reginei Ajani & Mozzaff. sp. nov., is described and illustrated as a new species from Chaharmahale Bakhtiari province, SW Iran. The new species differs from its closest relative T. confusum, endemic to Afghanistan, mainly by stem, leaf and fruit morphological characters. Its taxonomic relationships with T. podlechii and T. ammi are also discussed. The new species is threatened by different factors and its protection is recommended.  相似文献   

The habitat and discovery of Salvia raymondii is described and the distinctions between the type subspecies and subsp. mairanae are discussed. Subsp. mairanae is illustrated and notes on its cultivation are provided.  相似文献   

Aspidistra albopurpurea, A. khangii, A. lubae and A. stellata discovered recently are described and illustrated as species new to science. All novelties are local endemics of northern Vietnam and southeastern Laos. Aspidistra albopurpurea is unique in the genus with a white/red stigma in striking contrast to the large milk‐white tube base. Aspidistra stellata belongs to a group of species with extraordinary long and narrow lineate perigone lobes. Aspidistra khangii and A. lubae belong to a small group of species having erect, vertical shoots. The first species is easily distinguished by its stout stem, down‐curved peduncle and obpyramidal, container‐shaped perianth. Aspidistra lubae has characteristic horizontal, peduncles and urceolate flowers. Besides the type variety, A. lubae includes var. lancifolia, which differs in its erect, lanceolate, immaculate, shortly petiolate leaves. Both varieties of A. lubae were found growing, often intermixed, in the same locality in very similar ecological conditions.  相似文献   

A new species of Penicillium Link ex Gray nom. cons. prop. is described and illustrated. It has been recovered from sandy soil under conifers near Valladolid (Spain). This species is classified, according to Pitt's System, into Sect. Coremigenum (Biourge) Pitt, comb. nov. and Ser. Dendritica Pitt, ser. nov. of the Subgen. Biverticillium Dierckx, because of its characteristically biverticillate penicilli and its ability to produce coremia after somewhat extended incubation under diffuse natural light. It is clearly different from species described so far and is, therefore, proposed as new taxon: P. coalescens, sp. nov.  相似文献   

Soetaert  K.  Vincx  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,164(1):33-38
Spirobolbolaimus bathyalis gen. nov., sp. nov. is described from the continental slope off Calvi (Mediterranean). The new genus Spirobolbolaimus belongs to the Microlaimidae Micoletzky, 1922 and is closely related to the genus Bolbolaimus Cobb, 1920. It can be differentiated from Bolbolaimus by its multispiral amphideal fovea and by its six rows of postamphideal setae.  相似文献   

A name (Eremogone loisiae) is provided for those plants from northern Utah and southeastern Idaho that have gone under the misapplied name Eremogone kingii subsp. uintahensis. Eremogone loisiae, named in honor of Lois A. Arnow, is distinguished from E. kingii by its longer and narrower, flexuous leaves and its longer sepals, petals, styles, capsules, and seeds.  相似文献   

The babassu palm (Orbignya phalerata) is an important source of oil and charcoal in Brazil. In some areas it grows in association with O. eichleri, and where their distribution is sympatric, a third palm is found. This taxon was described by Bondar in 1954 as O. teixeirana. As a result of intense fieldwork and subsequent morphological and anatomical studies, we conclude that O. teixeirana is a hybrid between O. phalerata and O. eichleri and propose a change in its status to reflect this new understanding of its origin.  相似文献   

Chassalia magnificens, a new species from the Albertine Rift in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, is described and illustrated. The species is recognised inter alia by its large stipules and montane habitat. Chassalia chrysoclada is a new combination for a widespread, but hitherto overlooked, central African species originally described in the genus Psychotria. Chassalia chrysoclada is related to C. pteropetala (K. Schum.) Cheek but lacks the bicostate twigs and dorsally winged corolla lobes of that species.  相似文献   

Codonopsis pilosula subsp. tangshen is illustrated: its relationships, history and pollination are discussed. Instructions for its successful cultivation are given, and references are given to its use in Traditional Chinese medicine.  相似文献   

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