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The coconut hispine beetle Brontispa longissima has been causing serious damage to the coconut palm Cocos nucifera in the Pacific, and Southeast and East Asia. This beetle also attacks Satakentia liukiuensis, an endemic palm on Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands, Japan. To assess the potential impact of B. longissima on S. liukiuensis, we examined the development period, survival rate, egg production and body size of B. longissima on S. liukiuensis at 22–31°C and consumption of S. liukiuensis leaf at 28°C. We also examined these life history traits on C. nucifera at 28°C to compare with those on S. liukiuensis. Brontispa longissima completed their development and reproduced on S. liukiuensis at 22–30°C. Linear regression analysis was used to estimate the effective cumulative temperature (k) as 891.2 degree‐days, and the lower developmental threshold as 13.3°C. On the basis of these values and monthly average temperatures on Ishigaki Island, it was estimated that B. longissima has four generations per year on the island. Satakentia liukiuensis was less suitable for B. longissima than C. nucifera in terms of immature survival, development time, resultant adult size and reproduction. The low quality of S. liukiuensis as a host‐plant may prevent the outbreak of B. longissima, which has not occurred yet on Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands.  相似文献   

The coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima, is a serious invasive pest of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region. Recently, however, it has been reported that on Ishigaki Island, Japan, where C. nucifera is rare, the endemic palm Satakentia liukiuensis serves as a regular host. To explore this phenomenon, we examined the preferences of the beetle for the two palm hosts by choice tests and measurements of feeding amount using four different groups: naïve adults obtained from a colony reared on C. nucifera (NC); naïve adults from a colony reared on S. liukiuensis (NS); wild adults collected on C. nucifera on Ishigaki Island (WC); and wild adults collected on S. liukiuensis on Ishigaki Island (WS). Both NC and NS consumed significantly more C. nucifera leaves than S. liukiuensis leaves and were observed more often on the leaves of C. nucifera. These results suggest that B. longissima has an innate preference for C. nucifera. In contrast, field‐collected adults (WC, WS) initially showed preferences for the species on which they were collected, but after exposure to the other host plant for 2 weeks, their preferences for that host increased. These results suggest that the feeding experience of B. longissima adults affected their subsequent host preferences. This flexible host preference may have facilitated the beetle’s successful establishment in novel Japanese habitats where the original host plant was rare.  相似文献   

Brontispa longissima is a serious pest of the coconut palm Cocos nucifera, presumed to have originated in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. It recently invaded Southeast and East Asia, where outbreaks have been reported. Mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals two cryptic species in B. longissima: one is distributed over a wide area including Asia and the Pacific region (the Asian clade) and the other in a limited area in the Pacific region (the Pacific clade). Recent invasions and outbreaks have been reported only from the area where the Asian clade has been found, suggesting that this clade has become a pest in Asia. To infer if the Asian clade has the ability to establish, spread and outbreak in novel habitats more effectively than the Pacific clade, we compared life‐history traits between the two populations of different clades. The net reproduction rate (R0) was 130.0 and 94.0, the mean length of a generation (T) was 57.7 and 54.7 days, and the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) was 0.084 and 0.083 per day for the population from Ishigaki Island, Japan (ISH) (the Asian clade) and for the population from Papua New Guinea (PNG) (the Pacific clade), respectively. Although the difference in r was little, the simulated population growth showed that the ISH population can be 1.6 times larger than that of the PNG after ten generations. The rapid population growth of the Asian clade would be partly responsible for its establishment, spread and frequent outbreaks in Asia.  相似文献   

The gregarious endoparasitoids Tetrastichus brontispae Ferrière is one of the important natural enemies of the coconut hispine beetle Brontispa longissima (Gestro), a serious invasive pest on coconut palm plants (Cocos nucifera L.) in Southeast Asia. Development at different temperatures, effect of host and female ages, effect of food and oviposition frequency and superparasitism were investigated in the laboratory. Females were allowed only one attack against one host in all experiments. The wasp developed in a host between 19 and 30°C, whilst no wasp completed its immature development at 16 and 31°C. Host and female ages affected parasitisation. Parasitoid emergence was high on day 0 and day 1 pupal hosts, and younger females produced more offspring than older females. The longevity of the female was affected not only by food supply, but also by oviposition frequency. The female survived longer when oviposition frequency was low. However, the total number of hosts parasitised by the female during her lifetime did not differ at different oviposition frequencies. In superparasitism, although the percentage of adult emergence and body size of offspring decreased with an increasing number of attacks per host, a host parasitised by up to four females could produce parasitoid offspring.  相似文献   

Brontispa longissima (Gestro) (Coleoptera: Hispidae) is a new invasive pest in China that has caused severe economic damage to palm trees (Arecaceae, Palmae). The response of this beetle to coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) leaf volatiles is investigated in laboratory bioassays. Both sexes are attracted to a mixture of β‐myrcene, (?)‐limonene and E‐2‐hexen‐1‐ol (1 : 6 : 1), which are key components of coconut palm leaf volatiles. A blend of β‐myrcene and (?)‐limonene (0.7 : 1–1 : 0.7) in low amounts (100 ng) elicits aggregation and oviposition in females. Chemical analyses of food‐deprived, gravid female B. longissima show high concentrations of β‐myrcene and (?)‐limonene in their accessory glands, suggesting that female beetles sequester both compounds and release them during oviposition.  相似文献   

The coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima (Gestro), is a serious invasive pest that infests young unopened fronds of coconut palms (Cocos nucifera L.) in Southeast Asia. We previously developed the first artificial diet for rearing B. longissima larvae, which contained a leaf powder of young coconut fronds. Because the fronds are required for healthy growth of coconut palms, it is necessary to reduce their use for rearing the beetles. In this study, we tested two new artificial diets for the beetle larvae, which contained the leaf powders of mature coconut leaves or orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata L.). Brontispa longissima successfully developed from hatching to adulthood on both the mature coconut leaf diet and orchard grass diet. The beetles reared on the mature coconut leaf diet and orchard grass diet developed faster than those reared on the young coconut leaf diet. Fecundity and egg hatchability of beetles did not differ among the three diet treatments. We then examined the suitability of beetle larvae or pupae reared on each diet as hosts for two specialist endoparasitoids, Asecodes hispinarum Boucek and Tetrastichus brontispae Ferriere. The survival rate from oviposition to adult emergence for A. hispinarum was 43.8% in hosts reared on a young coconut leaf diet, 77.1% on a mature coconut leaf diet, and 85.7% on an orchard grass diet. For T. brontispae, the survival rate was 70.0% in hosts reared on the young coconut leaf diet, 38.1% on the mature coconut leaf diet, and 66.7% on the orchard grass diet. Our results indicate these artificial diets can be useful for rearing B. longissima and its two parasitoids, helping to reduce the costs of mass rearing these insects.  相似文献   


The larval parasitoid Asecodes hispinarum Bou?ek has been used to control the coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima (Gestro) in Vietnam. Although A. hispinarum has succeeded in suppressing B. longissima in southern Vietnam, biocontrol has not succeeded in central Vietnam. One factor underlying this failure might be the high temperature during the hot season. In the present work, we examined whether A. hispinarum parasitises the beetles within the range of temperatures that occur during the hot season in central Vietnam and we evaluated the potential use of the pupal parasitoid Tetrastichus brontispae Ferrière. Development of the beetle and two parasitoids was investigated at two constant temperatures (28 and 30°C) and at fluctuating temperatures from 25 to 35°C (corresponding to temperatures during the hot season in central Vietnam). B. longissima reached adulthood in all the temperature treatments. More than 70% of A. hispinarum emerged from hosts at 28°C, but none emerged at 30°C or under fluctuating temperature conditions, indicating that A. hispinarum cannot be used as a biological control agent in central Vietnam. However, T. brontispae could reproduce the next generation at all temperatures. These results suggest that T. brontispae is a potential agent for continuous biological control of B. longissima in central Vietnam.  相似文献   

We tested artificial diets for rearing the coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima, a serious invasive pest of coconut (Cocos nucifera) in Southeast Asia. We examined three artificial diets that were identical except for their agar content. The survival rate from hatching to adult emergence was 26.0% when beetles were reared on a ‘soft diet’ (20 g/l agar), 16.0% on a ‘hard diet’ (40 g/l agar), and 41.0% on a ‘mixed diet’, in which the hard diet was used for the first instar and the soft diet for later instars. Females raised as larvae on the mixed diet and then as adults on the soft diet laid few eggs, which did not hatch. However, females reared on the mixed diet as larvae and then on fresh leaves as adults consistently laid eggs that hatched. We then examined the suitability of B. longissima larvae reared on the mixed diet as hosts for the larval parasitoid Asecodes hispinarum, a specialist parasitoid of this beetle. Of the oviposited hosts, 75.0% became mummified and 41.7% produced adult wasps. These results indicate that the mixed diet may be useful for rearing B. longissima larvae as hosts for the rearing of A. hispinarum.  相似文献   

薇甘菊粗提物在椰心叶甲上的防控潜力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了评价外来入侵杂草薇甘菊Mikania micrantha在害虫综合防治方面的潜力,为椰心叶甲Brontispa longissima的防控提供参考,测定了薇甘菊提取物对椰心叶甲室内生物活性和田间防治效果。结果表明:不同极性溶剂对薇甘菊活性物质提取率中,以甲醇和乙醇的提取率最高(甲醇、乙酸乙酯、正己烷、石油醚、三氯甲烷、蒸馏水、乙醇的提取率分别为10.54%,7.17%,6.22%,6.28%,8.67%,8.62%和10.36%);薇甘菊甲醇和乙醇提取物均对椰心叶甲表现出一定的生物活性,且乙醇提取物对各龄幼虫及成虫的活性均高于甲醇提取物,其中乙醇提取物对椰心叶甲1~5龄幼虫和成虫LC50分别为7.09,7.88,8.93,11.88,13.26和17.46 mg/g,而甲醇提取物相应LC50值分别为12.36,14.85,15.89,17.46,19.91和27.81 mg/g;两种提取物均能造成椰心叶甲蛹的羽化延迟、成虫畸形、卵孵化时间延迟等情况。大田试验结果表明,薇甘菊乙醇提取物对椰心叶甲表现出显著的防治效果,其中100和20 mg/mL处理组在处理后的第7天其虫口减退率均达到80%以上。结论:薇甘菊提取物对椰心叶甲具有一定的生物活性和防控潜力。  相似文献   

Among the four closely related Phyllotreta species P. dilatata Thomson, 1866, P. flexuosa (Illiger, 1794), P. ochripes (Curtis, 1837) and P. tetrastigma (Comolli, 1837) several systematic problems occur due to the existence of colour pattern variation and morphological similarity. All four species feed on Brassicaceae, but P. tetrastigma , P. flexuosa and P. dilatata are monophagous in the field, whereas P. ochripes is oligophagous. Genetic differentiation and systematic relationships of the four species are studied by means of allozyme electrophoresis of 10 variable loci, with a total of 30 allelomorphs. Of the six alleles that are present only in a single species, none is diagnostic. Rogers modified genetic distance and Cavalli-Sforza & Edwards arc distance between all populations are calculated and Distance Wagner trees are constructed, revealing three major groups. P. ochripes is separated first, being the most distant species. The three other species are more closely related, and within this group P. dilatata is separated from the other two. The last group contains the populations of P. tetrastigma and P. flexuosa. In the differentiation between the different species host plant shifts and consequent genetic differentiation have been important.  相似文献   

1 Paropsis atomaria Olivier represents an emergent pest of Eucalyptus plantations in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. Most prior studies on the biology and control of P. atomaria have centred on populations from Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory, but the biological relationship between beetles from Canberra and those from up to 1500 km further north are unknown. 2 DNA markers were used to determine whether P. atomaria from Canberra are the same biological species as those from Eucalyptus forestry plantations in northern New South Wales and Queensland, where the beetle has become an important pest. Using the mitochondrial gene, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI), individuals collected from across the distribution of P. atomaria were investigated for haplotype diversity and levels of mitochondrial divergence. 3 Within P. atomaria, genetic distance averaged 0.5% across 23 unique haplotypes for 93 individuals, with an average of 14% difference between P. atomaria and the outgroup species, Paropsis obsoleta. Significant genetic structure was observed relative to geographical distribution, but not with respect to host plant species of origin. Greatest divergence was between the southern‐most sample site (Canberra) and northern sites in New South Wales and Queensland, indicating reduced gene flow between these regions. 4 Individuals from across eastern Australia belong to the same genetic species with population substructuring evident. Consequently, there is no evidence to suggest cryptic species complexes exist within the currently defined taxon. Continued implementation of control strategies for P. atomaria across its distribution is appropriate.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):442-444
The Australian tortoise beetle Trachymela sloanei (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae), an invasive pest of several species of Eucalyptus has been reported for the first time in Asia. It was first detected in Shenzhen, China where it has become established. Currently, T. sloanei is not a destructive forest pest in Shenzhen. Pupae and adults were frequently found infected by an unknown fungus.  相似文献   

The subtribe Diabroticina is a large group of New World Chrysomelidae that includes corn rootworms, cucumber beetles and other pests. Recent introductions of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte into Europe, and the development of resistances to current management practices of rootworms in the USA have increased interest in new sustainable options for managing those pests. The only parasitoids that have been shown to consistently target and develop inside the beetle adults are Centistes gasseni Shaw, Centistes diabroticae Gahan (both Hym.: Braconidae), and Celatoria diabroticae Shimer, Celatoria compressa (Wulp), Celatoria bosqi Blanchard, and Celatoria setosa Coquillett (all Diptera: Tachinidae). This review improves our understanding of the realised and potential host range of these known parasitoids by rectifying erroneous references in light of new host records and from laboratory host range tests. Based on this critical review, all tachinid and braconid species studied are considered to be specific at least to the level of subtribe, i.e. Diabroticina. Celatoria setosa, Celatoria diabroticae and C. bosqi, have a narrow realized and potential host range; the former is restricted to the genus Acalymma and the last two to the fucata and virgifera groups of the genus Diabrotica. The braconids Centistes gasseni and C. diabroticae are also specific. The realized host range of C. gasseni includes species in the Diabrotica fucata and virgifera groups; while its potential host range also includes Acalymma species. The realized and potential host range of Centistes diabroticae includes Acalymma species as well as species in the fucata and virgifera groups of Diabrotica. Celatoria compressa has the broadest realised range compared to the other species studied, since it was obtained from species in several genera of Diabroticina; and its potential host range may also include Old World Aulacophora species.  相似文献   

Starvation resistance, or the ability to survive periods without food, can shed light on selection pressure imposed by food scarcity, including chances to invade new regions as a result of human transport. Surprisingly, little information is known about starvation resistance for invasive insect species. Given that native and invasive populations differ in starvation resistance, this would suggest different selection scenarios and adaptive shifts fostering invasion success. Here, we show striking differences in starvation resistance of adult small hive beetles Aethina tumida (SHB) between native and invasive populations. In the laboratory, starvation resistance of freshly emerged laboratory‐reared and field‐collected adult females and males was evaluated in the beetle's native African range and in their invasive North American range. SHB in their native African range survived longer than SHB in their invasive North American range. Across ranges, females survived longer than males. Field‐collected SHB survived in Africa longer than freshly emerged ones, but not in the invasive range. This suggests no selection for starvation resistance in the invasive range, possibly due to differences between African and European‐derived honey bee hosts facilitating a trade‐off scenario between reproduction and starvation resistance. The ability of adult females to survive up to two months without food appears to be one factor contributing to the invasion success of this species. Assuming food availability is usually high in the invasive ranges, and trade‐offs between starvation resistance and fecundity/reproduction are common, it seems as if selection for starvation resistance during transport could set up potential trade‐offs that enhance reproduction after invasion. It would be interesting to see if this is a possible general pattern for invasive insect species.  相似文献   

Rapid characterisation of host specificity is important both in biological control of weeds and studies in ecology and evolution. A means for doing this was developed and tested on four species of leaf beetles of interest for biological control of the weed Mimosa pigra (Mimosaceae). We identified the most promising for the more detailed tests necessary to obtain release approval. The impact of time-dependent effects and effects of experience were also investigated as part of this study but were not detected. Short-term host specificity tests on adult feeding accurately predicted the results of longer term trials. The long-term trial showed that survival on a plant species depended on feeding on it. Hence short-term feeding trials can predict the longer term survival of adults on other plant species. Different feeding results were obtained in cut foliage versus entire plants but no consistent pattern was shown: of the two insect species tested, one species ate more of the cut material while the opposite was demonstrated for the second species. Species in order of priority for further consideration as biocontrol agents were Syphrea bibiana, Genaphthona sp., Syphrea sp. and Paria sp. The latter three species were probably not sufficiently specific for release. The tests done here allow the identification of the most likely species upon which to conduct the more laborious and difficult larval developmental tests, saving considerable resources.  相似文献   

Callispa keram sp. n. infesting coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) in Kerala, India is described and illustrated. Livistona chinensis R.Br. and Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman are reported as additional host plants.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Introduced insects often incorporate native plants into their diets and might be expected to show a predilection for novel hosts that are phylogenetically related to their normal hosts. The lily leaf beetle, Lilioceris lilii (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is an introduced pest of cultivated lilies. Oviposition behaviour, larval behaviour, and development of L. lilii was examined on a range of potential host plants, as well as on the normal host, Asiatic hybrid lilies Lilium sp.
2. Neonate larval feeding behaviour was quantified on 15 food plant species: 10 from the Liliales, three from the Asparagales and two eudicots. Larvae fed plants closely related to the genus Lilium were more likely to initiate feeding, less likely to abandon their food leaf, and consumed more leaf area.
3. In no-choice tests, females oviposited on the novel hosts Lilium philadelphicum , Medeola virginiana , Clintonia borealis , Streptopus amplexifolius , and Polygonatum biflorum ; however, all but L. philadelphicum received very few eggs. Non- Lilium novel hosts were not used for oviposition when presented along with Asiatic lilies in choice tests.
4. A single individual was reared to the adult stage on the novel host S. amplexifolius . Several larvae survived to the pupal stage on M. virginiana , although no adults emerged from those pupae. Larvae reared on the native wood lily L. philadelphicum performed equally well or better than on the Asiatic cultivar.
5. Our results indicate that the lily leaf beetle poses a threat to native Liliaceae. Several native Lilium species, including L. philadelphicum , are threatened or endangered in certain jurisdictions throughout their range; these species should be monitored closely for colonisation by the beetle.  相似文献   


The ragwort flea beetle, Longitarsus jacobaeae, was tested for host specificity against representative species of native New Zealand Senecio. Adult feeding and oviposition tests were carried out under quarantine with and without a choice of host plants. Larval development was assessed using potted plants. It was concluded that L. jacobaeae is highly specific to Senecio jacobaea and that it is extremely unlikely to be damaging to native New Zealand Senecio species.  相似文献   

Brontispa longissima is one of the most serious insect pests of coconut in Southeast Asia; it was first discovered on Hainan Island in June 2002. Despite the economic risk associated with this pest, genetic aspects of the invasion process have remained relatively unexplored. Using microsatellite markers, we investigated the population structure, genetic variability and pattern of invasion in various geographic populations. The methodology was based on a modified biotin-capture method. Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized for the pest. The allele number per locus varied from 2 to 3 (N = 30). The expected and observed heterozygosities of the eight loci ranged from 0.042 to 0.509 and from 0.042 to 0.963, respectively. Although the frequency of polymorphisms was not very high in this population, the microsatellite loci that were isolated will be useful for investigating the genetic diversity and migration routes of B. longissima populations.  相似文献   

Host specificity of foreign natural enemies are becoming more and more critical in classical biological control programs, as concerns about potential risk from introduced biocontrol agents have been increasing recently. Understanding the insect's fundamental and ecological host ranges is the first step in determining the potential for introduction of an insect to control invasive plants. Japanese knotweed, Fallopia japonica (Houttuyn) Ronse Decraene (Polygonaceae) is an invasive weed in the United States and Europe. A leaf beetle, Gallerucida bifasciata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is an important natural enemy attacking this plant in Asia. However, its host range records were ambiguous. This study examined the beetle's host specificity through a set of choice and no-choice tests in the laboratory and field in its native China. Gallerucida bifasciata larvae were able to complete development on seven of 87 plant species in larval development tests, while adults fed and oviposited on 10 plants in no-choice tests. Multiple choice tests showed adults strongly preferred Fallopia japonica, Persicaria perfoliata (L.) H. Gross and Polygonum multiflorum Thunb over all other plants. Open field tests and field surveys further revealed that these three species were in its ecological host range. The results of this study suggest that G. bifasciata is a potential promising agent for control of Japanese knotweed in the United States and Europe, although additional host specificity tests and risk assessment should be completed.  相似文献   

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