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We measured adult oviposition preference, larval growth, and feeding behaviour of the crucifer specialist Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on plants of Brassica napus (L.) cv. Express (Brassicaceae), grown under three different sulphur regimes. The nutrient solutions used were the following: one sulphur‐free (S0), one normal sulphur (Sn, normal field concentration), and one sulphur‐rich (S+, double concentration of Sn). Females laid more eggs on Sn than on S0 plants, while only a slight, non‐significant difference was observed between Sn and S+ plants. Moreover, the development time from hatching to emergence was significantly shorter, and adults were heavier on Sn than on S0 plants. Comparing these same two parameters from Sn and S+ plants, we found a shorter development time on plants rich in sulphur, although this trend was not statistically significant. Larval feeding preferences were tested in a dual choice assay using leaf discs. A significantly higher number of larvae preferred leaf discs of Sn plants than those of S0 plants. Furthermore, the larvae preferred S+ to Sn discs. An optimal supply of sulphur to oilseed rape is necessary for a good seed harvest, and it also plays an important role in acceptance by P. xylostella of the host plant. Maintaining higher levels of sulphur in the plant nutrient solution benefits insect performance, both at the adult and larval stage.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to select a candidate strain of Trichogrammatidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) to control the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), an important pest of cabbage in Europe. The parasitic efficiency of Trichogramma chilonis Ishii from Japan and Réunion Island, Trichogramma evanescens Westwood from Egypt, Trichogramma ostriniae Pang & Chen from Japan, and Trichogramma semblidis (Aurivillius) from France was studied with sentinel eggs in greenhouse‐grown cauliflower. The percentage of parasitized eggs was measured 1 m from the release point and 3 days after release. Two factors were studied: host‐egg density (three eggs per stem vs. 50 eggs per stem) and plant size (50–100 cm high plants vs. 100–150 cm high plants). Trichogramma evanescens from Egypt achieved the best parasitism. Parasitism efficiency of T. ostriniae from Japan and T. chilonis from Réunion Island was not influenced by egg density. In contrast, parasitism efficiencies of the three other strains were higher at the lower egg density than at the higher egg density. Parasitism efficiency was lower when the plants were bigger, with the exception of T. chilonis from Réunion Island, for which the level of parasitism was not affected by plant size. Thus, T. chilonis from Réunion Island appeared to be the most suitable Trichogramma strain for use in controlling P. xylostella, regardless of the growth stage of the crop. However, T. ostriniae from Japan may also be more suitable for use on cauliflower crops at the early stage of crop development. If potential problems related to the introduction of exotic species are taken into consideration, it is possible to consider the native T. evanescens.  相似文献   

The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), highly prefers to oviposit on yellow rocket, Barbarea vulgaris (R. Br.) (Cruciferae) var. arcuata, despite larvae not being able to survive on it, suggesting it may have potential as a trap crop. In a no‐choice greenhouse experiment, P. xylostella laid 28% more eggs on B. vulgaris than on cabbage. Within the B. vulgaris plant, P. xylostella laid 3.7 times more eggs on younger than older leaves. Furthermore, we demonstrated that in the presence of B. vulgaris volatiles, P. xylostella laid 23% more eggs on cabbage plants than when B. vulgaris volatiles were absent. Because increased oogenesis in the presence of B. vulgaris could complicate the use of this host as a trap crop for P. xylostella, we wanted to examine levels of oogenesis in varying mixtures of cabbage and B. vulgaris. In outdoor screenhouse experiments, P. xylostella laid a decreasing percentage of eggs on cabbage as the percentage of B. vulgaris increased. However, the total number of eggs laid on cabbage did not differ among treatments, suggesting that the presence of B. vulgaris may have stimulated P. xylostella oviposition. In the field, total oviposition in cabbage plots containing B. vulgaris was 6.3 times higher than in cabbage plots without B. vulgaris. However, in plots with B. vulgaris, P. xylostella laid 99% of the eggs on B. vulgaris and oviposition on cabbage plants was 6.2 times lower than in the plots without B. vulgaris. The results of this study are discussed according to P. xylostella egg‐laying behavior and life history as it relates to its interaction with B. vulgaris.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The annual herb Arabidopsis thaliana is a prime model organism of plant molecular genetics, and is currently used to explore the molecular basis of resistance to herbivores. However, both the magnitude and the causes of variation in resistance among natural populations of A. thaliana are poorly known. The hypotheses (a) that resistance to a specialist herbivore, the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is positively related to the density of leaf trichomes, and (b) that oviposition preference by female moths is positively correlated to larval performance on different populations and maternal lines of the host plant were examined.
2. Variation in leaf trichome density and resistance to P. xylostella within and among six natural populations of A. thaliana in Sweden was quantified . Resistance was quantified by examining the number of eggs laid on plants exposed to ovipositing female moths and by monitoring larval development on plants of different origin.
3. Trichome density varied significantly among populations; for 4-week-old plants (exposed to ovipositing moths), it also varied significantly among maternal families within populations. The rate of oviposition varied significantly both among populations and among families within populations. This variation could partly be explained by a negative relationship between trichome density and egg number, and a positive relationship between plant size and egg number. Time to pupation, pupal mass, and time to adult eclosion did not vary among populations or maternal lines of the host plant, and offspring performance was not related to P. xylostella oviposition preference . The results indicate that A. thaliana populations may respond to selection for increased resistance to P. xylostella , and suggest that trichome production contributes to resistance against this specialist herbivore.  相似文献   

  • 1 Plant patch shape may affect the abundance of herbivorous insects. Patches of the same size but longer or irregular have a higher perimeter/area relationship (P/A) than square or regular ones, which may determine the immigration, emigration and abundance of individuals in the patch.
  • 2 Only specialist species should be affected by plant patch shape. Those species that are more abundant in smaller patches should be more abundant in patches with higher P/A, whereas those that are more abundant in larger patches should be more abundant in patches with lower P/A.
  • 3 We studied the density of eggs, larvae and pupae of Pieris brassicae, Plutella xylostella and Trichoplusia ni in square (low P/A) and I‐shaped (high P/A) patches of 144 plants of Brassica oleracea. We also estimated their immigration to these patches, and the final plant weight.
  • 4 Plant patch shape affected the abundance, but not the distribution, of the two specialist species. Whereas P. brassicae was denser in I‐shaped patches, P. xylostella was more abundant in square patches. The generalist T. ni was not affected by patch shape. Immigration of P. brassicae was higher in I‐shaped patches, but immigration of P. xylostella and T. ni was not affected by patch shape. Plants were heavier in the centre of square patches.
  • 5 Our results suggest that plant patch shape affects the density of herbivorous insects and should be considered independently from other plant patch variables when studying the population dynamics of these organisms.

We investigated the possibility of decreased feeding deterrent response following prolonged exposure in three specialist herbivores, Plutella xylostella (larvae), Pseudaletia unipuncta (larvae), and Epilachna varivestis (adults) through leaf disc choice and no‐choice tests. Neonate larvae (<24 h old) of the three species were reared on their host plants sprayed with the antifeedants until tested. Our results demonstrated that Ps. unipuncta did not show a decrease in feeding deterrent response to extracts of Melia volkensii (choice and no‐choice tests) or oregano (Origanum vulgare) (choice test) following prolonged exposure. Plutella xylostella exhibited a decrease in feeding deterrent response to M. volkensii in a choice test only, but not to oregano. Although not significant, we did find a trend toward decreasing feeding deterrent response to M. volkensii by both species in no‐choice tests. However, both species exhibited a significant decrease in feeding deterrent response to pure allelochemicals (Ps. unipuncta to thymol, and P. xylostella to thymol and toosendanin) compared with the naïve groups, following prolonged exposure in leaf disc choice tests. Epilachna varivestis showed a significant decrease in feeding deterrent responses to both oregano and thymol in leaf disc choice tests. We conclude from our present and previous studies that not only are there interspecific differences between generalist and specialist species but also among specialist species.  相似文献   

Oviposition patterns of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), differ between common cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) and Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. var. pekinensis) (Brassicaceae) host plants. This study shows that the moth prefers to oviposit on adaxial rather than abaxial leaf surfaces and petioles of both host plants. More eggs were laid in leaf veins than on leaf laminas of both host plants, especially in Chinese cabbage, where 94.6% of eggs were laid in veins. On Chinese cabbage, very few eggs were laid in clusters (≥2 eggs), whereas on common cabbage approximately 30% of eggs were laid in groups of 2 or more eggs. Removal of wax from common cabbage leaves dramatically increased the number of eggs laid singly on the leaf lamina of treated plants, suggesting that leaf waxes affect how eggs are distributed by ovipositing DBM. Eggs were most susceptible to removal by rainfall from the plant surface immediately (<1 h) after oviposition and when close to hatching (>72h old) whereas they were least susceptible 24 h after oviposition. Eggs laid on common cabbage plants were more susceptible to simulated rainfall than eggs laid on Chinese cabbage plants. On common cabbage plants, egg susceptibility to rainfall on different plant parts ranked adaxial leaf surfaces>petioles = abaxial leaf surfaces>stem, but there was no difference in egg susceptibility to rainfall on the various plant parts of Chinese cabbage. Furthermore, on common cabbage plants, eggs laid on both adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces were afforded significant protection from the effects of rainfall by leaves higher in the plant canopy. On common cabbage plants, oviposition patterns reduce the potential impact of rainfall on eggs, possibly reducing the effect of this important abiotic mortality factor in the field.  相似文献   

The strength of plant‐herbivore interactions varies spatially and through plant ontogeny, which may result in variable selection on plant defense, both among populations and life‐history stages. To test whether populations have diverged in herbivore resistance at an early plant stage, we quantified oviposition preference and larval feeding by Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on young (5–6 weeks old) Arabidopsis lyrata (L.) O'Kane & Al‐Shehbaz (Brassicaceae) plants, originating from 12 natural populations, six from Sweden and six from Norway. Arabidopsis lyrata can be trichome‐producing or glabrous, with glabrous plants usually receiving more damage from insect herbivores in natural populations. We used the six populations polymorphic for trichome production to test whether resistance against P. xylostella differs between the glabrous and the trichome‐producing morph among young plants. There was considerable variation among populations in the number of eggs received and the proportion of leaf area consumed by P. xylostella, but not between regions (Sweden vs. Norway) or trichome morphs. Rosette size explained a significant portion of the variation in oviposition and larval feeding. The results demonstrate that among‐population variation in resistance to insect herbivory can be detected among very young individuals of the perennial herb A. lyrata. They further suggest that trichome densities are too low at this plant developmental stage to contribute to resistance, and that the observed among‐population variation in resistance is related to differences in other plant traits.  相似文献   

Ovipositing females of the black swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polyxenes Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae: Papilioninae), have an innate response to contact chemical cues, but it was not known how naïve females would respond to volatile host plant chemicals. Naïve and experienced females were tested in a free-flight experiment using model plants and volatile extracts from two hosts, carrot [ Daucus carota L. (Apiaceae)] and poison hemlock [ Conium maculatum L. (Apiaceae)], and one non-host, fava bean [ Vicia faba L. (Fabaceae)]. Naïve females responded to both host plant extracts with more approaches and landings than to non-host extracts, with poison hemlock receiving more responses than carrot. Females experienced with one of the two host plants also approached and landed frequently on extracts of host plants, but poison hemlock again received more approaches and landings, regardless of a female's host plant experience. Female P. polyxenes thus respond specifically to volatile extracts of their host plants, even in the absence of both relevant contact chemical cues and adult host plant experience.  相似文献   

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