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Biodiversity‐ecosystem functioning experiments have established that species richness and composition are both important determinants of ecosystem function in an experimental context. Determining whether this result holds for real‐world ecosystem services has remained elusive, however, largely due to the lack of analytical methods appropriate for large‐scale, associational data. Here, we use a novel analytical approach, the Price equation, to partition the contribution to ecosystem services made by species richness, composition and abundance in four large‐scale data sets on crop pollination by native bees. We found that abundance fluctuations of dominant species drove ecosystem service delivery, whereas richness changes were relatively unimportant because they primarily involved rare species that contributed little to function. Thus, the mechanism behind our results was the skewed species‐abundance distribution. Our finding that a few common species, not species richness, drive ecosystem service delivery could have broad generality given the ubiquity of skewed species‐abundance distributions in nature.  相似文献   

Invasive species frequently differentiate phenotypically in novel environments within a few generations, often even with limited genetic variation. For the invasive plants Solidago canadensis and S. gigantea, we tested whether such differentiation might have occurred through heritable epigenetic changes in cytosine methylation. In a 2‐year common‐garden experiment, we grew plants from seeds collected along a latitudinal gradient in their non‐native Central European range to test for trait differentiation and whether differentiation disappeared when seeds were treated with the demethylation agent zebularine. Microsatellite markers revealed no population structure along the latitudinal gradient in S. canadensis, but three genetic clusters in S. gigantea. Solidago canadensis showed latitudinal clines in flowering phenology and growth. In S. gigantea, the number of clonal offspring decreased with latitude. Although zebularine had a significant effect on early growth, probably through effects on cytosine methylation, latitudinal clines remained (or even got stronger) in plants raised from seeds treated with zebularine. Thus, our experiment provides no evidence that epigenetic mechanisms by selective cytosine methylation contribute to the observed phenotypic differentiation in invasive goldenrods in Central Europe.  相似文献   

Landscape‐ and community‐level CO2 measurements were made at a subarctic sedge fen near Churchill Manitoba during the 1997 growing season. Climatic conditions were warmer and drier than the 30‐y normal. Landscape‐scale micrometeorological measurements indicated that the wetland gained 49 g CO2 m?2 during the growing season. Chamber‐scale measurements from the main vegetation community types showed that small hummocks (Carex spp. sites) dominated the CO2 exchange, yielding an effective scaling factor of 70%. Scaled parameters of two algorithms describing photosynthesis and respiration for each community type show strong similarity to those derived at the landscape level. Scaling photosynthesis, respiration, and net ecosystem CO2 exchange from the community to landscape‐level over the season is within the maximum probable error of each methodological approach and helps substantiate the 1997 CO2 budget. We explore the equilibrium response of net ecosystem CO2 exchange of this fen to climatic change by examining the feedback of water table position on vegetation distribution and nitrogen availability. Based on the effective scaling factors computed for each community type, we hypothesize that a small decrease in mean water table position could nearly triple the net uptake of CO2 at this wetland.  相似文献   

The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is oligophagous on plants in the Brassicaceae, and is considered one of the most significant insect pests of canola (Brassica napus L.), a major oilseed crop grown in the Prairie Provinces of Canada. The bertha armyworm (BAW), Mamestra configurata Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a generalist herbivore that preferentially feeds on canola plants. In the canola growing season in the Prairie Provinces of Canada, DBM feeding occurs prior to BAW herbivory. In this study, we test the effect of DBM herbivory on subsequent host use by BAW. Oviposition by female BAW was not influenced by previous DBM‐herbivory or mechanical damage of canola plants. Bertha armyworm larvae were deterred from feeding on canola previously damaged by DBM and larvae developed into lighter pupae when reared on DBM‐damaged plants. Bertha armyworm pupae that developed from larvae fed on mechanically damaged plants had similar pupal weights to those fed undamaged plants. Adult BAW reared on canola with previous DBM feeding damage had marginally smaller wings than moths reared on canola treated differently. The combination of these results suggests that herbivory by the brassicaceous specialist, DBM, negatively influences host use and larval performance by the generalist, BAW, on canola.  相似文献   

Grafting is an alternative method of plant propagation used to prevent soil‐borne diseases. This technique can improve the development of plants and therefore improve fruit yield and quality; however, several studies report that when a plant is grafted, there may be compatibility problems and changes in the phenological pattern of the crop and fruit yield and quality with respect to non‐grafted plants. There are no reports in the literature on the behaviour of serrano chilli grafted on varieties resistant to Phytophthora capsici. In this study, we evaluated the phenological behaviour and response to inoculation with P. capsici in commercial serrano chilli (Camino Real, Harris Moran) grafted or not on CM‐334 as a strategy to explore the possibility of incorporating the use of grafts in the production systems of serrano chilli. The plants were grafted at 55–60 days and maintained for 13 days in a curing chamber for the acclimatization process. At 36 and 43 days after transplantation, they were inoculated with the pathogen (300,000 zoospores/plant). None of plants grafted and inoculated with the pathogen showed wilt symptoms. All plants not grafted and inoculated with P. capsici died. There was a significant reduction in the production of leaves and flowers in the grafted plants, in relation to the non‐inoculated and non‐grafted plants, as well as a temporary delay in the beginning of fruit production with respect to the non‐grafted plants, but this delay did not affect the overall yield of the crop.  相似文献   

Conceptual restoration models depict strong correlations between structure and function, with both decreasing as an ecosystem is degraded and increasing during restoration. We evaluated the “linear” and “asymptotic” models by measuring diversity and annual net primary productivity (NPP) within four states of a southern Wisconsin floodplain: a remnant (unplowed) wet prairie, two degraded sites (soybean field and invaded prairie), and a restored prairie. Neither model fit our data for aboveground (ANPP), belowground (BNPP), or total (TNPP) productivity. ANPP declined as species richness increased (r = 0.998, df = 2), with highest values for soybeans (1,024 g/m2; two species in 30 0.25‐m2 plots) and invaded prairie (937 g/m2; nine species, 99% cover of Phalaris arundinacea), intermediate for restored prairie (712 g/m2; 28 species), and lowest for diverse remnant prairie (571 g/m2; 36 species). In contrast, BNPP was lowest for soybeans (225 g/m2) and highest for remnant prairie (571 g/m2). TNPP in restored prairie (990 g/m2) matched that of the remnant (1,147 g/m2) within 7 years, but root:shoot NPP ratios were quite different (0.39 and 0.99, respectively). Overall, results suggest that the relationship between species diversity and productivity can differ with the component measured (ANPP, BNPP, or TNPP) and that diversity does not ensure high productivity. Because measuring ANPP does not fully test ecosystem‐function theory, we recommend assessing BNPP and additional ecosystem processes in future attempts to determine whether adding species will restore more function to degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   

Although intraspecific variability is now widely recognized as affecting evolutionary and ecological processes, our knowledge on the importance of intraspecific variability within invasive species is still limited. This is despite the fact that understanding the linkage between within‐population morphological divergences and the use of different trophic or spatial resources (i.e., resource polymorphism) can help to better predict their ecological impacts on recipient ecosystems. Here, we quantified the extent of resource polymorphism within populations of a worldwide invasive crayfish species, Procambarus clarkii, in 16 lake populations by comparing their trophic (estimated using stable isotope analyses) and morphological characteristics between individuals from the littoral and pelagic habitats. Our results first demonstrated that crayfish occured in both littoral and pelagic habitats of seven lakes and that the use of pelagic habitat was associated with increased abundance of littoral crayfish. We then found morphological (i.e., body and chelae shapes) and trophic divergence (i.e., reliance on littoral carbon) among individuals from littoral and pelagic habitats, highlighting the existence of resource polymorphism in invasive populations. There was no genetic differentiation between individuals from the two habitats, implying that this resource polymorphism was stable (i.e., high gene flow between individuals). Finally, we demonstrated that a divergent adaptive process was responsible for the morphological divergence in body and chela shapes between habitats while difference in littoral reliance neutrally evolved under genetic drift. These findings demonstrated that invasive P. clarkii can display strong within‐population phenotypic variability in recent populations, and this could lead to contrasting ecological impacts between littoral and pelagic individuals.  相似文献   

Effective biosecurity and pest management are fundamental to sustainable development. Invasive ants pose significant risks to the environment and economy, which are well‐managed by biosecurity agencies in developed countries. However, a comprehensive view of the potential impacts of invasive ants in developing Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) is lacking. We quantified the potential costs of the Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) across multiple sectors using an extrapolation analysis. Overall, we estimated that the impacts of Red Imported Fire Ant on developing PICTs could amount to over USD 329 million annually, corresponding to approximately 0.7% of combined GDP. Over half of the costs were predicted to result from impacts on the agriculture sector, a major source of employment and subsistence. We found that over 350 highly threatened species could be at risk from Red Imported Fire Ant. We would expect countries with Least Developed Country status and relatively low GDP to be least able to respond to an incursion of these ants, and as a result the costs could be higher than we have extrapolated. Red Imported Fire Ant could therefore potentially have considerable impact on the on‐going development of the region.  相似文献   

  • Knowledge on the metabolism of polysaccharide reserves in wild species is still scarce. In natural sites we collected tubers of Arum italicum Mill. and A. maculatum L. – two geophytes with different apparent phenological timing, ecology and chorology – during five stages of the annual cycle in order to understand patterns of reserve accumulation and degradation.
  • Both the entire tuber and its proximal and distal to shoot portion were utilised. Pools of non‐structural carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose and starch), glucose‐6‐phosphate and ATP were analysed as important markers of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • In both species, starch and glucose content of the whole tuber significantly increased from sprouting to the maturation/senescence stages, whereas sucrose showed an opposite trend; ATP and glucose‐6‐phosphate were almost stable and dropped only at the end of the annual cycle. Considering the two different portions of the tuber, both ATP and glucose‐6‐phosphate concentrations were higher in proximity to the shoot in all seasonal stages, except the flowering stage.
  • Our findings suggest that seasonal carbon partitioning in the underground organ is driven by phenology and occurs independently of seasonal climate conditions. Moreover, our results show that starch degradation, sustained by elevated ATP and glucose‐6‐phosphate pools, starts in the peripheral, proximal‐to‐shoot portion of the tuber, consuming starch accumulated in the previous season, as a ‘Last In–First Out’ mechanism of carbohydrate storage.



The exceptional occurrence of tall rain forest patches on foggy coastal mountaintops, surrounded by extensive xerophytic shrublands, suggests an important role of plant–plant interactions in the origin and persistence of these patches in semi‐arid Chile. We asked whether facilitation by shrubs can explain the growth and survival of rain forest tree species, and whether shrub effects depend on the identity of the shrub species itself, the drought tolerance of the tree species and the position of shrubs in regard to wind direction.


Open area–shrubland–forest matrix, Fray Jorge Forest National Park, Chile.


We recorded survival after 12 years of a ~3600 tree saplings plantation (originally ~30‐cm tall individuals) of Aextoxicon punctatum, Myrceugenia correifolia and Drimys winteri placed outside forests, beneath the shrub Baccharis vernalis, and in open (shrub‐free) areas. We assessed the effects of neighbouring shrubs and soil humidity on survival and growth along a gradient related to the direction of fog movement.


B. vernalis had a clear facilitative effect on tree establishment and survival since, after ~12 years, saplings only survived beneath the shrub canopy. Long‐term survival strongly depended on tree species identity, drought tolerance and position along the soil moisture gradient, with higher survival of A. punctatum (>35%) and M. correifolia (>14%) at sites on wind‐ and fog‐exposed shrubland areas. Sites occupied by the shrub Aristeguietia salvia were unsuitable for trees, presumably due to drier conditions than under B. vernalis.


Interactions between shrubs and fog‐dependent tree species in dry areas revealed a strong, long‐lasting facilitation effect on planted tree's survival and growth. Shrubs acted as benefactors, providing sites suitable for tree growth. Sapling mortality in the shrubland interior was caused by lower soil moisture, the consequence of lower fog loads in the air and thus insufficient facilitation. While B. vernalis was a key ecosystem engineer (nurse) and intercepted fog water that dripped to trees planted underneath, drier sites with A. salvia were unsuitable for trees. Consequently, nurse effects related to water input are strongly site and species specific, with facilitation by shrubs providing a plausible explanation for the initiation of forest patches in this semi‐arid landscape.  相似文献   



Climate change affects forest functioning not only through direct physiological effects such as modifying photosynthesis and growing season lengths, but also through indirect effects on community composition related to species extinctions and colonizations. Such indirect effects remain poorly explored in comparison with the direct ones. Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) studies commonly examine the effects of species loss by eliminating species randomly. However, species extinctions caused by climate change will depend on the species’ vulnerability to the new environmental conditions, thus occurring in a specific, non‐random order. Here, we evaluated whether successive tree species extinctions, according to their vulnerability to climate change, impact forest functions differently than random species losses.


Eleven temperate forests across a gradient of climatic conditions in central Europe.


We simulated tree community dynamics with a forest succession model to study the impact of species loss on the communities’ aboveground biomass, productivity and temporal stability. Tree species were removed from the local pool (1) randomly, and according to (2) their inability to be recruited under a warmer climate or (3) their increased mortality under drier conditions.


Results showed that non‐random species loss (i.e., based on their vulnerability to warmer or drier conditions) changed forest functioning at a different rate, and sometimes direction, than random species loss. Furthermore, directed extinctions, unlike random, triggered tipping points along the species loss process where forest functions were strongly impacted. These tipping points occurred after fewer extinctions in forests located in the coldest areas, where ecosystem functioning relies on fewer species.

Main conclusions

We showed that the extinction of species in a deterministic and mechanistically motivated order, in this case the species vulnerability to climate change, strengthens the selection effect of diversity on ecosystem functioning. BEF studies exploring the impact of species loss on ecosystem functioning using random extinctions thus possibly underestimate the potential effect of biodiversity loss when driven by a directional force, such as climate change.

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