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Non-native plants are typically released from specialist enemies but continue to be attacked by generalists, albeit at lower intensities. This reduced herbivory may lead to less investment in constitutive defences and greater investment in induced defences, potentially reducing defence costs. We compared herbivory on 27 non-native and 59 native species in the field and conducted bioassays and chemical analyses on 12 pairs of non-native and native congeners. Non-natives suffered less damage and had weaker constitutive defences, but stronger induced defences than natives. For non-natives, the strength of constitutive defences was correlated with the intensity of herbivory experienced, whereas induced defences showed the reverse. Investment in induced defences correlated positively with growth, suggesting a novel mechanism for the evolution of increased competitive ability. To our knowledge, these are the first linkages reported among trade-offs in plant defences related to the intensity of herbivory, allocation to constitutive versus induced defences, and growth.  相似文献   

Because inbreeding is common in natural populations of plants and their herbivores, herbivore‐induced selection on plants, and vice versa, may be significantly modified by inbreeding and inbreeding depression. In a feeding assay with inbred and outbred lines of both the perennial herb, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, and its specialist herbivore, Abrostola asclepiadis, we discovered that plant inbreeding increased inbreeding depression in herbivore performance in some populations. The effect of inbreeding on plant resistance varied among plant and herbivore populations. The among‐population variation is likely to be driven by variation in plant secondary compounds across populations. In addition, inbreeding depression in plant resistance was substantial when herbivores were outbred, but diminished when herbivores were inbred. These findings demonstrate that in plant–herbivore interactions expression of inbreeding depression can depend on the level of inbreeding of the interacting species. Furthermore, our results suggest that when herbivores are inbred, herbivore‐induced selection against self‐fertilisation in plants may diminish.  相似文献   

Expression of plant phenotypes can depend on both plant genomes and interactions between plants and the microbes living in, on and near their roots. We understand a growing number of the mechanistic links between plant genotypes and phenotypes, such as defence against herbivory (see brief review in Hubbard et al., 2019), yet the links between root microbiomes and the comprehensive swathe of plant phenotypes they affect (Friesen et al., 2011) remain less clear. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Hubbard et al. (2019) follow microbe‐ and plant‐driven changes in plant defence against hervibory from molecular underpinnings to ecological consequences, contrasting both the metabolites affected and the magnitude of defensive impact. Naively, we might expect plant genomes to drive more variation in phenotype than the root microbiome, but Hubbard et al. (2019) find the opposite, implying profound consequences for plant trait evolution and ecological interactions.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by plant roots can influence the germination and growth of neighbouring plants. However, little is known about the effects of root VOCs on plant–herbivore interactions of neighbouring plants. The spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) constitutively releases high amounts of sesquiterpenes into the rhizosphere. Here, we examine the impact of Cstoebe root VOCs on the primary and secondary metabolites of sympatric Taraxacum officinale plants and the resulting plant‐mediated effects on a generalist root herbivore, the white grub Melolontha melolontha. We show that exposure of Tofficinale to C.stoebe root VOCs does not affect the accumulation of defensive secondary metabolites but modulates carbohydrate and total protein levels in Tofficinale roots. Furthermore, VOC exposure increases Mmelolontha growth on Tofficinale plants. Exposure of Tofficinale to a major Cstoebe root VOC, the sesquiterpene (E)‐β‐caryophyllene, partially mimics the effect of the full root VOC blend on Mmelolontha growth. Thus, releasing root VOCs can modify plant–herbivore interactions of neighbouring plants. The release of VOCs to increase the susceptibility of other plants may be a form of plant offense.  相似文献   

Plants and herbivores are thought to be engaged in a coevolutionary arms race: rising frequencies of plants with anti-herbivore defences exert pressure on herbivores to resist or circumvent these defences and vice versa. Owing to its frequency-dependent character, the arms race hypothesis predicts that herbivores exhibit genetic variation for traits that determine how they deal with the defences of a given host plant phenotype. Here, we show the existence of distinct variation within a single herbivore species, the spider mite Tetranychus urticae, in traits that lead to resistance or susceptibility to jasmonate (JA)-dependent defences of a host plant but also in traits responsible for induction or repression of JA defences. We characterized three distinct lines of T. urticae that differentially induced JA-related defence genes and metabolites while feeding on tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum). These lines were also differently affected by induced JA defences. The first line, which induced JA-dependent tomato defences, was susceptible to those defences; the second line also induced JA defences but was resistant to them; and the third, although susceptible to JA defences, repressed induction. We hypothesize that such intraspecific variation is common among herbivores living in environments with a diversity of plants that impose diverse selection pressure.  相似文献   

Global anthropogenic climate change is altering the phenology of many species, with implications for interacting species. If species use different cues or respond at different rates, this could result in asynchrony between hosts and herbivores. The larval stage of the endemic critically endangered Sinai Baton Blue butterfly (Pseudophilotes sinaicus) feeds exclusively on the buds and flowers of an endangered near-endemic plant, the Sinai Thyme (Thymus decussatus), with a narrow window in time when both larvae and flowers are present. We test for synchrony in time and space between the flowering phenology of the host plant and the associated timings and abundances of the Sinai Baton Blue. Together with significant spatial variation amongst patches, there were large inter-annual variations in flowering period, up to two weeks between years, indicating phenotypic plasticity in response to abiotic conditions. The butterfly flight period was approximately synchronised to the flowering of its host plant, but there was no evidence of any detailed spatial or temporal correlations in phenology. The dramatic annual population changes, possibly cycles, in the butterfly, may partly be driven by differences in the responses between plant and herbivore to climate that cause varying degrees of synchrony between years.  相似文献   

1. Plant responses to herbivore attack may have community‐wide effects on the composition of the plant‐associated insect community. Thereby, plant responses to an early‐season herbivore may have profound consequences for the amount and type of future attack. 2. Here we studied the effect of early‐season herbivory by caterpillars of Pieris rapae on the composition of the insect herbivore community on domesticated Brassica oleracea plants. We compared the effect of herbivory on two cultivars that differ in the degree of susceptibility to herbivores to analyse whether induced plant responses supersede differences caused by constitutive resistance. 3. Early‐season herbivory affected the herbivore community, having contrasting effects on different herbivore species, while these effects were similar on the two cultivars. Generalist insect herbivores avoided plants that had been induced, whereas these plants were colonised preferentially by specialist herbivores belonging to both leaf‐chewing and sap‐sucking guilds. 4. Our results show that community‐wide effects of early‐season herbivory may prevail over effects of constitutive plant resistance. Induced responses triggered by prior herbivory may lead to an increase in susceptibility to the dominant specialists in the herbivorous insect community. The outcome of the balance between contrasting responses of herbivorous community members to induced plants therefore determines whether induced plant responses result in enhanced plant resistance.  相似文献   

  1. Plants interact with various organisms, aboveground as well as belowground. Such interactions result in changes in plant traits with consequences for members of the plant‐associated community at different trophic levels. Research thus far focussed on interactions of plants with individual species. However, studying such interactions in a community context is needed to gain a better understanding.
  2. Members of the aboveground insect community induce defences that systemically influence plant interactions with herbivorous as well as carnivorous insects. Plant roots are associated with a community of plant‐growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). This PGPR community modulates insect‐induced defences of plants. Thus, PGPR and insects interact indirectly via plant‐mediated interactions.
  3. Such plant‐mediated interactions between belowground PGPR and aboveground insects have usually been addressed unidirectionally from belowground to aboveground. Here, we take a bidirectional approach to these cross‐compartment plant‐mediated interactions.
  4. Recent studies show that upon aboveground attack by insect herbivores, plants may recruit rhizobacteria that enhance plant defence against the attackers. This rearranging of the PGPR community in the rhizosphere has consequences for members of the aboveground insect community. This review focusses on the bidirectional nature of plant‐mediated interactions between the PGPR and insect communities associated with plants, including (a) effects of beneficial rhizobacteria via modification of plant defence traits on insects and (b) effects of plant defence against insects on the PGPR community in the rhizosphere. We discuss how such knowledge can be used in the development of sustainable crop‐protection strategies.

Ecologists are increasingly aware of the interplay between evolutionary history and ecological processes in shaping current species interaction patterns. The inclusion of phylogenetic relationships in studies of species interaction networks has shown that closely related species commonly interact with sets of similar species. Notably, the degree of phylogenetic conservatism in antagonistic ecological interactions is frequently stronger among species at lower trophic levels than among those at higher trophic levels. One hypothesis that accounts for this asymmetry is that competition among consumer species promotes resource partitioning and offsets the maintenance of dietary similarity by phylogenetic inertia. Here, we used a regional plant–herbivore network comprised of Asteraceae species and flower‐head endophagous insects to evaluate how the strength of phylogenetic conservatism in species interactions differs between the two trophic levels. We also addressed whether the asymmetry in the strength of the phylogenetic signal between plants and animals depends on the overall degree of relatedness among the herbivores. We show that, beyond the previously reported compositional similarity, closely related species also share a greater proportion of counterpart phylogenetic history, both for resource and consumer species. Comparison of the patterns found in the entire network with those found in subnetworks composed of more phylogenetically restricted groups of herbivores provides evidence that resource partitioning occurs mostly at deeper phylogenetic levels, so that a positive phylogenetic signal in antagonist similarity is detectable even between closely related consumers in monophyletic subnetworks. The asymmetry in signal strength between trophic levels is most apparent in the way network modules reflect resource phylogeny, both for the entire network and for subnetworks. Taken together, these results suggest that evolutionary processes, such as phylogenetic conservatism and independent colonization history of the insect groups may be the main forces generating the phylogenetic structure observed in this particular plant–herbivore network system.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory of plant defences against herbivores predicts a trade-off between direct (anti-herbivore traits) and indirect defences (attraction of carnivores) when carnivore fitness is reduced. Such a trade-off is expected in plant species that kill herbivore eggs by exhibiting a hypersensitive response (HR)-like necrosis, which should then negatively affect carnivores. We used the black mustard (Brassica nigra) to investigate how this potentially lethal direct trait affects preferences and/or performances of specialist cabbage white butterflies (Pieris spp.), and their natural enemies, tiny egg parasitoid wasps (Trichogramma spp.). Both within and between black mustard populations, we observed variation in the expression of Pieris egg-induced HR. Butterfly eggs on plants with HR-like necrosis suffered lower hatching rates and higher parasitism than eggs that did not induce the trait. In addition, Trichogramma wasps were attracted to volatiles of egg-induced plants that also expressed HR, and this attraction depended on the Trichogramma strain used. Consequently, HR did not have a negative effect on egg parasitoid survival. We conclude that even within a system where plants deploy lethal direct defences, such defences may still act with indirect defences in a synergistic manner to reduce herbivore pressure.  相似文献   

Over the past 25 years, the plant‐soil feedback (PSF) framework has catalyzed our understanding of how belowground microbiota impact plant fitness and species coexistence. Here, we apply a novel extension of this framework to microbiota associated with aboveground tissues, termed ‘plant‐phyllosphere feedback (PPFs)’. In parallel greenhouse experiments, rhizosphere and phyllosphere microbiota of con‐ and heterospecific hosts from four species were independently manipulated. In a third experiment, we tested the combined effects of soil and phyllosphere feedback under field conditions. We found that three of four species experienced weak negative PSF whereas, in contrast, all four species experienced strong negative PPFs. Field‐based feedback estimates were highly negative for all four species, though variable in magnitude. Our results suggest that phyllosphere microbiota, like rhizosphere microbiota, can potentially mediate plant species coexistence via negative feedbacks. Extension of the PSF framework to the phyllosphere is needed to more fully elucidate plant‐microbiota interactions.  相似文献   

There is mounting evidence silicon (Si) can alter plant nutrient dynamics and is an important functional trait in plant defence and plant–insect ecology. Despite this, there remains a paucity in our understanding of how Si‐driven changes in nutritional quality can impact herbivore performance across different plant species. We investigated how Si alters plant nutritional quality and the concomitant effects on the performance of the Australian native generalist herbivore Helicoverpa punctigera feeding on three economically significant plant species of varying Si‐uptake ability: Brassica napus (non‐Si accumulator), Cucumis sativus (intermediate Si accumulator) and Sorghum bicolor (high Si accumulator). Si supplementation reduced the nutritional quality of B. napus but increased phosphorus concentrations in S. bicolor. Si reduced herbivore performance in all host–plant species, which correlated directly with Si concentrations in Si‐accumulating host plants C. sativus and S. bicolor. However, on B. napus, Si affected herbivore performance indirectly by reducing nutritional quality (foliar carbon:nitrogen ratio and phosphorus concentration). This suggests Si availability can affect herbivore performance directly via Si concentration on Si‐accumulating hosts, and indirectly via nutritional quality in a non‐Si accumulator. The resistance‐enhancing effects of Si on multiple species offer opportunity for agriculture to utilise this abundant element in sustainable management practices.  相似文献   

First, we report the results of the longest‐known field study (9 years) to examine the effects of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) on leaf miner densities in a scrub‐oak community at Kennedy Space Center, Florida. Here, the densities of all leaf miner species (6) on all host species (3) were lower in every year in elevated CO2 than they were in ambient CO2. Second, meta‐analyses were used to review the effects of elevated CO2 on both plants (n=59 studies) and herbivores (n=75 studies). The log of the response ratio was chosen as the metric to calculate effect sizes. Results showed that elevated CO2 significantly decreased herbivore abundance (−21.6%), increased relative consumption rates (+16.5%), development time (+3.87%) and total consumption (+9.2%), and significantly decreased relative growth rate (−8.3%), conversion efficiency (−19.9%) and pupal weight (−5.03%). No significant differences were observed among herbivore guilds. Host plants growing under enriched CO2 environments exhibited significantly larger biomass (+38.4%), increased C/N ratio (+26.57%), and decreased nitrogen concentration (−16.4%), as well as increased concentrations of tannins (+29.9%) and other phenolics. Effects of changes on plant primary and secondary chemistry due to elevated CO2 and consequences for herbivore growth and development are discussed.  相似文献   

We present a simple and effective high‐throughput experimental platform for simultaneous and continuous monitoring of water relations in the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum of numerous plants under dynamic environmental conditions. This system provides a simultaneously measured, detailed physiological response profile for each plant in the array, over time periods ranging from a few minutes to the entire growing season, under normal, stress and recovery conditions and at any phenological stage. Three probes for each pot in the array and a specially designed algorithm enable detailed water‐relations characterization of whole‐plant transpiration, biomass gain, stomatal conductance and root flux. They also enable quantitative calculation of the whole plant water‐use efficiency and relative water content at high resolution under dynamic soil and atmospheric conditions. The system has no moving parts and can fit into many growing environments. A screening of 65 introgression lines of a wild tomato species (Solanum pennellii) crossed with cultivated tomato (S. lycopersicum), using our system and conventional gas‐exchange tools, confirmed the accuracy of the system as well as its diagnostic capabilities. The use of this high‐throughput diagnostic screening method is discussed in light of the gaps in our understanding of the genetic regulation of whole‐plant performance, particularly under abiotic stress.  相似文献   

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