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A life‐history trade‐off exists between flight capability and reproduction in many wing dimorphic insects: a long‐winged morph is flight‐capable at the expense of reproduction, while a short‐winged morph cannot fly, is less mobile, but has greater reproductive output. Using meta‐analyses, I investigated specific questions regarding this trade‐off. The trade‐off in females was expressed primarily as a later onset of egg production and lower fecundity in long‐winged females relative to short‐winged females. Although considerably less work has been done with males, the trade‐off exists for males among traits primarily related to mate acquisition. The trade‐off can potentially be mitigated in males, as long‐winged individuals possess an advantage in traits that can offset the costs of flight capability such as a shorter development time. The strength and direction of trends differed significantly among insect orders, and there was a relationship between the strength and direction of trends with the relative flight capabilities between the morphs. I discuss how the trade‐off might be both under‐ and overestimated in the literature, especially in light of work that has examined two relevant aspects of wing dimorphic species: (1) the effect of flight‐muscle histolysis on reproductive investment; and (2) the performance of actual flight by flight‐capable individuals.  相似文献   

1. Inducible defences are advantageous because they protect the prey while limiting associated fitness costs. The presence of these costs is an essential component of this conditional strategy, since their absence would favour constitutive (fixed) defences. In some cases, however, these costs have been difficult to measure because of complex interactions between the defences themselves, resultant life history changes and the organism’s environment. 2. The pond‐dwelling water flea, Daphnia pulex, forms defensive neck spines in response to kairomones released by predatory larvae of the phantom midge, Chaoborus. This predator–prey interaction and the formation of these inducible defences have been well studied, but costs associated with the development of neck spines remain unclear. In this study, I address this problem by analysing the effect of Chaoborus kairomones on the life history responses (and fitness costs associated with these responses) of two clones of D. pulex that are from the same pond population, but differ greatly in their degree of neck spine development. 3. Both D. pulex clones exhibited the same predator‐induced shifts in life history: larger size at birth, reduced juvenile growth rate (producing a smaller size at maturity), delayed reproduction and a reduction in the number of neonates produced after the first clutch. Relative fitness decreased significantly and to the same degree (c. 10% reduction in r) in each clone. This observed fitness cost was not directly related to the neck spines per se since the cost was the same in both clones, despite their considerable differences in neck spine development. Rather, it appears to be indirectly related to this antipredator morphology via a combination of delayed reproduction and a set of life history trade‐offs (decreased growth rate, decreased reproduction after the first clutch) for increased neonate body size, which is necessary for neck spines to be effective defences. This suite of induced responses is probably a result of local adaptation of these two D. pulex clones to their common pond environment. 4. Costs of inducible defences do not always entail direct allocation costs associated with forming and maintaining a defence, but may also involve indirect life history responses that are specific to particular environmental situations. This local adaptation would explain the highly variable life history responses observed among D. pulex clones from different pond environments.  相似文献   

Immunosenescence, the decline in immune defense with age, is an important mortality source in elderly humans but little is known of immunosenescence in wild animals. We systematically reviewed and meta‐analysed evidence for age‐related changes in immunity in captive and free‐living populations of wild species (321 effect sizes in 62 studies across 44 species of mammals, birds and reptiles). As in humans, senescence was more evident in adaptive (acquired) than innate immune functions. Declines were evident for cell function (antibody response), the relative abundance of naïve immune cells and an in vivo measure of overall immune responsiveness (local response to phytohaemagglutinin injection). Inflammatory markers increased with age, similar to chronic inflammation associated with human immunosenescence. Comparisons across taxa and captive vs free‐living animals were difficult due to lack of overlap in parameters and species measured. Most studies are cross‐sectional, which yields biased estimates of age‐effects when immune function co‐varies with survival. We therefore suggest longitudinal sampling approaches, and highlight techniques from human cohort studies that can be incorporated into ecological research. We also identify avenues to address predictions from evolutionary theory and the contribution of immunosenescence to age‐related increases in disease susceptibility and mortality.  相似文献   

1. It was determined if the predatory midge Corethrella appendiculata Grabham imposes a fitness cost in a native mosquito, Ochlerotatus triseriatus Say, and an invasive mosquito, Aedes albopictus Skuse. The hypothesis that decreased activity of immature prey in the presence of predator cues is associated with life history costs through all life cycle stages was tested. 2. In experiment 1, individual larvae of O. triseriatus or A. albopictus were raised in the presence or absence of predation cues at two resource levels. Prey were video recorded to detect behavioural responses and to measure development time, size at emergence, and adult longevity. In experiment 2, prey populations were reared in similar environments and the frequency of predator cue additions was varied. 3. Only O. triseriatus reduced its activity in the presence of predation cues. Predation cues were associated with longer immature development times and shorter adult life spans in O. triseriatus, whereas in A. albopictus, the cues were associated with a larger size of emerging adults. 4. In the present study, it was found that behavioural modifications during the larval stage can affect mosquitoes through multiple stages of their complex life cycle. The species‐specific behavioural differences are probably attributable to the longer evolutionary history O. triseriatus has with predators, relative to the invasive A. albopictus.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. In animals with a complex life cycle, larval stressors may carry over to the adult stage. Carry‐over effects not mediated through age and size at metamorphosis have rarely been studied. The present study focuses on the poorly documented immune costs of short‐term food stress both in the larval stage and after metamorphosis in the adult stage. 2. The present study quantified immune function [number of haemocytes, activity of prophenoloxidase (proPO) and phenoloxidase (PO)] in an experiment where larvae of the damselfly Lestes viridis were exposed to a transient starvation period. 3. Directly after starvation, immune variables were reduced in starved larvae. Levels of proPO and PO remained low after starvation, even after metamorphosis. In contrast, haemocyte numbers were fully compensated by the end of the larval stage, yet were lower in previously starved animals after metamorphosis. This can be explained as a cost of the observed compensatory growth after starvation. Focusing only on potential costs of larval stressors within the larval stage may therefore be misleading. 4. The here‐identified immunological cost in the adult stage of larval short‐term food stress and associated compensatory growth strongly indicates that physiological costs may explain hidden carry‐over effects bridging metamorphosis. This adds to the increasing awareness that the larval and adult stages in animals with a complex life cycle should be jointly studied, as trade‐offs may span metamorphosis.  相似文献   

To assess the trade‐offs associated with cold and heat tolerance, selection experiments were conducted on the rate of recovery from chill‐ and heat‐coma using Drosophila melanogaster. Flies were treated with cold and heat to induce coma, and those that showed rapid or slow recovery from coma were selected. The lines selected for rapid (or slow) recovery from chill‐coma also showed rapid (slow) recovery from heat‐coma, although such a correlation was not observed in the lines selected for the rate of recovery from heat‐coma. On the other hand, survival after cold was enhanced in both lines selected for rapid and slow recovery from chill‐coma, and survival after heat was enhanced in both lines selected for rapid and slow recovery from heat‐coma. It was assumed that cold and heat treatments to induce coma caused some damages to flies and those that were tolerant to cold or heat were unintentionally selected in the present coma‐based selection. Only a weak trade‐off was observed between survival‐based cold and heat tolerance. On the other hand, developmental time was prolonged and desiccation resistance, walking speed, and longevity were reduced in the lines selected for rapid and slow recovery from chill‐ and/or heat‐coma, suggesting that these resistance and life‐history traits are under trade‐offs with cold and/or heat tolerance. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 72–80.  相似文献   

Anurans breed in a variety of aquatic habitats with contrasting levels of desiccation risk, which may result in selection for faster development during larval stages. Previous studies suggest that species in ephemeral ponds reduce their developmental times to minimize desiccation risks, although it is not clear how variation in desiccation risk affects developmental strategies in different species. Employing a comparative phylogenetic approach including data from published and unpublished studies encompassing 62 observations across 30 species, we tested if species breeding in ephemeral ponds (High risk) develop faster than those from permanent ponds (Low risk) and/or show increased developmental plasticity in response to drying conditions. Our analyses support shorter developmental times in High risk, primarily by decreasing body mass at metamorphosis. Plasticity in developmental times was small and did not differ between groups. However, accelerated development in High risk species generally resulted in reduced sizes at metamorphosis, while some Low risk species were able compensate this effect by increasing mean growth rates. Taken together, our results suggest that plastic responses in species breeding in ephemeral ponds are constrained by a general trade-off between development and growth rates.  相似文献   

In response to parasite exposure, organisms from a variety of taxa undergo a shift in reproductive investment that may trade off with other life‐history traits including survival and immunity. By suppressing reproduction in favour of somatic and immunological maintenance, hosts can enhance the probability of survival and recovery from infection. By plastically enhancing reproduction through terminal investment, on the other hand, hosts under the threat of disease‐induced mortality could enhance their lifetime reproductive fitness through reproduction rather than survival. However, we know little about the evolution of these strategies, particularly when hosts can recover and even bequeath protection to their offspring. In this study, we develop a stochastic agent‐based model that competes somatic maintenance and terminal investment strategies as they trade off differentially with lifespan, parasite resistance, recovery and transgenerational immune priming. Our results suggest that a trade‐off between reproduction and recovery can drive directional selection for either terminal investment or somatic maintenance, depending on the cost of reproduction to lifespan. However, some conditions, such as low virulence with a high cost of reproduction to lifespan, can favour diversifying selection for the coexistence of both strategies. The introduction of transgenerational priming into the model favours terminal investment when all strategies are equally likely to produce primed offspring, but favours somatic maintenance if it confers even a slight priming advantage over terminal investment. Our results suggest that both immune priming and recovery may modulate the evolution of reproductive shift diversity and magnitude upon exposure to parasites.  相似文献   

1. Burying beetles (Nicrophorus spp.) provide an excellent model system to test predictions about the relationships between environment, life‐history and behaviour. All species in the genus display similar natural histories, breeding on vertebrate carcasses and providing parental care to developing offspring. However, variations in other aspects of species' ecologies provide a rich framework to examine the evolution of parental behaviours and other traits. 2. One little‐studied species, N. sayi, breeds in substantially colder temperatures than its congeners, creating a potentially harsh environment for offspring. Here, we examined the timing of reproductive and developmental events in this species, and also investigated the effects of removing parents on offspring performance. 3. We find that development is not only extremely slow in this species, but it is also delayed even in comparison to other burying beetles reared at similar temperatures. However, the presence of parents reduces the time that offspring take to leave the carcass. This decrease in development time does not appear to result in a trade‐off with mortality or body size. 4. From these results, we suggest that very slow development may be advantageous when living in a particularly cold environment. Additionally, one role of extended parental care may be to assist offspring in dealing with these harsh conditions, and to mitigate the potentially negative consequences of adopting such a slow life‐history strategy.  相似文献   

Survival through periods of resource scarcity depends on the balance between metabolic demands and energy storage. The opposing effects of predation and starvation mortality are predicted to result in trade‐offs between traits that optimize fitness during periods of resource plenty (e.g., during the growing season) and those that optimize fitness during periods of resource scarcity (e.g., during the winter). We conducted a common environment experiment with two genetically distinct strains of rainbow trout to investigate trade‐offs due to (1) the balance of growth and predation risk related to foraging rate during the growing season and (2) the allocation of energy to body size prior to the winter. Fry (age 0) from both strains were stocked into replicate natural lakes at low and high elevation that differed in winter duration (i.e., ice cover) by 59 days. Overwinter survival was lowest in the high‐elevation lakes for both strains. Activity rate and growth rate were highest at high elevation, but growing season survival did not differ between strains or between environments. Hence, we did not observe a trade‐off between growth and predation risk related to foraging rate. Growth rate also differed significantly between the strains across both environments, which suggests that growth rate is involved in local adaptation. There was not, however, a difference between strains or between environments in energy storage. Hence, we did not observe a trade‐off between growth and storage. Our findings suggest that intrinsic metabolic rate, which affects a trade‐off between growth rate and overwinter survival, may influence local adaptation in organisms that experience particularly harsh winter conditions (e.g., extended periods trapped beneath the ice in high‐elevation lakes) in some parts of their range.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature seeks to explain variation in range shifts using species’ ecological and life‐history traits, with expectations that shifts should be greater in species with greater dispersal ability, reproductive potential, and ecological generalization. Despite strong theoretical support for species’ traits as predictors of range shifts, empirical evidence from contemporary range shift studies remains limited in extent and consensus. We conducted the first comprehensive review of species’ traits as predictors of range shifts, collecting results from 51 studies across multiple taxa encompassing over 11,000 species’ responses for 54 assemblages of taxonomically related species occurring together in space. We used studies of assemblages that directly compared geographic distributions sampled in the 20th century prior to climate change with resurveys of distributions after contemporary climate change and then tested whether species traits accounted for heterogeneity in range shifts. We performed a formal meta‐analysis on study‐level effects of body size, fecundity, diet breadth, habitat breadth, and historic range limit as predictors of range shifts for a subset of 21 studies of 26 assemblages with sufficient data. Range shifts were consistent with predictions based on habitat breadth and historic range limit. However, body size, fecundity, and diet breadth showed no significant effect on range shifts across studies, and multiple studies reported significant relationships that contradicted predictions. Current understanding of species’ traits as predictors of range shifts is limited, and standardized study is needed for traits to be valid indicators of vulnerability in assessments of climate change impacts.  相似文献   

Reproductive traits differ between intralacustrine Arctic charr morphs. Here, we examine three sympatric lacustrine Arctic charr morphs with respect to fecundity, egg size and spawning time/site to assess reproductive investments and trade‐offs, and possible fitness consequences. The littoral omnivore morph (LO‐morph) utilizes the upper water for feeding and reproduction and spawn early in October. The large profundal piscivore morph (PP‐morph) and the small profundal benthivore morph (PB‐morph) utilize the profundal habitat for feeding and reproduction and spawn in December and November, respectively. Females from all morphs were sampled for fecundity and egg‐size analysis. There were large differences between the morphs. The PB‐morph had the lowest fecundity (mean = 45, SD = 13) and smallest egg size (mean = 3.2 mm, SD = 0.32 mm). In contrast, the PP‐morph had the highest fecundity (mean = 859.5, SD = 462) and the largest egg size (mean = 4.5 mm, SD = 0.46 mm), whereas the LO‐morph had intermediate fecundity (mean = 580, SD = 225) and egg size (mean = 4.3, SD = 0.24 mm). Fecundity increased with increasing body size within each morph. This was not the case for egg size, which was independent of body sizes within morph. Different adaptations to feeding and habitat utilization have apparently led to a difference in the trade‐off between fecundity and egg size among the three different morphs.  相似文献   

Poor conditions during early development can initiate trade‐offs that favour current survival at the expense of somatic maintenance and subsequently, future reproduction. However, the mechanisms that link early and late life‐history are largely unknown. Recently it has been suggested that telomeres, the nucleoprotein structures at the terminal end of chromosomes, could link early‐life conditions to lifespan and fitness. In wild purple‐crowned fairy‐wrens, we combined measurements of nestling telomere length (TL) with detailed life‐history data to investigate whether early‐life TL predicts fitness prospects. Our study differs from previous studies in the completeness of our fitness estimates in a highly philopatric population. The association between TL and survival was age‐dependent with early‐life TL having a positive effect on lifespan only among individuals that survived their first year. Early‐life TL was not associated with the probability or age of gaining a breeding position. Interestingly, early‐life TL was positively related to breeding duration, contribution to population growth and lifetime reproductive success because of their association with lifespan. Thus, early‐life TL, which reflects growth, accumulated early‐life stress and inherited TL, predicted fitness in birds that reached adulthood but not noticeably among fledglings. These findings suggest that a lack of investment in somatic maintenance during development particularly affects late life performance. This study demonstrates that factors in early‐life are related to fitness prospects through lifespan, and suggests that the study of telomeres may provide insight into the underlying physiological mechanisms linking early‐ and late‐life performance and trade‐offs across a lifetime.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction represent a common life‐history trade‐off. Critical to understanding these costs in migratory species is the ability to track individuals across successive stages of the annual cycle. We assessed the effects of total number of offspring fledged and date of breeding completion on pre‐migratory body condition, the schedule of moult and annual survival in a migratory songbird, the Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis. Between 2008 and 2010, moult was delayed for individuals that finished breeding later in the breeding period and resulted in reduced lean tissue mass during the pre‐migratory period, suggesting an indirect trade‐off between the timing of breeding completion and condition just prior to migration. Lean tissue mass decreased as the number of offspring fledged increased in 2009, a particularly cool and wet year, illustrating a direct trade‐off between reproductive effort and condition just prior to migration in years when weather is poor. However, using a 17‐year dataset from the same population, we found that parents that fledged young late in the breeding period had the highest survival and that number of offspring fledged did not affect survival, suggesting that individuals do not experience long‐term trade‐offs between reproduction and survival. Taken together, our results suggest that adult Savannah Sparrows pay short‐term costs of reproduction, but that longer‐term costs are mitigated by individual quality, perhaps through individual variation in resource acquisition.  相似文献   

Across taxa, individuals vary in how far they disperse, with most individuals staying close to their origin and fewer dispersing long distances. Costs associated with dispersal (e.g., energy, risk) are widely believed to trade off with benefits (e.g., reduced competition, increased reproductive success) to influence dispersal propensity. However, this framework has not been applied to understand variation in dispersal distance, which is instead generally attributed to extrinsic environmental factors. We alternatively hypothesized that variation in dispersal distances results from trade‐offs associated with other aspects of locomotor performance. We tested this hypothesis in the stream salamander Gyrinophilus porphyriticus and found that salamanders that dispersed farther in the field had longer forelimbs but swam at slower velocities under experimental conditions. The reduced swimming performance of long‐distance dispersers likely results from drag imposed by longer forelimbs. Longer forelimbs may facilitate moving longer distances, but the proximate costs associated with reduced swimming performance may help to explain the rarity of long‐distance dispersal. The historical focus on environmental drivers of dispersal distances misses the importance of individual traits and associated trade‐offs among traits affecting locomotion.  相似文献   

As dispersal plays a key role in gene flow among populations, its evolutionary dynamics under environmental changes is particularly important. The inter-dependency of dispersal with other life history traits may constrain dispersal evolution, and lead to the indirect selection of other traits as a by-product of this inter-dependency. Identifying the dispersal's relationships to other life-history traits will help to better understand the evolutionary dynamics of dispersal, and the consequences for species persistence and ecosystem functioning under global changes. Dispersal may be linked to other life-history traits as their respective evolutionary dynamics may be inter-dependent, or, because they are mechanistically related to each other. We identify traits that are predicted to co-vary with dispersal, and investigated the correlations that may constrain dispersal using published information on butterflies. Our quantitative analysis revealed that (1) dispersal directly correlated with demographic traits, mostly fecundity, whereas phylogenetic relationships among species had a negligible influence on this pattern, (2) gene flow and individual movements are correlated with ecological specialisation and body size, respectively and (3) routine movements only affected short-distance dispersal. Together, these results provide important insights into evolutionary dynamics under global environmental changes, and are directly applicable to biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Dispersal has recently gained much attention because of its crucial role in the conservation and evolution of species facing major environmental changes such as habitat loss and fragmentation, climate change, and their interactions. Butterflies have long been recognized as ideal model systems for the study of dispersal and a huge amount of data on their ability to disperse has been collected under various conditions. However, no single ‘best’ method seems to exist leading to the co‐occurrence of various approaches to study butterfly mobility, and therefore a high heterogeneity among data on dispersal across this group. Accordingly, we here reviewed the knowledge accumulated on dispersal and mobility in butterflies, to detect general patterns. This meta‐analysis specifically addressed two questions. Firstly, do the various methods provide a congruent picture of how dispersal ability is distributed across species? Secondly, is dispersal species‐specific? Five sources of data were analysed: multisite mark‐recapture experiments, genetic studies, experimental assessments, expert opinions, and transect surveys. We accounted for potential biases due to variation in genetic markers, sample sizes, spatial scales or the level of habitat fragmentation. We showed that the various dispersal estimates generally converged, and that the relative dispersal ability of species could reliably be predicted from their relative vagrancy (records of butterflies outside their normal habitat). Expert opinions gave much less reliable estimates of realized dispersal but instead reflected migration propensity of butterflies. Within‐species comparisons showed that genetic estimates were relatively invariable, while other dispersal estimates were highly variable. This latter point questions dispersal as a species‐specific, invariant trait.  相似文献   

The assumption of a trade‐off between development time and fecundity, resulting from a positive correlation between body size and fecundity and between body size and development time, is a common feature of life history models. The present paper examines the evidence for such a trade‐off as indicated by genetic correlations between traits. The genetic covariances between traits are derived using a model in which maturation occurs when the organism achieves a genetically variable size threshold, and fecundity is an allometric function of body size with one genetically variable parameter (excluding body size itself). This model predicts that the heritabilities of the life history traits (growth rate, development time, fecundity) will not necessarily be less than the heritability of adult size (i.e. morphological traits). It is shown that if growth rate is genetically correlated with adult size then it is not possible, in general, to predict the sign of the genetic correlation between development time and fecundity. For particular cases the signs of the covariances between traits can be predicted. These predictions are tested using data drawn from the literature.  相似文献   

Invasive species cope with novel environments through both phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary change. However, the environmental factors that cause evolutionary divergence in invasive species are poorly understood. We developed predictions for how different life‐history traits, and plasticity in those traits, may respond to environmental gradients in seasonal temperatures, season length and natural enemies. We then tested these predictions in four geographic populations of the invasive cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae) from North America. We examined the influence of two rearing temperatures (20 and 26.7 °C) on pupal mass, pupal development time, immune function and fecundity. As predicted, development time was shorter and immune function was greater in populations adapted to longer season length. Also, phenotypic plasticity in development time was greater in regions with shorter growing seasons. Populations differed significantly in mean and plasticity of body mass and fecundity, but these differences were not associated with seasonal temperatures or season length. Our study shows that some life‐history traits, such as development time and immune function, can evolve rapidly in response to latitudinal variation in season length and natural enemies, whereas others traits did not. Our results also indicate that phenotypic plasticity in development time can also diverge rapidly in response to environmental conditions for some traits.  相似文献   

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