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Global climate warming is predicted to lead to global and regional changes in the distribution of organisms. One influential approach to test this prediction using temporally repeated mapping surveys of organisms was suggested in a seminal paper by Thomas & Lennon (1999, Nature). The Thomas & Lennon approach corrects observed changes in the range margin for changes in the range size, and thus potentially controls for other broad‐scale environmental changes between surveys, however the approach does not necessarily account for potential biases in sampling effort. To verify whether the issue of variation in sampling effort affects empirical estimates of shifts in range margin, we reanalyzed all three published studies exploring range margin changes of breeding birds in Great Britain (GB), Finland, and New York State (NY). Accounting for changes in survey effort on range margins lowered the estimated shift for breeding birds in New York, but the shift remained statistically significant. For Great Britain and Finland, for which no direct estimate of survey effort is available, we used species richness (a strong correlate of survey effort in New York) as a proxy and found that in both cases the estimated shift in range margin was significantly reduced and became nonsignificant. To understand how robust the approach is to sampling biases, we use a simulation model to show that the Thomas & Lennon approach is, under certain conditions, sensitive to changes in detection probability (probability to detect true occupancy) which in turn may be affected by changes in surveying effort between surveys. We thus found evidence that temporal changes in the distribution of breeding birds based on repeated mapping surveys may be inflated by changes in survey effort along range boundaries. We discuss possible approaches to deal with this issue in the analysis and design of national or regional surveys.  相似文献   

The impact of mixed infection of grapevine leafroll‐associated virus 1 and 3 (GLRaV‐1&‐3) on physiological performance of the Portuguese grapevine variety ‘Touriga Nacional’ was evaluated during 3 years with the main purpose of understanding the drastic reduction in yield. Overall, gas exchange was negatively affected in leaves with these leafroll virus infections. Particularly at ripeness stage, the reduction in stomatal conductance (gs) was higher than in net CO2 assimilation rate (A), leading to higher intrinsic water use efficiency (A/gs) in infected leaves. However, the decrease in gs and A were not a consequence of the decrease in bulk water potential, as the water index/normalised difference vegetation index ratio suggested similar magnitude for both treatments. The maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II was unaffected by GLRaV‐1&‐3, whereas quantum effective efficiency of PSII, apparent electron transport rate and photochemical quenching significantly decreased in infected leaves and these was paralleled by a significant increase of non‐photochemical quenching. Relative to carbon metabolism, the analyses of the net CO2 assimilation rate/photosynthetic photon flux density (A/PPFD) and net CO2 assimilation rate/internal CO2 concentration (A/Ci) curves revealed that virus infection had a negative effect on light saturated rate of CO2 fixation at high irradiances and carboxylation efficiency but, in contrast, apparent quantum yield of CO2 fixation was significantly higher. Meanwhile, the presence of GLRaV‐1&‐3 resulted in a marked decrease in photosynthetic pigments, soluble sugars and soluble proteins contents, while starch and anthocyanins were significantly improved. N, P, Ca, S and Fe leaf concentrations significantly decreased, while K, Mg, B, Cu, Zn and Mn were unaffected by these two leafroll virus species. Infected plants showed a significant decrease in yield, mainly due to a lower cluster weight. These results emphasised the important role of GLRaV‐1&‐3 as a biotic stress for the grapevine physiology and consequently to yield attributes.  相似文献   

The ever‐increasing number of studies that address the origin and evolution of Euarthropoda – whose extant representatives include chelicerates, myriapods, crustaceans and hexapods – are gradually reaching a consensus with regard to the overall phylogenetic relationships of some of the earliest representatives of this phylum. The stem‐lineage of Euarthropoda includes numerous forms that reflect the major morphological transition from a lobopodian‐type to a completely arthrodized body organization. Several methods of classification that aim to reflect such a complex evolutionary history have been proposed as a consequence of this taxonomic diversity. Unfortunately, this has also led to a saturation of nomenclatural schemes, often in conflict with each other, some of which are incompatible with cladistic‐based methodologies. Here, I review the convoluted terminology associated with the classification of stem‐group Euarthropoda, and propose a synapomorphy‐based distinction that allows ‘lower stem‐Euarthropoda’ (e.g. lobopodians, radiodontans) to be separated from ‘upper stem‐Euarthropoda’ (e.g. fuxianhuiids, Cambrian bivalved forms) in terms of the structural organization of the head region and other aspects of overall body architecture. The step‐wise acquisition of morphological features associated with the origins of the crown‐group indicate that the node defining upper stem‐Euarthropoda is phylogenetically stable, and supported by numerous synapomorphic characters; these include the presence of a deutocerebral first appendage pair, multisegmented head region with one or more pairs of post‐ocular differentiated limbs, complete body arthrodization, posterior‐facing mouth associated with the hypostome/labrum complex, and post‐oral biramous arthropodized appendages. The name ‘Deuteropoda’ nov. is proposed for the scion (monophyletic group including the crown‐group and an extension of the stem‐group) that comprises upper stem‐Euarthropoda and Euarthropoda. A brief account of common terminological inaccuracies in recent palaeontological studies evinces the utility of Deuteropoda nov. as a reference point for discussing aspects of early euarthropod phylogeny.  相似文献   

Fleas are acknowledged vectors and reservoirs of various bacteria that present a wide range of pathogenicity. In this study, fleas collected from wild rodents from the Negev desert in southern Israel were tested for RickettsiaDNA by targeting the 16S rRNA (rrs) gene. Thirty‐eight Xenopsylla ramesis, 91 Synosternus cleopatrae and 15 Leptopsylla flea pools (a total of 568 fleas) were screened. RickettsiaDNA was detected in 100% of the X. ramesis and in one S. cleopatrae flea pools. None of L. algira flea pools was found positive. All positive flea pools were further characterized by sequencing of five additional genetic loci (gltA, ompB, ompA, htrA and fusA). The molecular identification of the positive samples showed all sequences to be closely related to the ‘Rickettsia felis‐like’ organisms (99–100% similarities in the six loci). To further investigate the association between ‘R. felis‐like’ and X. ramesis fleas, ten additional single X. ramesis adult fleas collected from the wild and five laboratory‐maintained X. ramesis imago, five larva pools (2–18 larvae per pool) and two egg pools (18 eggs per pool) were tested for the presence of ‘R. felis‐like’ DNA. All samples were found positive by a specific ompAPCR assay, confirming the close association of this Rickettsia species with X. ramesis in all its life stages. These results suggest a symbiotic association between ‘Rickettsia felis‐like’ and X. ramesis fleas.  相似文献   

Opportunism and specialization appear to be widespread in apoid wasps, although the factors affecting the diet preference (and thus explaining the degree of specialization) are still largely unknown. Four hypotheses that stressed the importance of the size, sex, habitat, and taxonomic identity of prey of the beetle‐hunting digger wasp, Cerceris rubida, were formulated and tested. The wasp population hunted for phytophagous beetles belonging to abundant families around the wasp nesting site. In practice, the prey appeared to be hunted only in two cultivated fields, thus habitat accounted for a majority of the observed diet. The size of wasps was furthermore correlated with the size of their prey, and thus this also accounted for the frequencies of hunted prey and the strong individual specialization for both taxa and size. However, in the exploited habitat, some species were significantly over‐hunted than expected and some other significantly avoided by the wasps, causing an unexpected major role of prey taxon on the probability of being hunted, over the other explanatory variables (body size, body shape, sex, availability). This contrasts to that found in other wasp species, which appear to select prey basing essentially on their ecology and size or their relative abundance (opportunism). The results obtained in the present study show that even an apparent ‘generalist’ predator may turn out to be taxonomically specialized. Together with a re‐evaluation of previous studies, our results further suggest that the effect of size constraints and the developmental plan of prey (holometaboulous versus hemimetabolous) may have promoted either taxonomic opportunism or specialization in different lineages of apoid wasps. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 544–558.  相似文献   

  • The realisation of manned space exploration requires the development of Bioregenerative Life Support Systems (BLSS). In such self‐sufficient closed habitats, higher plants have a fundamental role in air regeneration, water recovery, food production and waste recycling. In the space environment, ionising radiation represents one of the main constraints to plant growth.
  • In this study, we explore whether low doses of heavy ions, namely Ca 25 Gy, delivered at the seed stage, may induce positive outcomes on growth and functional traits in plants of Solanum lycopersicum L. ‘Microtom’. After irradiation of seed, plant growth was monitored during the whole plant life cycle, from germination to fruit ripening. Morphological parameters, photosynthetic efficiency, leaf anatomical functional traits and antioxidant production in leaves and fruits were analysed.
  • Our data demonstrate that irradiation of seeds with 25 Gy Ca ions does not prevent achievement of the seed‐to‐seed cycle in ‘Microtom’, and induces a more compact plant size compared to the control. Plants germinated from irradiated seeds show better photochemical efficiency than controls, likely due to the higher amount of D1 protein and photosynthetic pigment content. Leaves of these plants also had smaller cells with a lower number of chloroplasts. The dose of 25 Gy Ca ions is also responsible for positive outcomes in fruits: although developing a lower number of berries, plants germinated from irradiated seeds produce larger berries, richer in carotenoids, ascorbic acid and anthocyanins than controls.
  • These specific traits may be useful for ‘Microtom’ cultivation in BLSS in space, in so far as the crew members could benefit from fresh food richer in functional compounds that can be directly produced on board.

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