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Many researchers catch adult birds at nest boxes using a vertical prop that supports a horizontal flap that drops down when an adult enters to feed nestlings. Because the prop is visible, some birds may be too wary to enter nest boxes, or they may dislodge the prop when they lean in; either way, they are not captured. We describe a remote‐controlled nest‐box trap that has the advantages of portability and being invisible to adults delivering food to nestlings. A receiver is installed on the ceiling of a nest box, the receiver is connected to a spring‐loaded flap that is triggered remotely with a transmitter from > 30 m away, and the flap drops down to cover the box entrance. In 2017 and 2018, our remote‐controlled traps did not increase the likelihood of capturing female Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), but did improve the likelihood of capturing males. We captured 16 male Tree Swallows in 30 attempts (53.3%) using our remote‐controlled trap compared to only 41 captures of males in 139 attempts (29.5%) with prop traps. In addition, whereas prop traps required an average of ~ 50 min to capture adults in successful attempts, our trap required only ~ 25 min. These results suggest that the savings in time for field researchers using our remote‐controlled trap can be substantial, with the added ethical benefit of reducing the amount of time that nestlings are not being fed. Our remote‐controlled trap is also economical to construct, requiring ~ $60 USD for parts and < 3 h to build.  相似文献   

Introduced rabbits have severely impacted the terrestrial ecosystem of sub‐Antarctic Macquarie Island. Here we describe first observations of rapid recovery of an important plant species following the commencement of a vertebrate pest eradication plan. The tussock grass Poa foliosa, a major component of the Macquarie Island landscape, has been severely impacted by rabbit grazing with large‐scale reductions in cover across the island observed at times over the last 50 years. Preliminary aerial baiting for rabbits and rodents commenced in winter 2010, and within 6 months, we observed substantial regrowth of tussock grass. The rapid re‐emergence of this grass over such a short time period following localised removal of rabbits has positive implications for the island’s recovery and provides insight for restoration monitoring.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) were trapped in the field using colored plastic sphere traps coated with insect Tangle‐trap. Red and black spheres captured significantly more D. suzukii than white spheres. Translucent deli‐cup traps deployed in cherry orchards and baited with yeast, the Alpha Scents lure, or the Scentry lure captured significantly more flies than the Trécé lure and Suzukii bait; all attractants had poor selectivity for D. suzukii. No‐choice evaluations of attractants conducted in field cages corroborated the cherry orchard field study, though translucent deli‐cup traps provisioned with the yeast bait captured significantly more flies than those baited with the Alpha Scents lure. Red sphere traps baited with the Scentry lure captured 3–6× more flies than the deli‐cup trap baited with the same lure, and 3–4× more flies than the deli‐cup trap baited with yeast bait, demonstrating that a trap integrating both visual and olfactory cues is a superior tool for monitoring D. suzukii. Moreover, this simple sticky, dry trap design requires far less labor and maintenance than does a liquid‐based deli‐cup trap.  相似文献   

1. The management of non-indigenous species is not without its complications. In Bergstrom et al. 's (2009) study, we demonstrated that feral cats Felis catus on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island were exerting top-down control on the feral rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus population, and that the eradication of the cats led to a substantial increase in rabbit numbers and an associated trophic cascade.
2. Dowding et al. (2009) claim our modelling was flawed for various reasons, but primarily that a reduction in the application of the rabbit control agent, Myxoma virus, coinciding with cat removal, was a major driver of rabbit population release.
3. We explore this proposition (as well as others) by examining rates of Myxoma viral release between 1991 and 2006 (with an attenuation factor for the years, 2003–2006) in association with presence/absence of cats against two estimates of rabbit population size. Myxoma viral release was a significant factor in the lower estimates of rabbit population, but the effect was small, and was not significant for higher rabbit population estimates. By contrast, the presence or absence of cats remained highly significant for both estimates.
4. Synthesis and applications. We re-affirm our position that top-down control of rabbit numbers by cats, prior to their eradication, was occurring on Macquarie Island. Nonetheless, we agree with Dowding et al. (2009) that systems with multiple invasive species represent complex situations that require careful scrutiny. Such scrutiny should occur in advance of, during, and following management interventions.  相似文献   

Predation by feral cats (Felis catus) has caused the extinction of many native species in Australia and globally. There is growing evidence that the impacts of feral cats can be amplified in post-fire environments, as cats are drawn to hunt in or around recently burnt areas and are also more effective hunters in open habitats. In 2018–2019, we established arrays of camera traps to estimate the abundance of feral cats on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Much of the island (including five of our seven survey sites) was subsequently burnt in a severe wildfire (December 2019–February 2020). We re-sampled the sites 3–8 months post-fire (seven sites) and 11–12 months post-fire (three sites). At two unburnt sites sampled post-fire, it was possible to produce density estimates of cats using a spatially explicit capture–recapture approach. Where estimating density was not possible (due to low detections or individual cats not being distinguishable), the number of individuals and percentage of trap nights with detections was compared between the sampling periods. Some low-level cat control occurred within 2 km of three of the seven arrays (all within the burn scar) within 3 months of the fire. Across the five burnt sites, there was a decline in cat detections post-fire (including those without post-fire cat control). At 3–8 months post-fire, there was, on average, a 57% reduction in the number of individual cats, and a 65% reduction in the number of nights with cat detections, relative to pre-fire levels. Although cat detections declined following the fire, reduced population sizes of prey species and reduced cover as a result of the fire might still mean that cat predation is a threat to some surviving prey species. Management that reduces feral cat predation pressure on wildlife following wildfire should enhance the likelihood of post-fire wildlife persistence and recovery.  相似文献   

The New Zealand Department of Conservation recently (May 2008) began a programme to eradicate stoats (Mustela erminea) from Resolution Island (Fiordland, New Zealand) using kill traps. In conjunction with this eradication effort we have the following 3 objectives: (1) to measure the population abundance of stoats prior to trapping using hair tubes and forensic DNA methods; (2) optimise techniques for detecting individual stoats, in order to quantify the probability of stoat persistence given no detections after several months of trapping; and (3) use genetic analyses to identify the possible origins (mainland incursions or in situ breeding) of new stoats captured in a control zone. We present Bayesian modelling techniques used to determine the probability of stoat persistence on the island after the initial population reduction, when individual stoats are no longer captured in traps. We also provide details on an effective level of monitoring and trapping effort required to maintain a comfortable level of confidence that stoats no longer persist on the island. Improving these techniques adds to variety of valuable tools for management of invasive mammal species in a range of natural environments worldwide.  相似文献   

Given the difficulty of effective landscape‐scale control of introduced predators, fenced areas that exclude them (i.e. ‘mainland islands') can play an important role in conserving threatened mammal species in Australia. Despite this, the effort required to eradicate or remove introduced species from within fenced areas remains poorly quantified. This study was conducted at Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary in semi‐arid Western Australia, where a 43 km predator‐exclusion fence surrounding 7832 ha was completed in June 2014. The subsequent effort expended in eradicating feral Cat (Felis catus) and removing European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) populations was logged daily during 11 months of active population removal and 3.5 months of monitoring. The total effort expended on cat eradication, rabbit removal and monitoring included over 4800 person‐hours of work and nearly 67,000 km of driving (of which 6700 km was for spotlighting), and the conduct of over 15,000 trap nights, 2300 km of sand tracking transects, and over 7800 camera‐trap nights. Total costs (in 2015 figures) were estimated at just over AUD $390,000, which equates to approximately $50 per hectare. Cage trapping was most efficacious for catching cats, although it took nine months to capture the last individual, which was detected independently by both sand tracking transects and camera traps. This research provides baseline data on the resources required for future eradication and removal projects, particularly those within fenced reserves.  相似文献   

Abstract The impact of introduced ship rats (Rattus rattus) on recruitment of the megaherb Pleurophyllum hookeri Buchan. (Asteraceae) was examined on subantarctic Macquarie Island, an island with no extant native terrestrial vertebrates. Pleurophyllum hookeri (Asteraceae) forms a dominant component of the Macquarie Island vegetation and is restricted to the subantarctic. The Macquarie Island population of P. hookeri is the most extensive and intact. Introduced ship rats (Rattus rattus) are well established in tall tussock grassland of Macquarie Island. We detected rat activity for the first time within P. hookeri herbfields, in autumn 2000. We found rats were destroying up to 90% of racemes. By excluding rats from caches of inflorescences that they had formed, we found they were having a significant negative effect on initial recruitment and seedling survival within the caches. However, because of high seedling mortality after 1 year, there was no sustained impact of the exclosures on P. hookeri seedling density.  相似文献   

We studied the diet of feral cats (Felis catus) on New Island, Falkland Islands, through the analysis of 373 scats collected during the austral summers of 2004/2005 and 2005/2006. The most frequent prey were three introduced mammals (house mice Mus musculus, ship rats Rattus rattus and rabbits Sylvilagus sp.) and the thin-billed prion Pachyptila belcheri (each season present on ca. 21% of the analysed scats). These represent the first systematic data on feral cat diet for the Falklands. A simple bioenergetics model suggests that cats could be eating in the region of 1,500–11,000 prions per season, representing <1% of the local adult and subadult population. Predation on other seabirds nesting on New Island (several penguin species, albatrosses and cormorants) was unimportant, with the possible exception of white-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis, which nest locally in very small numbers. For each prion eaten, cats were estimated to have killed 1.1–1.9 ship rats during the summer season, and probably more in autumn and winter. Knowing that ship rats are prion predators, it is conceivable that, on the whole, cats are having a positive impact on the prion population, a scenario predicted by general theoretical models. Thus, considering the available information, we would not recommend the implementation of any eradication programme on New Island that would target cats in isolation. Nevertheless, it would be prudent to consider some local action targeting cats and rats around the small New Island white-chinned petrel colony.  相似文献   

It is usually uncertain when to declare success and stop control in pest eradication operations that rely on successive reductions of the population. We used the data collected during a project to eradicate feral cats from San Nicolas Island, California to estimate both the number of cats remaining towards the end of the project, and the amount and type of surveillance effort required to declare successful eradication after the last known cat was removed. Fifty seven cats were removed between June 2009 and April 2010 and our model estimated that there was a 95% chance that a further 1 to 4 cats remained, with 1 cat being the most likely number. After this time a further two cats were detected and removed and the model predicted this outcome with a probability of 0.25. If managers wished to confirm eradication success at this point, we estimated that 55 km of effort searching for recent evidence of cats over the whole island without detecting any would provide 99% certainty that no cats remained (stopping rule 1). Alternatively, the optimal amount of search effort for evidence that minimized the joint cost of searching and the cost of wrongly declaring eradication was 75 km (stopping rule 2). The equivalent amount of camera-nights (26 cameras were available) required to declare successful eradication were 416 (stopping rule 1) and 1196 camera nights (stopping rule 2). During the confirmation phase, 270 km of sign search effort and 3294 camera-nights surveillance were used from late June 2010, when the last cat was removed, through August 2010, without detecting signs of survivors. Managers can be very confident that eradication has been successful.  相似文献   

Although Japan has maintained the state of eradication of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel complex (Diptera: Tephritidae) since 1986, B. dorsalis complex are occasionally trapped within a limited area and short time period on Japan's small south‐western islands. Trapping events occurred on Amamioshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, in 2015, and male adults were also caught in surveillance traps on neighbouring Tokunoshima (south of Amamioshima) and Yakushima (north of Amamioshima) islands as well as on several islands in Okinawa Prefecture (south of Amamioshima). To investigate possible domestic dispersal of the pest from Amamioshima Island, a trajectory analysis was performed to reveal the timing and flight distance of possible dispersal. Surveillance data indicated that the first trappings on Tokunoshima and Yakushima islands occurred in November, which was after the number of trapped male adults on Amamioshima Island peaked in late October. Backward trajectories from Tokunoshima Island beginning 14 days prior to the first trapping passed over Amamioshima Island, which suggested possible dispersal between the islands. Several backward trajectories from the islands in Okinawa Prefecture also passed Amamioshima Island. Moreover, forward trajectories from Amamioshima Island beginning during peak occurrence, from mid‐October to early November, arrived over Tokunoshima, Iheya and Okinawa islands where the flies were caught. Such circumstantial evidence suggests that domestic dispersal of B. dorsalis complex occurred on Amamioshima Island. A situation similar to that on Tokunoshima Island also occurred on Yakushima Island. However, since the number of traps has been limited until the first capture, it was not clear when and from where the immigrants arrived on the island.  相似文献   

Extensive dieback in dominant plant species in response to climate change is increasingly common. Climatic conditions and related variables, such as evapotranspiration, vary in response to topographical complexity. This complexity plays an important role in the provision of climate refugia. In 2008/2009, an island‐wide dieback event of the keystone cushion plant Azorella macquariensis Orchard (Apiaceae) occurred on sub‐Antarctic Macquarie Island. This signalled the start of a potential regime shift, suggested to be driven by increasing vapour pressure deficit. Eight years later, we quantified cover and dieback across the range of putative microclimates to which the species is exposed, with the aim of explaining dieback patterns. We test for the influence of evapotranspiration using a suite of topographic proxies and other variables as proposed drivers of change. We found higher cover and lower dieback towards the south of the island. The high spatial variation in A. macquariensis populations was best explained by latitude, likely a proxy for macroscale climate gradients and geology. Dieback was best explained by A. macquariensis cover and latitude, increasing with cover and towards the north of the island. The effect sizes of terrain variables that influence evapotranspiration rates were small. Island‐wide dieback remains conspicuous. Comparison between a subset of sites and historical data revealed a reduction of cover in the north and central regions of the island, and a shift south in the most active areas of dieback. Dieback remained comparatively low in the south. The presence of seedlings was independent of dieback. This study provides an empirical baseline for spatial variation in the cover and condition of A. macquariensis, both key variables for monitoring condition and ‘cover‐debt’ in this critically endangered endemic plant species. These findings have broader implications for understanding the responses of fellfield ecosystems and other Azorella species across the sub‐Antarctic under future climates.  相似文献   

A 3‐year study (2014–2016) was conducted at Rocky Harbour near the west coast of Newfoundland, Canada, to record the abundance and phenology of adult spruce budworms captured at traps, using a factorial design (light traps and pheromone traps deployed contiguously or segregated spatially). Budworms were most abundant and occurred seasonally earlier in 2014 than in 2015 and 2016; these findings held generally true for males and females. The geographic setting of Newfoundland (large island isolated from the mainland by an oceanic barrier of >100 km across) provides an ideal location to discriminate local flight from long‐range immigrations; in our study, however, immigrations cannot be ruled out for any single day of trapping due to broad overlap in emergence patterns at Rocky Harbour relative to forest stands with known populations of budworms on the mainland. Based on moderate daily variation in adult abundance, however, major immigration events (defined as external deposition of budworms with large numerical amplitude) likely did not take place at Rocky Harbor between 2014 and 2016. Males were more abundant at light traps coupled with pheromone traps, whereas abundance of males at pheromone traps was similar with or without contiguous light traps. This outcome may be mediated by lower range of attraction for light traps (usually <100 m) and (generally assumed to be several hundreds of meters). Females were equally abundant at light traps with or without pheromone traps. As expected, males were captured earlier in the season at pheromone traps than at light traps, and females occurred later in the season due to protandry. The onset of flight observed at light traps or pheromone traps in 2015 and 2016 occurred 10–15 days later than simulated predictions; caution is thus warranted as to conclusions derived on computer modeling of adult emergence.  相似文献   

The Yelkouan shearwater, Puffinus yelkouan, is an endangered Mediterranean endemic species of burrowing petrel threatened by feral cats. The life-history parameters of a small population of Yelkouan shearwaters on the Mediterranean island, Port-Cros, were studied in conjunction with the diet of feral cats, to examine the birds’ vulnerability to introduced cats. Yelkouan shearwaters were the birds most frequently found in cat scats, with 431 ± 72 birds killed per year, and predation highest during the pre-laying period. A demographic model was created using data for P. yelkouan and for closely related shearwater species. Without cat predation, only two of four survival rate scenarios led to a mean growth rate (λ) ≥ 1. The model was constrained to have a stable population growth rate and used to predict predation scenarios compatible with the observed population stability, because the population under study has remained stable at around 180 pairs for at least 20 years despite feral cat predation. The results of assuming that the population is closed were inconsistent with the estimated mortalities due to feral cats, while it was possible to reconcile the observed numbers of breeding pairs with the observed mortalities due to cats by assuming that Port-Cros Island is a sink sustained by immigration. This illustrates that small colonies may need to be sustained by larger ones to avoid being driven to extinction. Unfortunately, the absence of a large geographic-scale ringing program makes the precise identification of the origin of the immigrants impossible in this case.  相似文献   

The distribution of genetic variation in species is governed by factors that act differently across spatial scales. To tease apart the contribution of different processes, especially at intermediate spatial scales, it is useful to study simple ecosystems such as those on sub‐Antarctic oceanic islands. In this study, we characterize spatial genetic patterns of two keystone plant species, Azorella selago on sub‐Antarctic Marion Island and Azorella macquariensis on sub‐Antarctic Macquarie Island. Although both islands experience a similar climate and have a similar vegetation structure, they differ significantly in topography and geological history. We genotyped six microsatellites for 1,149 individuals from 123 sites across Marion Island and 372 individuals from 42 sites across Macquarie Island. We tested for spatial patterns in genetic diversity, including correlation with elevation and vegetation type, and clines in different directional bearings. We also examined genetic differentiation within islands, isolation‐by‐distance with and without accounting for direction, and signals of demographic change. Marion Island was found to have a distinct northwest–southeast divide, with lower genetic diversity and more sites with a signal of population expansion in the northwest. We attribute this to asymmetric seed dispersal by the dominant northwesterly winds, and to population persistence in a southwestern refugium during the Last Glacial Maximum. No apparent spatial pattern, but greater genetic diversity and differentiation between sites, was found on Macquarie Island, which may be due to the narrow length of the island in the direction of the dominant winds and longer population persistence permitted by the lack of extensive glaciation on the island. Together, our results clearly illustrate the implications of island shape and geography, and the importance of direction‐dependent drivers, in shaping spatial genetic structure.  相似文献   

Removal of feral cats from island environments is a useful mechanism by which their ecological impact on endangered species can be reduced or ended. Nevertheless, because cats are anthropogenic in their origins, social perceptions of management practices play a large role in their implementation. Four-hundred questionnaires were delivered (386 were returned) with 100 going to each of the following: local residents; environmental workers; tourists; and, hunters. Questions explored respondents’ knowledge about island biodiversity and invasive species as well as attitudes towards cat population management methods. Habitat destruction and introduction of invasive species were considered the main threats for the conservation of island biodiversity. Most respondents considered cats to have a negative impact on biodiversity and sterilization campaigns were considered most appropriate for cat population control. Several free sterilization campaigns have been conducted in La Palma Island Biosphere Reserve in order to reduce free-ranging cats and were well received by local people. This research, which combined concepts of management, ecology and social sciences, provides valuable insights which may to be applicable on several other islands where cats and people are present and in conflict with conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Although large islands generally support a richer insect fauna than small islands, many large islands, which are more often inhabited, have lost numerous species because of human activities and introduced organisms. To clarify the consequences of endemic insect conservation on small islands near inhabited islands, we compared the species richness, abundance, and composition of two beetle groups (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae and Mordellidae) captured using Malaise traps among three islands (Chichijima, 24.0 km2; Anijima, 7.85 km2; Nishijima, 0.49 km2) in the oceanic Ogasawara (Bonin) Island group in the northwestern Pacific during June–July 2006 and 2007. Chichijima, the largest island, is inhabited, while Anijima and Nishijima are not. The numbers of cerambycid and mordellid species previously recorded were positively correlated with island area. However, the total numbers of cerambycid and mordellid species we captured in Malaise traps were not correlated with island area because we were unable to collect many species previously documented on Chichijima. The numbers of cerambycid and mordellid species per trap did not differ significantly among islands and years, although the deviance was well explained by the island variable. We captured greater numbers of cerambycid and mordellid individuals on Chichijima than on Anijima and Nishijima, and the numbers of cerambycid and mordellid individuals per trap significantly differed among islands and between years. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that the species composition of cerambycids and mordellids differed among the three islands. Whereas endangered species were rarely captured on Chichijima, alien or non-endemic species were frequently collected. Cerambycid and mordellid beetles on Chichijima may have been deleteriously affected by recent forest disturbance and introduced organisms. Therefore, conserving insect fauna on uninhabited island “refugia” is important for preserving the insect diversity of the Ogasawara Islands.  相似文献   


Kiore (Pacific rat; Rattus exulans) is both a target for eradication and a taonga or highly valued species in New Zealand, and its abundance and distribution vary considerably throughout the country. We investigated reports of an abundant kiore population on Slipper Island (Whakahau), off the east coast of New Zealand’s North Island, in March 2017. We trapped kiore to examine their distribution across a range of habitats with varying degrees of human activity. Kiore were captured in all habitats, with particularly high abundance at a campground with a fruiting fig tree (50 kiore per 100 trap nights corrected for sprung traps). We found no evidence of other rat species; Slipper Island appears to remain one of few New Zealand islands with kiore but without ship rats (Rattus rattus) and Norway rats (R. norvegicus), the two other rat species present in New Zealand. Slipper Island potentially provides opportunities to research kiore behaviour and population dynamics in a New Zealand commensal environment, and genetics of an isolated island population.  相似文献   

Feral and free-ranging domestic cats (Felis catus) can have strong negative effects on small mammals and birds, particularly in island ecosystems. We deployed camera traps to study free-ranging cats in national wildlife refuges and state parks on Big Pine Key and Key Largo in the Florida Keys, USA, and used spatial capture–recapture models to estimate cat abundance, movement, and activities. We also used stable isotope analyses to examine the diet of cats captured on public lands. Top population models separated cats based on differences in movement and detection with three and two latent groups on Big Pine Key and Key Largo, respectively. We hypothesize that these latent groups represent feral, semi-feral, and indoor/outdoor house cats based on the estimated movement parameters of each group. Estimated cat densities and activity varied between the two islands, with relatively high densities (~4 cats/km2) exhibiting crepuscular diel patterns on Big Pine Key and lower densities (~1 cat/km2) exhibiting nocturnal diel patterns on Key Largo. These differences are most likely related to the higher proportion of house cats on Big Pine relative to Key Largo. Carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios from hair samples of free-ranging cats (n = 43) provided estimates of the proportion of wild and anthropogenic foods in cat diets. At the population level, cats on both islands consumed mostly anthropogenic foods (>80% of the diet), but eight individuals were effective predators of wildlife (>50% of the diet). We provide evidence that cat groups within a population move different distances, exhibit different activity patterns, and that individuals consume wildlife at different rates, which all have implications for managing this invasive predator.  相似文献   

对于活动隐秘、难以直接观察的野生猫科动物, 红外相机与卫星追踪颈圈是目前研究其日活动节律的两种主要采样工具。日活动节律基于对动物活跃状态(即活跃或不活跃)的判断, 由于获取数据的机制不同, 两种方法所获得的动物日活动节律模式之间可能存在差异, 但缺乏基于野外实地调查的系统对比评估和分析。荒漠猫(Felis bieti)分布于青藏高原东部, 是唯一的中国特有猫科动物, 被列为国家I级重点保护野生动物。本研究以荒漠猫为例, 使用红外相机和卫星追踪颈圈两种工具, 于2020年6月至2021年12月对青海祁连山地区的荒漠猫进行调查, 分别基于放置在荒漠猫洞口(相机位点2个, 独立有效探测173次)、兽径(相机位点23个, 独立有效探测423次)两种红外相机布设方式和卫星追踪颈圈(追踪个体10只, 总有效定位点62,942个)所得的数据, 评估了该物种的日活动节律, 并对不同途径所得的活动节律模式间的差异进行了对比。结果显示, 荒漠猫全天都有活动, 在黄昏17:00-19:00时段存在一个活动高峰。全部红外相机探测数据与颈圈活动量数据获得的活动曲线重叠系数最高, 为0.89。与卫星追踪颈圈方法相比, 红外相机数据反映出16:00-21:00的活动水平更高; 这一时间段较高的活动主要来自洞口位点的红外相机探测数据。荒漠猫行为谱的对比分析结果显示, 不同方法所判断的动物“活跃”状态所对应的行为类型不同: 安装在洞口处的红外相机记录以繁殖、育幼相关的社会行为为主; 安装在兽径处的红外相机记录以移动、觅食等行为为主; 而卫星追踪颈圈只能相对粗略地区分荒漠猫的移动和静止。本研究的结果表明, 不同方法所获得的野生猫科动物的“活动节律”之间存在差异; 在不同方法记录到的数据中, 二元化的“活跃”或“不活跃”分类背后所反映的动物行为类别和含义是不同的。在对比不同方法获得的活动节律时需要谨慎, 应在对动物的行为模式和规律深入全面了解的基础上, 对数据做出恰当、准确的解读。  相似文献   

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