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《Harmful algae》2008,7(6):763-773
The diatom Eucampia zodiacus Ehrenberg is one of the harmful diatom species which indirectly cause bleachings of Nori (Porphyra thalli) in aquaculture through competitive utilizing of nutrients (especially nitrogen) and resultant nutrient depletion in water columns during the bloom events. The seasonal changes in environmental factors, cell density and cell size of E. zodiacus were investigated for 4 years (April 2002–December 2005) to understand the population ecology of this diatom in Harima-Nada, the eastern part of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Vegetative cells of E. zodiacus were usually detected year-round. Total cell densities of E. zodiacus annually peaked from mid-February to early April, and high cell densities were observed in the whole water columns during the bloom-period. Nutrient concentrations decreased with the increase of cell density of E. zodiacus, and low nutrients concentrations continued throughout the E. zodiacus bloom-period. The average cell size (length of apical axis) of E. zodiacus populations ranged from 10.8 μm to 81.2 μm, and the restoration of cell size occurred once in autumn every year just after reaching the minimum cell size. In addition, its great seasonal regularity was confirmed by the decrease and restoration of its cell size through 4-year study period. Temperature and nutrients were suitable in autumn for the growth of E. zodiacus, its blooms never occur in that season. These results strongly suggest that E. zodiacus did not have a resting stage, and it spends autumn for size restoration and starts to bloom thereafter in Harima-Nada in winter and spring, causing fishery damage to Nori aquaculture by resulting nutrient deprivation.  相似文献   

The diatom Eucampia zodiacus Ehrenberg is one of the harmful diatoms which indirectly cause, through nutrient depletion, discoloration of Porphyra thalli. The effect of temperature on light-limited growth of E. zodiacus was examined at 13 irradiance levels (5–350 μmol m−2 s−1) in combination with five temperatures (8.0–25.0 °C). The results showed that all the parameters of growth-irradiance curves, such as the maximum growth rate (μm), half saturation constant (Ks), threshold value of irradiance (I0) and saturation irradiance for growth (S), increased with increasing temperature. On the basis of the relationship between temperature and growth-irradiance curves and seasonal fluctuation of the light environment in Harima-Nada, the effect of irradiance on the population dynamics of E. zodiacus during the period from October to March was evaluated using two indices, depth of the threshold irradiance for growth (Dt) and depth where a half of its maximum growth rate is attained (Dk). Dt and Dk remained almost stable from October to December, but gradually increased in early March. This indicates that the range of depth at which E. zodiacus was able to grow increased markedly in early spring when E. zodiacus blooms in Harima-Nada. As the vegetative cells of E. zodiacus tend to distribute in relatively deeper water layers, where growth is limited by irradiance, the increase in the depth range over which E. zodiacus is able to grow is concluded to be an important factor allowing development of its blooms.  相似文献   

Many harmful algal blooming (HAB) species transition between a vegetative, motile phase in the water column and a dormant, non-motile resting phase in the sediments. These life history transitions potentially regulate the timing, location and persistence of bloom events. Motility promotes aggregation and influences vertical distributions in the water column. However, the contribution of this behavior to benthic distributions of resting cells is currently unknown. We used video-tracking techniques to test the hypothesis that algal cells use active down-swimming during pelagic-benthic transition to favorably influence benthic distributions. In an experimental water column, we monitored cell swimming trajectories of Heterosigma akashiwo for 14 days after cells were signaled to enter the benthic resting stage. Using the statistical characteristics of individual cell trajectories, we developed a video-based motion assay to assign each tracked Heterosigma cell to one of three cell states known to occur during pelagic-benthic transition: induced motile, transitional and resting. The primary swimming characteristic influencing benthic distribution, net vertical velocity, was essentially the same for all three cell states. Hence, we found no evidence that active down-swimming influences benthic distributions. Our data suggest that benthic distributions of Heterosigma resting cells are similar to distributions of slowly sedimenting passive particles. These observations suggest that Heterosigma benthic resting cell distributions can be predicted by modeling the effects of cell sedimentation rates combined with geophysical flow patterns.  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanism of bloom outbreaks of Chattonella ovata (Raphidophyceae), we investigated the cysts of C. ovata and succeeded in finding them from the bottom sediments of Hiroshima Bay. The morphology of the cysts was mostly hemispherical in shape, with a diameter of ca. 30 μm and height of ca. 20 μm. The cysts were usually adhering to solid materials, such as diatom frustules, yellow-greenish in color and had several dark brown grains. The cyst wall was smooth and had no ornamentation. Because the morphological characteristic of the cysts was in general agreement with those of Chattonella antiqua and Chattonella marina, it was difficult to differentiate the cysts of these three species. Germination of the cysts of C. ovata was observed at temperatures from 17.5 to 30 °C, but not at 15 °C or below. The number of the germinated cysts increased with increasing temperature and the optimum temperature for germination was 30 °C. Although cysts of C. antiqua and C. marina germinated at temperatures from 15 to 30 °C, optimum temperature of germination was 22.5 °C. The lower limit and optimum temperatures for germination of C. ovata cysts was higher than for C. antiqua and C. marina. The role of cysts in the population dynamics of C. ovata is discussed.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Pseudo-nitzschia species from the Quoddy Region of the Bay of Fundy was examined in a field-based study. Five stations were sampled over a period of 11 weeks during the course of one discrete bloom episode in 2003 with seven species of Pseudo-nitzschia found and enumerated: P. americana, P. delicatissima, P. pseudodelicatissima, P. fraudulenta, P. pungens, P. seriata and P. subpacifica. We related species abundance to physical and chemical properties of seawater (transparency, fluorescence, silicate, phosphate, nitrite + nitrate, ammonia, nitrite, oxygen, sigma-t, tidal level, tidal state and total depth of water column) using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to identify factors explaining the greatest amount of variance in their temporal and spatial distribution patterns. Our results indicate that abundance of species and groups of species correlated well with certain specific chemical and physical properties of seawater. P. pseudodelicatissima and P. delicatissima abundance was positively correlated with nitrates and P. americana with depth of the water column. P. pungens was more abundant in samples with higher concentrations of phosphates and lower concentrations of nitrates. P. seriata abundance was negatively associated with total fluorescence. P. subpacifica and P. fraudulenta abundances were not statistically related to any of the variables examined. Our data therefore provides direction for testable, hypothesis driven experiments that could provide predictive insights into the occurrence of certain harmful algal bloom (HAB) species should specific environmental variables be further affected along the gradients extracted in this study.  相似文献   

O. crenata on the alga Halimeda tuna were sampled every 2 wk for a year off Tossa de Mar, northeastern Spain. The hydroids were most abundant from November to April when three cohorts, identified by size frequency, were present. From April to October the population consisted of two cohorts, except in June and July when the population density was low and only one cohort, of young hydroids, was identifiable. The paucity of O. crenata in summer was attributed to the high rate of turnover of host thalli, interspecifuc competition with other epiphytes, and a possible shortage of suitable planktonic prey. Recruitment was predominantly asexual, by stolons, and occurred throughout the year. Gonozoids were found only from late October to early December when recruitment by planula larvae also occurred. In winter, when the cohorts lived for the maximum of ≈6 wk, colony sizes quintuplicated and triplicated in successive 15-day periods. Although colonies (ramets) of O. cretana on H. tuna have a short life span reproduction and dispersal to other thalli by stolons means that the genets can survive beyond the life of a host, and perhaps indefinitely.  相似文献   

Population structure (size, age, spatial patterns) and radial growth patterns are used to analyze regeneration patterns of Abies faxoniana, Betula albosinensis, Betula utilis, Larix potaninii, Picea purpurea, and Sabina saltuaria and reconstruct disturbance history in 8 subalpine forest stands in Wang Lang Natural Reserve, Sichuan, China. In old-growth stands tree regeneration occurs in tree-fall gaps whereby A. faxoniana, Betula sp., P. purpurea, and S. saltuaria persist at stand scales by gap-phase regeneration. Clump sizes of young populations are similar to canopy gap sizes but clumps sizes vary among species. Young Betula patches are larger than those of A. faxoniana suggesting that gap-partitioning by size contributes to species coexistence in mixed stands. Picea purpurea and S. saltuaria are longer lived than A. faxoniana which may compensate for lower recruitment and prevent their replacement by A. faxoniana. Tree regeneration and community structure are also influenced by the understory bamboo Fargesia denudata. Seedlings, saplings, and shrub density all decline with an increase in bamboo cover. Species that regenerate in old-growth forest also regenerate after flooding as do species that establish only on bare substrates (i.e. Larix potaninii, Prunus sp.). Structural and compositional patterns in Wang Lang forests are a reflection of disturbance history, canopy species life history attributes such as dispersal ability, shade tolerance, growth rates, and longevity, and competition of trees and shrubs with understory bamboos.  相似文献   

Shellfish poisoning by the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech occurred for the first time in Hiroshima Bay, Japan, in 1992. Oyster culture in the bay produces as much as 60% of the total production in Japan, and it suffered severe damage. In the present study, we experimentally investigated the growth rate and phosphate uptake kinetics of A. tamarense, Hiroshima Bay strain. A short-term phosphate uptake experiment revealed that the maximum uptake rate was 1.4 pmol P cell-1 per h and the half-saturation constant was 2.6 umol L-1. In semicontin-uous culture, the maximum specific growth rate and the minimum phosphorus cell quota were 0.54 day-1 and 0.56 pmol P cell-1, respectively. These uptake rates suggest that A. tamarense is a poor phosphorus competitor compared with other species. However, the large phosphorus storage capacity (Qpmax/qo= 36), the surge phosphorus uptake ability (Vs/Vi= 4.1) and the low growth rate would be advantageous for surviving brief periods of phosphorus limitation which frequently occur in Hiroshima Bay.  相似文献   

We analyzed patterns of genetic diversity in the sailfin sandfish (Arctoscopus japonicus), focusing on population subdivisions within the Sea of Japan. We observed 270 specimens from nine sampling sites in 1999–2000, i.e., seven sites in the Sea of Japan and two sites from the Pacific coast of Hokkaido. An additional site (30 specimens) was sampled from eastern Korea in the spawning season of 2004 for comparison. Forty haplotypes, compiled into three haplogroups (A–C), were detected based on the comparison of a 400-bp sequence of the anterior part of the mitochondrial control region. In accordance with previous hypotheses from morphological and molecular analyses, genetic discontinuity between the Sea of Japan and the Pacific coast of Hokkaido was conspicuous. Within the Sea of Japan, eight sampling sites were not genetically uniform, and most of the variations among sites were detected between eastern Korea [the “eastern Korea” (EK) population: distributed from the Korean Peninsula to Mishima, Yamaguchi Prefecture] and the other sites along the coast of Japan [the “western Japan” (WJ) population: from Oki Islands to western Hokkaido] (Φ CT  = 0.096, P = 0.0183). The WJ population, having lower genetic variability, showed significant departure from neutrality, indicating influences through a recent population expansion. The period of the expansion can be estimated to have begun on the order of 104 years ago. We consider that the present Japan Sea populations have been formed through the invasion of a small ancestral stock to the Sea of Japan and its population expansion during the last glacial period or later. On the other hand, we failed to detect distinct evidence of a population expansion in the EK population. Haplogroup C, detected in a high frequency in this population, was estimated to have mixed with haplogroup A after rapid differentiations of the latter. Therefore, the EK population, strongly influenced by such a mixture, might possess haplogroup C in a higher frequency and a different haplotype composition from the WJ population.  相似文献   

Callinan A. P. L. and Arundel J. H. 1982. Population dynamics of the parasitic stages of Ostertagia spp. in sheep. International Journal for Parasitology12: 531–535. The development and survival of continuing infections of Ostertagia spp. in weaner sheep were studied in order to develop a general model of the parasitic stages of the life cycle of these sheep nematodes. After 10 days, 13.8% of infective larvae (L3) given at the rate of 1 dose of 1000 L3 twice per week (group 1) and 20.8% of L3 given at the rate of 10,000 L3 twice per week (group 2) were recovered in the first of the serial nematode counts. In the final counts at 137 days, 7.7 and 0.7% were recovered in these groups. The build up and maintenance of nematode populations was regulated and related to the level of infection. A model in which the death rate of the parasitic stages was a function of the time of exposure to infection and rate of infection was used to describe the serial total nematode counts. During the experiment there was no noticeable trend in numbers of fourth stage larvae (L4) in nematode counts, the size of adult nematodes, nematode egg counts (EPG) and egg output per female nematode (EPF). After 112 days, liveweight gains were significantly reduced in group 2 only, but increases in wool lengths were significantly reduced in both groups.  相似文献   

T. Saitoh 《Oecologia》1987,73(3):382-388
Summary A time series and geographical analysis of the long term (25-years and 16-years) census data of the red-backed vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae, populations in Hokkaido, Japan was carried out. Eighty seven populations from all over Hokkaido were grouped into the following 4 types according to their flucturation patterns: type A: low density-constant type; type B: medium density-gradual increase type; type C: medium density-wavy change type; type D: high density-large amplitude type. The border between type B and type C was not clear. Although the distribution of the fluctuation types did not show any geographical cline, the high density type (type D) occurred in limited areas where the winter was severe and spring came later and almost all the populations in the Oshima peninsula were the low density type (type A). The most common type of population in Hokkaido, type C, greatly fluctuated from year to year with the maximum density level/the minimum one being over 10. The periodicity of the peak years was not statistically significant, although peaks often occurred at 3 or 4 year intervals. The population grew from spring to autumn in almost all years so that the pattern of the seasonal change was qualitatively constant. The population density levels in spring were not significantly different between peak years and others, while those in autumn were greatly different between them, so that the population growth rates from spring to autumn were variable from year to year. This differential pattern was also found between high and low density areas.  相似文献   

为系统明确黄胸蓟马在香蕉园的活动节律、消长规律与空间分布。采用蓝色诱虫板诱集法和田间踏查法,在2016—2018年期间调查了香蕉园黄胸蓟马成虫的活动高度情况、日间节律、以及不同香蕉品种(南天黄、巴西蕉与皇帝蕉)与不同地区(海南澄迈、广西玉林与云南景洪)的种群消长规律,同时分析了其空间分布格局与性比。结果显示:高度与蓟马种群数量密切相关,2—6 m是香蕉园黄胸蓟马的主要活动高度范围;蓟马种群的活动节律在晴、阴与雨天基本一致,日活动高峰时段为12:00—16:00时,夜间和阴雨天均活动少;黄胸蓟马的种群动态不受香蕉作物品种和地理区域的影响,但与香蕉作物的生长期密切相关;年度消长规律呈现单峰型,香蕉进入花蕾期时,蓟马种群数量快速增长,盛花期时达到高峰,其余时期少有发生。聚集指标与Taylor回归法分析共同表明黄胸蓟马成虫在香蕉园的空间分布型为聚集式分布。性比调查发现黄胸蓟马在香蕉花蕾内的雌虫比例约为70%,表明该虫是一个雌性为主的种群。为揭示黄胸蓟马的灾变规律提供了基础数据,同时可为香蕉蓟马的适时与精准化监测预报及防治提供指导依据。  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Marginopora kudakajimensis Gudmundsson, a dinoflagellate endosymbiont-bearing soritid foraminifer, was studied in the Ryukyu Islands, the subtropical northwest Pacific. Macroalgal samples were collected monthly between November 1995 and November 1996 at a 1-m-deep lagoonal site colonized by this species. Monthly variations in the size–frequency distributions and population density indicate that this foraminiferal population replaces itself in one year. Asexual reproduction occurs twice a year, in late spring and winter; in late spring, some of the adult individuals reproduce by multiple fission simultaneously. As a result, two cohorts (a late spring and a winter cohort) are found in the population during a year. Life span of the former cohort is up to one year, while that of the latter cohort is up to six months. Megalospheric specimens comprise up to 99% of the population with a few microspheric individuals throughout the year. The life tables and survivorship curves revealed that size-specific mortality rates were very low during the first several size classes and increased thereafter, indicating low juvenile mortality with high mortality later in life. The carbonate production rate by this Marginopora population is approximately 5 kg CaCO3 m−2 yr−1, which is extremely higher than those reported for other larger foraminiferal species.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was developed to describe the dynamics of the parasitic stages of Oesophagostomum dentatam in pigs. An immigration-death model with constant establishment, development and death rates was fitted to L3, L4 and adult worm burdens observed in a single-infection experiment. Female worm length was modelled by a function of worm age and total worm burden, while worm egg production (eggs per gram faeces per female worm) was modelled by a function of worm age and worm length. The model was then used to predict worm burdens observed in a trickle-infection experiment. The predicted worm burdens were much higher than those observed, suggesting that worm death rates were higher during the trickle infection. After increusing worm death rates to fit the observed worm burdens, female worm lengths and egg production in the trickle infection were predicted. At the medium- and high-dose rates, predicted worm lengths and, thus, egg preduction were lower than observed, while at the low-dose rate predicted egg production was too high. It appeared that in the trickle infections, total worm burden had less influence on observed female worm length and egg production than in the single infections. The results suggest that the demography of O. dentatum in pigs differs between single and trickle infections.  相似文献   

明晰江西武夷山国家级自然保护区内180年生的珍稀濒危植物南方铁杉(Tsuga chinensis var.tchekiangensis)的种群特征,并提出针对性的保护策略,对南方铁杉种群的就地保护具有现实意义。通过分析保护区内6.4 hm~2动态监测固定样地的南方铁杉种群数据,编制了静态生命表,绘制了存活曲线、死亡率和消失率曲线、生存函数曲线,采用了时间序列模型对种群数量特征进行未来预测;同时,运用点格局分析Ripley′s K函数中的成对相关函数g(r)判断不同生长阶段的南方铁杉种群在不同尺度下的空间分布格局。结果表明:(1)南方铁杉种群的年龄结构呈“金字塔”型,属于衰退型种群;各龄级间的数量变化动态关系显示该种群在当前阶段呈增长型,但是种群的天然更新能力较差;(2)南方铁杉种群的存活曲线表现为Deevey-I型,种群个体在进入生理死亡阶段后产生一定的波动;(3)南方铁杉种群的生存率随龄级增加而逐渐下降,累积死亡率逐渐递增;死亡密度整体偏低,在第1—2龄级较高,总体波动幅度较小;危险率曲线总体呈现上升的趋势;(4)在经过不同龄级的时间后,南方铁杉幼龄树数量降低,中龄树和老龄树数量持平...  相似文献   

Ecological processes that differentiate and maintain intertidal populations of mussels, Perna canaliculus, were studied within three sites at Ninety Mile Beach, northern New Zealand. At these three sites (Scott Point, The Bluff and Tonatona Beach), the dynamics of larval availability, primary and secondary settlement, recruitment and mortality rates were investigated at various spatial and temporal scales. (1) Mussel concentrations in seawater were variable with respect to study site and time of year, with highest abundances at the northernmost population (Scott Point) and lowest concentrations at the middle population (The Bluff). In seawater at all three sites, small mussels (< 0.25 mm in shell length) were more abundant in August 2000, while larger mussels (> 0.5 mm in shell length) were more abundant in March 2001. (2) Primary and secondary settlement patterns were investigated during short-term (daily) and long-term (monthly) settlement experiments, within quadrats that were cleared of all mussels in both the mussel bed and in adjacent algal band habitats. At all sites, primary settlement (< 0.5 mm in shell length) was high within the algal band habitat in August 1999, 2000 and 2001. Conversely, secondary settlement (> 2.0 mm in shell length) was high within cleared areas in the mussel beds in November-March 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. Abundance of mussels settling on artificial substrates placed in the intertidal did not differ greatly from comparable areas of natural substrates (bare rock or algae within cleared quadrats). (3) Recruitment and mortality rates were recorded during monthly surveys of the adult populations. Within three mussel size classes (< 24, 25-74 and > 75 mm in shell length), peak recruitment coincided with high mortality in August of the 2 years studied. However, the most dramatic turnover of the population was observed at Scott Point in both years, following a spawning event. In adjacent waters at Scott Point, large accumulations of drift algae covered (up to 100% cover) with juvenile mussels may deplete food supplies usually delivered to intertidal adult mussels, causing their demise. Mats of adult mussels were observed “peeling-off” from the rocky shore at this time of the year, making space available to the new recruits. Where nearshore algal accumulations were moderate to low, only moderate to low mussel turnovers were observed (e.g. Tonatona Beach and The Bluff).  相似文献   

王永奇  盛岩  刘文华  李斐然  唐婕  孟秀祥 《生态学报》2015,35(15):4986-4992
林麝是濒危资源动物,林麝驯养是保育濒危林麝资源及可持续利用麝香的有效方式。基于对2001至2012年间的陕西凤县林麝驯养的监测和调查,分析了其种群动态、性比和年龄结构。结果表明,陕西凤县的林麝驯养在近10余年获得了快速发展,全县共有150余个麝场,麝场数呈指数式增长,增长率达27.33%,但其平均驯养规模无明显增长,平均存栏种群仅为16.38头。凤县的驯养麝种群总体增长近似指数式增长,增长率达27.22%,目前存栏种群已达3712头。区分性别和年龄,各亚群的增长均呈指数式增长,幼年麝的增长率(30.30%)高于成年麝(27.16%),雄麝的增长率(28.30%)高于雌麝(27.78%)。在2001至2012年间,幼麝种群的雌雄性比((102.64±3.15)%,n=12)和成年麝种群的雌雄性比((100.85±2.585)%,n=10)均显著偏雌(P0.01),但幼麝、成年麝种群间的性比差异不显著(P0.05)。在2005年及2010—2012年间,幼麝(0.5岁龄)占种群的比例为31.91%,亚成体麝(1.5岁龄)占种群的比例为21.11%,成麝(2.5—12.5岁龄)比例为42.72%,老年麝(13.5岁龄及以上)仅占种群的4.26%。合并年龄分析,育龄前个体(幼麝和亚成体麝)的平均比例为53.02%,表明凤县驯养林麝属快速增长种群,其增长潜力较大。在林麝驯养实践中,管理部门可制定准入制度或适当重组现有麝场,促进较大的驯养种群构建,并建立通畅的麝香交易渠道,控制林麝种源的过热交易,以利于林麝驯养种群的性比平衡及可持续的繁育、增长。  相似文献   

The contribution of benthic microalgal production has been compared both within and outside a coastal eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) meadow. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of suspended particulate organic matter (POM), epiphytic and epilithic organic matter (EOM), leaves of Z. marina (inside the meadow only) and two secondary consumer species (small crustaceans and fish) were measured inside and outside a meadow in Mitsukuchi Bay, Northwest Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Inside the meadow, primary producers (epiphyton) and consumers showed higher δ13C signatures than outside. Primary and secondary consumers inside the meadow were mainly dependent on epiphyton on the leaves of Z. marina, while consumer species outside the meadow were basically dependent on epilithon.  相似文献   

The Salton Sea is a highly saline lake that has long supported sportfishery and large populations of fish-eating birds. A study was initiated in 1999 to assess the status of orangemouth corvina (Cynoscion xanthulus), bairdiella (Bairdiella icistia) and tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus × O. urolepis). Multimesh (50 × 2 m) gillnets were set at nine stations in 1999, ten stations in 2000 and six stations in 2002. These stations were sampled every two months in 1999, every three months in 2000 and once in 2002. O. mossambicus was the most abundant of the four species, with a maximum mean catch per unit effort (CPUE) 13.8 kg net−1 h−1 or 29.9 fish net−1 h−1 being observed at the river mouth stations in August 1999. From spring to summer, tilapia CPUE increased at nearshore and river mouth stations and decreased at pelagic stations, apparently reflecting migration away from midlake areas in response to anoxia or hypoxia caused by periodic springtime overturn events in deep waters. Tilapia catches in nearshore, river mouth and pelagic habitats were 83 and 60% males in 1999 and 2000, respectively. Tilapia catches in rivers in August 1999 averaged only 6% male. During 1999–2000, the tilapia population consisted essentially of only the 1995 and 2000 year classes. Harsh conditions at the Salton Sea have led to erratic reproduction and survival rates and unstable age structures for its resident fishes. Massive parasite infestations of fry and physiological stressors such as anoxia, high sulfide levels, high salinity and high and low temperatures are potential causes of the irregular recruitment and periodic dieoffs of tilapia. The abundance of all fish species declined over the years of study. Between 1999 and 2002, the late summer mean CPUEs for tilapia, bairdiella and orangemouth corvina at four nearshore stations dropped from 16 fish to 0.02 fish, from 4.7 fish net to 0.23 fish, and from 0.08 fish to 0.02 fish, respectively. During 2000–2003, parallel declines occurred in estimated numbers of adult fish involved in mass mortality events at the Sea. The boom-and-bust dynamics of tilapia and other fish populations in the Sea have major consequences for fish-eating bird populations, for other components of the ecosystem, and for the recreational value of the lake. Guest Editor: John M. Melack Saline Waters and their Biota  相似文献   

In 2002, the neritic copepod Acartia tumida was present in the plankton of Kievka Bay from February through July at a temperature of ?1.2 to 14°C with an average population density of 6812 ind/m3 and a biomass of 532.75 mg/m3 (0.12–65.33 and 2.2–87.84% of total copepod density and biomass, respectively). The maximum population density of A. tumida (45 600 ind/m3) was recorded in the first ten-day period of April at a temperature of 2.2–3.8°C. Seasonal variations in the age and sex structure of A. tumida population were found. From February to July, A. tumida produced two generations.  相似文献   

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