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In previous studies we identified an epididymal gene that exhibits homology to the cystatin family of cysteine protease inhibitors. The expression of this gene, termed CRES (cystatin-related epididymal and spermatogenic), was shown to be highly restricted to the proximal caput epididymal epithelium with less expression in the testis and no expression in the 24 other tissues examined. In this report, studies were carried out to examine CRES gene expression in the testis as well as to characterize the CRES protein in the testis and epididymis. In situ hybridization experiments revealed that within the testis CRES gene expression is stage-specific during spermatogenesis and is exclusively expressed by the round spermatids of Stages VII-VIII and the early elongating spermatids of Stages IX and X. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that CRES protein was transiently expressed in both the testis and epididymis. Within the testis the protein was localized to the elongating spermatids, whereas within the epididymis CRES protein was exclusively synthesized by the proximal caput epithelium and then secreted into the lumen. Surprisingly, the secreted CRES protein had completely disappeared from the epididymal lumen by the distal caput epididymidis. Western blot analysis of testicular and epididymal proteins showed that the CRES antibody specifically recognized a predominant 19 kDa CRES protein and a less abundant 14 kDa form. These observations suggest that the CRES protein performs a specialized role during sperm development and maturation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cultured rat epididymal tissue explants formed >90% pure, adherent growing epithelial cell monolayers. Despite their flattened and apparently androgen receptor-negative phenotype, these cells for a short period kept characteristics of the epididymal duct epithelium, i.e., expression of the tissue-specific marker CD52 and responsiveness of its mRNA toward temperature elevation and androgen withdrawal. When cells were grown on permeable supports at 33 degrees C, androgen supplementation or withdrawal specifically modulated the levels as well as the length of the CD52 mRNA. Elevation of the culture temperature to a quasi abdominal milieu of 37 degrees C selectively reduced the CD52 mRNA levels under all culture conditions. This reduction was not affected by the presence of androgens and was not accompanied by changes in length, suggesting that the modulation of CD52 mRNA in epididymal cells by androgens and by temperature is synergic, but may involve different molecular mechanisms. CD52 mRNA levels, however, were not stable in the primary cultures but decreased rapidly to undetectable levels after 4-5 days at all culture conditions. GAPDH mRNA levels, on the other hand, were stable throughout the culture period.  相似文献   

Androgen is essential for maintenance of spermatogenesis in the testis and for maturation of spermatozoa in the epididymis. The effects of androgen are mediated through its receptor (AR), the levels of which are, in turn, regulated by androgen. Previous studies have shown that AR concentrations in Leydig and Sertoli cells are differentially regulated during development. The aim of the present study was to determine if cell-type-specific regulation of AR by androgen occurs in testicular and epididymal cells during adulthood. Adult male rats were treated with the LHRH-antagonist Azaline B (100 g/day) by osmotic pump for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 8 wk to suppress endogenous androgen, with identical numbers of intact control animals at each time period. An androgen replacement group was simultaneously treated with the antagonist and a synthetic androgen, 7 alpha-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT), during the final 4 wk of the experiment. Levels of nuclear AR protein in specific cell types were quantified by immunohistochemistry in conjunction with computer-assisted image analysis. Levels of AR in testicular cells declined sharply after treatment with the LHRH antagonist. In Sertoli cells, nuclear AR levels decreased to 8% of control (P < 0. 01) after 4 wk treatment; and to 12% and 17% of control (P < 0.01) in Leydig and myoid cells, respectively. Androgen replacement resulted in complete recovery of nuclear AR levels in Sertoli cells (93%, P > 0.05) but in only partial recovery in myoid (69%, P < 0. 01) and Leydig cells (56%, P < 0.01). In the epididymis, tubular epithelial cells and stromal cells differed in their responses to the LHRH antagonist. After 1 wk, nuclear AR levels in caput stromal cells decreased dramatically to 34% of control (P < 0.01) and in cauda stromal cells to 43% (P < 0.01). In contrast, the decline of AR levels in epididymal epithelial cells was not as dramatic as that in stromal cells. After 1 wk, the decline in the caput and cauda was to 87% and 76% of control, respectively. After 8 wk, nuclear AR levels in stromal cells further declined to 1.1% in caput and 1.4% in cauda, whereas in the epithelial cells, a smaller decline in nuclear AR was noted (to 30% in the caput and 45% in the cauda). After androgen replacement with MENT, nuclear AR levels recovered to more than 90% of control in both epididymal cell types. These results indicate that AR levels in the nuclei of adult Sertoli cells depend mainly on the level of androgen, whereas in the adult Leydig and myoid cells, the androgen dependency is more limited. The results also indicate that in the epididymis, stromal cells are more sensitive than epithelial cells to the regulation of AR levels by androgen.  相似文献   

Levels of the murine sex-limited protein, (Slp) were measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in normal and hypophysectomized female CDF1 (Slp a) mice before and after a 15-day treatment with testosterone proprionate. Both groups of mice initially had undetectable levels of circulating Slp. After treatment, Slp serum levels of the nonhypophysectomized group had risen significantly above the Slp serum levels of the hypophysectomized group and the pretreatment controls. This indicates that the pituitary gland is necessary for the androgen-induced expression of Slp.  相似文献   

During its reproductive period, the epididymis of the lizard Lacerta vivipara produces large amount of proteins among which "L" proteins are very prominent components. L proteins have been characterized as an androgen dependent protein family composed of 9 elements of identical MW and different pHi. An epididymal cDNA library was performed and a cDNA clone, C73 was isolated using a specific anti L immunoserum. We tested the tissue specificity and the androgen dependency of this clone in different physiological and experimental conditions by dot-blot analysis. The aminoacid deduced sequence of the C73 clone revealed that it strictly corresponds to the NH2 terminal sequence of the LIV element of the family. It consists of a 151 amino acids mature protein with a 17.2 kDa MW that present homologies with a rat epididymal protein supposed to be a retinoic acid binding protein.  相似文献   

Insertional mutations in the spo0A and spoIIAC genes of Bacillus sphaericus 2362 were prepared by conjugation with Escherichia coli using a suicide plasmid containing cloned portions of the target genes. The mutants resembled their Bacillus subtilis counterparts phenotypically and were devoid of crystal proteins as determined by electron microscopy, SDS-PAGE and Western blots. The mutants had greatly reduced toxicity to anopheline mosquito larvae compared to the parental strain. We conclude that crystal protein synthesis in this bacterium is dependent on expression of early sporulation genes.  相似文献   

Boar sperm from the proximal caput epididymis were co-incubated with 1, 4, 7, 10 and 14-day old caput, corpus and cauda epididymal cultures for 24, 48 and 72 h. Boar kidney epithelial cells (LLC-PK1) and ECM alone were used as negative controls. Sperm motility, morphology and membrane integrity were studied to evaluate boar sperm maturation in vitro. Our results showed that epithelial cell monolayers (10, 14-day old) create a suitable microenvironment for the survival of proximal caput sperm and the maintenance of sperm motility over a 72 h period. Moreover, corpus epididymal tubule fragments in culture (1, 4-day old) are capable of promoting the migration of the cytoplasmic droplet along the sperm tail after 24h of co-incubation.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2020,20(4):536-540
Sperm cells undergo maturation during their transit throughout the epididymis. This process takes place in region-specific manner in which sperm are battered by proteins secreted by epithelium lining the epididymal duct. Most of the genes that encode for the proteins involved in the sperm maturation remain uncharacterized. Previous studies showed that family of β-defensins preferentially eaxpressed in male reproductive tracts and play an important role in both innate immunity and sperm fertility. In this study we characterized Defb20 to gain insight on its role in sperm maturation. Bioinformatic tools were used to analyzed functional domains and signal peptide. qRT-PCR analyses were used to analyzed tissue distribution, dependency on androgen and testicular factors and developmental-regulated expression analysis. Defb20 sequence contains important domains such as N-myristoilation and kinase binding sites which are putatively involved in the protein activation and protein-plasma membrane interaction. Moreover, DEFB20 contains a signal peptide indicating characteristic of secretory proteins. Defb20 was expressed exclusively in the epididymis with the highest expression in the caput region and was down-regulated by gonadectomy. Defb20 was also regulated by testicular factors in which the expression was down-regulated after efferent duct ligation (EDL). The dependency on the androgen was further confirmed by postnatal expression analysis in which Defb20 began to express at day-20 postnatal indicating specific stage of expression after initial development of the testis. In conclusion, Defb20 have a potential to be involved in the epididymal sperm maturation process.  相似文献   

Mammalian spermatozoa have been shown to possess cAMP-dependent protein kinase (A-PK) and endogenous substrate proteins for this enzyme. A study of the kinase system was undertaken to determine changes that may be associated with sperm maturation by comparing immature testicular with mature cauda epididymal and ejaculated spermatozoa. Absolute activity levels of A-PK, stimulated over a concentration range of 10?9 to 10?5 M, was significantly greater in testicular than ejaculated spermatozoa. At an optimal cAMP concentration (10?6M), testicular spermatozoa had significantly greater amounts of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity than did cauda or ejaculated spermatozoa. Electrophoretic analysis and autoradiography of NP-40-soluble protein extracts revealed the presence of two substrate proteins (Mr = 62,000 and 44,000) in all three types of spermatozoa. In addition, a phosphoprotein (Mr = 20,000) was detected in mature cauda and ejaculated but not immature testicular spermatozoa. The phosphorylation of these substrate proteins was both dose and time dependent. Examination of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activity revealed significantly higher levels in testicular than ejaculated spermatozoa. These results indicate marked alterations in cAMP-modulated protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation systems in ram spermatozoa during epididymal maturation.  相似文献   

Glutamine (GLN) has been shown to protect against inflammatory injury and illness in experimental and clinical settings. The mechanism of this protection is unknown; however, laboratory and clinical trial data have indicated a relationship between GLN-mediated protection and enhanced heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression. The aim of this study was to examine the hypothesis that GLN's beneficial effect on survival, tissue injury, and inflammatory response after inflammatory injury is dependent on HSP70 expression. Mice with a specific deletion of the HSP70 gene underwent cecal ligation and puncture (CLP)-induced sepsis and were treated with GLN (0.75 g/kg) or a saline placebo 1 h post-CLP. Lung tissue NF-kappaB activation, inflammatory cytokine response, and lung injury were assessed post-CLP. Survival was assessed for 5 days post-CLP. Our results indicate that GLN administration improved survival in Hsp70(+/+) mice vs. Hsp70(+/+) mice not receiving GLN; however, GLN exerted no survival benefit in Hsp70(-/-) mice. This was accompanied by a significant decrease in lung injury, attenuation of NF-kappaB activation, and proinflammatory cytokine expression in GLN-treated Hsp70(+/+) mice vs. Hsp70(+/+) mice not receiving GLN. In the Hsp70(-/-) mice, GLN's attenuation of lung injury, NF-kappaB activation, and proinflammatory cytokine expression was lost. These results confirm our hypothesis that HSP70 expression is required for GLN's effects on survival, tissue injury, and the inflammatory response after global inflammatory injury.  相似文献   

Changes that occur to mammalian sperm upon epididymal transit and maturation render these cells capable of moving progressively and capacitating. Signaling events leading to mammalian sperm capacitation depend on the modulation of proteins by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation cascades. Recent experiments have demonstrated that the Src family of kinases plays an important role in the regulation of these events. However, sperm from cSrc null mice display normal tyrosine phosphorylation associated with capacitation. We report here that, despite normal phosphorylation, sperm from cSrc null mice display a severe reduction in forward motility, and are unable to fertilize in vitro. Histological analysis of seminiferous tubules in the testes, caput and corpus epididymis do not reveal obvious defects. However, the cauda epididymis is significantly smaller, and expression of key transport proteins in the epithelial cells lining this region is reduced in cSrc null mice compared to wild type littermates. Although previously, we and others have shown the presence of cSrc in mature sperm from cauda epididymis, a closer evaluation indicates that this tyrosine kinase is not present in sperm from the caput epididymis, suggesting that this protein is acquired by sperm later during epididymal maturation. Consistent with this observation, cSrc is enriched in vesicles released by the epididymal epithelium known as epididymosomes. Altogether, these observations indicate that cSrc is essential for cauda epididymal development and suggest an essential role of this kinase in epididymal sperm maturation involving cSrc extracellular trafficking.  相似文献   

We have used perifusion organ culture of proximal and distal caput epididymal tubules of the rat to study the secretion of proteins by epididymal epithelium and uptake of the luminal radioactive proteins by sperm. The amount of incorporation of L-[35S]methionine into luminal fluid proteins was time dependent and completely inhibited by cycloheximide. The association of labeled proteins with cultured sperm was also dependent on time and continuous, with sperm still acquiring labeled luminal proteins after protein synthesis was arrested. A Mr = 46,000 molecule was found to be heavily labeled in luminal fluid and sperm extracts. Fluorograms of all L-[35S]methionine extracts immunoprecipitated using an antiepididymal alpha-lactalbumin antibody (Klinefelter and Hamilton, 1984) showed labeling of an Mr = 18,000 molecule and, in addition, the Mr = 46,000 molecule, but immunostaining was specific only for the Mr = 18,000 molecule and the heavy chain of the immunoglobulin. We suggest that the Mr = 46,000 molecule may be galactosyltransferase. Galactose oxidase-NaB[3H]4 labeling of the cultured caput sperm cell surface revealed a Mr = 23,000 molecule that was able to be immunoprecipitated with antiepididymal alpha-lactalbumin antibody. Our data suggest that this cell surface molecule is similar to one component of the fluid epididymal alpha-lactalbumin-like complex and, in addition, show that glycosylation of the sperm surface can occur in the caput epididymidis.  相似文献   

Human placental chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS-A or hCS-B) and pituitary growth hormone (hGH-N) are related by structure and function. The hCS-A gene is expressed in rat pituitary tumour (GC) cells after gene transfer. Deletion of hCS-A 5'-flanking DNA reveals repressor activity upstream of nucleotide -132, and a region essential for expression in GC cells between nucleotides -94 and -61. The sequences in this region differ from the equivalent hGH-N gene DNA by one nucleotide, and include the binding site (-92 to -65) for a pituitary-specific factor (GHF-1), required for hGH-N expression in GC cells. Exchange of hGH-N with hCS-A gene DNA in this region maintains expression in GC cells. By contrast, modification of these sequences blocks expression. These data indicate that proximal promoter sequences, equivalent to those bound by GHF-1 on the hGH-N gene, are required for hCS-A expression in GC cells.  相似文献   

The effect of sialoadenectomy (submandibular gland removal) for four weeks duration was studied in five C3H mice and four sham-operated controls. This preliminary experiment using small numbers of animals indicated that sperm production parameters were lowered in sialoadenectomized animals although there were no significant differences between the sialodenectomized and sham-operated group. In a second experiment using larger numbers of animals, significant differences in testicular weights, epididymal weights, and testis weights were noted. These parameters were reduced only 10-14% from control levels. Epididymal sperm head counts were reduced 10% after sialoadenectomy but the two groups were not significantly different (P less than 0.05). No difference in testicular histology was observed. The present report contrasts to that of Tsutsumi et al. (1986) who indicate that submandibular removal with subsequent depletion of epidermal growth factor (EGF), is extremely deleterious (40-55% decreases in spermatid and sperm content) to the progress spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

In male germ cells many mRNAs are sequestered by proteins into translationally silent messenger ribo-nucleoprotein (mRNP) particles. These masked paternal mRNAs are stored and translated at specific times of germ cell development. Little is known about the mammalian testicular mRNA masking proteins bound to non-polysomal mRNAs. In this report, the major proteins binding to non-polysomal testicular mRNAs were isolated and analyzed. The two predominant proteins identified were: a Y-box protein (MSY2), the mammalian homolog to the Xenopus oocyte masking protein FRGY2/mRNP3+4, and a poly(A) binding protein. A kinase activity was also found associated with these non-polysomal RNAs. The kinase co-immunoprecipitates with MSY2 and phosphorylates MSY2 in vitro. The MSY2 associated kinase is not casein kinase 2, the kinase believed to phosphorylate mRNP3+4 in oocytes, but a yet unidentified kinase. MSY2 was found to be phosphorylated in vivo and MSY2 dephosphorylation led to a decrease in its affinity to bind RNA as judged by northwestern blotting. Therefore, testicular masked mRNAs may be regulated by the phosphorylation state of MSY2. Reconstitution experiments in which non-polysomal mRNA-binding proteins are dissociated from their RNAs and allowed to bind to exogenous mRNAs suggest that MSY2 binds RNA in a sequence-independent fashion. Furthermore, association of the non-polysomal derived proteins to exogenous non-specific mRNAs led to their translational repression in vitro.  相似文献   

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