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Summary A human tumor cell line designated SU.86 has been established from a moderate-to-poorly differentiated pancreatic carcinoma of ductal origin specifically for adoptive immunotherapy studies. This line was characterized as to its ability to be lysed in vitro by autologous and allogeneic lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) and natural killer cells and to grow in nude mice. SU.86 has been growing continuously in cell culture for more than 100 passages since 22 September 1986. Transplantation orthotopically and heterotopically into athymic Swiss nude mice showed that tumor take was 100% in the orthotopic position when young (4 to 6 wk old) mice were used and 0% when adult (8 wk old) mice were used (P=0.004). In the heterotopic position (subcutaneous), tumor take was 100% in neonate (2 to 3 wk old) and young mice and 50% in adults. The rate of tumor growth was inversely correlated with age (P<0.001). The histologic pattern is similar to that observed in most human pancreatic carcinomas with pseudoglandular structures and frequent mitotic figures. SU.86 has a doubling time of 77 h in vitro and produces carcinoembryonic antigen, 594 ng/106 cells in 3 d. Chromosomal analysis shows heterogeneity with two notable cell subpopulations. The cell line is moderately sensitive to lysis by LAK cells in a standard, 4-h chromium-51 release assay (35.4±4.0%). When grown together with LAK cells in vitro, it is lysed completely in culture in 8 to 15 d, depending on the serum concentration.  相似文献   

 We have developed a novel approach to cancer immunotherapy – an autologous whole-cell vaccine modified with the hapten dinitrophenyl (DNP). This approach elicits significant inflammatory responses in metastatic sites and some objective tumor responses. Post-surgical adjuvant immunotherapy with DNP-modified melanoma vaccine in a setting of micrometastatic disease produces significant survival prolongation in stage III melanoma patients. Histologically, the inflammatory responses of the tumor consist of infiltration by lymphocytes, the majority of which are CD8+, HLA-DR+ T cells. T cells from these lesions tend to have mRNA for interferon γ. T cell receptor analysis suggests that the tumor-infiltrating T cells are clonally expanded. DNP-modified vaccine also induces T cells in the peripheral blood, which respond to DNP-modified autologous cells in a hapten-specific, MHC-restricted manner. Moreover, a T cell line generated from these lymphocytes responded to only a single HPLC fraction of MHC-associated, DNP-modified tumor peptides. Since inflammatory responses in metastases were not consistently associated with dramatic tumor regression, we considered the possibility of immunosuppression at the tumor site. We found that mRNA for the anti-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-10 (IL-10) is expressed in most metastatic melanoma tissues and subsequently demonstrated that IL-10 protein is produced by melanoma cells. Thus the efficacy of DNP vaccine could be further enhanced by inhibition of IL-10 production or binding. Finally, we expect these results obtained with melanoma to be applicable to other human cancers. Received: 6 August 1996 / Accepted: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

BRO human melanoma cells, which are exceptionally tumorigenic and lethal for nude mice, were inoculated intraperitoneally or intracerebrally in varying numbers. An inverse linear correlation was observed between the logarithm of the number of cells inoculated and host survival. In mice bearing 10(7) cells intraperitoneally, 2.4-2.8 log10 units of cell kill were obtained after a single intraperitoneal injection of vincristine, and some mice inoculated with 10(5) cells were cured by this treatment. Fewer cells were killed by L-phenylalanine mustard. Vincristine did not prolong survival of nude mice with intracerebral BRO tumors. Cell kill after administration of anticancer agents can be quantitated for BRO cells inoculated intraperitoneally or intracerebrally.  相似文献   

Worldwide incidence of malignant melanoma has been constantly increasing during the last years. Surgical excision is effective when primary tumours are thin. At later disease stages patients often succumb, due to failure of metastasis control. Therefore, great efforts have been made to develop improved strategies to treat metastatic melanoma patients. In the search for novel treatments during the last two decades, immunotherapy has occupied a prominent place. Numerous early phase immunotherapy clinical trials, generally involving small numbers of patients each time, have been reported: significant tumour‐specific immune responses could often be measured in patients upon treatments. However, clinical responses remain at a dismal low rate. In some anecdotal cases, objective clinical benefit was more frequently observed among immune responders than immune non‐responders. This clearly calls for a better understanding of protective immunity against tumours as well as the cross talk taking place between tumours and the immune system. Here we discuss advances and limitations of specific immunotherapy against human melanoma in the light of the literature from the last 5 yr.  相似文献   

To study in vivo activated cytolytic T cells, CD8+ T cells clones were isolated from a melanoma patient (HLA A2, A11) treated with active specific immunotherapy for 5 years. CD8+ T lymphocytes, purified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, were cloned directly from the peripheral blood without antigen-presenting cells in the presence of irradiated autologous melanoma cells and recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-4. These conditions were inhibitory to de novo in vitro immunization. Of the 28 cytolytic CD8+ T cell clones, 21 lysed the autologous melanoma cell line (M7) but not the autologous lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL-7) nor the two melanoma cell lines, M1 (HLA A28) and M2 (HLA A28, A31), used to immunize the patient. The remaining 7 clones were also melanoma-specific, although their reactivities were broader, lysing several melanoma cell lines but not HLA-matched lymphoblastoid cells. Eight clones from the first group, ostensibly self-MHC-restricted, were expanded for further analysis. All expressed cluster determinants characteristic of mature, activated T cells, but not those of thymocytes, naive T cells, B cells or natural killer (NK) cells. They also expressed CD13, a myeloid marker. Of the 8 clones, 3 expressed both CD4 and CD8, but dual expression was not correlated with specificity of lysis. Two CD8+ and 2 CD4+ CD8+ clones were specific for the autologous melanoma cells, the other 4 were also reactive against other HLA-A2-positive melanomas. Cytotoxicity for both singly and doubly positive clones was restricted by HLA class I but not class II antigens. Analysis of the RNA expression of the T cell receptor (TCR) V and V gene segments revealed heterogeneous usage by the A2-restricted clones and, perhaps, also by the broadly melanoma-specific clones. Apparent TCR-restricted usage was noted for the self-MHC-restricted clones; 2 of the 4 expressed the V17/V7 dimer. Since the T cell clones were derived from separate precursors of circulating cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), the V17/V7 TCR was well represented in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of this patient. In summary, we show that melanoma cells presented their own antigens to stimulate the proliferation of melanoma-reactive CD8+ CTL. CTL with a range of melanoma specificities and different TCR dimers were encountered in this patient, perhaps as a result of hyperimmunization. Restricted TCR gene usage was noted only for classical self-MHC-restricted CD8+ T cell clones, although lysis of the autologous melanoma cells was effected by a variety of TCR structures. Molecular definition of the TCR repertoire of well-characterized T cell clones in this and other patients should provide new insight into the human antitumor immune response.Supported by National Institutes of Health research grants CA 36233 and EY 9031, the Lucy Adams Memorial Fund and a grant from the Concern Foundation  相似文献   

After subcutaneous inoculation into nude mice of 24 human colon adenocarcinomas, growth, defined as histopathologically confirmed tumor growth which has been passed, was observed in 13 cases (54%). Tumors from metastatic sites showed higher take rates (58%) than tumors from primary sites or recurrent tumors (50%). Nine continuous tumor lines were established (69% of growing tumors) with metastatic tumors establishing more readily (100% of growing tumors) than primary tumors (40%). The average period in primary transplant was shorter for metastasis (8.3 weeks), than for primary tumors (18.5 weeks); total material 10.6 weeks. Average periods between passages were shorter than primary transplant times; these periods were shorter for metastases (6.6 weeks) than for primary tumors (9.4 weeks); total material 7.4 weeks. Of four growing tumors not established as continuous lines, three were primary and one a recurrent tumor, and the loss of tumor growth occurred in very early passages, not later than passage 3. All nude mouse-grown colon tumors were moderately well differentiated.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognise specific molecular signatures of pathogens and trigger antimicrobial defence responses. Thereby, two independent signalling pathways can be distinguished: The inflammatory signalling pathway acting via the adapter molecule MyD88, leading to the activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) such as SAPK/JNK and p38 MAPK and the interferon (IFN) dependent pathway that signals via TRIF and results in the production of IFN-α/β. Several evolutionarily conserved molecular patterns are expressed by pathogens, leading to the question if concerted targeting of different TLRs may induce exaggerated immune responses by signalling via both TLR pathways. Here we report that monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs) combine and integrate signals received via the IFN-dependent pathway by engagement of TLR3 (poly I:C) and activation of TRIF with the MyD88-dependent pathway by ligation of TLR2 (PGN), TLR2/TLR6 (zymosan) and TLR5 (flagellin). The generally low IL-12p70 inducers resulted in combination of both pathways in cytokine levels similar to LPS, which acts via TLR4 and induces recruitment of MyD88/Tirap and TRIF/TRAM adapter proteins. The combination of TLR3 (poly I:C) or TLR4 (LPS) engagement with TLR8 (R848) ligation induced synergistic effects on cytokine production with a boost especially in IL-12p70 secretion. SB203580, a specific p38 MAPK inhibitor, completely blocked TLR ligand mediated IL-12p70 secretion, whereby specific inhibitors for SAPK/JNK (SP600125) and NF-κB (PDTC) only repressed partially the IL-12p70 secretion. Enhanced phosphorylation in poly I:C and R848 activated MoDCs revealed the critical contribution of p38 MAPK in synergistically induced IL-12p70 induction. Further investigation of primary and recall CD8+ T cell responses to the MUC12-20 M1.2 peptide LLLLTVLTV and the influenza A virus matrix58-66 peptide GILGFVFTL proved that synergistically activated MoDCs were superior compared with LPS or R848 alone. The results indicate that dendritic cells process, combine and integrate signals delivered by pathogens to launch effective adaptive immune responses.  相似文献   

 A novel biodegradable poly(lactic acid) microsphere formulation was evaluated for in vivo cytokine immunotherapy of cancer in a human tumor xenograft/severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mouse model. Co-injection of interleukin-2 (IL-2)-loaded microspheres with tumor cells into a subcutaneous site resulted in the complete suppression of tumor engraftment in 80% of animals. In contrast, bovine-serum-albumin(BSA)-loaded particles or bolus injections of poly(ethylene glycol)/IL-2 were ineffective in preventing tumor growth. The antitumor effect of IL-2 released by the microspheres was shown to be mediated by the mouse natural killer cells. This is the first evidence that the rejection of human tumor xenografts can be provoked by the sustained in vivo delivery of IL-2 from biodegradable microspheres. The use of poly(lactic acid) microspheres to deliver cytokines to the tumor environment could provide a safer and simpler alternative to gene therapy protocols in the treatment of cancer. Received: 9 September 1997 / Accepted: 30 October 1997  相似文献   

目的采用裸鼠皮下移植瘤模型,通过不同给药途径对胡桃醌抗肿瘤活性和毒性进行评价。方法建立人肝癌BEL-7402细胞裸鼠皮下移植瘤模型,通过腹腔注射和局部注射两个给药途径观察胡桃醌抑制肿瘤生长的效果。结果①以600、300和150μg/kg胡桃醌腹腔注射于人肝癌BEL-7402细胞裸鼠皮下移植瘤模型,发现该剂量胡桃醌对肿瘤生长没有明显的影响;NK细胞活性检测发现,600、300μg/kg胡桃醌对裸鼠免疫功能有影响(P均<0.01),150μg/kg胡桃醌则没有影响(P>0.05);与阳性对照组(5-Fu)相比,600μg/kg胡桃醌组NK细胞活性差异无显著性(P>0.05),300和150μg/kg胡桃醌组NK细胞活性差异有显著性(P<0.05,P<0.01),结果提示胡桃醌对小鼠免疫系统有一定的损伤作用。②以4.5、3和1.5 mg/kg胡桃醌腹腔注射于人肝癌BEL-7402细胞裸鼠皮下移植瘤模型,抑瘤率分别为为78.24%、66.57%、48.94%;4.5、3 mg/kg胡桃醌的抑瘤作用可与阳性对照组比拟(P均>0.05)。但4.5 mg/kg胡桃醌组裸鼠出现明显的皮下脂肪减少、消瘦,并有死亡现象。③以pH 7.4和pH 4.0的600、300和150μg/kg胡桃醌人肝癌BEL-7402细胞裸鼠皮下移植瘤模型局部给药,结果发现不同pH(pH 7.4或4.0)600、300μg/kg的胡桃醌局部注射抑瘤作用与阳性对照组(5-Fu)组差异无显著性(P>0.05),而不同pH的150μg/kg胡桃醌抑瘤作用不明显。同一浓度不同pH药物的抑瘤作用差异无显著性(P均>0.05),但pH 4.0的胡桃醌组肿瘤细胞肝转移较少。结论胡桃醌不同给药途径均可抑制人肝癌BEL-7402细胞裸鼠皮下移植瘤的生长,但有一定的毒副作用,药物安全范围较小。  相似文献   

Hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase activities and cholesterol content in the liver of athymic mice either bearing or not an implanted human lung mucoepidormoid carcinoma (HLMC) and in the neoplasic tissue, were analyzed. The properties of the HMG-CoA reductase of HLMC grown in nude mice and those ones found in the liver of these animals, sacrificed either at mid-light or mid-dark, were similar. The hepatic reductase activity was found to be four- to five-fold greater at mid-dark than at mid-light (462±141 vs. 123±22 pmol min−1 mg protein−1). Since the Km value was not modified, the mid-dark activity could be due to an increase in the amount of enzyme. In contrast, HLMC reductase activity and cholesterol content showed similar values at mid-light and mid-dark points. HLMC reductase does not appear to have any diurnal variation and the cholesterol synthesis and content seems to be independent of food intake. HLMC-bearing nude mice undergo several alterations in the biosynthesis and homeostasis of cholesterol. Hypocholesterolemia, lower hepatic cholesterol content and higher HMG-CoA reductase activity are characteristic of host mice.  相似文献   

树突状细胞(dendritc cells,DC)是一种抗原提呈细胞,能特异地引发和调控机体免疫。它具有抗原呈现功能而不损害免疫系统,不仅能够激活CD4^ 辅助T细胞和CD8^ 细胞毒性T细胞,还能活化B细胞和自然杀伤细胞。已有的研究让人们看到了癌症疫苗的希望,但还处于早期阶段,有许多尚未确定的因素。因此有关DC疫苗用于对肿瘤的保护性和治疗性免疫还有待于进一步的研究。  相似文献   

The present study was designed to characterize the production of chemoattractants by human melanoma lines with high (M4Be, M3Da, NTerDa) or low tumorigenic (Doc8, M1Do) potential when heterotransplanted in nude mice. Supernatants from the Doc8 and M1Do cell lines were strongly chemotactic in vitro for mononuclear phagocytes. Chemotactic activity was destroyed by proteolytic enzymes, and upon gel filtration on Sephadex G75, it eluted in the cytochrome c region corresponding to an apparent m.w. of 12,000. Upon chromatofocusing, the Sephadex-separated tumor-derived chemotactic factor (TDCF) showed an isoelectric point of 5.5 to 6. Cell lines with high tumorigenic potential contained low or no detectable chemotactic activity. When culture supernatants of cell lines with modest (M3Da) or no (M4Be) chemotactic activity were exposed to immobilized monoclonal antibodies directed against the retroviral transmembrane protein P15E, appreciable chemotactic activity was detectable (M4Be) or preexisting levels increased (M3Da). The material eluted from Sepharose-bound anti-P15E antibodies inhibited the migration of monocytes in response to chemoattractants. These findings demonstrate the coexistence in some human melanoma cell line supernatants of factors (TDCF and P15E-related inhibitor) with opposite influence on monocyte chemotaxis. That tumor cell products play a pivotal role in regulating the extravasation of monocytes into neoplastic tissues is suggested by the close correlation observed between macrophage levels in melanomas grown in nude mice and levels of chemotactic activity detectable in culture supernatants.  相似文献   

Summary The antitumor effects of recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) and mismatched double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) were assessed in tissue culture and in a nude mouse model. Mismatched dsRNA did not show a direct antiproliferative effect against the human malignant melanoma cell line, BRO, in tissue culture. However, treatment of the BRO cells with up to 1000 units/ml rIL-2 in culture showed a slight increase in growth rate. Combined rIL-2/mismatched dsRNA treatment also demonstrated a similar slight enhancement of growth. Nude mice bearing subcutaneous tumors were treated by intraperitoneal injection of low doses (5000–20 000 units) of rIL-2 and mismatched dsRNA (500 µg). The in vivo tumor growth was significantly inhibited by the combined treatments (P <0.05) and survival was significantly increased (P <0.05). Measurement of cytotoxicity using splenocytes from treated animals showed significant augmentation of lytic activity against natural killer(NK)-sensitive YAC-1 cells in all rIL-2/mismatched dsRNA treatment groups, compared to the individual treatments or controls (P <0.05). Cytotoxicity of the splenocytes against the NK-resistant BRO cells was also augmented in animals treated with mismatched dsRNA and the highest rIL-2 dose utilized here (P <0.01). Renal, liver, and hematological toxicity was evaluated by measurement of blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, serum asparrtate aminotransferase, and a complete blood count with differential. There were no significant differences in these parameters in any of the treatment groups. Similarly, no differences in weight of the animals was seen in any treatment group. These results indicate that the combination of low-dose rIL-2 and mismatched dsRNA can potentiate host-mediated antitumor effects, yielding increased survival, without significant toxicity.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine the role that bone marrow-derived stromal cells have on human hematopoiesis in HIV infection. In particular, we dissected the heterogeneous bone marrow microenvironment to study the effect HIV expression might have on the cell population capable of producing the cytokines which will support human CD34+ cell differentiation. A stromal cell line, Lof(11-10), was established from human bone marrow by transfecting a plasmid containing the SV40 large T-antigen and isolating foci exhibiting a transformed phenotype. The Lof(11-10) cell line was characterized to determine its susceptibility to HIV infection, to identify its cytokine production profile, and to test the ability of conditioned media from this line to support CD34+ cell differentiation in the presence and absence of HIV expression. Nine cytokines were detected by RT-PCR and ELISA analysis. Conditioned media obtained from the Lof(11-10) cell line was able to support CD34+ cell differentiation. However, because the Lof(11-10) cells are not infectible by HIV, molecular clones of HIV were introduced into these cells by transfection. There was no qualitative difference in the levels of cytokine production between HIV-expressing and control Lof(11-10) cells. Furthermore, conditioned media derived from HIV-expressing and control Lof(11-10) cells added to bone marrow-derived CD34+ progenitor cells yielded similar colony formation in methylcellulose assays. Our data suggest that HIV infection of the cytokine-producing cells within the bone marrow microenvironment, as represented by the Lof(11-10) cell line, results in both normal cytokine production and hematopoiesis in spite of HIV expression. This report adds to the evidence against stromal cells being a significant target of HIV and establishes a system for comparison with more relevant models.  相似文献   

Two human cell lines, KIMI-1 and -2 were established from nude mice transplanted tumor originated from a human squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. These two cell lines have different shapes, chromosome numbers and tumor markers, respectively.  相似文献   

Skottman H  Dilber MS  Hovatta O 《FEBS letters》2006,580(12):2875-2878
The pluripotent nature of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) has attracted great interest in using them as a source of cells or tissue in cell therapy. However, in order to be used in regenerative medicine, the pluripotent hESC lines should be established and propagated according to good manufacturing practice quality requirements. The cultures should be animal substance free in order to exclude the risk of infections and immunogenity. They should also be genetically and epigenetically normal. The detailed molecular mechanisms of their pluripotency are still not defined. Using human feeder cells, a medium containing only human proteins, the mechanical isolation of the inner cell mass and mechanical passaging of hESC, is a safe option until a functional defined medium containing physiological concentrations of regulatory factors is available.  相似文献   

Melanoma is an aggressive malignancy with poor prognosis. Eradication of tumor cells requires an effective interaction between melanoma cells and different players of the immune system. As the most potent professional antigen‐presenting cells, dendritic cells (DCs) play a pivotal role in mounting a specific immune response where their intratumoral and peritumoral density as well as their functional status are correlated with clinical staging of the disease and with patients’ survival. Under steady‐state conditions, internalization of apoptotic cells by immature DCs designates a state of tolerance to self‐antigens. Nevertheless, pathogens and necrotic cells interacting with pattern recognition receptors trigger downstream signaling pathways that evoke maturation of DCs, leading to the production of pro‐inflammatory cytokines. These mature DCs are essential for T‐cell priming and subsequent development of a specific immune response. Altered functions of DCs have an impact on the development of various disorders including autoimmune diseases and cancers. Herein, we focus on the checkpoints created throughout DCs antigen capturing and presentation to T cells, with subsequent development of either tolerance or immune response, with an emphasis on the role played by DCs in melanoma tumorigenesis and their therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

Purpose Although various types of immunotherapy have been used to improve the prognosis of patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC), adoptive immunotherapy using gamma-delta (γδ) T cells has not yet been tried. In this study, we designed a pilot study of adoptive immunotherapy using in vitro activated γδ T cells against advanced RCC to evaluate the safety profile and possible anti-tumor effects of this study. Experimental design Patients with advanced RCC after radical nephrectomy were administered via intravenous infusion in vitro-activated autologous γδ T cells every week or every 2 weeks, 6–12 times, with 70 JRU of teceleukin. Adverse events, anti-tumor effects and immunomonitoring were assessed. The anti-tumor effects were evaluated according to tumor doubling time (DT) by computed tomography (CT) and immunomonitoring was performed by flow cytometric analysis. Results Seven advanced RCC patients were entered in this study. The most common adverse events were fever, general fatigue and elevation of hepatobiliary enzymes, but no severe adverse events were seen. Prolongation of tumor DT was seen in three out of five patients; these three patients showed an increase in the number of γδ T cells in peripheral blood and also a high response to the antigen in vitro. Conclusions The results indicated that adoptive immunotherapy using in vitro-activated autologous γδ T cells was well tolerated and induced anti-tumor effects.  相似文献   

CD1d-restricted natural killer T (NKT) cells expressing invariant Vα14Jα18 T cell receptor α-chains are abundant in murine liver and are implicated in the control of malignancy, infection and autoimmunity. Invariant NKT cells have potent anti-metastatic effects in mice and phase I clinical trials involving their homologues in humans are ongoing. However, invariant NKT cells are less abundant in human liver (∼0.5% of hepatic T cells) than in murine liver (up to 50%) and it is not known if other hepatic T cells are CD1-restricted. We have examined expression of CD1a, CD1b, CD1c and CD1d mRNA and protein in human liver and evaluated the reactivity of mononuclear cells (MNC) from histologically normal and tumour-bearing human liver specimens against these CD1 isoforms. Messenger RNA for all CD1 isotypes was detectable in all liver samples. CD1c and CD1d were expressed at the protein level by hepatic MNC. CD1d, only, was detectable at the cell surface, but CD1c and CD1d were found at an intracellular location in significant numbers of liver MNC. CD1b was not expressed by MNC from healthy livers but was detectable within MNC in all tumour samples tested. Hepatic T cells exhibited reactivity against C1R cells expressing transfected CD1c and CD1d, but neither CD1a nor CD1b. These cells secreted interferon-γ (IFN-γ) but not interleukin-4 (IL-4) upon stimulation. In contrast, similar numbers of peripheral T cells released 13- and 16-fold less IFN-γ in response to CD1c and CD1d, respectively. CD1c and CD1d expression and T cell reactivity were not altered in tumour-bearing liver specimens compared to histologically normal livers. These data suggest that, in addition to invariant CD1d-restricted NKT cells, autoreactive T cells that recognise CD1c and CD1d and release inflammatory cytokines are abundant in human liver.  相似文献   

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