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Salvia ballsiana (Rech. fil.) Hedge, previously known only from the type gathering, is a local endemic species from Turkey. The species was first collected from Gölbaşı (Malatya) by E. K. Balls in 1935, and was not collected again until 2008, when we found it in Gerger (Adıyaman). The diagnostic morphological characters of this rare endemic species are discussed, including its anatomical, palynological and nutlet micromorphological features. Morphological characteristics of leaves, calyces, corollas and types of stamens are useful for sectional and specific delimitation in Salvia . Anatomical characters such as number of ray rows in roots, distance between vascular bundles in stems, mesophyll structures in leaves, shape of mid-rib and presence/absence of sclerenchymatic tissue in petioles are of taxonomic significance. In addition, size, shape and ornamentation of pollen grains and nutlets are diagnostic.  相似文献   

The species formerly recognized as Teucrium scorodonia in Madeira is here described as new: Teucrium francoi M. Seq., Capelo, J.C. Costa & R. Jardim. Morphologically close to species of Teucrium gr. scorodonia [ T. scorodonia L., T. pseudoscorodonia Desf., T. siculum (Raf.) Guss. and T. kotschyanum Poech], it exhibits, nonetheless, some distinct diagnostic characters. The indumentum density and type of hairs of T. francoi are clearly distinct from those of related species, as are the shape and dimensions of the leaves and bracts, calyx, and corolla, which are all taken as taxonomically significant diagnostic features. A diagnosis and a distribution map are presented for this new species. Morphology, ecology, biogeography, and conservation issues are discussed. Teucrium francoi , which is an endemic from Madeira (Portugal), is to be found mostly in the scope of the association Teucrio francoi–Origanetum virentis J.C. Costa, Capelo, Jardim, Sequeira, Lousã & Rivas-Martínez, but also occurs in somewhat humid habitats, such as open stands of Rosa mandonii Déségl. associated with small streams.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 639–647.  相似文献   

The micromorphology of trichomes of the leaves of 17 taxa (including two varieties) of the genus Chelonopsis Miq. and of six species representing four additional genera (Bostrychanthera deflexa Benth., Colquhounia coccinea Wall. var. coccinea, Co. seguinii Vaniot. var. seguinii, Gomphostemma chinense Oliv. var. chinense, G. crinitum Wall. ex Benth. and Physostegia virginiana (L.) Benth.) was surveyed by light and scanning electron microscopy. Two basic types of trichomes can be identified: non-glandular and glandular trichomes. The non-glandular trichomes can be subdivided into two subtypes: simple unbranched and branched trichomes. Based on the cell number, simple unbranched trichomes are further divided into four shapes (unicellular, two-celled, three-celled, and more than three cells), whilst branched trichomes are separated into three shapes (biramous, stellate, and dendroid trichomes). The glandular trichomes can in turn be subdivided into four subtypes: subsessile, capitate, clavate, and sunken. Non-glandular trichomes with two cells (NGTW) and subsessile glandular trichomes (GSU) are most widespread in all taxa examined. The indumentum shows considerable variation among different sections or species. Consequently, trichome micromorphology and distribution have high taxonomic value for Chelonopsis at both infrageneric and interspecific levels. The presence of capitate glandular trichomes (GCA) provides an additional morphological character to clarify the boundaries between subgenus Chelonopsis and Aequidens Wu and Li. Within subgenus Aequidens, non-glandular trichomes with more than three cells (NGMT) and clavate glandular trichomes (GCL) are important characters for sectional division between sect. Aequidens Wu and Li and sect. Microphyllum Wu and Li. Again, three forms of three-celled trichomes can be used as a distinctive taxonomic character at specific level between C. albiflora Pax et K. Hoffm. ex Limpr., C. forrestii J. Anthony, and C. souliei (Bonati) Merr. in sect. Aequidens. This study supports Wu's delimitation of subgenus and sections and the subsequent review work by Xiang et al. Additionally, distribution of trichome types is correlated with the altitudinal distribution and habitats of some species in Chelonopsis.  相似文献   

Morphological characters of the nutlets of Cyclotrichium Manden. & Scheng. in Turkey were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The genus Cyclotrichium is represented by six species in Turkey, of which two are endemic for Turkey. Nutlet morphology of the species was studied using stereoscopic microscopy and SEM, and the features were described and illustrated. Nutlet morphology of the examined specimens exhibits some variation in size, shape and sculpture. Nutlets range from 1.1 to 2.0 mm in length and 0.5 to 1.0 mm in width and are elliptic, oblong to ovoid and trigonous in shape. Nutlet sculpture can be divided into two main types: distinctly or weakly reticulate pattern in C. niveum, C. origanifolium, C. longiflorum and rounded cell arrangement in the remaining species. Micromorphological characters could be useful in solving taxonomic problems of Cyclotrichium.  相似文献   

The anatomy, palynology, morphology and distribution of the trichomes on the aerial parts of Salvia chrysophylla Stapf, an endemic species in Turkey, were studied in order to understand the usefulness of these characteristics for systematic purposes. Some anatomical characters such as (1–)2–24-rowed pith rays in roots, dorsiventral leaves, obviously larger upper epidermal cells, and two to three large vascular bundles in the center and two to four small subsidiary bundles in the wings of petiole provide information of taxonomical significance. Three main types of trichomes were observed on the stem, inflorescence axis, leaf and calyx surfaces of S. chrysophylla. They are peltate, capitate glandular and non-glandular. Capitate glandular and non-glandular trichomes were further subdivided into several kinds. Glandular trichomes are present in abundance on the inflorescence axis and calyx, but non-glandular ones were mainly situated on the leaf and stem. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies on the pollen grains have revealed that they are oblate-spheroidal and their exine ornamentation is bireticulate-perforate.  相似文献   

Summary   Teucrium scabrum (Lamiaceae), a new species from the western part of Thailand, related to T. quadrifarium Buch.-Ham. and T. viscidum Blume is described and illustrated, and a distribution map is provided.  相似文献   

Micromorphological investigation of the types, dimensions and distribution of characteristic trichomes in leaves and stems in Teucrium L. species (T. arduini L., T. chamaedrys L., T. flavum L., T. montanum L., T. polium L., and T. scordium L. subsp. scordioides Schreb.) distributed in Croatia was carried out as part of the taxonomical study of the genus Teucrium. Secretory types of hairs, peltate and capitate hairs were observed on the epidermis of stems and leaves of all investigated species. Non-secretory, acicular hairs were almost completely lacking on stems of T. scordium subsp. scordioides. Flagelliform hairs were not found in T. flavum and T. polium. Cladose hairs were present only in T. polium. The largest micromorphological variability was established between wild and cultivated samples of T. arduini and T. scordium subsp. scordioides, while cultivated and wild specimens of T. polium were almost identical. Differences were primarily observed in trichome dimensions and much less in micromorphological features.  相似文献   

The phytochemical composition of the essential oil of Teucrium ramosissimum (aerial parts), harvested in a mountainous region of Tunisia, was analyzed. A total of 68 compounds, accounting for 99.44% of the essential oil, were identified by GC and GC/MS. The major compounds were beta-eudesmol (61; 44.52%), caryophyllene oxide (56; 9.35%), alpha-thujene (1; 5.51%), sabinene (4; 4.71%), and T-cadinol (59; 3.9%). The essential oil, which is being used in Tunisian folk medicine against infectious diseases, was tested for its antimicrobial properties against five different bacteria, and found to have weak to moderate activity, with minimal-inhibitory-concentration (MIC) and minimal-bactericidal-concentration (MBC) values in the range 0.24-0.36 and 1.3-2.9 mg/ml, resp.  相似文献   

REJDALI M., 1991. Leaf micromorphology and taxonomy of North African species of Sideritis L. (Lamiaceae). This study reports on the structure of trichomes, epidermal cells, stomata and venation patterns. The trichomes are either glandular or eglandular. The latter are unicellular or multicellular, soft or rigid pointed hairs. The glandular hairs are short or long stalked, the latter are generally flattened and may be sessile. The epidermal cells are variously shaped with sinuous or straight walls usually randomly orientated. Stomata are either anomocytic or diacytic and evenly distributed throughout the epidermis without any definite pattern of orientation. Venation is of the semicraspedodermous type.  相似文献   

In the framework of our studies on Lamiaceae from the eastern Iberian Peninsula, for the forthcoming fourth volume of Flora valentina, a new infraspecific arrangement is proposed here for the Iberian endemic Teucrium thymifolium. Besides the type subspecies, T. thymifolium subsp. thymifolium, which is widely distributed through the eastern Iberian Peninsula, two new nomenclatural combinations are established: (i) T. thymifolium subsp. fraternum (Pau) M.B. Crespo, M.A. Alonso & Mart.-Azorín (= T. terciae), for the thermophilous populations growing in SE Murcia province, and (ii) T. thymifolium subsp. hervieri (Briq. & Debeaux) M.B. Crespo, M.A. Alonso & Mart.-Azorín, for Subbaetic inland populations from where the provinces of Albacete, Jaén and Granada come into contact. Nomenclatural types and data on distribution and ecology are reported for all accepted subspecies, including the designation of a lectotype for T. thymifolium subsp. hervieri. Furthermore, relationships of the latter to the recently described T. moleromesae Sánchez Gómez et al. are briefly discussed, both taxa being treated here in synonymy.  相似文献   

Ziziphora L. is represented by 5 species and 2 subspecies in the flora of Turkey: Z. clinopodioides, Z. capitata, Z. persica, Z. tenuior, Z. taurica subsp. taurica, Z. taurica subsp. cleonioides. It is difficult to distinguish between some Ziziphora taxa because of their morphological similarities. In this study, the leaf and calyx trichomes of Ziziphora taxa in Turkey were studied in order to assess anatomical variations that may serve as distinguishing characters. Their micromorphological features were surveyed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy (LM). Trichomes on leaves and calyx can be divided into two general types: non‐glandular trichomes and glandular (secretory) trichomes. The non‐ glandular trichomes are simple, acicular or curved with cuticular micropapillae. They usually consist of one or more additional cells. The glandular trichomes are divided into two types: peltate and capitate and Ziziphora taxa can easily be distinguished by presence/absence, density and types of glandular trichomes on leaves and calyx. The peltate trichomes consist of 12 or 18 secretory head cells in a single disc; four or six central cells surrounded by eight or twelve peripheral ones. Peltate trichomes are absent on the adaxial leaf surface of Z. capitata and Z. persica. Two types of capitate trichomes are present in Ziziphora. The capitate trichomes are only absent on the calyx surface of Z. persica. In addition, the trichome micromorphology provides some support for separating the two subspecies of Z. taurica. In conclusion, Ziziphora taxa can easily be distinguished by cell number, cell shape presence/absence and density of the glandular trichomes on leaves and calyx.  相似文献   

Fruits ofDipsacaceae are single-seeded, have bristle-shaped calyx segments and are tightly enclosed by four fused bracts forming an epicalyx. Comparative morphological and anatomical studies reveal a great diversity of epicalyx and calyx, often relevant to fruit dispersal. The present contribution deals with theScabiosa group of genera, the core of theScabioseae tribe. Most of its taxa develop a diaphragma from a meristem on the inside of the epicalyx. This diaphragma, together with the lower part of the epicalyx encloses the fruit proper, whereas the upper parts form a so-called epi-diaphragma (ed) and a ± hyaline corona. Differences of the epicalyx with respect to the size and position of the ed, elaboration of the corona, origin of pits (=foveoles) and other morphological and anatomical specializations can be demonstrated. Together with palynological and karyological data these new facts support an improved concept of relationships and systematics for the taxa studied:Scabiosa sect.Scabiosa and sect.Cyrtostemma are closely related and should be united to form the genusScabiosa s. str.;Pycnocomon can be maintained as an independent genus, sister toScabiosa sect.Trochocephalus which then has to be treated as a genus,Lomelosia. In contrast, the following genera have to be included inLomelosia:Tremastelma asLomelosia sect.Callistemma, andScabiosiopsis as part ofLomelosia sect.Lomelosia. Pseudoscabiosa deviates in so many features that it has to be excluded from the redefinedScabioseae s. str.  相似文献   

Nutlet sculpturing of 22 taxa ofScutellaria sect.Resinosa, representing 18 of its 19 species, and the monotypic genusSalazaria was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The nutlets of sect.Resinosa, while remarkably variable among themselves, differed from hypothetically closely related sections in lacking circumferential banding and sessile glands. Species could be grouped by surface sculpturing into seemingly meaningful phenetic clusters.Scutellaria potosina var.platyphylla was sufficiently distinct micromorphically so as to be elevated to specific status asScutellaria platyphylla comb. and stat. nov. The significance of nutlet microcharacters within sect.Resinosa is discussed, especially as compared to closely related sections. The genusSalazaria had nutlet sculpturing quite different from all taxa belonging to sect.Resinosa.  相似文献   

Coll J  Tandrón Y 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(19):2298-2303
Recently, the isolation from Teucrium fruticans of neo-clerodanes, namely 7beta-hydroxyfruticolone, 11-hydroxyfruticolone, deacetylfruticolone and 6-acetyl-10-hydroxyteucjaponin B, in addition to fruticolone, isofruticolone and 8beta-hydroxyfruticolone (three out of the four previously reported ones), and 6-acetylteucjaponin B (isolated from T. scordium and T. grisebachii) was reported. Minor compounds presumably of neo-clerodane nature were shown by HPLC analysis on a new extract. Three new compounds, difuranofruticol, deoxyfruticolone and 10-hydroxyteucjaponin B, and the known 7,8-didehydrofruticolone were unambiguously elucidated based on extensive NMR spectral studies (one- and two-dimensional experiments). The compounds were assayed for their antifeedant activity against Spodoptera littoralis and for their antifungal activity against Rhizoctonia solani. Compounds 9-11 showed low antifeedant activity and the feeding ratio of 12 was moderate-low. None of the tested compounds displayed significant activity against R. solani.  相似文献   

Volatiles from wild Tunisian diploid (2n=2x=26) and tetraploid (2n=4x=52) Teucrium polium L. populations from five bioclimatic zones were assessed by GC and GC/MS. Thirty-eight compounds were identified. Main volatiles at the species level were myrcene (6; 15.3%), germacrene D (27; 9.0%), alpha-pinene (6.6%), beta-pinene (3; 5.8%), and alpha-cadinol (38; 5.1%). A significant variation among populations was observed. The tetraploid populations belonging to the sub humid and lower semi arid bioclimates showed a high amount of myrcene (6; 24.2-43.8%), those from the upper arid contain high percentages of alpha-cadinol (38; 50.6%). The dominant compounds in diploid populations, mainly located in the semi arid zone, are alpha-pinene (1) and germacrene D (27). Population chemical structure, assessed by a principal component analysis (PCA) using all identified compounds, is concordant with bioclimate and ploidy level. In situ conservation of populations should be made appropriately according to these two factors.  相似文献   

Coll J  Tandrón Y 《Phytochemistry》2004,65(4):387-392
In addition to three out of the four previously reported neo-clerodanes already found in Teucrium fruticans (fruticolone, isofruticolone and 8 beta-hydroxyfruticolone), and 6-acetylteucjaponin B (isolated from T. scordium and T. grisebachii), four new neo-clerodanes, namely 7 beta-hydroxyfruticolone, 11-hydroxyfruticolone, deacetylfruticolone and 6-acetyl-10-hydroxyteucjaponin B were also isolated. The structures were unambiguously elucidated based on extensive NMR spectral studies (one- and two-dimensional experiments). Semi-prep-HPLC proved to be a convenient purification procedure, occasionally being followed by TLC. The new compounds were assayed against Spodoptera littoralis and two of them were shown to have potent antifeedant activity.  相似文献   

A taxonomic treatment ofSalvia sect.Ekmania, a group of tall shrubs endemic to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, is provided. Morphology, phenology, pollination biology, habitats, and distributions are discussed. Species boundaries are examined using phenetic analysis of morphological data. Eight species are here accepted as belonging to the section. Two recently described species,S. lavendula andS. paryskii, are considered for inclusion in the section, but only the latter appears to be a member.Salvia lachnaiclada andS. ottoschulzii are treated as conspecific.Salvia bahorucona is recognized as a distinct species.  相似文献   

This study surveys the micromorphological surface structure of the leaves of the conifer genusAgathis (Araucariaceae) from throughout the range of the genus (Malaysia to New Zealand and Fiji) as seen with the scanning electron microscope. These data confirm that the vegetative parts ofAgathis are taxonomically highly conservative, but suggest the Melanesian and New Zealand elements to be distinctive from those of the rest of the genus, and from one another. Conclusions are compared with those that have been derived from studies based on other characters.  相似文献   

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