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The receptor binding specificity of influenza viruses may be important for host restriction of human and avian viruses. Here, we show that the hemagglutinin (HA) of the virus that caused the 1918 influenza pandemic has strain-specific differences in its receptor binding specificity. The A/South Carolina/1/18 HA preferentially binds the alpha2,6 sialic acid (human) cellular receptor, whereas the A/New York/1/18 HA, which differs by only one amino acid, binds both the alpha2,6 and the alpha2,3 sialic acid (avian) cellular receptors. Compared to the conserved consensus sequence in the receptor binding site of avian HAs, only a single amino acid at position 190 was changed in the A/New York/1/18 HA. Mutation of this single amino acid back to the avian consensus resulted in a preference for the avian receptor.  相似文献   

I am investigating the role of protein folding in the transport of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA), a membrane-bound protein, along the exocytotic pathway. From a previous work (Gething, M.-J., McCammon, K., and Sambrook, J. (1986) Cell 46, 939-950), it has been shown that a subset of alterations of the COOH-terminal sequences of the HA molecule inhibit folding and impede its transport to the cell surface. Current studies establish that the integrity of the NH2-terminal sequences of the HA is essential for assembly and transport of the molecule. Mutants lacking just 1 or 2 amino acids immediately COOH-terminal to the signal cleavage site are translocated and core glycosylated, but also incorrectly folded. The mutant molecules are not terminally glycosylated and are thus confined inside the cells. A hypothesis will be presented to explain why sequences at opposite ends of the HA molecule are essential for the assembly of native structures and why correct folding is necessary for transport along the exocytotic pathway of mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) particles lose infectivity due to their disassembly at pH values slightly below neutrality. This acid-dependent disassembly process is required for viral RNA release inside endosomes. To study the molecular determinants of viral resistance to acid-induced disassembly, six FMDV variants with increased resistance to acid inactivation were isolated. Infection by these mutants was more sensitive to drugs that raise the endosomal pH (NH(4)Cl and concanamycin A) than was infection by the parental C-S8c1 virus, confirming that the increase in acid resistance is related to a lower pH requirement for productive uncoating. Amino acid replacement N17D at the N terminus of VP1 capsid protein was found in all six mutants. This single substitution was shown to be responsible for increased acid resistance when introduced into an infectious FMDV clone. The increased resistance of this mutant against acid-induced inactivation was shown to be due to its increased resistance against capsid dissociation into pentameric subunits. Interestingly, the N17D mutation was located close to but not at the interpentamer interfaces. The mutants described here extend the panel of FMDV variants exhibiting different pH sensitivities and illustrate the adaptive flexibility of viral quasispecies to pH variations.  相似文献   

In the polarized kidney cell line MDCK, the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) has been well characterized as a model for apically sorted membrane glycoproteins. Previous work from our laboratory has shown that a single amino acid change in the cytoplasmic sequence of HA converts it from a protein that is excluded from coated pits to one that is efficiently internalized. Using trypsin or antibodies to mark protein on the surface, we have shown in MDCK cells that HA containing this mutation is no longer transported to the apical surface but instead is delivered directly to the basolateral plasma membrane. We propose that a cytoplasmic feature similar to an endocytosis signal can cause exclusive basolateral delivery.  相似文献   

We have previously characterized an influenza A (H1N1) virus which has host-dependent growth and receptor binding properties and have shown that a mutation which removes an oligosaccharide from the tip of the hemagglutinin (HA) by changing Asn-129 to Asp permits this virus to grow to high titer in MDBK cells, (C. M. Deom, A. J. Caton, and I. T. Schulze, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:3771-3775, 1986). We have now isolated monoclonal antibodies specific for the mutant HA and have used escape mutants to identify alterations in HA sequence which reduce virus yields from MDBK cells without reducing those from chicken embryo fibroblasts. Two types of escape mutants which grow equally well in chicken embryo fibroblasts were obtained. Those with the parent phenotype contain Asn at residue 129 and are glycosylated at that site. Those with the mutant phenotype are unchanged at residue 129 but have a Gly to Glu substitution at residue 158, which is close to residue 129 on the HA1 subunit. Binding assays with neoglycoproteins containing N-acetylneuraminic acid in either alpha 2,3 or alpha 2,6 linkage to galactose showed that the MDBK-synthesized oligosaccharides at Asn-129 reduce binding to both of these receptors, leaving the HA's preference for alpha 2,6 linkages unchanged. Glu at residue 158 greatly reduces binding to both receptors without reducing virus yields from MDBK cells. We conclude that changes in the receptor binding properties of the HA can result either from direct alteration of the HA protein by host cell glycosylation or from mutations in the HA gene and that these changes generate heterogeneity that can contribute to the survival of influenza A virus populations in nature.  相似文献   

The nature of amino acid replacements in 16 drift variants of hemagglutinin H3 subtype and 5 drift variants of neuraminidase N2 subtype of the influenza A virus were studied. The dependences of relative replacement frequencies and relative quantities of frequent replacements upon differences of properties of substituted residues are plotted. In contrast to most of the known proteins, amino acid replacements in hemagglutinin and neuraminidase depend weakly on the physico-chemical parameters of amino acids. For the antigenic determinants studied the replacement frequencies were compared to those calculated according to two models: one for conservative replacements and the other for accidental mutation of the genetic code. The differences in the nature of amino acid replacements are found in four antigenic determinants of hemagglutinin. The replacements in experimentally selected proteins are shown to go beyond limitations of natural variants. The explanations of the reasons of low epidemicity of some strains and ineffective attempt to imitate the natural antigenic drift of viruses by using experimental selection are proposed. The causes of time-limited circulation of H3N2 influenza virus subtype are discussed.  相似文献   

Positive selection on the H3 hemagglutinin gene of human influenza virus A.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The hemagglutinin (HA) gene of influenza viruses encodes the major surface antigen against which neutralizing antibodies are produced during infection or vaccination. We examined temporal variation in the HA1 domain of HA genes of human influenza A (H3N2) viruses in order to identify positively selected codons. Positive selection is defined for our purposes as a significant excess of nonsilent over silent nucleotide substitutions. If past mutations at positively selected codons conferred a selective advantage on the virus, then additional changes at these positions may predict which emerging strains will predominate and cause epidemics. We previously reported that a 38% excess of mutations occurred on the tip or terminal branches of the phylogenetic tree of 254 HA genes of influenza A (H3N2) viruses. Possible explanations for this excess include processes other than viral evolution during replication in human hosts. Of particular concern are mutations that occur during adaptation of viruses for growth in embryonated chicken eggs in the laboratory. Because the present study includes 357 HA sequences (a 40% increase), we were able to separately analyze those mutations assigned to internal branches. This allowed us to determine whether mutations on terminal and internal branches exhibit different patterns of selection at the level of individual codons. Additional improvements over our previous analysis include correction for a skew in the distribution of amino acid replacements across codons and analysis of a population of phylogenetic trees rather than a single tree. The latter improvement allowed us to ascertain whether minor variation in tree structure had a significant effect on our estimate of the codons under positive selection. This method also estimates that 75.6% of the nonsilent mutations are deleterious and have been removed by selection prior to sampling. Using the larger data set and the modified methods, we confirmed a large (40%) excess of changes on the terminal branches. We also found an excess of changes on branches leading to egg-grown isolates. Furthermore, 9 of the 18 amino acid codons, identified as being under positive selection to change when we used only mutations assigned to internal branches, were not under positive selection on the terminal branches. Thus, although there is overlap between the selected codons on terminal and internal branches, the codons under positive selection on the terminal branches differ from those on the internal branches. We also observed that there is an excess of positively selected codons associated with the receptor-binding site and with the antibody-combining sites. This association may explain why the positively selected codons are restricted in their distribution along the sequence. Our results suggest that future studies of positive selection should focus on changes assigned to the internal branches, as certain of these changes may have predictive value for identifying future successful epidemic variants.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Sun Y  Sun H  Pu J  Bi Y  Shi Y  Lu X  Li J  Zhu Q  Gao GF  Yang H  Liu J 《Journal of virology》2012,86(12):6924-6931
H5 influenza viruses containing a motif of multiple basic amino acids at the hemagglutinin (HA) cleavage site (HACS) are highly pathogenic in chicken but display different virulence phenotypes in mammals. Previous studies have shown that multiple basic amino acids of H5N1 influenza virus are a prerequisite for lethality in mice. However, it remains unclear which specific residue at the cleavage site affects the pathogenicity of H5N1 in mammals. A comprehensive genetic analysis of the H5N1 HACS showed that residues at P6 (position 325, by H3 numbering) were the most polymorphic, including serine (S), arginine (R), deletion (*), glycine (G), and isoleucine (I). To determine whether a single residue at P6 could affect virulence, we introduced different mutations at P6 of an avirulent clade 7 H5N1 strain, rg325G, by reverse genetics. Among the recombinant viruses, the rg325S virus showed the highest cleavage efficiency in vitro. All these viruses were highly pathogenic in chicken but exhibited different virulences in mice. The rg325S virus exhibited the highest pathogenicity in terms of unrestricted organ tropism and neurovirulence. Remarkably, the HA-325S substitution dramatically increased the pathogenicity of H5N1 viruses of other clades, including clades 2.2, 2.3.2, and 2.3.4, indicating that this residue impacts genetically divergent H5N1 viruses. An analysis of predicted structures containing these mutations showed that the cleavage site loop with 325S was the most exposed, which might be responsible for the efficient cleavage and high virulence. Our results demonstrate that an amino acid substitution at the P6 cleavage site alone could modulate the virulence of H5N1 in mice.  相似文献   

The C terminus of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) contains three cysteine residues that are highly conserved among HA subtypes, two in the cytoplasmic tail and one in the transmembrane domain. All of these C-terminal cysteine residues are modified by the covalent addition of palmitic acid through a thio-ether linkage. To investigate the role of HA palmitylation in virus assembly, we used reverse genetics technique to introduce substitutions and deletions that affected the three conserved cysteine residues into the H3 subtype HA. The rescued viruses contained the HA of subtype H3 (A/Udorn/72) in a subtype H1 helper virus (A/WSN/33) background. Rescued viruses which do not contain a site for palmitylation (by residue substitution or substitution combined with deletion of the cytoplasmic tail) were obtained. Rescued virions had a normal polypeptide composition. Analysis of the kinetics of HA low-pH-induced fusion of the mutants showed no major change from that of virus with wild-type (wt) HA. The PFU/HA ratio of the rescued viruses grown in eggs ranged from that of virus with wt HA to 16-fold lower levels, whereas the PFU/HA ratio of the rescued viruses grown in MDCK cells varied only 2-fold from that of virus with wt HA. However, except for one rescued mutant virus (CAC), the mutant viruses were attenuated in mice, as indicated by a > or = 400-fold increase in the 50% lethal dose. Interestingly, except for one mutant virus (CAC), all of the rescued mutant viruses were restricted for replication in the upper respiratory tract but much less restricted in the lungs. Thus, the HA cytoplasmic tail may play a very important role in the generation of virus that can replicate in multiple cell types.  相似文献   

cpts530, a candidate live-virus vaccine, is an attenuated strain of human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). It was derived by subjecting a cold-passaged (cp) strain of RSV to a single round of chemical mutagenesis. cpts530 is a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant that is attenuated in mice and chimpanzees, and its ts phenotype exhibits a high level of stability during replication in both species. In the present study, the complete nucleotide sequence of cpts530 RSV was determined. The five mutations known to be present in the parent cpRSV were retained in its cpts530 derivative, and one additional nucleotide change was identified at nucleotide (nt) 10060, which resulted in a phenylalanine-to-leucine change at amino acid 521 in the large polymerase (L) protein. To determine if this single amino acid substitution was indeed responsible for the ts phenotype of cpts530, it was introduced alone or in combination with the cp mutations into the full-length cDNA clone of the wild-type A2 RSV. Analysis of infectious viruses recovered from mutant cDNAs indicated that this single mutation specified complete restriction of plaque formation of recombinant cp530 in HEp-2 cell monolayer cultures at 40 degrees C, and the level of temperature sensitivity was not influenced by the presence of the five cpRSV mutations. These findings identify the phenylalanine-to-leucine change at amino acid 521 in the L protein as the mutation that specifies the ts phenotype of cpts530. Furthermore, these findings illustrate the feasibility of using the cDNA-based recovery system to analyze and construct defined attenuated vaccine viruses.  相似文献   

Lu B  Zhou H  Ye D  Kemble G  Jin H 《Journal of virology》2005,79(11):6763-6771
The H3N2 influenza A/Fujian/411/02-like virus strains that circulated during the 2003-2004 influenza season caused influenza epidemics. Most of the A/Fujian/411/02 virus lineages did not replicate well in embryonated chicken eggs and had to be isolated originally by cell culture. The molecular basis for the poor replication of A/Fujian/411/02 virus was examined in this study by the reverse genetics technology. Two antigenically related strains that replicated well in embryonated chicken eggs, A/Sendai-H/F4962/02 and A/Wyoming/03/03, were compared with the prototype A/Fujian/411/02 virus. A/Sendai differed from A/Fujian by three amino acids in the neuraminidase (NA), whereas A/Wyoming differed from A/Fujian by five amino acids in the hemagglutinin (HA). The HA and NA segments of these three viruses were reassorted with cold-adapted A/Ann Arbor/6/60, the master donor virus for the live attenuated type A influenza vaccines (FluMist). The HA and NA residues differed between these three H3N2 viruses evaluated for their impact on virus replication in MDCK cells and in embryonated chicken eggs. It was determined that replication of A/Fujian/411/02 in eggs could be improved by either changing minimum of two HA residues (G186V and V226I) to increase the HA receptor-binding ability or by changing a minimum of two NA residues (E119Q and Q136K) to lower the NA enzymatic activity. Alternatively, recombinant A/Fujian/411/02 virus could be adapted to grow in eggs by two amino acid substitutions in the HA molecule (H183L and V226A), which also resulted in the increased HA receptor-binding activity. Thus, the balance between the HA and NA activities is critical for influenza virus replication in a different host system. The HA or NA changes that increased A/Fujian/411/02 virus replication in embryonated chicken eggs were found to have no significant impact on antigenicity of these recombinant viruses. This study demonstrated that the reverse genetics technology could be used to improve the manufacture of the influenza vaccines.  相似文献   

J Lazarovits  M Roth 《Cell》1988,53(5):743-752
Through site-specific mutagenesis, three of the ten amino acids of the cytoplasmic domain of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) were individually changed to tyrosines. None of these changes had significant effect on the rate of export, the rate of folding, or the antigenicity of the mutant HAs. However, one of these mutations, substituting tyrosine for cysteine at amino acid 543, changed HA from a protein that was endocytosed at a very low rate to a protein that readily entered coated pits, was internalized, and apparently recycled to the cell surface. Replacement of cysteine 543 with phenylalanine or serine did not increase the rate of internalization of HA. Phosphorylation of the mutant HA bearing a tyrosine at position 543 was not detected. These results indicate a specific and local role for the tyrosine introduced into the cytoplasmic domain of HA that is necessary for interaction of the protein with coated pits.  相似文献   

In an attempt to produce a protein that will allow determination of the native human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120 (Env) structure in its trimeric state, we fused the globular head of gp120 to the stalk region of influenza virus A (X31) hemagglutinin (HA). The chimeric protein (EnvHA) has been expressed by using a recombinant vaccinia virus system, and its functional characteristics were determined. EnvHA is expressed as a 120- to 150-kDa protein that can oligomerize to form dimers and trimers. It retains the low-pH (5.2 to 5.4) requirement of X31-HA to trigger membrane fusion but, unlike X31-HA, it is not absolutely dependent on exogenously added trypsin for protein processing to release the HA2 fusion peptide. In terms of receptor binding the chimeric protein retains specificity for human CD4 but, in relation to the membrane fusion event, it appears to lose the Env coreceptor specificity of the parental HIV-1 strains: NL43 for CXCR4 and JRFL for CCR5. These properties suggest that stable, functional EnvHAs are being produced and that they may be exploited in terms of structural studies. Further, the potential of introducing the envHA genes into influenza viruses, by use of reverse genetics, and their use as a therapeutic vaccine for HIV are discussed.  相似文献   

To explore the genetic basis of the pathogenesis and adaptation of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) to chickens, the A/duck/Yokohama/aq10/2003 (H5N1) (DkYK10) virus was passaged five times in the brains of chickens. The brain-passaged DkYK10-B5 caused quick death of chickens through rapid and efficient replication in tissues, accompanied by severe apoptosis. Genome sequence comparison of two viruses identified a single amino acid substitution at position 109 in NP from isoleucine to threonine (NP (I)109(T)). By analyzing viruses constructed by the reverse-genetic method, we established that the NP (I)109(T) substitution also contributed to increased viral replication and polymerase activity in chicken embryo fibroblasts, but not in duck embryo fibroblasts. Real-time RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that the NP (I)109(T) substitution enhances mRNA synthesis quickly and then cRNA and viral RNA (vRNA) synthesis slowly. Next, to determine the mechanism underlying the appearance of the NP (I)109(T) substitution during passages, four H5N1 highly pathogenic AIVs (HPAIVs) were passaged in the lungs and brains of chicken embryos. Single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis, together with a database search, suggests that the NP (I)109(T) mutation would be induced frequently during replication of HPAIVs in brains, but not in lungs. These results demonstrate that the amino acid at position 109 in NP enhances viral RNA synthesis and the pathogenicity of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in chickens and that the NP mutation emerges quickly during replication of the viruses in chicken brains.  相似文献   

An evolutional tree of human influenza viruses of the H3N2-subtype is suggested on the basis of combined published primary structures of the hemagglutinin HA1-subunit. Possible differences between natural and sequenced structures are discussed. A tendency to reversions in the course of antigenic draft within the subtype has been revealed to support the hypothesis of limited antigenic evolution within a single subtype.  相似文献   

The adiabatic compressibility (beta s) was determined, by means of the precise sound velocity and density measurements, for a series of single amino acid substituted mutant enzymes of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT). Interestingly, the beta s values of both DHFR and AspAT were influenced markedly by the mutations at glycine-121 and valine-39, respectively, in which the magnitude of the change was proportional to the enzyme activity. This result demonstrates that the local change of the primary structure plays an important role in atomic packing and protein dynamics, which leads to the modified stability and enzymatic function. This is the first report on the compressibility of mutant proteins.  相似文献   

Cleavage of influenza A virus hemagglutinin (HA) is required for expression of fusion activity and virus entry into cells. Extracellular proteases are responsible for the proteolytic cleavage activation of avirulent avian and mammalian influenza viruses and contribute to pathogenicity and tissue tropism. The relative contributions of host and microbial proteases to cleavage activation in natural infection remain to be established. We examined 23 respiratory bacterial pathogens and 150 aerobic bacterial isolates cultured from the nasal cavities of pigs for proteolytic activity. No evidence of secreted proteases was found for the bacterial pathogens, including Haemophilus parasuis, Pasteurella multocida, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Bordetella bronchiseptica, and Streptococcus suis. Proteolytic bacteria were isolated from 7 of 11 swine nasal samples and included Staphylococcus chromogenes, Staphylococcus hyicus, Aeromonas caviae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and Enterococcus sp. Only P. aeruginosa secreted a protease, elastase, that cleaved influenza virus HA. However, compared to trypsin, the site of cleavage by elastase was shifted one amino acid in the carboxy-terminal direction and resulted in inactivation of the virus. Under the conditions of this study, we identified several bacterial isolates from the respiratory tracts of pigs that secrete proteases in vitro. However, none of these proteolytic isolates demonstrated direct cleavage activation of influenza virus HA.  相似文献   

The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of 40 influenza virus hemagglutinin genes of the H3 serotype from mammalian and avian species and 9 genes of the H4 serotype were compared, and their evolutionary relationships were evaluated. From these relationships, the differences in the mutational characteristics of the viral hemagglutinin in different hosts were examined and the RNA sequence changes that occurred during the generation of the progenitor of the 1968 human pandemic strain were examined. Three major lineages were defined: one containing only equine virus isolates; one containing only avian virus isolates; and one containing avian, swine, and human virus isolates. The human pandemic strain of 1968 was derived from an avian virus most similar to those isolated from ducks in Asia, and the transfer of this virus to humans probably occurred in 1965. Since then, the human viruses have diverged from this progenitor, with the accumulation of approximately 7.9 nucleotide and 3.4 amino acid substitutions per year. Reconstruction of the sequence of the hypothetical ancestral strain at the avian-human transition indicated that only 6 amino acids in the mature hemagglutinin molecule were changed during the transition between an avian virus strain and a human pandemic strain. All of these changes are located in regions of the molecule known to affect receptor binding and antigenicity. Unlike the human H3 influenza virus strains, the equine virus isolates have no close relatives in other species and appear to have diverged from the avian viruses much earlier than did the human virus strains. Mutations were estimated to have accumulated in the equine virus lineage at approximately 3.1 nucleotides and 0.8 amino acids per year. Four swine virus isolates in the analysis each appeared to have been introduced into pigs independently, with two derived from human viruses and two from avian viruses. A comparison of the coding and noncoding mutations in the mammalian and avian lineages showed a significantly lower ratio of coding to total nucleotide changes in the avian viruses. Additionally, the avian virus lineages of both the H3 and H4 serotypes, but not the mammalian virus lineages, showed significantly greater conservation of amino acid sequence in the internal branches of the phylogenetic tree than in the terminal branches. The small number of amino acid differences between the avian viruses and the progenitor of the 1968 pandemic strain and the great phenotypic stability of the avian viruses suggest that strains similar to the progenitor strain will continue to circulate in birds and will be available for reintroduction into humans.  相似文献   

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