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范亚文  包文美 《植物研究》1998,18(2):243-251
报道了采自中国黑龙江省(包括吉林、内蒙古的部分地区)的异极藻科植物3属25种24变种6变型。其中2种7变种3变型为中国新记录。我们初步探讨了黑龙江省异极藻科植物的分布特征并对这些新记录进行了描述和讨论,此外还附有全部分类单位的照片及其生境和分布一览表。  相似文献   

东北槭树科植物的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
董世林 《植物研究》1985,5(1):97-111
我国东北槭树科仅产1属——椒树属(Acer)。该属植物系北温带成分,是组成东北东部山地森林的伴生树种和次生林的主要林木之一。木材坚硬耐磨,材质细密,是纺织工业,乐器及工艺品的优良用材树种;本属各种叶形优美,秋季大多变红色,双翅果,树冠庞大,是良好的行道树或观赏树种,在国民经济中占有重要地位。东北共产槭树11种,5变种及3变型,其中发现2新变种、1新变型和3个新组合种,并引入栽培4种。  相似文献   

张淑梅  李微  李丁男 《生物多样性》2022,30(6):22038-192
为给辽宁植物多样性保护提供本底数据, 更准确地评价植物濒危及保护等级, 以及更好地给农学、林学、生态学、系统学等研究提供可靠的基础性数据, 本文首次将几代人在辽宁境内发现的高等植物进行汇总、编目, 包括苔藓植物和维管束植物。苔藓植物根据正式发表的文献和中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所东北生物标本馆(IFP)馆藏采自辽宁省全域的苔藓植物标本编制。维管束植物主要根据5个方面的信息整理: 作者多年野外调查的一手资料、文献、同行交流、公众提供信息、标本等。编目内容包括辽宁省高等植物总名录、辽宁省栽培植物名录、辽宁省外来植物名录、辽宁省仅有栽培植物的科属目录、辽宁省仅有外来植物的科属目录; 编目中涉及的物种均有科属地位、中文名、拉丁名、生境、产地(县级), 总名录中附有每个物种的信息凭证, 包括标本信息、文献信息或照片依据。本编目共计收录植物254科1,176属3,241种73亚种447变种119变型。其中, 苔藓植物为辽宁地区首次披露名录信息, 计83科205属491种4亚种7变种(含藓类52科156属373种1亚种5变种, 苔类29科46属114种3亚种2变种, 角苔类2科3属4种)。维管束植物虽非首次披露名录信息, 但与以往发布的维管束植物名录相比, 本次收录的种类数最多, 计171科971属2,750种69亚种440变种119变型(含石松类植物2科3属13种, 蕨类植物17科39属83种2亚种7变种, 裸子植物5科19属47种1亚种13变种2变型, 被子植物147科910属2,607种66亚种420变种117变型)。经统计, 辽宁省所有苔藓植物均为本土野生植物。维管束植物中, 野生植物计149科741属2,077种62亚种378变种93变型(含石松类植物2科3属13种, 蕨类植物17科39属83种2亚种7变种, 裸子植物4科8属12种6变种1变型, 被子植物145科133属1,969种60亚种365变种92变型), 栽培植物计104科390属673种7亚种62变种26变型(含裸子植物5科17属35种1亚种7变种1变型, 被子植物99科373属638种6亚种55变种25变型); 本土植物计158科796属2,235种65亚种421变种116变型(含石松类植物2科3属13种, 蕨类植物17科39属83种2亚种7变种, 裸子植物5科14属29种12变种2变型, 被子植物134科740属2,110种63亚种402变种114变型), 外来植物计88科316属515种4亚种19变种3变型(含裸子植物3科10属18种1亚种1变种, 被子植物85科306属497种3亚种18变种3变型)。本编目仅是辽宁省高等植物的阶段性汇总, 尚需要根据野外工作的拓展和研究工作的深入不断完善。  相似文献   

云南色球藻科新分类群   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在对云南石林国家级风景区碳酸盐岩表面的气生蓝藻类进行研究时,发现色球藻科中的1个新 种和3个新变种。其中石林肾胞藻是中国特有属——肾胞藻属中至今发现的第2个种;3个变种均属于星球藻属。  相似文献   

湖北省裸藻门植物的新种类   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
湖北省地处长江中游,气候温暖,雨量充沛,湖沼众多,沟塘密布,适宜裸藻类植物繁殖生长。作者自1974年起即从事本省裸藻类植物的标本采集和研究,已经鉴定的有200多种。在本文中,仅对其中的15个新种、3个新变种和1个新变型作一报道。在这些新发现的种类中,计有裸藻属(Euglena)3种,鳞孔藻属(Lepocinclis)2变种,扁裸藻属(Phacus)1种及1变型,囊裸藻属(Trachelomonas)1种及1变种,陀螺藻属(Strombomonas)1种,卡克藻属(Khawkinea)2种,变胞藻属(Astasia)2种,辦胞藻属(Petalomonas)1种,异丝藻属(Heteronema)3种和袋鞭藻属(Peranema)1种。这些种类的模式标本均保存在中国科学院水生生物研究所藻类标本室。    相似文献   

张光初 《植物研究》1988,8(2):43-48
本文描述了中国光萼苔科1新种, 1新变种, 1新变型, 分别是Porella sichuanensis.P, densifolia var.pilosaP.perrotetiana fo.flaccida。另外有3个新组合(1种, 2变种)和5个中国分布新记录。  相似文献   

紫草科新分类群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王文采 《广西植物》2010,30(4):429-439
描述了中国横断山区紫草科滇紫草属1新种和1新变型,附地菜属1新种和1新变种,微孔草属2新种和齿缘草属1新种。  相似文献   

从1961年至1976年,中国科学院曾多次组织综合科学考察队进藏考察,由黄宏金,曹文宣,陈嘉佑,陈宜瑜,何添福等先生采集了大量的藻类标本,本文仅报道在西藏发现的硅藻门、美壁藻属Caloneis中的1新变型及1变种的新变型及长蓖藻属Neidium中的4新种,及1变种的新变型。附图均按西藏标本绘制。  相似文献   

哈尔滨产几种囊裸藻扫描电镜观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王全喜  何群 《植物研究》1992,12(3):283-300
本文采用扫描电子显微镜对采自哈尔滨市郊的囊裸藻属(Tra-chelomonas)12种5变种进行观察,其中有中国新记录5种3变种,东北新记录5种1变种。文中对每个种进行了形态描述并附有照片,认为应用扫描电子显微镜观察囊壳的表面结构,对此属的系统分类研究有重要意义。  相似文献   

黑龙江省兴凯湖地区管壳缝目硅藻初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采自黑龙江省兴凯湖区域的管壳缝目 (Aulonoraphidinales)硅藻 4科 6属 30种 14变种 2变型 ,其中 2种 4变种1变型为中国新记录。初步分析了不同生境下的管壳缝目植物的种类组成。为黑龙江省兴凯湖硅藻资源的调查提供最基本的资料。  相似文献   

The leafless Vanilla species complex from the South-West Indian Ocean (SWIO) region has long been a taxonomic challenge, due to limited patterns of morphological differentiation and an absence of variation within chloroplast sequences. This complex includes seven known morphospecies: V. madagascariensis, V. bosseri, V. decaryana, and V. perrieri endemic to Madagascar, V. humblotii presumed as endemic to the Comoros Archipelago, but also present in Madagascar, V. roscheri from the East African coast, and V. phalaenopsis endemic to Seychelles. A previous population genetic study using microsatellite markers allowed us to distinguish, in addition to the five recognized Malagasy taxa, two other genetic clusters present in the East of the island. An integrative taxonomy approach was therefore conducted by combining microsatellite and morphological data used in the previous study with new data sets, and by adding ITS sequencing data, to validate the taxonomic level of these Malagasy genetic clusters and unravel phylogenetic relationships between SWIO species. As a result, based on phylogenetic, genotypic and morphological evidence, nine species were discriminated in the SWIO region, including seven in Madagascar, with two new eastern species. The leafless Vanilla group originated and diversified in Madagascar, from an ancestor of African descent, with three subsequent independent colonization events from Madagascar to the other territories of SWIO within the two main lineages (white versus yellow flower species). The new Malagasy species, V. allorgeae Andriamihaja & Pailler sp. nov., and V. atsinananensis Andriamihaja & Pailler sp. nov., are described and a new identification key is proposed.  相似文献   

Grus WE  Zhang J 《Gene》2004,340(2):303-312
Pheromones are used by individuals of the same species to elicit behavioral or physiological changes, and they are perceived primarily by the vomeronasal organ (VNO) in terrestrial vertebrates. VNO pheromone receptors are encoded by the V1r and V2r gene superfamilies in mammals. A comparison of the V1r and V2r repertoires between closely related species can provide significant insights into the evolutionary genetic mechanisms responsible for species-specific pheromone communications. A total of 137 putatively functional V1r genes of 12 families were previously identified from the mouse genome. We report the identification of 95 putatively functional V1r genes from the draft rat genome sequence. These genes map primarily to four blocks in two chromosomes. The rat V1r genes can be phylogenetically grouped into 10 families, which are shared with mouse, and 2 new families, which are rat-specific. Even in many shared families, gene numbers differ between the two species, apparently due to frequent gene duplication and pseudogenization after the separation of the two species. Molecular dating suggests that most of the rat V1r families emerged before or during the radiation of mammalian orders, but many duplications within families occurred as recently as in the past 10 million years (MY). Our results show that the evolution of the V1r repertoire is characterized by exceptionally fast gene turnover via gains and losses of individual genes, suggesting rapid and substantial changes in pheromone communication between species.  相似文献   

An electron microscopic study of the basal bodies of the Vibrio albinolyticus flagellum revealed a four-disc structure. The diameters of the two discs localized closer to the cytoplasmic membrane proved to be about 2-fold shorter than those of the two others. In this respect the basal body of V. alginolyticus resembles very much that of V. cholerae described by Ferris and co-workers. The sequence of the V. alginolyticus ribosomal 5S-RNA showed that it is similar to those of V. cholerae, V. harveyi and some other vibriones. On the basis of the 5S-RNA sequences, a dendrogram of prokaryotes is presented. It confirmed the suggestion that V. alginolyticus is a typical representative of Vibrionaceae rather than a ‘monster’ greatly differing from other vibriones. Possible evolutionary relation of various bacterial species possessing the primary Na+ pumps is discussed.  相似文献   

本文首次全面地报道了东北地区野豌豆属植物染色体数目。结果如下:Vicia cracca group. 2n=12; V. amurensis Oett. 2n=12; V. amocna Fisch. ex DC. 2n=24; V. amocna var. oblongifolia Reqel 2n=12; V. amoena var. scricca Kitag. 2n=12; V. geminiflora Trautv. 2n=14; V. japonica A. Gray 2a=24; V. pseudorobus Fisch, et C. A. Mey 2n=12; V. multicauhs Ledeb. 2n=12; V. venosa (Willd.) Maxim, 2n-12; V. ramuliflora (Maxim.) Ohwi 2n=12, 24; V. unijuga A. Br. 2n=12, 24.结果表明该地区野豌豆种类以x=6为主,并以该基數形成较高频率的多倍体类群。根据染色体资料,对于长期存在争议的种下处理或近緣种类的划分,作者提出了新的见解。  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variation of 13 isoenzyme systems encoded by 25 gene loci has been studied among the 12 American bean species of the genus Vigna, subgenera Sigmoidotropis and Lasiospron, in comparison with the two pantropical species Vigna luteola and V. vexillata of the subgenera Vigna and Plectrotropis, respectively. Of the 202 electromorphs (putative allozymes) discovered, 106 were phylogenetically informative, i.e. shared by at least two taxa, and 96 were taxon-specific. Parsimony, neighbour-joining and UPGMA analyses of the isozyme data as unordered presence–absence characters revealed the division of the American Vigna species into six clades which mostly correspond to the grouping of species into subgenera and sections in the traditional morphology-based systems, except in the placement of species V. gentryi and V. caracalla. The type species of the section Caracallae, V. caracalla, appears on the cladogram as basally paraphyletic in the subgenus Sigmoidotropis, but apart from the V. linearis group of the same section which forms a separate subclade. Vigna gentryi is not linked to other species of the section Sigmoidotropis, but appears in a distant subclade as a sister species to V. adenantha s. l. of the section Leptospron. The subgenus Lasiospron is sister to the pantropical V. vexillata of the African subgenus Plectrotropis.  相似文献   

The investigation of two East African and a Madagascarian Vernonia species afforded several new sesquiterpene lactones. Vernonia colorata subsp. grandis gave 19-hydroxyglaucolide A and three vernodalin derivatives, V. holstii five new cistifoliolides and V. zanzibarensis five lactones closely related to brachycalyxolide. The structures were elucidated by high field NMR techniques. The chemotaxonomic relevance is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

山西省苹果树腐烂病菌的种群结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
殷辉  周建波  张志斌  秦楠  任璐  赵晓军 《菌物学报》2016,35(12):1493-1502
为明确山西省苹果树腐烂病菌的分布与组成,本研究采集并分离得到来自山西省8个苹果树种植区有代表性的78株腐烂病菌,通过形态特征观察及利用2个DNA片段(ITS和EF1α)构建系统发育树等方法对其遗传结构进行了研究。结果表明山西省苹果树腐烂病由苹果黑腐皮壳菌Valsa mali和梨黑腐皮壳菌Valsa pyri 2个致病种所致,其中V. pyri是优势种,分布于山西省各个苹果树种植区,占菌株总数的58.97%。以山西省8个苹果树种植区腐烂病菌各个种的相对频率进行聚类分析,欧式距离9作为聚类分割点将其种群结构分为3类。第Ⅰ类包括忻州、朔州2个苹果树种植区,V. pyri为该类型苹果树种植区的致病菌、相对频率为100%。第Ⅱ类包括晋城、长治、临汾、太原、运城5个苹果树种植区,V. pyri是这5个种植区的优势种。第Ⅲ类包含晋中1个苹果树种植区,V. mali是该种植区的优势种。  相似文献   

Both avian and insect cuckoos must trick their hosts into accepting foreign eggs. In birds this is achieved through egg mimicry. Within the hornets the only known social parasite is the rare Vespa dybowskii. We investigated how the V. dybowskii queen induces tens or hundreds of host workers to accept her eggs and offspring. Since hydrocarbons function as recognition cues in social insects, we investigated these compounds from the surface of eggs and workers of V. dybowskii, both host species (V. simillima and V. crabro) and an additional four non-host species. We found that chemical mimicry of the hosts’ colony odour and their eggs normally associated with wasps was not being employed by V. dybowskii. Chemical insignificance is also unlikely as the amounts of hydrocarbons extracted from parasite, host and non-host eggs were similar. Eggs of V. dybowskii may survive in part due to being chemically transparent, as methyl-branched compounds only represent a tiny proportion (<1%) of the parasites hydrocarbon profile but a large proportion (26–41%) in both host species. However, the functions of various hydrocarbon groups need to be investigated in the hornets before this new acceptance mechanism of parasite eggs and adults is understood.  相似文献   

丝盖伞属裂盖组Inocybe sect. Rimosae sensu lato是一个分类难度较大的类群,组内的一些种类被认为是复合种。分子系统发育分析表明该组并非单系群,该组成员隶属于丝盖伞科下的2个属级分支,Inosperma分支和Pseudosperma分支。本文结合形态学特征和分子序列分析,对我国丝盖伞属裂盖组进行了分类学研究,发现3个新种:长白丝盖伞Inocybe changbaiensis、新茶褐丝盖伞I. neoumbrinella和云南丝盖伞I. yunnanensis。长白丝盖伞和新茶褐丝盖伞产自中国东北,前者生于针阔混交林下,后者生于柳树林下;云南丝盖伞产自云南省昆明市,生于阔叶树下。基于LSU序列的系统发育分析结果显示,长白丝盖伞隶属于Inosperma分支,新茶褐丝盖伞和云南丝盖伞隶属于Pseudosperma分支。本文对此进行了形态描述和特征图示,并讨论了新种与近缘种之间的异同。编制了中国丝盖伞属裂盖组已知种类的分种检索表。  相似文献   

斑叶堇菜种宗性状变异式样的定量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨继  汪劲武 《植物研究》1988,8(2):133-138
斑叶堇菜与近缘种细距堇莱之间有许多过渡类型存在, 很难依据少数几个关键性特征对它们进行明确的划分。本文运用形象化散点图和柱状图的方法, 对从不同地点、不同居群收集的80份标本进行分析, 测量若干性状上的数量变异, 分析这些性状之间变异的相关程度, 结果表明:斑叶堇菜和细距堇菜各自应为独立的种, 支持W.Beck.1916年所作的成立细距堇菜的毛萼亚种的处理。  相似文献   

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