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A model for neuronal oscillations in the visual cortex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The circuitry of cortical networks involves interacting populations of excitatory (E) and inhibitory (I) neurons whose relationships are now known to a large extent. Inputs to E- and I-cells may have their origins in remote or local cortical areas. We consider a rudimentary model involving E- and I-cells. One of our goals is to test an analytic approach to finding firing rates in neural networks without using a diffusion approximation and to this end we consider in detail networks of excitatory neurons with leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) dynamics. A simple measure of synchronization, denoted by S(q), where q is between 0 and 100 is introduced. Fully connected E-networks have a large tendency to become dominated by synchronously firing groups of cells, except when inputs are relatively weak. We observed random or asynchronous firing in such networks with diverse sets of parameter values. When such firing patterns were found, the analytical approach was often able to accurately predict average neuronal firing rates. We also considered several properties of E-E networks, distinguishing several kinds of firing pattern. Included were those with silences before or after periods of intense activity or with periodic synchronization. We investigated the occurrence of synchronized firing with respect to changes in the internal excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) magnitude in a network of 100 neurons with fixed values of the remaining parameters. When the internal EPSP size was less than a certain value, synchronization was absent. The amount of synchronization then increased slowly as the EPSP amplitude increased until at a particular EPSP size the amount of synchronization abruptly increased, with S(5) attaining the maximum value of 100%. We also found network frequency transfer characteristics for various network sizes and found a linear dependence of firing frequency over wide ranges of the external afferent frequency, with non-linear effects at lower input frequencies. The theory may also be applied to sparsely connected networks, whose firing behaviour was found to change abruptly as the probability of a connection passed through a critical value. The analytical method was also found to be useful for a feed-forward excitatory network and a network of excitatory and inhibitory neurons.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an oscillatory neural network composed of two coupled neural oscillators of the Wilson-Cowan type. Each of the oscillators describes the dynamics of average activities of excitatory and inhibitory populations of neurons. The network serves as a model for several possible network architectures. We study how the type and the strength of the connections between the oscillators affect the dynamics of the neural network. We investigate, separately from each other, four possible connection types (excitatory→excitatory, excitatory→inhibitory, inhibitory→excitatory, and inhibitory→inhibitory) and compute the corresponding bifurcation diagrams. In case of weak connections (small strength), the connection of populations of different types lead to periodicin-phase oscillations, while the connection of populations of the same type lead to periodicanti-phase oscillations. For intermediate connection strengths, the networks can enter quasiperiodic or chaotic regimes, and can also exhibit multistability. More generally, our analysis highlights the great diversity of the response of neural networks to a change of the connection strength, for different connection architectures. In the discussion, we address in particular the problem of information coding in the brain using quasiperiodic and chaotic oscillations. In modeling low levels of information processing, we propose that feature binding should be sought as a temporally coherent phase-locking of neural activity. This phase-locking is provided by one or more interacting convergent zones and does not require a central “top level” subcortical circuit (e.g. the septo-hippocampal system). We build a two layer model to show that although the application of a complex stimulus usually leads to different convergent zones with high frequency oscillations, it is nevertheless possible to synchronize these oscillations at a lower frequency level using envelope oscillations. This is interpreted as a feature binding of a complex stimulus.  相似文献   

Recent experimental results imply that inhibitory postsynaptic potentials can play a functional role in realizing synchronization of neuronal firing in the brain. In order to examine the relation between inhibition and synchronous firing of neurons theoretically, we analyze possible effects of synchronization and sensitivity enhancement caused by inhibitory inputs to neurons with a biologically realistic model of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. The result shows that, after an inhibitory spike, the firing probability of a single postsynaptic neuron exposed to random excitatory background activity oscillates with time. The oscillation of the firing probability can be related to synchronous firing of neurons receiving an inhibitory spike simultaneously. Further, we show that when an inhibitory spike input precedes an excitatory spike input, the presence of such preceding inhibition raises the firing probability peak of the neuron after the excitatory input. The result indicates that an inhibitory spike input can enhance the sensitivity of the postsynaptic neuron to the following excitatory spike input. Two neural network models based on these effects on postsynaptic neurons caused by inhibitory inputs are proposed to demonstrate possible mechanisms of detecting particular spatiotemporal spike patterns. Received: 15 April 1999 /Accepted in revised form: 25 November 1999  相似文献   

What cellular and network properties allow reliable neuronal rhythm generation or firing that can be started and stopped by brief synaptic inputs? We investigate rhythmic activity in an electrically-coupled population of brainstem neurons driving swimming locomotion in young frog tadpoles, and how activity is switched on and off by brief sensory stimulation. We build a computational model of 30 electrically-coupled conditional pacemaker neurons on one side of the tadpole hindbrain and spinal cord. Based on experimental estimates for neuron properties, population sizes, synapse strengths and connections, we show that: long-lasting, mutual, glutamatergic excitation between the neurons allows the network to sustain rhythmic pacemaker firing at swimming frequencies following brief synaptic excitation; activity persists but rhythm breaks down without electrical coupling; NMDA voltage-dependency doubles the range of synaptic feedback strengths generating sustained rhythm. The network can be switched on and off at short latency by brief synaptic excitation and inhibition. We demonstrate that a population of generic Hodgkin-Huxley type neurons coupled by glutamatergic excitatory feedback can generate sustained asynchronous firing switched on and off synaptically. We conclude that networks of neurons with NMDAR mediated feedback excitation can generate self-sustained activity following brief synaptic excitation. The frequency of activity is limited by the kinetics of the neuron membrane channels and can be stopped by brief inhibitory input. Network activity can be rhythmic at lower frequencies if the neurons are electrically coupled. Our key finding is that excitatory synaptic feedback within a population of neurons can produce switchable, stable, sustained firing without synaptic inhibition.  相似文献   

Oscillators in networks may display a variety of activity patterns. This paper presents a geometric singular perturbation analysis of clustering, or alternate firing of synchronized subgroups, among synaptically coupled oscillators. We consider oscillators in two types of networks: mutually coupled, with all-to-all inhibitory connections, and globally inhibitory, with one excitatory and one inhibitory population of oscillators, each of arbitrary size. Our analysis yields existence and stability conditions for clustered states, along with formulas for the periods of such firing patterns. By using two different approaches, we derive complementary conditions, the first set stated in terms of time lengths determined by intrinsic and synaptic properties of the oscillators and their coupling and the second set stated in terms of model parameters and phase space structures directly linked to parameters. These results suggest how biological components may interact to produce the spindle sleep rhythm in thalamocortical networks. Received: 9 September 1999 / Revised version: 7 July 2000 / Published online: 24 November 2000  相似文献   

Rhythmic activity of the brain often depends on synchronized spiking of interneuronal networks interacting with principal neurons. The quest for physiological mechanisms regulating network synchronization has therefore been firmly focused on synaptic circuits. However, it has recently emerged that synaptic efficacy could be influenced by astrocytes that release signalling molecules into their macroscopic vicinity. To understand how this volume-limited synaptic regulation can affect oscillations in neural populations, here we explore an established artificial neural network mimicking hippocampal basket cells receiving inputs from pyramidal cells. We find that network oscillation frequencies and average cell firing rates are resilient to changes in excitatory input even when such changes occur in a significant proportion of participating interneurons, be they randomly distributed or clustered in space. The astroglia-like, volume-limited regulation of excitatory synaptic input appears to better preserve network synchronization (compared with a similar action evenly spread across the network) while leading to a structural segmentation of the network into cell subgroups with distinct firing patterns. These observations provide us with some previously unknown insights into the basic principles of neural network control by astroglia.  相似文献   

In this paper, we systematically investigate both the synfire propagation and firing rate propagation in feedforward neuronal network coupled in an all-to-all fashion. In contrast to most earlier work, where only reliable synaptic connections are considered, we mainly examine the effects of unreliable synapses on both types of neural activity propagation in this work. We first study networks composed of purely excitatory neurons. Our results show that both the successful transmission probability and excitatory synaptic strength largely influence the propagation of these two types of neural activities, and better tuning of these synaptic parameters makes the considered network support stable signal propagation. It is also found that noise has significant but different impacts on these two types of propagation. The additive Gaussian white noise has the tendency to reduce the precision of the synfire activity, whereas noise with appropriate intensity can enhance the performance of firing rate propagation. Further simulations indicate that the propagation dynamics of the considered neuronal network is not simply determined by the average amount of received neurotransmitter for each neuron in a time instant, but also largely influenced by the stochastic effect of neurotransmitter release. Second, we compare our results with those obtained in corresponding feedforward neuronal networks connected with reliable synapses but in a random coupling fashion. We confirm that some differences can be observed in these two different feedforward neuronal network models. Finally, we study the signal propagation in feedforward neuronal networks consisting of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons, and demonstrate that inhibition also plays an important role in signal propagation in the considered networks.  相似文献   

The response of a neuron in the visual cortex to stimuli of different contrast placed in its receptive field is commonly characterized using the contrast response curve. When attention is directed into the receptive field of a V4 neuron, its contrast response curve is shifted to lower contrast values (Reynolds et al., 2000). The neuron will thus be able to respond to weaker stimuli than it responded to without attention. Attention also increases the coherence between neurons responding to the same stimulus (Fries et al., 2001). We studied how the firing rate and synchrony of a densely interconnected cortical network varied with contrast and how they were modulated by attention. The changes in contrast and attention were modeled as changes in driving current to the network neurons. We found that an increased driving current to the excitatory neurons increased the overall firing rate of the network, whereas variation of the driving current to inhibitory neurons modulated the synchrony of the network. We explain the synchrony modulation in terms of a locking phenomenon during which the ratio of excitatory to inhibitory firing rates is approximately constant for a range of driving current values. We explored the hypothesis that contrast is represented primarily as a drive to the excitatory neurons, whereas attention corresponds to a reduction in driving current to the inhibitory neurons. Using this hypothesis, the model reproduces the following experimental observations: (1) the firing rate of the excitatory neurons increases with contrast; (2) for high contrast stimuli, the firing rate saturates and the network synchronizes; (3) attention shifts the contrast response curve to lower contrast values; (4) attention leads to stronger synchronization that starts at a lower value of the contrast compared with the attend-away condition. In addition, it predicts that attention increases the delay between the inhibitory and excitatory synchronous volleys produced by the network, allowing the stimulus to recruit more downstream neurons. Action Editor: David Golomb  相似文献   

Excitatory and inhibitory synaptic coupling can have counter-intuitive effects on the synchronization of neuronal firing. While it might appear that excitatory coupling would lead to synchronization, we show that frequently inhibition rather than excitation synchronizes firing. We study two identical neurons described by integrate-and-fire models, general phase-coupled models or the Hodgkin-Huxley model with mutual, non-instantaneous excitatory or inhibitory synapses between them. We find that if the rise time of the synapse is longer than the duration of an action potential, inhibition not excitation leads to synchronized firing.  相似文献   

Using a population density approach we study the dynamics of two interacting collections of integrate-and-fire-or-burst (IFB) neurons representing thalamocortical (TC) cells from the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) and thalamic reticular (RE) cells from the perigeniculate nucleus (PGN). Each population of neurons is described by a multivariate probability density function that satisfies a conservation equation with appropriately defined probability fluxes and boundary conditions. The state variables of each neuron are the membrane potential and the inactivation gating variable of the low-threshold Ca2+ current IT. The synaptic coupling of the populations and external excitatory drive are modeled by instantaneous jumps in the membrane potential of postsynaptic neurons. The population density model is validated by comparing its response to time-varying retinal input to Monte Carlo simulations of the corresponding IFB network composed of 100 to 1000 cells per population. In the absence of retinal input, the population density model exhibits rhythmic bursting similar to the 7 to 14 Hz oscillations associated with slow wave sleep that require feedback inhibition from RE to TC cells. When the TC and RE cell potassium leakage conductances are adjusted to represent cholingergic neuromodulation and arousal of the network, rhythmic bursting of the probability density model may either persists or be eliminated depending on the number of excitatory (TC to RE) or inhibitory (RE to TC) connections made by each presynaptic cell. When the probability density model is stimulated with constant retinal input (10–100 spikes/sec), a wide range of responses are observed depending on cellular parameters and network connectivity. These include asynchronous burst and tonic spikes, sleep spindle-like rhythmic bursting, and oscillations in population firing rate that are distinguishable from sleep spindles due to their amplitude, frequency, or the presence of tonic spikes. In this context of dLGN/PGN network modeling, we find the population density approach using 2,500 mesh points and resolving membrane voltage to 0.7 mV is over 30 times more efficient than 1000-cell Monte Carlo simulations. Action Editor: David Golomb  相似文献   

The brain is a network system in which excitatory and inhibitory neurons keep activity balanced in the highly non-random connectivity pattern of the microconnectome. It is well known that the relative percentage of inhibitory neurons is much smaller than excitatory neurons in the cortex. So, in general, how inhibitory neurons can keep the balance with the surrounding excitatory neurons is an important question. There is much accumulated knowledge about this fundamental question. This study quantitatively evaluated the relatively higher functional contribution of inhibitory neurons in terms of not only properties of individual neurons, such as firing rate, but also in terms of topological mechanisms and controlling ability on other excitatory neurons. We combined simultaneous electrical recording (~2.5 hours) of ~1000 neurons in vitro, and quantitative evaluation of neuronal interactions including excitatory-inhibitory categorization. This study accurately defined recording brain anatomical targets, such as brain regions and cortical layers, by inter-referring MRI and immunostaining recordings. The interaction networks enabled us to quantify topological influence of individual neurons, in terms of controlling ability to other neurons. Especially, the result indicated that highly influential inhibitory neurons show higher controlling ability of other neurons than excitatory neurons, and are relatively often distributed in deeper layers of the cortex. Furthermore, the neurons having high controlling ability are more effectively limited in number than central nodes of k-cores, and these neurons also participate in more clustered motifs. In summary, this study suggested that the high controlling ability of inhibitory neurons is a key mechanism to keep balance with a large number of other excitatory neurons beyond simple higher firing rate. Application of the selection method of limited important neurons would be also applicable for the ability to effectively and selectively stimulate E/I imbalanced disease states.  相似文献   

A system of mutually coupled Van der Pol equations is derived from an extended version of the Wilson and Cowan model for the dynamics of a number of excitatory and inhibitory neural subsets. In the lowest order of approximation, interactions between excitatory and inhibitory subsets appear as linear elastic coupling, while those within and between excitatory and excitatory subsets appear as nonlinear frictional coupling. The case of two coupled oscillators is investigated by the method of averaging and the stability conditions for two mode oscillations are obtained. Internal resonance is also discussed briefly in the case of identical oscillators.  相似文献   

In 22 acute experiments with anesthetized and immobilized adult cats, 364 maps of receptive fields (RF) of 47 striate neurons were obtained by means of single local stimuli flashed at different parts of the visual field, or with additional asynchronous activation of the RF excitatory center with oscillating bar of the optimal orientation. Under bipartite stimulation, considerable and significant decrease in the square and weight of the central excitatory RF zone was revealed in more then 75% of the studied cells. Additional excitatory zones appeared in 54% of cases, or the square and weight of the excitatory zones substantially increased, and inhibitory zones developed in 90% of cases. These effects were correlated with the degree of increase in the background firing during transition from the mode of mapping with single stimulation to that with bipartite stimulation. The mechanism and possible functional role of cooperative excitatory and inhibitory intracortical interactions in organization of receptive fields and detection of features of a visual image are discussed.  相似文献   

Stereotyped sequences of neural activity are thought to underlie reproducible behaviors and cognitive processes ranging from memory recall to arm movement. One of the most prominent theoretical models of neural sequence generation is the synfire chain, in which pulses of synchronized spiking activity propagate robustly along a chain of cells connected by highly redundant feedforward excitation. But recent experimental observations in the avian song production pathway during song generation have shown excitatory activity interacting strongly with the firing patterns of inhibitory neurons, suggesting a process of sequence generation more complex than feedforward excitation. Here we propose a model of sequence generation inspired by these observations in which a pulse travels along a spatially recurrent excitatory chain, passing repeatedly through zones of local feedback inhibition. In this model, synchrony and robust timing are maintained not through redundant excitatory connections, but rather through the interaction between the pulse and the spatiotemporal pattern of inhibition that it creates as it circulates the network. These results suggest that spatially and temporally structured inhibition may play a key role in sequence generation.  相似文献   

During rest, the mammalian cortex displays spontaneous neural activity. Spiking of single neurons during rest has been described as irregular and asynchronous. In contrast, recent in vivo and in vitro population measures of spontaneous activity, using the LFP, EEG, MEG or fMRI suggest that the default state of the cortex is critical, manifested by spontaneous, scale-invariant, cascades of activity known as neuronal avalanches. Criticality keeps a network poised for optimal information processing, but this view seems to be difficult to reconcile with apparently irregular single neuron spiking. Here, we simulate a 10,000 neuron, deterministic, plastic network of spiking neurons. We show that a combination of short- and long-term synaptic plasticity enables these networks to exhibit criticality in the face of intrinsic, i.e. self-sustained, asynchronous spiking. Brief external perturbations lead to adaptive, long-term modification of intrinsic network connectivity through long-term excitatory plasticity, whereas long-term inhibitory plasticity enables rapid self-tuning of the network back to a critical state. The critical state is characterized by a branching parameter oscillating around unity, a critical exponent close to -3/2 and a long tail distribution of a self-similarity parameter between 0.5 and 1.  相似文献   

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