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Maintaining a territory and being able to hunt are imperative for the success of African lion Panthera leo prides. We aimed to determine whether captive‐origin prides display similar territorial and hunting behaviour to wild lions. Behaviours and locations of two captive‐origin prides and one wild pride were collected through direct observation. All prides established territories, and core areas corresponded to resource requirements. There was no evidence that pride origin affected territorial or hunting behaviour. Captive‐origin prides exhibited behaviours that lead us to be optimistic about each pride's ability to establish and defend a territory successfully, and to hunt, following reintroduction.  相似文献   

Within‐population studies are needed to investigate the extent of, and the factors underlying, intraspecific variation in home range size. We used data from 12 female and 8 male adult lions instrumented with GPS radio‐collars to describe the ranging behaviour of lions in a population from a dystrophic semi‐arid savanna, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. We measured prey availability at the home range scale in 2003, 2004, and 2005. For females, home range size increased as pride biomass increased, which is strongly suggestive of expansionism. Once controlled for pride biomass, home range size decreased as prey biomass increased. Pride ranges responded to changes in food abundance on an annual timescale rather than on a seasonal timescale. Female home range size was influenced by the abundance of kudu in the early dry season, whereas it was influenced by buffalo and young elephant abundance in the late dry season. This study shows that female home range size is mainly driven by the size of the pride, but also by prey abundance. Furthermore, female seasonal home range size may be determined, not only by prey abundance, but also by prey dispersion in the landscape. Home range size of males was driven by both prey biomass and the density of female prides.  相似文献   

We used naturally occurring spatial and temporal changes in prey abundance to investigate whether the foraging behavior of a social, territorial carnivore, the spotted hyena ( Crocuta crocuta ), conformed to predictions derived from the ideal free distribution. We demonstrate that hyenas in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, redistributed themselves from less profitable to more profitable areas, even when this required them to undertake foraging trips to areas beyond their clan territory boundary, or required normally philopatric females to emigrate. As expected for a system with rank related access to food resources in the territory, females of low social status foraged more often outside their territory and were more likely to emigrate than dominant females. Probably because Crater hyenas regularly foraged outside their territories, there was no correlation between clan size and prey density within territories, suggesting that clan sizes may have exceeded the carrying capacity of territories. A substantial decline of the hyena population in the Crater from 385 adults in the mid 1960s to 117 in 1996 was most likely due to a substantial decline of their main prey. The decline in the hyena population was associated with a decline in the size of clans but not in the number of clans. The number of clans probably remained constant due to emigration by females from large clans into vacant areas or clans with no adult females, and because hyenas regularly fed in areas containing concentrations of prey beyond their territory boundary. Between 1996 and 2003 annual recruitment rates of Crater hyenas consistently exceeded annual mortality rates, resulting in an almost doubling of the adult population. This increase was most likely due to an increase in prey abundance, a relatively low level of predation on hyenas by lions ( Panthera leo ), and an absence of high levels of disease related mortality.  相似文献   

Data on lion home range size, pride size, density, group size, cub survival, litter size and adult sex ratio were extracted from studies carried out in 10 habitats. The data were compared with five measures of food supply: mean prey biomass, prey biomass during the season of greatest abundance, prey biomass during the season of least abundance, biomass of middle-sized prey species (i.e. those with mean adult live-weights between 50 and 250 kg), and the mean size of carcasses fed on by lions. The results indicated that range size is inversely correlated with the abundance of prey during the period of least abundance, but not with overall prey abundance. Range size showed no consistent variation with pride size or with minimum metabolic requirements. Pride size (measured in terms of average number of animals per pride and average number of adult females) and cub survival strongly correlated with lean season food abundance. No relationship was found between group size or litter size and any of the measures of food supply Adult sex ratio did not vary consistently with food supply or lion density, although the data did suggest that prides inhabiting small, circumscribed reserves may experience less inter-male competition and this, in turn, may affect the adult sex ratio.  相似文献   

Evaluation of activity budgets provides an indication of whether captive history has influenced the daily behaviour of animals within an ex situ reintroduction program. We conducted the first study to compare activity budgets of prides of captive-origin African lions (Panthera leo) to a wild pride investigated under the same methodologies. Behavioural data were collected via direct observations of individual lions. The vegetation type in which each pride was located was recorded at the beginning and end of each observation session. Behaviours were analysed via linear mixed models, using restricted maximum-likelihood analysis. Age, sex, origin, time observed and vegetation type were fitted as fixed factors to assess the main effects of significant interactions, while average temperature was fitted as a covariate. Resting and alert behaviours were found to vary at sex and age levels, with expected peaks and lows coinciding with observation session times. Captive-origin prides showed a decrease in resting and increase in alert and movement behaviours post-1700 hours, while this behavioural change was not observed for the wild prides. Males of the wild prides were observed to rest more than captive-origin counterparts, while this variation was not observed for females across origins. Vegetation was found to influence behaviour, with cubs being more alert and active in riverbed vegetation, and adults and sub-adults in shrubland. Overall, all prides were observed to exhibit behaviours at natural levels. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the daily activity of lions critical to the pre-release evaluation of prides within an ex situ reintroduction program.  相似文献   

The recent incorporation of molecular methods into analyses of social and mating systems has provided evidence that mating patterns often differ from those predicted by group social organization. Based on field studies and paternity analyses at a limited number of sites, African lions are predicted to exhibit a strict within‐pride mating system. Extra‐group paternity has not been previously reported in African lions; however, observations of extra‐group associations among lions inhabiting Etosha National Park in Namibia suggest deviation from the predicted within‐pride mating pattern. We analysed variation in 14 microsatellite loci in a population of 164 African lions in Etosha National Park. Genetic analysis was coupled with demographic and observational data to examine pride structure, relatedness and extra‐group paternity (EGP). EGP was found to occur in 57% of prides where paternity was analysed (= 7), and the overall rate of EGP in this population was 41% (= 34). Group sex ratio had a significant effect on the occurrence of EGP (< 0.05), indicating that variation in pride‐level social structure may explain intergroup variation in EGP. Prides with a lower male‐to‐female ratio were significantly more likely to experience EGP in this population. The results of this study challenge the current models of African lion mating systems and provide evidence that social structure may not reflect breeding structure in some social mammals.  相似文献   

Pituitary-gonadal function was examined in male lions free-ranging in the Serengeti Plains or geographically isolated in the Ngorongoro Crater of Tanzania. Lions were classified by age as adult (6.1-9.8 years), young adult (3.3-4.5 years) or prepubertal (1.4-1.6 years, Serengeti Plains only). Each animal was anaesthetized and then bled at 5-min intervals for 100 min before and 140 min after i.v. administration of saline or GnRH (1 micrograms/kg body weight). Basal serum LH and FSH concentrations were similar (P greater than 0.05) among age classes and between locations. In Serengeti Plains lions, net LH peak concentrations after GnRH were approximately 35% greater (P less than 0.05) in prepubertal than in either adult or young adult animals. GnRH-stimulated LH release was similar (P greater than 0.05) between adult and young adult lions, and these responses were similar (P greater than 0.05) to those measured in Ngorongoro Crater lions. Basal and GnRH-stimulated testosterone secretion was higher (P less than 0.05) in adult than in young adult lions and lowest (P less than 0.05) in prepubertal lions. Age-class differences in testosterone production were related directly to the concentrations of LH receptors in the testis (P less than 0.05). Basal and GnRH-stimulated testosterone secretion and gonadotrophin receptor concentrations within age classes were similar (P greater than 0.05) between lions of the Serengeti Plains and Ngorongoro Crater. Lower motility and higher percentages of structurally abnormal spermatozoa were observed in electroejaculates of young adult compared to adult Serengeti Plains males (P less than 0.05) and were associated with decreased steroidogenic activity. In contrast, there were no age-related differences in ejaculate characteristics of Ngorongoro Crater lions. Seminal quality in the Crater population was poor in adult and young adult animals and was unrelated to alterations in pituitary or testicular function. In summary, only seminal quality in adult male lions was affected by location, whereas age significantly affected both basal and GnRH-stimulated testosterone secretion and seminal quality (Serengeti Plains only) in sexually mature males. The striking seminal/endocrine differences among pride (breeding) males of different ages raises questions about the impact of age on individual reproductive performance in this species.  相似文献   

A fundamental problem in conservation biology is the risk of inbreeding in fragmented and declining populations. In the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park (HiP), a small, enclosed reserve in South Africa, a large lion Panthera leo population arose from a founder group of five individuals in the 1960s. The HiP lion population went through a persistent decline and showed indications of inbreeding depression. To restore the genetic variation of the inbred HiP lion population, new lions were translocated into the existing population. Translocated females formed stable associations and established enduring pride areas with other translocated lionesses, but did not bond into native female prides. The translocated male coalition was more successful in gaining and maintaining residence in a pride than the translocated lone male that split off on his own from the male coalition. Litter size and cub survival was about twice as high for pairings involving at least one translocated parent than for pairings of two native lions. It is therefore possible to infuse new genes rapidly and successfully into a small, isolated lion population. Such translocations may become an important adaptive management tool as lion populations become increasingly fragmented.  相似文献   

Social factors influencing reproduction in wild lions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The paper summarizes seven years of records of the reproductive history of two wild prides of lions ( Panthera leo L.) in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. These records are analyzed to demonstrate ways in which lion reproduction is influenced by their social group and by changes in that group.
Females gave birth at any time of year; they did so sooner if their previous litter died. Females synchronized births with other pride members. Takeover of the pride by new males resulted in a drop in the birth rate. Most cubs died, before two years old. Birth synchrony resulted in better cub survival. The arrival of new males resulted in an increase in cub mortality. Females came into oestrus synchronously with other pride members. Males had a much longer effective reproductive life if they had male companions.
The proximate causes of these features of lion reproduction are considered, and the evolution of aspects of the organization of reproduction in lions is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated three possible causes of territory desertion among Bonelli's eagles Hieraaetus fasciatus in Murcia (southeastern Spain): low demographic parameters, low habitat quality and competition with Golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos. From 1983 to 1997, we surveyed a Bonelli's eagle population. Abandoned and occupied territories were compared to find differences in demographic parameters (flight rate, productivity and mortality) or habitat characteristics. Mortality was significantly higher in abandoned territories. Abandoned territories also had larger areas of forest and extensive agriculture, while occupied territories had more shrublands. Competition with Golden eagles was not a determinant of territorial abandonement but interacted with human persecution of the species. Management implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Spotted hyenas are successful hunters, but they also scavenge. Their main food competitors are lions. In the Etosha National Park, Namibia hyenas are unable to prevent kleptoparasitism by lions and fail to acquire kills from lions. The reasons are the small ratio of hyenas to female and subadult lions at kills and the presence of adult male lions. Because of the hyenas’ small clan sizes and large territories they seem to be unable to recruit sufficient clan members to take over lion kills or deter lions from their own kills. In Etosha, 71% of hyena mortality was due to lions; four cubs and one adult female hyena were killed by male lions during a 1‐year study. Hyenas have evolved adaptations against lions and initiate aggressive interactions with lions without the immediate availability of food, which is termed mobbing behaviour. Etosha hyenas initiated mobbing attempts when lions were near the hyena's communal den. Possibly, Etosha hyenas mobbed lions to distract lions from the hyenas’ den and their cubs and to warn their dependent offspring to hide from lions.  相似文献   

Cooperation during territorial defense allows social groups of African lions to defend access to resources necessary for individual reproductive success. Some forms of cooperation will be dependent upon cognition: reciprocity places greater cognitive demands on participants than does kinship or mutualism. Lions have well-developed cognitive abilities that enable individuals to recognize and interact with others in ways that seem to enhance their inclusive fitness. Male lions appear to cooperate unconditionally, consistently responding to roaring intruders regardless of their male companions’ kinship or behavior. Female lions, however, do keep track of the past behavior of their female companions, apparently using the reliability of a companion as one means of assessing the risks posed by approaching intruders. Some “laggard” females may exploit the cooperative tendencies of “leaders” during territorial encounters. Although leader females clearly recognize laggards as such, the costs of tolerating laggards may be less than the benefits leaders gain through territorial defense behavior. Thus, although lions clearly have the cognitive ability to base cooperation on reciprocity, territorial defense cooperation appears instead to be based primarily on mutual benefits to participants for both male and female lions.  相似文献   

Abstract We use 14 microsatellites to examine the genetic structure of a lion (Panthera leo L.) population in southern Tanzania. Heterozygosity levels were high (0.75 ± 0.08). Relatedness estimates showed that prides often had close relatives in neighbouring prides, whereas few relatives were found in prides not sharing a border. The drop‐off in relatedness with distance was highly significant. Female pridemates exhibited a higher mean relatedness (0.26 ± 0.07) to one another than did pride males (0.11 ± 0.07). Mean relatedness among females was significantly higher in small prides than in large ones. Prides exhibited significant inbreeding avoidance (FIL: ?0.11). Mating did not detectably differ from random across prides (FIT: ?0.02 ns). In addition to being recognizable behavioural and demographic units, prides were statistically distinct genetic units (FLT: 0.07). Some neighbouring prides grouped together both geographically and genetically, forming ‘superprides’ in the population (FZT = 0.05). Thus, although individual prides were genetically distinct, there was an important genetic structure above the level of social groups.  相似文献   

If individuals of the same population inhabit territories different in landscape structure and composition, experiencing habitat-specific demographic rates, then the landscape features become major determinants of the overall population characteristics. Few studies have tested how habitat-specific demography interacts with landscape heterogeneity to affect populations of territorial species. Here we report a 29-year study of an eagle owl (Bubo bubo) population in southern France. The aim of this study was to analyse how habitat heterogeneity could affect density and breeding performance. Mean productivity for the overall sample was 1.69±0.76 fledglings per breeding pair and, after controlling for year effect, significant differences between territories were detected for productivity. A positive correlation was found between the percentage of pairs producing 50% of the annual fledged young (an index of the distribution of fecundity among nesting territories) and the mean reproductive outputs, that is the heterogeneous structure of the population determined that most/all pairs contributed to the annual production of young during good years, but the opposite during poor years (i.e. fewer pairs produced the majority of fledglings). Mean reproductive output was positively affected by percentage of open country and diet richness. Although other factors different to territory quality could affect demography parameters (e.g. quality of breeders), our results clearly showed a significant correlation between landscape features and population productivity.  相似文献   

Recently, familial abuse and killing of children have been correlated with infanticidal behavior by nonhuman male animals which is postulated to be genetic. However, infanticide by males as an evolutionary mechanism is unlikely to occur in primates, and is equally unlikely in lions. To investigate the sexual selection hypothesis of infanticide for lions, four questions should be considered: (1) because they all mate freely with lionesses, are male pride lions closely related? (often they are not), (2) do males kill the young cubs when they join a pride? (few such cases have been observed), (3) do the females then mate with the new males to produce offspring? (yes), and (4) do the males remain with the pride for over two years to protect this new generation? (often not). Field data indicate that in NO instance do we know that male lions killed cubs in a new pride, mated with their mother, and then remained with the pride to protect their own young. Rather, female lions may kill more cubs than males and certainly cause many more cub deaths by allowing them to starve, [ infanticide by male lions, infanticide hypothesis, faulty science]  相似文献   

The occurrence of polygyny requires specific environmental conditions such as female aggregation or patchy resource distribution. However, it is difficult to determine the factors responsible for polygyny in species in which the territories of both sexes overlap. To overcome this, we performed female removal experiments in the polygynous triggerfish Sufflamen chrysopterum (Balistidae) in the Okinawa coral reef. Both sexes defended their territories exclusively against consexuals of the same species, and female aggregation was absent. Each male territory included 1–3 female territories, and nonterritorial males were significantly smaller than territorial males. Further, the body size of territorial males was positively correlated with that of the largest female in their territories, and larger males tended to mate with more females. The results of the female removal experiments (n = 10 females) indicated that females competed for better territories rather than larger mates. In contrast, males abandoned the territories once the females emigrated. These results strongly suggest that males defend females rather than sites and compete for larger and a greater numbers of females. Thus, in S. chrysopterum, female defense polygyny occurs in the absence of female aggregation.  相似文献   

Interventionist conservation management of territorial large carnivores has increased in recent years, especially in South Africa. Understanding of spatial ecology is an important component of predator conservation and management. Spatial patterns are influenced by many, often interacting, factors making elucidation of key drivers difficult. We had the opportunity to study a simplified system, a single pride of lions (Panthera leo) after reintroduction onto the 85 km2 Karongwe Game Reserve, from 1999–2005, using radio-telemetry. In 2002 one male was removed from the paired coalition which had been present for the first three years. A second pride and male were in a fenced reserve adjacent of them to the east. This made it possible to separate social and resource factors in both a coalition and single male scenario, and the driving factors these seem to have on spatial ecology. Male ranging behaviour was not affected by coalition size, being driven more by resource rather than social factors. The females responded to the lions on the adjacent reserve by avoiding the area closest to them, therefore females may be more driven by social factors. Home range size and the resource response to water are important factors to consider when reintroducing lions to a small reserve, and it is hoped that these findings lead to other similar studies which will contribute to sound decisions regarding the management of lions on small reserves.  相似文献   

Extreme climatic conditions may alter historic host-pathogen relationships and synchronize the temporal and spatial convergence of multiple infectious agents, triggering epidemics with far greater mortality than those due to single pathogens. Here we present the first data to clearly illustrate how climate extremes can promote a complex interplay between epidemic and endemic pathogens that are normally tolerated in isolation, but with co-infection, result in catastrophic mortality. A 1994 canine distemper virus (CDV) epidemic in Serengeti lions (Panthera leo) coincided with the death of a third of the population, and a second high-mortality CDV epidemic struck the nearby Ngorongoro Crater lion population in 2001. The extent of adult mortalities was unusual for CDV and prompted an investigation into contributing factors. Serological analyses indicated that at least five "silent" CDV epidemics swept through the same two lion populations between 1976 and 2006 without clinical signs or measurable mortality, indicating that CDV was not necessarily fatal. Clinical and pathology findings suggested that hemoparsitism was a major contributing factor during fatal epidemics. Using quantitative real-time PCR, we measured the magnitude of hemoparasite infections in these populations over 22 years and demonstrated significantly higher levels of Babesia during the 1994 and 2001 epidemics. Babesia levels correlated with mortalities and extent of CDV exposure within prides. The common event preceding the two high mortality CDV outbreaks was extreme drought conditions with wide-spread herbivore die-offs, most notably of Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer). As a consequence of high tick numbers after the resumption of rains and heavy tick infestations of starving buffalo, the lions were infected by unusually high numbers of Babesia, infections that were magnified by the immunosuppressive effects of coincident CDV, leading to unprecedented mortality. Such mass mortality events may become increasingly common if climate extremes disrupt historic stable relationships between co-existing pathogens and their susceptible hosts.  相似文献   

Female lions roar in order to stay in contact with their pridematesand to defend their territory against other prides. In doingso, however, they risk attracting die attention of potentiallyinfanticidal nonresident males. We used playback experimentsto demonstrate that nonresident males are indeed specificallyattracted to female roars, approaching the roars of female,but not male, conspecifics. However, diere was also evidencediat males adjust their behavior according to the probabilitythat they might execute a successful takeover. Alien male lionswere more reluctant to approach playbacks of three females roaringdian of a single female roaring; single males were more reluctantdian pairs to approach female roars; and old males were morereluctant than younger males to approach female roars. Previousobservational studies have shown diat female lions living ingroups are more successful than singletons at defending theircubs in direct interactions widi potentially infanticidal males.Our results suggest that maternal groups may also, by roaringin chorus, minimize the chances that diese encounters occurat all.  相似文献   

We investigated the territoriality and the spatial and mating relationships of the haremic hawkfish, Cirrhitichthys falco, on a reef off Kuchierabu-jima Island in southern Japan. Each individual maintained a territorial home range which was defended against same-sex conspecifics at the boundary of the home range. The territory of each male encompassed the territories of 2–3 females, allowing the male to completely monopolize mating opportunities with those females. Based on our observations, we classified the harem type of C. falco as a territorial female type. Large juveniles maintained independent home ranges outside the female territories. In contrast, small juveniles were allowed to cohabit within the territory of an adult female. Stomach contents analysis revealed that the smallest size class of C. falco fed primarily on copepods. In contrast, all other size classes fed primarily on decapods. Together, these results suggest that female territoriality plays an important role in defending food resources.  相似文献   

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