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A theoretical study of binding behaviour of acriflavin, a well-known mutagen, with DNA base pairs such as AT, GC, TA and CG has been performed using CNDO/2 method to compute net atomic charges and dipoles located at various centres in acriflavine as well as base pairs. Acriflavine-DNA base pair interactions have been evaluated using second order perturbation method with multicentered multipole approximation. Only minimum energy configurations have been reported. Results have been discussed with a view to obtain a comparative behaviour of other similar dyes like proflavine and acridine orange.  相似文献   

Metals play a variety of roles in biological processes, and hence their presence in a protein structure can yield vital functional information. Because the residues that coordinate a metal often undergo conformational changes upon binding, detection of binding sites based on simple geometric criteria in proteins without bound metal is difficult. However, aspects of the physicochemical environment around a metal binding site are often conserved even when this structural rearrangement occurs. We have developed a Bayesian classifier using known zinc binding sites as positive training examples and nonmetal binding regions that nonetheless contain residues frequently observed in zinc sites as negative training examples. In order to allow variation in the exact positions of atoms, we average a variety of biochemical and biophysical properties in six concentric spherical shells around the site of interest. At a specificity of 99.8%, this method achieves 75.5% sensitivity in unbound proteins at a positive predictive value of 73.6%. We also test its accuracy on predicted protein structures obtained by homology modeling using templates with 30%-50% sequence identity to the target sequences. At a specificity of 99.8%, we correctly identify at least one zinc binding site in 65.5% of modeled proteins. Thus, in many cases, our model is accurate enough to identify metal binding sites in proteins of unknown structure for which no high sequence identity homologs of known structure exist. Both the source code and a Web interface are available to the public at http://feature.stanford.edu/metals.  相似文献   

Multiple modes of RNA recognition by zinc finger proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Gorelik B  Goldblum A 《Proteins》2008,71(3):1373-1386
Multiple near-optimal conformations of protein-ligand complexes provide a better chance for accurate representation of biomolecular interactions, compared with a single structure. We present ISE-dock--a docking program which is based on the iterative stochastic elimination (ISE) algorithm. ISE eliminates values that consistently lead to the worst results, thus optimizing the search for docking poses. It constructs large sets of such poses with no additional computational cost compared with single poses. ISE-dock is validated using 81 protein-ligand complexes from the PDB and its performance was compared with those of Glide, GOLD, and AutoDock. ISE-dock has a better chance than the other three to find more than 60% top single poses under RMSD = 2.0 A and more than 80% under RMSD = 3.0 A from experimental. ISE alone produced at least one 3.0 A or better solutions among the top 20 poses in the entire test set. In 98% of the examined molecules, ISE produced solutions that are closer than 2.0 A from experimental. Paired t-tests (PTT) were used throughout to assess the significance of comparisons between the performances of the different programs. ISE-dock provides more than 100-fold docking solutions in a similar time frame as LGA in AutoDock. We demonstrate the usefulness of the large near optimal populations of ligand poses by showing a correlation between the docking results and experiments that support multiple binding modes in p38 MAP kinase (Pargellis et al., Nat Struct Biol 2002;9:268-272] and in Human Transthyretin (Hamilton, Benson, Cell Mol Life Sci 2001;58:1491-1521).  相似文献   

The distribution of intracellular zinc, predominantly regulated through zinc transporters and zinc binding proteins, is required to support an efficient immune response. Epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation are involved in the expression of these genes. In demethylation experiments using 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine (AZA) increased intracellular (after 24 and 48 h) and total cellular zinc levels (after 48 h) were observed in the myeloid cell line HL-60. To uncover the mechanisms that cause the disturbed zinc homeostasis after DNA demethylation, the expression of human zinc transporters and zinc binding proteins were investigated. Real time PCR analyses of 14 ZIP (solute-linked carrier (SLC) SLC39A; Zrt/IRT-like protein), and 9 ZnT (SLC30A) zinc transporters revealed significantly enhanced mRNA expression of the zinc importer ZIP1 after AZA treatment. Because ZIP1 protein was also enhanced after AZA treatment, ZIP1 up-regulation might be the mediator of enhanced intracellular zinc levels. The mRNA expression of ZIP14 was decreased, whereas zinc exporter ZnT3 mRNA was also significantly increased; which might be a cellular reaction to compensate elevated zinc levels. An enhanced but not significant chromatin accessibility of ZIP1 promoter region I was detected by chromatin accessibility by real-time PCR (CHART) assays after demethylation. Additionally, DNA demethylation resulted in increased mRNA accumulation of zinc binding proteins metallothionein (MT) and S100A8/S100A9 after 48 h. MT mRNA was significantly enhanced after 24 h of AZA treatment also suggesting a reaction of the cell to restore zinc homeostasis. These data indicate that DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mechanism affecting zinc binding proteins and transporters, and, therefore, regulating zinc homeostasis in myeloid cells.  相似文献   

The hybrid density functional B3LYP is used to describe the bonding of the diatomic molecules O(2), NO and CO to ferrous heme. Three different models are used, a five-coordinated porphyrin in benzene, the myoglobin active site including the distal histidine and the binuclear center in cytochrome oxidase. The geometric and electronic structures are well described by the B3LYP functional, while experimental binding energies are more difficult to reproduce. It is found that the Cu(B) center in cytochrome oxidase has a similar effect on the binding of the diatomics as the distal histidine in myoglobin.  相似文献   

This investigation focuses on the steric and electronic requirements for the binding of carboxylate anions in the cyclohexaamylose cavity. The geometries and thermodynamic stabilities of the 3,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxybenzoic acid, 3,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxycinnamic acid, and 3,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxyhydrocinnamic acid cyclohexaamylose complexes are evaluated at pH = 7.60 and 12.00. Results indicate that the carboxylate anions of 3,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxycinnamic acid and 3,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxyhydrocinnamic acid bind in the cyclohexaamylose cavity at both pH = 7.60 and 12.00. In addition, the dependence of the stability of the resulting complexes on pH is shown to be marginal. These findings suggest that if a carboxylate anion is to bind in the cyclohexaamylose cavity, it must be able to adopt a position in the cavity which allows for at least partial solvation of charge.  相似文献   

Our notions of protein function have long been determined by the protein structure–function paradigm. However, the idea that protein function is dictated by a prerequisite complementarity of shapes at the binding interface is becoming increasingly challenged. Interactions involving intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) have indicated a significant degree of disorder present in the bound state, ranging from static disorder to complete disorder, termed ‘random fuzziness’. This review assesses the anatomy of an IDP and relates how its intrinsic properties permit promiscuity and allow for the various modes of interaction. Furthermore, a mechanistic overview of the types of disordered domains is detailed, while also relating to a recent example and the kinetic and thermodynamic principles governing its formation.  相似文献   

1. A theory based on a multiple equilibrium model with stoicheiometric binding constants has been formulated. It is applicable to the interaction of amphipathic molecules with charged macromolecules. 2. The theory has been applied to the binding of sodium n-dodecyl sulphate to ribonuclease A, beta-lactoglobulin and bovine serum albumin. 3. Over the ranges of surfactant concentration where binding is non-co-operative and co-operative, the experimental data can be satisfactorily fitted with energy and co-operatively parameters which are of comparable magnitude for the three globular proteins. 4. The results imply that the energy of interaction of sodium n-dodecyl sulphate with the proteins is equivalent to the formation of approximately four CH2 hydrophobic bonds.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand the molecular basis of chronic beryllium disease (CBD), a study of the chemical relationship between beryllium, antigen, and the major histocompatibility complex II, HLA-DP, was undertaken. A homology model of the HLA-DP protein was developed. An analysis of the sequences of HLA-DPB1 and HLA-DPA1 alleles most common among CBD patients revealed several carboxylate rich regions in the peptide-binding cleft. These regions contain many hard Lewis base sites that may provide bonding opportunities for beryllium, a hard Lewis acid. Quantum chemistry calculations and structural database results support the presence of beryllium clusters, bridged by carboxylate, hydroxo, and/or oxo ligands, in the HLA-DP binding cleft. These results strongly suggest that beryllium clusters are an integral part of the antigen, and may even act solely as antigen. This work provides an initial model for thinking about beryllium interactions with proteins relevant to CBD and other metal-induced diseases.  相似文献   

Zinc is one the most abundant catalytic cofactor and also an important structural component of a large number of metallo-proteins. Hence prediction of zinc metal binding sites in proteins can be a significant step in annotation of molecular function of a large number of proteins. Majority of existing methods for zinc-binding site predictions are based on a data-set of proteins, which has been compiled nearly a decade ago. Hence there is a need to develop zinc-binding site prediction system using the current updated data to include recently added proteins. Herein, we propose a support vector machine-based method, named as ZincBinder, for prediction of zinc metal-binding site in a protein using sequence profile information. The predictor was trained using fivefold cross validation approach and achieved 85.37% sensitivity with 86.20% specificity during training. Benchmarking on an independent non-redundant data-set, which was not used during training, showed better performance of ZincBinder vis-à-vis existing methods. Executable versions, source code, sample datasets, and usage instructions are available at http://proteininformatics.org/mkumar/znbinder/  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted with steers fed diets containing 270 ppm copper either with or without 2050 ppm zinc. Liver biopsies were taken from steers biweekly for 10 wk for analysis. The steers were then killed; tissues were removed, homogenized, and centrifuged, and the pellets were extracted with mercaptoethanol (BME), and selected cytosols and extracts were subjected to gel filtration (Sephadex G-75). Copper and zinc were determined on the BME extracts, pellets after extraction, cytosols, and gel-filtration fractions. Copper accumulated at about the same rate in BME extract and in the extracted pellet, with the smallest amount in the cytosol. In contrast, over 70% of the zinc was present in the hepatic cytosols. Gel filtration of BME extracts revealed the greatest amount of copper in a low-molwt (MW) peak in addition to three minor peaks of copper. Within the hepatic cytosols, the greatest amount of copper accumulated in proteins of MW>75,000, the next greatest amount in 30,000-MW proteins, and the least amount with metallothionein (MT) of steers fed the diet with only copper added. In contrast, the greatest amount of copper was present with MT in hepatic cytosols of the steer fed a diet that included copper plus zinc. Hence the zinc status of steers influences the deposition of copper in the cytosolic proteins (as demonstrated by liver, kidney, and pancreas), but not in the intracellular fractions.  相似文献   

A theoretical study is presented on the binding to B-DNA of a series of lexitropsins, these ligands being netropsin derivatives in which one or both of the pyrrole rings have been replaced by imidazoles. The best complexes have been located by energy minimisation taking into account nucleic acid flexibility, ligand flexibility, explicit, mobile counterions and solvent dielectric effects. Calculations have been performed for two homopolymeric DNA receptor sequences, AT base sequence, which only decreases in the imidazole derivatives. These results emphasize the decisive role of the molecular electrostatic potential of the nucleic acid in determining the sequence selectivity of these ligands, as opposed to the postulated role of adenine C2 - pyrrole beta hydrogen contacts.  相似文献   

The issue of specificity in tyrosine kinase intracellular signaling mediated by src homology 2 (SH2) domains has great importance in the understanding how individual signals maintain their mutual exclusivity and affect downstream responses. Several proteins contain tandem SH2 domains that, on interacting with their ligand, provide a higher level of specificity than can be afforded by the interaction of a single SH2 domain. In this study, we focus on the comparison of two proteins ZAP70 and the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase, which although distinctly different in function and general structure, possess tandem SH2 domains separated by a linker region and which bind to phosphorylated receptor molecules localized to the cell membrane. Binding studies using isothermal titration calorimetry show that these two proteins interact with peptides mimicking their physiological ligands in very different ways. In the case of the SH2 domains from ZAP70, they interact with a stoichiometry of unity, while p85 is able to make two distinct interactions, one with a stoichiometry of 1:1 and the other with two p85 molecules interacting with one receptor. The observation of two different modes of binding of p85 might be important in providing different cellular responses based on fluctuating intracellular concentration regimes of this protein. Thermodynamic data on both proteins suggest that a conformational change occurs on binding. On investigation of this structural change using a truncated form of p85 (including just the two SH2 domains and the inter-SH2 region), both NMR and circular dichroism spectroscopic studies failed to show significant changes in secondary structure. This suggests that any conformational change associated with binding is small and potentially limited to loop regions of the protein.  相似文献   

The glyoxalase system catalyzes the conversion of toxic methylglyoxal to nontoxic d-lactic acid using glutathione (GSH) as a coenzyme. Glyoxalase II (GlxII) is a binuclear Zn enzyme that catalyzes the second step of this conversion, namely the hydrolysis of S-d-lactoylglutathione, which is the product of the Glyoxalase I (GlxI) reaction. In this paper we use density functional theory method to investigate the reaction mechanism of GlxII. A model of the active site is constructed on the basis of the X-ray crystal structure of the native enzyme. Stationary points along the reaction pathway are optimized and the potential energy surface for the reaction is calculated. The calculations give strong support to the previously proposed mechanism. It is found that the bridging hydroxide is capable of performing nucleophilic attack at the substrate carbonyl to form a tetrahedral intermediate. This step is followed by a proton transfer from the bridging oxygen to Asp58 and finally C-S bond cleavage. The roles of the two zinc ions in the reaction mechanism are analyzed. Zn2 is found to stabilize the charge of tetrahedral intermediate thereby lowering the barrier for the nucleophilic attack, while Zn1 stabilizes the charge of the thiolate product, thereby facilitating the C-S bond cleavage. Finally, the energies involved in the product release and active-site regeneration are estimated and a new possible mechanism is suggested.  相似文献   

Many different zinc binding modules have been identified. Their abundance and variety suggests that the formation of zinc binding folds might be relatively common. We have determined the structure of CH1(1), a 27-residue peptide derived from the first cysteine/histidine-rich region (CH1) of CREB binding protein (CBP). This peptide forms a highly ordered zinc-dependent fold that is distinct from known folds. The structure differs from a subsequently determined structure of a larger region from the CH3 region of CBP, and the CH1(1) fold probably represents a nonphysiologically active form. Despite this, the fold is thermostable and tolerant to both multiple alanine mutations and changes in the zinc-ligand spacing. Our data support the idea that zinc binding domains may arise frequently. Additionally, such structures may prove useful as scaffolds for protein design, given their stability and robustness.  相似文献   

The circular dichroism bands of (+) gossypol in the spectral region 300-400 nm have been shown to be sensitive to interactions with proteins. Using CD spectroscopy, gossypol has been shown to interact with lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, lysozyme, protamine and poly-L-lysine. Binding to proteins generally results in a pronounced red shift of the long wavelength CD band (approximately 380-430 nm) accompanied by a reduction in ellipticity. The changes in spectral parameters of the 1Lb binaphthyl transition may reflect a distortion from a nearly perpendicular gossypol conformation, on binding to proteins.  相似文献   

A theory of isopycnic sedimentation of interacting systems provides a theoretical explanation for the isopycnic behavior of catalase and other proteins in metrizamide gradients of pH 7.0–7.5, particularly the bimodal banding patterns reported by some investigators. As for whether or not the model is realistic, a spectroscopic investigation provides an unambiguous demonstration of a reversible interaction between metrizamide and the catalase dimers formed by dissociation of catalase tetramer at pH 3. The metrizamide-catalase dimer complex(es) is of high bouyant density. In addition, metrizamide at pH 7.4 interacts with heat-denatured ovalbumin. These observations suggest that the denser band in the experimental bimodal isopycnic patterns might be a complex(es) of metrizamide with a comformationally altered state of the protein.  相似文献   

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