Crystallized reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas viridis (i) are photochemically active with electron transfer from the special pair to the quinones, (ii) show dichroism giving valuable information on the orientation of the different chromophores and (iii) allow chemical treatment in the crystalline phase. 相似文献
The time-course of fluorescence from reaction centers isolated from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides was measured using single-photon counting techniques. When electron transfer is blocked by the reduction of the electron-accepting quinones, reaction centers exhibit a relatively long-lived (delayed) fluorescence due to back reactions that regenerate the excited state (P*) from the transient radical-pair state, PF. The delayed fluorescence can be resolved into three components, with lifetimes of 0.7, 3.2 and 11 ns at 295 K. The slowest component decays with the same time-constant as the absorbance changes due to PF, and it depends on both temperature and magnetic fields in the same way that the absorbance changes do. The time-constants for the two faster components of delayed fluorescence are essentially independent of temperature and magnetic fields. The fluorescence also includes a very fast (prompt) component that is similar in amplitude to that obtained from unreduced reaction centers. The prompt fluorescence presumably is emitted mainly during the period before the initial charge-transfer reaction creates PF from P*. From the amplitudes of the prompt and delayed fluorescence, we calculate an initial standard free-energy difference between P* and PF of about 0.16 eV at 295 K, and 0.05 eV at 80 K, depending somewhat on the properties of the solvent. The multiphasic decay of the delayed fluorescence is interpreted in terms of relaxations in the free energy of PF with time, totalling about 0.05 eV at 295 K, possibly resulting from nuclear movements in the electron-carriers or the protein. 相似文献
The primary electron transfer processes in isolated reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides have been investigated with subpicosecond and picosecond spectroscopic techniques. Spectra and kinetics of the absorbance changes following excitation with 0.7-ps 610-nm pulses, absorbed predominantly by bacteriochlorophyll (BChl), indicate that the radical pair state P+BPh?, in which an electron has been transferred from the BChl dimer (P) to a bacteriopheophytin (BPh), is formed with a time constant no greater than 4 ps. The initial absorbance changes also reveal an earlier state, which could be an excited singlet state, or a P+BChl? radical pair.The bleaching at 870 nm produced by 7 ps excitation pulses at 530 nm (absorbed by BPh) or at 600 nm (absorbed predominantly by BChl) shows no resolvable delay with respect to standard compounds in solution, suggesting that the time for energy transfer from BPh to P is less than 7 ps. However, the bleaching in the BPh band at 545 nm following 7-ps 600-nm excitation, exhibits an 8- to 10-ps lag with respect to standard compounds. This finding is qualitatively similar to the 35-ps delay previously observed at 760 nm by Shuvalov at al. (Shuvalov, V.A., Klevanik, A.V., Sharkov, A.V., Matveetz, Y.A. and Kryukov, P.G. (1978) FEBS Lett. 91, 135–139) when 25-ps 880-nm excitation flashes were used. A delay in the bleaching approximately equal to the width of the excitation flash can be explained in terms of the opposing effects of bleaching due to the reduction of BPh, and absorbance increases due to short-lived excited states (probably of BChl) that turn over rapidly during the flash.The decay of the initial bleaching at 800 nm produced by 7-ps 530- or 600-nm excitation flashes shows a fast component with a 30-ps time constant, in addition to a slower component having the 200-ps kinetics expected for the decay of P+BPh?. The dependence on excitation intensity of the absorbance changes due to the 30-ps component indicate that the quantum yield of the state responsible for this step is lower than that observed for the primary electron transfer reactions. This suggests that at least part of the transient bleaching at 800 nm is due to a secondary process, possibly caused by excitation with an excessive number of photons. If the 800-nm absorbing BChl (B) acts as an intermediate electron carrier in the primary photochemical reaction, electron transfer between B and the BPh must have a time constant no greater than 4 ps. 相似文献
Picosecond photodichroism (photoselection) measurements have been carried out on reaction centers from the facultative green photosynthetic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus using weak 30 ps flashes in the long-wavelength band of the primary electron donor, P. Absorption changes due to the chemical and photochemical oxidation of P and the reduction of quinone also have been examined. Our results on Chloroflexus suggest that the Qy transition-dipoles of the bacteriopheophytin molecules participating in, or affected by, the primary reactions are oriented essentially perpendicular to the 865 nm transition dipole of P. This is in agreement with previous work on reaction centers from purple bacteria, such as Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. The data also suggest that the 812 nm ground-state transition is oriented at an angle of 45–65° with respect to the 865 nm transition. The new band that appears near 800 nm upon oxidation of P is polarized mainly parallel to the 865 nm band. These relative polarizations of the absorption bands are in very good agreement with the results of recent linear dichroism studies (Vasmel, H., Meiburg, R.F., Kramer, H.J.M., De Vos, L.J. and Amesz, J. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 724, 333–339). Possible origins for the absorption changes and the photodichroism spectra are discussed. The data are consistent with either a monomeric or dimeric structure of P-865. 相似文献
(1) Reaction center-lipid complexes were extracted into octane solutions. Different methods for generating an assymetric membrane distribution of reaction centers are discussed, which allow the measurement of electrical signals upon illumination. (2) The dichroism of the chromophoric groups in the reaction centers was investigated in planar lipid bilayers and the angle β between each transition moment and the normal to the membrane could be determined to be β(757 nm) = 29.5 ± 1.2, β(801 nm) = 34 ± 1.0 and β(860 nm) = 41.3 ± 0.9°. (3) The kinetics of the reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides were analysed by electrical measurements and the relevant rate constants could be determined. In addition, the interaction between reaction centers and the intramembrane, ubiquinone-containing pool was investigated and described in a kinetic model. (4) The interaction between the electron-donating ferrocytochromes exhibited two distinguishable sources, a fast accessible, membrane-bound pool, which is limited by diffusion, and a pool consisting of an aqueous solution of ferrocytochrome c, which is accessible with a slower rate constant. 相似文献
We have recorded triplet optical absorption-difference spectra of the reaction center triplet state of isolated reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26 and Rps. viridis with optical absorption-detected electron spin resonance in zero magnetic field (ADMR) at 1.2 K. This technique is one to two orders of magnitude more sensitive than conventional flash absorption spectroscopy, and consequently allows a much higher spectral resolution. Besides the relatively broad bleachings and appearances found previously (see, e.g., Shuvalov V.A. and Parson W.W. (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 638, 50–59) we have found strong, sharp oscillations in the wavelength regions 790–830 nm (Rps. sphaeroides) and 810–890 nm (Rps. viridis). For Rps. viridis these features are resolved into two band shifts (a blue shift at about 830 nm and a red shift at about 855 nm) and a strong, narrow absorption band at 838 nm. For Rps. sphaeroides R-26 the features are resolved into a red shift at about 810 nm and a strong absorption band at 807 nm. We conclude that the appearance of the absorption bands at 807 and 838 nm, respectively, is due to monomeric bacteriochlorophyll. Apparently, the exciton interaction between the pigments constituting the primary donor is much weaker in the triplet state than in the singlet state, and at low temperature the triplet is localized on one of the bacteriochlorophylls on an optical time scale. The fact that for Rps. sphaeroides the strong band shift and the monomeric band found at 1.2 K are absent at 293 K and very weak at 77 K indicates that these features are strongly temperature dependent. It seems, therefore, premature to ascribe the temperature dependence between 293 and 77 K of the intensity of the triplet absorption-difference spectrum at 810 nm (solely) to a delocalization of the triplet state on one of the accessory bacteriochlorophyll pigments. 相似文献
Photochemically active reaction centers were isolated from the facultatively aerobic gliding green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus. The absorption difference spectrum, obtained after a flash, reflected the oxidation of P-865, the primary donor, and agreed with that observed in a purified membrane preparation from the same organism (Bruce, B.D., Fuller, R.C. and Blankenship, R.E. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 79, 6532–6536). By analysis of the kinetics in the presence of reduced N-methylphenazonium methosulfate to prevent accumulation of oxidized P-865, the absorption difference spectrum of an electron acceptor was obtained. The electron acceptor was identified as menaquinone (vitamin K-2), which is reduced to the semiquinone anion in a stoichiometry of approximately one molecule per reaction center. Reduction of menaquinone was accompanied by changes in pigment absorption in the infrared region. Our results indicate that the electron-acceptor chain of C. aurantiacus is very similar to that of purple bacteria. 相似文献
A photochemical reaction-center preparation has been made from a second bacteriochlorophyll b-containing organism, Thiocapsa pfennigii. The reaction-center unit is thought to be composed of one P-960, four bacteriochlorophyll, two bacteriopheophytin, one carotenoid molecules and polypeptides of Mr 40000, 37000, 34000, 27000 and 26000 probably plus quinones and metal atoms. The preparation also contains a low-potential cytochrome c-555 and a high-potential cytochrome c-557 bound to the reaction center in a 3–4:2–3:1 molar ratio with respect to P-960. The 40 kDa subunit is associated with the cytochromes, while the 37, 34 and 27 + 26 kDa subunits are proposed to be equivalent to the H, M and L polypeptides of bacteriochlorophyll a-containing reaction centers. The cytochromes are oxidized by P-960+. The three near-infrared absorption bands at 788, 840 and 968 nm are assigned to bacteriopheophytin, bacteriochlorophyll and the primary donor (P-960), respectively. The 778 nm peak resolves into two at 77 K; no further resolution of the other two peaks occurs. Illumination of the sodium dithionite-reduced reaction centers at 77 K by 960 nm-light results in P-960, transferring one electron from cytochrome c-555 mainly to a bacteriopheophytin molecule, absorbing at 781 nm. A similar treatment at room temperatures reduces most of the two bacteriopheophytin molecules. It is argued that both bacteriopheophytin molecules, possibly with some contribution from bacteriochlorophyll, form an intermediary electron-carrier complex between P-960 and a quinone in T. pfennigii. We could not substantiate that a bacteriochlorophyll molecule precedes the bacteriopheophytins in the electron transfer sequence. Although the biochemical characteristics of the reaction center are very similar to those of the other known bacterioclorophyll b-containing reaction center, that from Rhodopseudomonas viridis, their spectral characteristics are not. This has helped elucidate more about the function of each spectral form and led us to conclude that the 850 nm form in Rps. viridis is not the higher energy transition of the special pair of bacteriochlorophyll molecules forming P-960. Laser-flash-in-duced absorbance changes in T. pfennigii reaction-center preparation should now lead to a more complete understanding of the mechanism of the primary photochemical event. 相似文献
Spectrally pure reaction center preparations from Chloroflexus aurantiacus have been obtained in a stable form; however, the product contained several contaminating polypeptides. The reaction center pigment molecules (probably three bacteriochlorophyll a and three bacteriopheophytin a molecules) are associated with two polypeptides (Mr = 30000 and 28000) in a reaction center complex of Mr = 52000. No carotenoid is present in the complex. These data together with previous spectral data suggest that the Chloroflexus reaction center represents a more primitive evolutionary form of the purple bacterial reaction center, and that it has little if any relationship to the green bacterial component. A reaction center preparation from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R26 was fully denatured at 50°C while the Chloroflexus reaction center required higher temperatures (70–75°C) for complete denaturation. Thus, an intrinsic membrane protein of a photosynthetic thermophile has been demonstrated to have greater thermal stability than the equivalent component of a mesophile. 相似文献
Quinone and inhibitor binding to Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides (R-26 and GA) reaction centers were studied using spectroscopic methods and by direct adsorption of reaction centers onto anion exchange filters in the presence of 14C-labelled quinone or inhibitor. These measurements show that as secondary acceptor, QB, ubiquinone (UQ) is tightly bound in the semiquinone form and loosely bound in the quinone and quinol forms. The quinol is probably more loosely bound than the quinone. o-Phenanthroline and terbutryn, a triazine inhibitor, compete with UQ and with each other for binding to the reaction center. Inhibition by o-phenanthroline of electron transfer from the primary to the secondary quinone acceptor (QA to QB) occurs via displacement of UQ from the QB binding site. Displacement of UQ by terbutryn is apparently accessory to the inhibition of electron transfer. Terbutryn binding is lowered by reduction of QB to Q?B but is practically unaffected by reduction of QA to Q?A in the absence of QB. UQ-9 and UQ-10 have a 5- to 6-fold higher binding affinity to the QB site than does UQ-1, indicating that the long isoprenoid chain facilitates the binding to the QB site. 相似文献
The circular dichroism spectra of oriented and unoriented photoreaction centers of Rhodospirillum rubrum are compared. Orientation is achieved by pressing photoreaction center suspended in polyacrylamide gel. The biphasic bands at 870 and 810 nm and at 630 and 600 nm undergo a rotatory strength decrease when measured in the direction of the pressure, but not when measured in the direction normal to the pressure. Such a decrease in oriented photoreaction center is consistent with the model according to which these bands are dimer exciton bands of the special pair bacteriochlorophyll. 相似文献
Two reaction center complexes prepared from cytoplasmic membranes of Chlorobium limicola f. thiosulfato-philum were compared by absorption and CD spectrophotometry. Bacteriopheophytin c (670 nm), which is optically active in one complex but not in the other, may serve as a secondary electron acceptor in the reaction center. 相似文献
Photosynthetic reaction centers isolated from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides strain R-26 were excited with non-saturating 7-ps, 600-nm flashes under various conditions, and the resulting absorbance changes were measured. If the quinone electron acceptor (Q) is in the oxidized state, flash excitation generates a transient state (PF), in which an electron has moved from the primary electron donor (P, a dimer of bacteriochlorophylls) to an acceptor complex involving a special bacteriopheophytin (H) and another bacteriochlorophyll (B). PF decays in 200 ps as an electron moves from H to Q. If Q and the acceptor complex are reduced photochemically before the excitation, the flash generates a different transient state of P with a high quantum yield. This state decays with a lifetime of 340 ps. There is no indication of electron transfer from P to B under these conditions, but this does not rule out the possibility that B is an intermediate electron carrier between P and H. Measurements of the yield of fluorescence from P under various conditions show that the 340 ps state is not the fluorescent excited singlet state of P. The transient state could be a triplet state, a charge-transfer state of P, or another excited singlet state that is not fluorescent. 相似文献
The carotenoid-less reaction centers isolated from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides (strain R 26) bind pure all-trans spheroidene as well as spheroidenone in a nearly 1:1 molar ratio with respect to P-870. Neither β-carotene nor spirilloxanthin, both absent from wild-type Rps. sphaeroides, could be bound in appreciable amounts. Resonance Raman spectra of the carotenoidreaction center complex indicate that the carotenoid is bound as a cis isomer, its conformation being very close, although probably not identical, to that assumed by the carotenoid in the wild-type reaction centers. The electronic absorption spectra of the carotenoid-reaction center complexes are in good agreement with such a interpretation. When bound to the R 26 reaction centers, spheroidene displays light-induced absorbance changes identical in peak wavelengths and comparable in amplitudes to those observed in the wild-type reaction centers. Thus the binding of the carotenoid to the R 26 reaction centers most likely occurs at the same proteic site as in the wild-type reaction centers. This site shows selectivity towards the nature of carotenoids, and has the same sterical requirement as in the wild type, leading to the observed all-trans to cis isomerisation. 相似文献
The triplet state of isolated reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R-26 has been studied by fluorescence-detected electron spin resonance in zero magnetic field (FDMR) at 4.2 K. The sign of the FDMR resonance monitored at the long-wavelength fluorescence band is positive (fluorescence increase); this confirms the earlier interpretation (Hoff, A.J. and Gorter de Vries, H. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 503, 94–106) that the negative sign of the FDMR resonance of the reaction center triplet state in whole bacterial cells is caused by resonant transfer of the singlet excitations from the antenna pigments to the trap. By monitoring the FDMR response as a function of the wavelength of fluorescence, we have recorded microwave-induced fluorescence spectra. In addition to the positive microwave-induced fluorescence band peaking at 935 nm, at 905 nm a negative band was found. The resonant microwave frequencies for these two bands, i.e., the values of the zero-field splitting parameters |D| and |E| of the triplet state being monitored, were different, those of the 905 nm microwave-induced fluorescence band being identical to the resonant microwave frequencies measured with absorption-detected zero-field resonance (Den Blanken, H.J., Van der Zwet, G.P. and Hoff, A.J. (1982) Chem. Phys. Lett. 85, 335–338), a technique that monitors the bulk properties of the sample. From this result and its negative sign, we tentatively attribute the 905 nm microwave-induced fluorescence band to a small (possibly less than 1%) fraction of antenna bacteriochlorophylls that are in close contact with the trap. The positive 935 nm microwave-induced fluorescence band with resonant microwave frequencies deviating from the bulk material is ascribed to a minority of primary donor bacteriochlorophyll dimers, which have a higher than normal fluorescence yield because of a somewhat slower charge-separation reaction. Is it likely that practically all long-wavelength fluorescence of isolated reaction centers stems from such impaired reaction centers. 相似文献
Resonance Raman spectra of the π-cation of bacterio-chlorophyll a in solution at 30 K are reported and discussed. Outer CC bonds of the pyrroles and the methine bridges are weakened by the ionization, while CN and Mg-N bonds remain essentially unaffected. Resonance Raman spectra of reaction centers suggest that the positive charge on P-870+ should be localized on a single bacteriochlorophyll molecule by the lifetime of the scattering process (≈ 10?13 s). 相似文献
Low-temperature absorption, circular dichroism and resonance Raman spectra of the LM units isolated with sodium dodecyl sulfate from wild-type Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides reaction centers (Agalidis, I. and Reiss-Husson, F. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 724, 340–351) are described in comparison with those of intact reaction centers. In LM unit, the Qy absorption band of P-870 at 77 K shifted from 890 nm (in reaction center) to 870 nm and was broadened by about 30%. In contrast, the 800 nm bacteriochlorophyll absorption band including the 810 species remained unmodified. It was concluded that the 810 nm transition is not the higher excitonic component of P-870. The Qx band of P-870 shifted from 602 nm (in reaction center) to 598 nm in LM, whereas the Qx band of the other bacteriochlorophylls was the same in reaction center and LM and had two components at about 605 and 598 nm. The QxII band of bacteriopheophytin was upshifted to 538 nm and a slight blue shift of the Qy band of bacteriopheophytin was observed. Resonance Raman spectra of spheroidene in LM showed that its native cis-conformation was preserved. Resonance Raman spectroscopy also demonstrated that in LM the molecular interactions assumed by the conjugated carbonyls of bacteriochlorophyll molecules were altered, but not those assumed by the bacteriopheophytins carbonyls. In particular at least one Keto group of bacteriochlorophyll free in reaction center, becomes intermolecularly bounded in LM (possibly with extraneous water). This group may belong to the primary donor molecules. 相似文献
Optical and structural properties of the B875 light-harvesting complex of purple bacteria were examined by measurements of low-temperature circular dichroism (CD) and excitation spectra of fluorescence polarization. In the B875 complex isolated from wild-type Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, fluorescence polarization increased steeply across the long-wavelength Qy bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl) absorption band at both 4 and approx. 300 K. With the native complex in the photosynthetic membranes of Rhodospirillum rubrum and Rps. sphaeroides wild-type and R26-carotenoidless strains, this significant increase in polarization from 0.12 to 0.40 was only observed at low temperature. A polarization of ?0.2 was observed upon excitation in the Qx BChl band. The results indicate that about 15% of the BChl molecules in the complex absorb at wavelengths about 12 nm longer than the other BChls. All BChls have approximately the same orientation with their Qy transition dipoles essentially parallel and their Qx transitions perpendicular to the plane of the membrane. At low temperature, energy transfer to the long-wavelength BChls is irreversible, yielding a high degree of polarization upon direct excitation, whereas at room temperature a partial depolarization of fluorescence by energy transfer between different subunits occurs in the membrane, but not in the isolated complex. CD spectra appear to reflect the two spectral forms of B875 BChl in Rps. sphaeroides membranes. They also reveal structural differences between the complexes of Rps. sphaeroides and Rhs. rubrum, in both BChl and carotenoid regions. The CD spectrum of isolated B875 indicates that the interactions between the BChls but not the carotenoids are altered upon isolation. 相似文献
The effect of the light harvesting 1 (LH1) antenna complex on the driving force for light-driven electron transfer in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction center has been examined. Equilibrium redox titrations show that the presence of the LH1 antenna complex influences the free energy change for the primary electron transfer reaction through an effect on the reduction potential of the primary donor. A lowering of the redox potential of the primary donor due to the presence of the core antenna is consistently observed in a series of reaction center mutants in which the reduction potential of the primary donor was varied over a 130 mV range. Estimates of the magnitude of the change in driving force for charge separation from time-resolved delayed fluorescence measurements in the mutant reaction centers suggest that the mutations exert their effect on the driving force largely through an influence on the redox properties of the primary donor. The results demonstrate that the energetics of light-driven electron transfer in reaction centers are sensitive to the environment of the complex, and provide indirect evidence that the kinetics of electron transfer are modulated by the presence of the LH1 antenna complexes that surround the reaction center in the natural membrane. 相似文献