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The EPR characteristics of oxygen evolving particles prepared from Phormidium laminosum are described. These particles are enriched in Photosystem II allowing EPR investigation of signals which were previously small or masked by those from Photosystem I in other preparations. EPR signals from a Signal II species and high potential cytochrome b-559 appear as they are photooxidised at cryogenic temperatures by Photosystem II. The Signal II species is a donor close to the Photosystem II reaction centre and may represent part of the charge accumulation system of water oxidation. An EPR signal from an iron-sulphur centre which may represent an unidentified component of photosynthetic electron transport is also described.The properties of the oxygen evolving particles show that the preparation is superior to chloroplasts or unfractionated algal membranes for the study of Photosystem II with a functional water oxidation system.  相似文献   

Peter Horton 《BBA》1981,635(1):105-110
The effect of alteration of redox potential on the kinetics of fluorescence induction in pea chloroplasts has been investigated. Potentiometric titration of the initial (Fi) level of fluorescence recorded upon shutter opening gave a two component curve, with Em(7) at ?20 mV and ?275 mV, almost, identical to results obtained using continuous low intensity illumination (Horton, P. and Croze, E. (1979) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 545, 188–201). The slow or tail phase of induction observed in the presence of DCMU can be eliminated by poising the redox potential at approx. 0 to +50 mV. At this potential Fi was increased by less than 10% and the higher potential quencher described above was only marginally reduced. The disappearance of the slow phase titrated as an n = 1 component with an Em(7) of +120 mV. Therefore it seems unlikely that the slow phase of fluorescence induction is due to photoreduction of the ?20 mV quencher. These results are discussed with reference to current ideas concerning heterogeneity on the acceptor side of Photosystem II.  相似文献   

Peter Horton 《BBA》1981,637(1):152-158
The shape of the fluorescence induction curve in chloroplasts inhibited by 3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea has been determined at different redox potentials. At ?10 mV a monophasic and sigmoidal curve is seen which is transformed into an exponential curve when the potential is poised at ?150 mV. At this potential, the quencher with high midpoint, QH, is reduced but that with low midpoint, QL, is oxidized. Thus, a sigmoidal induction is observed during photoreduction of QL and QH but photoreduction of QL proceeds with exponential kinetics. A correlation between the relative proportions of QL and QH observed in redox titration and the sigmoidicity of induction is also seen upon depletion of Mg2+ and after alkalinization to pH 9.5. Several models are discussed to explain the relationship between Photosystem II interactions and Q heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Fractions enriched in either Photosystem I or Photosystem II activity have been isolated from the blue-green alga, Synechococcus cedrorum after digitonin treatment. Sedimentation of this homogenate on a 10–30% sucrose gradient yielded three green bands: the upper band was enriched in Photosystem II, the lowest band was enriched in Photosystem I, while the middle band contained both activities. Large quantities of both particles were isolated by zonal centrifugation, and the material was then further purified by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose.The resulting Photosystem II particles carried out light-induced electron transport from semicarbizide to ferricyanide of over 2000 μmol/mg Chlorophyll per h (which was sensitive to 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea), and was nearly devoid of Photosystem I activity. This particle contains β-carotene, very little phycocyanin, has a chlorophyll absorption maximum at 675 nm, and a liquid N2 fluorescence maximum at 685 nm. The purest Photosystem II particles have a chlorophyll to cytochrome b-559 ratio of 50 : 1. The Photosystem I particle is highly enriched in P-700, with a chlorophyll to P-700 ratio of 40 : 1. The physical structure of the two Photosystem particles has also been studied by gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy. These results indicate that the size and protein composition of the two particles are distinctly different.  相似文献   

Francis-André Wollman 《BBA》1978,503(2):263-273
The redox state of the secondary electron acceptor B of Photosystem II was studied using fluorescence measurements. Preillumination of algae or chloroplasts with a variable number of short saturating flashes followed rapidly by the addition of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea induces oscillations of the initial level of fluorescence. The phase of these oscillations is characteristic of a given BB? ratio in the dark-adapted samples.We conclude from our results that about 50% of the secondary electron acceptors are singly reduced in the dark in Chlorella cells, but that more than 70% are fully oxidized in the dark adapted chloroplasts.Benzoquinone treatment modifies this distribution in Chlorella leading to the same situation as in chloroplasts, i.e. more than 70% of the secondary acceptors are oxidized in the dark.The same ratio is observed if these algae are illuminated and then dark-adapted, unless an artificial donor (hydroxylamine) is added before this illumination. In that case about 50% B? is generated and stabilized in the dark.  相似文献   

The fluorescence yield of chloroplasts reflects the redox state of the electron acceptor of the Photosystem II reaction center, with increasing yield as the acceptor is reduced. Chemical reductive titrations of fluorescence yield in chloroplasts at room temperature indicate two distinct midpoint potentials, suggesting the possibility of Photosystem II electron acceptor heterogeneity. We have carried out a potentiometric titration of the fluorescence decay kinetics in spinach chloroplasts using a continuous mode-locked dye laser with low-intensity excitation pulses and a picosecond-resolution single-photon timing system. At all potentials the fluorescence decay is best described by three exponential components. As the potential is lowered, the slow phase changes 30-fold in yield with two distinct midpoint potentials, accompanied by a modest (3-fold) increase in the lifetime. The titration curve for the slow component of the fluorescence decay of spinach chloroplasts is best characterized by two single-electron redox reactions with midpoint potentials at pH 8.0 of +119 and ?350 mV, with corresponding relative contributions to the fluorescence yield of 49 and 51%, respectively. There is little change in the fast and middle components of the fluorescence decay. We found that the oxidized form of the redox mediator 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone preferentially quenches the fluorescence, causing an anomalous decrease in the apparent midpoint of the high-potential transition. This effect accounts for a significant difference between the midpoint potentials that we observe and some of those previously reported. The selective effect of reduction potentials on particular fluorescence decay components provides useful information about the organization and distribution of the Photosystem II electron acceptor.  相似文献   

Shmuel Malkin  Jim Barber 《BBA》1978,502(3):524-541
1. Using a phosphoroscope, delayed luminescence and prompt chlorophyll fluorescence from isolated chloroplasts have been compared during the induction period.2. Two distinct decay components of delayed luminescence were measured a “fast” component (from ≈1 ms to ≈6 ms) and a “slow” component (at ≈6 ms).3. The fast luminescence component often did not correlate with the fluorescence changes while the slow component significantly changed its intensity during the induction period in a manner which could usually be linearly correlated with variable portion of the fluorescence yield change.4. This correlation was evident after preillumination with far-red light or after allowing a considerable time for dark relaxation.5. The close relationship between the slow luminescence component and variable fluorescence yield was observed with a large range of light intensities and also in the presence of 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea which considerably changes the fluorescence induction kinetics.6. Valinomycin and other antibiotics reduced the amplitude of the 6 ms (slow) luminescence without affecting its relation with the fluorescence induction suggesting possibly that a constant electrical gradient exist in the dark or formed very rapidly in the light, which effects the emission intensity.7. Changes in salt levels of suspending media equally affected the amplitude of both delayed luminescence and variable fluorescence under conditions when the reduction of Q is maximal and constant.8. The results are discussed in terms of several models. It is concluded that the model of independent Photosystem II units together with photosynthetic back reaction concept is incompatible with the data. Other alternative models (the “lake” model and photosynthetic back reaction; recombination of charges in the antenna chlorophyll; the “W” hypothesis) were in closer agreement with the results.  相似文献   

Andr Vermeglio  Paul Mathis 《BBA》1973,292(3):763-771
The effect of light on the reaction center of Photosystem II was studied by differential absorption spectroscopy in spinach chloroplasts.

At − 196 °C, continuous illumination results in a parallel reduction of C-550 and oxidation of cytochrome b559 high potential. With flash excitation, C-550 is reduced, but only a small fraction of cytochrome b559 is oxidized. The specific effect of flash illumination is suppressed if the chloroplasts are preilluminated by one flash at 0 °C.

At − 50 °C, continuous illumination results in the reduction of C-550 but little oxidation of cytochrome b559. However, complete oxidation is obtained if the chloroplasts have been preilluminated by one flash at 0 °C. The effect of preillumination is not observed in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea.

A model is discussed for the reaction center, with two electron donors, cytochrome b559 and Z, acting in competition. Their respective efficiency is dependent on temperature and on their states of oxidation. The specific effect of flash excitation is attributed to a two-photon reaction, possibly based on energy-trapping properties of the oxidized trap chlorophyll.  相似文献   

A study was made with a modulated oxygen electrode of the effect of variations of oxygen concentration on photosynthetic oxygen evolution from algal cells. When Chlorella vulgaris is examined with a modulated 650 nm light at 22°C, both the oxygen yield and the phase lag between the modulated oxygen signal and the light modulations have virtually constant values between 800 and 120 ergs · cm?1 · s?1 if the bathing medium is in equilibrium with the air. Similar results are obtained at 32°C between 1600 and 120 ergs · cm?2 · s?1. Under anerobic conditions both the oxygen yield and the phase lag decrease if the light intensity is lowered below about 500 ergs · cm?2 · s?1 at 22°C or about 1000 ergs · cm?2 · s?1 at 32°C. A modulated 706 nm beam also gives rise to these phenomena but only at significantly lower rates of oxygen evolution. The cells of Anacystis nidulans and Porphyridium cruentum appear to react in the same way to anaerobic conditions as C. vulgaris. An examination of possible mechanisms to explain these results was performed using a computer simulation of photosynthetic electron transport. The simulation suggests that a backflow of electrons from a redox pool between the Photosystems to the rate-limiting reaction between Photosystem II and the water-splitting act can cause a decrease in oxygen yield and phase lag. If the pool between the Photosystems is in a very reduced state a significant cyclic flow is expected, whereas if the pool is largely oxidized little or no cyclic flow should occur. It is shown that the effects of 706 nm illumination and removal of oxygen can be interpreted in accordance with these proposals. Since a partial inhibition of oxygen evolution by 3-(3.4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (10?8 M) magnifies the decreases in oxygen yield and phase lag, it is proposed that the pool which cycles back electrons is in front of the site of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea inhibition and is probably the initial electron acceptor pool after Photosystem II.  相似文献   

Elisha Tel-Or  Shmuel Malkin 《BBA》1977,459(2):157-174
The photochemical activities and fluorescence properties of cells, spheroplasts and spheroplast particles from the blue-green alga Phormidium luridum were compared. The photochemical activities were measured in a whole range of wavelengths and expressed as quantum yield spectra (quantum yield vs. wavelength). The following reactions were measured: Photosynthesis (O2 evolution) in whole cells; Hill reaction (O2 evolution) with Fe(CN)63? and NADP as electron acceptors (Photosystem II and Photosystem II+Photosystem I reactions); electron transfer from reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol to diquat (Photosystem I reaction). The fluorescence properties were emission spectra, quantum yield spectra and the induction pattern.On the basis of comparison between the quantum yield spectra and the pigments compositions the relative contribution of each pigment to each photosystem was estimated. In normal cells and spheroplasts it was found that Photosystem I (Photosystem II) contains about 90 % (10 %) of the chlorophyll a, 90 % (10 %) of the carotenoids and 15 % (85 %) of the phycocyanin. In spheroplast particles there is a reorganization of the pigments: they loose a certain fraction (about half) of the phycocyanin but the remaining phycocyanin attaches itself exclusively to Photosystem I (!). This is reflected by the loss of Photosystem II activity, a flat quantum yield vs. wavelength dependence and a loss of the fluorescence induction.The fluorescence quantum yield spectra conform qualitatively to the above conclusion. More quantitative estimation shows that only a fraction (20–40 %) of the chlorophyll of Photosystem II is fluorescent. Total emission spectrum and the ratio of variable to constant fluorescence are in agreement with this conclusion.The fluorescence emission spectrum shows characteristic differences between the constant and variable components. The variable fluorescence comes exclusively from chlorophyll a; the constant fluorescence is contributed, in addition to chlorophyll a, by phycocyanine and an unidentified long wavelength component.The variable fluorescence does not change in the transition from whole cells to spheroplasts. However, the constant fluorescence increases considerably. This indicates the release of a small fraction of pigments from the photosynthetic photochemical apparatus which then become fluorescent.  相似文献   

Patrick M. Kelley  S. Izawa 《BBA》1978,502(2):198-210
1. Chloroplasts washed with Cl?-free, low-salt media (pH 8) containing EDTA, show virtually no DCMU-insensitive silicomolybdate reduction. The activity is readily restored when 10 mM Cl? is added to the reaction mixture. Very similar results were obtained with the other Photosystem II electron acceptor 2,5-dimethylquinone (with dibromothymoquinone), with the Photosystem I electron acceptor FMN, and also with ferricyanide which accepts electrons from both photosystems.2. Strong Cl?-dependence of Hill activity was observed invariably at all pH values tested (5.5–8.3) and in chloroplasts from three different plants: spinach, tobacco and corn (mesophyll).3. In the absence of added Cl? the functionally Cl?-depleted chloroplasts are able to oxidize, through Photosystem II, artificial reductants such as catechol, diphenylcarbazide, ascorbate and H2O2 at rates which are 4–12 times faster than the rate of the residual Hill reaction.4. The Cl?-concentration dependence of Hill activity with dimethylquinone as an electron acceptor is kinetically consistent with the typical enzyme activation mechanism: E(inactive) + Cl?ag E · Cl? (active), and the apparent activation constant (0.9 mM at pH 7.2) is unchanged by chloroplast fragmentation.5. The initial phase of the development of inhibition of water oxidation in Cl?-depleted chloroplasts during the dark incubation with NH2OH (12 H2SO4) is 5 times slower when the incubation medium contains Cl? than when the medium contains NH2OH alone or NH2OH plus acetate ion. (Acetate is shown to be ineffective in stimulating O2 evolution.)6. We conclude that the Cl?-requiring step is one which is specifically associated with the water-splitting reaction, and suggests that Cl? probably acts as a cofactor (ligand) of the NH2OH-sensitive, Mn-containing O2-evolving enzyme.  相似文献   

The rise kinetics of the absorption changes induced at 515 nm and 480 nm by a flash were studied using two types of xenon flashes of different durations. The ‘slow’ rise of the absorption change (t12 = 15–20 μs) observed by Cox and Delosme (1978 C.R. Acad. Sci. (Paris) Sér. D 282, 775–778) and Joliot P., Delosme, R. and Joliot, A. ((1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 459, 47–57) was found to be due to double hits occurring in the reaction centers of System I during the flash.The turnover kinetics of the reaction centers of System I after a short flash were studied by a double flash method. They are in agreement with a second order reaction between P+-700 and its electron donor.  相似文献   

A. Melis  A.P.G.M. Thielen 《BBA》1980,589(2):275-286
In the present study we used three types of Nicotiana tabacum, cv John William's Broad Leaf (the wild type and two mutants, the yellow-green Su/su and the yellow Su/su var. Aurea) in order to correlate functional properties of Photosystem II and Photosystem I with the structural organization of their chloroplasts. The effective absorption cross-section of Photosystem II and Photosystem I centers was measured by means of the rate constant of their photoconversion under light-limiting conditions. In agreement with earlier results (Okabe, K., Schmid, G.H. and Straub, J. (1977) Plant Physiol. 60, 150–156) the photosynthetic unit size for both System II and System I in the two mutants was considerably smaller as compared to the wild type. We observed biphasic kinetics in the photoconversion of System II in all three types of N. tabacum. However, the photoconversion of System I occurred with monophasic and exponential kinetics. Under our experimental conditions, the effective cross-section of Photosystem I was comparable to that of the fast System II component (α centers). The relative amplitude of the slow System II component (β centers) varied between 30% in the wild type to 70% in the Su/su var. Aurea mutant. The increased fraction of β centers is correlated with the decreased fraction of appressed photosynthetic membranes in the chloroplasts of the two mutants. As a working hypothesis, it is suggested that β centers are located on photosynthetic membranes directly exposed to the stroma medium.  相似文献   

Single-photon timing with picosecond resolution is used to investigate the kinetics of the fluorescence emission of chlorophyll a in chloroplasts from spinach and pea and in the algae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Chlamydomonas reinhardii. The fluorescence decay is best described by three exponential components in all species. At low light intensity and with open reaction centers of Photosystem II (F0), we find lifetimes of approx. 100, 400 and 1100 ps for the three components. Closing the reaction centers by addition of 3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea plus hydroxylamine and by increasing light intensity produces only minor changes in the almost constant fast- and medium-lifetime components; however, there is a dramatic increase in the yield of the slow component, by a factor of about 20, accompanied by only a modest increase in the lifetime to 2200 ps (Fmax). In good agreement with previous fluorescence lifetime measurements, we find an increase in the averaged lifetime of the three components from 0.5 to 2.0 ns, which is proportional to the 4-fold increase in the total fluorescence yield. Our time-resolved results are inconsistent with models which are based on the proportionality between lifetime and yield and which involve a homogeneous origin of fluorescence that is sensitive to the state of the reaction centers. We conclude that the variable part of the fluorescence, which is dominated by the slow phase, reflects the kinetics of charge recombination in the reaction center, as proposed previously (Klimov, V.V., Allakhverdiev, S.I. and Paschenko, V.Z. (1978) Dokl. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 242, 1204–1207). The modest increase in lifetime of the slow phase indicates the presence of some energy transfer between photosynthetic units.  相似文献   

J.A. Van Best  P. Mathis 《BBA》1978,503(1):178-188
Absorption changes (ΔA) at 820 nm, following laser flash excitation of spinach chloroplasts and Chlorella cells, were studied in order to obtain information on the reduction time of the photooxidized primary donor of Photosystem II at physiological temperatures.In the microsecond time range the difference spectrum of ΔA between 750 and 900 nm represents a peak at 820 nm, attributable to a radical-cation of chlorophyll a. In untreated dark-adapted material the signal can be attributed solely to P+?700; it decays in a polyphasic manner with half-times of 17 μs, 210 μs and over 1 ms. The oxidized primary donor of Photosystem II (P+II) is not detected with a time resolution of 3 μs. After treatment with 3–10 mM hydroxylamine, which inhibits the donor side of Photosystem II, P+II is observed and decays biphasically (a major phase with t12 = 20–40 μs, and a minor phase with t12 ? 200 μs), probably by reduction by an accessory electron donor.In the nanosecond range, which was made accessible by a new fast-response flash photometer operating at 820 nm, it was found the P+II is reduced with a half-time of 25–45 ns in untreated dark-adapted chloroplasts. It is assumed that the normal secondary electron donor is responsible for this fast reduction.  相似文献   

P-700, plastocyanin and cytochrome f redox kinetics were measured after one flash, using dark-adapted Chlorella in the presence of hydroxylamine and 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. Plastocyanin becomes increasingly oxidized with a half-time of 70 μs, then undergoes reduction with a half-time of 7 ms. Cytochrome f oxidation has a sigmoidal time-course and a half-time of 100 μs. Its reduction exhibits a half-time of 4 ms. These results are interpreted in a linear scheme:
An equilibrium constant of 2 between cytochrome f and plastocyanin (PC), which contrasts with the large equilibrium constant between PC and P-700 is computed.The presence of cytochrome b6 in a cyclic path around Photosystem I is confirmed under these conditions.  相似文献   

Jane M. Bowes  Antony R. Crofts 《BBA》1981,637(3):464-472
(1) If DCMU is added to chloroplasts which have been preilluminated (0–8 flashes) the turnover of the water-splitting enzyme is limited to one further transition upon continuous illumination. (2) The intensity of millisecond delayed fluorescence measured in the presence of mediators of cyclic electron transport around Photosystem I and of DCMU added after pre-flashing is stimulated above the level in the presence of DCMU alone and varies according to the number of pre-flashes (Bowes, J.M. and Crofts, A.R. (1978) Z. Naturforsch 33c, 271–275). (3) Separate contributions of the following energetic terms to the induction kinetics and extent of millisecond delayed fluorescence under these conditions have been examined with a view to assessing their involvement in and the mechanism of the stimulation of the emission above the level in dark-adapted chloroplasts in the presence of DCMU: (a) the initial pH of the phase in equilibrium with the water-splitting enzyme; (b) the change in internal pH which occurred when Photosystem I acted as a proton pump; (c) the electrical potential difference across the membrane resulting from rapid charging of the membrane capacitance. (4) It was confirmed that delayed light was stimulated as a result of the interaction of the intrathylakoid pH (3a and b) with the equilibria of the S-states involving proton release according to the model in which this occurs on all except the transition S1 → S2; the stimulation was qualitatively proportional to the number of protons released. (5) There was no marked variation of the membrane potential as a function of the number of pre-flashes.  相似文献   

P. Jursinic  J. Warden 《BBA》1976,440(2):322-330
In order to determine the major site of bicarbonate action in the electron transport complex of Photosystem II, the following experimental techniques were used: electron spin resonance measurements of Signal IIvf, measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence yield rise and decay kinetics, and delayed light emission decay. From data obtained using these experimental techniques the following conclusions were made: (1) absence of bicarbonate causes a reversible inactivation of up to 40% of Photosystem II reaction center activity; (2) there is no significant effect of bicarbonate on electron flow from the charge accumulating S state to Z; (3) there is no significant effect of bicarbonate on electron flow from Z to P-680+; (4) electron flow from Q? to the intersystem electron transport pool is inhibited by from 4- to 6-fold under bicarbonate depletion conditions.  相似文献   

We report fluorescence lifetimes for in vivo chlorophyll a using a time-correlated single-photon counting technique with tunable dye laser excitation. The fluorescence decay of dark-adapted chlorella is almost exponential with a lifetime of 490 ps, which is independent of excitation from 570 nm to 640 nm.Chloroplasts show a two-component decay of 410 ps and approximately 1.4 ns, the proportion of long component depending upon the fluorescence state of the chloroplasts. The fluorescence lifetime of Photosystem I was determined to be 110 ps from measurements on fragments enriched in Photosystem I prepared from chloroplasts with digitonin.  相似文献   

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