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A classification of asthma into allergic and nonallergic has gained support from the more recent studies on the underlying causes of the disease.The majority of instances of nonallergic asthma occur after middle life and result from recurrent infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Status asthmaticus is a frequent complication of infectious asthma.Chronic and intractable asthma may be present also in a patient with allergic asthma complicated by a superimposed infection of the sinuses, bronchi and lungs.There are many secondary or precipitating causes that may bring on asthmatic paroxysms. The most important of these are acute respiratory infections, mechanical and chemical irritants, autonomic imbalance, hormonal deficiencies and psychogenic influences. These secondary causes play a more important role in nonallergic asthma because of the greater tendency to chronicity in this form of the disease.The effective treatment of chronic asthma depends largely on the successful control of the secondary or precipitating causes of the asthmatic attacks.The introduction of the antibiotics and corticosteroids in the treatment of infectious asthma has supplied potent weapons to combat the disease. The use of these therapeutic agents makes possible the control of two of the important pathologic lesions of asthma—bronchial infection and bronchial inflammation.At present combined antibiotic and cortisone or hydrocortisone therapy of asthma seems to be the most rational method of preventing the disease from becoming chronic and intractable. Their value in infectious asthma is due to their anti-infective and antiflammatory action.When prolonged treatment is essential, combined therapy also lessens the dangers arising from the presence of masked infections.  相似文献   

The diagnostic aids used in dealing with biliary disease in adults were applied to the study in infants of the principal congenital anomalies of the biliary tract such as choledochal cyst, biliary atresia and biliary stenosis.Choledochal cysts were distinguished from other upper abdominal masses occurring in childhood by the use of intravenous cholecystography.Since the clinical manifestations in infants with biliary atresia or stenosis are almost identical to those associated with the obstructive phase of neonatal hepatitis, the problem of differentiation is difficult. The serial total serum bilirubin curve, a careful analysis of the pigment content of feces and urine and duodenal intubation for bilirubin determinations were found to be useful in making the distinction. Operative cholangiograms were helpful in some cases. Frozen section examinations of liver tissue during operation were of little value except to demonstrate certain unusual cases of intrahepatic biliary atresia. Routine liver function studies, including serum transaminase determination in a limited number of cases, did not help in differentiation.  相似文献   



Fabry disease is a rare X-linked inherited lysosomal storage disorder affecting multiple organ systems. It includes central nervous system involvement via micro- and macroangiopathic cerebral changes. Due to its clinical symptoms and frequent MRI lesions, Fabry disease is commonly misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis. We present an overview of cases from Fabry centres in Germany initially misdiagnosed with multiple sclerosis and report the clinical, MR-tomographical, and laboratory findings.


Eleven Fabry patients (one male, ten females) initially diagnosed with multiple sclerosis were identified from 187 patient records (5.9%) and analyzed for presenting symptoms, results of the initial diagnostic workup, and the clinical course of the disease.


Four patients were identified as having a “possible” history of MS, and 7 patients as “definite” cases of multiple sclerosis (revised McDonald criteria). On average, Fabry disease was diagnosed 8.2 years (±9.8 years) after the MS diagnosis, and 12.8 years after onset of first symptoms (±10.3 years). All patients revealed white matter lesions on MRI. The lesion pattern and results of cerebrospinal fluid examination were inconsistent and non-specific. White matter lesion volumes ranged from 8.9 mL to 34.8 mL (mean 17.8 mL±11.4 mL). There was no association between extra-neurological manifestations or enzyme activity and lesion load.


There are several anamnestic and clinical hints indicating when Fabry disease should be considered a relevant differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, e.g. female patients with asymmetric, confluent white matter lesions on MRI, normal spinal MR imaging, ectatic vertebrobasilar arteries, proteinuria, or lack of intrathecally derived immunoglobulin synthesis.  相似文献   

Whiplash injury may extend far beyond the neck, and may involve even the soft tissues of the pelvis. For permanent recovery, all the injuries must be evaluated and treated together.When impact from the rear snaps the head back and then forward, posterior subluxations in the cervical spine cause anterior-posterior narrowing of the intervertebral foramina, which may result in injury to the cervical nerve roots. Impact at the front, causing hyperflexion followed by hyperextension, has a similar effect although usually not as severe. Resulting symptoms may not appear until two or three weeks later, when irritative lesions have developed because of hemorrhage or swelling. Mild or progressive degenerative changes may cause no symptoms but may predispose the affected area to injury following some slight trauma. Capsular ligaments of the lateral intervertebral joints are especially liable to whiplash injury which may give rise to scars and adhesions that compress spinal nerves. Sympathetic system involvement may cause reflex and referred pain.Detailed neurologic, roentgen and electromyographic studies may be necessary for proper evaluation of injuries. Seemingly psychosomatic pain or disability is likely to have some physical basis in whiplash injuries.In 33 patients with whiplash injury, some recently injured and some chronically disabled with persistent symptoms, good results were observed following hydromassage, hot packs, joint mobilization exercises and, in a few, cervical or pelvic traction.  相似文献   

In five patients with varying histories of blunt abdominal trauma, examinations were carried out with ultrasonography and other imaging modalities. In all five patients, large, fluid-filled masses were noted in the left upper quadrant. Two patients had nonpalpable hematomas, but examinations were done because of history and vague clinical symptoms. Three patients had palpable masses. In all five patients there was surgical confirmation of the ultrasonic findings, and all recovered without complications. Ultrasonic tomography offers a convenient noninvasive method for assessing suspected splenic hematoma and can also exclude the possibility in a careful examination.  相似文献   

The possibility of myasthenia gravis must be considered in patients persistently complaining of weakness and fatigue. There may be many difficulties and pitfalls in differentiating myasthenia gravis from other disorders in which muscular weakness is a common complaint.Observation of a group of 36 patients with myasthenia gravis, and another group of 30 cases involving the differential diagnosis of myasthenia gravis, led to a conclusion that a physician should apply criteria carefully before arriving at a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis and instituting drug therapy, since nonmyasthenics may frequently respond with subjective improvement temporarily following administration of cholinergic drugs.Myasthenia gravis may be a more common disorder than was suspected in the past.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine whether there are any features of retroperitoneal tumors in children that might be demonstrated on roentgenograms to aid in identifying them preoperatively. Study was limited to Wilms'' tumor of the kidney and neuroblastoma.Calcification was found in 57 per cent of the neuroblastomas and in only 12 per cent of Wilms'' tumors. Calcifications in neuroblastomas differed from those in Wilms'' tumors. Calcification in neuroblastoma was more frequent in older children than in the younger ones.The kidney was frequently displaced by both types of tumor. However, the neuroblastoma always displaced the kidney downward, or downward and slightly outward.In most instances, the Wilms'' tumor also displaced the kidney downward and outward, but in some instances upward and medially. This, of course, depended upon the site of origin of the tumor.There was a distortion of the intrarenal structures in 75 per cent of the cases of neuroblastoma and in 71 per cent of the cases of Wilms'' tumor.  相似文献   

Individualization in the treatment of patients with malfunctioning gastrojejunostomy stomas is paramount. Prompt surgical intervention in critically ill patients is necessary to save life.In the early postoperative phase, the use of barium studies is disappointing and very seldom gives information as to the actual site of the obstruction.In surgical treatment, operation directly upon the stoma should be avoided as much as possible. The release of small bowel obstruction, the reduction of intussusception or the correction of retraction of the jejunum through the mesocolon can be accomplished readily. Double or single jejunostomy for feeding and decompression are all that is necessary in cases in which no cause can be found for obstruction at or below the stoma.In a patient with peptic ulcer, the use of enteroenterostomy below the stoma is unphysiological and will predispose to gastrojejunal ulcer at a later date.  相似文献   

The current management of a patient with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage involves three steps: initial correction of unstable hemodynamics, obtaining the specific diagnosis of the lesion responsible for gastrointestinal blood loss, and therapy directed at the specific bleeding lesion. The current approach to upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage is carrying out upper gastrointestinal endoscopy following stabilization of the patient. Although improved morbidity and mortality statistics have been slow to appear, the use of endoscopy permits appropriate therapy directed at the specific lesion. Specific therapeutic measures have been outlined for seven common causes of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. The advent of therapeutic endoscopy promises to bring further advances in therapy in the near future.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus—a relatively common disease—is difficult because of the variable nature of the symptoms, which resemble those of many other conditions. The finding of the characteristic cells is pathognomonic, although failure to find them does not rule out the diagnosis.If the diagnosis is suspected the “L.E.” cell test should be performed on two samples of blood from the veins and one from the bone marrow. After separation of a haparinized sample by centrifuge, a drop from the buffy coat is Wright-stained on a slide and examined for rouleaux formation and for a hematoxylinstaining material sometimes seen in intercellular bodies (which may be surrounded by a rosette of leukocytes) and sometimes seen as ingested by a leukocyte. Only the last finding is positively diagnostic of lupus erythematosus.A statistical analysis of 62 cases treated at the Los Angeles County General Hospital is given. Because of the frequency of rheumatoidlike arthritic changes in the disease, all patients with this form of arthritis should be given the test. Spontaneous remission and then relapse after a long asymptomatic interval occurred in many cases. With early diagnosis and vigorous treatment with cortisone and corticotropin, many patients can be relieved of symptoms.  相似文献   

Among the laboratory methods and test procedures used for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in clinical practice, the oral glucose tolerance test, if performed properly, remains the cornerstone in the definitive diagnosis of diabetes. The intravenous glucose tolerance or the tolbutamide response tests may be indicated especially when there is a question of proper oral carbohydrate assimilation. The value of the cortisone-glucose tolerance test is still in question. Insulin assays may be helpful in differentiating between the various types of diabetes. Accepted criteria for normal and abnormal values for all tests are tabulated.  相似文献   

Depression is both a common and a greatly undertreated illness in the United States today. The focus of this review is a definition of the characteristics of four subtypes of depression which appear to be differentially sensitive to four different classes of medications. The tricyclic antidepressants should be used for patients with unipolar depression and vegetative symptoms. Lithium appears to be most effective for bipolar depressives. The monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors are best used for patients with atypical depression. Antipsychotic medications appear to be useful for depressed patients with psychotic symptoms or agitation. Recent pharmacokinetic and biochemical data, including serum lithium levels, plasma tricyclic levels, and the predictive ability of pretreatment urinary 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) levels are also reviewed.  相似文献   

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