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BACKGROUND: We previously demonstrated that transfection of synthetic short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting against TGF-beta1 could be effective and therapeutic in silencing TGF-beta1 expression in glomerulus, thereby ameliorated the progression of matrix expansion in anti-Thy-1 model of glomerulonephritis. However, a major concern in applying RNAi to gene therapy is the prolonged existence of silencing potential in vivo. METHOD: We examined the duration of siRNA stability in kidney and muscle, and checked the tissue distribution of siRNase, eri-1. Thereafter, we tested the effect of chemically modified siRNA called siSTABLE on progressive glomerulosclerosis model. RESULTS: A single introduction of siRNA for EGFP (siEGFP) or its expression vector into kidney resulted in the reduction of masangial EGFP expression only for up to two weeks, while transfection of siEGFP into the pretibial muscle silenced EGFP expression unexpectedly for more than 90 days. These observations could be explained by the different expression of eri-1 between kidney and muscle. In addition, transfection of ERI-1-resistant siSTABLE for TGF-beta1 significantly reduced glomerular matrix deposition in progressive glomerulosclerosis model.Conclusion: Treatment with siRNA resistant to eri-1 may be effective and promising strategy for progressive renal disease.  相似文献   

Methods that allow the specific silencing of a desired gene are invaluable tools for research. One of these is based on RNA interference (RNAi), a process by which double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) specifically suppresses the expression of a target mRNA. Recently, it has been reported that RNAi also works in mammalian cells if small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are used to avoid activation of the interferon system by long dsRNA. Thus, RNAi could become a major tool for reverse genetics in mammalian systems. However, the high cost and the limited availability of the short synthetic RNAs and the lack of certainty that a designed siRNA will work present major drawbacks of the siRNA technology. Here we present an alternative method to obtain cheap and large amounts of siRNAs using T7 RNA polymerase. With multiple transfection procedures, including calcium phosphate co-precipitation, we demonstrate silencing of both exogenous and endogenous genes.  相似文献   

RNA干扰及其抗病毒应用的可行性探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
RNA干扰是存在于动植物细胞中的,由双链RNA介导的,序列特异性的mRNA降解过程。在哺乳动物细胞里,RNAi可以由21 ̄25个核苷酸长度的双链小干扰RNA(siRNA)触发。目前,以RNAi为策略来抑制病毒复制的方法已获得了巨大成功。但RNAi具有高度序列特异性,而多种病毒,如HIV-1、HBV A等却具有迅速变异的倾向。本文就病毒进化出的多种逃避RNA干扰的机制以及如何降低病毒对RNAi的耐受力等问题进行了多方面的探讨。  相似文献   

RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是一种发展迅速并具有广阔应用前景的基因控制技术,它能特异性地沉默内源或外源性靶基因,已成为基因治疗的有效手段。然而,利用RNA干扰技术进行体内基因沉默的主要障碍是如何实现siRNA和miRNA的体内安全高效输送导入。该文结合国内外进展和本课题组在RNA干扰方面的研究成果,对RNA干扰体内导入技术作一综述。  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) has emerged as a powerful tool to silence specific genes. Vector‐based RNAi systems have been developed to downregulate targeted genes in a spatially and temporally regulated fashion both in vitro and in vivo. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a model animal that has been examined based on a wide variety of biological techniques, including embryonic manipulations, forward and reverse genetics, and molecular biology. However, a heritable and tissue‐specific knockdown of gene expression has not yet been developed in zebrafish. We examined two types of vector, which produce small interfering RNA (siRNA), the direct effector in RNAi system; microRNA (miRNA) process mimicking vectors with a promoter for RNA polymerase II and short hairpin RNA (shRNA) expressing vector through a promoter for RNA polymerase III. Though gene‐silencing phenotypes were not observed in the miRNA process mimicking vectors, the transgenic embryos of the second vector (Tg(zU6‐shGFP)), shRNA expressing vector for enhanced green fluorescence protein, revealed knockdown of the targeted gene. Interestingly, only the embryos from Tg(zU6‐shGFP) female but not from the male fish showed the downregulation. Comparison of the quantity of siRNA produced by each vector indicates that the vectors tested here induced siRNA, but at low levels barely sufficient to silence the targeted gene.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of the vast majority of plant siRNAs depends on the activity of the plant-specific RNA polymerase IV (PolIV) enzyme. As part of the RNA-dependent DNA methylation (RdDM) process, PolIV-dependent siRNAs (p4-siRNAs) are loaded onto an ARGONAUTE4-containing complex and guide de novo DNA methyltransferases to target loci. Here we show that the double-stranded RNA binding proteins DRB2 and DRB4 are required for proper accumulation of p4-siRNAs. In flowers, loss of DRB2 results in increased accumulation of p4-siRNAs but not ta-siRNAs, inverted repeat (IR)-derived siRNAs, or miRNA. Loss of DRB2 does not impair uniparental expression of p4-dependent siRNAs in developing endosperm, indicating that p4-siRNA increased accumulation is not the result of the activation of the polIV pathway in the male gametophyte. In contrast to drb2, drb4 mutants exhibit reduced p4-siRNA levels, but the extent of this reduction is variable, according to the nature and size of the p4-siRNAs. Loss of DRB4 also leads to a spectacular increase of p4-independent IR-derived 24-nt siRNAs, suggesting a reallocation of factors from p4-dependent to p4-independent siRNA pathways in drb4. Opposite effects of drb2 and drb4 mutations on the accumulation of p4-siRNAs were also observed in vegetative tissues. Moreover, transgenic plants overexpressing DRB2 mimicked drb4 mutants at the morphological and molecular levels, confirming the antagonistic roles of DRB2 and DRB4.  相似文献   

RNAi(RNA interference)技术在医学研究中的应用发展迅速,运用RNAi可用来进行特定基因功能的研究和特异性基因治疗,在包括肿瘤、遗传性疾病、发育性疾病、病毒感染等的发病、预防、治疗方面的研究有着广阔的应用前景.本文就RNAi技术及其在口腔医学领域研究中的应用现状和前景做一综述.  相似文献   

RNA干扰在抗病毒研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

RNA干扰(RNAi)是生物体内源基因发生转录后特异性降解的一种生理现象,作为抵抗病毒的免疫机制,广泛存在于生物体内。RNAi在秀丽隐杆线虫中的发生机制已明确,但昆虫的系统性RNAi不同于线虫,在昆虫中尚未发现线虫跨膜蛋白SID.2的同源蛋白,且果蝇中不存在依赖于RNA的RNA聚合酶(RdRP),但存在具有相似活性的物质。昆虫发生RNAi的效率不仅与靶标基因自身及双链RNA的选择有关,而且与虫体的发育状态及摄入双链RNA的剂量相关。随着RNAi在昆虫中作用特点的阐明,RNAi的应用价值也逐渐体现。近年来,通过RNAi沉默靶标基因,不但促进了昆虫基因功能研究的发展,而且被广泛用于重要农业害虫抗药性基因的研究。最新研究表明,RNAi结合第2代测序技术,针对非模式昆虫,能迅速找到具有致死效应的靶标序列,加快了利用RNAi技术生产生物农药的步伐。  相似文献   

In this paper, the use of vector-based RNA interference (RNAi) to specifically interfere with gene expression in chick embryos is reported. In ovo electroporation was carried out to transfer a small interfering RNA (siRNA) expression vector into chick embryos. En2 was chosen for the target gene because the family gene, En1, is expressed in a similar pattern. Four sets of 19-mer sequences were designed with the En2 open reading frame region connected to a sequence of short hairpin RNA (shRNA), which exerts siRNA effects after being transcribed, and inserted into pSilencer U6-1.0 vector. En2 and En1 expression were suppressed by the siRNA whose sequence completely matched En2 and En1. Suppression occurred when the siRNA sequence differed by up to two nucleotides from the target sequence. The sequence that differed by four nucleotides from the target gene did not show siRNA effects. One set that completely matched the En2 target did not show siRNA effects, which may be due to location of the siRNA in the target gene. Thus, multiple sets of shRNA must be prepared if we are to consider. This system will greatly contribute to the analysis of function of genes of interest, because the target gene can be silenced in a locally and temporally desired manner.  相似文献   

SID-1 is a transmembrane protein that mediates systemic RNA interference in Caenorhabditis elegans. Here we show that the mammalian SID-1 homologue FLJ20174 localizes to the cell membrane of human cells and enhances their uptake of small interfering RNA (siRNA), resulting in increased siRNA-mediated gene silencing efficacy. This is the first demonstration to show that overexpression of a membrane protein enhances siRNA internalization in mammalian cells. This observation raises the possibility of enhancing the efficacy of RNA interference.  相似文献   

Delivery of siRNA to immune cells has been one of the major obstacles to widespread application of RNAi in the immunology field. Here, we report that osmotic delivery of siRNA can be used to silence genes in macrophage RAW264.7 without incurring either cytotoxic or immunomodulatory activity. We also showed usefulness of the osmotic delivery in other types of cells including T cell DO11.10. By repeated osmotic delivery of siRNA, long-term gene silencing was readily achieved. When TLR4 was disrupted in RAW264.7 cells for 48 h and the cells were stimulated with the TLR4 ligand LPS, a significant decrease in TNFalpha production was observed. DNA microarray-based gene expression profile analysis showed that gene silencing by osmotic delivery of siRNA was target-specific and the delivery method itself had little influence on overall gene expression.  相似文献   

Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) variously modified with 4'-thioribonucleosides against the Photinus luciferase gene were tested for their induction of the RNA interference (RNAi) activity in cultured NIH/3T3 cells. Results indicated that modifications at the sense-strand were well tolerated for RNAi activity except for full modification with 4'-thioribonucleosides. However, the activity of siRNAs modified at the antisense-strand was dependent on the position and the number of modifications with 4'-thioribonucleosides. Since modifications of siRNAs with 4'-thioribonucleosides were well tolerated in RNAi activity compared with that of 2'-O-methyl nucleosides, 4'-thioribonucleosides might be potentially useful in the development of novel and effective chemically modified siRNAs.  相似文献   

Within the recent years, RNA interference (RNAi) has become an almost-standard method for in vitro knockdown of any target gene of interest. Now, one major focus is to further explore its potential in vivo, including the development of novel therapeutic strategies. From the mechanism, it becomes clear that small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) play a pivotal role in triggering RNAi. Thus, the efficient delivery of target gene-specific siRNAs is one major challenge in the establishment of therapeutic RNAi. Numerous studies, based on different modes of administration and various siRNA formulations and/or modifications, have already accumulated promising results. This applies to various animal models covering viral infections, cancer and multiple other diseases. Continuing efforts will lead to the development of efficient and “double-specific” drugs, comprising of siRNAs with high target gene specificity and of nanoparticles enhancing siRNA delivery and target organ specificity.  相似文献   

Chikungunya has emerged as one of the most important arboviral infection of public health significance. Recently several parts of Indian Ocean islands and India witnessed explosive, unprecedented epidemic. So far, there is no effective antiviral or licensed vaccine available against Chikungunya infection. RNA interference mediated inhibition of viral replication has emerged as a promising antiviral strategy. In this study, we examined the effectiveness of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) against the inhibition of Chikungunya virus replication in Vero cells. Two siRNAs against the conserved regions of nsP3 and E1 genes of Chikungunya virus were designed. The siRNA activity was assessed by detecting both the infectious virus and its genome. The results indicated a reduction of virus titer up to 99.6% in siRNA transfected cells compared to control. The viral inhibition was most significant at 24 h (99%), followed by 48 h (65%) post infection. These results were also supported by the quantitative RT-PCR assay revealing similar reduction in Chikungunya viral genomic RNA. The siRNAs used had no effect on the expression of house keeping gene indicating non-interference in cellular mechanism. The specific and marked reduction in viral replication against rapidly replicating Chikungunya virus achieved in this study offers a potential new therapeutic approach. This is the first report demonstrating the effectiveness of siRNA against in vitro replication of Chikungunya virus.  相似文献   

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