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Lu Y  Hall DA  Last RL 《The Plant cell》2011,23(5):1861-1875
This work identifies LOW QUANTUM YIELD OF PHOTOSYSTEM II1 (LQY1), a Zn finger protein that shows disulfide isomerase activity, interacts with the photosystem II (PSII) core complex, and may act in repair of photodamaged PSII complexes. Two mutants of an unannotated small Zn finger containing a thylakoid membrane protein of Arabidopsis thaliana (At1g75690; LQY1) were found to have a lower quantum yield of PSII photochemistry and reduced PSII electron transport rate following high-light treatment. The mutants dissipate more excess excitation energy via nonphotochemical pathways than wild type, and they also display elevated accumulation of reactive oxygen species under high light. After high-light treatment, the mutants have less PSII-light-harvesting complex II supercomplex than wild-type plants. Analysis of thylakoid membrane protein complexes showed that wild-type LQY1 protein comigrates with the PSII core monomer and the CP43-less PSII monomer (a marker for ongoing PSII repair and reassembly). PSII repair and reassembly involve the breakage and formation of disulfide bonds among PSII proteins. Interestingly, the recombinant LQY1 protein demonstrates a protein disulfide isomerase activity. LQY1 is more abundant in stroma-exposed thylakoids, where key steps of PSII repair and reassembly take place. The absence of the LQY1 protein accelerates turnover and synthesis of PSII reaction center protein D1. These results suggest that the LQY1 protein may be involved in maintaining PSII activity under high light by regulating repair and reassembly of PSII complexes.  相似文献   

Plants, as sessile organisms, employ multiple mechanisms to adapt to the seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations associated with their habitats. Here, we provide genetic and physiological evidence that the FtsH11 protease of Arabidopsis contributes to the overall tolerance of the plant to elevated temperatures. To identify the various mechanisms of thermotolerance in plants, we isolated a series of Arabidopsis thaliana thermo-sensitive mutants (atts) that fail to acquire thermotolerance after pre-conditioning at 38 degrees C. Two allelic mutants, atts244 and atts405, were found to be both highly susceptible to moderately elevated temperatures and defective in acquired thermotolerance. The growth and development of the mutant plants at all stages examined were arrested after exposure to temperatures above 30 degrees C, which are permissive conditions for wild-type plants. The affected gene in atts244 was identified through map-based cloning and encodes a chloroplast targeted FtsH protease, FtsH11. The Arabidopsis genome contains 12 predicted FtsH protease genes, with all previously characterized FtsH genes playing roles in the alleviation of light stress through the degradation of unassembled thylakoid membrane proteins and photodamaged photosystem II D1 protein. Photosynthetic capability, as measured by chlorophyll content (chl a/b ratios) and PSII quantum yield, is greatly reduced in the leaves of FtsH11 mutants when exposed to the moderately high temperature of 30 degrees C. Under high light conditions, however, FtsH11 mutants and wild-type plants showed no significant difference in photosynthesis capacity. Our results support a direct role for the A. thaliana FtsH11-encoded protease in thermotolerance, a function previously reported for bacterial and yeast FtsH proteases but not for those from plants.  相似文献   

The cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 contains four members of the FtsH protease family. One of these, FtsH (slr0228), has been implicated recently in the repair of photodamaged photosystem II (PSII) complexes. We have demonstrated here, using a combination of blue native PAGE, radiolabeling, and immunoblotting, that FtsH (slr0228) is required for selective replacement of the D1 reaction center subunit in both wild type PSII complexes and in PSII subcomplexes lacking the PSII chlorophyll a-binding subunit CP43. To test whether FtsH (slr0228) has a more general role in protein quality control in vivo, we have studied the synthesis and degradation of PSII subunits in wild type and in defined insertion and missense mutants incapable of proper assembly of the PSII holoenzyme. We discovered that, when the gene encoding FtsH (slr0228) was disrupted in these strains, the overall level of assembly intermediates and unassembled PSII proteins markedly increased. Pulse-chase experiments showed that this was due to reduced rates of degradation in vivo. Importantly, analysis of epitope-tagged and green fluorescent protein-tagged strains revealed that slr0228 was present in the thylakoid and not the cytoplasmic membrane. Overall, our results show that FtsH (slr0228) plays an important role in controlling the removal of PSII subunits from the thylakoid membrane and is not restricted to selective D1 turnover.  相似文献   

When spinach thylakoids were subjected to moderate heat stress (40 degrees C for 30 min), oxygen evolution was inhibited, and cleavage of the reaction center-binding protein D1 of photosystem II took place, producing 23-kDa N-terminal fragments. The D1 cleavage was greatly facilitated by the addition of 0.15 mM ZnCl2 and 1 mM ATP and was completely inhibited by 1 mM EDTA, indicating the participation of an ATP-dependent metalloprotease(s) in the D1 cleavage. Herbicides 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea, bromoxynil, and ioxynil, all of which bind to the Q(B) site, inhibited the D1 cleavage, suggesting that the DE-loop of the D1 protein is the heat-sensitive cleavage site. We solubilized the protease by treating the thylakoids with 2 M KSCN and detected a protease activity in the supernatant by gelatin activity gel electrophoresis in the 70-80-kDa region. The antibodies against tobacco FtsH and Arabidopsis FtsH2 reacted with a 70-80-kDa band of the KSCN-solubilized fraction, which suggests the presence of FtsH in the fraction. In accordance with this finding, we identified the homolog to Arabidopsis FtsH8 in the 70-80-kDa region by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass analysis of the thylakoids. The KSCN-solubilized fraction was successively reconstituted with thylakoids to show heat-induced cleavage of the D1 protein and production of the D1 fragment. These results strongly suggest that an FtsH protease(s) is involved in the primary cleavage of the D1 protein under moderate heat stress.  相似文献   

The mechanism of D1 protein degradation was investigated during photoinhibitory illumination of isolated photosystem II core preparations. The studies revealed that a proteolytic activity resides within the photosystem II core complex. A relationship between the inhibition of D1 protein degradation and the binding of the highly specific serine protease inhibitor diisopropyl fluorophosphate to isolated complexes of photosystem II was observed, evidence that this protease is of the serine type. Using radiolabeled inhibitor, it was shown that the binding site, representing the active serine of the catalytic site, is located on a 43-kDa polypeptide, probably the chlorophyll a protein CP43. The protease is apparently active in darkness, with the initiation of breakdown being dependent on high light-induced substrate activation. The proteolysis, which has an optimum at pH 7.5, gives rise to primary degradation fragments of 23 and 16 kDa. In addition, D1 protein fragments of 14, 13, and 10 kDa were identified. Experiments with phosphate-labeled D1 protein and sequence-specific antisera showed that the 23- and 16-kDa fragments originate from the N- and C-termini, respectively, suggesting a primary cleavage of the D1 protein at the outer thylakoid surface in the region between transmembrane helices D and E.  相似文献   

We cloned and determined the nucleotide sequence of PSII genes, psbB and psbTc, from the thermophilic cyanobacterium, Thermosynechococcus elongatus strain BP-1. PSII-Tc, encoded by psbTc, is a small membrane-spanning subunit of the PSII core complex of cyanobacteria and plants. However, its role has not been fully elucidated. We generated an insertional disruptant of psbTc and studied the role of the PSII-Tc protein in cyanobacterial PSII. The following observations were made: (i) The psbTc disruptant could grow photoautotrophically at a rate similar to that of wild-type T. elongatus under a wide range of light conditions. (ii) Thylakoids and oxygen-evolving PSII complexes were successfully isolated from the psbTc disruptant as well as the wild type. There was no significant difference in the oxygen evolution activities of cells, thylakoids or PSII complexes between the psbTc disruptant and the wild type. This is in contrast to the lower activities in the other PSII mutants of T. elongatus. (iii) Chromatographic separation of monomeric and dimeric PSII revealed that recovery of dimeric PSII was dramatically reduced in the psbTc disruptant. (iv) SDS-urea-PAGE showed a complete loss of the 4.7-kDa band in the mutant PSII. Since this band in wild-type PSII consists of PSII-M and PSII-Tc, we assume that PSII-Tc is critical for the binding of PSII-M in the PSII complex and is involved directly and indirectly in the dimerization of PSII. These results appear to be in good agreement with the recent structural model of the dimeric PSII complex.  相似文献   

The role of an AAA protease FtsH (slr0228) in the turnover of the D1 protein was studied under moderate heat stress conditions using wild-type cells of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 and the mutant cells lacking a homologue of FtsH (slr0228). When the growth temperature of the wild-type was shifted from 30 degrees C to 40 degrees C, growth and oxygen-evolving activity were partially inhibited. Under the same heat stress, growth of the mutant was inhibited more significantly (63% inhibition after 5 days heat stress, compared with 26% inhibition with the wild-type cells) and the oxygen-evolving activity was also impaired in parallel. With heat stress at 42 degrees C, the level of the D1 protein of wild type cells was decreased, whereas that in mutant cells was not. The responses of cyanobacterial cells to heat stress observed here are quite similar to those to light stress that were reported previously. From these results, we suggest that the FtsH protease (slr0228) is responsible for both the heat-induced and light-induced degradation of the D1 protein. Notably, the amount of FtsH increased when the wild-type cells were exposed to heat stress or light stress, indicating that the up-regulation of the FtsH protease in the thylakoids is crucial for the cyanobacterial cells to cope with these abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

The extrinsic photosystem II (PSII) protein of 33 kDa (PsbO), which stabilizes the water-oxidizing complex, is represented in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) by two isoforms. Two T-DNA insertion mutant lines deficient in either the PsbO1 or the PsbO2 protein were retarded in growth in comparison with the wild type, while differing from each other phenotypically. Both PsbO proteins were able to support the oxygen evolution activity of PSII, although PsbO2 was less efficient than PsbO1 under photoinhibitory conditions. Prolonged high light stress led to reduced growth and fitness of the mutant lacking PsbO2 as compared with the wild type and the mutant lacking PsbO1. During a short period of treatment of detached leaves or isolated thylakoids at high light levels, inactivation of PSII electron transport in the PsbO2-deficient mutant was slowed down, and the subsequent degradation of the D1 protein was totally inhibited. The steady-state levels of in vivo phosphorylation of the PSII reaction centre proteins D1 and D2 were specifically reduced in the mutant containing only PsbO2, in comparison with the mutant containing only PsbO1 or with wild-type plants. Phosphorylation of PSII proteins in vitro proceeded similarly in thylakoid membranes from both mutants and wild-type plants. However, dephosphorylation of the D1 protein occurred much faster in the thylakoids containing only PsbO2. We conclude that the function of PsbO1 in Arabidopsis is mostly in support of PSII activity, whereas the interaction of PsbO2 with PSII regulates the turnover of the D1 protein, increasing its accessibility to the phosphatases and proteases involved in its degradation.  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) is a multiprotein complex that functions as a light-driven water:plastoquinone oxidoreductase in photosynthesis. Assembly of PSII proceeds through a number of distinct intermediate states and requires auxiliary proteins. The photosynthesis affected mutant 68 (pam68) of Arabidopsis thaliana displays drastically altered chlorophyll fluorescence and abnormally low levels of the PSII core subunits D1, D2, CP43, and CP47. We show that these phenotypes result from a specific decrease in the stability and maturation of D1. This is associated with a marked increase in the synthesis of RC (the PSII reaction center-like assembly complex) at the expense of PSII dimers and supercomplexes. PAM68 is a conserved integral membrane protein found in cyanobacterial and eukaryotic thylakoids and interacts in split-ubiquitin assays with several PSII core proteins and known PSII assembly factors. Biochemical analyses of thylakoids from Arabidopsis and Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 suggest that, during PSII assembly, PAM68 proteins associate with an early intermediate complex that might contain D1 and the assembly factor LPA1. Inactivation of cyanobacterial PAM68 destabilizes RC but does not affect larger PSII assembly complexes. Our data imply that PAM68 proteins promote early steps in PSII biogenesis in cyanobacteria and plants, but their inactivation is differently compensated for in the two classes of organisms.  相似文献   

Deg1 is a Ser protease peripherally attached to the lumenal side of the thylakoid membrane. Its physiological function is unknown, but its localization makes it a suitable candidate for participation in photoinhibition repair by degradation of the photosystem II reaction center protein D1. We transformed Arabidopsis thaliana with an RNA interference construct and obtained plants with reduced levels of Deg1. These plants were smaller than wild-type plants, flowered earlier, were more sensitive to photoinhibition, and accumulated more of the D1 protein, probably in an inactive form. Two C-terminal degradation products of the D1 protein, of 16 and 5.2 kD, accumulated at lower levels compared with the wild type. Moreover, addition of recombinant Deg1 to inside-out thylakoid membranes isolated from the mutant could induce the formation of the 5.2-kD D1 C-terminal fragment, whereas the unrelated proteases trypsin and thermolysin could not. Immunoblot analysis revealed that mutants containing less Deg1 also contain less FtsH protease, and FtsH mutants contain less Deg1. These results suggest that Deg1 cooperates with the stroma-exposed proteases FtsH and Deg2 in degrading D1 protein during repair from photoinhibition by cleaving lumen-exposed regions of the protein. In addition, they suggest that accumulation of Deg1 and FtsH proteases may be coordinated.  相似文献   

Divergent theories on the mechanism behind, and the nature of, photoinhibition are discussed, especially in relation to observations made in higher plant leaves. Comparisons are made with 'lower' plant groups and results of in vivo and in vitro experiments are considered. Irradiance-induced mechanisms involved in the regulation of PSII function and structure are discussed in connection with turnover of the DI protein. A model is presented in which a structural change in DI protein facilitates the formation of a population of dissipative PSII centres that do not participate in linear electron transport to PSI. We suggest a sophisticated regulatory mechanism whereby this variable PSII function is controlled with respect to both incident light and biochemical demand, a control which relies on feedback from both light and dark reactions.  相似文献   

We report here the first three-dimensional structure of the D1 C-terminal processing protease (D1P), which is encoded by the ctpA gene. This enzyme removes the C-terminal extension of the D1 polypeptide of photosystem II of oxygenic photosynthesis. Proteolytic processing is necessary to allow the light driven assembly of the tetranuclear manganese cluster, which is responsible for photosynthetic water oxidation. The X-ray structure of the Scenedesmus obliquus enzyme has been determined at 1.8 A resolution using the multiwavelength anomalous dispersion method. The enzyme is monomeric and is composed of three folding domains. The middle domain is topologically homologous to known PDZ motifs and is proposed to be the site at which the substrate C-terminus binds. The remainder of the substrate likely extends across the face of the enzyme, interacting at its scissile bond with the enzyme active site Ser 372 / Lys 397 catalytic dyad, which lies at the center of the protein at the interface of the three domains.  相似文献   

? The thylakoid protease Deg2 is a serine-type protease peripherally attached to the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane. Given the lack of knowledge concerning its function, two T-DNA insertion lines devoid of Deg2 were prepared to study the functional importance of this protease in Arabidopsis thaliana. ? The phenotypic appearance of deg2 mutants was studied using a combination of stereo and transmission electron microscopy, and short-stress-mediated degradation of apoproteins of minor light-harvesting antennae of photosystem II (PSII) was analysed by immunoblotting in the mutants in comparison with wild-type plants. ? Deg2 repression produced a phenotype in which reduced leaf area and modified chloroplast ultrastructure of older leaves were the most prominent features. In contrast to the wild type, the chloroplasts of second-whorl leaves of 4-wk-old deg2 mutants did not display features typical of the early senescence phase, such as undulation of the chloroplast envelope and thylakoids. The ability to degrade the photosystem II light-harvesting protein Lhcb6 apoprotein in response to brief high-salt, wounding, high-temperature and high-irradiance stress was demonstrated to be impaired in deg2 mutants. ? Our results suggest that Deg2 is required for normal plant development, including the chloroplast life cycle, and has an important function in the degradation of Lhcb6 in response to short-duration stresses.  相似文献   

Oxygenic photosynthesis produces various radicals and activeoxygen species with harmful effects on photosystem II (PSII).Such photodamage occurs at all light intensities. Damaged PSIIcentres, however, do not usually accumulate in the thylakoidmembrane due to a rapid and efficient repair mechanism. Theexcellent design of PSII gives protection to most of the proteincomponents and the damage is most often targeted only to thereaction centre D1 protein. Repair of PSII via turnover of thedamaged protein subunits is a complex process involving (i)highly regulated reversible phosphorylation of several PSIIcore subunits, (ii) monomerization and migration of the PSIIcore from the grana to the stroma lamellae, (iii) partial disassemblyof the PSII core monomer, (iv) highly specific proteolysis ofthe damaged proteins, and finally (v) a multi-step replacementof the damaged proteins with de novo synthesized copies followedby (vi) the reassembly, dimerization, and photoactivation ofthe PSII complexes. These processes will shortly be reviewedpaying particular attention to the damage, turnover, and assemblyof the PSII complex in grana and stroma thylakoids during thephotoinhibition–repair cycle of PSII. Moreover, a two-dimensionalBlue-native gel map of thylakoid membrane protein complexes,and their modification in the grana and stroma lamellae duringa high-light treatment, is presented. Key words: Arabidopsis thylakoid membrane proteome, assembly of photosystem II, D1 protein, light stress, photosystem II photoinhibition, repair of photosystem II  相似文献   

Biochemical and biophysical parameters, including D1-protein turnover, chlorophyll fluorescence, oxygen evolution activity and zeaxanthin formation were measured in the marine seagrassZostera capricorni (Aschers) in response to limiting (100 mol·m–2·–1), saturating (350 mol·m–2·s–1) or photoinhibitory (1100 mol·m–2·s–1) irradiances. Synthesis of D1 was maximal at 350 mol·m–2·s–1 which was also the irradiance at which the rate of photosynthetic O2 evolution was maximal. Degradation of D1 was saturated at 350 mol·m–2·s–1. The rate of D1 synthesis at 1100 mol·m–2·s–1 was very similar to that at 350 mol·m–2·s–1 for the first 90 min but then declined. At limiting or saturating irradiance little change was observed in the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence (Fv/Fm) measured after dark adaptation of the leaves, while significant photoinhibition occurred at 1100 mol·m–2·s–1. The proportion of zeaxanthin in the total xanthophyll pool increased with increasing irradiance, indicative of the presence of a photoprotective xanthophyll cycle in this seagrass. These results are consistent with a high level of regulatory D1 turnover inZostera under non-photoinhibitory irradiance conditions, as has been found previously for terrestrial plants.We would like to thank Professor Peter Böger (Department of Plant Biochemistry, University of Konstanz, Germany) for the kind gift of D1 antibodies. This work was partly supported by a University of Queensland Enabling Grant to CC.  相似文献   

Light, controls the “blueprint” for chloroplast development, but at high intensities is toxic to the chloroplast. Excessive light intensities inhibit primarily photosystem II electron transport. This results in generation of toxic singlet oxygen due to impairment of electron transport on the acceptor side between pheophytin and QB -the secondary electron acceptor. High light stress also impairs electron transport on the donor side of photosystem II generating highly oxidizing species Z+ and P680+. A conformationsl change in the photosystem II reaction centre protein Dl affecting its QB-binding site is involved in turning the damaged protein into a substrate for proteolysis. The evidence indicates that the degradation of D1 is an enzymatic process and the protease that degrades D1 protein has been shown to be a serine protease Although there is evidence to indicate that the chlorophyll a-protein complex CP43 acts as a serine-type protease degrading Dl, the observed degradation of Dl protein in photosystem II reaction centre particlesin vitro argues against the involvement of CP43 in Dl degradation. Besides the degradation during high light stress of Dl, and to a lesser extent D2-the other reaction centre protein, CP43 and CP29 have also been shown to undergo degradation. In an oxygenic environment, Dl is cleaved from its N-and C-termini and the disassembly of the photosystem II complex involves simultaneous release of manganese and three extrinsic proteins involved in oxygen evolution. It is known that protein with PEST sequences are subject to degradation; D1 protein contains a PEST sequence adjacent to the site of cleavage on the outer side of thylakoid membrane between helices IV and V. The molecular processes of “triggering” of Dl for proteolytic degradation are not clearly understood. The changes in structural organization of photosystem II due to generation of oxy-radicals and other highly oxidizing species have also not been resolved. Whether CP43 or a component of the photosystem II reaction centre itself (Dl. D2 or cy1 b559 subunits), which may be responsible for degradation of Dl, is also subject to light modification to become an active protease, is also not known. The identity of proteases degrading Dl, LHCII and CP43 and C29 remains to be established  相似文献   

Although light is the ultimate substrate in photosynthesis, it can also be harmful and lead to oxidative damage of the photosynthetic apparatus. The main target for light stress is the central oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PSII) and its D1 reaction centre protein. Degradation of the damaged D1 protein and its rapid replacement by a de novo synthesized copy represent the important repair mechanism of PSII crucial for plant survival under light stress conditions. Here we report the isolation of a single-copy nuclear gene from Arabidopsis thaliana, encoding a protease that performs GTP-dependent primary cleavage of the photodamaged D1 protein and hence catalysing the key step in the repair cycle in plants. This protease, designated DegP2, is a homologue of the prokaryotic Deg/Htr family of serine endopeptidases and is associated with the stromal side of the non-appressed region of the thylakoid membranes. Increased expression of DegP2 under high salt, desiccation and light stress conditions was measured at the protein level.  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) is highly susceptible to photoinhibition caused by environmental stimuli such as high light; therefore plants have evolved multifaceted mechanisms to efficiently protect PSII from photodamage. We previously published data suggesting that Maintenance of PSII under High light 1 (MPH1, encoded by AT5G07020), a PSII-associated proline-rich protein found in land plants, participates in the maintenance of normal PSII activity under photoinhibitory stress. Here we provide additional evidence for the role of MPH1 in protecting PSII against photooxidative damage. Two Arabidopsis thaliana mutants lacking a functional MPH1 gene suffer from severe photoinhibition relative to the wild-type plants under high irradiance light. The mph1 mutants exhibit significantly decreased PSII quantum yield and electron transport rate after exposure to photoinhibitory light. The mutants also display drastically elevated photodamage to PSII reaction center proteins after high-light treatment. These data add further evidence that MPH1 is involved in PSII photoprotection in Arabidopsis. MPH1 homologs are found across phylogenetically diverse land plants but are not detected in algae or prokaryotes. Taken together, these results suggest that MPH1 protein began to play a role in protecting PSII against excess light following the transition from aquatic to terrestrial conditions.  相似文献   

Photoinhibition is caused by an imbalance between the rates of the damage and repair cycle of photosystem II D1 protein in thylakoid membranes. The PSII repair processes include (i) disassembly of damaged PSII-LHCII supercomplexes and PSII core dimers into monomers, (ii) migration of the PSII monomers to the stroma regions of thylakoid membranes, (iii) dephosphorylation of the CP43, D1 and D2 subunits, (iv) degradation of damaged D1 protein, and (v) co-translational insertion of the newly synthesized D1 polypeptide and reassembly of functional PSII complex. Here, we studied the D1 turnover cycle in maize mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts using a protein synthesis inhibitor, lincomycin. In both types of maize chloroplasts, PSII was found as the PSII-LHCII supercomplex, dimer and monomer. The PSII core and the LHCII proteins were phosphorylated in both types of chloroplasts in a light-dependent manner. The rate constants for photoinhibition measured for lincomycin-treated leaves were comparable to those reported for C3 plants, suggesting that the kinetics of the PSII photodamage is similar in C3 and C4 species. During the photoinhibitory treatment the D1 protein was dephosphorylated in both types of chloroplasts but it was rapidly degraded only in the bundle sheath chloroplasts. In mesophyll chloroplasts, PSII monomers accumulated and little degradation of D1 protein was observed. We postulate that the low content of the Deg1 enzyme observed in mesophyll chloroplasts isolated from moderate light grown maize may retard the D1 repair processes in this type of plastids.  相似文献   

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