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Intracellular vesicle trafficking is mediated by a set of SNARE proteins in eukaryotic cells. Several SNARE proteins are required for vacuolar protein transport and vacuolar biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A search of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome database revealed a total of 17 SNARE-related genes. Although no homologs of Vam3p, Nyv1p, and Vam7p have been found in S. pombe, we identified one SNARE-like protein that is homologous to S. cerevisiae Pep12p. However, the disruptants transport vacuolar hydrolase CPY (SpCPY) to the vacuole normally, suggesting that the Pep12 homolog is not required for vacuolar protein transport in S. pombe cells. To identify the SNARE protein(s) involved in Golgi-to-vacuole protein transport, we have deleted four SNARE homolog genes in S. pombe. SpCPY was significantly missorted to the cell surface on deletion of one of the SNARE proteins, Fsv1p (SPAC6F12.03c), with no apparent S. cerevisiae ortholog. In addition, sporulation, endocytosis, and in vivo vacuolar fusion appear to be normal in fsv1Delta cells. These results showed that Fsv1p is mainly involved in vesicle-mediated protein transport between the Golgi and vacuole in S. pombe cells.  相似文献   

Peptide:N-glycanase (PNGase) is an enzyme responsible for deglycosylation of misfolded glycoproteins in so-called endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) system. In this study, we reported the molecular identification and characterization of SpPNGase (Schizosaccharomyces pombe PNGase). Enzymatic analysis revealed that SpPNGase deglycosylated the misfolded glycoproteins and distinguished native and denatured high-mannose glycoproteins in vitro. The deglycosylation activity was lost with the addition of chelating agent EDTA and was not restored by re-addition of metal ions. By construction of deletion mutant, we confirmed that N-terminal α-helix of SpPNGase was responsible for the protein-protein interaction. Combining the results from ternary structure prediction and dendrogram analysis, we suggested that the N-terminal α-helices of PNGase are derived from evolutionary motif/peptide fusion.  相似文献   

Alkali extraction and methylation analyses in the 1970s revealed that the cell walls of the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe contain a (1-->3)-alpha-d-glucan, a (1-->3)-beta-d-glucan, a (1-->6)-beta-d-glucan, and a alpha-galactomannan. To refine the structures of these polysaccharides, cell-wall glucans of S. pombe were extracted, fractionated, and analyzed by NMR spectroscopy. S. pombe cells were treated with 3% NaOH, and alkali-soluble and insoluble fractions were prepared. The alkali-insoluble fraction was treated with 0.5M acetic acid or Zymolyase 100T to yield an alkali-insoluble, acetic acid-insoluble fraction, an alkali-insoluble, Zymolyase-insoluble fraction, and an alkali-insoluble, Zymolyase-soluble fraction. (13)C NMR and 2D-NMR spectra disclosed that the cell wall of S. pombe is composed of three types of glucans, specifically, a (1-->3)-alpha-d-glucan, a (1-->3)-beta-d-glucan, which may either be linear or slightly branched, and a highly branched (1-->6)-beta-d-glucan, in addition to alpha-galactomannan. The highly branched (1-->6)-beta-d-glucan was identified by selective periodate degradation of side-chain glucose as a highly (1-->3)-beta-branched (1-->6)-beta-d-glucan with more branches than that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Flexibility of these polysaccharides in the cell wall was analyzed by (13)C NMR spectra in D(2)O. The data collectively indicate that (1-->3)-alpha- and (1-->3)-beta-d-glucans are rigid and contribute to the cell shape, while the highly branched (1-->6)-beta-d-glucan and alpha-galactomannan are flexible.  相似文献   

Riboflavin is an essential cofactor in all organisms. Its direct biosynthetic precursor, 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine, is synthesised by the enzyme 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase. Recently, we have found that the enzyme from Schizosaccharomyces pombe binds riboflavin, the final product of the pathway with a relatively high affinity with a KD of 1.2 microM. Here, we report on the crystal structure of lumazine synthase from S. pombe with bound riboflavin and compare the binding mode with those of the substrate analogue inhibitor 5-nitro-6-(D-ribitylamino)-2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione and of the product analogue 6-carboxyethyl-7-oxo-8-ribityllumazine. In all complexes the pyrimidinedione moieties of each respective ligand bind in a very similar orientation. Binding of riboflavin additionally involves a stacking interaction of the dimethylbenzene moiety with the side-chain of His94, a highly conserved residue in all lumazine synthases. The enzyme from Bacillus subtilis showed a KD of at least 1 mM whereas the very homologous enzyme from Saccharomyces cerevisiae had a comparable KD of 3.9 microM. Structural comparison of the S. cerevisiae, the S. pombe, and the mutant enzymes suggests that fine tuning of affinity is achieved by influencing this stacking interaction.  相似文献   

Matsuo Y  Tanaka K  Matsuda H  Kawamukai M 《FEBS letters》2005,579(12):2737-2743
In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a major role of chitin is to build up a complete spore. Here, we analyzed the cda1(+) gene (SPAC19G12.03), which encodes a protein homologous to chitin deacetylases, to know whether it is required for spore formation in S. pombe. The homothallic Deltacda1 strain constructed by homologous recombination was found to form a little amount of abnormal spores that contained one, two, or three asci, similar to (but not as strong as) the phenotype observed in a deletion mutant of chs1 encoding chitin synthase 1. This phenotype is reversed by expression of S. cerevisiae chitin deacetylase CDA1 or CDA2, suggesting that cda1 encodes a chitin deacetylase. To support the role of Cda1 in sporulation, the timing of expression of cda1(+) mRNA increased during sporulation process. We also found that the Cda1 protein self-associated when its binding was tested both by two-hybrid system and immunoprecipitation. Thus, these data indicated that cda1(+) is required for proper spore formation in S. pombe.  相似文献   

Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Sp) ferredoxin contains a C-terminal electron transfer protein ferredoxin domain (etpFd) that is homologous to adrenodoxin. The ferredoxin has been characterized by spectroelectrochemical methods, and Mössbauer, UV-Vis and circular dichroism spectroscopies. The Mössbauer spectrum is consistent with a standard diferric [2Fe-2S]2+ cluster. While showing sequence homology to vertebrate ferredoxins, the E°' and the reduction thermodynamics for etpFd (− 0.392 V) are similar to plant-type ferredoxins. Relatively stable Cys to Ser derivatives were made for each of the four bound Cys residues and variations in the visible spectrum in the 380-450 nm range were observed that are characteristic of oxygen ligated clusters, including members of the [2Fe-2S] cluster IscU/ISU scaffold proteins. Circular dichroism spectra were similar and consistent with no significant structural change accompanying these mutations. All derivatives were active in an NADPH-Fd reductase cytochrome c assay. The binding affinity of Fd to the reductase was similar, however, Vmax reflecting rate limiting electron transfer was found to decrease ~ 13-fold. The data are consistent with relatively minor perturbations of both the electronic properties of the cluster following substitution of the Fe-bond S atom with O, and the electronic coupling of the cluster to the protein.  相似文献   

Summary Structural gene mutants of the cell-surface glycoprotein acid phosphatase of Schizosaccharomyces pombe were analysed to define structural determinants that are responsible for enzymatic activity, N-glycosylation and secretion. All seven defined mutations cause a single amino acid substitution in the mature acid phosphatase protein and destroy the enzymatic activity. The mutational lesions are distributed throughout the pho1 gene. A ser to phe substitution at position 349 abolishes enzymatic activity only and does not affect glycosylation and secretion. Two mutations create a new N-glycosylation site by substitution of pro at position 56 by phe and ser, respectively. This new site is apparently used in the mutants. Their core-glycosylated acid phosphatase is slightly larger than that of the wild type. Overglycosylation seems not to affect secretion. Four different mutations (a gly to asp substitution at position 281 and ser to phe substitutions at positions 150, 271 and 277) cause intracellular accumulation of enzymatically inactive core-glycosylated acid phosphatase precursor. These mutational lesions apparently block transport of acid phosphatase from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Summary Three different Schizosaccharomyces pombe strains have been transformed with a circular or linearized non-ars plasmid carrying the ura4 + gene as a selectable marker. The first strain shows full homology between the genomic ura4-294 gene (point mutation) and the marker gene on the plasmid. The second strain carries a 600 bp deletion (ura4-D6) that decreases homology between plasmid and chromosome. No homology remains in the third strain which has a complete deletion of the ura4 gene on the chromosome (ura4-D18). When sequence homology exists between transforming DNA and the chromosomal ura4 region, gene conversion is strongly preferred over integration of the circular plasmid. Reduction of the length of homology leads to a decrease of transformation frequencies, and homology dependent as well as a minority of homology independent integrations are observed. In the complete absence of homology two rate types of transformants are encountered: either the circular plasmid replicates autonomously, although it is devoid of an ars sequence, or alternatively the plasmid integrates into the genome at various positions. Transformation with plasmid cut within the coding region of ura4 can lead to tandemly arranged multiple integrations, when no homology exists between the free ends and the chromosome. The integrations occur at the ura4 locus, when homology is retained between plasmid and chromosome, and at various sites in the genome of the strain with a complete deletion of the ura4 gene. The results suggest that homology dependent events (conversion, integration) are strongly preferred in transformation of S. pombe with non-ars plasmids. In addition low frequency integration by illegitimate recombination is observed. Linearized plasmid can be ligated in vivo to form monomers or multimers in the absence of homology between the free plasmid ends and the chromosomal genome.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) constitute a substantial fraction of the eukaryotic genome and, as a result, have a complex relationship with their host that is both adversarial and dependent. To minimize damage to cellular genes, TEs possess mechanisms that target integration to sequences of low importance. However, the retrotransposon Tf1 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe integrates with a surprising bias for promoter sequences of stress-response genes. The clustering of integration in specific promoters suggests that Tf1 possesses a targeting mechanism that is important for evolutionary adaptation to changes in environment. We report here that Sap1, an essential DNA-binding protein, plays an important role in Tf1 integration. A mutation in Sap1 resulted in a 10-fold drop in Tf1 transposition, and measures of transposon intermediates support the argument that the defect occurred in the process of integration. Published ChIP-Seq data on Sap1 binding combined with high-density maps of Tf1 integration that measure independent insertions at single-nucleotide positions show that 73.4% of all integration occurs at genomic sequences bound by Sap1. This represents high selectivity because Sap1 binds just 6.8% of the genome. A genome-wide analysis of promoter sequences revealed that Sap1 binding and amounts of integration correlate strongly. More important, an alignment of the DNA-binding motif of Sap1 revealed integration clustered on both sides of the motif and showed high levels specifically at positions +19 and −9. These data indicate that Sap1 contributes to the efficiency and position of Tf1 integration.  相似文献   

We showed that in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, fructose-bisphosphatase is not subject to catabolite inactivation as it was observed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, this enzyme activity is sensitive to catabolite repression in both yeasts. Two mutants lacking completely fructose-bisphosphatase activity were found. They were unable to grow on glycerol medium. They were still respiratory competent and exhibited the ability to derepress partially malate dehydrogenase activity. In glucose exponential phase culture, the parental strain lacks completely the fructosebisphosphatase activity due to catabolite repression. In these conditions, the growth is slowed down only in the mutants eventhough both mutants and their parental strain lack this enzyme activity. Normal sporulation and poor spore germination were observed for one mutant whereas, only in the presence of glucose, normal sporulation and normal spore germination were observed for the second mutant. Mendelian segregation of glycerol growth was found for the well germinating mutant. It is of nuclear heredity. The two mutations appeared to be closely linked.Abbreviations FBPase Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase - fbp - genetic symbol for FBPase deficiency - glr - symbol for inability to grow on glycerol A. M. Colson is Research Associate au Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique  相似文献   

Cytokinetic actin ring (CAR) formation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe requires two independent actin nucleation pathways, one dependent on the Arp2/3 complex and another involving the formin Cdc12p. Here we investigate the role of the S. pombe Cdc15 homology family protein, Cdc15p, in CAR assembly and find that it interacts with proteins from both of these nucleation pathways. Cdc15p binds directly to the Arp2/3 complex activator Myo1p, which likely explains why actin patches and the Arp2/3 complex fail to be medially recruited during mitosis in cdc15 mutants. Cdc15p also binds directly to Cdc12p. Cdc15p and Cdc12p not only display mutual dependence for CAR localization, but also exist together in a ring-nucleating structure before CAR formation. The disruption of these interactions in cdc15 null cells is likely to be the reason for their complete lack of CARs. We propose a model in which Cdc15p plays a critical role in recruiting and coordinating the pathways essential for the assembly of medially located F-actin filaments and construction of the CAR.  相似文献   

In Schizosaccharomyces pombe the repair of apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites is mainly initiated by AP lyase activity of DNA glycosylase Nth1p. In contrast, the major AP endonuclease Apn2p functions by removing 3'-alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehyde ends induced by Nth1p, rather than by incising the AP sites. S. pombe possesses other minor AP endonuclease activities derived from Apn1p and Uve1p. In this study, we investigated the function of these two enzymes in base excision repair (BER) for methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) damage using the nth1 and apn2 mutants. Deletion of apn1 or uve1 from nth1Delta cells did not affect sensitivity to MMS. Exogenous expression of Apn1p failed to suppress the MMS sensitivity of nth1Delta cells. Although Apn1p and Uve1p incised the oligonucleotide containing an AP site analogue, these enzymes could not initiate repair of the AP sites in vivo. Despite this, expression of Apn1p partially restored the MMS sensitivity of apn2Delta cells, indicating that the enzyme functions as a 3'-phosphodiesterase to remove 3'-blocked ends. Localization of Apn1p in the nucleus and cytoplasm hints at an additional function of the enzyme other than nuclear DNA repair. Heterologous expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue of Apn1p completely restored the MMS resistance of the nth1Delta and apn2Delta cells. This result confirms a difference in the major pathway for processing the AP site between S. pombe and S. cerevisiae cells.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation is known to induce delayed chromosome and gene mutations in the descendants of the irradiated tissue culture cells. Molecular mechanisms of such delayed mutations are yet to be elucidated, since high genomic complexity of mammalian cells makes it difficult to analyze. We now tested radiation induction of delayed recombination in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe by monitoring the frequency of homologous recombination after X-irradiation. A reporter with 200 bp tandem repeats went through spontaneous recombination at a frequency of 1.0 x 10(-4), and the frequency increased dose-dependently to around 10 x 10(-4) at 500 Gy of X-irradiation. Although the repair of initial DNA damage was thought to be completed before the restart of cell division cycle, the elevation of the recombination frequency persisted for 8-10 cell generations after irradiation (delayed recombination). The delayed recombination suggests that descendants of the irradiated cells keep a memory of the initial DNA damage which upregulates recombination machinery for 8-10 generations even in the absence of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Since radical scavengers were ineffective in inhibiting the delayed recombination, a memory by continuous production of DNA damaging agents such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) was excluded. Recombination was induced in trans in a reporter on chromosome III by a DNA DSB at a site on chromosome I, suggesting the untargeted nature of delayed recombination. Interestingly, Rad22 foci persisted in the X-irradiated population in parallel with the elevation of the recombination frequency. These results suggest that the epigenetic damage memory induced by DNA DSB upregulates untargeted and delayed recombination in S. pombe.  相似文献   

The capacity of stationary phase cultures of Schizosaccharomyces pombe to survive a heat treatment at 55°C is controlled by a circadian rhythm. In a synchronizing light-dark-cycle this rhythm shows a stable phase relationship to the onset of light. In continuous darkness it persists for several cycles without marked damping. The free-running period of about 27 h at 30°C is only slightly longer at 20°C, hence temperature-compensated. These results indicate that S. pombe is a suitable experimental organism for further research into both heat tolerance and circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

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