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The Gelechioidea, with 18,000 described and many more unnamed species ranks among the most diverse lepidopteran superfamilies. Nevertheless, their taxonomy has remained largely unresolved, and phylogenetic affinities among gelechioid families and lower taxa have been insufficiently understood. We constructed, for the first time, a comprehensive molecular phylogeny for the Gelechioidea. We sampled seven genes, in total 5466 base pairs, of 109 gelechioid taxa representing 32 of 37 recognized subfamilies, and two outgroup taxa. We used maximum likelihood methods and Bayesian inference to construct phylogenetic trees. We found that the families Autostichidae, Lecithoceridae, Xyloryctidae, and Oecophoridae s. str., in this order, are the most basally arising clades. Elachistidae s. l. was found to be paraphyletic, with families such as Gelechiidae and Cosmopterigidae nested within it, and Parametriotinae associated with several families previously considered unrelated to them. Using the phylogenetic trees, we examined patterns of life history evolution and determinants of the success of different lineages. Gelechioids express unusually wide variability in life-history strategies, including herbivorous, saprophagous, fungivorous, and carnivorous lineages. Most species are highly specialized in diet and other life history traits. The results suggest that either saprophagy was the ancestral feeding strategy from which herbivory evolved independently on multiple occasions, or that the ancestor was herbivorous with repeated origins of saprophagy. External feeding is an ancestral trait from which internal feeding evolved independently several times. In terms of species number, saprophages are dominant in Australia, while elsewhere several phytophagous lineages have extensively specialized and diversified. Internal feeding has remained a somewhat less generally adopted feeding mode, although in a few lineages significant radiations of leaf mining species have occurred. We conclude that diverse feeding modes, specialization among saprophages, repeated shifts to phytophagy, and a generally high specialization rate on single plant species (monophagy) are the major factors behind the success of the Gelechioidea.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood analysis of 113 rbcL sequences leads to a well resolved phylogeny of Jungermanniales. All species with perigynia or marsupia are found in one clade, whereas species with coelocaules are placed in several lineages. The broadly circumscribed Geocalycaceae (including Lophocoleaceae) of most recent authors are resolved as polyphyletic. Geocalycaceae genera which develop female involucres without involvement of stem tissue (Chiloscyphus, Heteroscyphus, Leptoscyphus, Physotheca) form a robust clade which is placed sister to Plagiochilaceae whereas the genera with involucres originating at least partly from stem tissue (Geocalycaceae s.str., Geocalyx, Harpanthus, Saccogyna) are nested within the paraphyletic Jungermanniaceae. This topology leads to the exclusion of the strictly perianth-bearing species from Geocalycaceae and the reinstatement of Lophocoleaceae. Campanocolea is nested within Chiloscyphus. Physotheca and Chiloscyphus breutelii are placed within an unsupported clade with several accessions of Leptoscyphus. Heteroscyphus forms a paraphyletic grade at the base of Chiloscyphus.  相似文献   

Gelechioidea are one of the most species rich and least studied superfamilies of Lepidoptera. We examine the interrelationships within the superfamily using the densest taxon sampling to date, combined with the most extensive ever morphological and molecular character data. We perform partitioned and combined analyses using maximum likelihood, Bayesian and parsimony approaches. The combined dataset consists of 155 exemplar species of Gelechioidea, representing nearly all subfamilies recognized in recent classifications. Parsimony analyses are performed with a dataset including 28 additional terminal taxa with only morphological data available. We use eight genes with a total of 6127 bp, and morphological data with 253 characters derived from larval, pupal, and adult morphology. The analyses of combined data yield more resolved trees and significantly better‐supported groupings than either dataset when analysed alone. The recurrent monophyletic groupings in all our model‐based analyses support a revision of the family classification. Deeper relationships vary between analyses and data partitions, leaving them ambiguous. The place of the root remains a challenge for future research. We propose a revised classification and suggest the division of Gelechioidea into 16 families. We redefine Depressariidae Meyrick, 1883 for a monophylum that includes Acriinae, Aeolanthinae, Cryptolechiinae, Depressariinae, Ethmiinae, Hypercalliinae, Hypertrophinae, Peleopodinae, Oditinae, Stenomatinae, Carcina, and a diversity of predominantly New World taxa previously excluded from Lypusidae (Amphisbatidae s. authors) but left without family position. A monophyletic Oecophoridae s. s., including Deuterogoniinae and Pleurotinae, is obtained for the first time with significant support. Elachistidae s. l. is found to be polyphyletic, and Elachistidae is restricted to comprise Agonoxeninae, Elachistinae, and Parametriotinae. Batrachedridae are polyphyletic, with several genera pending further study. Apart from the core Batrachedra, the taxa previously included in this family are grouped in an expanded Pterolonchidae, together with Coelopoetinae and Syringopainae. Lypusidae s. s. and Chimabachidae form a monophylum; Chimabachinae is united with Lypusidae as a subfamily, stat. n. Our results contradict the subfamily classifications of several families, notably Lecithoceridae and Autostichidae, but due to insufficient sampling of taxa we refrain from comprehensive taxonomic conclusions on the subfamily level, and encourage focused studies to resolve these groups.  相似文献   

The Gelechioidea (>18 000 species), one of the largest superfamilies of Lepidoptera, are a major element of terrestrial ecosystems and include important pests and biological model species. Despite much recent progress, our understanding of the classification, phylogeny and evolution of Gelechioidea remains limited. Building on recent molecular studies of this superfamily and a recently revised family/subfamily classification, we provide an independent estimate of among‐family relationships, with little overlap in gene sample. We analysed up to five nuclear genes, totalling 6633 bp, for each of 77 gelechioids, plus up to 14 additional genes, for a total of 14 826 bp, in 45 of those taxa and all 19 outgroup taxa. Our maximum‐likelihood (ML) analyses, like those of previous authors, strongly support monophyly for most multiply‐sampled families and subfamilies, but very weakly support most relationships above the family level. Our tree looks superficially divergent from that of the most recent molecular study of gelechioids, but when the previous tree is re‐rooted to accord maximally with ours, the two phylogenies agree entirely on the deepest‐level divergences in Gelechioidea, and strongly though incompletely on among‐family relationships within the major groups. This concordance between independent studies is evidence that the groupings (or at least the unrooted branching order) are probably accurate, despite the low bootstrap values. After re‐rooting, both trees divide the families into three monophyletic groups: a ‘Gelechiid Assemblage,’ consisting of Gelechiidae and Cosmopterigidae; a ‘Scythridid Assemblage,’ consisting of Stathmopodidae, Scythrididae, Blastobasidae, Elachistidae, Momphidae, Coleophoridae and Batrachedridae; and a ‘Depressariid Assemblage,’ consisting of Autostichidae, Xyloryctidae, Lecithoceridae, Oecophoridae, Depressariidae and Lypusidae. Within the largest family, Gelechiidae, our results strongly support the pairing of Anomologinae with Gelechiinae, in accordance with a recent study of this family. Relationships among the other subfamilies, however, conflict moderately to strongly between studies, leaving the intrafamily phylogeny unsettled. Within the ‘Scythridid Assemblage,’ both trees support an ‘SSB clade’ consisting of Blastobasidae + (Scythrididae + Stathmopodidae), strongly resolved only in our results. Coleophoridae + Batrachedridae is supported, albeit weakly, in both trees, and only Momphidae differ in position between studies. Within the ‘Depressariid Assemblage,’ both trees support an ‘AXLO’ clade consisting of Autostichidae, Xyloryctidae, Lecithoceridae and Oecophoridae. The monophyly of this clade and relationships therein are supported weakly in previous results but strongly in ours. The recently re‐defined family Depressariidae is paraphyletic in our tree, but the evidence against depressariid monophyly is very weak. There is moderate support for a core group of Depressariidae consisting, among the seven subfamilies we sampled, of Depressariinae, Aeolanthinae and Hypertrophinae. We show that gelechioids have a higher total number and percentage of species that are saprophagous as larvae than any other apoditrysian superfamily, that saprophagy is concentrated primarily in the ‘AXLO clade,’ and that the ancestral gelechioid condition was probably feeding on live plants. Among the living‐plant feeders, concealed external feeding was probably the ancestral state. The multiple origins of internal feeding of various kinds, including leaf mining (otherwise almost unknown in Apoditrysia), are restricted mostly to the Scythridid and Gelechiid Assemblages. The traits that predispose or permit lineages to adopt these unusual life histories are worthy of study.  相似文献   

We present here the first molecular phylogeny of tribe Diseae (Orchidoideae: Orchidaceae). Nuclear ribosomal ITS1, 5.8S rDNA, and ITS2 sequences were compared for 30 Diseae, 20 Orchideae, and four Cranichideae and Diurideae outgroups. ITS - rDNA sequences exhibited a transition:transversion ratio of 1.3 and extensive ITS length polymorphism. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony identified seven major core orchidoid groups. The branching order of the five Diseae and two Orchideae clades was weakly supported but indicated paraphyly of Diseae, with Disperis sister to the rest, followed by successive divergence of Brownleea, Disinae, Coryciinae sensu stricto (s.s.), Satyriinae, and terminated by Orchidinae plus Habenariinae. Within the monophyletic Disinae, Herschelia and Monadenia were nested within a paraphyletic Disa and clustered with D. sect. Micranthae. Within monophyletic Satyriinae, Satyridium rostratum plus Satyrium bicallosum was sister to the rest of Satyrium, and then Satyrium nepalense plus S. odorum was distinct from a cluster of six species. Coryciinae are paraphyletic because Disperis is sister to all other core orchidoids. Coryciinae s.s. are sister to Satyriinae plus Orchideae, with Pterygodium nested within Corycium. Maximum likelihood analysis supported possible affinities among Disinae, Brownleeinae, and Coryciinae but did not support monophyly of Diseae or an affinity between Disinae and Satyriinae. Morphological characters are fully congruent with the well-supported groups identified in the ITS phylogeny.  相似文献   

Tiger beetles are a remarkable group that captivates amateur entomologists, taxonomists and evolutionary biologists alike. This diverse clade of beetles comprises about 2300 currently described species found across the globe. Despite the charisma and scientific interest of this lineage, remarkably few studies have examined its phylogenetic relationships with large taxon sampling. Prior phylogenetic studies have focused on relationships within cicindeline tribes or genera, and none of the studies have included sufficient taxon sampling to conclusively examine broad species patterns across the entire subfamily. Studies that have attempted to reconstruct higher‐level relationships of Cicindelinae have yielded conflicting results. Here, we present the first taxonomically comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Cicindelinae to date, with the goal of creating a framework for future studies focusing on this important insect lineage. We utilized all available published molecular data, generating a final concatenated dataset including 328 cicindeline species, with molecular data sampled from six protein‐coding gene fragments and three ribosomal gene fragments. Our maximum‐likelihood phylogenetic inferences recover Cicindelinae as sister to the wrinkled bark beetles of the subfamily Rhysodinae. This new phylogenetic hypothesis for Cicindelinae contradicts our current understanding of tiger beetle phylogenetic relationships, with several tribes, subtribes and genera being inferred as paraphyletic. Most notably, the tribe Manticorini is recovered nested within Platychilini including the genera Amblycheila Say, Omus Eschscholtz, Picnochile Motschulsky and Platychile Macleay. The tribe Megacephalini is recovered as paraphyletic due to the placement of the monophyletic subtribe Oxycheilina as sister to Cicindelini, whereas the monophyletic Megacephalina is inferred as sister to Oxycheilina, Cicindelini and Collyridini. The tribe Collyridini is paraphyletic with the subtribes Collyridina and Tricondylina in one clade, and Ctenostomina in a second one. The tribe Cicindelini is recovered as monophyletic although several genera are inferred as para‐ or polyphyletic. Our results provide a novel phylogenetic framework to revise the classification of tiger beetles and to encourage the generation of focused molecular datasets that will permit investigation of the evolutionary history of this lineage through space and time.  相似文献   

Abstract. The genus Lypusa Zeller, 1852 has been assigned to Tineoidea (Lepidoptera) with varying family positions. The systematic affinities of this genus, currently placed in its own family Lypusidae, were studied using extensive data derived from larval, pupal and adult morphology and certain behavioural traits. In total, 193 characters were considered. On the basis of the results of a parsimony analysis, Lypusa is transferred to the superfamily Gelechioidea, in a monophyletic, exclusively Palaearctic assemblage with the genera Amphisbatis and Pseudatemelia. Several phylogenetically relevant characters support this position, including similarly constructed larval cases, densely porose larval head, and a modification of the pupal abdominal segment 8. The composition of the family Amphisbatidae is discussed and it is proposed that it be delimited as comprising solely the Palaearctic genera Pseudatemelia, Amphisbatis and Lypusa. A detailed diagnosis of the genus Lypusa is given.  相似文献   

The Grapsidae are a thoracotreme crab family with 40 species in eight genera (in their strict definition), and possess a number of morphological and molecular synapomorphies. Previous phylogenetic studies based on mitochondrial DNA markers established the monophyly of this family, but suggested possible paraphyly or polyphyly of some of the constituent genera. To test the validity of previous hypotheses, the present study reconstructed a molecular phylogeny of the grapsid crabs based on five molecular markers, including mitochondrial DNA markers and the first use of nuclear protein‐coding markers to address this issue. Monophyly of Grapsidae was confirmed, with the exception of the position of the monotypic genus Leptograpsodes. The polyphyly of the genus Pachygrapsus is consistent with previous molecular phylogenies, as members from this genus are dispersed throughout our gene tree. Grapsus and Planes were shown to be paraphyletic, with species of Pachygrapsus nested within them. Our study found incongruences between the currently adopted classification of the family, and hence taxonomic revisions will be needed. We hereby demonstrate the use of nuclear protein‐coding markers for high confidence reconstruction of decapod phylogenies, resolving most of the early splits that mitochondrial DNA markers alone are unable to tackle. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The lizards of the Egernia group of Australia and Melanesia include some of the most distinctive members of the family Scincidae in morphology (including giant size, spinose scalation), ecology and behaviour. Social behaviour, including long‐term recognition of individuals and kin, mate fidelity and home site fidelity, is amongst the most complex known in squamate reptiles and is the subject of an expanding number of studies. Lack of a sound phylogeny for the Egernia group has limited our ability to understand the evolution and patterns of variation in social behaviour within this group, and evidence for the monophyly of the largest genus, Egernia (64% of the species), has been lacking. We present data derived from nucleotide sequences that establish a phylogenetic framework for the Egernia group. We used two mitochondrial sequences, the protein‐encoding ND4 gene and a ribosomal gene, 12s rRNA, and two nuclear sequences, the protein‐encoding c‐mos, and non‐encoding intron 7 of β‐fibrinogen. Our phylogenetic analyses show that Corucia of the Solomon Islands is the sister group of the rest of the Egernia group. The genus Egernia is paraphyletic, including four well‐supported monophyletic units, one of which is the sister lineage of the Tiliqua lineage (Tiliqua plus Cyclodomorphus). We suggest a revised taxonomic scheme that recognizes the major monophyletic lineages in Egernia (s.l.) as distinct genera. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 781–794.  相似文献   

A comprehensive higher‐level phylogeny of diving beetles (Dytiscidae) based on larval characters is presented. Larval morphology and chaetotaxy of a broad range of genera and species was studied, covering all currently recognized subfamilies and tribes except for the small and geographically restricted Hydrodytinae, where the larva is unknown. The results suggest several significant conclusions with respect to the systematics of Dytiscidae including the following: monophyly of all currently recognized subfamilies, although Dytiscinae when considered in a broad context is rendered paraphyletic by Cybistrinae; currently recognized tribes are monophyletic except for Agabini, Hydroporini and Laccornellini; inter‐subfamily and inter‐tribe relationships generally show weak support, except for a few well supported clades; three distinct clades are recognized within Dytiscinae [Dytiscini sensu lato (i.e. including the genera Dytiscus Linnaeus and Hyderodes Hope), Hydaticini sensu lato, and Cybistrini]; and recognition of Pachydrini as a distinct tribe. Other less robust results include: Methlini sister to the rest of Hydroporinae; relative basal position of Laccornini, Hydrovatini and Laccornellini within Hydroporinae; close relationship of Agabinae and Copelatinae; Matinae nested deep within Dytiscidae, as sister to a large clade including Colymbetinae, Coptotominae, Lancetinae and Dytiscinae sensu lato; the sister‐group relationship of Agabetini and Laccophilini is confirmed. The results presented here are discussed and compared with previous phylogenetic hypotheses based on different datasets, and the evolution of some significant morphological features is discussed in light of the proposed phylogeny. All suprageneric taxa are diagnosed, including illustrations of all relevant synapomorphies, and a key to separate subfamilies and tribes is presented, both in traditional (paper) format and as an online Lucid interactive identification key.  相似文献   

We re‐examine the higher level phylogeny and evolutionary affinities of the family Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea) based on DNA sequence data for one mitochondrial gene (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) and seven nuclear genes (Elongation Factor‐1α, wingless, Ribosomal protein S5, Isocitrate dehydrogenase, Cytosolic malate dehydrogenase, Glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase and Carbamoylphosphate synthase domain protein). Fifty‐two taxa representing nearly all established subfamilies and tribes of Gelechiidae, and about 10% of described gelechiid genera, in addition to five outgroup taxa were sequenced. Data matrices (6157 bp total) were analysed under model‐based evolutionary methods (Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference), resulting in novel high‐level phylogenetic interrelationships. The best supported cladogram divided the Gelechiidae into six distinct clades corresponding to the subfamilies Anacampsinae, Dichomeridinae, Apatetrinae, Thiotrichinae, Anomologinae and Gelechiinae (+ Physoptilinae, which were not available for study). The results suggest the following adjustments in gelechiid interrelationships: Brachmini is nested within Dichomeridinae; Anarsiini is the sister group of Chelariini; Pexicopiinae is the sister group of Apatetrinae, here suggested to be treated as a tribe Pexicopiini of Apatetrinae. A new subfamily Thiotrichinae ( subfam.n. ) is proposed on the basis of the resurrected genus Thiotricha Meyrick ( gen.rev. ), which includes Macrenches Meyrick, Palumbina Rondani and Polyhymno Chambers. Gelechiidae display a wide array of life‐history strategies, but the diversity in patterns of larval mode of life has direct phylogenetic correlation only below subfamily level, suggesting multiple origins and/or frequent reversals for traits such as external or internal feeding and leaf mining within the family.  相似文献   

We use sequences from the nuclear ribosomal genes, 18S and 28S to analyze the phylogeny of the Rhizocephala Akentrogonida including two species, Clistosaccus paguri and Chthamalophilus delagei, that are critical for understanding rhizocephalan evolution but have not previously been part of a molecularly based study. In addition we use light and scanning electron microscopy to compare the cypris larvae of C. paguri, Sylon hippolytes and two species of the family Thompsoniidae, since this larval stage offers a suite of characters for analyzing the evolution of these otherwise highly reduced parasites. The Rhizocephala Akentrogonida form a monophyletic group nested within a paraphyletic “Kentrogonida”. C. paguri and S. hippolytes are sistergroups confirming the monophyly of the Clistosaccidae that was originally based on similarities in the cypris larvae. We find numerous LM and SEM level similarities between the two species, many of which appear to be correlated with their specialized sexual system, where male cyprids use an antennule to implant cells into the virgin female parasite. Some of these traits are also found in cyprids of the thompsoniid species. We conclude that the special cypris morphology and the implantation of males by antennular penetration was present in the stem species to the Thompsoniidae and the Clistosaccidae and emphasize the power of larval characters in rhizocephalan systematics. C. delagei is a sister group to Boschmaella balani and the two are nested deep within the Akentrogonida. This confirms the monophyly of the Chthamalophilidae and falsifies the theory that C. delagei should represent the most primitive extant rhizocephalan. Instead, chthamalophilid rhizocephalans represent some of the most highly advanced members of the parasitic barnacles.  相似文献   

Members of the Holothuriidae, found globally at low to middle latitudes, are often a dominant component of Indo–West Pacific coral reefs. We present the first phylogeny of the group, using 8 species from the 5 currently recognized genera and based on approximately 540 nucleotides from a polymerase chain reaction–amplified and conserved 3′ section of 16S mitochondrial ribosomal DNA. Parsimony and likelihood analyses returned identical topologies, permitting several robust inferences to be drawn. Several points corroborated the Linnean classification. Actinopyga and Bohadschia each appear monophyletic and Pearsonothuria is sister to Bohadschia. Other aspects of our phylogeny, however, were not in accord with the taxonomy of Holothuriidae or previous speculations about the group’s evolutionary history. Most notably, the genus Holothuria appears paraphyletic. Actinopyga and Bohadschia, sometimes held to be closely related to one another because of certain morphologic similarities, are only distantly related. The morphologically distinct Labidodemas, even thought to warrant separation at the family level, is nested well within Holothuria. A maximum parsimony reconstruction of ancestral ossicle form on the phylogeny indicated that, in addition to a probable bout of elaboration in ossicle form (the modification of rods or rosettes to holothuriid-type buttons), at least 2 rounds of ossicle simplification also transpired in which buttons reverted to rods or rosettes. Cuvierian tubules, defensive organs unique to numerous members of Holothuriidae, were probably present before the initial radiation of the family, but the reconstruction is ambiguous as to their ancestral function.  相似文献   

Iva s.str. (comprising ten species) was examined by cpDNA restriction site variation to determine phyletic relationships within the group. The results were compared with relationships proposed from other data. A total of 86 restriction site mutations was detected, 47 of which proved phylogenetically informative. A single most parsimonious tree was obtained using both Wagner and Dollo parsimony. The tree revealed three main lineages that are congruent with the three chromosome lineages (base numbers of x = 16, 17, 18). The monophyly of the x = 16 and 18 groups was supported strongly by molecular data, while the monophyly of x = 17 lineage was only supported moderately. Relationships among the three lineages indicate that the sect.Iva is paraphyletic because sect.Linearbractea is nested within it. Both morphological data and the secondary chemical data are in agreement with the proposed cpDNA phylogeny. Because of this agreement, sect.Iva is revised such that,I. axillaris was excluded and positioned within the newly proposed sect.Rhizoma. Patterns and rates of cpDNA evolution were also examined. The results indicated an uneven evolution in the chloroplast genome with different rates of cpDNA evolution in at least a few species ofIva. However, the evolutionary clock hypothesis can not be rejected within most of the lineages inIva.  相似文献   

Abstract. To reconstruct the phylogeny of the Sericini and their systematic position among the scarabaeid beetles, cladistic analyses were performed using 107 morphological characters from the adults and larvae of forty‐nine extant scarabaeid genera. Taxa represent most ‘traditional’ subfamilies of coprophagous and phytophagous Scarabaeidae, with emphasis on the Sericini and other melolonthine lineages. Several poorly studied exoskeletal features have been examined, including the elytral base, posterior wing venation, mouth parts, endosternites, coxal articulation, and genitalia. The results of the analysis strongly support the monophyly of the ‘orphnine group’ + ‘melolonthine group’ including phytophagous scarabs such as Dynastinae, Hopliinae, Melolonthinae, Rutelinae, and Cetoniinae. This clade was identified as the sister group to the ‘dung beetle line’ represented by Aphodius + Copris. The ‘melolonthine group’ is comprised in the strict consensus tree by two major clades and two minor lineages, with the included taxa of Euchirinae, Rutelinae, and Dynastinae nested together in one of the major clades (‘melolonthine group I’). Melolonthini, Cetoniinae, and Rutelinae are strongly supported, whereas Melolonthinae and Pachydemini appear to be paraphyletic. Sericini + Ablaberini were identified to be sister taxa nested within the second major melolonthine clade (‘melolonthine group II’). As this clade is distributed primarily in the southern continents, one could assume that Sericini + Ablaberini are derived from a southern lineage. Plausibly, ancestors of Sericini + Ablaberini and Athlia were separated by a vicariance event, such as the separation of the African plate from the rest of Gondwana, whereas Sericini and Ablaberini probably diversified during the early Tertiary, with dispersal of some basal Sericini to South America.  相似文献   

The Australo-Papuan family Petroicidae (Aves: Passeriformes) has been the focus of much systematic debate about its relationships with other passerine families, as well as relationships within the family. Mostly conservative morphology within the group limits the effectiveness of traditional taxonomic analyses and has contributed to ongoing systematic debate. To assess relationships within the family, we sampled 47 individuals from 26 species, representing the majority of genera and species, for four loci: 528 base pairs (bp) of C-myc, 501 bp of BA20454 and 336 bp of BA23989 from nuclear DNA and 1005 bp of the mitochondrial ND2 gene. There was consensus between individual loci and overall support for major lineages was strong. Partitioned Bayesian analyses of all four loci produced a fully resolved and very well-supported phylogeny that addresses many of the previous systematic debates in this group. The Eopsaltriinae as construed is monophyletic with the exception of Eopsaltria flaviventris, which is nested within Microeca as an unremarkable member of that genus. This relationship is corroborated by morphology and egg color and pattern. Petroicinae as currently construed was not monophyletic and comprised two lineages that are paraphyletic with respect to each other. The third subfamily, Drymodinae, remains incertae sedis. The mangrove robin, Peneonanthe pulverulenta, of tropical Australia and New Guinea is nested within a clade that also contained the sampled species of Peneothello and Melanodryas, a novel relationship. Preliminary biogeographic and divergence time estimates from these results are discussed and a new subfamily arrangement proposed.  相似文献   

Veronica (Veroniceae; Scrophulariaceae) and segregated genera, such as Hebe from New Zealand has been debated intensively in the past. We conducted an analysis of sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS) to evaluate the validity of segregate genera and the monophyly of Veronica. According to the results presented here, Veronica is paraphyletic, with the Hebe complex, Synthyris, and Paederota nested within the larger Veronica clade. Pseudolysimachion is in a basal polytomy of the expanded Veronica clade in the strict consensus tree and might be nested within Veronica as well. Clades within Veronica do not correspond to sections traditionally recognized. This study provides a first estimation of the phylogeny of Veroniceae using molecular data and can serve as a starting point for future investigations of Veronica and relatives. Received 24 July 2000/ Accepted in revised form 19 October 2000  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the green algal Order Dasycladales was inferred by maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses of chloroplast‐encoded rbcL sequence data. Bayesian analysis suggested that the tribe Acetabularieae is monophyletic but that some genera within the tribe, such as Acetabularia Lamouroux and Polyphysa Lamouroux, are not. Bayesian analysis placed Halicoryne Harvey as the sister group of the Acetabularieae, a result consistent with limited fossil evidence and monophyly of the family Acetabulariaceae but was not supported by significant posterior probability. Bayesian analysis further suggested that the family Dasycladaceae is a paraphyletic assemblage at the base of the Dasycladales radiation, casting doubt on the current family‐level classification. The genus Cymopolia Lamouroux was inferred to be the basal‐most dasycladalean genus, which is also consistent with limited fossil evidence. Unweighted parsimony analyses provided similar results but primarily differed by the sister relationship between Halicoryne Lamouroux and Bornetella Munier‐Chalmas, thus supporting the monophyly of neither the families Acetabulariaceae nor Dasycladaceae. This result, however, was supported by low bootstrap values. Low transition‐to‐transversion ratios, potential loss of phylogenetic signal in third codon positions, and the 550 million year old Dasycladalean lineage suggest that dasyclad rbcL sequences may be saturated due to deep time divergences. Such factors may have contributed to inaccurate reconstruction of phylogeny, particularly with respect to potential inconsistency of parsimony analyses. Regardless, strongly negative g1 values were obtained in analyses including all codon positions, indicating the presence of considerable phylogenetic signal in dasyclad rbcL sequence data. Morphological features relevant to the separation of taxa within the Dasycladales and the possible effects of extinction on phylogeny reconstruction are discussed relative to the inferred phylogenies.  相似文献   

Acanthodactylus is a widespread lacertid genus occurring from the Iberian Peninsula and western North Africa to western India including the Middle East, Cyprus, and the Arabian Peninsula. The genus is in dire need of a taxonomic revision, and the phylogenetic relationships amongst and within its species remain unclear. In particular, the taxonomy and relationship of the allopatric, narrow‐ranged Acanthodactylus schreiberi and its close relative, the widespread Acanthodactylus boskianus asper, are poorly understood. We estimated the phylogenetic and phylogeographical structure of A. schreiberi across its distribution range, and evaluated its relationships to A. b. asper, using mitochondrial and nuclear data. The phylogenetic results indicate that both species are paraphyletic, with A. schreiberi nested within A. b. asper, and the subspecies A. schreiberi syriacus nested within a distinct lineage of A. b. asper. We suggest that the group is in need of a taxonomic revision because the identified lineages and genetic diversity are incongruent with the currently recognized taxonomy. We tentatively conclude that A. schreiberi is restricted to Cyprus and Turkey, reduced to a single form, and that the populations in Lebanon and Israel belong to A. b. asper. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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