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A total of 259 postal questionnaires were sent to all final year vocational trainees and new principals in general practice in the Trent region to find out how much training in paediatrics they had had. Questionnaires were returned by 105 trainees and 139 principals (244; 94%). Overall 72% (175) had taken up a hospital post in paediatrics during training, but among the 138 doctors who were on or had completed a three year vocational training scheme the proportion was slightly higher (82%; 115) (p = 0.01). Among the 175 who had had a post in paediatrics 108 (62%) had been given teaching sessions every week, and for half of these doctors the sessions lasted over one hour a week. Seventy five (54%) of the 139 principals reported that in their training in a general practice they had received no teaching about child health and a fifth said that they had not attended a clinic for children; 47 (34%) had received no training on procedures for dealing with cases of child abuse. The doctors who had held posts as senior house officers in paediatrics were more likely to report that they had adequate skills in paediatrics than those who had not, but overall only 62 (44%) reported that they could run a preschool child health surveillance programme. Extra paediatric posts in hospital are needed, but in the mean time improvements can be made to the teaching content in hospital and in the general practice attachment and postgraduate training in paediatrics provided for all general practitioners.  相似文献   



With age of marriage rising in Kenya, the period between onset of puberty and first marriage has increased, resulting in higher rates of premarital sexual activity and pregnancy. We assessed the determinants of sexual activity and pregnancy among young unmarried women in urban Kenya.


Baseline data from five urban areas in Kenya (Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Machakos, and Kakamega) collected in 2010 by the Measurement, Learning & Evaluation project were used. Women aged 15-24 years, who had never been married, and were not living with a male partner at the time of survey (weighted n=2020) were included. Using weighted, multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression and logistic regression analyses, we assessed factors associated with three outcome measures: time to first sex, time to first pregnancy, and teenage pregnancy.


One-half of our sample had ever had sex; the mean age at first sex among the sexually-experienced was 17.7 (± 2.6) years. About 15% had ever been pregnant; mean age at first pregnancy was 18.3 (±2.2) years. Approximately 11% had a teenage pregnancy. Three-quarters (76%) of those who had ever been pregnant (weighted n=306) reported the pregnancy was unwanted at the time. Having secondary education was associated with a later time to first sex and first pregnancy. In addition, religion, religiosity, and employment status were associated with time to first sex while city of residence, household size, characteristics of household head, family planning knowledge and misconceptions, and early sexual debut were significantly associated with time to first pregnancy. Education, city of residence, household wealth, early sexual debut, and contraceptive use at sexual debut were associated with teenage pregnancy for those 20-24 years.


Understanding risk and protective factors of youth sexual and reproductive health can inform programs to improve young people’s long-term potential by avoiding early and unintended pregnancies.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo measure the impact of socioeconomic deprivation on rates of teenage pregnancy and the extent of local variation in pregnancy rates in Scotland, and to examine how both have changed over time.Design Population study using routine data from hospital records, aggregated for small areas.Subjects Female teenagers resident in Scotland who were treated for pregnancy in an NHS hospital in either 1981-5 (62 338 teenagers) or 1991-5 (48 514) and who were aged 13-19 at the time of conception.Results From the 1980s to the 1990s pregnancy rates increased differentially according to levels of local deprivation, as measured by the Carstairs index. Among teenagers aged less than 18 the annual pregnancy rate increased in the most deprived areas (from 7.0 to 12.5 pregnancies per 1000 13-15 year olds and from 67.6 to 84.6 per 1000 16-17 year olds), but there was no change, on average, among teenagers in the most affluent areas (3.8 per 1000 13-15 year olds and 28.9 per 1000 16-17 year olds). Among 18-19 year olds the pregnancy rate decreased in the most affluent areas (from 60.0 to 46.3 per 1000) and increased in the most deprived areas (from 112.4 to 116.0 per 1000). The amount of local variation explained by deprivation more than doubled from the 1980s to the 1990s. The proportion of pregnancies resulting in a maternity was positively associated with level of deprivation, but the effect remained similar over time.Conclusion From the 1980s to the 1990s the difference in rates of teenage pregnancy between more affluent and more deprived areas widened. This has implications for allocating resources to achieve government targets and points to important social processes behind the general increase in the number of teenage pregnancies in Scotland.

What is already known on this topic

Rates of teenage pregnancy are considerably higher in the United Kingdom than in other western European countriesIn the United Kingdom rates of teenage pregnancy are known to be higher in areas of greater socioeconomic deprivation, although local variation may also reflect differential access to family planning services

What this study adds

From 1981-5 to 1991-5 rates of teenage pregnancy in Scotland increased more rapidly in areas of greater socioeconomic deprivationIn the 1990s socioeconomic deprivation explained more than 50% of local variation in rates of teenage pregnancy, more than double the amount explained by it in the 1980s  相似文献   

A nurse has been employed by three general practitioners in a semi-rural practice of 9,000 patients since April 1968. Of her 1,360 home visits, 838 were primary visits, of which only 87 required follow-up by the doctor and 484 were requested directly to the nurse. More advanced procedures carried out by the nurse included electrocardiography, pregnancy diagnosis, blood sampling, and cytology. This study suggests that the work of a practice nurse improves the medical service already provided and reduces the work-load of the doctors, particularly by primary screening by the nurse both at home and in the surgery.  相似文献   

This survey of 99 pregnant teenagers in clinics on the island of New Providence, Bahamas, produced data suggesting that they are similar to their counterparts in urban clinics in the U.S.A. The pregnancies usually came from relationships of many months' standing, which were meaningful to the young mothers, rather than from "promiscuous" sexual behavior. Few of the young mothers had been using birth control before they became pregnant, sometimes because of a lack of expectation of needing it or from fear or ignorance about birth control, and sometimes due to an inability to organize their lives sufficiently to find, purchase, and use regularly the contraception that would have prevented the pregnancy. Most of the young mothers felt that abortion was sinful and would not have used it at any time. It is suggested that these general characteristics of teenage pregnancy are common in Western societies and are related to the perceived loneliness and uselessness of the teenage period. The pregnancies often may be seen as an attempt by teenagers, who see relatively little future for themselves in traditional education and employment, to strive for a creative life rooted in loving relationships.  相似文献   

I study the relation between orphanhood and fertility patterns in young adults using a longitudinal survey from the city of Cape Town, South Africa. The data set combines two survey waves with a year-by-year life history calendar that records key outcomes (e.g., schooling, work, fertility). It also provides information on so-called ‘parental investments’ (time and material support), family background, and literacy and numeracy test scores. I find that orphans exhibit significantly higher rates of teenage pregnancy. In particular, teenage motherhood is 19% points more likely among (female) orphans. These results suggest that orphanhood may leave a long-lasting ‘imprint’ in terms of premature fertility, especially in teenage females.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To identify doctors who are vocationally trained but not currently practising as principals in general practice; their reasons for not practising as principals; and whether the prospect of a re-entry course would appear to this group. DESIGN--Postal questionnaire survey based on semistructured interviews. SUBJECTS--Doctors who had been vocationally trained but were not currently practising as principals: 351 possible subjects identified by a process of "networking." SETTING--Trent Regional Health Authority. RESULTS--166 of the doctors who replied fitted the criteria (100 women; 66 men). The out of hours commitment was ranked as the most important factor for not practising as a principal--95 women and 50 men rated it important--followed by difficulty in combining work with family commitments--84 women, 31 men. 82 respondents (49%) said they would be interested in a re-entry course if one were available. CONCLUSIONS--There is a pool of vocationally trained doctors in Trent region who are not practising as principals in general practice. More flexible working patterns and the availability of a re-entry course could make the post of principal in general practice a more attractive proposition to these doctors.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine aspects of organization of a proposed national screening programme based in general practice. The target population of women aged 25–59 years and their general practitioners (GPs), in a defined inner city area, was identified from a population register of persons eligible for free medical services; a computerized system was developed for invitations and record linkage of cytology results. Smears were examined in one laboratory and follow up of women with abnormal smears was undertaken by one gynaecologist. A random sample of non‐responders was surveyed by questionnaire. Response following two invitations was only 20%. Practices with male doctors only had significantly lower reponse rates ( P <0.001) than those with a female doctor/nurse. A survey of non‐responders showed that over 20% of addresses were incorrect and 16% of those interviewed were ineligible for smear tests. A preference for a female to undertake smears was expressed by 67%, and 77% believed that the purpose of the cervical smear was to detect cancer. An accurate population register, health promotion, support for GP practices, provision of alternative venues for smear tests, development of computer systems, accurate data entry and fail‐safe follow up are aspects of a cervical screening service which must be addressed prior to setting up a national service.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of deprivation on variations in general practitioners'' referral rates using the Jarman underprivileged area (UPA(8)) score as a proxy measure. DESIGN: Cross sectional survey of new medical and surgical referrals from general practices to hospitals (determined from hospital activity data). SETTING: All of the 183 general practices in Nottinghamshire and all of the 19 hospitals in Trent region. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The relation between the referral rates per 1000 registered patients and the practice population''s UPA(8) score (calculated on the basis of electoral ward), with adjustment for the number of partners, percentage of patients aged over 65 years, and fundholding status of each practice. RESULTS: There was a significant independent association between deprivation, as measured by the UPA(8) score, and high total referral rates and high medical referral rates (P < 0.0001). The UPA(8) score alone explained 23% of the total variation in total referral rates and 32% of the variation in medical referral rates. On multivariate analysis, where partnership size, fundholding status, and percentage of men and women aged over 65 years were included, the UPA(8) score explained 29% and 35% of the variation in total and medical referral rates respectively. CONCLUSION: Of the variables studied, the UPA(8) score was the strongest predictor of variations in referral rates. This association is most likely to be through a link with morbidity, although it could reflect differences in patients'' perceptions, doctors'' behaviour, or the use and provision of services.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess changes in the organisation and performance of cervical cytology programmes in the practices of members of the Vale of Trent faculty of the Royal College of General Practitioners. DESIGN--Retrospective audits completed in 1985 and 1988 by general practitioners on a sequential sample of 100 records of women aged 35-64 in their practice. SETTING--General practices in which one or more partners were members or associates of the Vale of Trent faculty of the college, of which 76 participated in the first audit and 55 (82% of 67 eligible practices) in the second. SUBJECTS--Sequential samples of 100 women born between 1 January 1920 and 31 December 1949 (first audit) and between 1 January 1923 and 31 December 1952 (second audit) whose surnames began with P or B respectively. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Percentage of women in each practice with a record of cervical cytology performed in the previous five years and percentage with no recorded smear. RESULTS--Of the 76 practices completing the audit in 1985, 55 (82% of those eligible) repeated the exercise in 1988. Performance was not significantly different in practices that did and did not respond. The median percentage of women who had had a smear in the previous five years was 49% and 69% in 1985 and 1988 respectively (p less than 0.001) and that of women with no record of a cervical smear was 28% and 16% respectively (p less than 0.001). All but six practices showed improvement in both outcome measures. In both audits an active call system was associated with a significantly increased performance (p less than 0.05). In nine practices (16%) 80% or more of the samples of women had had a smear in the previous five years. CONCLUSION--Organisation and performance of practices audited improved between 1985 and 1988. Although this might result from participation in the first audit, it probably represents a more general trend within primary care. ACTION--Between the two audits more practices (87% v 67%) had developed a policy on screening, and this was more likely to include the aim of performing regular smears on all sexually active women (98% v 80%).  相似文献   

Family doctors have been presented with changes in government policies and incentives in a recent white paper on primary care. Little work has been done, however, to find out how general practitioners respond to such measures. The response of general practitioners to professional and economic incentives was examined in relation to the location of the practice and the characteristics of the practitioners in seven different areas of England. The areas represented urban, rural, affluent, and deprived communities. The overall response rate was 74%, but the response varied among the areas, being poorest (64%) in an inner city area. Practices were subdivided as innovative, traditional, or intermediate, according to whether they employed a nurse and participated in the cost rent scheme and the vocational training scheme. Innovative practices were defined as fulfilling two of these criteria and traditional practices as fulfilling none; the remainder were classed as intermediate. The results showed that these three types of practice had distinct strategies that were related to financial constraints and the local population. Innovative practices had more partners and were often located in rural or affluent suburban areas; traditional practices had fewer partners and were more common in urban and working class areas. Innovative practices seemed to be in the best position to increase their services, and hence their incomes, in response to the recent proposals in the white paper. Practices in areas of developmental difficulty (predominantly urban but not necessarily inner city areas) had been less able to respond to existing incentives and had a smaller margin available for developing their services.In view of the effect of local constraints of economics and population on the strategy of practices, concentrating resources for primary care in local budgets for working class and urban areas may be preferable to extending the system of charging fees for services provided by family doctors.  相似文献   

Of the 76 men requesting reversal of vasectomy who were interviewed at Charing Cross Hospital between June 1978 and September 1981, 31 were still married. These men had decided to have a vasectomy during a crisis-a recent pregnancy or financial stress being the commonest reason. Most wanted another child but others wished to be "put back to normal," and a few hoped reversal would help their marriage. Forty-five (59%) were divorced or separated and felt disadvantaged in courtship or remarriage by being infertile, many wives or partners being "desperate" for a pregnancy. A greater number of requests for reversal came from men who had been under 35 at the time of vasectomy and who were more likely to have been divorced, especially if there had been a teenage pregnancy. The risks of regret after sterilisation appear to relate to immaturity at the time of the vasectomy and to be as great for young men as for young women.  相似文献   

Stanger-Hall KF  Hall DW 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e24658
The United States ranks first among developed nations in rates of both teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. In an effort to reduce these rates, the U.S. government has funded abstinence-only sex education programs for more than a decade. However, a public controversy remains over whether this investment has been successful and whether these programs should be continued. Using the most recent national data (2005) from all U.S. states with information on sex education laws or policies (N = 48), we show that increasing emphasis on abstinence education is positively correlated with teenage pregnancy and birth rates. This trend remains significant after accounting for socioeconomic status, teen educational attainment, ethnic composition of the teen population, and availability of Medicaid waivers for family planning services in each state. These data show clearly that abstinence-only education as a state policy is ineffective in preventing teenage pregnancy and may actually be contributing to the high teenage pregnancy rates in the U.S. In alignment with the new evidence-based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative and the Precaution Adoption Process Model advocated by the National Institutes of Health, we propose the integration of comprehensive sex and STD education into the biology curriculum in middle and high school science classes and a parallel social studies curriculum that addresses risk-aversion behaviors and planning for the future.  相似文献   

In western Europe, UK has the highest teenage pregnancy rate among 15-19 year olds. Although general practice is one source of provision of contraception, it has been suggested that teenagers are reluctant to seek advice because of difficulty in gaining access and fears about confidentiality. This case-control study determined patterns of consultation in general practice and provision of contraception before teenage pregnancy. A total of 240 cases with a recorded conception before age 20 and 719 matched controls were identified. Overall, results show that most teenagers who became pregnant attended a general practice in the year before pregnancy, and many had sought contraceptive advice. Cases were more likely to have consulted a doctor in the year before conception than controls (odds ratio, 2.70; 95% confidence interval, 1.56-4.66). An association between provision of emergency contraception and pregnancy ending in termination was found. This finding emphasizes the need for continuing follow-up of teenagers consulting for this form of contraception.  相似文献   

New principals in general practice who were appointed from 1981 to 1983 by two family practitioner committees, one in an inner city and one in a combination of an inner city and suburban area, were surveyed to find out if they were making improvements to primary medical care in their new practices. Most were not. The highly trained, motivated, young doctors on the whole had joined group practices and practices in health centres, where facilities tended to be good. Older doctors, who may not be as concerned with change, had joined smaller practices, in which it was difficult to make changes owing to, for example, the type of premises and costs.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to test whether the urinary chemosignal excreted by pregnant and lactating female mice that accelerates puberty in young females is affected by circadian rhythms. The experiments also measured the possible influence of circadian rhythms on the response of the young recipient females. For urine from both pregnant and lactating females there was no difference in the effectiveness for accelerating puberty in urine collected during all 24 h. However, pregnancy urine used for treatment at 1800 and 0000 h, and lactation urine used for treatment at 1800, 0000 and 0600 h, all resulted in significantly earlier mean ages for puberty than pregnancy urine treatment at 0600 or 1200 h, or lactation urine treatment at 1200 h. There was also a significant interaction between the time of urine collection and the time of urine treatment for each urine source; urine was generally more effective in accelerating sexual development when used for treating young females at the same hour at which it had been collected, or at the time interval(s) just before or after the time at which it had been collected.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To investigate the expectations and employment experiences of male and female doctors who completed vocational training in East Anglia during 1981-7 and to examine the factors which had influenced those who had changed direction early in their careers. DESIGN--Survey conducted by confidential postal questionnaire. SETTING--Britain. SUBJECTS--281 doctors, 233 (83%) of whom responded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Ideal choice of work on completion of vocational training; present employment; factors which had restricted present choice of work; factors associated with reported satisfaction with job. RESULTS--77/83 (93%) men and 130/150 (87%) women had hoped to work in general practice (p = 0.75). A smaller proportion of women (71%; 106) than men (89%; 74) were in general practice posts (p less than 0.01); only 6% (nine) of women were on maternity leave or caring for children without paid employment. More women than men were working in medical jobs other than general practice (18% (27) women v 4% (three) men; p less than 0.01). 44/91 (49%) women with children had achieved their employment goals compared with 47/59 (80%) women without children and 55/71 (78%) men with children. 87% (72/83) of men and 65% (98/150) of women had achieved the status of principal (p less than 0.01). 162/193 (84%) doctors who had worked in general practice reported satisfaction with their jobs. Dissatisfaction was linked with doing a job different from that hoped for and with perceiving that the share of practice income did not accurately reflect their share of the practice workload. CONCLUSIONS--Steps need to be taken to retain women in general practice, including a statutory part time pay allowance and incentives for practices to allow flexible working hours for doctors with young children.  相似文献   

A postal survey of 776 principals representative of general practice in Britain is described. Doctors working in health centres are compared both with colleagues in other group practices and with doctors who have no group practice allowance. Young doctors are mainly in group practice, especially health centres; the proportion of doctors who are not in groups is diminishing steadily, and they are mainly older. With some notable exceptions health centres provide most space, equipment, and staff; group practitioners in privately-owned premises spend more of their money on their practices, more often use appointment systems, and tend to make more efficient use of premises and staff. Overall, however, the picture is still one of general practice geared to the needs of practitioners working alone. Premises with space for sophisticated organization and for future teaching needs are unusual.Scotland, the North of England, and Wales have fewer young doctors. Average lists are higher in the North of England, and less money is invested in practice premises.Young doctors look for modern premises and the tools and staff for the job. If their career expectations are to be met the tremendous improvements made in some practices must be extended rapidly to the remainder.  相似文献   

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