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In contrast to the well-characterized spinach ( Spinacea oleracea) chloroplast ATP synthase (CF1–CFo), the properties of the chloroplast ATP synthase from pea (Pisum sativum ) have not been as intensively studied. Preliminary data suggested that the regulatory properties of the two enzymes differ. In the absence of activating treatments the ATPase activity of pea thylakoids in the dark was higher than that in spinach thylakoids. When assayed in the presence of sulfite, the MgATPase activity of pea thylakoids was inhibited to a maximum of 67% by tentoxin, indicating that the dark ATPase activity is in part catalyzed by CF1–CFo. The ATPase activity of purified pea CF1 was also higher than that of spinach CF1 in the absence of activating treatments. These differences could result from the different regulatory properties of the pea or subunit or both. The pea subunit was less effective in binding to or inhibiting the ATPase activity of pea o r spinach CF1 deficient in (CF1-). Spinach inhibited the ATPase activity of pea CF1- at lower concentrations than pea . The gene encoding the pea subunit was cloned and over-expressed. Recombinant pea did not restore low proton permeability to spinach thylakoid membranes reconstitituted with spinach CF1-, although pea was effective when tested with pea thylakoids reconstitituted with pea CF1-. These results confirm earlier suggestions that the C-terminal region of is important in -CF1 and -CFo interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Gas-cylinder membranes and -granules were isolated from cells of the blue-green alga,Anabaena flos-aquae D 124. Gas-cylinder membranes, which are 1,100 Å wide after isolation, show striations having a periodicity of 50 Å. The membranes appear globular in section with a spacing of about 40 Å between globules. There are strong indications that the globules are proteinaceous with molecular weights of 22,000±2,000. Possible homologies of these membranes with viral coat protein are discussed. -granules were shown by a variety of techniques to be polysaccharide.  相似文献   

Zeng X  Ni Z  Shi X  Wei J  Shen Y 《Photosynthesis research》2005,83(3):307-315
The previous work in our lab showed that the spinach chloroplast ATP synthase ε mutant with 3 amino acid residues deleted from the N-terminus had much lower ability to inhibit ATP hydrolysis and block proton leakage in comparison to a mutant with 1 or 2 residues deleted from the N-terminus. The present study aimed at determining whether there is special importance in the structure and function of the N-terminal third residue of the chloroplast ε subunit. The leucine residue at the N-terminal third site (Leu3) of the spinach chloroplast ε subunit was replaced with Ile, Phe, Thr, Arg, Glu or Pro by site-directed mutagenesis, forming mutants εL3I, εL3F, εL3T, εL3R, εL3E and εL3P, respectively. These ε variants all showed lower abilities to inhibit ATP hydrolysis and to block proton leakage, as compared to the wild type ε subunit (εWT). The abilities of mutants εL3I and εL3F to restore the ATP synthesis activity of reconstituted membranes were higher than those of εWT, but the abilities of the other ε variants were lower than that of εWT. These results indicate that the hydrophobic and neutral characteristics of Leu3 of the chloroplast ε subunit are very important for its ability to inhibit ATP hydrolysis and block proton leakage, and for the ATP synthesis ability of ATP synthase.  相似文献   

The codon 5383-5385 (CCG) in the atpC gene of the unc operon of Escherichia coli cells was replaced with the sequence encoding peptide A of human insulin. The foreign protein fused to the middle part of the gamma-subunit of ATP synthase affects neither biosynthesis of the chimeric polypeptide nor the integration of the EF(0) x F(1) enzyme into the membranes of the E. coli cells. The inserted peptide A does not inhibit the process of oxidative phosphorylation. The ATPase activity of the mutant EF(0) x F(1) enzyme was equal to that of the wild-type enzyme and was regulated by modifiers in the similar way, suggesting that the space in the stalk area of F(0)/F(1) interaction is enough for the introduction of an additional oligopeptide without changing catalytic properties of the ATP synthase.  相似文献   

cDNA and genomic clones encoding the subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii have been isolated using heterologous DNA probes from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum. The protein encoded by the cDNA is 79–83% identical to corresponding proteins from higher-plant and mammalian mitochondria, and 75% identical to the R. rubrum protein. It contains both an N-terminal presequence and a unique C-terminal extension. The presequence, which is the first mitochondrial presequence determined in C. reinhardtii, is similar in structure to mitochondrial presequences from other organisms. As chloroplast presequences from C. reinhardtii also share features with mitochondrial presequences from other organisms (L.-G. Franzén et al., FEBS Lett 260 (1990) 165–168), this raises interesting questions about protein targeting to chloroplasts and mitochondria in C. reinhardtii. The possibility that the C-terminal extension is involved in targeting the protein to the mitochondrion is discussed. Southern blot analysis indicates that the protein is encoded by a single-copy gene.  相似文献   

The action of thyroid hormones on the expression of the mitochondrial ATP synthase -subunit gene (ATPsyn) is controversial. We detected a binding site for the thyroid hormone receptor between-366 and-380 in the human ATPsyn gene by DNase I footprint analysis and band-shift assays. However, expression vectors in which the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) reporter gene is driven by the 5 upstream region of ATPsyn gene were unresponsive to T3 when transiently transfected to HepG2 or GH4C1 cells. CAT constructs driven by the rat phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) or the growth hormone (GH) promoters were stimulated several fold by T3 in parallel experiments. It is proposed that the biological effects of thyroid hormones on the ATPsyn expression occur through indirect mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cellular uptake and resecretion of apoA-I (apoA-I recycling) could be an important factor in determining the circulating plasma levels of apoA-I and/or HDL. Using a novel method to study protein recycling, we have recently demonstrated recycling of apoA-I by adipocytes and suggested that this is a receptor mediated process independent of ABCA1 function. In the present study, it is shown that apoA-I recycling by adipocytes can be blocked by a monoclonal antibody against the β-subunit of ATP synthase, a protein that had been previously identified as an apoA-I receptor. Investigation of the cellular recycling of two other proteins, an apolipoprotein and a small globular protein, showed that recycling of apoA-I is a selective process. The present study also shows that blocking apoA-I recycling has no effect on the rate of apoA-I-induced cholesterol or phospholipid efflux. It is concluded that cellular recycling of apoA-I is a selective process that involves the ectopically expressed β-subunit of ATP synthase. The physiological function of apoA-I recycling remains to be elucidated. However, this study shows that the process of apoA-I uptake and resecretion is not required for apoA-I lipidation.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1986,44(3):205-209
γ-Gliadins are a subclass of the storage proteins from wheat. We have isolated from a wheat genomic library a clone encoding a γ-gliadin gene. The amino acid sequence derived from the gene sequence reveals a mature protein (308 amino acids, excluding a 19 amino acid signal sequence) with a characteristic repeated structure of the consensus heptapeptide PQQPFPQ corresponding to the high glutamine (35.4%) and proline (17.5%) content. The gene does not contain an intron, and possesses a typical eukaryotic promoter.  相似文献   

A biphasic decay of the thiol modulated ATPase activity is observed at fast deenergization of the thylakoids achieved by turning off the light and simultaneous injection of the uncoupler nigericin. Most likely the rapid phase (1/2 = 5 s) represents an unstable, active Ef-form of the enzyme which decays to a less active, but more stable Es-form. The two forms have different substrate affinities. Deactivation and reactivation kinetics indicate that the transition from the Ef- to the Es-form is reversible, requires a low proton gradient (1 to 2 pH units) and most probably involves the release and binding, respectively, of two protons from the thylakoid lumen phase to sites which have an apparent pK of 6.6. The Es-form decays to the inactive Ei-form with a half time of 90 s. Reactivation of the completely deactivated enzyme is a two-stage process comprising protonation of sites with a pK of 6.8 followed by protonation of sites of pK 4.9. The intermediate Es'-form has a decay time which is similar to that of the Es-form, but a different Km for ATP. Therefore we conclude that activation is not the exact reversal of deactivation. The results are discussed in terms of a model of H+-linked activation/deactivation.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(8):954-961

The objective of this study was to investigate the pattern of age-associated oxidative post-translational modifications in the skeletal muscles of a mammalian species and to address whether the modifications result in the loss of function of the oxidatively modified protein(s). Accordingly, proteins in the mitochondrial matrix of the hind limb of C57BL/6Nnia mice were examined for modifications by carbonylation—an established marker of oxidative post-translational modifications—by Western blotting using anti-2,4-dinitrophenyl antibodies and tritiated sodium borohydride methods. An age-associated increase in carbonylation of mitochondrial matrix proteins was observed, but not all proteins were equally susceptible. A 55 kDa protein, identified as the α-subunit of the F1 complex of ATP synthase (ATP phosphohydrolase [H+-transporting]), had approximately 17% and 27% higher levels of protein carbonyls in adult and old animals, respectively, in comparison to the young controls as estimated using tritiated sodium borohydride. In addition, an age-associated decline in its activity was observed, with approximately 9% and 28% decrease in the activity in the adult and old animals, respectively, in comparison to young controls. It may be concluded that such oxidative post-translational modifications and the resultant attenuation of the protein activity may contribute to the age-related energy loss and muscular degeneracy.  相似文献   

A method is presented that facilitates the identification of cDNA clones corresponding to the polyadenylated 3′ end of mRNA. It is based on the use of a poly dT probe that is synthesized by homopolymer extension of commercially available oligo dT. The method is shown to work in Southern blot analysis of plasmid preparations and in situ with colonies.  相似文献   

The chloroplast ATP synthase synthesizes ATP from ADP and free phosphate coupled by the electrochemical potential across the thylakoid membrane in the light. The light-dependent regulation of ATP synthase activity is carried out in part through redox modulation of a cysteine disulfide bridge in CF1 gamma-subunit. In order to investigate the function of the redox regulatory domain and the physiological significance of redox modulation for higher plants, we designed four mutations in the redox regulatory domain of the gamma-subunit to create functional mimics of the permanently reduced form of the gamma-subunit. While the inability to reduce the regulatory disulfide results in lower photosynthesis and growth, unexpectedly, the results reported here show that inability to reoxidize the dithiol may not be of any direct detriment to plant photosynthetic performance or growth.  相似文献   

We have isolated the F0F1-ATP synthase complex from oligomycin-sensitive mitochondria of the green algaChlamydomonas reinhardtii. A pure and active ATP synthase was obtained by eans of sonication, extraction with dodecyl maltoside and ion exchange and gel permeation chromatography in the presence of glycerol, DTT, ATP and-21. The enzyme consists of 14 subunits as judged by SDS-PAGE. A cDNA clone encoding the ATP synthase subunit has been sequenced. The deduced protein sequence contains a presequence of 45 amino acids which is not present in the mature protein. The mature protein is 58–70% identical to corresponding mitochondrial proteins from other organisms. In contrast to the ATP synthase subunit fromC. reinhardtii (Franzen and Falk, Plant Mol Biol 19 (1992) 771–780), the protein does not have a C-terminal extension. However, the N-terminal domain of the mature protein is 15–18 residues longer than in ATP synthase subunits from other organisms. Southern blot analysis indicates that the protein is encoded by a single-copy gene.Abbreviations DM dodecyl--D-maltoside - OSCP oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein - PMSF phenyl-methylsulfonylfluoride - DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylenediaminotetraacetic disodium salt  相似文献   

1. The whey proteins of guinea-pig milk were examined by electrophoresis on paper, cellulose acetate, starch gel and polyacrylamide gel. 2. Two major proteins were detected, one of which was identified as blood serum albumin. 3. The major whey protein was isolated by CM-cellulose chromatography and on columns of Sephadex G-100. 4. The amino acid composition of the protein, taken in conjunction with its other properties, indicated that the major whey protein in guinea-pig milk is homologous with cow α-lactalbumin and that β-lactoglobulin is absent from guinea-pig milk. 5. Guinea-pig α-lactalbumin, which was obtained crystalline, had mol.wt. 15800, N-terminal lysine and C-terminal glutamine.  相似文献   

Summary Two cDNA clones, pOS103 and pOS137, were isolated which code for distinct -amylase isozymes in germinating rice seeds. Sequence analysis indicated that the clones encode polypeptides of approximately 48 kDa, both of which possess a signal peptide involved in directing secretion of the protein. Comparison of the two rice -amylase amino acid sequence showed that they are 76% similar to each other, while showing 85% to 90% similarity with other cereal -amylases. A comparison of eleven cereal -amylases also revealed three new conserved regions (I, II, and IV) not previously identified in the animal, bacterial, and fungal -amylases. Regions I and IV are sites for intron splicing while region II' is probably involved in calcium binding. One of the rice a-amylase cDNAs, pOS103, encodes a protein that has two potential N-glycosylation sites, one in the signal peptide and the other in the mature portion of the protein. The cDNA clone, pOS137, encodes an -amylase with a single glycosylation site in the signal peptide, suggesting that the mature OS137 isozyme is not glycosylated. Analysis of the expression of these genes in germinating rice seeds indicated that mRNA corresponding to pOS103 and pOS137 could be detected throughout a 48 h period of seed imbibition. RNA levels, however, were dramatically stimulated by treatment of embryoless half-seeds with exogenous GA3. Our results demonstrate that at least two forms of -amylase are expressed in germinating rice seeds and that the expression of these genes is regulated by the phytohormone GA3.Abbreviations GA gibberellic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid3; poly(A), polyadenylated - PPA porcine pancreatic -amylase - SSC 0.15 M NaCl, 0.015 M sodium citrate, pH 7.0 - TAA Taka-amylase  相似文献   

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