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Restoring urban forests often involves eradicating exotic species and diligently guarding against future invasions. Understanding how landscape structure contributes to the distribution of exotic species may inform these management efforts. To date, the distribution of exotic species in forested patches has been correlated with the type of development surrounding the patch, with those surrounded by agricultural or urban development often more highly invaded. Yet, previous studies have categorized land use types and have not examined more local-scale changes in land use. These local changes may be particularly important in urban areas where forested patches are immediately surrounded by diverse land use types. Our study examined how two key aspects of landscape structure, patch size and adjacent land use, may influence patterns of exotic species invasion of riparian buffers within Raleigh and Cary, North Carolina, United States. We found that large patch size alone, in our case, wide riparian buffers, does not protect against exotic species invasion. Patches surrounded by higher canopy-cover landscapes (e.g., forests and older residential developments with mature canopy) were more likely to be invaded than those surrounded by less canopy cover (e.g., shopping malls and other commercial development). We attribute these results, in part, to increased pressure from exotic propagules from adjacent forests. When restoring urban forests, attention should be paid to local land use to better plan for successful, long-term eradication of exotic species.  相似文献   


The many studies that see shopping malls as places of power, control and exclusion have often neglected the potential of malls as places of encounters. Drawing on ethnographic data from the divided cities of Johannesburg in South Africa and Mostar in Bosnia–Herzegovina, we examine the ways in which urban dwellers who enter the mall from a marginalised position – poor black urban dwellers at a regional, middle class and white-dominated mall in Johannesburg and Bosniak city dwellers at a mall located in the Croat part of Mostar – use the mall, what kind of relations they build to others and how they rework boundaries of race, class, religion and ethnicity at the mall. Rather than being spaces that strengthen and reproduce centre–margins relations, urban dwellers appropriate them as places where these relations become reworked.  相似文献   

Probability-based survey designs are now being investigated to allow condition to be assessed for a discrete population of watershed management units and to infer probability of impairment to other unsampled watersheds. Results can be used to focus further monitoring and restoration efforts. Fish community data and index of biotic integrity (IBI) development were compared between the 1993 and 1998 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment (EMAP-MAIA) survey and a West Virginia Regional EMAP (WV REMAP) survey conducted in 2001–2002. Both designs were based on probability surveys, but the EMAP design treated streams as a continuous linear network comprising an infinite population of points, while the REMAP design used a discrete set of watershed outlets as defined by 12-digit Hydrologic Cataloging Units (HUC12) as the sample population. The comparability of the watershed-based WV REMAP survey design results with the linear network-based EMAP-MAIA survey results for West Virginia was affected by the different size range of watershed areas included in each target population. Once similar watershed area ranges were considered by narrowing the size range included in the West Virginia EMAP-MAIA data set, virtually identical cumulative distribution functions for fish IBI scores were obtained. The reduced variability in reference conditions obtained by applying a restricted range of watershed areas allowed us to detect and correct for ecoregional differences in fish IBI metrics and scores, after excluding the biogeographically distinct Potomac River drainage basin located in the Central Appalachian Ridge and Valley Ecoregion. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Research has shown that pet loss can be a devastating and complex experience for some human survivors, yet this loss may not be fully recognized by friends, partners, or acquaintances as a significant bereavement. The objectives of the current study were to consider how continuing bonds (CB) expressions relate to psychosocial functioning and to identify perceived social constraints as well as areas of resilience associated with efforts to cope with recent pet loss. Through an anonymous online survey, participants (n = 4,336) who had lost a pet to death within the past year were recruited via bereavement support groups and associated websites across the US. Findings in this severely bereaved sample demonstrated the utilization of a wide range of CB (e.g., reflecting on fond memories, holding onto possessions), which were experienced as comforting or distressing to varying extents across the sample. In addition, social constraints were associated with more negative mental health and functional outcomes, while post traumatic growth was in some cases associated with lower mental health and functional complaints. Results are discussed in terms of similarities in patterns of bereavement in human and pet loss samples as well as the importance of considering likely idiosyncratic patterns of response to loss. For example, distress and comfort associated with different efforts to maintain a connection to a deceased pet may occur simultaneously. Given the cross-sectional nature of the current study, experimental and longitudinal research is recommended to determine whether increasing CB efforts experienced as comforting may be a potentially adaptive, growth-enhancing aspect of bereavement.  相似文献   

Zoological parks make up a highly heterogeneous community. Ranging from small collections at shopping malls to highly developed bioparks, their contribution to conservation is expected to vary enormously. Although several studies have focused on assessing such contribution, the parameters used frequently do not apply when considering more modest zoos. The goals of this study are to determine, within the wide range of zoos, which type tend to fulfill the conservation mission of modern zoos and to identify the variables associated to their conservation performance. We used the requirements demanded by the European Community Zoos Directive 1999/22/EC, relating to the keeping of wild animals in zoological parks, to assess conservation performance in 72% of officially registered Spanish zoos. Sampled zoos were classified into groups according to their common characteristics, and then the variables related to how they met each of the Directive's requirements in the groups were assessed. We found that private zoological parks with large zoological collections, located within metropolitan areas, and members of a zoo association tended to fulfill the requirements. Being a member of a zoo association was the variable that better explained fulfillment of the requirements among the evaluated zoos. Data revealed that zoos not meeting any requirement were few, although those meeting all of them were not frequent. The requirement related to adequate record keeping showed the lowest level of fulfillment. We discuss the implications of our results and propose measures of change in order to promote the contribution of zoos to biodiversity conservation. Zoo Biol 31:55;–70, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Rattan cane is an important non-timber forest product (NTFP) harvested from Indonesian tropical forests. However, the extraction of NTFPs such as rattan cane may conflict with forest conservation efforts. A better understanding of harvesting practices can help assess the extent of this conflict and guide forest management decisions. This study assesses the accessibility factors that influence rattan cane harvesting levels in Lambusango Forest, Buton Island, Indonesia, and whether the harvesting of rattan cane is affected by the designation of conservation areas. To this end, the analysis adopts participatory mapping, Geographic Information Systems and a questionnaire survey and employs multiple regressions and analysis of covariance. The results show that accessibility, particularly slope and distance, can play a role in the quantity of rattan canes harvested. The presence of conservation forest does not significantly affect rattan cane harvesting levels. This could be due to limited awareness of the harvesters going to the vicinity of the designated conservation areas and mixed sentiments towards conservation efforts due to the long tradition of forest dwelling and harvesting activities. The study concludes that the successful establishment and management of conservation areas require consideration of the specificity of the local context such as the abundance of forest resources, accessibility and historical forest-people interactions, in addition to biological factors.  相似文献   

Species Distribution Models (SDMs) could be an important tool to limit search efforts by selecting the areas where field surveys are to be carried out; due to the constant decrease of financial funds, this challenging purpose is particularly necessary. In particular, these methods are useful when applied to endangered and/or rare species with a poor known distribution area, especially due to difficulties in plant detection and in reaching the study areas.We hereby describe the development of maximum-entropy (Maxent) models for the endangered yellow gentian Gentiana lutea L. in Sardinia with the aims of (i) guiding survey efforts; (ii) estimating SDMs utility by post-test species current/extinct localities through the Observed Positive Predictive Power (OPPP) values; and (iii) evaluating the influence of sample data addition. Besides the Area Under Curve (AUC) values, we used the OPPP (observed/modelled positive localities ratio) to compare results from eight, 24 and 58 presence-only data points. Even with the initial small and biased sample data, we found that surveys could be effectively guided using such methods, whereby the focus of our research was on 48% of our initial 721 km2 study area. The high OPPPs values additionally proved the reliability of our results in discovering 16 new localities of G. lutea. Nevertheless, the predictive models should be considered as a complementary tool rather than a replacement for expert knowledge.  相似文献   

Primatologists were asked to submit their “ideas for the Big Questions that remain unanswered in Primatology” and, from this, Setchell (2013) grouped the 170 responses into 11 broad themes. This exercise created a valuable tool that can help primatologists identify both the “missing gaps” and current broad overarching themes within our field. In this commentary, we offer our perspective on the methodology and results of this survey. By considering the 11 themes more holistically, primatologists can more easily address a broader range of questions, methods, and outcomes for their research endeavors and conservation efforts. Ultimately, the results of this survey should enable researchers and policymakers to recognize gaps in our knowledge and plan how to proceed with new research initiatives and funding applications. The identified themes should also provide a reference point for new avenues of investigation, and we are hopeful that this list can encourage interdisciplinary research if primatologists consider the overlaps across the themes. However, as Setchell noted, as some key areas of research were omitted from the list, the 11 themes should be used as a tool for guidance in expanding our research horizons and not as a template for the minimum of what is required.  相似文献   

The Lao newt (Laotriton laoensis) is a recently described species currently known only from northern Laos. Little is known about the species, but it is threatened as a result of overharvesting. We integrated field survey results with climate and altitude data to predict the geographic distribution of this species using the niche modeling program Maxent, and we validated these predictions by using interviews with local residents to confirm model predictions of presence and absence. The results of the validated Maxent models were then used to characterize the environmental conditions of areas predicted suitable for L. laoensis. Finally, we overlaid the resulting model with a map of current national protected areas in Laos to determine whether or not any land predicted to be suitable for this species is coincident with a national protected area. We found that both area under the curve (AUC) values and interview data provided strong support for the predictive power of these models, and we suggest that interview data could be used more widely in species distribution niche modeling. Our results further indicated that this species is mostly likely geographically restricted to high altitude regions (i.e., over 1,000 m elevation) in northern Laos and that only a minute fraction of suitable habitat is currently protected. This work thus emphasizes that increased protection efforts, including listing this species as endangered and the establishment of protected areas in the region predicted to be suitable for L. laoensis, are urgently needed.  相似文献   

This article examines the social uses of immigrant business spaces that correspond to different stages of breakout, or the movement of a business from a limited, primarily co-ethnic customer base to a wider, primarily non-co-ethnic customer base. Using participant observation and interview data from three Latino immigrant-dominated shopping malls in the USA, we assess how the degree of breakout at each mall and the resulting degree of heterogeneity in customers is associated with different kinds of social uses of the spaces. We find that Latino immigrant business spaces that have yet to begin a transition towards breakout are important sites of bonding for Latino immigrants and serve to strengthen their ethnic solidarity. Latino immigrant business spaces that are in the midst of transitioning towards breakout facilitate casual interaction between Latino immigrant and non-Latino residents, while those Latino immigrant entrepreneur spaces that have achieved breakout act as spaces of cultural consumption by non-Latinos.  相似文献   

通过查阅标本、文献,走访和实地考察等多种方式,对陕西省6市20县26乡镇五味子属野生植物资源现状及分布进行调查。结果表明,秦岭地区有6种五味子属植物,华中五味子(Schisandra sphenanthera)、红花五味子(Schisandra rubriflora)、大花五味子(Schisandra grandiflora)、铁箍散(Schisandra propinqua var.sinensis)、金山五味子(Schisandra glaucescens)和狭叶五味子(Schisandra lancifolia),分布于海拔500~2800 m之间,华中五味子数量多且分布广,大花五味子相对稀少。根据调研确定不同地区各种五味子的花期和果期,并制定分种检索表,补充了秦岭地区五味子属植物的分布状况。调查显示,分布区内五味子属野生植物资源遭到不同程度破坏,特别是稀少种亟待保护。本研究为道地药材的合理采收和可持续利用、加强对稀少物种的保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

雪豹(Panthera uncia)分布广泛且调查难度较大, 全世界的雪豹研究面临的首要问题是雪豹基础数据的缺乏。本文通过检索1980至2018年已发表的含有中国境内雪豹分布和密度信息的中英文文章共35篇, 从中提取出雪豹的分布与密度信息, 其中含有密度估计的文献18篇。同时, 来自雪豹调查的15位一线成员通过填写表格和问卷的形式提供了28个地块上未发表的雪豹密度调查信息。基于此, 我们逐一分析了各省份已有的雪豹调查现状和存在的调查空缺, 发现雪豹分布调查的两大空白区域主要存在于与吉尔吉斯斯坦接壤的西天山地区和西藏南部的冈底斯-念青唐古拉山山脉和喜马拉雅山脉。相对我国雪豹栖息地总面积, 有过密度估算的面积仅占1.7%, 仍然处于刚刚起步的阶段, 并且已有的密度调查几乎都是在质量较好的雪豹栖息地内进行的。今后除了需要继续努力收集汇总已有的调查结果, 仍然需要在雪豹分布区(特别是空缺区域)内增加调查。  相似文献   

BackgroundAt the end of August 2020, a surge in the number of cases in the Jazan region has been observed. The number of reported cases by 19th of August in the Jazan region was more than 300, which exceeded the number of reported cases in larger regions such as Riyadh, and Makkah. This study aims to measure compliance by the public with COVID-19 preventive measures.MethodsThis study was a cross-sectional, field-based observational assessment of compliance by individuals in public settings with COVID-19 preventive measures in the Jazan region of Saudi Arabia. The assessment was performed in the last week of July 2020. The assessment was based on observing the actual compliance of individuals and different establishments in the Jazan region with COVID-19 preventive measures. To perform the field observations, a standardised check-list was adopted from COVID-19 preventive measures in the community, which was developed by the Saudi Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC).ResultsA total of 1096 individuals were observed in 69 different locations in the Jazan region. Compliance by the observed individuals was variable depending on the age group, the setting and the recommended preventive practice. The findings indicate very low compliance of specific precautionary measures within public parks in comparison to other measured settings. Proportions of individuals not compliant with mask-wearing instructions varied according to settings and age group from 5% in malls and shopping areas to nearly 83% in public parks. Additionally, Proportions of children not compliant with mask-wearing instructions was higher in comparison to adults in all observed settings.ConclusionsThe findings of this study identified variability in the levels of compliance with specific preventive measures against COVID-19. Further assessment is needed to explore factors associated with the limited observed compliance, in particular with regard to limited compliance to precautionary measures applied in specific settings and compliance of children to mask-wearing instructions.  相似文献   

Conservation efforts to protect chimpanzees in their natural habitat are of the highest priority. Unfortunately, chimpanzee density is notoriously difficult to determine, making it difficult to assess potential chimpanzee conservation areas. The objective of this study was to determine whether chimpanzee density could be predicted from the density of trees that produce large, fleshy fruits. Using chimpanzee nest counts from six sites within Kibale National Park, Uganda, collected during a year-long study, a predictive trend was found between chimpanzee nest density and large, fleshy-fruit tree density. This relationship may offer a quick, reasonably reliable method of estimating potential chimpanzee densities in previously unsurveyed habitats and may be used to evaluate the suitability of possible re-introduction sites. Thus, in conjunction with other survey techniques, such as forest reconnaissance, it may provide an effective and efficient means of determining appropriate chimpanzee habitat in which to allocate conservation efforts.  相似文献   

While wildlife conservation efforts have become increasingly aggressive around the world, illicit use of resources in conservation areas has not subsided, raising questions about the ecological character of noncompliance activities. This paper reviews the results of research conducted amongst foresters and households living adjacent to a wildlife sanctuary in India in a period following a ban of human use activities. Using a formal survey supplemented by interviews and participant observation, the research sought to determine the intensity of illicit use, the demographics of resource users, and the attitudes of rulebreakers. The results suggest that noncompliance with conservation restrictions is nearly universal, that forest use is highly specialized, that available village resource assets do little to offset forest use, and that rule-breakers prefer current governance arrangements. These results paint a picture of deeply institutionalized forest use that suggests serious barriers to any simple enforcement solutions or governance reforms.  相似文献   

Accurate establishment of baseline conditions is critical to successful management and habitat restoration. We demonstrate the ability to robustly estimate historical fish community composition and assess the current status of the urbanized Barton Creek watershed in central Texas, U.S.A. Fish species were surveyed in 2008 and the resulting data compared to three sources of fish occurrence information: (i) historical records from a museum specimen database and literature searches; (ii) a nearly identical survey conducted 15 years earlier; and (iii) a modeled historical community constructed with species distribution models (SDMs). This holistic approach, and especially the application of SDMs, allowed us to discover that the fish community in Barton Creek was more diverse than the historical data and survey methods alone indicated. Sixteen native species with high modeled probability of occurrence within the watershed were not found in the 2008 survey, seven of these were not found in either survey or in any of the historical collection records. Our approach allowed us to more rigorously establish the true baseline for the pre-development fish fauna and then to more accurately assess trends and develop hypotheses regarding factors driving current fish community composition to better inform management decisions and future restoration efforts. Smaller, urbanized freshwater systems, like Barton Creek, typically have a relatively poor historical biodiversity inventory coupled with long histories of alteration, and thus there is a propensity for land managers and researchers to apply inaccurate baseline standards. Our methods provide a way around that limitation by using SDMs derived from larger and richer biodiversity databases of a broader geographic scope. Broadly applied, we propose that this technique has potential to overcome limitations of popular bioassessment metrics (e.g., IBI) to become a versatile and robust management tool for determining status of freshwater biotic communities.  相似文献   

The present study proposes arousal as an important mechanism driving buying impulsiveness. We examined the effect of buying impulsiveness on arousal in non-shopping and shopping contexts. In an eye-tracking experiment, we measured pupil dilation while participants viewed and rated pictures of shopping scenes and non-shopping scenes. The results demonstrated that buying impulsiveness is closely associated with arousal as response to viewing pictures of shopping scenes. This pertained for hedonic shopping situations as well as for utilitarian shopping situations. Importantly, the effect did not emerge for non-shopping scenes. Furthermore, we demonstrated that arousal of impulsive buyers is independent from cognitive evaluation of scenes in the pictures.  相似文献   

After centuries of absence, the Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) is recolonizing and expanding throughout Portugal. We implemented an online community-based project, which enabled us to obtain unprecedented records on the Eurasian red squirrel distribution, not only allowing us to map its current extent area but also to reconstruct its southward range expansion during the past years in Portugal. Possible origins of dispersion are forested areas in the northwestern and eastern Spanish borders and sites of reintroductions in Lisbon, Porto, and Coimbra. This well-established public engagement platform sets a successful example of integrated efforts between society and academy in gathering data on species distribution.  相似文献   

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