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The permeability properties of planar lipid bilayers made from egg lecithin, n-decane and a long-chain secondary amine (n-lauryl [trialkylmethyl]amine) are described. Membranes containing the secondary amine show halide selectivity and high conductance at pH less than 6, as estimated by measurements of zero-current potentials generated by NaBr activity gradients. In the absence of halide ions, the membranes show H+ selectivity, although the total membrane conductance is relatively low. In 0.1 M NaBr both the membrane conductance (Gm) and the Br- self-exchange flux (JBr) are proportional to H+ concentration over the pH range of 7 to 4, and both JBr and Gm saturate at pH less than 4. However, JBr is always more than 100 times the flux predicted from Gm and the transference number for Br-. Thus, greater than 99% of the observed (tracer) flux is electrically silent and is not a Br2 or HBrO flux because the reducing agent, S2O3=, has no effect on JBr. At pH 7, JBr is proportional to Br- concentration over the range of 1-340 mM, with no sign of saturation kinetics. Both urea and sulfate tracer permeabilities are low and are unaffected by pH. The results can be explained by a model in which the secondary amine behaves as a monovalent, titratable carrier which exists in three chemical forms (C, CH+, and CHBr). Br- crosses the membrane primarily as the neurtal complex (CHBr). The positively charged carrier (CH+) crosses the membrane slowly compared to CHBr, but CH+ is the principal charge carrier in the membrane. At neurtal pH greater than 99% of the amine is in the nonfunctional form (C), which can be converted to CH+ or CHBr by increasing the H+ or Br- concentrations. The permeability properties of these lipid bilayers resemble in many respects the permeability properties of red cell membranes.  相似文献   

Summary Diffusion of inorganic mercury (Hg2+) through planar lipid bilayer membranes was studied as a function of chloride concentration and pH. Membranes were made from egg lecithin plus cholesterol in tetradecane. Tracer (203Hg) flux and conductance measurements were used to estimate the permeabilities to ionic and nonionic forms of Hg. At pH 7.0 and [Cl] ranging from 10–1000mm, only the dichloride complex of mercury (HgCl2) crosses the membrane at a significant rate. However, several other Hg complexes (HgOHCl, HgCl 3 and HgCl 4 2– ) contribute to diffusion through the aqueous unstirred layer adjacent to the membrane. The relation between the total mercury flux (J Hg), Hg concentrations, and permeabilities is: 1/J Hg=1/P ul[Hg t ]+1/P m [HgCl2], where [Hg t ] is the total concentration of all forms of Hg,P ul is the unstirred layer permeability, andP m is the membrane permeability to HgCl2. By fitting this equation to the data we find thatP m =1.3×10–2 cm sec–1. At Cl concentrations ranging from 1–100mm, diffusion of Hg t through the unstirred layer is rate limiting. At Cl concentrations ranging from 500–1000mm, the membrane permeability to HgCl2 becomes rate limiting because HgCl2 comprises only about 1% of the total Hg. Under all conditions, chemical reactions among Hg2+, Cl and/or OH near the membrane surface play an important role in the transport process. Other important metals, e.g., Zn2+, Cd2+, Ag+ and CH3Hg+, form neutral chloride complexes under physiological conditions. Thus, it is likely that chloride can facilitate the diffusion of a variety of metals through lipid bilayer and biological membranes.  相似文献   

Monocarboxylic acid permeation through lipid bilayer membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The membrane permeability coefficients for the homologous monocarboxylic acids, formic through hexanoic, as well as benzoic and salicylic, were determined for egg phosphatidylcholine-decane planar bilayer membranes. The permeabilities of formic, acetic and propionic acid were also determined for solvent-free phosphatidylethanolamine bilayers. Permeability coefficients were calculated from tracer fluxes measured under otherwise symmetrical conditions, and precautions were taken to ensure that the values were not underestimated due to unstirred layer effects. The relation between the nonionic (HA) permeability (P m ) and the hexadecane/water partition coefficient (K p ) was: log m =0.90 log Kp+0.87 (correlation coefficient=0.996). Formic acid was excluded from the analysis because its permeability was sixfold higher than predicted by the other acids. The permeabilities for solvent-free membranes were similar to those for decanecontaining membranes. The exceptionally high permeability of formic acid and the high correlation of the other permeabilities to the hexadecane/water partition coefficient is a pattern that conforms with other nonelectrolyte permeabilities through bilayers. Similarly, the mean incremental free energy change per methylene group (G-CH2-) was –764 cal mol–1, similar to other homologous solutes in other membrane systems. However, much less negative G values (–120, to –400 cal mol–1) were previously reported for fatty acids permeating bilayers and biological membranes. These values are due primarily to unstirred layer effects, metabolism and binding to membranes and other cell components.  相似文献   

Summary A simple method of measuring proton/hydroxide conductance (G H/OH) through planar lipid bilayer membranes is described. First the total conductance (G m ) is measured electrically. Then the H+/OH transference number (T H/OH) is estimated from the diffusion potential (V m ) produced by a transmembrane pH gradient. The pH gradient is produced by a pair of buffered solutions which have identical concentrations of all ions except H+ and OH. Thus,V m is due entirely to H+/OH diffusion andG H/OH can be calculated from the relations,V m =T H/OH E H/OH andG H/OH=T H/OH G m , whereE H/OH is the equilibrium potential for H+ and OH. In bilayers made from bacterial phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) inn-decane,G H/OH is nearly independent of pH, ranging from about 10–9 S cm–2 at pH 1.6 to 10–8 S cm–2 at pH 10.5. BecauseG H/OH is nearly independent of pH, the calculated permeability coefficients to H+ and/or OH are extremely pH dependent, which partly explains the wide range of values reported for phospholipid vesicles and biological membranes.G H/OH appears to be independent of the membrane surface charge, because titrating either the phosphate or the amino group of PE has little effect onG H/OH.G H/OH is reduced about 10-fold when the water activity is reduced 33% by replacement with glycerol. Although the mechanism of H+/OH conductance is not known, the relation betweenG H/OH and water activity suggests that several water molecules are involved in the H+/OH transport process.  相似文献   

The effect of transit time on the electrical transport noise of a closed one-barrier model at equilibrium as proposed by Kolb and Läuger [6] is studied using the master-equation approach. A transit time is the time for an ion to cross the energy barrier (membrane interior) when the energy of the ion reaches the barrier height. Both the time correlation function and the noise power spectrum are obtained as functions of the transit time of the ions. Possible effects of transit time on the time correlation function of transport of dipicrylamine ions in lipid bilayers as reported by Bruner and Hall [13] and on the noise power spectrum as reported by Kolb and Läuger [6] are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Single-channel analysis of electrical fluctuations induced in planar bilayer membranes by the purified human complement proteins C5b6, C7, C8, and C9 have been analyzed. Reconstitution experiments with lipid bilayer membranes showed that the C5b-9 proteins formed pores only if all proteins were present at one side of the membrane. The complement pores had an average single-channel conductance of 3.1 nS at 0.15m KCl. The histogram of the complement pores suggested a substantial variation of the size of the single channel. The linear relationship between single-channel conductance at fixed ionic strength and the aqueous mobility of the ions in the bulk aqueous phase indicated that the ions move inside the complement pore in a manner similar to the way they move in the aqueous phase. The minimum diameter of the pores as judged from the conductance data is approximately 3 nm. The complement channels showed no apparent voltage control or regulation up to transmembrane potentials of 100 mV. At neutral pH the pore is three to four times more permeable for alkali ions than for chloride, which may be explained by the existence of fixed negatively charged groups in or near the pore. The significance of these observations to current molecular models of the membrane lesion formed by these cytolytic serum proteins is considered.  相似文献   

Summary Lipid bilayer experiments were performed with the sugar-specific LamB (maltoporin) channel ofEscherichia coli outer membrane. Single-channel analysis of the conductance steps caused by LamB showed that there was a linear relationship between the salt concentration in the aqueous phase and the channel conductance, indicating only small or no binding between the ions and the channel interior. The total or the partial blockage of the ion movement through the LamB channel was not dependent on the ion concentration in the aqueous phase. Both results allowed the investigation of the sugar binding in more detail, and the stability constants of the binding of a large variety of sugars to the binding site inside the channel were calculated from titration experiments of the membrane conductance with the sugars. The channel was highly cation selective, both in the presence and absence of sugars, which may be explained by the existence of carbonyl groups inside the channel. These carbonyl groups may also be involved in the sugar binding via hydrogen bonds. The kinetics of the sugar transport through the LamB channel were estimated relative to maltose by assuming a simple one-site, two-barrier model from the relative rates of permeation taken from M. Luckey and H. Nikaido (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77:165–171 (1980a)) and the stability constants for the sugar binding given in this study.  相似文献   

Summary The plant alkaloid, sanguinarine, inhibits the ouabain-sensitive K–Na pump and increases the downhill, ouabain-insensitive movements of K and Na in human red cells. These two effects have different temporal and concentration dependencies and are mediated by two different chemical forms of sanguinarine. The oxidized, charged form (5×10–5 m) promptly inhibits the pump but does not affect leakage of K and Na. The reduced, uncharged form of sanguinarine causes lysis of red cells but does not inhibited the pump. Sanguinarine also increases the conductance of bilayers formed from sheep red cell lipids. The effect is produced by the uncharged but not by the charged form of sanguinarine. Bilayer conductance increases as the fourth power of sanguinarine concentration when the compound is present on both sides of the membrane and as the second power of concentration when present on only one side. Conductance also increasee-fold for each 34 mV increase in the potential difference imposed across the membrane. The results suggest that the uncharged forms of sanguinarine produce voltage-dependent channels in bilayers.  相似文献   

The BLM-system for studying the electrophysical properties of bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) was applied to investigate interactions between polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers and lipid bilayers. The cationic PAMAM G5 dendrimer effectively disrupted planar phosphatidylcholine membranes, while the hydroxyl PAMAM-OH G5 and carboxyl PAMAM G4.5 dendrimers had no significant effect on them.  相似文献   

Summary Diffusion of small nonelectrolytes through planar lipid bilayer membranes (egg phosphatidylcholine-decane) was examined by correlating the permeability coefficients of 22 solutes with their partition coefficients between water and four organic solvents. High correlations were observed with hexadecane and olive oil (r=0.95 and 0.93), but not octanol and ether (r=0.75 and 0.74). Permeabilities of the seven smallest molecules (mol wt <50) (water, hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric acid, ammonia, methylamine, formic acid and formamide) were 2- to 15-fold higher than the values predicted by the permeabilities of the larger molecules (50相似文献   

We have investigated the basic properties of a predominantly anion-selective channel derived from highly purified human platelet surface membrane. Single channels have been reconstituted into planar phospholipid bilayers by fusion of membrane vesicles and recorded under voltage-clamp conditions. The channel is found to have the following properties: (i) Channel activity occurs in bursts of openings separated by long closed periods. (ii) The current-voltage relationship is nonlinear. Channel current is seen to rectify, with less current flowing at positive than at negative voltages. Rectification may be due to asymmetric block by HEPES/Tris buffers. In 450 mM KCl, 5 mM HEPES/Tris, pH 7.2, the single channel conductance at -40 mV is approximately 160 pS and at +40 mV is approximately 90 pS. (iii) The conductance-concentration relationship follows a simple saturation curve. Half maximal conductance is achieved at a concentration of approximately 1000 mM KCl, and the curve saturates at a conductance of approximately 500 pS. (iv) Reversal potentials interpreted in terms of the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation indicate a Cl: K permeability ratio of 4:1. (v) The channel accepts all of the halides as well as a number of other anions. The following sequence of relative anion permeabilities (in the presence of K+) is obtained: F- less than acetate- less than gluconate- less than Cl- less than Br- less than I- less than NO3- less tha SCN-.(vi) Cations as large as TEA+ are permeant. (vii) Current through the channel is blocked in the presence of DIDS, SITS and ATP, but not by Zn2+.  相似文献   

The refractive indices of the bilayer-electrolyte system allow the membrane to operate as a light-guide. This system is then able to monitor, optically, the flow of ions across the bilayer. The light is coupled into and decoupled from a spherically bulged bilayer by means of optical, single mode fibers. The light wave travels along the curved bilayer for several millimeters. This light transmission depends critically on the angle of incidence between the fiber axis and the tangent to the film. Three transmission peaks were observed when the angle of incidence was varied between 0° and 90°. The transmitted light intensity can be modulated by the application of an electric potential upon the bilayer. The center peak, with maximum light transmission, appears at an angle of incidence which is defined by the launching geometry. A quadratic field dependence (independent of the polarity) is observed, which originates from changes in the shape of the torus transition region. The transmission of the satellite peaks, which appear just before and after the central peak, can also be modulated by an external potential. This modulation signal reflects a linear dependence on the polarity of the external voltage. The phase of the modulation signal changes its sign at each satellite peak. It is shown that this modulation signal originates from the bimolecular area of the lipid film. We present evidence that this transmission modulation occurs as a result of ion transport through the lipid film. This provides the basis for the use of wave-guide spectroscopy to investigate membrane ionic fluxes.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity of bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) of oxidized cholesterol has been measured separately in bathing solutions of sodium sulphate, sodium chloride, sodium bromide, sodium iodide and also in bathing solutions of iodine and iodine containing these salts. An attempt has been made to explain the conduction of electric current across the membranes.  相似文献   

A technique has been developed for monitoring the interaction of charged phospholipid vesicles with planar bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) by use of the antibiotics Valinomycin, Nonactin, and Monazomycin as surface-charge probes. Anionic phosphatidylserine vesicles, when added to one aqueous compartment of a BLM, are shown to impart negative surface charge to zwitterionic phosphatidylocholine and phosphatidylethanolamine bilayers. The surface charge is distributed asymmertically, mainly on the vesicular side of the BLM, and is not removed by exchange of the vesicular aqueous solution. Possible mechanisms for the vesicle-BLM interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The neutral, noncyclic Li-selective ionophore ETH1810, which is a di-imide, differs structurally from previous similar ionophores by removal of the intramolecular symmetry of the N-imide substituents. Properties of this ionophore, as a potential carrier of lithium, were probed through studies of ionophore-induced changes in electrical properties of lipid bilayer membranes. ETH1810 was found capable of transporting lithium and other monovalent cations, across lipid bilayer membranes, forming 21 ionophore: ion membrane-permeating species. It was found to be 10-fold more potent than ETH1644, which was the previous best ionophore of this type. The selectivity sequence among alkali cations was found to be: Li+(1)>Na+ (0,009)>K+ (0.004)>Cs+(0.0035). Among the physiological alkali cations, it constitutes a 40 (vs. Na+) to 160% (vs. K+) improvement over ETH1644. ETH1810 was also found to be capable of acting as a carrier of biogenic amines and related molecules, with the following selectivity sequence: tryptamine (20)>phenylethylamine (7.8)>tyramine (4.3)>serotonin (2.5)>Li+ (1)>NH 4 + (0.013)>dopamine (0.012). It was found that protons, at physiological concentrations, do not interfere with the lithium transport mediated by ETH1810. The relationship between the improvements in ionic selectivity and potencyvs. the differences in structural features is discussed.  相似文献   

The growth of cationic lipid dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) toward bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) by solution spreading on cleaved mica surface was studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Bilayer of DODAB was formed by exposing mica to a solution of DODAB in chloroform and subsequently immersing into potassium chloride solution for film developing. AFM studies showed that at the initial stage of the growth, the adsorbed molecules exhibited the small fractal-like aggregates. These aggregates grew up and expanded laterally into larger patches with time and experienced from monolayer to bilayer, finally a close-packed bilayer film (5.4+/-0.2 nm) was approached. AFM results of the film growth process indicated a growth mechanism of nucleation, growth and coalescence of dense submonolayer, it revealed the direct information about the film morphology and confirmed that solution spreading was an effective technique to prepare a cationic bilayer in a short time.  相似文献   

Summary The fluorescence enhancement of 4,4-dibenzamido-2,2-disulfonic stilbene (DBDS) upon binding to membranes was used to examine proximal tubule stilbene binding sites. Equilibrium binding studies of DBDS to renal brush border (BBMV) and basolateral membrane vesicles (BLMV) were performed using a fluorescence enhancement technique developed for red blood cells (A.S. Verkman, J.A. Dix and A.K. Solomon,J. Gen. Physiol. 81:421–449, 1983). In the absence of transportable anions, DBDS bound reversibly to a single class of sites on BLMV isolated from rabbit (K d =3.8 m) and rat (3.2 m); 100 m dihydro-4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-disulfonic stilbene (H2DIDS) blocked >95% of binding. H2DIDS inhibitable DBDS binding was not detected using rat or rabbit BBMV. In rabbit BLMV, DBDSK d doubled with 10mm SO4, 50mm HCO3 and 100mm Cl, but was not altered by Na or pH (6–8). In stopped-flow experiments the exponential time constant for DBDS binding slowed with SO4, HCO3 and Cl, but was unaffected by Na. These results are consistent with competitive binding of DBDS and anions at an anion transport site. To relate DBDS binding data to anion transport inhibition we used35SO4 uptake to characterize several modes of rabbit BLM anion transport: H/SO4 and Na/SO4 cotransport, and Cl/SO4 countertransport. Each transport process was electroneutral and was inhibited by H2DIDS, furosemide, probenecid, chlorothiazide and DBDS. The apparentK t 's for DBDS (3–20 m) were similar toK d for DBDS binding. These studies define a class of anion transport sites on the proximal tubule basolateral membrane measureable optically by a fluorescent stilbene.  相似文献   

Electrically neutral ionophores (nigericin, monencin) incorporated into a planar bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) bring about hydrogen ion gradient formation in the unstirred layers of BLM if a metal ion gradient on the membrane is prepared. Under these conditions a diffusion potential of a hydrogen ion is generated after addition of a protonophore. Cation selectivity of nigericin, monencin and A23187 has been studied by means of electrical potential measurements in the presence of a protonophore and Men+/nH+-exchangers mentioned above. The data on cation selectivity are in a good agreement with the well known results of the direct measurements of metal ion fluxes. This shows that the effect of generation of the potential on BLM in the presence of a protonophore and a Men+/nH+-exchanger can be used for the estimation of electrically neutral ion fluxes through BLM.  相似文献   

In recent years, studies of the interactions of designed hydrophobic and amphipathic polypeptides with biological membranes have progressed considerably. In-plane and transmembrane helical domains have been engineered as well as sequences that exhibit dynamic distributions of different topologies. These sequences not only help our understanding of the thermodynamic interaction contributions that determine peptide orientation, but also exhibit interesting biological functions as autonomous units. In addition, helices are considered to be folding intermediates of multi-spanning membrane proteins. The specificity and thermodynamic stability of transmembrane helix-helix interactions or the assembly of beta sheets at the membrane surface have, therefore, become a focus of ongoing research.  相似文献   

We describe an altered membrane band 3 protein-mediated anion transport in erythrocytes exposed to peroxynitrite, and relate the loss of anion transport to cell damage and to band 3 oxidative modifications. We found that peroxynitrite down-regulate anion transport in a dose dependent relation (100–300 μmoles/l). Hemoglobin oxidation was found at all peroxynitrite concentrations studied. A dose-dependent band 3 protein crosslinking and tyrosine nitration were also observed. Band 3 protein modifications were concomitant with a decrease in transport activity. ( ? )-Epicatechin avoids band 3 protein nitration but barely affects its transport capacity, suggesting that both processes are unrelated. N-acetyl cysteine partially reverted the loss of band 3 transport capacity. It is concluded that peroxynitrite promotes a decrease in anion transport that is partially due to the reversible oxidation of band 3 cysteine residues. Additionally, band 3 tyrosine nitration seems not to be relevant for the loss of its anion transport capacity.  相似文献   

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