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Wingbeat frequency, temperature and body size in bees and flies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. This paper describes the relationship between ambient temperature and wingbeat frequency in bees and flies of different sizes, and presents new data from insects in free fight. The slope of the relationship changes with the size of the insect, and was different for insects in hovering flight compared with individuals of the same species in forward flight.  相似文献   

Latitudinal genetic clines in body size occur in many ectotherms including Drosophila species. In the wing of D. melanogaster, these clines are generally based on latitudinal variation in cell number. In contrast, differences in wing area that evolve by thermal selection in the laboratory are in general based on cell size. To investigate possible reasons for the different cellular bases of these two types of evolutionary response, we compared the newly established North and South American wing size clines of Drosophila subobscura. The new clines are based on latitudinal variation in cell area in North America and cell number in South America. The ancestral European cline is also based on latitudinal variation in cell number. The difference in the cellular basis of wing size variation in the American clines, which are roughly the same age, together with the similar cellular basis of the new South American cline and the ancient European one, suggest that the antiquity of a cline does not explain its cellular basis. Furthermore, the results indicate that wing size as a whole, rather than its cellular basis, is under selection. The different cellular bases of different size clines are most likely explained either entirely by chance or by different patterns of genetic variance--or its expression--in founding populations.  相似文献   

Both development and evolution under chronic malnutrition lead to reduced adult size in Drosophila. We studied the contribution of changes in size vs. number of epidermal cells to plastic and evolutionary reduction of wing size in response to poor larval food. We used flies from six populations selected for tolerance to larval malnutrition and from six unselected control populations, raised either under standard conditions or under larval malnutrition. In the control populations, phenotypic plasticity of wing size was mediated by both cell size and cell number. In contrast, evolutionary change in wing size, which was only observed as a correlated response expressed on standard food, was mediated entirely by reduction in cell number. Plasticity of cell number had been lost in the selected populations, and cell number did not differ between the sexes despite males having smaller wings. Results of this and other experimental evolution studies are consistent with the hypothesis that alleles which increase body size through prolonged growth affect wing size mostly via cell number, whereas alleles which increase size through higher growth rate do so via cell size.  相似文献   

In order to identify key factors in the evolution of life history traits in Ascothoracida and Rhizocephala (two groups of crustacean parastes of invertebrates), comparative analyses were performed using phylogenetically independent contrasts. Among 59 ascothoracidan species, latitude correlated positively with body size, whereas there was no relationship between water depth and body size. Body size also correlated strongly with egg size; however, once corrected for body size, egg size was not related to either latitude or water depth. Among 91 rhizocephalan species, neither latitude nor water depth correlated with body size. However, host species of larger sizes harboured larger species of rhizocephalan parasites. Egg size of rhizocephalans did not correlate with body size, and was not influenced by either latitude or water depth. The patterns observed in this study show both differences from an similarities to those reported for other groups of crustacean parasites, and suggest that adaptations to similar selective pressures are not always identical among distantly-related taxa.  相似文献   

Fruit size within a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) truss depends on both fruit position in the truss and the time of pollination among fruits. In the natural pollination sequence a difference of 5 days in the pollination of proximal and distal flowers results in significant final size differences between proximal and distal fruits. These final size differences were eliminated when all flowers were pollinated simultaneously. At anthesis proximal ovaries have higher cell numbers than distal ovaries but the cell division activity and cell enlargement in both positions was similar in the first 10 days of fruit growth. Simultaneous pollination resulted in lower cell numbers in proximal but higher cell numbers in distal fruits compared to control fruits.Hormone levels in different sized fruits were measured using radioimmunoassays. Cytokinin concentration during the cell division period indicated a possible role in the regulation of cell division. With other hormones no obvious correlations were found. The results are discussed in relation to factors determining final fruit size in tomato.  相似文献   

Application of GA3, IAA or 4-CPA to tomato ovaries induced the development of parthenocarpic fruit, which showed different growth rates. In the pericarp cell division and cell enlargement was affected differentially. GA3-induced fruits had considerably less but larger cells than seeded control fruits, IAA treatment resulted in the same number of cells but these were smaller and 4-CPA treatment induced fruits with about 20% more cells. Reduction in cell number had a similar effect on final fruit size as diminution of cell size. A reduction in the number of cell division centres (area around vascular bundles) as well as changes in the degree of endoploidy are possible reasons for the observed reductions in cell numbers. Hormonal causes for the different number and size of pericarp cells after the various treatments are discussed.  相似文献   

Food webs are strongly size‐structured so will be vulnerable to changes in environmental factors that affect large predators. However, mechanistic understanding of environmental controls of top predator size is poorly developed. We used streams to investigate how predator body size is altered by three fundamental climate change stressors: reductions in habitat size, increases in disturbance and warmer temperatures. Using new survey data from 74 streams, we showed that habitat size and disturbance were the most important stressors influencing predator body size. A synergistic interaction between that habitat size and disturbance due to flooding meant the sizes of predatory fishes peaked in large, benign habitats and their body size decreased as habitats became either smaller or harsher. These patterns were supported by experiments indicating that habitat‐size reductions and increased flood disturbance decreased both the abundance and biomass of large predators. This research indicates that interacting climate change stressors can influence predator body size, resulting in smaller predators than would be predicted from examining an environmental factor in isolation. Thus, climate‐induced changes to key interacting environmental factors are likely to have synergistic impacts on predator body size which, because of their influence on the strength of biological interactions, will have far‐reaching effects on food‐web responses to global environmental change.  相似文献   

Adult acanthocephalan body sizes vary interspecifically over more than two orders of magnitude; yet, despite its importance for our understanding of the coevolutionary links between hosts and parasites, this variation remains unexplained. Here, we used a comparative analysis to investigate how final adult sizes and relative increments in size following establishment in the definitive host are influenced by three potential determinants of acanthocephalan sizes: initial (cystacanth) size at infection, host body mass, and the thermal regime experienced during growth, i.e. whether the definitive host is an ectotherm or an endotherm. Relative growth from the cystacanth stage to the adult stage ranged from twofold to more than 10,000-fold across acanthocephalan species, averaging just over 100-fold. However, this relative increment in size did not correlate with host mass, and did not differ between acanthocephalan species using ectothermic hosts and those growing in endothermic hosts. In contrast, final acanthocephalan adult sizes correlated positively with host mass, and after correction for host mass, final adult sizes were higher in species parasitising endotherms than in those found in ectotherms. The relationship between host mass and acanthocephalan adult size practically disappears, however, once phylogenetic influences are taken into account. Positive relationships between adult acanthocephalan size, cystacanth size and egg size indicate that a given relative size is a feature of an acanthocephalan species at all stages of its life cycle. These relationships also suggest that adult size is to some extent determined by cystacanth size, and that the characteristics of the definitive host are not the sole determinants of parasite life history traits.  相似文献   

Overall, large animals dive longer and deeper than small animals; however, after the difference in body size is taken into account, smaller divers often tend to make relatively longer dives. Neither physiological nor theoretical explanations have been provided for this paradox. This paper develops an optimal foraging diving model to demonstrate the effect of body size on diving behaviour, and discusses optimal diving behaviour in relation to body size. The general features of the results are: (1) smaller divers should rely more heavily on anaerobic respiration, (2) larger divers should not always make longer dives than smaller divers, and (3) an optimal body size exists for each diving depth. These results explain the relatively greater diving ability observed in smaller divers, and suggest that if the vertical distribution of prey in the water column is patchy, there is opportunity for a population of diving animals to occupy habitat niches related to body size.  相似文献   

Tomato fruit growth parameters, cell number and cell size, and hormone levels [IAA, abscisic acid (ABA), zeatin (Z)/zeatin riboside (ZR), isopentenyladenosine (i-Ado)/isopentenlyadenine (i-Ade)], in the wild-type ( Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium Mill.) and a semi-isogenic mutant (mutant III) differing in fruit size were investigated during fruit development. An image-processing system was used for the determination of cell number and single cell size per fruit and hormone levels were measured by radioimmuno-assay (RIA). The bigger fruits of mutant III showed higher cell numbers throughout fruit development and cells enlarged faster than in wild-type fruits. During the first 10 days of fruit growth, the main cell division period after fertilization, high concentrations of cytokinins were found, these being correlated with high cell division activity. There were only slight differences in IAA and ABA levels in the different sized fruits. The results emphasized the importance of the cell number per fruit at anthesis as a determining factor of final fruit size in tomatoes. A possible relationship between cytokinins and subsequent fruit development is discussed.  相似文献   

Body size is highly variable within and among populations, both as a result of genetic variation and as a plastic response to environmental variation. From a proximate perspective, body size depends upon cell size, cell number, and extracellular matrix, but we know little about their independent contributions to size nor how these contributions vary with environmental influences. Here, I introduce the tail muscle of anuran tadpoles as a new system for studying this issue. Body size and tail size of tadpoles is sensitive to variation in food and temperature. I show first that tail muscle size is strongly correlated with overall body size, thus making it a good tissue to study size regulation. Second, the relative role of cell size and cell number, but not extracellular matrix, shows an interaction between food and temperature treatments and across ages. For example, in young tadpoles food effects on size are due exclusively to cell size at low temperatures but both cell size and number at high temperatures. This pattern partially reverses for older tadpoles. Despite the complexity of this interaction, the two populations compared show nearly identical patterns, suggesting that the plastic response is robust.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 499–510.  相似文献   

Energy storage in arthropods has important implications for survival and reproduction. The lipid content of 276 species of adult arthropods with wet mass in the range 0.2–6.13 g is determined to assess how lipid mass scales with body mass. The relative contribution of lipids to total body mass is investigated with respect to phylogeny, ontogeny and sex. The lipid content of adult insects, arachnids, and arthropods in general shows an isometric scaling relationship with respect to body mass (M) (Marthropod lipid = ?1.09 ×Mdry1.01 and Marthropod lipid = ?1.00 ×Mlean0.98). However, lipid allocation varies between arthropod taxa, as well as with sex and developmental stage within arthropod taxa. Female insects and arachnids generally have higher lipid contents than males, and larval holometabolous insects and juvenile arachnids have higher lipid contents than adults.  相似文献   

The efficiency of physical separation of inclusion bodies from cell debris is related to cell debris size and inclusion body release and both factors should be taken into account when designing a process. In this work, cell disruption by enzymatic treatment with lysozyme and cellulase, by homogenization, and by homogenization with ammonia pretreatment is discussed. These disruption methods are compared on the basis of inclusion body release, operating costs, and cell debris particle size. The latter was measured with cumulative sedimentation analysis in combination with membrane-associated protein quantification by SDS-PAGE and a spectrophotometric peptidoglycan quantification method. Comparison of the results obtained with these two cell debris quantification methods shows that enzymatic treatment yields cell debris particles with varying chemical composition, while this is not the case with the other disruption methods that were investigated. Furthermore, the experiments show that ammonia pretreatment with homogenization increases inclusion body release compared to homogenization without pretreatment and that this pretreatment may be used to control the cell debris size to some extent. The enzymatic disruption process gives a higher product release than homogenization with or without ammonia pretreatment at lower operating costs, but it also yields a much smaller cell debris size than the other disruption process. This is unfavorable for centrifugal inclusion body purification in this case, where cell debris is the component going to the sediment and the inclusion body is the floating component. Nevertheless, calculations show that centrifugal separation of inclusion bodies from the enzymatically treated cells gives a high inclusion body yield and purity.  相似文献   

Most life history traits are positively influenced by body size, whereas disadvantages of large body size are poorly documented. To investigate presumed intrinsic costs of large size in the yellow dung fly (Scathophaga stercoraria; Diptera: Scathophagidae), we established two replicates each of three body size laboratory selection lines (small, control and large; selection on males only), and subjected flies of the resulting extended body size range to various abiotic stresses. Response to selection was symmetrical in the small and large lines (realized h(2) = 0.16-0.18). After 24 generations of selection body size had changed by roughly 10%. Female size showed a correlated response to selection on male size, whereas sexual size dimorphism did not change. Development time also showed a correlated response as, similar to food limited flies, small line flies emerged earlier at smaller body size. At the lowest larval food limit possible, flies of all lines emerged at the same small body size after roughly the same development time; so overall phenotypic plasticity in body size and development time strongly increased following selection. Juvenile mortality increased markedly when food was extremely limited, large line flies showing highest mortality. Winter frost disproportionately killed large (line) flies because of their longer development times. Mortality at high temperatures was high but size-selective effects were inconsistent. In all environments the larger males suffered more. Initial growth rate was higher for males and at unlimited food. Small line individuals of both sexes grew slowest at unlimited larval food but fastest at limited larval food, suggesting a physiological cost of fast growth. Overall, extension of the natural body size range by artificial selection revealed some otherwise cryptic intrinsic juvenile viability costs of large size, mediated by longer development or faster growth, but only in stressful environments.  相似文献   

  • 1 Patterns of activity at a large nesting aggregation and at foraging sites are described for females of the solitary bee Anthophora plumipes (Pallas). Changes in the quality and quantity of the resource collected by females provisioning cells are related to variation in female body mass and microclimate.
  • 2 Activity at the nest site demonstrated relationships with aspects of the thermal environment experienced by A.plumipes. Measures of temperature showing significant relationships differed for females in different stages in the nesting cycle exhibiting characteristically different behaviour patterns.
  • 3 Larger females emerged from nest tunnels earlier in the morning and provisioned cells at lower ambient temperatures than smaller individuals. Body size therefore predicts reproductive success at low ambient temperatures.
  • 4 Pollen and nectar loads carried by females increased with ambient temperature. Because only one cell is completed per day and the size of offspring is determined by the quality and quantity of resource provided by the mother, the body size of individuals emerging in the following season will depend on interactions between climate and body size, in addition to any heritable component.
  • 5 Variation in activity levels at foraging sites is attributed not only to thermal considerations, but also to variation in the quality of rewards available at different floral sources.

  • 1 A method of separating the effects of two important determinants of body size in natural populations, temperature of larval development and level of larval nutrition, by making measurements of thorax length and wing length of adult flies is investigated.
  • 2 I show that at any given time variation in body size of Drosophila buzzatii from two sites in eastern Australia is determined primarily by variation in the quality of nutrition available to larvae.
  • 3 Throughout the year adult flies are consistently at least 25% smaller in volume than predicted for optimal nutrition at their predicted temperature of larval development.
  • 4 Nutritional stress is therefore a year-round problem for these flies.
  • 5 Measurements of adult flies emerging from individual breeding substrates (rotting cactus cladodes) show that there is substantial variation among these substrates in the nutrition available to larvae.
  • 6 This method will allow study of spatial and temporal variation in the temperature of larval substrates and in the nutritional resources available to flies in natural populations.

Mean juvenile fish abundance and fish frequency in a large lowland river during low discharge largely differed among the unvegetated and three morphologically contrasted macrophyte habitats. Single separate models revealed that juvenile fish distribution was largely influenced by trophic variables. With the exception of Leuciscus cephalus , which responded mainly to physical variables (depth and substratum), multiple regression models emphasized the importance of trophic variables for fish distribution. For Blicca bjoerkna , L. cephalus and Lepomis gibbosus , habitat shifts with respect to prey size were apparent; small juvenile fishes mainly responded to small zooplankton abundance, whereas large individuals were more influenced by the abundance of large zooplankton. Whatever the species, predictions from multiple regression models were always better for large individuals. Small juvenile fishes appeared to be less affected by the habitat variables measured, and exhibited more uniform spatial distribution. The relative importance of trophic resources and habitat physical structure among macrophyte types for fish-habitat relationships is discussed, and the necessity of quantifying habitat structural complexity is emphasized.  相似文献   

aematin contents of engorged, male tsetse flies, Glossina pallidipes Austen, were compared with the packed cell volumes of oxen on which they had fed. Haematin contents icnreased with packed cell volume up to packed cell volumes of approximately 30%. Haematin contents appeared to level off or decline with further increase in packed cell volume. These results support a model of blood-feeding in tsetse flies in which the rate of blood consumption decreases as packed cell volume increases, because of increase in blood viscosity, and tsetse are unable to compensate for the decrease in consumption rate by feeding for a longer time. After allowing for the effects of packed cell volume, bloodmeal sizes of tsetse increased with ox body temperature.  相似文献   

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