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Structural proteomics is one of the powerful research areas in the postgenomic era, elucidating structure-function relationships of uncharacterized gene products based on the 3D protein structure. It proposes biochemical and cellular functions of unannotated proteins and thereby identifies potential drug design and protein engineering targets. Recently, a number of pioneering groups in structural proteomics research have achieved proof of structural proteomic theory by predicting the 3D structures of hypothetical proteins that successfully identified the biological functions of those proteins. The pioneering groups made use of a number of techniques, including NMR spectroscopy, which has been applied successfully to structural proteomics studies over the past 10 years. In addition, advances in hardware design, data acquisition methods, sample preparation and automation of data analysis have been developed and successfully applied to high-throughput structure determination techniques. These efforts ensure that NMR spectroscopy will become an important methodology for performing structural proteomics research on a genomic scale. NMR-based structural proteomics together with x-ray crystallography will provide a comprehensive structural database to predict the basic biological functions of hypothetical proteins identified by the genome projects.  相似文献   

Antibodies play an ever more prominent role in basic research as well as in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors. Characterizing their epitopes, that is, the region that they recognize on their target molecule, is useful for purposes ranging from molecular biology research to vaccine design and intellectual property protection. Solution NMR spectroscopy is ideally suited to the atomic level characterization of intermolecular interfaces and, as a consequence, to epitope discovery. Here, we illustrate how NMR epitope mapping can be used to rapidly and accurately determine protein antigen epitopes. The basic concept is that differences in the NMR signal of an antigen free or bound by an antibody will identify epitope residues. NMR epitope mapping provides more detailed information than mutagenesis or peptide mapping and can be much more rapid than X‐ray crystallography. Advantages and drawbacks of this technique are discussed together with practical considerations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The structure of naturally occurring galactomannans was characterized by high resolution NMR spectroscopy involving two-dimensional (2D) NMR measurements of the field gradient DQF-COSY, HMQC, HMBC, and ROESY experiments. Four galactomannans with different proportions of galactose (G) and mannose (M), from fenugreek gum (FG), guar gum (GG), tara gum (TG), and locust bean gum (LG), were investigated. Because these galactomannans had very high molecular weights, hydrolysis by dilute H2SO4 was carried out to give the corresponding low molecular weight galactomannans, the structural identities of which were established by comparison of the specific rotations, shape of the GPC profiles, and NMR spectra with those of higher molecular weight galactomannans. The correlation signals GH1-GC4, -GC5, and -MC6 in HMBC and GH1-GH6 in ROESY spectra of FG showed that more than two galactopyranose units with the 1 → 4 linkage were connected at C6 of the mannopyranose main chain. The coupling constant (JH1,2) of galactose was 3.4 Hz, indicating that galactose has an α-linkage. The main chain mannose was found to connect through the 1 → 4 linkage, because of the appearance of the correlation signals MH1-MC4, and MC1-MH4 in the HMBC spectrum due to the long-range correlation signals between two neighboring mannopyranose residues through the M4-O-M1 bond. Although the main chain mannose JH1,2 was not observed, probably because of the high molecular weight, the specific rotation of LG with a higher proportion of mannose was low, [α]D25 = +10.8°, compared with that of FG with a lower proportion of mannose, [α]D25 = +90.5°, suggesting that the mannose in the main chain had a α-linkage. These results suggest that the galactomannans comprise a (1 → 4)-β-mannopyranosidic main chain connected with more than two (1 → 4)-α-galactopyranosidic side chains, in addition to the single galactopyranose side chain, at C6 of the mannopyranose main chain.  相似文献   

Some characteristic features of the NMR spectra of phenolic glycosides are described in order to facilitate the structural determination of these compounds.  相似文献   

We have performed a systematic investigation of the structural features of the peptides Int (a sequence able to cross cell membranes) and Int-H1(S6A,F8A) (which shows interesting antitumoral properties). After screening in aqueous solution at different ionic strength and pH values, we analyzed the structures of the peptides in different water/trifluoroethanol mixtures by Circular Dichroism and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance techniques.  相似文献   

M D Cole  M Ono    R C Huang 《Journal of virology》1982,42(1):123-130
Adjacent intracisternal A-particle (IAP) genes were identified in two different recombinant DNA clones, gamma 81 and gamma 19. In clone gamma 81, the most common form of IAP gene was separated by 5.3 kilobases from another IAP gene that had two apparent internal deletions. The two genes were in a head-to-tail configuration. In clone gamma 19, two different types of IAP genes were separated by less than 0.5 kilobase. Blot hybridization analysis of mouse DNA demonstrated that the DNA sequence found in clone gamma 81 is identical to the in vivo configuration. Using isolated DNA fragments from clone gamma 19, we mapped the boundaries of the IAP RNA by S1 digestion of RNA-DNA hybrids and by cDNA extension. With these techniques, both the 5' end and the 3' end of the IAP RNA in two different plasmacytomas (MOPC 315 and TEPC 15) were shown to fall within the long terminal direct repeat of the IAP gene. The fragment sizes generated by S1 digestion of IAP RNAs isolated from the two tumor lines were found to differ, indicating that different IAP genes may be transcribed in these two plasmacytomas.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method based on 15N labeling and 1H-15N heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectroscopy is presented to directly assess the structural integrity of overexpressed proteins in crude Escherichia coli extracts without the need for any purification. The method is demonstrated using two different expression systems and two different proteins, the B1 immunoglobulin-binding domain of streptococcal protein G (56 residues) and human interleukin-1 beta (153 residues). It is shown that high quality 1H-15N correlation spectra, recorded in as little as 15 min and displaying only cross-peaks arising from the overexpressed protein of interest, can be obtained from crude E. coli extracts.  相似文献   

Y Shiro  I Morishima 《Biochemistry》1986,25(20):5844-5849
The heme environmental structures of lactoperoxidase (LP) have been studied by the use of hyperfine-shifted proton NMR and optical absorption spectra. The NMR spectra of the enzyme in native and cyanide forms in H2O indicated that the fifth ligand of the heme iron is the histidyl imidazole with an anionic character and that the sixth coordination site is possibly vacant. These structural characteristics are quite similar to those of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), suggesting that these may be prerequisite to peroxidase activity. The pH dependences of the spectra of LP in cyanide and azide forms showed the presence of two ionizable groups with pK values of 6 and 7.4 in the heme vicinity, which is consistent with the kinetic results. The group with pK = 7.4 is associated with azide binding to LP in a slow NMR exchange limit, which is in contrast to the fast entry of azide to HRP.  相似文献   

Structural characterization of transmembrane peptides (TMPs) is justified because transmembrane domains of membrane proteins appear to often function independently of the rest of the protein. However, the challenge in obtaining milligrams of isotopically labeled TMPs to study these highly hydrophobic peptides by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is significant. In the present work, a protocol is developed to produce, isotopically label, and purify TMPs in high yield as well as to initially characterize the TMPs with CD and both solution and solid-state NMR. Six TMPs from three integral membrane proteins, CorA, M2, and KdpF, were studied. CorA and KdpF are from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, while M2 is from influenza A virus. Several milligrams of each of these TMPs ranging from 25 to 89 residues were obtained per liter of M9 culture. The initial structural characterization results showed that these peptides were well folded in both detergent micelles and lipid bilayer preparations. The high yield, the simplicity of purification, and the convenient protocol represents a suitable approach for NMR studies and a starting point for characterizing the transmembrane domains of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Treatment of the tetradentate (NNNN) N-alkylaminopyrazole ligands 3,6-dimethyl-1,8-(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)-3,6-diazaoctane (ddad) and 1,4-bis[2-(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)ethyl]piperazine (bedp) with [PdCl2(CH3CN)2] in a 1:1 M/L ratio in acetonitrile produces [Pd2Cl4(L)] and [PdCl2(L)] (L = ddad and bedp). Treatment of the corresponding complex [PdCl2(L)] (L = ddad, bedp) in the presence of AgBF4 in CH2Cl2/methanol (2:1) or NaBF4 in acetonitrile gives [Pd(L)](BF4)2. The Pd(II) complexes have been characterised by elemental analyses, conductivity measurements, IR and 1H and 13C{1H} NMR spectroscopies when possible. The X-ray structure of the complex [Pd(ddad)]Cl2 · 3H2O has been determined. The Pd(II) is coordinated to the ddad ligand by two nitrogen atoms of pyrazolyl groups and two nitrogen atoms of the amine groups, in a slightly distorted square-planar geometry.  相似文献   

J T Lecomte  M J Cocco 《Biochemistry》1990,29(50):11057-11067
The structural properties of the complex formed by apomyoglobin and protoporphyrin IX (des-iron myoglobin) were studied to probe the influence of iron-to-histidine coordination on the native myoglobin fold and the heme binding site geometry. Standard two-dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy methods were applied to identify porphyrin and protein signals. A pronounced spectral resemblance between carbonmonoxymyoglobin and des-iron myoglobin was noticed that could be exploited to assign a number of resonances by nuclear Overhauser spectroscopy. Protoporphyrin IX was determined to bind in the same orientation as the heme. Most residues in contact with the prosthetic group were found in the holomyoglobin conformation. Several tertiary structure features were also characterized near the protein termini. It was concluded that the protoporphyrin-apomyoglobin interactions are capable of organizing the binding site and the unfolded region of the apoprotein into the native holoprotein structure.  相似文献   

Starting only a few years ago, many solid-state NMR spectroscopy laboratories have become engaged in solving the complete structures of biological macromolecules using high-resolution methods based on magic angle spinning. These efforts typically involve structurally homogeneous samples, and utilize recently developed pulse sequences for the sequential correlation of resonances, the detection of tertiary contacts and the characterization of torsion angles. Thereby, systems have been studied that evaded other, more established, structure determination methods.  相似文献   

Two protein expression vectors have been designed for the preparation of NMR samples. The vectors encode the immunoglobulin-binding domain of streptococcal protein G (GB1 domain) linked to the N-terminus of the desired proteins. This fusion strategy takes advantage of the small size, stable fold, and high bacterial expression capability of the GB1 domain to allow direct NMR spectroscopic analysis of the fusion protein by 1H-15N correlation spectroscopy. Using this system accelerates the initial assessment of protein NMR projects such that, in a matter of days, the solubility and stability of a protein can be determined. In addition, 15N-labeling of peptides and their testing for DNA binding are facilitated. Several examples are presented that demonstrate the usefulness of this technique for screening protein/DNA complexes, as well as for probing ligand-receptor interactions, using 15N-labeled GB1-peptide fusions and unlabeled target.  相似文献   

Intron boundaries were extracted from genomic data and mapped onto single-domain human and murine protein structures taken from the Protein Data Bank. A first analysis of this set of proteins shows that intron boundaries prefer to be in non-regular secondary structure elements, while avoiding alpha-helices and beta-strands. This fact alone suggests an evolutionary model in which introns are constrained by protein structure, particularly by tertiary structure contacts. In addition, in silico recombination experiments of a subset of these proteins together with their homologues, including those in different species, show that introns have a tendency to occur away from artificial crossover hot spots. Altogether, these findings support a model in which genes can preferentially harbour introns in less constrained regions of the protein fold they code for. In the light of these findings, we discuss some implications for protein modelling and design.  相似文献   

GTP hydrolysis by GTPases requires crucial residues embedded in a conserved G-domain as sequence motifs G1-G5. However, in some of the recently identified GTPases, the motif order is circularly permuted. All possible circular permutations were identified after artificially permuting the classical GTPases and subjecting them to profile Hidden Markov Model searches. This revealed G4-G5-G1-G2-G3 as the only possible circular permutation that can exist in nature. It was also possible to recognize a structural rationale for the absence of other permutations, which either destabilize the invariant GTPase fold or disrupt regions that provide critical residues for GTP binding and hydrolysis, such as Switch-I and Switch-II. The circular permutation relocates Switch-II to the C-terminus and leaves it unfastened, thus affecting GTP binding and hydrolysis. Stabilizing this region would require the presence of an additional domain following Switch-II. Circularly permuted GTPases (cpGTPases) conform to such a requirement and always possess an 'anchoring' C-terminal domain. There are four sub-families of cpGTPases, of which three possess an additional domain N-terminal to the G-domain. The biochemical function of these domains, based on available experimental reports and domain recognition analysis carried out here, are suggestive of RNA binding. The features that dictate RNA binding are unique to each subfamily. It is possible that RNA-binding modulates GTP binding or vice versa. In addition, phylogenetic analysis indicates a closer evolutionary relationship between cpGTPases and a set of universally conserved bacterial GTPases that bind the ribosome. It appears that cpGTPases are RNA-binding proteins possessing a means to relate GTP binding to RNA binding.  相似文献   

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