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The effect of litter quality and climate on the rate of decomposition of plant tissues was examined by the measurement of mass remaining after 3 years’ exposure of 11 litter types placed at 18 forest sites across Canada. Amongst sites, mass remaining was strongly related to mean annual temperature and precipitation and amongst litter types the ratio of Klason lignin to nitrogen in the initial tissue was the most important litter quality variable. When combined into a multiple regression, mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation and Klason lignin:nitrogen ratio explained 73% of the variance in mass remaining for all sites and tissues. Using three doubled CO2 GCM climate change scenarios for four Canadian regions, these relationships were used to predict increases in decomposition rate of 4–7% of contemporary rates (based on mass remaining after 3 years), because of increased temperature and precipitation. This increase may be partially offset by evidence that plants growing under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations produce litter with high lignin:nitrogen ratios which slows the rate of decomposition, but this change will be small compared to the increased rate of decomposition derived from climatic changes.  相似文献   

As atmospheric CO2 increases, ecosystem carbon sequestration will largely depend on how global changes in climate will alter the balance between net primary production and decomposition. The response of primary production to climatic change has been examined using well‐validated mechanistic models, but the same is not true for decomposition, a primary source of atmospheric CO2. We used the Long‐term Intersite Decomposition Experiment Team (LIDET) dataset and model‐selection techniques to choose and parameterize a model that describes global patterns of litter decomposition. Mass loss was best represented by a three‐pool negative exponential model, with a rapidly decomposing labile pool, an intermediate pool representing cellulose, and a recalcitrant pool. The initial litter lignin/nitrogen ratio defined the size of labile and intermediate pools. Lignin content determined the size of the recalcitrant pool. The decomposition rate of all pools was modified by climate, but the intermediate pool's decomposition rate was also controlled by relative amounts of litter cellulose and lignin (indicative of lignin‐encrusted cellulose). The effect of climate on decomposition was best represented by a composite variable that multiplied a water‐stress function by the Lloyd and Taylor variable Q10 temperature function. Although our model explained nearly 70% of the variation in LIDET data, we observed systematic deviations from model predictions. Below‐ and aboveground material decomposed at notably different rates, depending on the decomposition stage. Decomposition in certain ecosystem‐specific environmental conditions was not well represented by our model; this included roots in very wet and cold soils, and aboveground litter in N‐rich and arid sites. Despite these limitations, our model may still be extremely useful for global modeling efforts, because it accurately (R2=0.6804) described general patterns of long‐term global decomposition for a wide array of litter types, using relatively minimal climatic and litter quality data.  相似文献   

The effect of the initial lignin and nitrogen contents of the leaves of five tree species, on their decomposition dynamics, was studied in the sub-tropical forest ecosystem existing at Shiroy hills. The decomposition dynamics of litter materials are described by inverse linear relationships between the percentage of the original biomass remaining and the nitrogen concentration in the residual material. Initial lignin and nitrogen were highly correlated with remaining biomass (r=0.94 and 0.77). The rate constants (K), for the annual leaf mass loss, ranged from −0.18 to −0.56. The values for initial lignin (%), initial nitrogen (%), the ratio between initial lignin, initial nitrogen and the annual decomposition rate constants were compared with similar results from other studies in various climatic zones of the world.  相似文献   

We analysed data on mass loss after five years of decomposition in the field from both fine root and leaf litters from two highly contrasting trees, Drypetes glauca, a tropical hardwood tree from Puerto Rico, and pine species from North America as part of the Long‐Term Intersite Decomposition Experiment (LIDET). LIDET is a reciprocal litterbag study involving the transplanting of litter from 27 species across 28 sites in North and Central America reflecting a wide variety of natural and managed ecosystems and climates, from Arctic tundra to tropical rainforest. After 5 years, estimated k‐values ranged from 0.032 to 3.734, lengths of Phase I (to 20% mass remaining) from 0.49 to 47.92 years, and fractional mass remaining from 0 to 0.81. Pine litter decomposed more slowly than Drypetes litter, supporting the notion of strong control of substrate quality over decomposition rates. Climate exerted strong and consistent effects on decomposition. Neither mean annual temperature or precipitation alone explained the global pattern of decomposition; variables including both moisture availability and temperature (i.e. actual evapotranspiration and DEFAC from the CENTURY model) were generally more robust than single variables. Across the LIDET range, decomposition of fine roots exhibited a Q10 of 2 and was more predictable than that of leaves, which had a higher Q10 and greater variability. Roots generally decomposed more slowly than leaves, regardless of genus, but the ratio of above‐ to belowground decomposition rates differed sharply across ecosystem types. Finally, Drypetes litter decomposed much more rapidly than pine litter in ‘broadleaved habitats’ than in ‘conifer habitats’, evidence for a ‘home‐field advantage’ for this litter. These results collectively suggest that relatively simple models can predict decomposition based on litter quality and regional climate, but that ecosystem‐specific problems may add complications.  相似文献   

Identifying the environmental factors controlling litter decomposition is key to understanding the magnitude and rates of nutrient cycling in tropical forests, and how they may be influenced by climate variability and environmental change. We carried out a leaf litter translocation experiment in mature rain forest over a 2,520 m altitudinal gradient in Costa Rica. Leaf litter decomposition rates (k) of ten tree species, two dominant species from each ecosystem, plus two standard species, were calculated over 540 days in four life zones. k was lowest in montane with 0.83 per year and lower montane forests with 2.21 per year. k did not differ between lowland and premontane forests at 3.12 per year, in spite of the 3℃ difference of mean annual temperature between these life zones. k varied fourfold among species. Species decomposition rates ranked as follows, and were predictably related to leaf economic spectrum traits of the species: Acalypha communis (standard, fast decomposer)» Hyeronima oblonga > Alchornea latifolia, Quercus bumelioides, Jarava ichu (standard, slow decomposer)> Minquartia guianensis > Magnolia sororum > Vochysia allenii > Pourouma bicolor, Carapa guianensis. These two slowest-decomposing species were native premontane and lowland forest dominants, respectively, with tough, low-nutrient leaves. The ranking of species by k varied very little among life zones suggesting that decomposer organisms in very different ecosystems and environments react in similar ways to the litter quality in general. We conclude that while k decreases with temperature in rain forests on tropical mountains, bioclimatic zones defined as premontane may be “functionally lowland.” The effects of species identity on decomposition rates on tropical mountains are consistent and independent of environment for both standard and native species. Under climate change on these mountains, if moisture regimes do not change, decomposition rates will increase due to rising temperatures. Soil carbon storage may therefore decrease. Changes in the altitudinal distributions of currently dominant species will also affect this critically important biogeochemical process.  相似文献   

根系在凋落物层生长对凋落叶分解及酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根系向凋落物层生长是森林生态系统存在的普遍现象,研究根系存在对凋落物分解的影响对理解森林生态系统的养分物质循环具有重要意义.在福建三明市楠木和格氏栲林进行1年的凋落叶分解试验,设置有根处理和无根处理(对照),研究根系生长对凋落叶分解速率、养分释放和酶活性的影响.结果表明:在分解360 d后,有根处理楠木和格氏栲凋落叶干...  相似文献   

红松混交林凋落物氮储量及分解释放对土壤氮的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2012年5—10月,采用直接收获法,研究了小兴安岭地区云冷杉红松混交林和枫桦红松混交林两种林型凋落物的未分解层(L层)、半分解层(F层)和腐殖质层(H层)以及土壤表层(S层)氮储量及凋落物分解释放对土壤氮影响。结果表明:研究期间两种林型凋落物现存量变化范围分别为19.43~27.25和21.25~24.28 t·hm-2,氮储量变化范围分别为287.21~418.22和274.81~351.21 kg·hm-2,各层氮含量大小次序均为LFHS;云冷杉红松混交林各层凋落物现存量及其氮储存量5月和9月达到峰值,每月氮储量从L~H层均增加,凋落物分解释放氮在F和H层易富集,输入到土壤中较少;枫桦红松混交林各层凋落物现存量及其氮储量5月和10月达到峰值,每月氮储量从L~H层均减少,氮在凋落物各层中均易迁移,输入到土壤中的氮比云冷杉红松混交林多;两种林型L、F、H层凋落物现存量以及H层氮含量与S层氮含量之间,L和F层凋落物现存量与H层氮含量之间均呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

UV-B辐射对杉木凋落叶分解的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用分解袋法对自然和UV-B辐射滤减环境下的杉木凋落叶进行分解试验.结果表明:与对照相比,UV-B辐射滤减处理使杉木凋落叶的分解速率降低了69.6%(P<0.001),凋落叶中氮、磷和木质素的相对含量分别增加150%、83.3%和13.8%,抑制了钾和碳的释放.木质素光降解在杉木凋落叶分解过程中的作用不明显.UV-B辐射可以加快杉木凋落叶的分解,促进氮、磷、钾和碳的释放,以及杉木林凋落物层的营养周转速度,增加地表的碳通量,对杉木林的碳源或碳汇功能具有潜在的影响.  相似文献   

全球变化对陆地生态系统枯落物分解的影响   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
了解枯落物分解对大大二氧化碳浓度增高,气候变暖和降水变化的反应,对深入理解陆地生态系统土壤有机物形成和碳的固化能力(Carbonh sequestration)十分重要。通过分析业已发表的文献,实验室根系分解实验和美国西北部针叶林叶片的分解实验,旨在评估大气二氧化碳浓度增高,气候变暖和降水化对陆地生态系统枯落物分解的可能影响,大气二氧化碳浓度增高可通过降低枯落物质量和增加草原生态系统土壤水分间接地影响枯落物分离,根据17项研究结果,大气二氧化碳浓度加倍可导致木本和草本枯落物平均氮含量降低19.6%和9.4%;木质素/氮化值增高36.3%和5.5%,枯落物质地的降低通常导致枯落物分解减慢。气候变暖一般加速枯落物的分解,但是用于表示这种促进作用的Q10随着温度的增高而降低,全球降水变化对陆地生态系统枯落物分解的影响不但取决于现有水分条件而且还以决于降水变的程度。以美国西北部地的针叶林为例,降水改变对森林生态系统枯落物分解的影响将是 多元的,有的增加,有的降低,而有的相对不变,最后,指出了今后 在方该领域有待加强的几个研究方面。  相似文献   

Decomposition processes of beech leaf litter were studied over a 3-year period in a cool temperate deciduous forest in Japan. Organic chemical and nutrient dynamics, fungal biomass and succession were followed on upper (Moder) and lower (Mull) of a forest slope. Litter decomposition rates were similar between the sites. Nutrient dynamics of the decomposing litter was categorized into two types: weight changes in nitrogen and phosphorus showed two phases, the immobilization (0–21 months) and the mobilization phase (21–35 months), while those in potassium, calcium and magnesium showed only the mobilization phase. The rate of loss of organic chemical constituents was lignin < holocellulose < soluble carbohydrate < polyphenol in order. The changes in lignocellulose index (LCI), the ratio of holocellulose in lignin and holocellulose, were significantly correlated to the changes in nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations during the decomposition. During the immobilization phase, increase in total fungal biomass contributed to the immobilization of nitrogen and phosphorus. The percentage of clamp-bearing fungal biomass (biomass of the Basidiomycota) to total fungal biomass increased as the decomposition proceeded and was significantly correlated to LCI. Two species in the xylariaceous Ascomycota were dominantly isolated by the surface sterilization method from decomposing litter collected in the 11th month. The organic chemical, nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics during the decomposition were suggested to be related to the ingrowth, substrate utilization and succession of the Xylariaceae and the Basidiomycota. Twenty-one species in the other Ascomycota and the Zygomycota isolated by the washing method were classified into three groups based on their occurrence patterns: primary saprophytes, litter inhabitants and secondary sugar fungi. These species showed different responses to LCI and soluble carbohydrate concentration of the litter between the groups.  相似文献   

亚热带3种树种凋落叶厚度对其分解速率及酶活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
季晓燕  江洪  洪江华  马元丹 《生态学报》2013,33(6):1731-1739
对中国亚热带树种杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、银杏(Ginkgo biloba)3个树种在不同凋落物厚度下凋落物分解速率和分解酶活性进行了探究.利用分解网袋法,根据浙江省的平均酸雨水平,在酸雨(pH4.0)条件下设置了凋落物40g、凋落物20g、凋落物10g 3个梯度.结果表明:凋落物分解速率随厚度的增加呈加快的趋势,杉木凋落物10、20、40g的年分解系数K分别为0.24、0.27、0.34,香樟凋落物10、20、40g的年分解系数K分别为0.25、0.3、0.32,银杏凋落物10、20、40g的年分解系数K分别为0.42、0.5、0.58;脲酶活性表现为:凋落叶40g>凋落叶20g>凋落叶10g,纤维素酶活性表现为:凋落叶40g、凋落叶20g>凋落叶10g,蔗糖酶活性表现为:后期凋落叶40g>凋落叶20g>凋落叶10g,凋落物分解过程是多种酶共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

Forest degradation succession often leads to changes in forest ecosystem functioning. Exactly how the decomposition of leaf litter is affected in a disturbed forest remains unknown. Therefore, in our study, we selected a primary Korean pine forest (PK) and a secondary broad‐leaved forest (SF) affected by clear‐cutting degradation, both in Northeast China. The aim was to explore the response to changes in the leaf litter decomposition converting PK to SF. The mixed litters of PK and SF were decomposed in situ (1 year). The proportion of remaining litter mass, main chemistry, and soil biotic and abiotic factors were assessed during decomposition, and then, we made an in‐depth analysis of the changes in the leaf litter decomposition. According to our results, leaf litter decomposition rate was significantly higher in the PK than that in the SF. Overall, the remaining percent mass of leaf litter''s main chemical quality in SF was higher than in PK, indicating that leaf litter chemical turnover in PK was relatively faster. PK had a significantly higher amount of total phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) than SF during decomposition. Based on multivariate regression trees, the forest type influenced the soil habitat factors related to leaf litter decomposition more than decomposition time. Structural equation modeling revealed that litter N was strongly and positively affecting litter decomposition, and the changes in actinomycetes PLFA biomass played a more important role among all the functional groups. Selected soil abiotic factors were indirectly driving litter decomposition through coupling with actinomycetes. This study provides evidence for the complex interactions between leaf litter substrate and soil physical–chemical properties in affecting litter decomposition via soil microorganisms.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Fine root decomposition contributes significantly to element cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. However, studies on root decomposition rates and on the factors that potentially influence them are fewer than those on leaf litter decomposition. To study the effects of region and land use intensity on fine root decomposition, we established a large scale study in three German regions with different climate regimes and soil properties. Methods In 150 forest and 150 grassland sites we deployed litterbags (100 μm mesh size) with standardized litter consisting of fine roots from European beech in forests and from a lowland mesophilous hay meadow in grasslands. In the central study region, we compared decomposition rates of this standardized litter with root litter collected on-site to separate the effect of litter quality from environmental factors.


Standardized herbaceous roots in grassland soils decomposed on average significantly faster (24?±?6 % mass loss after 12 months, mean ± SD) than beech roots in forest soils (12?±?4 %; p?Conclusions Grasslands, which have higher fine root biomass and root turnover compared to forests, also have higher rates of root decomposition. Our results further show that at the regional scale fine root decomposition is influenced by environmental variables such as soil moisture, soil temperature and soil nutrient content. Additional variation is explained by root litter quality.  相似文献   

Sampling disturbance has been shown to rapidly increase net nitrification rates in some forest soils. To gain insight on mechanisms, we investigated both gross and net rates of ammonification and nitrification in intact cores and mixed composite samples. Using the isotope pool dilution method, we studied samples from two northeastern USA watersheds, Brush Brook and Sleepers River in Vermont, where previous work had found high net nitrification rates. Gross ammonification was usually not significantly different between intact cores and mixed samples. However, gross and net nitrification rates in mixed samples were similar (mean ~24?µmol N?kg?1?hr?1 or ~8 mg N kg?1 d?1) and significantly higher than in intact cores (7.7 and 3.4?µmol N kg?1?h?1 for means of gross and net respectively). Nitrate consumption was decreased somewhat by disturbance but did not account for the large differences in net rates. Because there were similar gross ammonification rates in both treatments, increased nitrification in these disturbed soils must be a result of an increase in the utilization of ammonium by the ammonia oxidizers at the expense of other ammonium consumption pathways. Different mechanisms may operate in different soils; increased nitrification appears to be the primary pathway in these soils with high N cycling rates.  相似文献   

凋落物是植物在其生长发育过程中新陈代谢的产物,是土壤有机质输入的重要途径,凋落物分解是生态系统养分循环的关键过程之一。在全球气候变化背景下,热带地区干旱事件发生的频率和强度均在增加,同时,普遍认为热带地区受磷(P)限制,所以探讨干旱胁迫和土壤磷可用性对热带地区叶凋落物分解的影响及两者是否存在交互效应十分必要,有助于了解干旱对该区叶凋落物分解的影响机制以及是否受土壤磷调控。依据植物多度、碳固持类型、叶质地,以海南三亚甘什岭热带低地雨林的4个树种叶凋落物(铁凌 Hopea exalata、白茶树 Koilodepas bainanense、黑叶谷木 Memecylon nigrescens、山油柑 Acronychia pedunculata)为实验材料,依托2019年在该区建成的热带低地雨林模拟穿透雨减少、磷(P)添加双因素交互控制实验平台,包括干旱(D -50%穿透雨)、P添加(P +50Kg P hm-2a-1)、模拟干旱×P添加(DP -50%穿透雨×+50Kg P hm-2a-1)、对照(CK)4个处理,且4种处理随机分布于3个区组,即设置了3个重复。使用常规的凋落物分解袋法探究实验处理对4个树种叶凋落物的分解系数、碳(C)、氮(N)元素动态变化的影响。结果表明:不同树种的叶凋落物因基质质量不同分解存在差异。模拟干旱处理对叶凋落物C、N损失产生抑制作用,但是对不同树种叶凋落物的抑制作用不同,原因是干旱处理通过抑制土壤分解者活动、减弱凋落物的物理破碎作用,间接抑制凋落物分解,并且由于高质量(含N量高)凋落物受微生物分解者影响较大,所以该凋落物分解受干旱抑制程度较大;P添加处理对叶凋落物C损失存在促进作用、N损失存在抑制作用,原因是土壤中P含量的升高,提高了微生物分解高C物质的能力,以及当土壤中P含量较高时,间接抑制微生物通过分解凋落物获取养分或者促进微生物优先完成自身生长代谢需要而不是合成分解凋落物所需要的酶,导致叶凋落物N损失下降;模拟干旱与P添加处理存在显著交互效应,P添加处理缓解或反转了干旱胁迫对叶凋落物分解的抑制作用。以上结果表明,不同基质质量的凋落物分解存在差异,对干旱胁迫的响应不同;在叶凋落物分解过程中,P添加促进C损失、抑制N损失;此外,在热带低地雨林,土壤中P可用性变化可调节干旱对凋落物分解的影响。  相似文献   

杨林  邓长春  陈亚梅  和润莲  张健  刘洋 《生态学杂志》2015,26(12):3602-3610
对我国川西高山林线交错带14种代表性植物凋落叶分解速率与初始质量的关系进行研究.结果表明: 高山林线交错带植物凋落叶分解速率(k)为0.16~1.70,乔木和苔藓凋落叶分解较慢,灌木凋落叶次之,草本凋落叶分解最快.凋落叶分解速率与N、木质素、酚类物质、C/N、C/P、木质素/N均具有显著的线性回归关系.通径分析得出,木质素/N和半纤维素含量可以解释k变异的78.4%,其中木质素/N可以解释k变异的69.5%,木质素/N对k的直接通径系数为-0.913.主成分分析表明,第1排序轴k、分解时间(t)的贡献率达99.2%,木质素/N、木质素含量、C/N、C/P与第1排序轴呈显著正相关,其中木质素/N与第1排序轴的相关关系最强(r=0.923).木质素/N是影响川西高山林线交错带植物凋落叶分解速率的关键质量指标,且凋落叶初始木质素/N越高,分解速率越低.  相似文献   

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