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自由基与衰老及帕金森氏病   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄华 《生物学通报》2000,35(2):16-18
随着人们对导致衰老及相关疾病(帕金森氏病)的各种因素的研究不断深入,认为随机体年龄的增加,线粒体氧化磷酸化系统中产生的自由基逐渐增多,并累积到一定程度,促成了衰老及相关疾病的形成的理论,越来越引起人们广泛的关注。本文就当前关于自由基与衰老的成因、帕金森氏病的关系的研究进展作了简要概括。  相似文献   

采用红外传感、减速马达和光电传感组合、压力传感、51系列单片微机控制和记忆等技术,研制一种检测动物饮食行为的仪器,用于药物和食品研制中的动物实验。经30例小鼠实验证明,效果良好,该仪器为测定动物饮食行为提供了一种全新的先进方法。  相似文献   

帕金森氏病(Parkinsondiseas。PD)又称震颤麻痹,是发生于中年以上的中枢神经系统变性疾病,以震颤、肌强直反运动减少为主要临床特征入8厂年由英国医生帕金森门OO。。Parkinson)苗先报道。脑炎、动脉硬化、颅脑损伤、一氧化碳、锰、汞及某些抗精神病药物等中毒也可产生与原发性帕金森氏病类似的症状,这种继发者称为帕金森氏综合症。本文重点谈谈帕金森氏病的病因、表现和治疗。亚病因和发病机制到目前为止,Plj的确切病因尚未完全明确。患者中脑黑质多巴胺(DA偷神经元变性坏死、酪氨酸羟化酶(*N)减少成活性降低,使脑纹状体多…  相似文献   

1-甲基-4-苯基-1,2,3,6-四氢吡啶(1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-te-trahydropyridine,MPTP),是近年来在探究一些年轻的麻醉剂成瘾者突然出现帕金森氏病症状的原因时发现的一种神经毒性物质,它能较特异地损毁人和某些动物脑内黑质—纹状体通路的多巴胺(DA)能神经,从而引发帕金森氏病症状。本文介绍了 MPTP 神经毒性的发现及其作用特点、机制与其在帕金森氏病研究中的可能应用。  相似文献   

目的:研制多巴胺脂质体,用于治疗帕金森氏病。方法:用大豆卵磷脂和油酸制备多巴胺脂质体;采用昆明种小白鼠,腹腔注射1-甲基-4-苯基-1,2,3,6-四氢吡啶(MPTP)建立帕金森氏病动物模型,用于评价多巴胺脂质体经鼻给药的治疗帕金森氏病的疗效。结果:多巴胺脂质体的平均粒径为20-120nm,Zeta电位为-25.6m V,对多巴胺的包封率为(98.2±1.6)%(n=3);经鼻给药,多巴胺脂质体具有显著的抗帕金森氏病作用(p0.05)。结论:采用大豆卵磷脂、油酸可以制备出多巴胺脂质体,经鼻给药用于治疗帕金森氏病有效。  相似文献   

来自华东理工大学,生物反应器工程国家重点实验室的研究人员针对目前帕金森氏病早期诊断面临的挑战,利用量子点构建了一种complexI生物传感器,并通过实验证明这一系统将能用于帕金森氏病的早期诊断及病情进展监控。这一研究成果公布在Nature出版社旗下开放性获取期刊《科学报告》(ScientificReports)杂志上。文章的通讯作者是华东理工大学龙亿涛教授,龙教授早年毕业于山东大季,曾荣获国家杰出青年基金,被聘为”东方学者”特聘教授,上海市曙光学者,主要研究方向包括纳米通道单分子分析,生物醌合成与电化学,环境污染物现场快速检测设备及系统等。  相似文献   

侯玲玲  洪涛 《中国科学C辑》2008,38(4):303-310
神经退行性疾病是一类以神经元退行性病变或凋亡, 从而导致个体行为异常乃至死亡为主要特征的疾病. 随着社会逐渐步入老龄化, 神经退行性疾病的发病率不断攀升, 而大多这类疾病诊断困难, 目前尚无有效的治疗措施. 干细胞研究的迅速发展, 为这类疾病的治疗提供了新的途径和可能. 目前多种干细胞在神经退行性疾病动物模型上的尝试已取得进展. 本文综述了胚胎干细胞、间充质干细胞、神经干细胞等在神经退行性疾病如帕金森氏病、阿尔茨海默氏病、亨廷顿病、肌萎缩性侧索坏死等的治疗中的应用和进展.  相似文献   

日前,美国《科学》杂志公布了该刊2008年十大科学进展的评选结果,其中对细胞重新编程“定制”细胞系的研究名列第一。有关人员解释,这是因为细胞系以及产生它们的有关技术可帮助人们理解并可能治愈一些很难研究的疾病,如帕金森氏病和I型糖尿病等。  相似文献   

中国树鼩实验动物化研究进展和展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
该文回顾了我国树鼩驯养繁殖和研究的发展历史,介绍了树鼩实验动物化研究的最新进展,并结合我国目前的状况,提出了今后的工作建议:加强实验树鼩标准化(包括地方和国家标准)的研究、近交系动物的研制、达到商业化树鼩的基础分子与细胞生物学研究工具的研制、人类重大疾病树鼩动物模型研究和建设国家实验树鼩种源基地等。  相似文献   

清醒-睡眠的周期性调节需要众多单胺类神经递质(5-HT、NE、DA等)、乙酰胆碱等兴奋性神经递质以及GABA等抑制性神经递质的参与。这些递质系统的异常不仅会导致睡眠周期紊乱,还与一系列的精神性和神经退行性疾病相关。睡眠异常被认为是抑郁症、帕金森氏病等神经系统疾病发生的早期预警信号。相比起低等哺乳动物,非人灵长类动物的睡眠与人类的睡眠具有更好的可比性。近来,利用非人灵长类动物来建立神经精神疾病模型的研究已取得明显进展。在建模的同时监测动物的睡眠状况,有助于我们进一步了解睡眠在这些疾病早期诊断和发展过程中的作用,为疾病的早期诊断、治疗和药效评价提供更好的客观依据。  相似文献   

The amphibian egg undergoes a rotation of its subcortical cytoplasm relative to its surface during the first cell cycle. Nile blue spots applied to the egg periphery move with the subcortical cytoplasm and make rotation directly observable (J.-P. Vincent, G.F. Oster, and J. C. Gerhart (1986). Dev. Biol. 113, 484). We have previously shown that the direction of rotation accurately predicts the orientation of the embryonic axis developed by the egg. This suggests an important role for subcortical rotation in axis specification. In this report, we provide two kinds of experimental evidence for the essential role of rotation, and against a role for other concurrent cytoplasmic movements such as the convergence of subcortical cytoplasm toward the sperm entry point in the animal hemisphere. First, dispermic eggs develop only one embryonic axis, which is oriented accurately in line with the direction of the single rotation movement and not with the two convergence foci that form in the animal hemisphere. Rotation probably modifies the vegetal, not animal, hemisphere since axial development is normal in dispermic eggs despite highly altered animal subcortical movement. Second, we show that the amount of rotation correlates with the extent of dorsal development. UV irradiation of the vegetal hemisphere, or cold shock of the egg, inhibits rotation effectively. When there is no rotation, there is no dorsal development. On average within the egg population, increasing amounts of rotation correlate with the increasingly anterior limit of the dorsal structures of the embryonic body axis. However, individual partially inhibited eggs vary greatly in the amount of axis formed following a given amount of movement. Furthermore, the egg normally rotates more than is necessary for the development of a complete axis. These findings suggest that rotation, although essential, does not directly pattern the antero-posterior dimension of the body axis, but triggers a response system which varies from egg to egg in its sensitivity to rotation. This system is artificially sensitized by exposure of the egg to D2O shortly before rotation. We show that D2O-treated eggs produce extensive axes despite very limited rotation, often developing into hyperdorsal embryos. However, like normal eggs, they depend on rotation and cannot form dorsal structures if it is eliminated.  相似文献   

随着生命科学和环境科学的迅猛发展,鱼类实验动物作为科学研究的重要手段和材料,其开发和研究日益活跃,备受国内外研究工作者的关注。本文就鱼类实验动物遗传检测的必要性、遗传检测方法的分类、研究现状和应用前景进行了综述。  相似文献   

We urgently need animal models to study infectious disease. Mice are susceptible to a similar range of microbial infections as humans. Marked differences between inbred strains of mice in their response to pathogen infection can be exploited to analyse the genetic basis of infections. In addition, the genetic tools that are available in the laboratory mouse, and new techniques to monitor the expression of bacterial genes in vivo, make it the principal experimental animal model for studying mechanisms of infection and immunity.  相似文献   

A frequent problem in the radiofrequency (RF) irradiation of experimental animals in health effects studies is the temporal variation of the specific absorption rate (SAR) with animal movement. An RF power controller that regulates the energy absorption rate has been designed for use with transmission line exposure systems that utilize the power difference method to monitor the SAR. The controller operates by altering the incident power to the exposure cell in order to compensate for the change in RF energy absorption rate that is due to animal motion. A circuit diagram is presented as well as experimental data under three conditions of exposure. The controller is effective in maintaining the mean value of energy absorption rate at the setpoint value even for the case of a highly active animal.  相似文献   

非人灵长类实验动物作为人类的“替身”,在生理学、病理学、病毒学、药物动力学、毒理学、生殖生理学、免疫学、遗传学、基因工程药和生物医药等科学研究领域具有无可替代的重要作用。因此,在其实验过程中的动物福利问题应当引起人们的足够重视。本文根据工作实践和动物福利的要求,从疾病的监视、诊断、治疗、预防、实验操作技术、猴类捕捉、保定、镇静、止痛、麻醉和安乐死术等方面,总结了兽医及其护理在灵长类实验动物福利中的作用。  相似文献   

There is increasing public concern about poultry welfare; the quality of animal welfare is closely related to the quality of livestock products and the health of consumers. Good animal welfare promotes the healthy growth of poultry, which can reduce the disease rate and improve the production quality and capacity. As behaviour responses are an important expression of welfare, the study of behaviour is a simple and non-invasive method to assess animal welfare. The use of modern technology offers the possibility to monitor the behaviour of broilers and laying hens in a continuous and automated way. This paper reviews the latest technologies used for monitoring the behaviour of broilers and laying hens under both experimental conditions and commercial applications and discusses the potential of developing a precision livestock farming (PLF) system. The techniques that are presented and discussed include sound analysis, which can be an online tool to automatically monitor poultry behaviour non-invasively at the group level; wireless, wearable sensors with radio-frequency identification devices, which can automatically identify individual chickens, track the location and movement of individuals in real time and quantify some behavioural traits accordingly and image processing technology, which can be considered a direct tool for measuring behaviours, especially activity behaviours and disease early warning. All of these technologies can monitor and analyse poultry behaviour, at the group level or individual level, on commercial farms. However, the popularity and adoption of these technologies has been hampered by the logistics of applying them to thousands and tens of thousands of birds on commercial farms. This review discusses the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques in commercial applications and presents evidence that they provide potential tools to automatically monitor the behaviours of broilers and laying hens on commercial farms. However, there still has a long way to go to develop a PLF system to detect and predict abnormal situations.  相似文献   

In animal cells, positioning of the mitotic spindle is crucial for defining the plane of cytokinesis and the size ratio of daughter cells. We have characterized this phenomenon in a rat epithelial cell line using microscopy, micromanipulation, and microinjection. Unmanipulated cells position the mitotic spindle near their geometric center, with the spindle axis lying roughly parallel to the long axis of the cell. Spindles that were initially misoriented underwent directed rotation and caused a delay in anaphase onset. To gain further insight into this process, we gently deformed cells with a blunted glass needle to change the spatial relationship between the cortex and spindle. This manipulation induced spindle movement or rotation in metaphase and/or anaphase, until the spindle reached a proper position relative to the deformed shape. Spindle positioning was inhibited by either treatment with low doses of nocodazole or microinjection of antibodies against dynein, apparently due to the disruption of the organization of dynein and/or astral microtubules. Our results suggest that mitotic cells continuously monitor and maintain the position of the spindle relative to the cortex. This process is likely driven by interactions among astral microtubules, the motor protein dynein, and the cell cortex and may constitute part of a mitotic checkpoint mechanism.  相似文献   

Experimental models of pulmonary infection are being discussed, focused on various aspects of good experimental design, such as choice of animal species and infecting strain, and route of infection/inoculation techniques (intranasal inoculation, aerosol inoculation, and direct instillation into the lower respiratory tract). In addition, parameters to monitor pulmonary infection are being reviewed such as general clinical signs, pulmonary-associated signs, complication of the pulmonary infection, mortality rate, and parameters after dissection of animals. Examples of pulmonary infection models caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites in experimental animals with intact or impaired host defense mechanisms are shortly summarized including key-references.  相似文献   

肠出血性大肠杆菌O157:H7监测及分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了了解长春地区动物和人感染肠出血性大肠杆菌O157H7状况,建立流行病学监测网.采集长春市动物养殖场动物粪便和腹泻病人便样进行监测.结果在牛粪和鸡粪中共检出2株O157H7大肠杆菌.可见,在长春地区存在肠出血性大肠杆菌O157H7菌潜在污染的威胁,需要加强监测力度.  相似文献   

红外相机技术在我国野生动物监测中的应用: 问题与限制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红外相机(camera traps)作为对野生动物进行“非损伤”性采样的技术, 已成为研究动物多样性、种群生态学及行为学的常用手段之一。其发展和普及为中国野生动物多样性和物种保育研究带来了诸多机会。如今, 国内大多数自然保护区都在运用红外相机技术开展物种监测工作。本文结合20年来已发表的相关研究, 从内容、实验设计以及发展趋势方面, 总结了目前红外相机技术在应用过程中出现的共性问题; 并就相机对动物的干扰性、影像识别、研究的适用范围及安全保障四个方面, 对该项技术在实践中存在的限制进行了探讨。最后结合红外相机技术未来的发展方向, 提出了建立技术规范、数据集成和共享、影像数据版权维护、提高监测效率等问题。  相似文献   

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