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Flavin-dependent sulfhydryl oxidases represent a newly discovered family of proteins with a range of cellular locations and putative roles. The avian and mammalian proteins can catalyze the direct oxidation of protein cysteine residues to disulfides with the reduction of dioxygen to hydrogen peroxide. Although thiols interfere with the peroxidase-mediated quantitation of hydrogen peroxide, a very sensitive, continuous fluorescence assay of the sulfhydryl oxidases can be devised with careful selection of thiol substrate concentration and fluorogen. Purified avian enzyme (or crude chicken egg white) was used for these experiments. Homovanillic acid was found to be a suitable fluorogen in the presence of 300 microM thiols from either dithiothreitol or reduced ribonuclease A. High concentrations of horseradish peroxidase minimized the effects of contaminating catalase in biological samples. Using fluorescence microcells, the assay could detect 15fmol of avian sulfhydryl oxidase and the rates were linearly dependent on enzyme concentration up to 6nM. Aspects of the interaction among thiols, homovanillic acid, and peroxidase are discussed which limit the sensitivity of the assay and require that care is exercised in the application of this new procedure. Finally, the assay is used to show that there is sulfhydryl oxidase activity in a number of secretory fluids including human tears.  相似文献   

The QSOX1 protein, belonging to a new class of FAD-linked Quiescin/Sulfhydryl oxidase, catalyzes disulfide bond formation. To give new insight into the biological function of QSOX1, we studied its involvement in oxidative stress-induced apoptosis and cell recovery of PC12 cells. By real time RT-PCR and flow cytometric analysis, we show that the QSOX1 mRNA and protein levels increased late after the beginning of oxidative treatment and were sustained for 72 h. These levels were still high when the PC12 cells were not dying but had resumed proliferation. The kinetics of QSOX1 expression suggest a more protective effect of QSOX1 rather than an involvement of this protein in apoptosis. Human breast cancer MCF-7 cell lines overexpressing the guinea pig QSOX1 protein submitted to the same treatments appeared less sensitive to cell death than the MCF-7 control cells. The protective effect is partly due to a preservation of the mitochondrial polarization generally lost after an oxidative stress. These results strengthen our hypothesis of a protective role of QSOX1 against apoptosis.  相似文献   

Summary Sulfhydryl oxidase (SOx) is an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of sulfhydryl compounds. It is present in mitochondria of certain testicular cells at specific stages of functional activation. In the mature human testis moderate SOx immunoreactivity is found in Leydig cells, and lacking in Sertoli and in peritubular cells. The Adark spermatogonia usually contain immuno-reactive mitochondria, while in Apale spermatogonia immunoreactivity is mostly low. In stage V of spermatogenesis, Apale spermatogonia were found containing immunoreactive material. Leptotene (stages IV and V) and zygotene (stage VI) primary spermatocytes display a moderate immunoreaction. It is strongest in pachytene spermatocytes of stages I–IV, decreases in stage V, and is low during diakinesis and in secondary spermatocytes. Late spermatids usually show a stronger immunoreactivity than early spermatids. At stage V of spermatogenesis the late spermatids contain only few immunoreactive particles. Spermatozoa are free of SOx-immunoreactive mitochondria. In residual bodies small amounts of SOx-immunoreactive particles are seen. Compared to rat and hamster testis, SOx immunoreactivity of the human testis is less clearly stage-dependent and it is not confined to certain germ cell stages. As deduced from the findings in patients with spermatogenic disorders, the SOx immunoreactivity of spermatogonia in human testis seems to be of diagnostic relevance.  相似文献   

Monoamine oxidase (MAO), an important enzyme for the degradation of amine neurotransmitters, has been implicated in neuropsychiatric illness. The amino acid sequence for one form of the enzyme, MAO-A, has been deduced from human cDNA clones and verified against proteolytic peptides. The covalent binding site for the flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor is near the C-terminal region. The presence of features characteristic of the ADP-binding fold suggests that the N-terminal region is also involved in the binding of FAD. These cDNAs should facilitate the study of the structure, function, and intracellular targeting of MAO, as well as the analysis of its expression in normal and pathological states.  相似文献   

Quiescin Q6/sulfhydryl oxidases (QSOX) are revisited thiol oxidases considered to be involved in the oxidative protein folding, cell cycle control and extracellular matrix remodeling. They contain thioredoxin domains and introduce disulfide bonds into proteins and peptides, with the concomitant hydrogen peroxide formation, likely altering the redox environment. Since it is known that several developmental processes are regulated by the redox state, here we assessed if QSOX could have a role during mouse fetal development. For this purpose, an anti-recombinant mouse QSOX antibody was produced and characterized. In E13.5, E16.5 fetal tissues, QSOX immunostaining was confined to mesoderm- and ectoderm-derived tissues, while in P1 neonatal tissues it was slightly extended to some endoderm-derived tissues. QSOX expression, particularly by epithelial tissues, seemed to be developmentally-regulated, increasing with tissue maturation. QSOX was observed in loose connective tissues in all stages analyzed, intra and possibly extracellularly, in agreement with its putative role in oxidative folding and extracellular matrix remodeling. In conclusion, QSOX is expressed in several tissues during mouse development, but preferentially in those derived from mesoderm and ectoderm, suggesting it could be of relevance during developmental processes. Kelly F. Portes, Cecília M. Ikegami have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Resting cell suspensions of Arthrobacter oxidans were shown to synthesize the inducible enantiozyme, d-6-hydroxynicotine oxidase, in the presence of d-nicotine or d-6-hydroxynicotine. The corresponding l-enantiomers, as well as -methylaminopropyl-(6-OH-pyridyl-3)-ketone, which is the product of the reaction catalyzed by the enzyme, were ineffective as inducers. l-6-Hydroxynicotine inhibited induction by d-nicotine and d-6-hydroxynicotine while l-nicotine inhibited induction by d-6-hydroxynicotine and had no effect on induction by d-nicotine. Enzyme induction was also found to be inhibited by glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose and by several intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. An absolute requirement for protein synthesis and for oxygen was also demonstrated to be necessary for the reactions involved in the covalent attachment of flavin adenine dinucleotide to pre-existing precursor protein to yield the catalytically active d-6-hydroxynicotine oxidase.H. C. R. completed these studies while on sabbatical leave from the Department of Botany and Microbiology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281, U.S.A.  相似文献   

An aldehyde oxidase, which oxidizes various aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes using O(2) as an electron acceptor, was purified from the cell-free extracts of Pseudomonas sp. KY 4690, a soil isolate, to an electrophoretically homogeneous state. The purified enzyme had a molecular mass of 132 kDa and consisted of three non-identical subunits with molecular masses of 88, 39, and 18 kDa. The absorption spectrum of the purified enzyme showed characteristics of an enzyme belonging to the xanthine oxidase family. The enzyme contained 0.89 mol of flavin adenine dinucleotide, 1.0 mol of molybdenum, 3.6 mol of acid-labile sulfur, and 0.90 mol of 5'-CMP per mol of enzyme protein, on the basis of its molecular mass of 145 kDa. Molecular oxygen served as the sole electron acceptor. These results suggest that aldehyde oxidase from Pseudomonas sp. KY 4690 is a new member of the xanthine oxidase family and might contain 1 mol of molybdenum-molybdpterin-cytosine dinucleotide, 1 mol of flavin adenine dinucleotide, and 2 mol of [2Fe-2S] clusters per mol of enzyme protein. The enzyme showed high reaction rates toward various aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes and high thermostability.  相似文献   

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides [NAD and NADP with both referred to as NAD(P)] are among the more diffuse redox cofactors. Despite their stereochemical similarity where the only difference is a phosphomonoester on the ribose near the adenine of NADP, they show different biochemical reactivities with NAD behaving as an oxidant and NADP as a reductant. NAD(P)-dependent enzymes generally share a common open α/β fold with few exceptions only recently structurally characterized. This study of the molecular evolution of the NAD(P) binding domains, possible given the large number of known molecular structures, addresses two main questions: 1) can a common fold exist in different biological systems (divergent evolution) and 2) does a relationship exist among similar biological systems that display different folds (convergent evolution)? Both the structures of mono- and dinucleotide binding domains have been classified by cluster analysis based on the similarity evaluated by their main chain Cα superposition. Moreover, the cofactor conformations and the stereochemical characteristics of their pockets have also been classified by analogous methods on the basis of the published tertiary structures. Two primary results appear: 1) the classification of the mononucleotide binding domains is different from that of the dinucleotide binding folds and 2) both divergent and convergent evolutionary pathways can be hypothesized, the latter less frequently observed and less pronounced but nevertheless evident. The generally accepted hypothesis that dinucleotide binding domains have evolved by gene duplication of primordial genes coding for the smaller mononucleotide binding domains is acceptable but the two halves of the resulting dinucleotide binding domains are evolutionarly uncorrelated. The NH2-terminal mononucleotide binding domain is less variable than the COOH-terminal half, probably because it involves the binding of the ADP moiety of NAD(P) invariant in all examined systems. There is evidence to postulate that evolutionary pathways for NAD(P)-dependent enzymes are both divergent and convergent. In fact, nearly all combinations of similarity/dissimilarity in overall fold, cofactor conformation, and cofactor binding pocket structural characteristics for each enzyme pair examined are possible. The NAD(P)-dependent enzymes apparently provide a canonical example of an evolutionary principle that “anything goes.” © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

The functions of the riboflavin synthesis gene homologues ribA, ribBA, ribC, and ribD from Helicobacter pylori strain P1 were confirmed by complementation of defined Escherichia coli mutant strains. The H. pylori ribBA gene, which is similar to bifunctional ribBA genes of Gram-positive bacteria, fully complemented the ribB mutation and partially restored growth in a ribC mutant. However, ribBA did not complement the ribA mutation in E. coli, thus explaining the presence of the additional separate copy of the ribA gene in the H. pylori chromosome. In E. coli exclusively ribA conferred hemolytic activity and gave rise to production of molecules with fluorescence characteristics similar to flavins, as observed earlier. The E. coli hemolysin ClyA was not involved in causing the hemolytic phenotype. No riboflavin synthesis genes on plasmids conferred iron uptake functions to a siderophore-deficient mutant of E. coli. Marker exchange mutagenesis of the genes in H. pylori was not successful indicating that riboflavin synthesis is essential for basic metabolic functions of the gastric pathogen.  相似文献   

Ero1p is the primary catalyst of disulfide bond formation in the yeast endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Ero1p contains a pair of essential disulfide bonds that participate directly in the electron transfer pathway from substrate thiol groups to oxygen. Remarkably, elimination of certain other Ero1p disulfides by mutation enhances enzyme activity. In particular, the C150A/C295A Ero1p mutant exhibits increased thiol oxidation in vitro and in vivo and interferes with redox homeostasis in yeast cells by hyperoxidizing the ER. Inhibitory disulfides of Ero1p are thus important for enzyme regulation. To visualize the differences between de-regulated and wild-type Ero1p, we determined the crystal structure of Ero1p C150A/C295A. The structure revealed local changes compared to the wild-type enzyme around the sites of mutation, but no conformational transitions within 25 Å of the active site were observed. To determine how the C150—C295 disulfide nonetheless participates in redox regulation of Ero1p, we analyzed using mass spectrometry the changes in Ero1p disulfide connectivity as a function of time after encounter with reducing substrates. We found that the C150—C295 disulfide sets a physiologically appropriate threshold for enzyme activation by guarding a key neighboring disulfide from reduction. This study illustrates the diverse and interconnected roles that disulfides can play in redox regulation of protein activity.  相似文献   

Under various conditions of growth of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha, a tight correlation was observed between the levels of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-containing alcohol oxidase, and the levels of intracellularly bound FAD and flavin biosynthetic enzymes. Adaptation of the organism to changes in the physiological requirement for FAD was by adjustment of the levels of the enzymes catalyzing the last three steps in flavin biosynthesis, riboflavin synthetase, riboflavin kinase and flavin mononucleotide adenylyltransferase. The regulation of the synthesis of the latter enzymes in relation to that of alcohol oxidase synthesis was studied in experiments involving addition of glucose to cells of H. polymorpha growing on methanol in batch cultures or in carbon-limited continuous cultures. This resulted not only in selective inactivation of alcohol oxidase and release of FAD, as previously reported, but invariably also in repression/inactivation of the flavin biosynthetic enzymes. In further experiments involving addition of FAD to the same type of cultures it became clear that inactivation of the latter enzymes was not caused directly by glucose, but rather by free FAD that accumulated intracellularly. In these experiments no repression or inactivation of alcohol oxidase occurred and it is therefore concluded that the synthesis of this enzyme and the flavin biosynthetic enzymes is under separate control, the former by glucose (and possibly methanol) and the latter by intracellular levels of free FAD.Abbreviations FAD Flavin adenine dinucleotide - FMN riboflavin-5-phosphate; flavin mononucleotide - Rf riboflavin  相似文献   

A gene encoding a putrescine oxidase (PuORh, EC was identified from the genome of Rhodococcus erythropolis NCIMB 11540. The gene was cloned in the pBAD vector and overexpressed at high levels in Escherichia coli. The purified enzyme was shown to be a soluble dimeric flavoprotein consisting of subunits of 50 kDa and contains non-covalently bound flavin adenine dinucleotide as a cofactor. From all substrates, the highest catalytic efficiency was found with putrescine (K M = 8.2 μM, k cat = 26 s−1). PuORh accepts longer polyamines, while short diamines and monoamines strongly inhibit activity. PuORh is a reasonably thermostable enzyme with t 1/2 at 50°C of 2 h. Based on the crystal structure of human monoamine oxidase B, we constructed a model structure of PuORh, which hinted to a crucial role of Glu324 for substrate binding. Mutation of this residue resulted in a drastic drop (five orders of magnitude) in catalytic efficiency. Interestingly, the mutant enzyme showed activity with monoamines, which are not accepted by wt-PuORh. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of human liver monoamine oxidase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human liver monoamine oxidase [monoamine: O2 oxidoreductase (deaminating), E. C.] was purified by a method which does not depend on the isolation of mitochondria, and in which vacuum dialysis, during which the enzyme separates out as a yellow precipitate, is an important step in purification. By this method a final specific activity of 550 and fold purification of 40 was attained. A single peak was obtained with the analytical ultracentrifuge, and a sedimentation constant of 6.78S noted. A single active band was observed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme exhibits optimum activity at pH 8.7, with no activity below pH 5.5 or above pH 11.8. Using benzylamine hydrobromide as the substrate, in 0.05 m phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at 27 °C, the Michaelis constant was found to be 1.7 × 10?3m. The enzyme, which is quite stable, is a flavo-protein, as shown by absorption and fluorescence spectra. The C-terminal group is glycine. The molecular weight, as determined by SDS polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, is 64,000. Repeated attempts to determine the N-terminal group were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Human acyl-CoA oxidase 1 (ACOX1) is a rate-limiting enzyme in peroxisomal fatty acids beta-oxidation and its deficiency is associated with a lethal, autosomal recessive disease, called pseudoneonatal-adrenoleukodystrophy. Two mRNA variants, transcribed from a single gene encode ACOX1a or ACOX1b isoforms, respectively. Recently, a mutation in a splice site has been reported [H. Rosewich, H.R. Waterham, R.J. Wanders, S. Ferdinandusse, M. Henneke, D. Hunneman, J. Gartner, Pitfall in metabolic screening in a patient with fatal peroxisomal beta-oxidation defect, Neuropediatrics 37 (2006) 95-98.], which results in the defective peroxisomal fatty acids beta-oxidation. Here, we show that these mRNA splice variants are expressed differentially in human liver. We investigated the biochemical role of the two human ACOX1 isoforms by heterologous expression of the catalytically active ACOX1a and ACOX1b enzymes in Escherichia coli. ACOX1a seems to be more labile and exhibits only 50% specific activity toward palmitoyl-CoA as compared to ACOX1b.  相似文献   

Jak (Janus kinase) is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase, which plays important roles in signal transduction pathways. The unique feature of Jak is that, in addition to a fully functional tyrosine kinase domain (JH1), Jak possesses a pseudokinase domain (JH2). Although JH2 lost its catalytic function, experimental evidence has shown that this domain may have acquired some new but unknown functions. This apparent functional divergence after the (internal) domain duplication may result in dramatic changes of selective constraints at some sites. We conducted a data analysis to test this hypothesis. Our result shows that shifted selective constraints (or shifted evolutionary rates) between the JH1 and the JH2 domains are statistically significant. Predicted amino acid sites by posterior analysis can be classified into two groups: very conserved in JH1 but highly variable in JH2, and vice versa. Moreover, we have studied the evolutionary pattern of four tissue-specific genes, Jak1, Jak2, Jak3, and Tyk2, which were generated in the early stages of vertebrates. We found that after the (first) gene duplication, site-specific rate shifts between Jak2/Jak3 and Jak1/Tyk are significant, presumably as a consequence of functional divergence among these genes. The implication of our study for functional genomics is discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) with a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) surface was investigated in terms of the FAD adsorption thermodynamics and kinetics, the subsequent electroreduction mechanism, and the corresponding electron-transfer rate. The kinetics of FAD electroreduction at the GCE was found to be an adsorption-controlled process. A set of electroreduction kinetic parameters was calculated: the true number of electrons involved in the FAD reduction, n=1.76, the apparent transfer coefficient, alpha(app)=0.41, and the apparent heterogeneous electron-transfer rate constant, k(app)=1.4 s(-1). The deviation of the number of exchanged electrons from the theoretical value for the complete reduction of FAD to FADH(2) (n=2) indicates that a small portion of FAD goes to a semiquinone state during the redox process. The FAD adsorption was well described by the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The large negative apparent Gibbs energy of adsorption (DeltaG(ads)=-39.7 +/-0.4 kJ mol(-1)) indicated a highly spontaneous and strong adsorption of FAD on the GCE. The energetics of the adsorption process was found to be independent of the electrode surface charge in the electrochemical double-layer region. The kinetics of FAD adsorption was modeled using a pseudo-first-order kinetic model.  相似文献   

Monoamine oxidase B (MAO B) is an outer mitochondrial membrane protein that oxidizes arylalkylamine neurotransmitters and has been a valuable drug target for many neurological disorders. The 1.7 angstrom resolution structure of human MAO B shows the enzyme is dimeric with a C-terminal transmembrane helix protruding from each monomer and anchoring the protein to the membrane. This helix departs perpendicularly from the base of the structure in a different way with respect to other monotopic membrane proteins. Several apolar loops exposed on the protein surface are located in proximity of the C-terminal helix, providing additional membrane-binding interactions. One of these loops (residues 99-112) also functions in opening and closing the MAO B active site cavity, which suggests that the membrane may have a role in controlling substrate binding.  相似文献   

Since cyanide potentiates the inhibitory activity of several monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, a series of carbonitrile-containing aminoheterocycles was examined to explore the role of nitriles in determining the inhibitory activity against MAO. Dicarbonitrile aminofurans were found to be potent, selective inhibitors against MAO A. The origin of the MAO A selectivity was identified by combining spectroscopic and computational methods. Spectroscopic changes induced in MAO A by mono- and dicarbonitrile inhibitors were different, providing experimental evidence for distinct binding modes to the enzyme. Similar differences were also found between the binding of dicarbonitrile compounds to MAO A and to MAO B. Stabilization of the flavin anionic semiquinone by monocarbonitrile compounds, but destabilization by dicarbonitriles, provided further support to the distinct binding modes of these compounds and their interaction with the flavin ring. Molecular modeling studies supported the role played by the nitrile and amino groups in anchoring the inhibitor to the binding cavity. In particular, the results highlight the role of Asn181 and Ile335 in assisting the interaction of the nitrile-containing aminofuran ring. The network of interactions afforded by the specific attachment of these functional groups provides useful guidelines for the design of selective, reversible MAO A inhibitors.  相似文献   

The thiol oxidase Erv1 and the redox-regulated receptor Mia40/Tim40 are components of a disulfide relay system which mediates import of proteins into the intermembrane space (IMS) of mitochondria. Here we report that Erv1 requires Mia40 for its import into mitochondria. After passage across the translocase of the mitochondrial outer membrane Erv1 interacts via disulfide bonds with Mia40. Erv1 does not contain twin “CX3C” or twin “CX9C” motifs which are crucial for import of typical substrates of this pathway and it does not need two “CX2C” motifs for import into mitochondria. Thus, Erv1 represents an unusual type of substrate of the Mia40-dependent import pathway.  相似文献   

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