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OPA1 is a cause gene for autosomal dominant optic atrophy and possesses eight alternative splicing variants. Here, we identified two isoforms of OPA1 proteins in HeLa cells and examined their submitochondrial localization and complex formations. RT-PCR shows that HeLa cells mainly express isoforms 7 and 1 of OPA1. Since the third cleavage site is mainly utilized in HeLa cells, the predicted molecular masses of their processed proteins are consistent with the 93- and 88-kDa proteins. Biochemical examinations indicate that both of the OPA1 isoforms are present in the intermembrane space. Submitochondrial fractionation by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation shows that the 88-kDa protein predominantly associates with the mitochondrial outer membrane, on the contrary, the 93-kDa protein associates with the inner membrane. Gel filtration analysis indicates that they compose the different molecular mass complexes in mitochondria. These differences between two isoforms of OPA1 would suggest their crucial role involved in the mitochondrial membrane formation.  相似文献   



The S. cerevisiae α-factor receptor, Ste2p, is a G-protein coupled receptor that plays key roles in yeast signaling and mating. Oligomerization of Ste2p has previously been shown to be important for intracellular trafficking, receptor processing and endocytosis. However the role of ligand in receptor oligomerization remains enigmatic.


Using functional recombinant forms of purified Ste2p, atomic force microscopy, dynamic light scattering and chemical crosslinking are applied to investigate the role of ligand in Ste2p oligomerization.


Atomic force microscopy images indicate a molecular height for recombinant Ste2p in the presence of α-factor nearly double that of Ste2p alone. This observation is supported by complementary dynamic light scattering measurements which indicate a ligand-induced increase in the polydispersity of the Ste2p hydrodynamic radius. Finally, chemical cross-linking of HEK293 plasma membranes presenting recombinant Ste2p indicates α-factor induced stabilization of the dimeric form and higher order oligomeric forms of the receptor upon SDS-PAGE analysis.


α-factor induces oligomerization of Ste2p in vitro and in membrane.

General significance

These results provide additional evidence of a possible role for ligand in mediation of Ste2p oligomerization in vivo.  相似文献   

Swt1 is an RNA endonuclease that plays an important role in quality control of nuclear messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs) in eukaryotes; however, its structural details remain to be elucidated. Here, we report the crystal structure of the C-terminal (CT) domain of Swt1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which shares common characteristics of higher eukaryotes and prokaryotes nucleotide binding (HEPN) domain superfamily. To study in detail the full-length protein structure, we analyzed the low-resolution architecture of Swt1 in solution using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) method. Both the CT domain and middle domain exhibited a good fit upon superimposing onto the molecular envelope of Swt1. Our study provides the necessary structural information for detailed analysis of the functional role of Swt1, and its importance in the process of nuclear mRNP surveillance.  相似文献   

目的:探讨心房钠尿肽(Atrial natriuretic peptide,ANP)对后负荷增加引起的心脏功能下降的保护作用及其机制。方法:选择雄性C57小鼠30只,将其随机分为假手术组(sham)、主动脉弓结扎(Transverse aortic constriction,TAC)手术组和主动脉弓结扎手术ANP干预组(TAC+ANP)。ANP通过皮下注射4周,随后超声检测心脏功能、四腔心切片观察心肌重构,电镜观察心肌线粒体的形态与数量,Western-Blot检测心肌组织中融合分裂相关分子的表达。结果:同sham组相比,TAC组射血分数(Ejection fraction,EF)降低,且左室舒张末内径(End-diastolic left ventricular internal diameter,LVIDd)、左室舒张期后壁厚度(End-diastolic left ventricular posterior wall thickness,LVPWd)、左室质量(LV mass)、心肌质量/胫骨长度(Heart weight/tibial length,HW/TL)显著增加(P0.05),线粒体面积减小伴数量增加(P0.05),且线粒体融合相关蛋白OPA1表达量下降(P0.05)。同TAC组相比,TAC+ANP组EF显著增加,且LVIDd、LV mass、HW/TL均显著下降(P0.05),线粒体面积增加伴数量减少(P0.05),且线粒体融合相关蛋白OPA1表达量上调(P0.05)。在离体培养的心肌细胞中,给予ANP处理可减轻H_2O_2诱导的OPA1表达下降,给与ANP竞争性多肽抑制剂anantin后该作用消失。结论:ANP通过上调OPA1的表达抑制线粒体分裂改善后负荷增加导致的心脏功能下降。  相似文献   

We have developed a novel screening method that measures the kinetics and potencies of inhibitors of the yeast multidrug resistance pumps Pdr5p and Snq2p. The assay uses the potentiometric fluorescent probe diS-C3(3) (as a benchmark substrate of both pumps) to distinguish drugs with minimal effects on plasma membrane potential as a marker of side-effects on membrane function and integrity. Using FK506, its structural analog rapamycin and enniatin B, we showed that our assay can also be used to determine the minimum drug concentration causing an immediate inhibitory effect and to compare the inhibitory potencies of the drug on the two pumps. We found that the protonophore CCCP effectively inhibits the transport of diS-C3(3) by both pumps and confirmed the activation of membrane H+-ATPase by CCCP.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that undergo frequent fusion and fission. The large GTPase optic atrophy 1 (OPA1) is identified as a core component of inner membrane (IM) fusion. OPA1 exists as the membrane-anchored L-OPA1 and the proteolytically cleavage soluble S-OPA1. Recently, we showed that OPA1 and mitochondria-localized lipid cardiolipin (CL) cooperate in heterotypic IM fusion [Ban et al., Nat. Cell Biol. 19 (2017) 856–863]. We reconstituted an in vitro membrane fusion reaction using purified human L-OPA1 and S-OPA1 expressed in silkworm and found that L-OPA1 on one side of the membrane and CL on the other side were sufficient for mitochondrial fusion. L-OPA1 is the major fusion-prone factor in heterotypic fusion. However, the role of S-OPA1 remains unknown as S-OPA1 promoted L-OPA1-dependent heterotypic membrane fusion and homotypic CL-containing membrane fusion, but S-OPA1 alone was not sufficient for heterotypic membrane fusion. L-OPA1- and CL-mediated heterotypic mitochondrial fusion was confirmed in living cells, but tafazzin (Taz1), the causal gene product of Barth syndrome, was not essential for mitochondrial fusion. Taz1-dependent CL maturation might have other roles in the remodeling of mitochondrial DNA nucleoids.  相似文献   

Understanding the structural traits of subunit G is essential, as it is needed for V1VO assembly and function. Here solution NMR of the recombinant N- (G1-59) and C-terminal segment (G61-114) of subunit G, has been performed in the absence and presence of subunit d of the yeast V-ATPase. The data show that G does bind to subunit d via its N-terminal part, G1-59 only. The residues of G1-59 involved in d binding are Gly7 to Lys34. The structure of G1-59 has been solved, revealing an α-helix between residues 10 and 56, whereby the first nine- and the last three residues of G1-59 are flexible. The surface charge distribution of G1-59 reveals an amphiphilic character at the N-terminus due to positive and negative charge distribution at one side and a hydrophobic surface on the opposite side of the structure. The C-terminus exhibits a strip of negative residues. The data imply that G1-59-d assembly is accomplished by hydrophobic interactions and salt-bridges of the polar residues. Based on the recently determined NMR structure of segment E18-38 of subunit E of yeast V-ATPase and the presently solved structure of G1-59, both proteins have been docked and binding epitopes have been analyzed.  相似文献   

Yor1p, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae plasma membrane ABC-transporter, is associated to oligomycin resistance and to rhodamine B transport. Here, by using the overexpressing strain Superyor [A. Decottignies, A.M. Grant, J.W. Nichols, H. de Wet, D.B. McIntosh, A. Goffeau, ATPase and multidrug transport activities of the overexpressed yeast ABC protein Yor1p, J. Biol. Chem. 273 (1998) 12612-12622], we show that Yor1p also confers resistance to rhodamine 6G and to doxorubicin. In addition, Yor1p protects cells, although weakly, against tetracycline, verapamil, eosin Y and ethidium bromide. The basal ATPase activity of the overexpressed form of Yor1p was studied in membrane preparations. This activity is quenched upon addition of micromolar amounts of vanadate. Vmax and Km values of ∼ 0.8 s− 1 and 50 ± 8 μM are measured. Mutations of essential residues in the nucleotide binding domain 2 reduces the activity to that measured with a Δyor1 strain. ATP hydrolysis is strongly inhibited by the addition of potential substrates of the transporter. Covalent reaction of 8-azido-[α-32P]ATP with Yor1p is not sensitive to the presence of excess oligomycin. Thus, competition of the drug with ATP binding is unlikely. Finally, we inspect possible hypotheses accounting for substrate inhibition, rather than stimulation, of ATP hydrolysis by the membrane preparation.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles, and mitochondrial fission is a crucial step of apoptosis. Although Oma1 is believed to be responsible for long form Opa1 (L-Opa1) processing during mitochondrial fragmentation, whether and how Oma1 is involved in L-Opa1 processing and participates in the regulation of chemoresistance is unknown. Chemosensitive and chemoresistant ovarian (OVCA) and cervical (CECA) cancer cells were treated with cisplatin (CDDP). Mitochondrial dynamics and protein contents were assessed by immunofluorescence and Western blot, respectively. The requirements of Oma1 and p53 for CDDP-induced L-Opa1 processing, mitochondrial fragmentation, and apoptosis were examined by siRNA or cDNA. CDDP induces L-Opa1 processing and mitochondrial fragmentation in chemosensitive but not in chemoresistant cells. CDDP induced Oma1 40-kDa form increases in OV2008 cells, not in C13* cells. Oma1 knockdown inhibited L-Opa1 processing, mitochondrial fragmentation, and apoptosis. Silencing p53 expression attenuated the effects of CDDP in Oma1 (40 kDa) increase, L-Opa1 processing, mitochondrial fragmentation, and apoptosis in chemosensitive OVCA cells, whereas reconstitution of p53 in p53 mutant or null chemoresistant OVCA cells induced Oma1 (40 kDa) increase, L-Opa1 processing, mitochondrial fragmentation, and apoptosis irrespective of the presence of CDDP. Prohibitin 1 (Phb1) dissociates from Opa1-Phb1 complex and binds phosphorylated p53 (serine 15) in response to CDDP in chemosensitive but not chemoresistant CECA cells. These findings demonstrate that (a) p53 and Oma1 mediate L-Opa1 processing, (b) mitochondrial fragmentation is involved in CDDP-induced apoptosis in OVCA and CECA cells, and (c) dysregulated mitochondrial dynamics may in part be involved in the pathophysiology of CDDP resistance.  相似文献   

Constitutively expressed HABP1 in normal murine fibroblast cell line induces growth perturbation, morphological abnormalities along with initiation of apoptosis. Here, we demonstrate that though HABP1 accumulation started in mitochondria from 48 hr of growth, induction of apoptosis with the release of cytochrome c and apoptosome complex formation occurred only after 60 hr. This mitochondrial dysfunction was due to gradual increase in ROS generation in HABP1 overexpressing cells. Along with ROS generation, increased Ca 2+ influx in mitochondria leading to drop in membrane potential was evident. Interestingly, upon expression of HABP1, the respiratory chain complex I was shown to be significantly inhibited. Electronmicrograph confirmed defective mitochondrial ultrastructure. The reduction in oxidant generation and drop in apoptotic cell population accomplished by disruption of HABP1 expression, corroborating the fact that excess ROS generation in HABP1 overexpressing cells leading to apoptosis was due to mitochondrial HABP1 accumulation.  相似文献   

Arc35p, a component of the Arp2/3 complex, plays at least two distinct roles, regulating the actin cytoskeleton, but also microtubule function during cell division. Both functions involve calmodulin (CMD1). To investigate the pathway affecting microtubule function, we identified genes that are able to suppress the temperature-sensitive growth defect of the arc35-1 strain. Genes encoding gamma-tubulin (TUB4) or any subunit of casein kinase II (CKII) suppressed this growth defect, but did not suppress the growth defect of a mutant in another subunit of the Arp2/3 complex, arp2-1. We could also show a physical association of Arc35p with subunits of CKII, Cmd1p, and Tub4p. Based on the exclusive localization of Arc35p to the cytosolic Arp2/3 complex and on mutant phenotypes, we propose that the role of the Arc35p/CKII interaction might be to activate a cytosolic pool of gamma-tubulin, likely via calmodulin, for its nuclear and/or cytoplasmic functions.  相似文献   

The sequence-specific DNA binding of recombinant p42 and p51 ETS1 oncoprotein was examined quantitatively to determine whether the loss of the Exon VII phosphorylation domain in p42 ETS1 or the phosphorylation of expressed Exon VII in p51 ETS1 had an effect on DNA binding activity. The kinetics of sequence-specific DNA binding was measured using real-time changes in surface plasmon resonance with BIAcore (registered trademark, Pharmacia Biosensor) technology. The real-time binding of p42 and p51 ETS1 displayed significant differences in kinetic behavior. p51 ETS1 is characterized by a fast initial binding and conversion to a stable complex, whereas p42 ETS1 exhibits a slow initial binding and conversion to a stable complex. All of the p51 ETS1 DNA binding states are characterized by rapid turnover, whereas the p42 ETS1 DNA binding states are 4-20 times more stable. A model describing these kinetic steps is presented. Stoichiometric titrations of either p42 or p51 ETS1 with specific oligonucleotides show 1:1 complex formation. The DNA sequence specificity of the p42 and p51 ETS1 as determined by mutational analysis was similar. The in vitro phosphorylation of p51 ETS1 by CAM kinase II obliterates its binding to specific DNA, suggesting that the regulation of p51 ETS1 sequence-specific DNA binding occurs through phosphorylation by a calcium-dependent second messenger. The p42 ETS1 lacks this regulatory domain (Exon VII), and binding to its specific DNA sequence is not sensitive to calcium signaling.  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Li W  Zeng J  Liu G  Tang Y 《Proteins》2008,72(2):635-645
Human cellular protein LEDGF/p75 (lens epithelium-derived growth factor) is an important binding partner of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase (IN). Without LEDGF/p75, HIV-1 can not complete its life cycle. To study the detailed interactions between LEDGF/p75 and HIV-1 IN, and then obtain the hotspots at the binding interface, 13 ns molecular dynamics simulations were carried out here. One-hundred snapshots extracted from the last 4 ns trajectories were used for calculation of binding free energy and decomposition of the energy by residue. First, the structural changes and their dynamic interactions were investigated focused on the production stage. And then, the free energy was discussed. On the basis of the above results, it could be suggested that residues Gln168, Glu170, and Thr174 in chain A of IN, Thr125, and Trp131 in chain B of IN as well as Ile365, Asp366, Phe406, and Val408 in LEDGF/p75 were responsible for their binding. These results might be helpful for discovery and design of small molecules to interrupt the interaction between HIV-1 IN and LEDGF/p75.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 1 (Psd1p) catalyzes the formation of the majority of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Psd1p is localized to mitochondria, anchored to the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) through membrane spanning domains and oriented towards the mitochondrial intermembrane space. We found that Psd1p harbors at least two inner membrane-associated domains, which we named IM1 and IM2. IM1 is important for proper orientation of Psd1p within the IMM (Horvath et al., J. Biol. Chem. 287 (2012) 36744–55), whereas it remained unclear whether IM2 is important for membrane-association of Psd1p. To discover the role of IM2 in Psd1p import, processing and assembly into the mitochondria, we constructed Psd1p variants with deletions in IM2. Removal of the complete IM2 led to an altered topology of the protein with the soluble domain exposed to the matrix and to decreased enzyme activity. Psd1p variants lacking portions of the N-terminal moiety of IM2 were inserted into IMM with an altered topology. Psd1p variants with deletions of C-terminal portions of IM2 accumulated at the outer mitochondrial membrane and lost their enzyme activity. In conclusion we showed that IM2 is essential for full enzymatic activity, maturation and correct integration of yeast Psd1p into the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in the underlying pathology of Parkinson’s Disease (PD). PINK1 deficiency, which gives rise to familial early-onset PD, is associated with this dysfunction as well as increased oxidative stress. We have established primary fibroblast cell lines from two patients with PD who carry mutations in the PINK1 gene. The phosphorylation of Akt is abrogated in the presence of oxidative stressors in the complete absence of PINK1 suggesting enhanced apoptotic signalling. We have found an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species where the capacity of the cell to remove these toxins by anti-oxidative enzymes is greatly reduced. The expression levels of the anti-oxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase-1, MnSOD, peroxiredoxin-3 and thioredoxin-2 were diminished. The p66Shc adaptor protein has recently been identified to become activated by oxidative stress by phosphorylation at residue Ser36 which then translocates to the mitochondrial inner membrane space. The phosphorylation of p66Shc at Ser36 is significantly increased in PINK1 deficient cell lines under normal tissue culture conditions, further still in the presence of compounds which elicit oxidative stress. The stable transfection of PINK1 in the fibroblasts which display the null phenotype ameliorates the hyper-phosphorylation of p66Shc.  相似文献   

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